SOCIETY NEWS MRS, KENS DRUM, fcditoi, Telephone The Star No. 4-J Each Morning S To 12 o clock, Mrs. Drum can be reached at her heme, L’hone 713, afternoon and nighta Fool’-; Burial. If you had waited, foolish 'ovc to die, . I would have fetched fine mourning from the town: Rich words, and splendid bitterness to lie About your head in thick funersl crown. There had been dusky plumes of old desire And for your body’s ease a silken shroud Of stuff called sacrifice, that tact. admire^— That were a death to make a iO.Tr proud, The world will never know you walked, a king. Into my heart no longer tree to dare; V bent to do your will in everything And heaped up tribute that would make you fair. Where did you spend the treasure that I gave, To He all naked In a beggar’s grave. —Hlldegaxde Fillmore Golf Club To Hare Meeting. There will be a regular meeting of the ladles’ golf club at the golf club nouse on Friday afternoon at 2:30. Mm 1C. ¥. Webb To Entertain Club. On Friday afternoon of tnis week Mrs. E. Y. Webb will be hostess to members of the Twentieth Century club at 3:30 at her home on, South Washington street. Evening Division To Have Meeting There win be a* special meeting of the evening division of the Woman's chib on Thursday evening at C o'clock at the home of Mrs. VV. H. Hudson on W. Marlon street with Mrs. Boyce Dellinger and Miss Kt falte Moses as Joint hostesses American Homes Deportment To Meet. There wlU be a regular meeting of the American Homes department of the Woman’s club on Monday aft ernoon at the club room with sew ing and table setting ss the after noon’* study. Mrs. T. W. Hamrhfc. Mrs. J. H. Grigg and Mrs, Carloc Grigg will be In charge tint Division Mar** This Week. On Thursday afternoon .lie mem bers of the first division of the Wo man*’ club Will meet at the club room at 3:30 with Mesdames Koscoe tuts, J. C. Newton and Dennis Beam and Miss Laura Cornwell as hostesses All members are urged , to be present. «mall Dinner Party On Sunday. On Sunday Miss Muriel Wright was hostess at a small dinner party at the Brick House grill. A delicious two course dinner was attractively served. Covers were laid for: Miss Wright, Miss Aim Boykin. Miss Sadie Beverly and Miss Charlotte Beverly. interesting Meeting Of Garden Club. On Tuesday afternoon at the club room members of the Garden club enjoyed an Interesting meeting with Mrs. O. F. Sherrill as leader for the afternoon. Mrs. J. R. Dover read an attractive paper on "Fences’’ and Miss Nora Cornwell gave a talk on 'Disbudding and Priming Rases.” A general round table dlscusion of the growing of roses took place. Members brought plants from their own gardens to the meeting and exchanged with each other. Meeting Of P. T. A. On Monday Evening. A regular meting of the Jefferson school Parent-Teacher association was held on Monday evening at the school building with Mias Margaret Cooper and Miss Hazel Holmes In charge of the evening’s program. The main feature of the evening’s program was a talk on "Health and Communicable Diseases,” made by Dr. S. P. Parker. Dining a business meeting the or ganization voted to affiliate Itself with the national organization. Mm. Elam Hostess Te Mothers’ Clsb. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Ro land Elam was hostess to members of the Mothers' club at an interest ing meeting at her home on W Warren street. Mrs. Ed Post was leader for the afternoon and the subject for study was "Jealousy In Children.’’ The program was opened by a paper oi* “Resentment of Jeal ousy,” by Mrs! Wilbur Baber. "Un favorable Results of Jealousy” was rend by Mrs. William Crowder, aft er which Mrs. L. B. Hayes contri buted a piano solo, "Goodnight.” Mrs. Robert Wilson read a paper on "Rivalry and Sqjf Assertion.’' Mrs Boyne Dellinger concluded the pro gram with a paper on "Success and Maflure.” At the close ot the program • business meeting took place at which time officers for the next club year were elected. The new officers are as follows: President, Mrs. Clyde Short; vice-president Mrs. D. ft. Vates; secretary, Mrs. Robert Wil son; and press reporter, Mrs. Ed Past. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. John Honeycutt, Mrs. Jap Suttle and Mrs. Parnell Elam In serving a salad course, the Easter Idea being carried out on ilie plates. Invited guests outside the club members were: Mrs Jap Suttle, Mrs. Harry Hudson, Mrs. Parnell Elam. Mrs. Tom Abemcthy and Miss Per i nice Jones. Bumgardner-Dedinon Marriage Announced. The marriage of Miss Margaret Ovedn Dedmon of Shelby and James Odell Butngardncr of Kings Moun tain which took place Saturday, February 31st at York, S. C. came as a complete surprise to their many friends in both Shelby and Kings Mountain. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dedmon and U a successful teacher in Cleveland ■county schools. She Is a pretty and attractive young woman and ad mired by a host of friends. The bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Ed Bumgarduer , of Kings Mountain and at the present time is doing mechanical work at the Margrace Mill in Kings Moun tain. They will make their home in Kings Mountain. Min pest Entertains Commercial Club. On Monday evening at im home on S. Washington street Mias Sara Best was hostess at a pretty party entertaining members of the high school commercial club. The rooms were decorated with quantities of spring flowers. Bridge was played nt nine tables during the evening and at its close when scores were added Miss Ruby Pryor was the winner of the high score award. Miss Best was assisted by her mother, Mrs. John M Best, in serv ing delicious refreshments. Club members present were: Misses Ruby Pryor, Juanita Cline, Sara Lee Hamrick, Elisabeth Riviere Rachel Wells, Pearl Boland. Oraoe Boland, Sara Best, Mildred Caba iitss, Vivian Buice; Messrs. Jim Clrlce, Robert Maser. Bradford Moser, Ruffin Mull, Huttt Dellinger, Harnp Tolley, F B, Frye, Claude Hoke Thompson, Lauder Farris, Ollie Harris. SINGINg'on SUNDAY Prof, Wade Humphries asks The Star to anounce that there will be a community singing at Gaffney Midway Baptist church next Sun day afternoon at 3 o’clock This Evening, 7:00 O’clock Member ship Called For Prayer And Work. AT MIDWAY BAPTIST r Service At First Baptist This evening, beginning at 7:00 o’clock, the membership of the First Baptist church is called for prayer and work, the meeting to be held in the young peoples’ assembly audi torium. What will be perhaps tho most Important mid-week service ever yet held by the church, will bo led by the pastor and educational direc tor, this evening promptly at 7. About 115 services are being held by the church In various parts of the community during the week. On Monday and Tuesday evenings more than 60 of these services were held, ! "here people prayer for a coming [revival to our community. Reports from these meetings have stirred the hearts of the people. This evening, reports will be heard and continued prayer will be made at the church. Everybody Is invited to the meeting tonight and all mem bers are especially urged to attend. A.. Parent-Teacher In Beth-Ware Section 1 Special to The Star.) | On last Thursday afternoon the parents and teachers of the Beth Ware community held their p r, a meeting for the month of March. Several talks were given on the sub ject of ■'Safety." We were very glad to have with us Mrs. Ormand the president of the P. T. A. association of Kings Moun tain. who gave many helpful sugges tions. Mr. C. G. Hodges gave a splendid talk on "Thrift.’’ The following members were ap pointed to plan the program for next meeting: Mrs. Bnn Watterscn Mrs. Boyd Harrelsbn and Mr. Wayne i Ware. W'e are hoping to have every pat-1 ron and teacher with us for the last ’■ meeting April ,10th, To Discuss Potato Treatment Saturday — i L'llenhoro Farmer* To >Icei. Corro sive .Sublimate To Be Given Free. i Special to The Star. > EjUenboro, Mar. 17.—For the pur pose of distributing corrosive subli mate to be used In treating sweet potato seed before bedding, and to discuss timely sweet potato problems a meeting of Ellenboro sweet potato! growers Is called for Saturday aft-1 jernoon at 2 p. m. In the center of I the town The local agricultural teacher has1 received a shipment of the material to treat the seed and will distribute! it to the farmers at cost during the! course of the meeting. Then, ques tions on treating, bedding and fur-! tilizlng will be discussed. Each growers who expects to grow sweet potatoes for the market next! year Is urged to be present. Epworth League Play At Lawndale ‘‘The Gale To Happlnm" Will He Given At Piedmont Saturday Night. } (Special to The Star.) I Lawndale, Mar. 17.—The Lawndale j Epworth league will give a play, j “The Gate to Happiness” In the i Piedmont high school auditorium Saturday night, March El at 8 o’clock. The proceeds of this play will be used for sending delegates to the general Epworth league assembly, which meets at lake JunalUska in July. Character!:: Jack Gay, Eden’s) younger brother—Franklin Wallace; Jeny Gay, Eden's lame sister—Jenny | Lou Richards; Mrs. Bluir, the min ister’s wire—Emma Lou Sloan; Aunt Sara Gay, who has shootin’ pains--j Mrs. R. A. Warlick; Eden day, the j dancer Carlotta—Carrlie Lee Wea ver; Oscar Gay, Eden’s father—R. j A. Warlick; Rev. Blair, the minister) -Durham Origg; Stephen Blair, his son—Junior Daggerhart; Res Curtis, Eden’s New* York admirer—Shan-j non Blanton; Bunny Gay, Jack", bride—audio Brittain, Directors; Messrs. Wilber Vllson! and Tod Caldwell. Seniors Making A Record At Fallstoni _ ) Go Four Months Without an \b- j sence and Trying to ( arrv Record to End of School ecretary.; Henry S. Falls, treasurer, Edwin Williams. Thomas w. Wilson. Zora S. Boggs, president. Nellie P. V. 1' llams, Zellle M. Williams, Alma M Wright, Connie V. Wright, vice persident. F. Edna Wright, valedic torian,'Viola Wright. More will be heard of this group if that attendance goal is reached The principal treated twice at the end of two months, and is now be hind with two others. He is in n >cd of help, but will not let such a fine effort go without its reward If no help comes. He hereby notifies the patrons of Fallston high school that assistance in recognizing the attain ment of this class will be welcome. Can’t the Reds play any tunes but the blues?—Boston Transcript. Dr. J. R. Gamble, of Gamble’s Clinic, Lincolnton, N. C.. says: ' From our actual me of Rtr-oo. we i have found It an excellent depilatory I Apart .from Its use as a very qulclt ane safe means to remove objectionable halr-groath for social reasons, RU-CK Is a real aid to the medical profession f where !t Is found necessary to remove hair-growth before* operations, and to ! other Instances where It is found ad visable to clear the sltln surface foi ! sanitary purposes in genera! hosplta ! cases.” . j At Drug: and Department Stores Jubilee Week’s Outstanding Event! Come Early DOLLAR DAY Ohursday .March 19 Think! One Dollar Day . , . any item ... or any order usually sold on Time Payments in Ward stores, amounting to $20 or more, up to $100 . . . for Only %1 DOWN • • • There's No Stopplnu the Sueiess of These! Gay Cretonnes! 6 YARDS $1.00 "’olorful cretonne! in l'lorai a n ( modern designs Firm wc%ve. LOW PRICED n o w SAVE! Volume Buying: Power Brings This Great Value! 5-Pc. Linen Set $1.00 I Jubilee W e e k ; Luncheon Set ir i white or with col- j ored borders I Cloth 52x52 ins j 1 napkins i Windsor Gyrator! With Porcelain Enameled Tub! Jubilee Special — $64.85 SMALL CARRYING CHARGE Jubilee Week finds the new Wind sor priced at a saving of from $30 to $50! 6 to 8 sheet capacity . . - Livell Wringer . . . Tri-Vane Agi tator. Only a limited number! Hurry for yours! Men’s Overalls! $1.00 Of white - back blue denim - mill shrunk. Bu, ets, triple stitch ed seams, rust * proof buttons. High and 1 o w back styles These Must Be Good Values! Wc Sold Pairs in 133C! Men's Work Shoes $2.39 Mahogany retan uppers, oak leath er soles, leather heels. Riveted re inforcement'; One of the Reasons We’re Win ning 1.700.000 New Friends: Men’s Dress Shirts $1.00 Men's "Crusader” Broadcloth Shirts in plain and fancy pat terns and all whites. Stay-Rite collars, pearl buttons, box cen ters, square-cut fails, tine stitch ins Double Pre-Shrunk! The Speed With Which fhey'rc Sold Proves Their Worth! See for Yourself These Out* standing Jubilee Values! Rayon Lingerie! 3 FOR $1.00 Bloomers, Step - ins, Vests, Pant k's! Of rail-re* ;istant rayon, ’..ace-trimmed & i tailored styles. CHIFFON HOSE 88c PAM FULL FASHION ED, all silk, dull finish. Picot tops, 'rench ''eels Va riety ot n e w nades. Spring Coats In the Rough Woolens So Smart For Easter! $11.00 All Specially Priced They herald Spring with their smart belt* ed waistlines, clever sleeves, labric scarv es. The basket weaves, sports tweeds, and wool crepes are the newest fabrics and they come in black, navy and two-toue t mixtures. See them in this specially plan ned. specially priced showing Jubilee Week! Women's and Misses' sizes. Smart New Styles Direct i From New York to You NEW SPUING HATS $1.00j They’re new — They’re simple they’re differ ent — they are ! exclusive. Beau- j tifully styled. j DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS! 36 REGULAR-; SI KOTEX Size For ..._.....—- . u/-“ : 36-IX. PERCALE. REGULAR 13c a yard quality. J Save now—12 Yards UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. 36 Inches width. Reduced from 13c yard — 13 Yards ..i. SI MEN'S FANCY PAJAMAS . . new styles and pat term in broadcloths .... 3 PAIRS MEN S SOX. MER cericed cotton. Regular 25c a pair quality— 0 pairs .. SI 5-FOOT STEP LADD E R Built from seasoned lumber, well braced. Jubilee Week Special ! $1 4 MARATHON GOLF HALLS regular $1.60 $1 value! ---- LARGE, CLEAR MIRROR . with smart polychrome g J frame. 14x26 inches .... PORTABLE OVEN WITH 1 burner. Easy to carry and set up. A $1.40 value .SI 18x36 OVAL CHENILLE RUG in bright assorted colors. Washable. Now only w-...-.... SI CHILDREN’S OXFORDS . . | Black, Tan and Patent Mu- i chers ^ Sizes 7’a to 131 SI CHILD’S ONE-STRAPS OF Black Patent. Sturdy and smart for school wear _ $1.40 IRONING BOARD . * very steady and sturdy. Folds easily. Get it now ....-..... SI SCHRADER TIRE GAUGE to test your tires and keep them fit. Special for ... SI $1.50 UNFINISHED CHAIR of smoothly finished hard wood. Ready to paint! —......... $1 MEN’S FANCY SOX . . NEW Spring paterns, woven for long wear— 3 Pairs for... $1 bargain! Bargain! ROCKFORD WORK SOX soft, roomy, yet wonderfully long-wearing— 10 pairs $1 RUGGED BICyCLE TIRE— with tough, skid-proof tread Hera is a SI BED SPREAD BARGAIN . . Size: 80x105 inches. Covers bed and pillows. Colors: Blue Rose, Gold * d»-| or Green ... ui HOOK-SIDE GIRDLE . . combination of rayon striped poplin. (ji-j lie-curtain Every Room—at Jubilee Week Savings! Spring Curtains 2 FOR $1.00 Panels, 8 - Pc Joltage, Ruffled and Criss - Cross lets in marqui sette and dotted crim Many col ors, Tubfast. A Sensational Saving on Nationally Advertised Cannon Towels 5 FOR $1.00 Heavy double - loop weave — In white with fancy colored borders. Sizes 20x40 inch es. SAVE! Airline “Lafayette” Licensed By RCA 7 Tubes . . . New! $59.85 No Wonder We're the Largest Retail Radio Distributors in the World: Only SI Down puts this smart radio in your home, fully equipped! Triple Screen-Grid, Tone Control, Dynamic Speaker, Modern cabinet of Walnut and Oriental Wood Veneers! SMALL CARRYING CHARGE Here's a Oreat Value for Ttred People Everywhere'. Fine Inner Spring! $14.95 MATTRESS — .specially priced! Resilient springs in many layers of all-felted cotton. Attractive sateen ticking cover with taped edge. Buy it Dollar Day . . . and SAVE! Hauling 1,760,000 Friends’. New House Frock 69c in gay lloral . prints — summer trimmings. Flare and pleated skirt Sleeveless ur short ■ sleeves. Sires 14 I i to 54. | 3-Pc. Bed Outfit $19.95 i Sturdy METAL i BED with decorr ! ative panels . . . I 99-coil SPRING . 45-lb. roll - edge felt and cotton MATTRESS cov ered with durable art ticking. The Home Comes in for Its Share of Jubilee Savings! Felt Base Rug! $4.74 ’loral and tile ’.signs. Water - oof surface on ?lt base. 9 x 12 t. size. i Spring Sewing Days Ahead: We're Ready with 250,009 yds. o! Colonial Print* 7 YARDS $1.00 Guaranteed Fast COLORS! Dainty floral, dot and check patterns. Buy on Dollar Day! Spring Dresses That Claim First Place in the Easter Wardrobe! $5.99 Jubilee Specials! Be among the first to v ear them: 'lhc new print designs on dark backgrounds . . . the new high shades in flat crepes . . the molded lines, with deep pleats and flares, cowl necklines, interesting sleeves! Some frocks, too, with clever jackets. Models that reflect the smart 5th Avenue styles! And—at this Jubilee Week price, there's another important reason for buying! Women’s and Misses sizes. Montgomery Ward & Co. 139-141 S. LaFAYETTE STREET PHONE 167 SHELBY. N. C. Hundreds Of BargainsfCom e—See—Buy —and Save!_