SOCIETY NEWS MRS. RENN DRUM. Editor. Telephone Hie Star No. 4-J Each Morning 3 To 12 O'clock Mrs. Drum can no reached at her home. Phono 713, afternoon and nights IN THE THIRTIES Because my subtle body glows with flame ns kenc as youth, Because I smooth men's vanity while giving them some truth, The young men seek my kisses and my words, and woo me well-* But howr those young men bore me. no mortal tongue can tell. Old loves have made me passionate, old sorrows made me kind; I am tolerant and subtle, and wise of heart and mind, And years of setvtng beauty have touched me with their grace— And the young men entertain me with the latest commonplace! I wish you girls would come and take your boys away with you. Or even my long practiced tack may suddenly break through, And some Inane young egoist a* strutting at my door May hear plain truths about himself he never heard before. flub Announcement Error Corrected. Correction Is to bo made in the announcement of the American homes department of the Woman’s club as made In the lost Issue. This meeting will be held on Monday aft* emoon at 3:30, but with a miscel laneous program and with Mrs. J. L. McDowell, Mrs. John McClurd nnd Mrs. Reid Young as Joint hostesses Any member who may be unable to attend Is requested to notify the hostesses. Regular Meeting Of Mule And Arts. A regular meeting of th« music anti arts division of the Woman’s club was held on Wednesday after noon at the club room with Mes dames Oscar Suttle and P. C. Gard ner as hostesses. After a business meeting a brief program was ren dered. Mrs. Esley Pendleton read a paper on "Percival Leonard Ros seau,” Mrs. Jimmy Blanton read a paper on “Alice- R. Huger Smith,” and Mrs. Charles Williams read a paper on ’’Elliott Dangerfield." A social half hour was enjoyed during which the hostesses served sandwiches and tea. Mr*. Gerald Morgan Entertains Club. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs Gerald Morgan was a cordial host ess to members of the Tuesday aft ernoon bridge club and a few Invit ed guests. Three tables were arrang ed in the spacious living room and bridge was played during the after noon. Mrs, Shem Blackley received the award for high score and Mrs Herbert Champion won the low score prise. Mrs. Morgan was assist ed by Mrs. B. O. Stephenson In serv ing a salad course with sweets. Those playing were: Mrs. Black ley, Mrs. Champion, Mrs. Stephen son, Mrs. Oliver Anthony, Mrs R. W. Morris. Mrs. Ed McCurry, Mrs. Brevard Henneasa, Mrs. Paul Webb. Jr., Mrs. Renn Drum, Mrs. Frank Kendall, Miss Isabelle Hoey and Mrs. D. Z. Newton. Contemporary Hook Club To llavr Meeting. Mrs. Ilobert Hord will entertain members of the Contemporary book club at ft regailaa meeting: at. her home on S. DeKaib street on Tues day afternoon at, 4 o’clock. Mrs. niauton Is Club Hostess. Mrs. George Blanton was u grac ious hostess to members of the Thursday Afternoon club yesterday afternoon at her home on W. Mar lon street. The rooms were deco rated with a variety of spring flow ers and bridge was played at three tables during the afternoon Mrs. Joseph, of Spartanburg, mother of Mrs. Tom Lattimore, was a guest Of the club on this occasion. Mrs. Blanton was assisted by Miss Caroline Blanton and Mrs. J. D Llneberger In serving a salad course _ ________ Mrs. I.ovelace I* Hostess To Clubs. Mrs, Grady Lovelace was hostess at a lovely party on Wednesday aft ernoon when she entertained mem bers of the Cecelia music club and the Ishpetdng literary club jointly at a social meeting. The rooms were might with spring flowers and ! bridge was played during the after noon at ten tables. Easter tallies were used and the Ea ter idea was carried out on the refreshment plates. Mrs. Lovelace was assisted by Mrs. John Lovelace. Mrs. A. Pitt Beam, | Mrs. Aaron Quinn, Mrs. Elarl Ham rick and Mrs. J. H. Quinn In serv ing creamed chicken with .acces sories. Ilerent Banquet For Basketball Team. Last Friday evening at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. H. Clay Cox mem bers of tiie Cracker Jack and Lucky Thirteen clubs entertained at a ban quet in honor of the basketball boys High school teachers and principal were also among the guests. The high school colors, gold and black, were used In decoraitng the banquet room. A delicious plate dinner was served. Miss Mary Llnebcrger acted as toast mis tress. After the banquet the guest* went to the home of Miss Annie Ruth Dellinger where dancing and pro gressive conversation were enjoyed during the remainder of the even ing. Punch was served during the evening. Meeting Of First Afternoon Division. The first afternoon division of the Woman's club held a special meet ing at the club room on lust Friday afternoon, with the entire division acting as hostesses to other mem bers of the Woman's club. The main feature of the program was a talk cn Parliamentary Law given by Judge B. T. Falls. A group ol two songs was rendered by Messrs. Hor ace Easorn, Mai Spangler, Howard Gold, Dr. II. S. Plaster, Mr. Bow ling and Dr. B. M. Jarrett with Mrs. Plaster os accompanist. Dr. Plaster played a violin solo with Mrs. Plas ter accompanying, and Miss Min Tomorrow WILL BE A GREAT DAY AT THE BANKRUPT JEWELRY SALE In The Store Next To A. V. WRAY’S (Abernethy’s Old Stand) DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AT ONE BIG SACRIFICE. YOUNG'S SHELBY’S LEADING JEWELER nie Eddlns Roberts contributed 8 piano solo. Miss Carobet Lever con cluded the program by giving a reading. Mesdames John McCliyd, May nard Washburn, W. E. Crowder and Evans Shull served simple refresh ments. First Afternoon Division Meets On Thursday afternoon at the club room Mesdamcs Roscoe . Lutz, J. C, Newton, Dennis Beam and Mix* Laura Cornwell were hostesses at an interesting meeting of the first afternoon division of the Woman's CluB. Mrs W. E, Crowder was lead er for the afternoon, The first number on the program was a piano solo played by Miss Mildred Earl Mrs. Alger Hamrick read a paper written by Mrs, W. H. Jennings on "County, or County Group Hospi tals for North Carolina.” A paper on "County, or County-Group Homes for the Poor” was read by Miss Nora Cornwell. Little Miss Jessie O'Shields gave two attractive readings, and n third paper was read by Mrs. G 8 Dellinger on "A State System of Port Terminals and Water Transportation." Miss Aileen Webb concluded the program with a piano solo. The hostesses served simple re freshments. Interesting Meeting Of Evening Division. On Thursday evening Miss Ettalle Moses and Mrs. Doyce Dellinger graciously entertained members of the evening division of the Woman's club, entertaining at the pretty home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hud son on. W. Marlon street. During n business meeting the following com mittees were appointed: Program committee: Miss Isabelle Hoey, Miss Elizabeth Alexander and Mrs. Low ery Suttle; nominating committee: Mrs. Ceph Blanton, Mrs. Mary E. Yarborough and Miss Maytrie Caba nlss. Mrs. Ben Suttle opened the pro gram by singing, ''There Is a Green Hill Par Away.” She was accompan ied by Miss Mary Helen Lattimore. Mrs. Lowery Suttle was in charge of the program and the subject was "Easter Morning in a Carolina Town.” Interesting papers on dif ferent phases of the Moravian serv i ice at Winston-Salem each Easter I were read by Miss Oeland Wash burn, Mrs. Roy Newman, Miss Eliz abeth Roberts and Miss Elizabeth Alexander. The program was con cluded with a piano solo, "Pantasle lmpromtu" by Chopin, played by Miss Mary Helen Lattimore. Miss Flossie Grice and Mrs. Hugh Jolly were added to the roll as new members. A social half hour was enjoyed during which simple refreshments were served. Mew House Section Personal Mention Miss Ituth Walker Entertains. Sev eral People Sick. Training School Closes. (Special to The Star.) March 19.—Farmers In this sec tion are very busy plowing. House wives are also busy in gardens planting vegetables In order to live at-home. The Ii. Y. P. U. training school | -closed last Friday night. Tests; were taken, after which all unions'; gathered downstairs where a social - period was enjoyed. 'Miss Ruth Walker very delight- j fully entertained with a party Sat urday at the home of her parents, ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker, honoring Miss Sara Harrill of Ellenboro who was the week-end guest at the Wal ker home. Games and conversation were indulged in until a late hour Mr. D. G. Davis who lias been stele, is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs, Duran Brooks vis ited Mr. and Mrs. n. C. Greene Sun day. Mrs. Thomas Doty of the Dobbins community Is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs, Crayton Hawkins and Mr. Hawkins. Miss Belle Walker spent the law ter part of last week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc Kinney of near Ellenboro. Miss Dorcas Walker has returned homo* from the Shelby hospital and continues to Improve. Little Miss Dell Mauney Gold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gold, who 13s in a plaster paris cast for a dislocated hip Is reported to be getting along nicely. | Miss Vashtie Philbeck who has I been sick for the last two weeks . with neuritis Is Improving slowly. Mrs. J. A. Greene continues about j the. same. j Mr. and Mrs. J. P Walker enter , tained with dinner Sunday honor | ing Miss Pauline Hamrick of Mnt J thews. Covers were laid for the fol lowing: Miss Hamrick. Misses Sara Harrlll, of Ellenboro, Mae Hamrick I of Hollis, Vernle and Ruth Walker, | Mrs. Ed Walker and Messrs. Mark Funderburg of Matthews, Elmo and Ed Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Crayton Hawkins and Mrs. Thomas Doty spent Tues day in Shelby with Mr. and Mrs. Fay Doty. Mr. Stough A. Davis ts sick and In bed at this writing, with high blood pressure, Mr. Ed Walker has been on the sick list this week but is improved at present. Mrs. h. S. Jenkins has also been on the sick list. She too is improv ed. i Mrs. C. C. Brooks of Charleston, Extraordinary VALUES SATURDAY AND MONDAY STREET DRESSES, DINNER DRESSES, SUNDAY NIGHT DRESSES in wonderful sheer and service materials— chiffons, crepes and prints— $9.95 DRESSES THAT CANNOT BE EQUALLED —from manufacturers of national favor. $5.00 JUST RECEIVED 10 DOZEN WIRTHMOR DRESSES in prints that are new for Spring 1931— $1.00 20 DOZEN HOSE SUB-STAND ARD— (Not Imperfect) All the newest Spring shades—Silk from top to toe—full fashioned. SPECIAL AT $1.00 REGULARLY SELL FOR $1.95. J. C. McNeely Co., Inc. 3. C. is spending some time with her Jarents, Bey. and Mrs. J. D. Brid ies. Mrs. George Cubanlss and baby. 3etty Walker, have returned to their" loine in the Cabunlss -section after spending sometime with Mr. and Mrs. D. Walker Double Springs News Gleanings II. S. Students Conduct Services. Personal Items Of Interest. ;Special to The Star.) Double Springs, Mar. 1.0,—We cure very glad to have representa ives from Boiling Springs Junior :oliege with us last. Sunday. Mr iCnox, a young ministerial student jreached tor us and Jliss Philbeck dso gave a most interesting talk. 3pedal music was furnished by girls. Misses Nettle Jones. Reba Davis, Mary Lou Lee, Reba Moore, Vela Jovington, Kathleen and Edna 3-riffin and Lois Brooks spent Sun lay with Misses Annie and Faithe Davis. Miss Selma Davis of Boiling ■a Springs Junior college accompanied by little Miss Ella McNeal Jenkins of Boiling Springs spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. W. S. Davis. Miss Eliza Brooks visited her sis ter, Mrs. Fred/Grigg last Monday. Mr, and Mrs. J, D. )Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Brooks, Mrs. Jap Lee and children, Miss Patln Hamrick and Mr. Bate Bridges spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Plato Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Will Brooks visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Brooks Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Broadus McSwain and Mr. and Mrs. Schienfan Mc S\uain visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Brooks Sunday. The many friends of Mrs. B. Cub aniss will be sorry to learn she has been very sick. We hope she soon recovers. Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Carpenter and children, Gladys and Garland, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawkins Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawkins and Miss Bertha were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. M. Brooks Sunday. Misses Francis Cabaniss and Ar melia Bracket visited Misses Vernia and Susan Brooks Sunday. Miss Alda Hawkins spent Sunday with Mrs. Sammie Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cabaniss of Lattimore visited Mrs. E. E. Caba nlss Sunday. Mrs. Harlie Wright and children of Shelby visited the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bridges Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Cletus McSWain and. Mr. and Mrs. Will Brooks visited Mr J ■and Mrs. Broy Brooks Sunday. Messrs. Pine Withrow, Baxter Scruggs and Val Elliott Of Hollis were welcome B. Y. P. U. visitors! Sunday night. Mrs. Hubert Prior and children j visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Will McCraw last week. Mrs. B. B. Moore and Miss Reba i had *ds their dinner guests Thurs-1 day: Mesdames J. D Lee, Broy Brooks. Grady Brooks, Jap Lee, Lane Brooks, Miss Mary Lou Lee, Master Jennings Brooks, Phillip and Gene Lee. Master Marshall Brooks visited Master Elmo Cabanlss Sunday. Miss Vernia Brooks visited Miss Annie Davis Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Brooks spent! last Week with their son, Mr. Sam-j mie Brooks and Mrs. Brooks. Mrs. C. R. Bankhead and civil-1 dren, Charles and Sarah and Eu- j gene Washburn, visited Mrs. Floyd Greene and children Tuesday after-! noon. LUeTiave a stqle YOU'LL LIKE Friendly Fiv« Shoe* are made In 68 styles. Correct shoes for every occasion. A type for every Individual. All five do! lare. Come in and select yours. . STOCK No. 316 The TEXAN Cohen Bros. FRJENDLY FIVE Shoes AAAAtoEEEE 5 3 TO 15 New Frocks $4.95 .95 $14.95 JUST ABOUT HALF PRICES PAID A YEAR AGO When you see the styles and examine the quality of materials of the new numbers received during the week you will be puzzled. Spring Coats $9.95 $14.95 $24.50 A Beautiful Spring Coat is here for you at the price you are able to pay. WE ARE ALWAYS GLAD TO SHOW YOU WITH OUT ANT OBLIGATIONS TO BUY,

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