Nobody’s Business CEL McGLE— We Are Laying Our 0»n, Everybody knows of course that my family is in the poultry busi ness My, it's fine to get up pvery morning- and hear several old hens cackling, and several old roosters u-j crowing and a few old mommer hem ciucking around the coops| looking foi their 2 doubtful descend-; ante Well, everything was getting, along fine till one day last weok.j Prom 23 hens, we were gathering up i between 3 and 4 eggs every day. We! had already hatched out 5 settings of eggs, and 8 little chickens were the result of our motherly care of the trusted eggs. But the old lady! informed me that we needed more hens’ nests. I looked around and found a car penter who had been out of work for 3 or 3 months. He condescended* to work for me at $6.00 per day, jrovlded that I would hire his two rephews who were also loafing at a atlsfactory figure. We traded. They y With Buick Syncro Mesh, everybody becomes an expert at silent gear, shifting. You can accel erate faster with Syncro Mesh. And you can shift to second instantly on Keep hills, retaining com plete control of the car. •lOlf AND UP—£. o. b. Flint, Mich. Uu-m* M Hutrp+uUrkf, uuprrsm mtdtb •/mi Bluet S/r,.*,/ Ei***, «,//*. <•«*. nmmrr *w4fm\l J. Lawrence Lackey THE EIGHT AS BUICK PUILDS IT worked. Tliey quit. I fainted. They built H new nests, but all of hens that are laying are all laying in the same nest. Five old huzzies are set ting « single nest on 3 glass eggs. I tried to figger up the items that ran my bill up to $28 85 After checking yie .lob over, I found that here’s what I paid for: Driving 12 nails ..$1.25 Bhoo-lng hens away_ 2.00 Trimming pencils 3.00 Smoking cigarettes_.... .90 Waiting for a scantling 1.00 Time off for lunch__ 3.00 Squaring a 2 by 1 __ 1.00 Picking teeth . 1,75 Tlelng shoes 2.00 Filling pipe _ __4.00 j Sneezing and coughing 2,00 j Whetting saw* ......_ 4.00 i Toting 55 planks _ 180 6 pieces lumber .._ 15.20 I But everything's all right now with the poultry. They seem per fectly happy, especially the roosters. They enjoy scratching all of the excelsior and hay out of the nests and otherwise disturbing the peace and tranquility of the yard. So far I am out only $80.92, and we have, eaten several eggs and 2 hens. A broiler looks very much (at present! like a July breakfast to me. There are thousands of other fools In the country besides us. Imaginary Facts. I have been ftggering consider ably here of late-trying to deter mine Just which classes of our folks are bearing nearly all of the ourdcn of our present republican period of anticipated pros|>erity. Below—you will find a list of the stuff that has not declined In price: 1. Postage stamps. 2. Dollar bills. 3. Freight rates. 4. Taxes. 8. Licenses. 6. Salaries of political employees. 7. Prescriptions. 8. Telephone tolls. 8. Electric light rates. 10. Tobacco and cigarettes, (man ufactured.) 11. Oarage work. 12. Hospital charges. I We cannot of course enumerate | everything that has gone down in [price during the past few months but the following list contains such items as have declined from 5 per cent to 40 per cent. 1 1. Cotton, c 2. Corn. 3. Wheat. 4. Wages of Industrial laborers 8. Cows and hogs, exit beef mar kets. 6. Real estate. 7. Chickens and eggs. 8. Raw tobacco. 9. Frog's legs. 10. Permanent waves CERTIFICATE or OIMSOLIIION. State or North Carolina, Department of States. To All to Whom These presents huv Come —Greeting: Whereas, it ..ppears to my aatlstaeUon, «}• duly authentic* ted record ol the pro ceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stock holders, deposited In my office that the Crawford Chevrolet Company, In corporated, a corporation ot this strte. whose principal office 1* situated in the town of Bhelby, county of Cleveland, state; of north Carolluu (J. R. Cran ford he tug the agent therein and in chutge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has compiled with the requirements o.' chap ter 23, consolidated Statutes, entitled • Corporation*," preliminary to the issuina of thla certificate of dissolution Now therefore, t, J. A. flurtness, eecre ary of state of the state of North Caro lina. do hereby certify that the said eor uoration did. on the #th day ol February, twi, *Ue la ray office a duly executed and attested consent in wilting to (hr dissolution of said cornoration. executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file In my said office as provided by lnvr. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto get by hand and aimed my official seal U Raleigh, this 8th day of February, A. D MMl. J. A. H ARTNESS, Secretary of Btato, It Feb 13c AUMIMSIKATOR'S 'All. By virtue of an order ut the ;u per tor court In special proceeding entitled, J. B. Sills. Adr.. et ill. vs. Hay Moss et el." 1 "d! sejl to the highest bidder et the court House door m Shelby on, Saturday, March '}#. IBM. et l* u clock M, or with In legal hours, the following de scribed real estate: (el Situated In the town of Grover, Be itlnnlng on a largo maple, W. J. Hoes' corner, la Or. Oates line and runs with W. J Moss' line south 3-4 west 1.18 chains to a small maple In his line; thence a new tine aouth 61>Hw west 7 16 chains to a stake ou southwest side of a branch in Oates Hue; thence with his line north % east 4l"4 chains to a store, his corner; thence with another line of his horth a«V* east 6.10 chains to the beginning, containing 11.66 acres. (hi 1.-One-filth undivided toiteraet. of i W W. Moss in the lands of W. A. Moss, ' subject to the life estate of Minnie Moas, .widow, to-wtt: That lot containing 6A, acres, betug lot No. 3 of tlie J. B, Moss land, adjoining lands 9! Mr. Welle, W. J. Moae. Dr. Oates, R. D. Moss and described m deed recorded in book 3-v, page 1(6, 2 Containing 3.» acres, being a part of lot No. 4 of the J. P Moss land, deed re corded in book 3-V, page 1(7. 3. Containing 38 U acres, bounded by lands of George Oates. Anthony Adams Gladden lands, and others, deed record ed la booh 3-V, page 268. all of the olflos of the register for Cleveland county, M. C to) An undivided 1-26 Interest in the lands owned by J. P. Moss at the time of his death. aU being subject to the life es tate of Mrs. P. A. Moss, containing TMg acres, adjoining the lands of Dr. George Oat#* J. Q. Westmoreland, and lot No. 1 and fully described in deed recorded m book 2-D. pagf 392 of the register's of flee for Cleveland county, N. C. Terms of sale; One-half cash on day of sale, balance in aix months. This the :’n>> day of February. 1931 J B KU.UJ. Adiainir 11.lor of W W M< ■■ ■ Fstaifi. * t- I'»U AJ-SJ. «( Fvb "Sn 11. Pea wmp. 12. Haw goobers. So, friends, the farmer and his tenants are shouldering the butt end of the hard times, then corne cotton mill and other Industrial workers, and last, but not least, the business men—who are having to go along without profit—plus the same taxes, wages, rents and neaVly every thing else—that he paid while Hln denburg was battering away at Ver dun—these are the guys who are suffering, and suffering hard. What caused such condition as we have? I say: First, Stock gambling. Second: Installment buying. Third: The tariff bill. Fourth: Public waste, extravagance, graft and fed eral, state, county, city, and school district debts. BUT—(This was writ ten at the request of a man who thinks I'm smart but I alnt'.) Music Pupils At Lattimore Give Recital (Special 10 The Sun.) Lattimore. Mar. Mar 17.—The mil-, sic pupils of Miss Wiloree Calton and Mr. Karl Jordan will give their annual music recital Friday evening March 20th at 8 o'clock In the Lat timore high school auditorium. The program follows: Dolly Dimple—Virginia Green. Joy ous Days—Pauline Hewitt. To You— Jasper Greene La Madonna—Mar tha McBrayer. My Heart Is a Haven —Clyde Oardner. Lavender and Lace—Louise Hamrick. Sunshine of Your Smile—Max Padgette. Daffo dils—Mary Sue Walker. Luxem bourg Gardens—ibtta Jones. Ttosella -James Greene. Ciellto Undo— Ai leen Crowder. Little Blonde Waltz— Montrose Simmons. Home m the Itange—Tom Lattimore. Chimes in the Valley—Julia Hunt. Msdttatlon —Etta Jones. My Mother Bids Me— Annette Blanton. Narcissus—Gene vieve Blanton. Pussy Cat Mine—Mor garet Reynolds Tell Me NoL—Lyman Martin. Stolen Kisses—Aileen Crow der. Sols Bole—Elizabeth Hewitt. Trio—Close of Another Day—Greene Blanton, Crowder. Lo. Now the Dawn—Glee Club. Santa Lucia— Glee club. Good Night Beloved Male Quartet, McGinnis, Padgette, Lattimore, Martin. Dr. Bolton of Hendersonville, who Is now working In Interest of Boil ing Springs Junior college, brought; a very interesting message at the Lattlmore church at the regular preaching hour Sunday morning Mrs. Forrest Crowder and chil dren, Marietta and Forrest Jr., left Friday for a visit to the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hastings of Hiekory, Va. Mrs. Crowder was called home on account of the seri ous illness of her father. Miss Don n Is Gold of Tlkkcry spent Saturday with her sister Mrs L. C. Toms. She was accompanied back to Hickory Sunday after .'.Qon by Misses Katie Mae Torn*. Wll oree Calton. Mrs. Julian DeBerry and Mr. L. C. Ton>s. Dr. Bolton of Hendersonville, and Rev. and Mrs. W. C. lunch of Bod ing Springs were dinner guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. Kail Jordan Miss Katherine Eastep spent the week end at her home in Statesville. . Miss Mada Wilson of Clarempnt, spent the week end with her sister Mrs. Onnie Smith, Mi«s Wilson Was accompanied by Miss Mabel Littii of Claremont. Mrs. Smith and Misses Wilson and Little spent the day Saturday in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Marion D. Blanton from near Cliffside spent Filday night with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Jor dan. \ Mr. and Mrs. Shaw Moore of Shelby, were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Blanton Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Beam of Shel by visited Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hay burn Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Harritl and Miss Candace Rayburn visited Mr and Mrs. Gardie C!tampion at Avondale Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawkins of EXECUTRIX NOTICK. Having ttue day qualified as executrix of the estate of F. K. Gardner, late of Cleveland county. North Carolina, this is u> notify all persons having claims against the sett! estate to pfeeent them to im properly proven on or before toe 33rd duv of February. 1933. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any recovery thereof All persons owing the said eatate will please make Immediate settlement to the undersigned. This Feb. 33rd. 1931. L. CLEMENTINE GARDNER, Route *, Slidby, Executrix of F. N. Gard ner. Estate. St Feb 33p CERTIFICATE OF DWttOLUIION. State of North Carolina Department of Stats. To All to Whom Those Present.* May Come —Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the pro ceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous content of all the stockholders, deposited In my office that, the Colon Light company, a corpora tion of this state, whom principal office Is situated In the town of Shelby, county of Cleveland, state of North Carolina (A. A Mclnttre being the agent therein and tn charae thereof, upon whom process way be served) has compiled with the require ments of chapter 93, Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this certificate of disaolution Now therefore, 1. J. A. Ha vines, secre tary ol state of the state of North Caro Kha. do hereby certify that the said cor Duration did. on the 93rd day of February. 1931. file In my office a duly executed and attested consent tn writing to the dissolu tion of said corporation, executed by a) the stockholders thereof, which said con sent end the record of the proceedings aforesaid arc now on file In my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof. 1 have hereto set my hand sT-rd my official seal at Rs -f.'-Ch. this 23rd day of February, A. Ik -31L 4 A, UARTNESS .Secretary el Suite - — .. — 1 .11 — i ■ii.jinMii.i.Bjsai Hollis spent the day Sunaay with ] Mr. and Mis. Hatcher Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bridges ol Rock Hill, S. C„ spent the day ben day with their grandfather Mr. A. B. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson of Shelby spent the week end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. George; McSwaln. Miss Grace Eades of Shelby, who visited Miss Mary Ada Monroe last week, returned to her home Friday ; She was accompanied by Miss Vlon-i roe, who will spend several days with her. Miss Beaufy McSwaln spent the week end in Shelby a guest of Mrs Nola Cooper. Those calling at the home of Mr and Mrs. George McSwaln Sunday afternoon were as follows: Mr. W. O. Sherar, .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shentr and small sdn Charles, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Smart of Shelby and Messrs Franklin and Freddie Monroe. Miss Audrey McSwaln of near York Is visiting Mr. atid^Mrs. Thur man Blanton. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Horn and chi!- j dien Margaret. Ray. Merial and Jack spent the day Sunday with Ml-, and Mrs. W. C. Harrlll. Messrs Paul Wilson, Ray and ViT- i gil Weathers of the University of N I C. , arrived home Friday night for. the spring holidays. * j Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harrill, Mrs I R. Ij. Hunt and children Julia and j Robert spent Sunday with Mrs. J. 3. Blanton. Dr. R. L. Hunt son Jack, and Mr Ben Gamble visited Mrs Gamble who is taking treatment under aj specialist Sunday. Mr. Chlviis Blanton and childrens of Mooresboro spent Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. T. M.! Poston. Miss Maude Mooreheud who is | teaching at Pallston, spent the week! end at home. The meek may ultimately inherit! the earth, but it's go-getters who] are buying The World.—Weston: I Leader. 'Stomach Agony Headache Gone “My "whole iystem was upset and my head ached constantly," stated i B. C. Driggers, 61 Romney St., Char l leston, S. C. “I was badly constlpat B. C. DRIGGERS cd, subject to dizzy spells, and suf fered agony with stomach trouble. No medicine seemed to help me, un til 1 started taking Sargon, and I felt sluggish and tired all the time. It was amazing how quickly the Sar gon treatment straightened me out1 It fixed my stomach up so that I can etu anything, and Sargon PUls set my liver to working right-~i he constipation disappeared, and thA headaches and dlzsy spells along with It. I feel good all over, with strength and energy far anything.'’ Sold in Shelby by Cleveland Drug Co., in Kings Mountain by Summers Drug Co. uiv EXECUTORS' NOVICE. listing qualified u executors of the • 111 of C. C Hamrick deceased, late of Cleveland county. North Carolina, this la to notify all persons hating claims agatnst the estate of said .deceased to exhibit same Itemised and terlfletl to the undersigned, at Shelby, North Carolina, on ov before the asth day of February, 1931, or this notice trill be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to us of such Indebtedness, this the twth day of February, 1931. F. B. HAMRICK, C. O. HAMRICK, Kxeoutors. Sewton Ik Nacton, Attve. tft Feb "ac ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICK. noting this day qualified as acmtnis tratrlx of the estate ot J O. Jones, do-1 ceased ol Cleveland county, North Cr ro tlna, notice 1* hereby given that nil uer-i sous having claims against the estate o!1 the deceased will present them to me ui { Jhelby, N. C., tor payment on or befou j the 4th day of March. 1931, or this notlci ' will bo pleaded In bar ot any reeo.ery thereof. All persons owing the smtd estate, will please make Immediate Daymen t the undersigned. This March 4th, 1931. ESSIE GREEN. Administratrix cl Estate of J. Y. Jonee. 6t Mch 4» HUimt’S BALE. Onuer and by virtue of the authority j contained In a certain deed at trust give,, to secure an Indebtedness to the South Shelby Building and Loan association, which deed of trust It recorded to book 167 at page 169 in the ouiee of the reg ister ot deeds of Cleveland county', civ undersigned trustee will, on April *ib. 1931, at 3 o'clock p. m. sail at the coon house door in Shelby to the highest bid der for cash to satisfy said tndebtednus the following dcserioed real estate: Beginning at a stake in the west edge of North LaFeyette sireet, comer of loi No. S and runs thence north with said I street -100 feet to a stake; thence south 100 feet to a stake; tbenoe east 191.8 feet to the beginning. Same being that lot conveyed to Samuel H. Burch by Robert U Low men by deed recorded In book 3-E at page 979 in the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county. North Coto 'ma, This March 2nd, 1931. HORACE RSNNRIVT Trustee •» at Mer 4o ——~ - 1 .ggg Man-Sized Job William H Wattis (above), Frear dent of Si* Companies, Inc . which has been awarded the Boulder Dam contract This will be the greatest engineering feat ever undertaken to the United States, ranking sec ond in magnitude onlv to the Pan ama Canal The entire project is estimated to cost a total ol *lGo, •00,000, Mt. Sinai News Of Current Week Surprise Birthday Dinner, Voting People Gather At Mr. Sam Conley’s. (Special to The Star.i Mount Sinai, Mar 17.—The rela tives apd a number of friends slip ped a stirprised birthday dinner on Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunt Sunday. Dinner was served in picnic style. A large number was present and all went away wishing them many more’ happy birthdays. Mr. and Mis. t. R. Putnam and two children, Ezra Lee and Willie, spent the week-end at Mr and Mi’s. Resaw; Putnam of Shelby. Mrs. W. N. Weaver and Miss Della Weaver were guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Weaver of Flint Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hamrick .and family of Sharon spent Satur day night with Mr. and Mrs. Lebron Rogers. Mtoes Vernia Ellis and Emma f,ee Clary were spend-tlie-night guests of Miss Glenn Frazier of Earl Wednesday] Miss Queen Runyans of Earl spent the week-end with Miss Ruth Hunt Mtsses Norine Rollins of Gaffney, S. C.„ Buna Rollins and Mr. Coran Rollins visited Mr. and Mrs. Law ton McSwaln of Earl Sunday aft ernoon. Mr. J. J. Spurlin near Boiling Springs visited Mr. and Mrs. L. R Putnam Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ector Ledbetter and children of Poplar Springs wert guests of the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. W. N. Weaver Tuesday night Mr. John Randall of Dravo ami Mr. Reuben McSwaln were in Spar tanburg on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Padgett and Children of Beaver Dam spent Sun day with relatives in this commun-1 ity. The iollowlng attended a surpris ed party at the home of Miss Glenn Frazier near Earl, from this com munity Wednesday night: Misses ithea Hunt, Nora and Vernla Ellis, ■tuna Rollins and .Emma Lee Clary: Messrs. Andrew, Wayne and Forest Hunt, Hiigh Conley, Elma, T. F„ Jr., and Zaj Bridges, Shafter, Gay find Orvll Putnam find Jessie Clary. On Saturday evening from 7:30 until 10:30 o’clock the young people! of this community ami a lew invit-i ed guests were graciously entertain ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Conley with a farewell party. Mr ! and Mrs. Conley and family who have lived in this community for, everal years are expecting to move in a few days. They will be greatly missed. The guests out of dlls community included Misses Stella, Ruth and Opal Smith; Omellla Wilson of Sharon, and Mr John Borders of McBaryer. Those attending the funeral of Mr. Ben Hughes Sunday at Boiling Springs were Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Putnam and family and Miss Della Weaver. Mrs. S. A. Clary. Miss Rlreamer Clary and Mr. Jessie Clary spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Hamrick of Flint Hill, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Ellis and Aliases Nora and Nell Ellis were din ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs Jim Humphries of Swainvtlle. There Is reported a number of j eases of roseola In our community | Miss Mary C. Clary was the week end guest of her sister. Mrs. Victor; Hamrick and Mr. Hamrick of Flint! Hill Mrs. Dorothy Baber of Shelby and Miss Edna Putnam visited Miss Agnes Weaver In Boiling Springs college Sunday alternuon. Mi-, and Mr;. L. E Weaver ol Gaffney were callers at the home of Mrs J H. Rollins Sunday. * Miss Vernla Ellis spent Sunday with her grandparents Mr and Mrs X. L. McSwatn of Swain vilic Misses Rutli and Rhea Hunt; Messrs. Chas. Herd of Fallston, J G. Ellis and Zay Bridges accompan ied Miss Queen Runyan to her horn near Earl Sunday p. tn. STORE YOUR SWEET POTATOES FOR SAFE KEEPING We are equipped to Dip your Potatoes with the Scientific Solution approved by potato growers everywhere. In the near future we will construct a large potato storage house at Swainsville, N. C. Make your storage reservations now. .See or Write T. L. McSWAIN SWAINSVILLE, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT # WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS FOR CLEVELAND COUNTY FOR THE FAMOUS Willard Batteries Willard Storage Batteries need no introduction. They stand out as, the Superior Battery like a beacon. In comparing Batteries, we usually say* “Is this battery as good as a WILLARD.” STOCK You will always find our stock complete and fresh, so as to recommend the proper size and type to meet your requirements. Service Department OUR BATTERY SERVICE DEPARTMENT is the most complete in this section of the State, being able to service any make and type of battery. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR BATTERY DEPARTMENT. Ideal Service Station -ONE STOP SERVICE J. REID MISENHEIMER, Prop. PHONE 194 SHELBY, N. C. We Have Drummed Up Some Exceptional Values For You This Week 50-LB. ALL COTTON MATTRESS.-_$4.00 2-INCH POSTER IRON BEDS...$3.7$ FOLDING BED SPRINGS ____$1.90 FEATHER PILLOWS, EACH.1..50c A FEW MORE GOOD SELLING V Living Room Suites WITH BEAUTIFUL REVERSIBLE CUSHIONS $35.00 and $30.50 — EVERYTHING AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES — John M. Best Furniture Co. SHELBY’S OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST \ FURNITURE STORE.

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