20,000 People Read Star Want Advs-The Cost Is Small: Resul's Good Hates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size 1 cent per wort) each insertion. This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. FREE MAP OF THE COM plete highway system oi Cleveland county, showing the roads taken over by the state under the new highway law. You can secure one of these Maps 16x17 inchesUy paying $1 or more on sub scription to The Star. tf 4p MR. PARMER BE~3URE~AND see O. E. Ford Co. for your fertilisscr requirements. 3t 16c W A ICR. CLOCK AND JEW ELK x repairing, u Q Oavis. next door to Ef lid's. l appreciate your patron age. targe or small. tf 18c USED AUTO PARTS FINK IRON & METAL CO. Trade Alley. Phone 580. ___ tf-30c COMPLETE RE Babbiting service. See us for all parts. Mauney Auto Parts Co.tfc TRY ‘GARDENGRO’ FOR YOUR lawns, shrubbery and flowers, o. E. Ford Co. will deliver It quickly 3t iOc “nearly two" HUNDR ED users in Cleveland oounty of Gen eral Electric Refrigerators and not one has ever spent one cent for service. Robert C. Hord, Dealer. S. Washington St., Shelby. tf 25c DOES YOUR ROOF Leak? See J. W. Den ton, Hoey Ant., rear Postoffiee. He posi tively guarantees his work. Phone 4-J. "for hay and oats see o e. i Ford Co. St 16c FREE, NEW HIGHWAY map of Cleveland , county showing the 793 miles of tfeadf to be taken over by the state under the new road bill. You can get one of these maps by paying $1 or more on your subscription to The Star, tfp O E. FORD CO. RECOMMENDS digecter tankage for your hogs and chickens. Try it. 3t 16c ONE 1930 NASH COUPE 7aT >350. It*s a bargain at this low price. D. H. Cline, Inc. It I8c FOR ASPHALT ROOFING AND guttering, furnaces and sheet metal work. Smith Roofing Co., opposite Southern Freight Depot, Phone 562-J, Res. Phone 434. 5t lip CALL ON O. E. FOrTi CO. FOR all kinds of farm machinery, wag ons and farm trucks. 3t 16c -ALL STOCKHOLDERS OF BEL- I wood Lighting Co will hold their annual meeting in the school House at Bel wood Friday night, March 20, at 8 o’clock. R. T. Peeler, Secy - Ireas. 2t 16p IF YOU WANT YOUR LAWNS, shrubbery and flowers to thrive fer tilize with “Gardengro," and call D. L. Ford Co. for quick delivery. 3t 16c O E. FORD CO. HAS BEEN selling fertilizer for forty years, and they expect to sell mefre this year than ever. See them. 3fc 16c * PAY $1.00 OR MORE ON subscription to The Star and receive free, the new highway map of Cleveland county. It shows the various types of roads, township lines, towns, large streams and consolidated schools. The map is just out. Get yours now. tf 4p ANY MAKE RADIO REPAIRED. Parts of all makes. Maupey Radio Service, S. Washington St- Phone 518. tf 6c FOR WOOD SAWING, SEE P. P. Stubbs, or telephone 718. lot 25p "rememberTthe New Chevrolet Sixes are the best buys on the market. “It’s wise to choose a Six.” See D. H. Cline, Inc., East Warren Street. lt-18c ~JOHN McARTHURTS~TIN SHOP. It you need a tinner go to McAr thur’s Shop for guttering, roofing and repair work. Opposite James Ttddy’* Shop. at l8p FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM house. Apply C S Young tf 16c THE STAR IS WORTH the price asked—leas than the cost of a 2c postage stamp per issue, but a new highway map showing the 71*3 miles of roads in Cleveland county to be taken over by the state, will be given free to subscrib ers paying $1 or more on sub scription. tf-4p HOMEMADE Kraut Pound „__8 l-3c 3 cans No. 2 Com_25c Jan, 16 ounces ._18c Sweet Potatoes, Kiln Dried, Pound__ 3c No. 2 Pineapple, sliced or / Grated_ 19c No. 2 Blackeye Peas_10c No. 2 can Lima Beans __ 10c No. 2 can Turnip Greens 10c No. 3 Turnip Greens ____ 15c C. H. REINHARDT SOUTH SHELBY 2t-16c JUST RECEIVED A FRESH supply of Garden seed. Loose Leans and com. We have them. See *ja be fore you make garden. Hord and Son Lawndale. 0-16c WANTED: YOUNG MARRIED man, age 24, desires a job of any kind. Experienced clerk or truck driver. Anything appreciated, full or part time. Best references, Box 33, Shelby. 3t I3p CUSTOM HATCHING done, 2c an egg. Bring eggs on Tuesdays. H. McConnell, Fallston Road. tf 27c FOR SALE OR TRADE: ONE milk cow. John Yarbro, Waco. 2t I6p IF yon WERE* DISABLED, AN accident and health policy would help pay the bill. North American Accident Insurance Co., Box 12, Shelby, N. C. \ tf 6c FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM HOUSE on West Warren St, All conven iences. Nat Bowman. tf 4c FOR RENT: SIX-ROOM HOUSE, 415 North Washington St. Immed iate occupancy. Louis M. Hamrick, phone 105. tf 4c CALL 833 AND LEI' US SEND tor your car and Wash or Grease it for 75c each The Auto Inn. next to the Whiteway Dry Cleaners, tf 30c CHILEAN "NITRATE CAN BE bought cheaper from Claude C. Falls, broker, Falston. 6t 11c FOR “PLUMBING and Repairing Phone 329, W. T. Randall. 9t-llc FOR RENT—7 ROOM HOUSE ON Suttle street. Rent, reasonable. S.-e Evans Shull at Shull’s Market, tfc WE THRESH CANE SEED EACH Saturday. Morrison Transfer Co., phone 406. Jt 13c ] MR. FARMER DON’T 1?ORGEr to see O. B. FORD CO. BEFORE you buy your fertilizer.* 3t 16c AT C. B. ELLIOTT’S STORE ON Shelby-Polkville road you can buy Fat Back Meat, lb. .___9c 10 lbs. Sugar ...___EOc 10 lhs. Pinto Bean __50u 38 lb. bag Flour_ *2.45 1 pk-. Seed Irish Potatoes_40c 5 lbs. Coffee_..._55c ' gal gas. 1 qt. oil_..... *110 l pair Men’s Overalls__ 3t;c 3t t3c DAY OLDCHICKS EVERY Tuesday $10.00 per Hundred Started Chicks every day. Suttle Hatchery’. St-16c Week-End Specials 7 O’clock Coffee, fresh ground ___ 10 cents Pinto Beans, 10 lbs. 45 cents Table Syrup, 10 pound Bucket __ 69 cents Bread—12 pan rolls _ 5 cents 24 pan rolls _._u 9 cents Pork Ribs_124 cents Pure Pork Sausage .18 cents C. H. REINHARDT SOUTH SHELBY 2t-18c CALL US “FOR Plumbing- and heat ing, new and remod eling. Repairing done promptly. Modern Heating and Plumb ing Co., Phone 569. tf ' FOR SALE. ' 400 BU. LONG staple cotton seed. Full 1 1-4 Inch staple. Brought a premium of 9c on lb. last year. Price reasonable. T A. Champion, Route 4, Kings Moun tain, N. O. 2t ISp FOR RENT: FURNISHED downstairs bedroom with or without kitchenette. Phone 093 or 348. 3t 18p FOR SALE: ONE NICE LEVEL building lot in West Shelby. Build now while lumber is cheap. See me ,tl you want a good lot at a good ! price. W. J. Hoy. Shelby, Box 597. It 18c WHENEVER™ YOU WANT A good used car, see D. H. Cline, ltc ~JUST~ RECEIVED another car of Seed Oats. D. A. Beam Company. 3t-16c BRAKE LINING At prices you can afford to pay. Mauney Auto Farts Co. tfc FOR SALE: NEW~AUSTtN AU tomobtle. A real buy at $350. We have a complete list of good used cars for your selection. D. H. Cline, Inc. It 18c CYLINDERS RE BORED and honed, o i st o n s and rings. Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc MR. PARMER: YOUR BEST crop Insurance is a good Standard Southern Fertilizer made by Na~ vassa Ouano Co See J. J. Lattl more, Agent tf Me WANTED: ONE THOUSAND TO fifteen hundred dollars, one to three years. First class security. Write "Money” Box 340, Shelby. 2t 18c PLENTY OF BRICK, LIME, Cle ment, etc., at O. E. Ford Co’s. 3t 18c GO TO D. A. Beam’s! for plow shares and landslides. You’ll save money.. 2t-18c 1831 DODGE COUPE, WITH license plate, driven 300 miles. Will sell for $100 off list price. D. H Cllne, Inc. It 18c A New York minister says that Christianity is the only cure for war but the trouble ia in making the other fellow see that he is the one who should turn the other cheek— Miami News. Pershing described the lucky fel lows of the A. E. F. as "engaged In healthy, Interesting exercises in the open air, with simple diet. Sher- j man was wrong; war is health.—The New Yorker. • " This is the time of year when they begin sending you illustrated seed catalogs so that you may see what. the things you planted last year ] Would have looked like If they had come up.—Boston Herald. I ‘Wets’ Favored Through Report Wkkenhun, Read of Commission. Says Mere Comfort For Them Than Dry*. Boston.—Chairman Wicker&ham of the law enforcement commission today Interpreted the commission's prohibition report as holding more comfort for the "wets'’ than ths "d*ys." Re expressed surprise that "the most vehement criticism" had come from anti-prohibition sources, add ing he thought "the ‘wets’ would have derived more encouragement from the report and the separate statements of the commissioners attached to it than the ’dry*.”' The 73-year-old commission chair man Included this statement in a luncheon address before the Boston chamber of commerce, j Hitting out various criticisms of the prohibition report, Wlclcerehsm asserted it was untrue that the commission’s conclusions and rec ommendations “were utterly at var iance with the report.” He denied flatly statements that the dry law study had cost $500,000, or “upwards of $5 a word.” The total amount expended upon It, he said, was $56.95859, addition of overhead expenses leaving the cost below $100,000. The commission technical ly ceases to exist after Julj 1. Discussing reactions to the com mission report, Wlckersham said comments of “the dry press and of dry organisations" had been friend ly. Qontlnuing, he said: “In the past there has been much well founded complaint of the ex treme intolerance of the prohibi tionists. Their peculiar characteris tics of late appear to have been ap propriated bf their opponents. Apl patently a large body of anti-pro hiblttonlsts expected the commission to find a way for them to secure li quor with ease and were enraged BAKING POWDER SAME PRICE forovtr 40 y*°rS //> double acting 25 OUNCES FOR 25* MILLIONS Of BOUNDS USED BY OUR COVERNMENT | when we failed to do so " Wickersham spoke at length upon [the reported "differences’- between the Individual reports of the 11 com missioners and their brief conclu sions. He contended the differences mainly were confined to remedies suggested for recognised ills. -- Examples Of Giving To Christian Schools Donations by Duke and Bryan Re called. Their Generosity Should Be An Example. fBy R L. Bolton) Mr. James B. Duke did much for I the business expansion of No-t.i Carolina. He rejoiced in every for ward movement of the Old North State. The Carolina* challenged him and he poured millions Into there ! states. He had a way of looking at things as they were, weighing the facts, and making his decisions It is exceedingly significant that this man of “big business" saw to leave millions in his will to tlan education. Through his mltllons one of the small church colleges of North Carolina suddenly became one of the richest college* in America j tHis generous donations wm cut tr many directions, old preach *ra and country churches were not totgot ten. “A little Baptist School In South Carolina was handsomely re membered, receiving nearly fct - 1000.000. Mr. William Jenlngs Bryan give $50,000 to a small Christian college In Tennessee just before his d«a*h Dr. Howard Kelly, one at the big four” of Johns Hopkins Medical school. Baltimore, Md. a ony-tc-tan of international reputation, an* a world-wide authority on -adium, has recently accepted a trust* vshlp in the school to which Mr. Bryan gave so generously, A PhD trnn Yala has accepted the headship of the science department. Another Christian school :n Chi cago, has recently come into posses slon erf a very valuable plx* of property on one of the leading streets, through the generosity of a wealthy man who gave wisely. This ‘little Christian school” a low year® ago had little. How It is worth mil lions. We believe that good days arc ahead for the Christian college Men like Mr. Bryan and Mr. Duke 'o‘nt ed the way for wise giving- The South cannot abide without the Christian religion The churches C-Xt or THE CRUCIBLE Of 3 TEARS’ USE COftttS thtf • * w |r w'"*% jk • warranted tree from service expense for three long year*. The simple mechanism it sealed in the gleaming Monitor Top, permanently oiled—safe from air, moistv'e apd dirt. Cabinets are all steel — porcelain -lined—easy to clean — broom-room beneath. Accessible temperature coon 11 plus three rones of cold, meant insane response to every need. At new low prices enjoy General Electric convenience and econo my now. Ufa mi in tka Ganaaal Vattrie NiuMi trandiati Han Ssamaisj Mini, n a nauaa-wtd* N-B.C aituark GENERAL ® ELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR 'aimercl*1 Refrieeratore Electric Water Coolers Electric Milk Coolers Robert C. Hord fOUTHERN REFRIGERATION Charlotte Distributor* and the Christian homes raind have the support of some Cn HUsva schools. Let t.he people ol Shelby and Clev eland county support by {Ohetons donations Bolling Springs junior college and they are but l allowing the example of Mr. Duke. Owj riMi of business. and Mr Bryan the Christian statesman. It Is a ptt-y that the farmer can t make as much money out of a good hog as the city man can out of a blind pig, -Louisville Times. A* we understand the situation the Democrats ar* fighting among themselves to decide whether tliev shall fight among themselves now or later.—Virginian-Pilot, HOSlKKv HOSPITAL, Inc BfMlrll At mm Harmon’* Hemstitching ■Shop (tindei Cboiouie ethogt Hosiery end Hnlttnl Good* Nutty lt*g*lrgd AH «o*» ilttsl n* a.iilnderwt 666 LIQUID *r FADLKTS ure Colds, Headache*, Fever H fi 6 SALVE CURES BABY’S COLD NO OTHER CAR . . PRICED NEAR THE NEW. . . OLDSMOB I LE OFFERS SO. . MANY FINE . CAR FEATURES \\/V TWO-DO OR SEDAN *845 F.O 8. LANSING HAWKINS BROS s. Lafayette street TOOTS AND CASPER- The PrUoner. -—-—-h toots and i HAVE 40T TO 40 POVvfNTOWN, 0EANIE1 WE-LL be. BACK 1 AT FIVE Ft o.k., CASPER.'. h.L keep the. home fires BURNJN41 J 7 PIP You LOCK THE DESK IN YOUR . PEN «=>0 THEY CANT] 'SNOOP through; OUR MAIL./ CAMPER? THEY COULD PRY OPEN MY DESI-C W*TH A HAIR-PIN, TOOTS. BUT l HAVE AN IDEA'. I LL BE BACH in A l MINUTE * n i « v*n*w * r & mi King Ffcatum* Syndicate. Iftc-Crfi tigitam nghtt reserved.^! the THlN