Nobody’s Business CEE McGEE—• the Clark family tree Jhon Clarke started the Clark fnmily tree when he ascended from england and married Julie smith on the mayflower which landed at Ply mouth rock and they had 4 off springs, visscly: jhon, jtm, Julie. Jr , and a pair of twins which dide with the hives ansolorth. the first limb to start off was Jim who married a girl from the south and him and her had 7 or 8 off springs which moved to georgy and took up farming and from them, my ann cestors sprung and started the hob Clark limb which had t> twigs as followers: dude, hide, -scud, dud. bud and mud. dude left georgy far texas one night onner count of a horse and was never saw afterwards and his limb will hatter be left off. hide got killed befoar he rot married by calling a man a lie who waid ;>80 pounds and scud married salltp Jenkins and she quit him befoar annybody was born to them and HOSIERv IIOSIMTAU Inc (Of Charlotte N <: » fir\nrh At Mrs. HarmoA> ilc'mftt.Itching !Sh«p (Ufiilrr (.'tiOhMitU! Shoo) Hosiery iwrt Kitittrtl timid? NrsUj li«04ire«l 4tl Hn« Musi Be 0*unri«*fllud. itching, protruding or bleed in* Piles without testing the ncwenfe ana fastest acting treatment out. Hr, Klxon’s Chtnnrotd, fortified with raro, Imported Chinese Herb, with amexlng power to reduce swollen tissues, brings esse and comfort in A few minutes, enabling; you to worlc and enjoy life while It continues ltd soothing, heeling action. Don't da isy. Act In time to avoid a danger ous end costly operation. Try Dr. Mixon's Chlnsrotd under our guar antee to satisfy completely end he {Worth 100 times the aniaU coet nr Jour money bacH. BOTTLE'S DRUG STORE "YOU"1 SAVE! IN BUYINC BAKING IW POWDER You uv« in tiling KC.Um LESS then o( blgli priced brand*. PRlCfi ** FOR OVIR ^ een dead two bays and nights, "came to life" Sunday in her coffin thereby escaping burial alive by three hours. A physician said (he young wo man Miss Acuna Castillo. lUffftrcc : from a case ot prolonged catalepsy j The family and friends of the wo- ' man had neared the end of a period of mourning when she moved her arms and head nnd opened her tightly closed Ups. tn a quiet v dec she said: ‘'Please give me a glass of water.” Most of us Won't . be contented with our lot till It's a lot more - Arkansas Gavotte. EXECUTRIX N NOTICE. Having fj ha lifted as **Hecutrtx ot the cp ate of Sarah Witherspoon. deceased o\ 'Ivvilutifi comity. North f’urofina this* if o notify ait pertoox-'having ciituns again* the said estate to present same to nv • roptirlv verified on or before the t3th lav of February, 13^2. or this notice wii he pleaded tn bar ot any recovery thereof All ntirron.H owina the sale! estate wll oleaire make immediate settlement to th< undereiKned This February n. 1931 Wll.UK WITHKR3POON. Rxecutrl> of Estate of Sarah Witherspoon de ceased. M U Weather* Mt.v. «t Feb I3r No. 1 township Surprise Birthday For Frank Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bridges Have New Son. (Special to The Star.i No. 1 Township, Mar. 19 Mr Frank Bailey was given a surprise : birthday dinner Sunday. A largo1 Lots of propie are against Prohibi tion because it doesn’t work, while I others are against it because it' works too well.—Dallas News. “I caught, my husband playing i kiss-in-the-ring,” said a woman in cotirt recently. Many a husband has! been cought by this method.—Pass ing Show. NOtICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina. Cleveland County. In the Superior Court. Virginia C Wells. Plaintiff v*. \lvln Wells. Defendant The deiendant Alvin Wells will take no tice that an action, us above styled. has nmi rommenced tn the superior court ol Cleveland county, ol which Shelby ts the county real, wherein the plaintiff putt on., for ah absolute divorce from the de* endant named, on statutory grounds; and aid Alvin Wells, defendant, will lal;< loitre that he ts required to appear at the ourt house In said city, county and state md at. the office of the clerk of superior ourt thereof on or before tht 30th day ol Mar.. A D., 1931, and answer or demur to the petition herein or that the -plaintiff w ill ipply at term time for the relief demand <1 m said petition and complaint. I his ,0th day of February. 1931. W. 8. Beam. Attorney for Plaintiff. It Feb 20c Of Week A. M HAMRICK. Cleric Superior Court. For Best Results Use SCO-CO SPECIAL FLOWER, GARDEN AND LAWN MIXTURE. ITS BETTER AND CHEAPER. SOLD IN 200 lb.; 100 lb.; 50 lb* 10 lb. Package. THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. Phone 577 — Shelby, N. C. n*WMCkwral«l ConmmrtM* &Wtol«t-fr»Jinl at Cmmt Motor* Consider what yon get for what yon pay Today, ffpetlilly. It la wIm to consider ruefully just what you get for.every dollar you pay. Be certain that the automobile you buy represents the latest standard of motor ear value. Quality never cost leas than it does in the new Chevrolet SU. And in the long run, quality makes a big differ ence in the satisfaction you get out of the money you spend for an automobile. New Low Price*—Roadster, $175; Sport Roadster with rumble seat, $195; Phaeton, $510; Standard Coupe, $535; Coach or Standard Fht-Window Coupe, $545; Sport Coupe (rumble seat), $575; Fire-Passenger Coupe, $595; Convertible Cabriolet, $615; Standard Sedan, $635; t Special Sedan or Convertible Landau Phaeton, $650. Prices f. o, b. Flint, Mich. Special equipment extra. Low deliveaed prices and easy terms. NEW CHEVROLET SIX The t -at American Value Stw Yonr Dottier Below C*!NE,|p-. Sh V,M. C. ALSO DEALERS IN CHEVROLET SIX-CYLINT1FR TRUCKS. J.1S5 to IMS. I. o. b. FHnt. MIcKknn .rowel was present and enjoy, d the bountiful dinner which was served In picnic style. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Byars visited relatives in Converse, s. C, Satur day, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hawltlhs vis ited Mr. and MrS. Furman Jolley near Ellenboro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jolliy were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs. Wofford Hicks of the it ace - path community. Mr. aiid Mrs. Herman Byars spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs ihli McCraw of Gaffney, S. C, Miss Wilbur Earl was the ruesdey night guest of Miss May me Sari. Mr and Mrs, Willie Byars '. ad as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs Dick Holland and children and Mi: Ola Christie and children ail of Con verse. Those calling at the home if Earl Bridges Saturday were Mr. ar.c,i Mrs. Darie Martin of Shelby, Mrs J D. Byars. Mrs. Tlirtmer Humphries. Mrs Robert McCraw, Mrs. Grigg H tmph He* and Mrs. George Humphres. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lester are vis iting Mi and Mrs. Shelly vfcOraw, of Grassy Pond community Mr and Mrs. Earl Bridges ire the proud parents of a little son, bom March 12. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Hamrick have moved from this community to their home which they recently pur chased near Gaffney, S. C. A large crowd enjoyed a 'Inglrv? at Camp Creek church Tuesday night. HOME OWNED STORES cn J s o U 7) a Ld z £ o uj s 0 1 tk. quality Food •kelvei MjKei iKj tk* that fill Mi proverbial And th* end it* convenience •ervice km)! for •tOrf youri Flour Snow King Baking Powder “ 23c Pillsbury’s Pancake Flour,pig. Have Pancakes for Breakfast Tomorrow—Make the Best With Pillsbury’ “True Fruit Flavors” Mi-Gel 2 Pkgs. ... .... 15c SAUER’S FINE Extracts 2 SMALL Q r BOTTLES LtD C LARGE BOTTLE 25c WATAUGA 2 NO. 21 CANS staI.ev s blue label SYRUP 5 l(vn 39c LIPTON'S Delicious! o 10c Satisfying! CKOS. Refreshing! KRAUT GREEN BEANS - large can ... 15c Linford BAKING POWDER Lb. Can . 28c ~ JUMBO reanut Butter Lb. Jar .. ..... ...... 25c ~CL EEN^M A D E SPAGHETTI, NOODLES OR Macaroni 3 Pkgs..25c DIAMOND 10 MATCHES - 3 boxes . 10c BLU-KROSS Toilet Tissue - 3 rolls .. 23c FRENCH’S MUSTARD - 2 jars .. 25c FI LL CREAM CHEESE Lb. 21c fancy eating • APPLES - Don. ......... 25c CRISP ICEHERG LETTUCE - Head .. . Sc FANCY UREAKFAST BACON Lb. . 34c FANCY CORN — Can . 10c SAUSAGE MEAT — 2 lb. can . 25c CALIFORNIA EVAPORATED PEACHES - 2 lbs. . .. . 25c r.a G.Ldry.Saap “The World’s p. Largest Selling / Laundry Soap” 1 cakes 2ic SUTER SUDS PERFECT SUDS IN A HURRY! Pkg. 9c Palmolive Soap Recommended Bv lundreds Of Great Beauty Experts! 3 cakes 23c SHELBY 3—20—31 HOME OWNED STORES turn G § n G £ W h a c/> O n ci