Home Gardens To Supply Home Uses Will Save Southern Folks In Period Of Economic Crisis Recently W. R. Beattie, senior horticulturist of the bureau >f plant industry, United States Departmen* cf Agriculture, in a nationally broad cast radio talk on the farm garden stated that in every economic crisis through which the agriculture of any section of the country has pass ed the home garden and it her sources of home food supply have saved the day. When the boll weevil struck the Cotton growing sections, Mr, Beat tie pointed out, one of the first steps taken was to start a campaign for vegetable gardens, poultry, pigs and cows on every farm so ;hat the land would at least provide a ntgans of livelihood. Things haven't hang ed much and the same principles apply today. The farmer, however hard times may be for him, who plants and cultivates his own gar den has a form of insurance against privation and this is denied he city worker. In this respect he is iar bet ter off than the thousands if unem ployed in the cities, many of whom left the farm at the time of indus trial prosperity and are now looking wistfully back at the land. "If everybody engaged in farm ing,” Mr. Beattie said in his -dd.ess "will produce plenty of fruits, vege tables, milk and butter, • oultiy and eggs home grown and c ”-'d pork, also fresh meats to some ex tent, they can at least have p good living at home and that is more than a lot of people who are out of employment have today. ‘But’ says the pessimist, 'that will only in ereaes the difficulty and reduce the market for foods that are grown in ■a large way for sale.’ Perhaps, pro vided the farmer has the none? with which to buy the food, but sup pose he does not have the money what then? As ■ matter of fact, it Is good business and economy to produce most of the living for the farm family and the hired help right on the farm." In all parts of the countru here are farsighted agricultural leaders who are in agreement with Mr. Beattie in preaching the advantages of making the farm as much as pos sible a self-sufficient unit; not only in these times of agricultural an general economic depression, ' ut as EASTER EXCURSION Low Kound Trip Tickets tc all Points on the Seaboard Also to Washington, d. c. From: SHELBY. N. C. Washington, D. C. . $16.52 Columbia, S. C. $6.93 Savannah. Ga. _ $11.03 Jacksonville, Fla._$16.65 Miami, Fla. _______ $29.82 St. Petersburg, Fla. $25.11 Tickets on Sale April 3*4 Only. Limited to 15 Days in Addition to Date of Sale. For information and fares to other points see Agent or H. E. PLEASANTS, DPA, RALEIGH, N. C. SEABOARD WEEK - END EXCURSION FARES FROM: SHELBY TO Charlotte _____$2.30 Wilmington _$10.45 Raleigh_i_$9.80 Richmond___$14.55 Washington _$18.70 Columbia ____$7.15 Savannah___$12.05 • Jacksonville __$18.80 And all points in South east east of Mississippi River. Tickets on sale each Fri day and Saturday and for Sunday Forenoon trains during period March 27 Oct. 25. Tickets limited to reach original starting point prior to midnight of Tuesday immediately following date of sale. Stop overs will be permitted at all points and tickets will be good in sleeping cars up on payment of pullman fare. For fares to other points see Agent or H. E. PLEASANTS. DP A, RALEIGH, N. C.' SEABOARD a permanent agricultural oo.icy. In South Carolina, Virginia, Arksnsar and other states, statewide .*«m naigns to bring about the plantinr of farm gardens are being *clhel> pushed. In these campaigns he ag- ’ ricultural colleges and the tares home demonstration agents are tak ing a leading part. A well planted and cared for half acre garden will produce mire vege tables than the average family car. eat, during the period when the crops are maturing. Carrots, late cabbage, beets, onions, parsnips, po tatoes and turnips can be grown and stored for use during the inter, thtts cutting the winter food bills. One acre of garden was worth as much as 65 acres of cotton on a farm In Texas last year whose 'wn er^ figured that the acre jleled c profit of $400. It Is not only from the point of view of cutting the family food bills, however, that the vegetable I'ardar. deserves a place on every farm. So much has been said and written about vitamins during the ’asf. few years that racticaliy everyone knows they are essential ‘o good health. Fresh, green vegetables are among the best sources of these In valuable vitamins, but entirety toe frequently the farmer, busy with hi: money crops, feels that he las i.c time to bother with a garden even though his wife and older hl’drep may easily be able to take ca^e cf it once It is ploughed. The result Is that In many In stances the farm diet is too much restricted to meat, potatoes and bread. Green vegetables, one of na ture’s best preventive medicine:, have little place on the menu. The various deficiency diseases nave a chance to creep In, breaking down health and stamina. Investigators have found that a large proportion of ill-health in rural districts is traceable to the absence of a well - balanced diet. No diet can be called [ dance of fresh, green vegetables, j A vegetable garden planted this spring will return ample dividends in health and In helping to mrkc the farm family self-sufficing, able to weather any economic storm. Ford Can Chin Bar Six Times Fort Myers, Fla.—Henry Ford can “chin” a bar six times, bnt his old crony, Harvey Firestone, > can't pull himself up once, and Thomas A. Edison, third member of the famous triumvtarate— well, he doesn’t even try such things. Gathering for the first time together in more than a year, Ford, Firestone and Edison had a chummy reunion. The motor magnate displayed his gymnastic ability as he grab bed a low hanging limb of a eucailptus tree outside the Edi son laboratory. Six times he “muscled” to touch his chin.* Then the tire manufacturer tried his skill. With Mr. Ford’s as sistance he made it up one and turned loose. The famous trio sat on the steps of the Edison laboratory and dis cussed business in general, as the tropical sun beat down upon their bared heads. "A nrw yean ago, I found that I waa very weak and nothing 1 ate seemed to give me any strength," writes Mrs. R. B. Douglas, 704 South Congress St, Jackson, Miss. 1 suffered intense pain in my head and back. At times I would have to hold to something to steady my self, so as to do my little work. I was worried about my condition. "My mother told me that I should take Cardui After taking two bottles, I felt stronger, but I kept on tak ing it until my head and back quit hurting. I took about six bottles in all, and have never quit prais ing Cardui” CARDUI USED BE WOMEN FOB OVER SB SEARS sx Tftli* Thed ford's Black-Draught for Constipation, Indigestion, and Biliousness. Trinity f omrnunity N»ws Of The Week Little Miss Harris, Improving. Miss Kilby Greene Seriously 111. Personals. • Special to The Star t Trinity, Mar. 17.—Little Miss Hel en Harris the three-year-old daugh ter ot Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Harris hac been seriously ill with bronchia: pneumonia. We are glad to note ‘that she is improving, though slowly The many friends and relatives of Miss Ruby Greene, of Mmresboro learn with regret, of her ^serious ill ness and hope for her a speedy re covery. Others on the sick list at this witting are Mrs. Charlie Keevit and little Miss Georgie Bostic. Mr. and Mi's. Boyl Blanton and family of Shelby were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Bri t ges, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Scruggs and daughter Shirley of Greenville, S. C , were visiting relatives in this community Sunday. The Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Everett Bailey included Mr. and Mrs. Orvie Rollins and Mr. and Mrs; Seth Morrow of Moores,boro R-l and Mr. Delfo Rollins of Cliffside. Mr. and Mrs, Belk Frazier and family of near Shelby spent Sunday here with their brother Mr. E. S Frazier. Miss Lucille Hamrick of Boiling Springs spent Sunday night with Miss Bet tie Season and attended the singing at Trinity Sunday night. The B. Y. P. U. of our church t ill observe study course week begin ning March the 23rd. The seniors will study B. Y. P. U. administra tions. The intermediate and Jun ior union will study the B. Y P U. manuals. All are urged to secure a book and attend each night at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Bill Fortune or New Jersey who Is 68 years of ape visited his sister Mrs. W. W. Bridges here last Wednesday for the first time in 40 years. Mrs. Bridges states that sin recognized her brother at the fir it glance despite the long separation Mr. Fortune was accompanied j here by his brother Mr. Dobb F r tune and nephew Mr. Howard For tune of Bostic. Mr. Forrest Bailey of Kannapoli is spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Quay Bridges and j little daughter Elizabeth and Mrs. | George Lookadoo were visiting rcl | atives In Mooresboro Sunday alter i noon. i Mrs. Qaither Pope who ins beer, j ill at the home of her daughter Mrs ] Oscar Goode is better and nas gone ! to visit another daughter Mrs Brooks of Beaver Darn section. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Peat son and little daughter Eloise and a cousin of theirs from Flint Hill spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Onnie Blan ton. Mrs. Chris Laii is at the bedside of her grandmother Mrs. Harris of I near Gaffney who is seriously Id. Miss Effie Bridges of Henrietta is i spending a few days here with her | sister Mrs. H. B. Harris. Mr. Arthur Bridges had the mis fortune of losing a good mule a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McKinney were callers at the home of Mr. Pink ; Beason of the Mt. Pleasant (.im munity Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Winn and baby daughter of Cliffside were the Sun day dinner guests of Mrs. Jane Winn who accompanied them to see Mrs. Jim Humphries of near Shelby in! the afternoon. Mrs. Mettle Robbs of Gaffney, S. C„ is spending a few days here with her daughter Mrs. F. E, Brllges. Mrs. Emma McSwain and daugh ters Florence and Pearl of Shelby are spending this week with Mrs. j Cliff Beason. NOTICE OF LOSS OF POLICIES* To, Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that Fire Policies Nos. 251151 to 251200 inclusive and Auto mobile Policies Nos. 32601 to 32626 Inclu sive of the Law Union & Rock Insurance Company. Ltd. of London, requiring for their validity the countersignature of a duly authorized and licensed agent, have been lost. Since these policies ha\re not been regu larly countersigned, Issued or accounted for, nor any premiums received thereunder by this company, they will be valueless and void in the hands of whomsoever the' may fall and no claim thereunder could be legally presented. If found, these poll clse should be returned to the office of the company at Hartford, Connecticut. No claim of any nature purporting to be based on these policies will be recog nized by the company. The public will take notice accordingly. SCHENCK A: MEBANE. Inc., Gen eral Agents, Greensboro, N. C. 3t Mch 18c NOW YOU CAN PRESERVE YOUR FOODS FOR 3c A DAY WITH A MAJESTIC ELECTRIC REFRIGERA TOR. PENDLETON’S MUSIC STORE , It Pays To Advertrse Shelby High, State Champs, To Play First Baseball Contest Of Season With Cherryville Friday Remnants Of 19.10 Champion ship Team (Jets First Test Here. The first game of the year Friday afternoon! Baseball's debut in Shelby for 1911! The place is at the Shelby High park and Cherryville, al ways a season opener for Shelby, will furnish the oppo sition. It will not only bo the first glimpse of the national past time for this section In 1931, but it will also be the lirst test for what is left of the fast-moving 1930 club which brought a fourth state champion ship to Shelby. Which is to say that the old fans along the stands will be out looking for future Ralph Gillespies, Cline Lees, Dutch Whisnarvts, and Sher rill Hamricks. Need A Star. And the old-timers have every right to be looking for a new star to replace the scintillating favorites of other days. Shelby baseball teams, especially the four championship clubs, have always been perfect team-working machines, but nearly every one of them was built around some outstanding individual per former who pulsed and paced the inspired play of the others. Years ago the play of Glenn Cline Lee oir short, the catching and hitting of Fred Beam, tire catching of Ralph Gillespie, and the pitching of Wil bur Wall, Dutch Whisnant and others keep the others on the team keyed' to a perfect pitch. In later years Cline Lee came along to pace a championship team with his hit ting and fielding as did his o’der brother. And Jack Hoyle and Sher rill Hamrick stepped on the mound to pitch clubs all the way through Another great scholastic catcher bobbed up In Hal Parris, and Hum rick and Farris i jrmed one of the greatest high school batteries North Carolina has ever seen. Ask the club that fell before them last year, ! But what player will act as the spark plug this year? Nearly all of the 1930 stars are gone. Of those remaining there is Shorty McSwain, the basketball captain and the star football back, at second base. He may be the leader. Then on short is Mayhew, the big fellow who came along rapidly last year to help fans forget how Cline I-ec grabbed the hot ones. He has in him the mak ing of a good ball player. He may be the leader. Then there are sev eral others with experience who will see action this year. Most of them are outfielders. Perhaps they will supply the punch. But the biggest gap will likely he on the hillock. For n year or two when things began to look gloomy for Shelby the fans let the; cheers roll when the lanky Hamrick strolled out to the mound and unlimbered his long right arm. Tills year there is no Hamrick Maybe Big Peters, the South Shel by boy, can replace him, or one of the hurlers. Those are the several things the superiors of the 1930 state cham pions will be wondering when they go to the park to see the Cherry - ville game Friday. But reports from the practice ses sions this week indicate that Coach Morris to not very optimistic about finding a brilliant new star. Here tofore he has believed that hto teams have kept, marchtng through the best ones In the state because, for the most part, they knew where to throw the ball when they got hold of it, and when not to throw it; and because, too, they were trained to know’ when a bunt might come roll ing lazily along the third base line and likewise had been trained to make the most of every hit bv stretching their bases and stealing a few when they couldn't be stretched. For a week or more every candi date for the team has been bunt ing ’em, making plays here and there, learning, in other words, the fundamentals of Uie game—how to play baseball. In bygone years Shel by's four championship teams have been in tight places against teams as good as they were li\ hitting, lidding and pitching, but Shelby came through In the pinches be cause the boys seemed to know a little more, were a little calmer, and would not blow up. Remember the Mt. Airy game when Shelby took half as many hits as the visitors and won? Remember other games that were won by bunting at an unex pected time, by stealing a base at a surprising moment, or by other heads-up play? Friday afternoon the 1930 cham pions will open up for 1931 in thetr own backyard. Over the state, coaches and players will be wanting j to know "what that Shelby bunch j looks like this year." And, of course, the home town fans will too. The spring weather has brought along the baseball fever. His Shoes Empty Wlu, . tiic place m uio >...)( fel low above on Shelby lilgh's baseball team this year? That's one of 'he biggest problems facing the Shelby coaches as they go Into their first game with Cherry vlHc Friday. Sher rill Hamrick hurled the local team all the way to Chanel Hill last year and then put on a little extra steam with his pitching and hitting to clinch Shelby's fourth baseball title. 16 Games On High Schedule Play Charlotte There Tuesday Kings Mountain Here Fri day Week. The Shelby high baseball team has 16 games scheduled prior to the state race. The first, game is this Friday In Shelby with Cherryville. The second is with Charlotte there Tuesday Kings Mountain will be here the fol lowing Friday. The full schedule follows: March 20—Chgrryvllle—here. March 24- Charlotte—there. March 27—Kings Mtn.—here. March 28—Bolling Springs—here. April 2 (Thur.)—Charlotte—here. April 3 (Frl.) — Lowel—there. Apr. 4 <Sat.)— Bolling Spgs —there April 7 (Tuee.l— Forest City— here. April 9 (Thur.)—Kings Mountain —there. April 10 (Frl.)—Lowell—here. April 14 (Tues.l—Rutherfordton— here. April 17 (Frl)—Cherryville— there. April 18 (Sat.)—Gastonia—here. April 21 (Tues.)— Forest City— there. April 24 (Frl.)—Gastonia—there. April 28 (Tuesl)— Rutherfordton— there. According to Lowell Thomas, the song "Tell Mother I’ll Be There,” which used to have the greatest pulling power In evangelistic serv ices, has lost its ancient charm. The reason is. perhaps, that there’s no use telling the modern mother you’ll be there, because there’s no telling where, she’ll be herself.—Philadel phia Inquirer. I sun-swept beaches —says Chesterfield © Mil. Liggett & Myeiu Toeacgo Co. you find me in lumber camps of the great Northwest 99 Thousand-mile jumps don’t mean a thing to Chesterfield. It's the same fresh, good-tasting cigarette whether you light up in the north woods or in Hawaii! For what you taste in Chesterfield is milder, better tobaccos— nothing else—blended and "cross-blended” to bring out a flavor and fragrance youU never find in any cigarette but Chesterfield. For NINETEEN years, oar Research Department hu k^pt intimate touch with every new development of Science that could be applied to the manufacture of cigarettes. During this petiod there has been no development of tested value or importance to the smoker which we have not incorporated into the making of Chesterfield cigarettes. Liggett & Alyen Tobacco Co.

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