Wall Preaches At First Baptist Church f CONTINUED PROM PAGE ONE • the past two or three weeks- Mr Easom will finish out three years with the First Baptist church short* ly, while Dr Wall has recently com pleted seven years as pastor. Dur ing these vears the church member ship has steadily grown and now numbers around 1 500 The Sunday school each Sunday morning has an attendance of around 800. During the summer the attendance reaches a, ooo, During the pastorate of Dr. Wall the church plant has been greatly enlarged and the auditorium is one of th ■ large t in this part of the state. The growth of the church fully justifies the enlarged plant which was completed two years ago. The meeting will come ot a close on Easter Sunday, two years after the new plant was used for the first time. Personal Workers, Morning services during the week will be held from 10 to 10:45 in the Young Peop’es’ assembly. At 7:15 each evening four personal workers hands will meet In the departments adjacent the church auditorium These bands embrace the men, wom en, young people and juniors. Even ing preaching services during the revival will begin at. 7:45 . All during the meeting the church auditorium will be kept oi*:n for those who wi h to enter for prayer and meditation. Presiding Elder At Central Church (CONTINUED PROM PAOfc ONE . rect the music at Central Methodist church have had the choir in prac tice for special music at the local meeting and for social Easter music. Woman’s Conference. Early in April thefe will be a woman's ml sion conference meeting at Central Methodist, hence the re vival was held at this date in order to finish up before the coming of 300 or more ladies from all parts of the state. Business Shows Improvement Now (CONTINUED PRoM PAOE ONE • "This week for me has been consid erably better than last week and last week was better than the previous week. Why should that not be en couraging? I am a day behind now on deliveries and the pigk-up eon Penny Column LOST: N. C. AUTO LICENSE NO. 375-824. Finder notify H. Cl. Rich ards, Lawndale. it SOp “FOR SALE TUES DAY, 4 0 0 Leghorn chicks from two year old hens, 10c each. Suttle Hatchery. H20 FOR SALE OR TRADE a DLL T Ford one-ton truck. Good bber. Hugh Bettis, at Eltrd's. lt-2np "~NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Washing and greasing Standard Products and Service. Stanley and Son, Corner LaFayette and Sumter Streets, Phone 642-J. 6t, 20c " AUCTION SALE oiF~FURNI ture Saturday at 3 o'clock in front of court house. One living room suite, two rugs, one floor lamp, ice box, sewing machine, oil stow, kitchen cabinet, odd roakers, tables one vacuum cleaner, one incubator, several other small items. This fur niture will be sold for Just what it will bring, Jones Furniture Com pany. It 20c COMMldKlONLR* SALE OF LAND Under ahd by virtue of an order .of the i superior Court of Cleveland countv. North Carolina, made In the spe'ilal pro-reding entitled. J. C. Newton end Car! Tbomn. j eon. administrators, et nl, vs. Rohte Brackett. J, C. Brackett and others, the underahmed co-'nis^kmer w‘11 on the Hot*' , day of April 18.11. at the court houie doo** In Shelby. N C at 12 oVo-lc M . offer * for sale to the behest bHder for cash | those two lots of lend lv’h** uni b*’n* in ■ No. 6 town-htp. Cleveland county. Shelby North Cefo,<r*n and more particularly de •erlhed as follows Lot No. 1 l.vtu* and bein'* in No 6 townsh'p. Cleve^nd conn*'-. No*'h Caro lina and dercr >v»d as fnVows- Bur»nnfn~ at th* lnter*ect'on of W-st Graham 8* and Mart’n street in the south we s stnv.nre Of the Cltv of 8b«lby. N C and runs > thence e«'t with the north s!d' of w'f<- * Graham street 66 feet to a stake. A P J Weathers corn**: thence wUh Went her r line north 1?5 feet to a st*';e n • ••v ror tier: thence a pew tine west 66 feet to * at**ca in e^'-t e**e of *♦***♦• then**'’ ’ With south of sa’d street south 135 feet to the b''~*n*',n'» and ?.<vrh'i’-n part of lot No. 5 as shown on ulnt in book No. 1. p*»«re 667. m the Wstrv of Clere^ap/i N C . and k"'T a part < of the lot r'Huh was conv ever! to J. B i Crow bv A P Wee*h*rs and wife bv de** - tlat«d M-neh 20:'iw, end recorded In ; book OOO at t)«"» *M and i*onvev«d br J. B. Crow to J. H B'R-VU in book 3-*r at pnee 27R of Cleveland countv rewlatrv j Lot No 2. Tvirvjr and be<ng in number 1 • townsbin. Cleveland county. N. C. Be finn'ng on a stake on the east side o' Martin street in the citv of llhetbe, NT. r the southwest corner of lot sold to W. T Brarkett and runs than oast with W. T Brackett's south line m feet to Self ? line: thence south whh Nelf’s west Poe 46 feet to a ***** Weather*’ corner: thenc* west with We* the?*’ north Pue 67 tf^t re a stake: thence south wHh Weathers’ west line )0 feet to a *t«-lw a **w eor aer: the*»e* w+m, a new line « f^t to a •take, on e**t of Msrt’n street Bke^e yerth w*fh «**d »<*»% ■♦**#* 50 fee* tn h*-*«•*«•*•* r*H » p«**t af i ♦•>** fr, j yv «»<•**v Ott h* t 6 o-n-w eti4 w"* hr r<* COrded m hook d-T et n“-e ***?9 o' r*>'» iatee’s ftff*^* r>* N c Tfct* 6h* ’“‘i* **•>■ n* MAf*h 1A71 I YATW kRtCPFTT, CotP’,n,**,nner H«(?ton * Bwrtou, A ttys. 4t Mch 20c I tinues.” Boyce Dellinger, grocer: "Satur day ol last week was the best ont t have had since October. What more eould be said?" J E. White, Sterehi's: "Our Jan uary bus.ness doubled that of 1930. j and February was approximately : rfple that it last year. Even better i nislness Is anticipated for the spring | months.” Harry S. Cohen, Cohen Brothers: i Our business has gained consist ! ntly since January and Is still raining Spring sun hlne aud op imtsni have driven awav whatever blues that might have existed. We are looking no wto a good business year—not one of wild buying ot fluctuating values, but one of steady buying based upon the wisdom of 'xperience with values coming first of all." 81ml ar comment Is heard along all Shi |by bu iness streets. It Is no xaggeration to say that, a more op timistic feeling prevails now among citizens and business men than In mnny months: ~tory Te’ling Club To Meet Saturday The junior and senior members of the Shakespearian Story Telling clijbs are asked to meet, promptly at 10 o'clock Saturday a. in. The seniors will entertains the juniors. Every old and new member Is urged to be there If pos. lble. It is very Important that every member attend regularly so mater ial for plav work can be given. In June the member who has not missed a story hour vjill receive a prize. Church Service* For The Shelby Circuit Preaching Sunday morn.u? at 11:00, at Sulphur Springs by Kev. J. W. Ingle. Preaching Sunday afternoon at 3:00, at Sharon by pnstor. A cordial welcome will be extend ed to all. Roberts Tabernacle. Roberts Tabernacle C. M. E. church the following service will be held at the above named church at 9:30 a. m. Sunday school at 11 a. m. Dr. E. L. Johnson will preach from a subject ‘The Fatal Mistake'’. At 8 p. m. the pastor's subpect will be "Stone Casting." Window Is Broken. Some time last night prowlers broke a front window In the Z. J. Thompson residence on West Mar ion street. The police department investigated the affair, found tracks on the outside of the house but there was no Indication that the house had been entered. Around Hie Carolina Theatre (With Apologies I'o RENN DRl'M.) Some stirring scenes you will never forget In that mas terpiece, EAST LYNNE. The meeting of Isabel and Levlson on board the conti nent-bound, fog - enveloped boat— The love scene of Isabel and Levinson— The quarrel-— Isabel's fatal fall over a ra vine—It’s a perfect p.cture and a perfect role by the su- j preme star, ANN HARDING. < Read what the New York Dally News had to say about It: “A genuinely heart throb bing story—A lavish produc- - tlon, gorgeously constumed. Bj settings that were the most I beautiful seen in many a I j moon." B! And now we wish to cal! I your attention to that mar P velous picture, "The Mar | Who Came Back " showing to- 1 lay and Saturday Positively I your last chance to see this* ? wonderful production. EXTRA ADDED Attraction * Polly Moran and Marie Dres sier in “Dangerous Females," I Their best short feature to technicolor Comedy. We are again placing at family tickets on sale Satur day. These tickets allow each and every member of the fam- 4 ily (regardless of size) to at tend each change of program I throughout the ENTIRE WEEK. She “Where is East Lynne?* He: “In England I think." She; *'Gee, I hope not ” He: “Why?’’ She: “I want to read it again.” WE THANK VOCJ! date and a Mack 1 New Home Section News Around Casar ! Kpworth league To Meet. Quite A Bit of Sickness. ! Personal*. (Special to The Star.) Casar, March 19 —The Epworth league of New Home church will meet at 7;30 o'clock Sunday even ing Mr. Fred Hull will take charge of the program. There will be sev eral solos. I There lx still quite a bit of sick ness in the community. Mr and Mrs. Willie White and family and also Mr. and Mrs. W. C Richard and family of Hollis spent Sunday with (heir mother who is iow making her home with Mr and Mrs. P. A White. Mrs. C. B. Lindsay and children pent Sunday with Mrs. J tt. Price. Mr. and Mrs. Carmle Ledford oj Morgan ton spent the week-end with heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cook Mr. Rabble Newton Is seriously ill at this writing with a cut. leg Mr. and Mrs. Clem Workman; spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Odus Walls. Mr J. T. Logan and children spent Sunday with his father Mr. A. T Logan. Asheville Rankers Make Their Bonds Asheville, March 10.—Wr.'ace B. Davis, president of the Central O ourities compnny and the Central I --—---, j dank and Crust company wot witn j William D. Harris, vice president t and treasurer of the securities con | jcrn, was indicted Tuesday oy a [ federal grand Jury at Shelby on [charges of using the United States malls to defraud and consDiring to use the mails to defraud, mad" bond in the amount of $10 000 in the office of the clerk of the U. 8. llstrict court here Thursday. The bond which was Signed by B. G. Grtndstaff, was posted before a deputy clerk in the absence o* J. Y. Jordan Sr,, clerk Of the court, who was out of the city attending the March federal term at Shelby. Mr. Harris furnished bond of $10, 000 before Vonno L. Gudger, U S. commissioner. The paper was sign ed by Prank S. Smith and Mr. and Mrs P. M. Weaver. Both bonds were made to secure appearance oi the defendants,^ the May term of fed eral court In Asheville, and no pre liminary hearings of any Kind will be held, Commissioner Gudger said Collection Income Tax Much Behind Raleigh, Maych 20.—Current in come tax collections to date during this fiscal years are running slight ly less than a million dollars Vnind those of the last fiscal year ' hrougn March 18, but owing to heavy col lection of back taxes the State’s to tal revenue from this source is onlv about $600,000 behind that of lart year, according to figures made puo Uc by State Revenue Commissioner A. J. Maxwell. RENDER'S — 2 STORES — North LaFayette Street South Washington Street PINTO BEANS 6 Pounds .. RICE — 6 Pounds NBC CAKES 5c Pkgs. - 6 for OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 4 For .. .. OCTAGON SOAP - Regular Size - 7 for OCTAGON SOAP -- Large - Each. PICNICS — Pound . SWIFT’S PREMIUM HAM — Pound. SUGAR 100 lb. Bag ... Sc 15c $4.70 FAT BACKS — Pound.. LIMA BEANS — Large - Pound .... 19*2 ios PRESERVES — Honey Dew - 2 lb. Jar... 27c 1 POUND PRINCESS ANNE SAUSAGE 25c And Get One Package Gold Medal Pancake Flour FREE. BREAD - Pan Loaf £2 J. C. Penney Co. ... DEPARTMENT-STORE New Spring FasMons and Accessories ... Prove that smartness is atwvays inexpensive •••if you shop her el New Spring Coats 14.75 *4/75 _ • Costs this Spring pay portfcOte attention to collar and csf treatment . , . brood mo% scarves—and smarts tBt ti mrs— caffs The materials an aoA ! woolens ... and the prices com I stderably lower than job wool# (have paid a year ago I Novelty Anklet* for Children Plain and Fancy Styles 19C Fair Wash Suits 98c Button-on, flapper, sleevelet* *nd sport models. Many ser viceable fabrics... smart spring colors. Boys1 Longies vkh smart trim lines that boys want $149 ■wm snn adup » timtj irons i jaUJ sou'woq kSuiirn* pat-Mf fo ujsnojj jprw q»m of USt|| SJOftA silk to the Picot Top! No. 455 Chiffon Stockings $1.29Pair A year ago, priced at $1.49! That’s a real saving on these good-looking hose I Pure silk from toe to top, with mercerized backing in toe and sole. Full-fashioned, of course, with the new curved cradle sole and French heel. In the smart new shades for Spring. No. 444 Stockings Remarkable value at year ago, 98c Sheer enough to be smart—* heavy enough to be serviceable I Pure silk leg. mercerized top and sole. Full-fashioned. Mac's Caps 98c Same Quality $US a Year Ago! Outstanding rahie m smartly styled twists aad cassimcrca, *OK THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS *14*75 buys an up-to-the-minute Spring Suit Here fs a lot of real clothing raltie for the money There is a big selection of fabrics from which to choose, in cluding worsteds in the newer color ings of spring. Comparable Quality Would Have Coat $5.00 More a Year Ago Boys’ 4-Piece Suits 37.90 Coat and vest with 2 golf knickers, or 2 lcmgies, or 1 golf knicker and 1 longie. Fab rics include cassimeres. twists and worst —light and me dium shaucs. Spring Dresses Bright Colon New Prints $9.90 Smart new styles . , . tad » ceftmal vainest Each aoe at them dresses would have told for two or three dollars more • rear ago B« tort to at* them JA185D22 Women’s Lambskin Slip-on 61o?«i Remarkable Values 1.98 Mr Peal-Arch One-Strap A siipper yon can wear any* where m smart comfort la or brown fad. $4*98 Sea Sand Kid Delightful for Its smart sim plicity, this strap slipper is' marked for favor I «4-98 ‘Penl-Arch’ Model A storarng combination of lea •and and brown kid . . with arch support comfort! $4.93 4 White R14 Pomp If yon prefer lower heels, you'll choose this model to wear with tight frocks' $3.?3

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