VUL. XXX Vll, No. 31 SHKt.UV, N. C, FRIDAY, MAR. 13, 1031 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons * " ——i —I.—■■ ^ 10 PAG£S TODAY « ..—, <ly Man 0«i ft*# UD Mlnne*» MU>i. ;nrrn»r oer rear do 44*ou«»» _ !&«*. LA TE NEW: THE MARKET Cotton, per lb._... 10c np Cotton seed, per bus re] ... ._..33i Warmer Weather. Today’s North Carolina Wea'hci Report: Fair with slowly rising: tem perature In southwest tonight. Sat urday increasing, cloudiness and warmer. Next President. Washington, Marchs 13.—The ".'in ference of political independents fo cused its attention on the 1932 • ,ec identlal race in its closing hours yesterday, with a demand bv .Sena tor Norris for the election • f a "Progressive President.” Kejc-ting President Ildover as a "power 'rust” man. the Nebraska Republican alro gave notice to the Democrats that a candidate chosen on the tlatft.rm offered by Chairman Raskob '.could not do. Pay Money To Boiling Springs Junior College Mow the Battle Goes in the Special Campaign For Boiling Springs College. A great Christian college for this section Is already assured. That Boil ing Springs Junior college will he a success and the school continue to grow as a permanent Chrlst'an in stitution and in favor with the peo ple of our section, is no longer », question in the mind of anyone out has become a vivid realization. The Baptist churches of this section have been and are underwriting the -thoOJ lit their annual budgets. People are in the field raising money each div for the present emergency fund. The people in Boiling Springs nmedi ate community are showing a sacri ficial co-operation, as well as a great number of individual and chur flier over this territory of the oounory. The following donations have been made to Boiling Borings allege since March 1st, the beginning of the special campaign in the interest of the college E. B. Hamrick and Solon Gr 'cn, 52 566.66. Professor O. P. Hamrick and Mrr. Hamrick $800.00. Professor J. D. Huggins, $3f>0.00 C. E. Hamrick. $333.33. Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Wood, $310. G. M Green, $223.33 Rev. C. C. Mattheny. $1251)0 Professor ar,d Mrs. W. C. Lynch $110.00. % Mrs. h. M. Rich, $125.00. Miss Gertie Green, $75.00. S. B. Wilson, Elizabeth .tanrchi $75.00. Miss Etta h. Curtis, $60.00. .Miss Edna Hamrick, $30. G. D. McSwatn, $33.43. R. J. Hamrick, $14.00, J. B. Hamrick, $18.73. Mrs. J. M. Walker, $25.00. Mrs. J. R. Green, $30.00. These amounts total $5,479.74 All J of the above contributions, with the! exceptions of three, Lattimore Bap tist church, Rev. Mattheny. Forest City, and S. B. Wilson, Elizabeth church, came from members of. the faculty and residents at Boiling Springs. Other contribution, h been made by individuate and churches in other sections „f this part of the country. These other con iributions Will be published it a later article. Has RMit Hea In Farm Program Prosperity Will Come to artncr When He Lives at Home. 8 Cent Cotton. If the fanners of Cleveland county desire the return of prosperity, “the only thing for them to do is to "raise their own hog and hominy.' That's the view of Z. R. Walker, well known farmer who is practising vwiat he preaches. “This year,” he says, “l am having my tenants sow wheat and oats, plant com and make their heme sup plies for next year. We farmers hid better do that if we do jiot want *o take eight cents for our cofclcn rext fall. If all of Our farmers viil do that it will cut cotton acreage 20 to 25 percent, and well be 'ivin-t at home at the same time.” How To L;ve At Home? How much corn should be produced for home consump tion by the average Cleve’and county farm family? How much wheat, potatoes, meat, poultry, vegetables and milk? In Monday’s Star an article by K. W. Shoffner, county farm agent, based on agricul tural statistics, will tell .iust how many acres should be planted In each crop is order to enable one person to really live at borne. The table may be used for sh-w'ng the ne cessary acreage for a family of any size. Young Farmer i Kills Himself i Near Polkvilie i . Coy Price Takes His Life With Gun Lived Just Across Line In Ruther ford. Rut Suicide Was In Cleveland. A double-barrel shotgun and a j forked stick early Wednesday night ended what financial trouble Coy Price, 25-year-old Golden Valley farmer, had in this world. Price killed hiiAself. The young farmer, who lived just across the line in the Golden Valley section of Rutherford county, had been worrying tor several <H.s over financial matters, according to Cor oner Roscoe hutz who conducted an investigation of the death. Threatened Suicide. Wednesday afternoon, his wife said, he threatened to kill himself [ and secured his shotgun and walk ed into the yard. She managed to [get the gun away from him, but about 6 o’clock he left the hous? and started walking through the woodsxThe terror-stricken wife be gan a search for him, and failing to find him she called upon her neigh bors for aid. Body Is Found. A little more than two hours lat er, shortly after 8 o’clock, his body was found by Guy Waters lying by the side of a small bridge in the Moriah community of Cleveland county. Young Waters was eu route to Shelby when he discovered the body about 200 yards from the home of Price's brother and about1 three miles from his own home. Pre sumably he had jur.t about had time to walk from his home to that spot just above Polkvllle and shoot him self before, the discovery was made. Investigation revealed that he sat down on the bridge, stuck the butt Of the shotgun in the ground and j used a forked stick to di.charge one | barrel. The load of shot struck him in the body just below the heart. Funeral Yesterday. Funeral services were conducted yesterday at Mt. Zion church where the young man had been a loyal and energetic church worker. lie was very popular in the community near the border line of the two counties and his tragic death was a shock to that section. He is survived by his wife, who tvas Miss Odell Brackett, daughter of J. W. Brackett, prior to marriage, and by five young children. A broth er and three sisters in this county also survive. Mrs. Edley Ivester Dies In Upper County Widow of E. M. Ivester Buried To day at Casar Baptist Church. Mrs. E, M. Ivester died Thursday morning at her home in upper No. 9 town:hip at the age of 73 years and was buried this morning at Casar Baptist church, the funeral1 services being conducted by Rev. W. G. Camp, assisted by Rev C. E. Ridge; Mrs. Ivester was Miss . Tilda Camp before her marriage to Mr Ivester who parsed away last sum mer, She was a consecrated Chris tion woman and highly esteemed by her host of friends. Surviving are four step-children, M. C. and R. A. Ivester, Mrs. A. A. Horton and Mrs. Andy Elmore. I City Ministers Fighting Racing For This State Racing Is Proposed In Buncombe | Wires Sent County Solans I'o Op post Bill. Iliul Almost Passed. Ministers of Shelby and other citizens yesterday joined .n the fight to stop if possible the bill in the legislature which could legalize pari-mutuel betting and horse and dog racing in Ashe ville and Buncombe county. The ministerial opposition ex pressed yesterday in wli-es .andmes sages to representatives and senators in Raleigh was n«St confined to any one section, but appeared to he state wide. The fight against the racing bKl. however, came very near being wag ed too late. Wednesday th? racing bill passed the third reading in the house with a good majority. Wed nesday night it passed a ?co"'d reading in the senate and :csded only one more favorable reading to become a law. But Thursday a storm of protest poured into Raleigh Early Thursday morning Shelby ministers interested themselves to the extent of wiring and urainc others to wire Senator Peyton Mc Swain and Representative Hen-y B. Edwards. In the final readtuv 'n the house Representative Edwards vot ed against the measure but it waxsod, In the second senate reading Sena tor McSwnin voted in favor of tne measure. Halted-Now. Yesterday afternoon, however, the measure was held from a third rid ing and temporarily halted when it was referred back to the committee on counties and cities for furtner consideration. Senators opposed to the bill asked and was granted privilege for the purpose of permit ting the committee to hear o*her delegations about the matter sto’v the final reading. Definite action is expected >n the bill this afternoon or tonight Opinion throughout the State is divided on the matter. There are those who contend that it < ly n local measure for Buncombe lounty and is Buncombe's business. Organ izations of merchants and usinSs men and Several clubs in Asheville endorsed the pari-mutuel er organizations are fighting It Leading opponents of the mein i Dill over the State and In Raleigh are battling It because they declare h will be nothing hut “legalized gambling” and will be as much of a disgrace to the State as is the Reno divorce mart to Nevada. One class of supporters say that ft will merely make public betting hat lr now carried on privately. Othnr sup porters have declared in legislitu'c that supervised pari-mutuel racing, as caiTied oh in other sport enter**, has just as much right to e~i-st as does stock-market gambling, betting oh football and other games, The eventual outcome of 'he hill is creating considerable iPte- .if in Shelby. Yesterday before the bill was referred to a committee many calls came in to ascertain if the bill had passed the third reading. Misses FKssie Grice arid Alma Newman will spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newman at Henderson. i u te new: 'i eljr ^(fluUntil Shit3 10 PACKS TODAY “ f' *“*" Rotters Stage j Star < o«pM r* ■.•jKl'T Zr£v£.~ [ Daring Raid Of j '** «-*TTTJ'JZZrSm.j Store la Sialby '" rjj* F*J DoeerltiillPays Out j f38,000 Dividends; SaSmtotk IgsS At Presbyterian ”.',T Ckereh Sunday L.’T^sS; ~j ^Swfci.p«>« Nine New Struct ares ' ini Cet, iJZgglSLZ Lavytn I-i jjS*£* £ “READER INTEREST” You’ve seen newspapers that were flat and uninteresting. You’ve seen newspapers that were spicy, readable and ap pealing. The Star has this “reader in terest’’ which every newspaper covets. It tells about the folks it serves, it carries human interest stories, breeiily and snappily written. In some issues over 600 names of Cleveland county peo ple appear. Thirty-three paid correspondents help the office staff comb the county constantly for the happenings: Then the paper appears, a MIRROR re flecting the affairs of home folks. It’s a home newspaper, not too bulky with pages to be read, not Jgjys?!*1. too frequently issued to be crowded aside by another issue. All members of the family read The Sjtar. For many, it Is their sole de pendence for county news. .F.SM>- E Buried On MowliW”; \\ T.lksl.CXkH** • tW 54 Horn j Decrease Tragedy Heroine I Mrs. Sarah Clare Gammons, South Shore, Mass., society matron (above), plunged into the' icy waters of Hunter's Pond, at North Scituate, Maes,, and rescued a four-year-old child, but failed to save her own adopted son, Charles, three years old. Both children broke through the thin ice. Danger Of Fire Slight At Prison Camp Near Here No. 6 Convict Camn Would Have To Burn Ranidly To Burn Con victs At Night. The chance of a calamity at the No. 6 township convict camp,'near Shelby, similar to that in Duplin county. In eastern Carolina, where 11 convicts were burned to death, is slight, officers say. The No. 6 camp is practically new, the floors are of concrete, and the walls protected by sheet metal. A blaze It Is contended, would have to spread with unusual rapidttv to Injure convicts there at night before they could be freed. The beds are of Iron and those who are shackled are fastorrd to a rod that runs through the rertir of the building. In addition to*a guard who main tains steady vigil through the sleep ing room at night, there are always several trusties at the camp who in an emergency could assist guards in releasing prisoners. Miss Jane dine Of Belwood Passes Aged Maiden l.ady To Be Hurled Saturday Afternoon At Church. Miss Jane Cline, eighty year old maiden lady of Belwood. died this morning at her home at Belwood. Miss Cline and her two sisters. Misses Bettie and Anne Cline lived together at Belwood to which place they moved about slot years ago alt er selling their farm in No. 1? township. The Misses Cline were very T'.’ifty and industrious people and were very successful. They kent their farm in a High state of cultivation and exercised fine managerial at 11 ity. A few years ago the farm was sold and they moved to Belwood. Miss Cline was a long and faith ful member of the Kadesh fetho dist church and here the ‘uncra! will take place Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Or. Funderburk Of Monroe Dies, Age 39 Son-lu-haw Of Mr. I). Augustus Beam Dies After Illness Of Four Weeks. Dr. Kemp Funderburk, -well known dentist of Monroe and son-in-law of Mr. D. Augustus Beam of Shelby, died at 11 o’clock last night at Mon roe after an illness of four weeks with blood poison. Dr. Funderburk married Miss \nnie Beam of Shelby and is a brother-in-law of Dr. Pitt. Beam and Attorney Speight Beam of Shelby. Dr. Beam left at midnight last night for Monroe and will prob ably stay over for the funeral which will be held Saturday at noon. Dr Funderburk is survived by wife and one little girl. Nancy Beam, two and a half years old. He was 39 years of age, a native of Union county and prominent in the social and religious life o! the community Woodman Dance. There will be a dance at the Woodman Hall Saturday night of this i Big Gathering ; Veterans Here SatardayNight Public Invited To Mass Meeting Entertaining Profram Arranged For Court Hour. All Veteran* Asked. One of the biggest gatherings of war veterans cVer held In Cleveland county is scheduled for Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock at the county court house here. The meeting is sponsored by the Warren Hoyle American Legion poet but an open Invitation Is extended to all veterans of the World war arid other wars along with members of their families and friends. Matters of Importance to war vet erans will be discussed In addition to a general program of entertain ment. / Number Speakers. Among the speakers on the pro gram are Major R. a. Cherry, Gas tonia, former state legion comman der; Russell Young, Newton, dis trict legion commander; F. A. Hut chinson, veterans' bureau official, and others. An Item on the program that will be featured Is an humorous talk by Ward Threatt, Charlotte veteran. Mr. Threatt is known as “North Carolina's Will Rogers” and never falls to entertain. Music will be furnished by the Shelby high school orchestra and by the quartet which has entertain ed at several other meetings f vet erans recently. Town Talk T. W. Ebeltoft, bookstore proprie tor: “Put me down with the others as opposed to the gross soles tax Lost year very few of us came out even, but whether or no we wojulld have to pay a sales tax. It Isn’t right to tax a man for the business he does when he loses money on it." • • • B. O. Hamrick, former police chief: “If Clyde Hoey knew how the masses desire to see him In the United States Senate, I do not spc how he could help but be a candi date in 1932. And that desire isn't confined to his home section; pen pie all over the State hope to see him run.” J. Lawrence Lackey, automobile dealer: "Business Is considerably better than It was a few month? ago. That fact Is evident enough but some refuse to admit it.” • • • Citizen who prefers anonymity: "I think it would be a fine thing if Governor Gardner would rame a Cleveland county man to the new State highway system. We nave any number of men capable of filling a commissionership, and it’s high time this county should be receiving some of the roads we are entiMed to,” • * • E. B. Claywell, Income *ax col lector at court house: "No, the gov ernment isn't paying an outgo tax to those who lost money last year,” he replied to a query. "If we did, we might have to go in the hands of receivers.” • • • Police Chief McBride Poston: "Nope. Haven't time to take a va cation, I’ll just put it in the bank now, and I’m pretty sure that 111 have plenty of use for it.” The statement was in reply to a query as to what he intended doing with his $500 World war bonus check re ceived yesterday.” • * • W. B. Nix, retired business man: "What I want to know is how The Star is able to publish a picture In a day or so after It is lhade in Cali fornia?” When a reporter replied that it was made possible by tele ohoto, rapid engraving, and -llr mail, it was necessary for the reporter to add that he could explain no t«ore about telephotos than about electric lights. • • • Tom Aberhethy. Legion service of ficer: “The veterans bureau has in formed us that sick veterans or thos” in dire circumstances and needing immediate help may be given cm - ergency attention in the bonus ap plication rush if the circumstances are properly explained through the Legion. Otherwise the applicant must await their turn, and enough applications are going in each day to necessitate 10 days work.” Some of the veteran baseball tans about town: "You shouldn’t rublish in the paper that occasionally we slip out to the Dark in the afternoon to see Casey Morris’ boys practice baseball. Some of our bosses rmy Chicago’s Choice for Mayor Now that the primary fight to over Mayor William Hale Thompson (right) of Chicago hi aiming his big guns at his Dem ocratic opponent, Anton J. Cer mak (left). “Big Bill” defeated Judge John H. Lyle for the •ww * mmm, tsmummmmmm Republican nomination by 68. 000 note*. Cermak was named Democratic nominee by over 235,000: A further threat to Thompson is the entry of Dr Herman Bundesen. Cook County Coroner, as an independent candidate. Bailey Says Jonas Is Behind Election Fraud Charges Made About State; Insinuations” Senator Says “Insinuation* Ami As penlom” From Only One Source, Defeated Congress F.ntrant. Raleigh. March 13—JokIrIi W. Bailey, North Carolina's new sena tor, writing to Governor Gardner about the contest over his election requested by his defeated opponent, Oeorge M. Pritchard. Asheville Re publican, said he "was not at a loss to explain this strange procedure.” The correspondence was made public by Governor Gardner. Mr. Bailey charges toe contest was made at toe Instigation of for mer Representative Charles A. Jonas, of the ninth district, Who was given a recess appointment by President Hoover as United States district attorney for Western North Carolina.. Mr. Jonas was appointed attorney before congress adjourned, but his confirmation was held up by a sen; ate committee Investigation request ed by Senator Cameron Morrison, of North Carolina. “There have been from one source, and only one, and that a partisan source, to wit, a defeated candidate for congress, insinuations and as JCONTTNUED ON PAOE TEN t County PupiU In Big French Test Kings Mountain, Lattiniore and Shelby high school students are competing in the fourth annual State-wide French contest being held today. A total of 2,224 students* representing 107 high schools are in the contest. Cleared Of Charge. In county court this morning Judge Maurice Weathers dismissed the arson charge against A. T. Bridges because of insufficient evi dence. The case was tried a week ago yesterday. To Shelby From New York In 6 And Half Hours Believe It or not: Carl Webb, Shelby Insurance m»n, was In New Cork City Thursday morning at 7:15. At 1:45 Thursday afternoon he was back at his desk In Shelby. Just six and one-half hours from the biggest city in tbo nation to the best. Less Utan half the running time it takes the Crescent Limited to make it. It happened this way: An Atlanta party had chartered a big. 16-pasenger plane for a non-stop flight to Atlanta. Some of the expected passen gers could not make the trip. Mr. Webb replaced one of them. The plane, soaring high in the clouds In sight of earth only once or twice, did not stop until It reached Char lotte, from which the Shelby man completed Ills trip home by motor. In addi tion to the passengers the plane carried a pilot, inechan • Ic. butler and maid, and sand wiches and refreshments were served aboard the big air liner. He Had A Good Hunting Season Cullen Morrison, of Lawndale, may not have been the county’s champion hunter tor the 1930-31 season but he has set a mark for some of the others to shoot at say' Tod Caldwell, who keeps track of such things. During the season just closed Mr. Morrison killed 55 rabbits, 41 squir rels, 75 quail. 25 doves, four o'pos sums and four hogs. LaFollette Terms Hoover Regime As Failure Due To Lad Of Will Or Courage At Critical Period 2 col 24La Follette (front), Believes Progressives. Independent Of Party May Aid Nation. Washington, March 13.—A ' break down of the Industrial, financial and political leadership" of the nation was seen yesterday by Senator La Follette, Republican, Wisconsin, when lie called upon the conference of progressive to draft a progiam for stabilization of Industry and em ployment. In asking for remedies, Senator La Follette offered none but said "it is not enough to criticize." He held that Independents in congress are ready to exercise their power In the next session and urged formulation of the program. "The terrlfie dislocation of otu na - tional life,” he said, "was not aused by over-production. The people of this country, and countless mill one. abroad, would have consumed more thnn we produced bed their pur chasing power been adequate to ab sorb the output of factory and farm. ‘‘Only a few days ago, congress ad journed without taking any action to relieve the distress caused by un employment. The federal govern ment gave assistance only to *hore farmers In the drought stricken states who could furnish adequate security.” La Follette said he and Senator Walsh, Democrat, Massachusetts in a survey determined that more than 170 cities 'of more than 5,000 popula tion could not cope with unemploy ment relief. He added "the adminis tration lacked either the will or the courage to meet this crisis,' In response to La Follette, rem edies were suggested by other speak ers. George E. Soule, of the abor bu reau, New York City, proposed cre ation by congress of an “conumic policy. Leo Wolman, employment expert tu>*? Federal Court Term To Begin Here Monday Jonas To Prosecute Big Docket Mfany Liquor Cams* To Come Up Grand Jury Has A Rif Task. The United States district court— the big court that la the dread of moonshiners and rum runners of this section—will convene In the court house here Monday morning with Federal Judge E. Yates Webb presiding. It was considered likely here to day that former Congressman Chas. A. Jonas, of Lincolnton, will serve as district attorney for the first time at the term next week. Mr. Jonas was recently given a recess appointment by President Hoover to succeed District Attorney Thoe. J. .Harkins, of Asheville, who resign ed, The Lincolnton man was sworn In this week and is expected to di rect the prosecution. It Is a probab ility that he Will handle much of the prosecution himself as Assistant District Attorney Frank P. Patton, of Morganton, recently underwent an operation and will be unable to officiate. Mr. Jonas, Incidentally, will not be a new hand at the task as he once served as assistant pr os ecutor. A large number of manufacturing and selling cases and other prohibi tion law violations are booked for trial. The heavy angle of the court term, however, will be the work of the grand Jury which will consider bills for three divisions of this court district—Charlotte, Statesville and Shelby. The grand Jury goes over the work of the three divisions as a matter of economy so that It will not be necessary to assemble a grand Jury from all the counties of the district for each term of court In tfca three court sites. Bank Cases Up? There is also a probability. The Star learns, that a few bills for the. Asheville division may be investi gated by the grand Jury. Should this happen there Is a possibility that bills In connection with soma of Asheville's closed banks may bt passed upon. Another Term Of Court Here Edwards Introduces Bill Far FtfUM Term Of One Week Far County. If a bill Introduced In the general assembly this week by Representa tive Henry B. Edwards passes, Cleveland county will have flvu court terms each year. The county now has four terms of Superior court. One of the tou* terms is for only one week and In recent years the dockets have be come very congested, particularly in civil actions. In September. Although local barristers do nor know full details of the Edwards Wll it is presumed by them, based upon views of the bar association meet ings, that the proposed extra term will be for one week, probably In September or the early fall, anft will be limited to civil matters. An extra term, court officials say, Is the only hope of clearing up the congested civil calendar. At recent terms of two weeks, one week sup posed to be devoted to criminal cas es and the other to civil actions, the Jam of criminal cases has caused much of the second week to be de voted to criminal matters. As a re sult litigations on the civil calendar have been carried over from term to term, and the congestion >1 the criminal docket is only a ’iltle Let ter. Robbers Break In Kings Mtn. Store Get $41 In Cash And ClfMjtto From Store Wednesday Night <E. R. Gamble, Star News Bur jin > Kings Mountain, March A3- -Th* "M” system grocery store No. 1 wat broken into and robbed Wednesda; night. The thieves looted the oash draw er of $41 and also carried away ap proximately $15 'eorth of cigarettes. Entrance was made by criming into the basement through % coal chute and then up Into the store Officers as yet have no tracj ct the thieve*;.

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