Toluca And Knob Creek Gleanings t Special to Tile Siii. ■ Toluca, Mar w.—Tin junior B Y, P, U. at'darjk'ntct.') drove enjoy ed a picnic oh (op ol Carpenters; Knob on last Saturday. Those acini? acre Misses Ink and ' .Cathleen I’ropst, Thomas and Odell bustle*1, | C'orcne Seogie, Margaret Ilayic, Ed na and Etta Shoup, Tcxie and Ag nes M os tells, Yates and Grady Car penter, Jacob Vickers, Ivason Bea gle, Earl and Donald Propst, Junior Melvin and James Connor, Joe IXufl man. Joe Z. Cook, Charlie 3arj*n ter. It was sponsored by J. M, Car?' penter. The children, relatives and friend, gathered at the. home of Mr. ant Mrs. Ellis Hallman on last Sunday and gave Mr. Hallman a big dinner RAOUL WALSHS % MAN WHOCAMf BACK They're together again Gaynor and Farrell, those romantic co-stars— more lovable, more magnetic than ever before as the boy and girl w ho refound themselves in each others love. I ¥ ms. PICTURE Today & Saturday CAROLINA lOc & 25c in honor * of his 59th birthday A large crowd was present with r v table full of good eats, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sam re ■•err' last Sunday at the home of his -, ter Mr, and Mrs. Wet In Costner o' Double Shoals. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hudson o: Hickory, visited their grandfather | Mr. S. D. .Sain on last Sunday aft- ; ernoon. Miss Ilene Bingham .spent Satur day night with Miss Inez Props! Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Willis or j Catawba county spent last Sunday I at the home of Mrs. Will sisttr. j Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Huffman. Mr. and Mr: Howard Sam spen ! last Sunday with Ml-. ah l Mrs j Blaln Willis of Lincoln count/. Master .foe Pones,t Mull of Shel -J hy apent the week end with i grand-parents Mr. nod Mr A T, ‘ Mull. Rev. W. G. Camp was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs 1 S. T, Carpenter on last Slindav | Mr. and Mrs. B G. Yarboro and family motored to Morganton on last Sunday and spent the day at the home of his brother, Mr end Mrs. c. G. Yarboro. Mr. A. P. Carpenter returned to i the home of his eon Mr, Lmh Car penter of Valdese lost week when ■ he Is nu king hir home tt present j Miss Grace Sain of Hickory spent the week end with Miss Mittle Slin. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hartman visited at the home of Mrs. Hurt man’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mis John London of Rockdale last Sun day p. m. Miss Ora Sain of Morganlon spent the week end with her paren1 Mr and Mrs. J. L. Sain. Miss Ima Carpenter of BoUirif Springs jr., college accompanied by Miss Kate: Cart 'Miter spent ate we.k end at Iter hern1 Mr. rkiehi .s :in spent last M tit day night at i.e iiome of Bis sir r Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Deal of Rockdale Misses Ima and Kate •' npeot er were Shelby shoppera on fast So* - urda'y. Miss Mary Lee Lul.y of Be! Wood spent Tuesday night, will: Miss Ruth Costner. Says Duke Is Giving Back What Is Due Charges That Fortune Amassed bj Duke Belongs to Tobacco Farmers. Columbia. 8, C.—The, Duke !V - er company in its program n bene volence in South Carolina, in aiding hospitals and other ins'itutici.j. has not been giving anything' to i South Carolina. It has simply paid back money it got from the people, said IV. R. Bradford, of York, in de fending in the house the proposed power tax The bill was discussed up and down through a long < venlng session. Mr. Bradford referred to the statement made here recently by W S. liee of the Duke Power company that if the power tax bill is made law the Duke company will have io withdraw from Us charity pv.rfram, He declared he regards Mr. Leo highly. A fine man, he characteriasij hint, but Ills company has been merely giving back money it :ook out of this state. The Duke inter ests, Mr. Bedford said, have bought tobacco from our farmers at p ’• y.'? too low. They have made big ;n >r>ey off our farmers. The power money j for hospitals is merly being given back. Some iieople, at.-least, are Red merely because they're green.-—Nash ville Banner. ADMINISTRATORS NOTH.'!, llaving Qualified ss the administrator* ci th# estate of Mrs U C. P. Hamrick, necrosed, late of Cleveland county. North; Carolina, this is to notify oil persons saving claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under lined at Bhelby, N C., on or before the mh ftav ot February, 19.12. or this notice will be pleaded In liar of their recover; All persons Indebted to said estate olll alease make immediate pojment. '.nils February 3«b. 1931 r Cl HAMRICK and MRS. F. O WEAVER. Adnuntstrumrs of tlie Estate of Mrs t C P. Hamrick, deceased JUO P Mull, Alt; . #t Frb 37c AUMIMO THATM Vs NOTIC E. Having Qualified as . administratrix of .ho estate ol Tom Vaughn, deceased, late sf Cleveland county, North Carolina, tins IS to notify all person* having claims against the estate1 of uie said deceased to exhibit them, proper! united to the undersigned on or before February 13 1932, or this notice will be pleaded In bar af their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This February Vi. tgji. JULIE VAUGHN, Administratrix Of Tom Vaughn, deceased. M. R, Weathers, Atty. 6t Feb 13c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as udihlms rator ot the estate of Edesste McSwatn ate ot CLeyeland county. North Carolina ,his ts to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present then. ,o me properly proven on or before the 16tb day of February 1933, or tilts notice #111 tie pleaded In bar of any recovery .hereof. All persons owing the said estate *111 please make Immediate settlement to lie undersigned. Tills Feb 28th. 1931, THURFTON MeSWAJN, R-l. Blacks burg 8 C. administrator of Edes.ue Me Aw a in. «t 1 a.'o| Getting Up Nights If Getting: Up Nights, Unclench*, Troquent day calls. Log Pains, Nerv lusncss, or Burning', due to function; il Bladder Irritation, in acid comli .Ions, makes you feel tired, depressed :nd discouraged, try the Cysts* Test, dforka fast, starts circulating thru :he system in 15 minutes. Praised by houestuls for rapid end positive ac* Ion. Don't give up. TryCystcx (pro ounced Btss-texl today, under the r hi-Clad Guarantee, Must quickly liny these condition*, improve rest ut sleep and energy, or money back. Jnly SOc at SOTOfS DRUG STORE Store Hours Saturday 8:00 A. M. to 9.00 P. M. Saturday—hist day of Golden Arrow Jubilee Week! Last day of the six* day drive for 1,700,000 new customers. And what a drive it has been. But our organization was ready! Our merchandise—our values—our service facilities—and our salespeople were keyed to the joh as never before in Ward history'. Of course—to induce 1.700,000 customers to come to shop in' Ward’s stores this week—WE HAVE BEEN OFFERING MANY SPE CIAL OUTSTANDING BARGAINS. These values remain on sale tomor row_THE LAST DAY OF THE DRIVE. To these new customers who have become Ward customers during this event, we pledge our utmost in Value-giving and satisfaction. COME—SEE—BUY—and SAVE! SAT URDAY IS THE LAST DAY'. 41 - Golden Arrow Special Beginning Tomorrow -and Continuing vor a Limited lime Only— SHOES FOR BOYS & GIRLS CROWING GIRLS’ PATENT ONE TRAP with center buckle. Solid lea ther soles; nature shape last. Sizes 2V.r to 7. BOYS’ BLACK CALF OXFORD . itli oak leather Goodyear welt soles :uetaj heel clickers. Sizes 1 to 6. Misses’ One-Straps, Only $1.00 Smart one-strap pump in black patent leather with renter buckle. Solid leather sole and inner sole Sizes 11’ • to tr. Spring Dresses That Claim First Place in the Easter Wardrobe! $5.99 Jubilee Specials! among the first to wear them! Tin new print designs on dark backgrounds , , the new high shades in fiat crepes . . the molded lines, with deep pleats and flares, cowl necklines, interesting ■•'eeves! Some frocks, too, with clever jackets. Models that reflect the smart 5tiv Avenue styles! And—at this Jubilee Week price, there's another important reason for buying! Women’s and Misses size Spring Coats In the Rough Woolens So Smart For Easter! $11.00 All Specially Priced They herald Spring with their smart bell ed waistlines, clever sleeves, iabric scarv es. The basket weaves, sports tweeds, and wool crepes are the newest fabrics and they come in black, navy and two-tons ) mixtures. See them in this specially plan- ■ ned. specially priced showing Jubilee ' Week! Women's and Misses’ sizes fi.*■>•*•* Airline “Lafayette Licensed By RCA 7 Tubes . . , New! $59.85 No \Vomit r We're the Retail Radio Distributors in the World! Only $5 00 Down puts this smart radio in your home fully equipped! Triple Screen-Grid, Tone Control Dynamic Speaker. Modern cabinet of Walnut an t Oriental Wood Ve neers! $1.73 WF.EKKLV SMALL CARRYING CHARGL A JUBILEE SPECIAL! 3 Piece Suite $5 Down, Small Carrying ( hargr $69.50 A»¥ (toll, I 1 si.75 Weekly Here's owe of the most outstanding furniture values of Jubilee Week! The extra long Davenport and the unusually hign Button back Chair are beautifully upholstered in soft-toned Jacquard velour. The reversible cushions come in multi-colored tapestry or all-over Jacquard mcquctte. If you need a new Suite for the Living room you will find this a WONDERFULL OPPORTUN ITY to SA VE! A SPECIAL VALUE! 3 Piece Suite $59.50 Paif Only I $1.75 Weekly So Down, Small Carrying Charge Only the Last Day of Jubilee Week could bring such an out standing value! Full size Bed . . . spacious Chest . . . with a choice of the graceful Vanity or the beautiful Dresser. In com bination walnut, with two-tone Oriental wood fronts; decorative mnple overlays. You may have your choice of either framed cr i 1 Venetian mirrors. • Sprint Sewin? Di;i Ahead! We’re Ready rfTth 250,0*0 Kde. e Colonial Prints YARD 15c Guarantee® Fast COLORS! Dainty floral, do* aod check patterns. Buy on Dollar Day! Volume BoTing rover Brings This Great Value' 5-Pc. Linen Set $1.00 Jubilee Weak Luncheon Set in white or with col ored borders Cloth 52x82 inf 4 napkins. Large 20x40 IncK Cannon Towel* 3 FOR 50c Heavy double - loop weave — in white with fancy colored borders. See for fouSett These sUndlnc Jubilee Values: Rayon Lingerie! j t FOB $1.00 Bloomers, Step * Ins, Vests, Pant* ies! Of run-re sistant rayon. Lace-trimmed & tailored styles. Smart New Styles Direct | From New York to Yo« j NEW SPRING HATS $1.00 They’re new — They’re staple they’re differ ent — they are exclusive. Beau tifully styled. ■ These Must Be Good Values'. We Sold 6,000,000 Pairs ;n 1930 Men’s Work Shoes $2.39 Mahogany re-tan uppers, oax leath er soles, leather heels. Riveted re inforcements. The Home Comes in lor lie Share of Jubilee Savings: Felt Base Rug! $4.74 ’loral and tile ?slgns. Water - -oo! surface or <?H base. • x li t. stae. Montgomery Ward & Co. 139-141 S. LaFAYETTE STREET PHONE 167 SHELBY. N. C. — -tt;// pienty of Splendid Values! Buy and SA VE2■ 1;.

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