Fa listen Neu)s Of Current Week Organize Teacher Training School At Friendship, Mr. Williams Out of Hospital. (Special to The Star.) Fallston, Marl7.—Pres. S. W Tav lor met at Friendship , M ,th»Xli5t Pro&stant church Saturday after noon and organized a 'cachers training school to be held in July The following spent Sunday ir Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoyle, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mooie and Mrs. A L, Hoyle. Mr. and Mrs. Fields Toney and ynother Mrs. W. A. Gantt visited Mrs. A. A. Toney near Double Shoals Sundav afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Broudus Dellinger and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Brantley Dellinger Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lewis and fam ily visited Mr. and Mrs. .i.harlli Self near Ltncolnton Sunday aft ernoon, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Royster vis ited Mrs. P. P. Duncan near Lawn dale who Is very sick Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Bridges end mother visited Mr. and Mis G A Wright Sunday Pres. S. W. Taylor of Kannarwlls spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. D. h. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cline and fam ily spent the day Sunday with Mrs. Cline's father Mr. E. f: Deiiinger Mr. Coins Williams has leturncd from the Presbyterian hos Mtal in Charlotte where lie had his leg am putated. He is improving. Mrs. Adlai Elliott has mumps we are sorry to know. Mr. C. C. Palls has returned from a business trip to New Jenev Mr and Mrs. Richard 'vloo-r. ol Rutherfordton spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hoyle Mr. and Mrs. Clem Mi.tin and family visited Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Morgan Sunday. Misses Charline and Janie Stamey were In Charlotte on bushu.se Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. E. O Spurting and sons spent the day Sunday with Solicitor and Mrs. L. S, Spur ling at Lenoir. Misses Wray and Charline Hen drick of the Pleasant Grove ecti.m visited Misses Viola and .dra Wright Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Simmons and Mr. E. N. Jarrett and ligh ter of Newton sreht Sunday vith M-s. S'mmons parents Mr. md Mrs J. M. Voder. Mr. and Mrs. Edwlu Barnette of West Jefferson s"ent the day Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. P, O ho*.* Mrs. Barnette is spending ‘his week with Mr. nnd Mrs. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Ed DeCamp of Gaffney. S. C., visited Mrs TlaUr Be"m Sunday. Miss Rhea Lattinlore vlsPed Miss Ruth Morgan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Royster and family and Mrs. T. M. Sw *esy vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Odus Royster near Lawndale Sunday afternoon Hr. Royster is very sick we are sorry to know. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stamey vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald amev near Bel wood Sunday afterpoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Elliott vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Coleman V'l'ct in the Pleasant Grove section Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Wnvne Brackett of Belwood spent the day Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Boggs. Messrs Warner Stamey tod Tom Harris of Shelby were the dimer guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Stamey Sunday, Mrs. W. P. Hamrick and ehtid'en spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orady Wilson In Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Lattirnore and children of near Polkville spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrc. E. G. Sperling, The following visited Mr. and Mrs W. A. Wright Sunday afternor, Mr andw Mrs. Doffie Leatherman of Connelly Springs Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Willis and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lewis. Mr. and Mrs C. L. Roys* “r and children and Miss Minnie Hunter spent the day Sunday with Mr ard Mrs. L. G. Bowens near Double Shbals. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stanwv of Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs Claud Stamey Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. G Bridges and children visited Mr. and Mis O p Rumfelt at Blacksburg, S. C„ S-,n- | day. Mr. and Mrs. Stoiigh Beam vij_ lted Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Edmonus Sunday evening Mr. W. F. Hamrick spent the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 5d Ham rick in the Pleasant Grove e -tun. Misses Annie Pearl and ,«>utvra Hunt visited Misses Madeline and Mary Kate Mart'n Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Lackey *?Mted Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lackey ,ur.day afternoon. Mr. E. A. Hoyle visited Mr. Pin! Crow near Tbluca Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Yates Beam vLited at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. Ham Costner in Shelby Sunday aP> moon Master Lamar Hoyle visited Mat ter Hugh Clay Sunday afte-ntvu Misses Thelma Hoyle via- Net' Stanley were Shelby visitors Shhi day. Only n> Latin is honu* declined. LouisvlUa Courvn - Journal. “Lore Marl"Flourishes in Movie Colony ••• ••• Woman Bares Secrets of Love “Bazaar" and Tells How Girls, Between 15 and 19, Were Card Indexed to Await Wealthy Patrons (By AI.Kfi ALDEN.) Hollywood. Calif. -Youth for sale, beauty at bargain rates, wealthy patrons putting in an order for a lovely little blonde to add lustre to I an evening’s entertainment. These {are the highlights of the story of a I hideous trafficking In young girls | that has Just been disclosed with the l arrest of the principal figures in Hollywood’s love bursar. Ciirls of School Age. Details of the medium whereby beautiful girls could be ordered for an evening's entertainment—and no questions asked, were whusperad about In Hollywood and Its environs for some time, but the film colony Ls reputed to be shocked at the rev elations of the far-flung operations and ramifications of the girl empor ium where elderly millionaires could buy the attentions of girls of school age. Mrs! Olive Clark Day, one of the three arrested and arraigned on these hideous charges, asserted that her stock, which was carefully card Indexed and classified, was recruit ed from pick-ups In the street, pick ups that were always young, fresh and pretty. , Arrested with Mrs. Day are her common-law husband, William Jo belmann. and John P, Mills, weulthy real estate operator,’Numerous girls, including Alice Blake, told the dis trict attorney of the activities of Mrs. Day's "love market." $20 The Price. Two hundred dollars for youth and beauty. That was the standard price of the wares at the love-mart. The glrlr. received approximately $20 each out of this. Twenty dollars In exchange for all that girlhood holds dear. No wonder Mrs. Day constant ly reiterated to her girls that noth ing was wrong, only thinking makes It so! And what of the patrons, the elderly men of wealth who made the business so profitable by their In satiable demand.;? One of them kept a regular order for u. new girl eueh week an dothers were noted for fre quent re-orders. Many of them are known to be hiding from the au thorities but It is believed that sen sational revelations will be forth coming when several millionaires art arrested and confronted with their victims. Dazzrd By lights. Surely the love syndicate could have selected no better location than Hollywood for their nefarious traf ficking'!. Life is soft, It Is luxuriously easy here and the eye is constantly daz zled by the beauties to be found in even "one-arm" restaurant.. For to Hollywood flock beautiful girls from all over the country, town girls, little timid "country-mouse" girls who never knew anything more ex citing than a trip to the county fair, before they came west. Girls lured Amce- ^ XJLAK & I s Vfcrnotto . iitt VHra - ytriate too •aay - proapoot - najfco' X - drunkon tlp-orar. M 2 - too old • 25 - • proapoot - to tr« Joaa - ooaro olotfeos - Proparoo at on* oppolatoonti i pAfciL FKUM MuS. DAY'S CATrtl.Ofc.UE Detail* of the emporium in Hollywood where elderly millionaire* could buy the attention* of girla of (choel age were made public by Mr*. Olive Clark Day, who auerted that her *tock, which vu care fully indexed and claaaified, waa kept on file ao that wealthy patron* could be (upplied with entertainment at a moment’* notice. Kcreated with Mr*. Day are her common-law huaband, William Jobelmr 1, and John P- M ila, San Diego oil man. Alice Blake wa* one of a iverel *rl» who told tfeo Diatrict Attorney of the “love bureau.” by the glamorous possibilities offer ed by the movies. Girls who are cer tain that they can turn the trick, and tread the rose-strewn path to .tardom. that rose-strewn path that Is also replete with sharp.ugiy thorns. Still They Come. And so, they pass, this unique ar ray of beauties, easy prey for love syndicates and others who traffic in tender, young loveliness. For despite constant wan tings by the chamber of commerce and other civic bodies as well as welfare societies, each train continues to deposit its cargo of beauty at the film center. Some are plentifuly supplied with funds, others have but a few dollars after they arrive. But ail are confident of quick success or at least work as ex tras almost at once. And then come the weeks of making the rounds of carting directors and agencies, where to their amazement, these girls meet other beauties, exquisite girls, who haven't worked steadily in months. Often Oo Hungry. .. Some of the girls are sensible. They take work in stores, in offices, in restaurants, glad to do jobs that they would never have thought of doing back home. But others hang on, clutching at each shadowy hope and promise, certain that they will succeed. They often go hungry, ihus making them easy prey to the stranger who talks to them so sym pathetically while he stakes them to a good meal. With money gone, hope gone, clothes shabby, dark despair enveloping these beautiful creatures, it is not difficult to see how love markets can flourish and constantly replenish their stock, so that their wares can be kept fresh and allur ing. Far more terrible than any manufactured melodrama is the heart-rending story of Hollywood's party-girl revelations. Should Salaried Husbands Permit Wives to Retain Commercial Positions ? • * * • • • . . . Despite Orations of Reformers That Woman’s Place Is in the Home, Analysis Reveals the Weaker Sex as Keen Competitors of Man, Winning Laurels in Commercial Pursuits. Mary Anderson : AMCE U L Foote y! [MacDoosaM/.^ One Gentlemen Critic Keeps a t/AUNDRT TU© Full of Water and Hurl? the DICHES INTO IT ^Arthur ^•Ss/ariz Me 9 Gvadvs / Ktes* AnwaE reyver. Dr Florence S>abin Bullalo, N. Y,,-—probably she most unpopular gentleman among mar ried women today is Assemblyman Arthur L. Swartz, ot Buffalo, New iork. Jhis gentleman has never r arriv ed any pattteufc# notice torn the. American press until he proposed the legislative inquiry to uunt out women who 'lOlrl pofc lie jobs anti have husbands able to support them. His colleagues shook their heads at the controversy that gentlemans plan had aroused. In a discussion with Mrs. Murired *• alnier, secretary ot the \a\on«1 Womaft’s party, the asSmnbUunan i pheid '’hs views and stated -h.« wo cr,n »•»» infinitely more impotent i as a mother than as economic fac tors. or even as geniuses. That married women will be Torced out of the office and bac* into the kitchen, however, is evi dent by ruch proposals as .hat of 4 ssemblymRn Swartz, whirh have f'sken place in several stat» legisla tures. One was passed recently In Massachusetts. As a result one firm in Lynn discharged more than 100 women whose husbands w;ic able tr support them according to the in vestlgators. The places of these wo men will be taken by widows, spin sters and flappers. How min/ of the latter are supported by their papas is a factor which has not befn Investigated. Already the marriage rate is de lining, which may be due to econ omic depression, but why put such a ■Slice on marriage? The findings of the Woman's bu eau. according to Mary Anderson, of the state department of labor, re i rts that “based on sclentificaliy imducted investigations, show that ‘he majority of married women who are working are doing so because their wages are necessary for the upport of the home and family” This deals with the matter from an economic standpoint. * Ar-jther f^ct Is that many women who en ioy office positions are unfitted for the duties of the kitchen. For.laps a week of their cooking would give f iend husband a different view on life. Another aspect Is presented b/ the 1 husband who grants his wife tc go to work. There Is, for instance the case of Smith vs. Smith, In the Su preme court, Brooklyn, N. V., where It is alleged that Mrs. Smith wanted more money, so her husband told her he would pay her way through business college so that she could get a job. There are several instances In which woman has shown to be more than equal to -nan in the field of In iustry and, through her efforts, have reached a place In the com mercial life of the nation, which. It is even doubtful, that, with equal opportunity, could be attained by man. Among the outstanding femin ists who have proven their ability in the fled of industry, are Alice Foote MacDougall, who began her now famous restaurant business ct 28. Twenty years later she was the owner of a $2,000,000 a year busi ness. Another example Is Mrs. Anna E. Keyser, executive assistant in the office of D. H. Hoover, chief of the Federal Steamship Inspection service, who is said to know ship construction from bow to aiem Women not alone show their met tle In the industrial world. They have also taken their place in the realms of science. A notable In stance Is that of Dr. Florence Sabin, celebrated throughout the world for her constant research for the purpose of mitigating human suf fering, through which she has Grav en woman's place Is also In the medical laboratory. Honeymoon—Paris to Paris Major Frank B. MaeNeil, 65, of Paris, Tenn., with his 16-year-old bride, pictured in the Mayor’s home. Mayor MaeNeil has accepted the Invitation of the Paris, France, Municipal Council, to visit the French capital with his young bride. TOY STAR WANT ADS FOR RESULTS Always Ahead With Values Ladies Wash Dresses 49c All sizes 14-50 36-In. Dress Prints 10c V YARD 5-piece Criss Cross Curtains 69c SET CURTAIN SCRIM Sc YARD BOYS’ 220 Weight OVERALLS 49c MEN’S FUR FELT HATS 98c MEN’S AND BOYS’ WORK SHIRTS Lad es’ Full Fashioned Silk Hose 49c Printed Crepes Yard 39© Guaranteed Washable COHEN BROS. - SHELBY’S UNDERSELLING STORE - Around The Carolina Theatre (With Apologies To RENN DRUM.) We have had any number of our patrons tell us they saw "EAST LYNNE" In Charlotte last week and they mtendec seeing It again. This speak* mighty fine for this show Maybe we had better get our ropes out for this show next Monday. The Parent - Teachers o! Graham School will have one of the SATURDAY MORN ING shows this Saturday, at 10:00 A M. The picture will he ‘‘THE SPOILERS." featur ing GARY COOPER. The admi.sion is 10 cents tc. everybody. Proceeds will be used for books and curtains at that school. If you can't come send your DIME to tHe GRA HAM SCHOOL, and it will be appreciated. We are having a goodly number of comments on our FAMILY TICKETS, the hold ers of these are rather proud of them. Just read a review on FREDRIC MARCH’S newest picture, “HONOR AMONG LOVERS.” Claudette Colbert is his leading lady, and they say his work is great. Yes, we have it coming. Willie, motioning to-a scene in the Fox News, “Mother, look at that big fish.” "Hush, honey, that is only a zeppelin,” replied his mother. Submitted by R. L. WANTED: NICE REFINED young lady for cashier, refer ences required. Phone 446 for appointment. WE THANK TOU! Congratulations From Th? Makers Of Central And Rolin Hod Shoes Central Shoe Company is glad to have this opportunity of extending best wishes to Cohen Brothers oipon their first anniversary in Shel by, North Carolina. The people of Shelby and vicin ity are to be congratulated, too, in having in their midst a store where they can purchase high quality merchandise, underpric ed, with the guarantee of satis faction offered by Cohen Broth ers. Central and Robin Hood shoes are guaranteed solid leather. They are made by skilled work men in factories where the most modern methods are employed. They are styled to suit every taste and priced to fit every budget. Select Your Next Pair From Cohen Brothers’ Stock Of Central And Robin Hood Shoes. You Don’t Have To Bj Rich To Be S:>L'h In T’ss: Shoes $1.49 to 03.98 A Full Selection In All Price Ranges. COHEN BROS. SHELBY’S UNDERSELLING MERCHANTS.

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