10 PAGcS TODAY ».....— —.* VUL. XXXV11, No. S3 .SHELin. N. c. WEDNESD’Y, MAR. 18. 1931 Published Monday, Wednesday and Eriday Afternoons, »» *U»i o«* *eir iid tdfMMei IU« *rn*-r ow it*t. tin «atftnc«a *ium> LA fE new: TIIE MARKET Cotton, per lb. __._ 10Uo up Cotton Seed, per bu _ 37 '4c Fair and Warmer. Today's North Carolina Weather i Report: Fair and somewhat warmer \ tonight. Thursday Increasing rloudi- ' ness and warmer. For Roosevelt. Washington, March 18.—ltepubli-; can Progressives began formulating I definite plans to combat the re nomination of President Hoover yesterday, and Senator Burton K. Wheeler, Democrat, Montana, came out with the prediction that Gover nor Franklin Roosevelt, of New1 York, would be the Democratic presidential candidate next year. ‘If the Democratic national convention were held "tomorrow. Governor Roosevelt would be nominated on the first ballot,” said Wheeler, one of the sponsors of the Progressive conference held here last week. Wheeler, although an anti-prohibi tionist, is not in sympathy with the attempt of Chairman John J. Ras kob and other Democratic leaders to make prohibition a leading issue in 1932. According to Wheeler, the rampaign should be fought on eco nomic questions and he believes Roosevelt has a lead in the pre-con convention race because the New York governor is favored by Pro gressive elements in both parties. Gaffney Check Kiting Related Charged That Gaffney Banker I'scd 5140,000 To Aid Self And Friends, Rock Hill, S. C.. March 18-De tails of an alleged check-!:! .ing scheme whereby the late Maynard Smith, president of the close First! National Bank of Gaffney, usee'! $140,000 of the bank’s funds in three] years to aid himself, C. N. Alexander ! Stanhope Sifford and their cotton i mills, were Ming spread oofore j United States district court here! yesterday.. C. W. Hames. cashier of the de funct bank, told the story in the trial of Alexander and Sifford for aiding and abetting Smith :n fraud-! use of the Globe Manufacturing! ulently converting the funds to the company, the Blacksburg Spinning mill and the Bowling Green Spin ning mill of Clover. The men are facing 26 counts al leging violations of the National Banking laws. The alleged 'llcgal acts were spread over a period from January 1, 1927, to February 13. 1930. Following the bank’s failure and the institution of an investigation, Smith killed himself. Cabaret Party By Lions Club Held Tuesday Evening Ladies Night And Dance Sponsored By Club Proves An Enjoyable Event. A ladles night program in the J form of a cabaret party was held I last night at the Green Lante-n tea] room by the Shelby Lions club with their wives and lady friends as spe cial guests. The principal address was by Dis trict Governor Whitaker with a humorous talk by Wade Saunders. Gastonia wit. The cabaret feature consisting of songs and dances by Mrs. Ruth McDonald and chorus, was unusually interesting. The meet ing was presided over by President C. C. Horn. The formal program was followed by a dance to which a large num ber of special guests were invit'd Seniors To Give Play Friday Night “Clarence” Is Name of Four Act! Comedy To Be Present At High School. On Friday night the senior class of the high school will present a four act comedy, ‘'Clarence,” in the high school auditorium. The cast has worked faithfully and hard and the play promises to be very en joyable. It concerns the affairs of a typical American family and should appeal to everyone. The proceds will be used to defray commencement expenses. The mem bers of the class will appreciate the attendance of their friends that the play may be a success. The curtain will rise promptly at 8 o'clock. MISS CANIPE SAYS SHE IS NOT MARRIED About two weeks' ago there ap peared an item in The Star an nouncing that Miss Inez Canipe had married a Mr. Morrison. This is found to be a mistake, according to a letter from Miss Canipe and The Star wishes to correct this error and express Its regret that such ap peared In the paper sent in bv mail from a correspondent. Seventeen Defendants Get Total Of 14 Years In U. S. Court In Grind Of Two Days f_:_ Heaviest Sentence Is Two Years Gaston Man, Old Offender, Gets Longest Term. Court To End Today. With all the eases practically disposed of in two and one-half days of speeded activity the federal court session here was ready to adjourn this afternoon. The docket’ today consisted for the most part of prohibition cases worked up by federal un dercover agents In this section. In two day;, grind of F'deral court, Monday and Tuesday. 17 de fendants were convicted of prohibi tion law violation and given sen tences totalling 14 years by Judg“ E. Y. Webb. The sentences imposed, the ma jority of them for some form of vio lation of the prohibition laws, rang ed from 45 days to two vears. Tne heaviest sentence, two years, was | meted out to Christy Anthony, of Gaston county, said by the court to be an old liquor offender. One Negro. The sentence of 45 days was giv en yesterday afternoon to Wash Pearson, Burke county negro, who had been In jail four months await-* ing trial. Judge Webb In oassing sentence reprimanded the v:gro for being the only one of Ids race to be sentenced at the present session of court. If within the next day or so Wash decides to tell the court the names of the white men who escap ed from the still when he was ar rested lie was told that his sentence might be cut down. Among the sentences were four of the familiar "year and a day” sen tences, and there were three sen tences of 18 months each. Boys Given Chance. Two young white boys, mghtcen years of age. were given anoflvir chance by Judge Webb in the form of suspended sentences yesterday, One had been caught at a still in Burke county and the other sold n Federal undercover man a oint in Lincoln county. A prohibition a"er>f testified that the Burke boy. only 16 years old at the time, was the sol'' support of his paralyzed father, hts mother and seven brothers ind sis ters. Questioning by Judge Webb and District Attorney Jonas Drought out that the Lincoln boy Is an or phan and had not had much '’hanc'1 at life. A big percentage of the men sen tenced Monday and Tuesday were arrested at stills in Burke ccun'y Sentences imposed during the two days follow: M. W. Lail, Burke county, four months. Tom Chapman, Burke, three months. A. J. Van Horn. Burke, $200 fine. W. L. Brown a year and a day at Cliillicothe. Virgil Hildebran, Burke. six months. Frank Carswell, Lincoln, four months. J. Will Sain, a year and a day at Atlanta. Malachi Carswell, Burke, seven months. Mason Avery, Burke, two tnorths. Wash Pearson, Burke, 45 days Coach Hubbard, a year and a day at Atlanta. R H. Chapman, Burke six months. R. T. Downs, Burke, four months Christy Anthony, Gaston two years. Alfred Leger, a year and a day at Chillicothe. Gets Sentence For Birthday Joe Williams, young Hurke county man, received an unusual birthday present from Judge E. V. Webb in federal court here j yesterday. Williams was 28 years of. age and j was sentenced to 18 months In the I federal prison at Chillicothe, Ohio. The young man along with two] others, Sid Mitchell and Jake Mull, j were charged with manufacturing j whi.key on several counts. All were) given 18 months each on one charge,! judgment being continued on the | others. ; Williams, a nice-looking, mtelli- j gent, red-haired fellow, was asked] Ins age Just before sentence was! passed. "I’m 28 today," he told the judge. Prohibition officers said that he had been caught at two different stills in succession. One of the other defendants, Mull, his attorney said, had seen his fath er buy a few times as the father had been in prison a majority of the I boy’s 24 years. Little Congress At Federal Court Former Congressmen And Candi dates For Office At Session Tuesday. At one period of the day here yesterday there were two former, congressmen and two men who I sought to be congressmen in the j federal court room. On the bench was Judge E. Y. j Webb, who for years represented j this district In congress. Prosecut ing was District Attorney Chas. A Jonas, whose term as congressman for this district only ended early this month. In attendance too was Marshal Brownlow Jackson, of Hen dersonville, who was the Republi can candidate for congress last fall against Congressman Zeb Weaver And in the afternoon Solicitor John G. Carpenter, of Gastonia, once a candidate for the Democratic nom ination to congress in this distdict, was a visitor* Attorney D. F. Giles, of Marion, leading Democratic politician, was another visitor, and on one of the petit juries during the day were H. Clay Cox, Cleveland county Repub lican chairman, and D. P. Byers, Republican candidate for sheriff of Cleveland county in the last elec tion. Legion Sponsoring Junior Club Again Shelby and section will nave a baseball team in the American Le gion Junior League this season. Dr. B. M. Jarrett., athletic officer of the local Legion post held the first practice session for the young star* this afternoon at the Shelby mill park, and practice will be he id every Monday, Wednesday and Friday aft ernoon until further notice. All boys under 17 years of age are uig ed to try for the team whim will compete with other Legion teams In this section during the summer. Brother Is Mayor. Mr. Louis Gault, brother of Mr. Sam Gault, manager of the Shelby telephone exchange, was yesterday elected mayor of Union, S. C. Attack Made Upon Leaders Of Both Parties; Hoover And Raskob Kansas Democrat Deplores Kuskob Move. Johnson Talks Of Hoover. I Washington, March 18,—Specula tion on the 1932 presidential election blossomed again today as an after math of the recent Progressive con ference and attacks by a Republi can and a Democrat on party, lead ership. In a statement interpreted as a suggestion that some one other than President Hoover be nominated try his party. Senator Johnson,-Repub lican, California, expressed his opin ion in these words: “There is something radically (wrong somewhere. Somebody should I ascertain what it Is,” i He said Republican critic? ot th& Progressives should think twice be fore they talk. At the same time a Kansas Denn crat, Representative Ayres deplored a possible division in his party on prohibition and asked for repudia tion of the state liquor control plank suggested by Chairman Raskob to prevent such an eventuality. “This is the time when the Demo cratic party must establish a new economic system as its dominant is :ue,” He said. The Kansas, however, did not in dicate he would favor the nomina tion of either a “wet” or ' d'-y to head his party ticket. He said a president had no more to no with “whether the eighteenth amend ment shall be retained, m inified or repealed than any private citizen.” Vnnl*' Rlnsenm rtnpcn • Miss Patricia l) Morton (above) of Winchester, England, will reign as Queen Shenandoah Vll at the eighth annual apple blossom fes tival to be held in Winchester, Va. Asheville Bankers Indicted By Grand Jury Action Here Federal Jury Charges Davis And Harris With Using Mails To Defraud, Wallace B. Davis, president ol the Central Securities company and the Central Bank and Trust company, of Asheville, and William D. Harris, vie? president and treasurer of tho Central Securities company were in dicted here yesterday by a federal grand jury on charges of using the United States mails to defraud by making false representations about the Central Securities company They were also Indicted on a charge of conspiring to use the malls to de fraud . Twelve Counts. The bill of Indictment contained' 12 counts and charged 11 overt acts. According to officials in the district attorney’s office, the two defendant.'. If convicted and given the maximum sentence for each count and act, would receive between CO and 70 years each. The grand jury examined four witnesses In the Central Securities case late yesterday evening. When court was opened Judge E, Tares ' webb instructed them in his charge on the laws concerning the us? of the mails to defraud. Gist Of Charges. The gist of the charges was that the defendants have repr’s snted through the mails that the $3,075. 600 bonds of the company, out standing at the close of business last November 19, were guaranteed by nationally known bonding nous es, whereas, it is contended by the government, the collateral under lying the issue consisted of S3.265. 583.71 in certificates of deposit th the Central Bank and Trust tompany which failed to open on November 20. The second charge Is one cl Con spiracy to defraud by use of the postoffice establishment of the United States. Davis and Harris will not be re quired to make bond until the cases arc officially transferred to Ashe ville. A bond of $15,000 will be ask ed of Davis and $10,000 of Harris. McSwam Hosmtal Bill Is Ratified The bill relating to the Shelby public hospital introduced m the general assembly recently by Sena tor Peyton Me Swain was atified yesterday, according to a message from The Star’s Raleigh otneau. The bill will make it possible .or the hospital to accept the hoped tor con tribution from the' Duke hospital fund. Bill Is Killed. Among the bills listed as killed In the State senate yesterday was on? Introduced by Senator Peyt'n Mc Swain, of Shelby, relating to bene fits from fraternal insurance. A Birth. Born, March 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thackston, a seven-pound son. Clyde David. Mrs. Tbackson was formerly Miss Muriel Waldrop Springtime. Ciarden time and iase.,'nll timet Star readers interested in gardening will find rain able information on garden ing on page two of today’s na per. On page three *» pub lished the baseball schedule of Shelby’s state champions the first game routing Friday of this week. Seniors Lead Honor Roll At Shelby School 81 High School Students On Ninth Grade Ranks Next To Senior Class In Number On Sixth Month Roll. With 23 students making high marks the senior class led all other classes in the Shelby high school on the honor roll for the sixth month. A total of 81 high school students attained honor roll distinction, the ninth grade ranking next to the seniors. In High School. The high school roll follows: Seniors: Palmer MeSwain, Helen Bess, Elisabeth Blanton, Heasenttne Borders, Mildred Camp, Frances Car ver, Lena Hamrick, Matilda Jenks, Alice Goode King, Mae Lattlmore Milla Putnam, Sara Thompson, Mil dred Weaver, Ormi Lee White, John Corbett, John Irvin, jr„ James Me Swain. James Shepard, Lizzie Allep. Jessie Humphries. Beverly Jones, Felix Gee, Sherrill Lineberger. Juniors: Herbert Hamrick, Torrey Tyner, Paul Wray, Carlos Young, Isabel Armour, Alena Blanton, Ida Mae Bridges, Amanda Harris, Ber nice Houser, Evelyn Smawley, Nancy Sperling, Mary "Sue Thompson, Ruby Silver, Ethel White, Emma Ervin. Ninth grade: Rachel Connor, Mar garet Ford, Allene Jones, Annie Ray Jones, Helen Miller, Edna Roberts, Ruth Roberts, Edith Saunders, Jean Thompson, Esta Tyner, Elizabeth Wallace, Billy Broadway, Loris Dov er, Griffin Holland, Richard Lc Grand, Colbert McKnight, Caleb McSwaln, Ed Post, jr„ Beartlce De vine, Bobby Hoyle, Stacy Duncan, Janet Morrison. Eighth grade: Paul Bulllngton, Walter Fanning. Kifflri Hayes, Stuart James, James Jones, J. M Vaughn. Louise Austell, Katie Lou Ensley. Edna Earle Grlgg. Margaret Lee Liles. Margaret Louis McNeely, Esther Ann Quinn, Mary Lillian Speck. Mary Wells, Sara White, Gaynell McGill, Lily Taylor, Jose phine George, Louise Jones. Eliza beth Lipscombe, J, W. Smith. Public School Roll. Graham School—Lehman Ham rick, Nancy Ellen Dover, Carolyn Bowman, Jeanette Dellinger, Norma Moose, Basil Randall. Carolyn Jar rett, Elaine Wells, Melba Runyans, Clint Newton, Jr„ Elizabeth Pou, Marie Hamrick, Don Cox, Celeste (CONTrouxn on page nine.) Citizens Of Kings Mountain Ready To See Park Work Go Wondering How Soon Somethin* Tangible Will Be Seen At Battleground. (By G. R. Gillespie.) The merchants, manufacturers and citizens generally of Kings Mountain are very much elated at the prospect of the battleground soon becoming a national park. Un like other folks of both North and South Carolina they are not wor rying as to who shall have the lion’s share of credit and glory for the suceess of the bill In congress. That which Is of greatest concern to them Just now is "how soon will the ap propriated money be available for the beginning of operation to fur nish work and wages for the unem ployed” Now that congress will not meet until next winter, the question uppermost in their minds Is, will the matter drag along for months, possibly years, before North Caro lina will begin to reap the benefits to be derived from the work that will be necessary and the influx of tourists and visitors Into this sec tion of the state when it shall have been completed. “A hint to the wise may be suffi cient” to keep the ball rolling to ward an early consummation of the plans. Ex-members of the congress just dissolved were responsible for the appropriation so it would seem fitting and expedient for the new members to have some credit for doing even a greater thing by bringing about an early settlement of the appropriation funds and completion of the tract Into a na tional park, thus being responsible for tangible benefits that will be remembered longest. To the business interests of the merchants, the opportunity for work to the citizens and voters and pos sible permanent employment, the actual beginning of the change will mean much to all of that section and the town of Kings Mountain. Kins Big Hawk. A hawk which measured 42 Inches from tip to tip was killed Tuesday by Lester Petty, colored tenant on the R. M. Origg farm on 3he*by Route 1 | Figures in Vermont Mystery Nineteen months ago a body of a young: woman was found in a Chea ted, Vermont, pasture, with a suicide note and an empty poison bottle. The body was believed to be that of Mrs Catherine Packard, of Bel lows Falls (right). Later she reappeared, to find her husband. George J Packard, remarried (shown with his second wife at left). She ad mits having penned the suteide note (lower), which handwriting ex perts claim was written by a man. The dead girl is now declared to be Catherine Lnvelle, of Laconia, according to identification of Haiel Alexander. 18-year-old high school student. Measles And “Flu”In Shelby Schools Pull A ttendance Down { Town Talk Any number of ex-service men about Shelby: “Look here. We cer tainly do not want it published in the paper when our bonus checks get in. Goodness ^knows the bill col lectors will find it out soon enough." • • • • Miss Fan Bamett, deputy clerk of federal court: “I haven't been away from Shelby so many years, but when I come back now it seems that more and more people do not remember me. But enough do come by to speak and to see me to let me know that I am still pretty well tied up to the town.” • • • • J. B. Smith, county welfare offi cer: “The charity situation is not ns bad as it has been because more of the unemployed seem to be finding work. Yet the average person would be surprised at the charity work still being carried on. We are taking care of one family now, a mother and three children, who did not even have a bed to sleep in until, one was given. X do not believe we' had a more needy case at any time during the winter.” Fred Wright, former Shelby man now living at Kings Mountain: "My boy has a route over there where he delivers about 50 Cleveland Stars now, and I believe that if I could get put and help him work it up that a hundred more could be add ed.” * * * * Judge E. Y. Webb pulled a fast pun on the court room yesterday. One woman who was to have re ported to show good behavior failed to appear. Questioning revealed that she could not attend because she had mumps. "Well," said the judge, “I’m glad she didn’t come. If she had been placed in jail with all the other prisoners, she might have caused them all to break out.” W. S. Beam, commander Warren Hoyle American Legion post: “We now have more legion members than ever before, 195 In all, and prospects j are bright for adding to that reconi | membership.” i —; Ptrmh Urged To Keep Children In .School To Assure Full Faculty Next Tear. On account of the epidemics of German measles and Influenza the attendance in the Shelby schools Inst month fell lowest lor any month during the year 1930-31. The schools are given below In ac cordance with rank in attendance: Marlon school _ ........... 92.2 High school __...___90.9 South Shelby school ..._90.1 Washington school __ 88.3 I.aFayette school ......... 87.7 Graham schoo 1._.... 86.3 Jefferson school ..._..... 86.0 A check up for the first six months shows an enrollment of 3,205 pupils with an average daily attendance of 2.596. This Is a gain over last year of 242 in enrollment and 96 In average dally attendance. The teachers and school authori ties are eager to have the attend ance improved during the remain ing months of the year on account oI the effect it may have upon the teacher allowance and appropria tion of funds for next year. A re duced number of teachers would make highly congested class rooms, All parents are asked to see that their children attend as nearly all the time as 1s possible. Loses Clothing In Fire At Samarcand Miss Charlotte Tedder, daughter of Attorney and Mrs. D. A. Tedder a teacher at Samarcand Manor, had the misfortune to have all of her clothing burned except those she was wearing when two dormitories were destroyed by' fire them f*hurs day night. The fire was of incen diary origin and 16 Inmates of the institution, girls ranging in age from 15 to 20, are blamed for starting the fire. FALLSTON ECONOMICS CLUB MEETS FRIDAY The Fallston Home Economics club will meet Friday afternoon at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Robert Cline. Mrs; Irma Wallace will give a demonstration on pastry making and also the arrangement of kitchen furniture will be discussed. Bill Providing New Supervision Of N. C. Banking Passes In House Measure Passes 62 to 40 After Gard ner Lands Bill In Radio Talk. Raleigh, March 18. — Governor Gardner’s second trip to the country brought another spectacular victory when yesterday afternoon the house passed his bank commissioners bill on third reading by 62 to 40. His excellency, who went on the radio several weeks ago, carried hts appeal for the highway bill to the remotest point in North Carolina and the result was an overwhelm ing backstanding by the back coun try. But the banking fight was a very different form of warfare. The opposition to the road bill .ad to fight a radical tax reduction pro posal nnd most of the lobbyrg was manifestly against the interest of the majority of the counties whore y*r\n'Vir» ♦ ^ against the roads generally was an attack on enlightened self interest But the banking bill was something else. Governor Gardner battled p iw erful men in the house, E. o. Flan agan, Bruce Etheridge, and othei bankers in the assembly. There was a strong political organization in the state government and the personnel in the banking department master ed tremendous support for the old order, Monday evening Governor Gardner went to the people by radio Second reading had left thp f ap parently well on the way to pass age, but. there were signs of a, break several days ago. Representative McBee announced a shift and oth ers were rumored But the final bouse pasage of the bill was ew. On second reading the vote was 5C to 41; on third reading the -oimt went to 62 and the opposition lost Final Action In Senate On Highway Bill Becomes Law On April 1 Provides For Increase Of Five Ot SI* Cents On Gasoline Tax. Raleigh, March 18—Pinal action on the Connor road bill was taken by the senate last night when the housfe and senate conferees' report was adopted. The house adopted tta report yesterday and upon ratifica tion the bill becomes law April 1. The act creates a new highway commission of seven members, abol ishes all district lines, provides for state maintenance of all "ounty roads, and Increases the gasoline ta* from five to six cents a gallon. It originally gave the minority party a representation of two mem bers and provided that county pris oners serving longer than eO dtvi be used by the state In road work. Senate amendment abolished mi nority party representation anil cut down the length of terms of pris oners who may be used on road* from 00 to 30 days and made a pro vision that free labor must be used If it can be obtained cheaper than convict labor. Compromise Terms. The conferees reached an agree ment that the minority party should be represented by one mem ber. that free labor be used If cheap er than convict labor. Rebates on tax paid on gasoline used for airplanes also was provid ed. The conferees also approved the Dunlap amendment that tne stats acknowledge an Indebtedness to counties for highway equipment taken over by the state when It takes over all county roads. Adopt Clauses Singly. Adoption of the report by the sen ate came after Senators McLean and Burrus had attacked the pro vision for any minority representa tion. and the unusua\ parliamentary procedure of adopting a conference report by single paragraphs wa* used. This resulted In the senate's five times voting "the house do con cur In the senate amendment* though the house had already adopted the report. Mrs. Clubb Buried At Fountain Inn Young Matron Leaves/Flvc Ch tidies Hanging In Ages 10 Month* To 10 Years. i Leaving her husband and five children, ranging in ages from ten months to ten years, Mrs. Lilly Gertrude Clubb died at the Shelby hospital Monday from an attack of pneumonia. She was only 28 y-ari of age and the wife of J. W. Ciubb. one of the trusted employees at the Cleveland Cloth mill. The club fam ily lives on Oakland Drive, but MT3. Clubb’s condition grew so -erious she was taken to the hoepita’ fo* treatment and here everything pos sible was done in an effort to save her life. Mrs. Clubb’s funeral was con ducted Tuesday by Rev. H. h. Wal drop, pastor of the Eastside Brptist church and her body was taken to Fountain Inn, S. C.. for interment. Surviving are her husband and five children, Alfred, Walter, Hall, Al bert and a ten months old daugh ter,' Altha Jane. Two Brothers, Walter and George Story, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Marks and Mrs Lucy Calvert also survive. Little Girls F»ght A Fire And Win Four children put up a brave and heroic fight to subdue a forest fire on the E. O. McGowan farm just on the eastern outskirts of Shelby a few days ago. They got th^ir legs blistered from the heat but that did not stop them from fighting an hour or until the fire was out. An nie and Bettie Coble, Nancy Mc Gowan and Edward Ford, ranging In ages from 10 to 13 years, were playing tennis on the McGowan court when they cited a blaze n the woods. They called for help and Fred Hopper, colored, came to th->* assistance, but the, little folks dM not stand by and watch him do the job—they helped in the fgiht until the fire was out. ETHEL BARRYMORE IN RUTHERFORD COUNTY Rutherford. March 18. — Ethel Barrymore, famous actress who scored In “The Lot# Duel" n Ashe ville Saturday had tea at Lake L vet coffee shoppe yesterday! In he par ty with the actress were aer sos:. John Drew Cojt and daughter Hibsl

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