Warning! DISEASE And GERMS. LURK IN (IMPROPER CLEANING) Be Certain Your Clothes Are Dry Cleaned by An Approved Method. THE SAFEST WAY Is To Send Your Garments To A Reputable Cleaner . . . One Who Is Responsible. He Charges You NO MORE Than You Would Pay For The Cheapest Kind Of Cleaning. TRY US! THE WHITEWAY “QUALITY” CLEANERS — DYERS — PHONE 105 — -CASH & CARRY OR DELIVERY SERVICE POULTRY. CAR AT Seaboard Depot MARCH 25. The Following Cash Prices will be Paid Heavy Hens .... 18c Leghorn Hens.. 15c Colored Broilers, 2 lb. and up ... 30c Colored Broilers, Under 2 lb. and Leghorns .....25c Roosters ... 9c Ducks and Geese .....8c Capons, 7 Pounds and up.23c Capons, under 7 pounds . 20c SEABOARD FARMERS MUTUAL EXCHANGE By B. AUSTELL, President R. W. SHOFFNER, County Agent Webb Theatre NOW PLAYING “Abraham Lincoln11 The Wonder Picture of the Century. Big ger and Better than “The Itirth Of A Na tion. Liberty Magazine gives it 4 Stars. Every School Boy and Girl Should See This Picture. Personally Directed By D. W. Griffith. — CLIP THIS COUPON — And 15c Will Admit One Adult To See “Abraham Lincoln.” 10c and 25c — CLIP THIS COUPON — And 5c Will Admit One School Child Under 10 Years Old To See “Abraham Lincoln.” — COMING THURSDAY — JOAN CRAWFORD In “DANCE FOOLS, DANCE” See The Pick Of The Pictures At Webb Theatre i LOCAL and* i • PERSONAL News Mr. W. S. Beam spent the week end in Asheville as guest of Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Beam. Mrs. W. J. Walker and Miss Mar tha Walker, of Four Deposit. Md.. are visiting Mr. anil Mrs. U. II. Wal jkcr on S. DeKalb street. Mr. and Mrs. Horlo Bridges an nounce the birth of a daughter at their home on March 30. Mrs. S. E. Hoey and Mr. Ralph! Hoey attended the funeral of Mv. | Joe Wadsworth In Charlotte on Sat-j i urday. Mrs. Wadsworth Is a niece of j l Mrs. Hoey’s. i Miss Emily Spivey, of the. Rock Hill, S. C„ high school faculty, spent the week-end here visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Costner, of the Shelby mill village, announce the birth of a daughter at their home on Marcli 18. Mrs. E. G. Byers and little daugh ter, Lucille, of Marion, spent the day here Saturday at the home of Mrs. D. A. Wliisonant. They were accompanied home on Saturday aft ernoon by Miss Ruth Whisonant who will be their guest for several days. Friends of Mrs. Julia Abernetliv, i who is spending some time here with her daughter, Mrs. B. L. Smith, will be distressed to know that she fell last Wednesday evening and suffered rather painful injuries. She is reported as resting more comfort ably today. Mrs. L. B. Abernethy, of Gastonia, arrived here yesterday to spend a few days at the home of Capt. and Mrs. B. L. Smith. Miss Ruth Laughridge, of Queens Chicora college at Charlotte, spent the week-end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Laugh ridge. Miss Ouida Mundy, Miss Ettahe1 Messes and Mrs. Lowery Suttle spent the day in Charlotte on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Webb and their son, Billy Webb, spent the week end in Thoniasriil e visiting rela tives. Mr. peFay Costner from the Ce cil Business college, Asheville, sprat last week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Plato Costner of Beams Mill. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Higgins and little daughter, Martha, of Spar tanburg, spent Sunday night with Dr. Higgins’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Higgins in Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Higgins visit ed Mrs. Higgins’ brother, Mr. W. N. Boggs, In north Iredell Sunday. Aj two-inch snow fell In that section during the day. Mr. and Mrs. John Shannonhcuse are in Richmond where Mr. Shan nonhouse is taking treatment in a hospital. Mrs. Lowery Austell and Infant] daughter were able to leave the hos pital and return to their home at Patterson Springs on Saturday. Mrs. James C. Matthal and baby left the hospital to return to their home yesterday. • ] Mrs. E. F. Wilier and little son, Bilk of Charlotte, arrived here this morning to spend several days as the guest of Miss Ouida Mundy. The many friends of Mr. J. J. Mc Murry, sr., who was quite ill in Flor ida last week, will be happy to learn that a report from him yesterday was to the effect that he is much, improved. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Dellinger, of Cherryville, were here yesterday afternoon to visit the latter’s moth er. Mrs. Julia Abernethy, at the home of Capt. and Mrs. B. L. Smith. Mrs. Abernethy is in bed recovering from a fall which she suffered last week. Mrs. Mamie Crews, who has been in the hospital for the past few weeks undergoing treatment, is some what better today. Miss Ella Lipscomb spent the day in Greenville with friends yesterday.1 Miss Sara Little underwent an operation in the Galfpcy hospital last week and is recovering nicely. Mrs, A. C. farmer, Mrs. H, E. Rich * bourg and Mr. Louis Rlchbourg went to Gaffney ye.iterday after noon to pay her a visit. Mrs. L. E. Ligop has been in the Shelby hospital for the past week where she Is undergoing treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Hennessa of Charlotte spent the week-end here with Mrs. P. L. Hennessa at her home on W. Marion street. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Beam an nounce the birth of a daughter Mildred Bettis, at the Shelbv hospi tal on Saturday morning Miss Margaret Lee, who >\ is criti cally ill last week with diphtheria and scarlet fever Is reported as much improved rnd hope 1j now held out for her recovery. Mrs. George Rlchbourg and chil dren, of Statesville, are spending this week with Mrs. Ulchbourg's patents. Mr. and Mrs. Green near Lattlmore. Miss Lois Turner has recently en tered the Appalachian Hall, at Asheville, tor trahiins. Mrs, Hackett 0. W.bon and daughter, Carolyn, have returned from Kent, Ohio, where they spent a month with Mrs. Wilson’s parents. At The Theaters Probably the mast vitally inter esting and sensationally dramatic offering of the silver screen so far! this year is "East Lynne," with the! internationally cast including Ann Harding, Conrad Nagel, Clive Brook, Beryl Mercer and Cecilia Loftus, Tlie cast hi itself Would suggest rare entertainment. As a story that boasts thirty dramatic scenes Fast Lynne is a picture that is really worth your time to sec. Carolina theatre today and Tuesday. Fortunate for students of history and admirers of "Honest Abe" Is the new picture at the Webb thea tre today and tomorrow—"Abraham Lincoln,” starring Walter Huston, of “Gentlemen of the Press” fame. The peculiar phase of Lincoln’s charac ter when he was frightened away from the prospect of marriage to Mary Todd is revealed in IJ W. Griffith’s United Artist production. Huston, in ills portrayal of Lincoln, is assisted by Una Merkel. Shelby has long awaited the coming of this picture. Buy Lespedeza. Nearly 7,000 pounds 61 iespedcza Snd grass seed has been ordered by Cumberland county farmers this season In starting new pastures and for hay and soil Improvement. New Milk plant. The Guilford Co-operative Dairy association delivered, milk through their own co-operative plant for the first time on Saturday, March C. Pool Fertilizer. Fertilizers for this season’s crops are being purchased for cash through a cooperative pool by Alle ghany county farmers. The attitude of congress on the bonus is that 4,000,000 votes can’t be wrong.—Dallas News. Penny Column FOR RENT TO MARRIED COlT ple: Four rooms with privilege of kitchen and bath. \V. V. Weathers, phone 264, South DeKalb St. 3t 23p WE HAVE THREE good eleven hundred pound mules for sale. Doggett & Lackey, Shelby, N. C. 2t-23c LOST—ONE SMALL FE MALE hound. White and! black spots. Answers to name of Spot. L. A. Philips and W. B. Foster, Shelby, Box 514 on collar. Reward for informa tion or dog. W. B. Foster, ltp LET US TRADE you a new set of Atlas tires guaranteed for 12 months. Liberal al lowance for your old tires. Doggett & Lack ey, Shelby, N. C. 2te FOUND: SHRINE PIN. APPLY at Star office, identify and pay for this ad. It 23p IF YOUR OLD BAT TERY is w e a k we will trade you a new one and take in your old one at a fair price. Doggett & Lackey, Shelby, N. C. 2t-23c LOST: FORD AUTO NUMBER 378-578 and tire carrier. Notify J. B. Williams, 917 S. LaFayette street. It 23p SOME GOOD MOD EL A Fords and Chev rolets at real bargain prices. Doggett And Lackey, Used Car Dealers, Shelby N. O. 2t-23c Should a Widower Abandon His Three Children ToMarry a Widow Who Doesn’t Want’Em? I Editor Star An unknown friend of m:»n via | i train wliat lie writes, one of! yours, wishes to profit by my ex- j pcrience through your psncr. Fot | lits sake, I give him the dope, rnb | joct to your approval. I with-hnld my name for- the same purpose that he did his. His letter reads: My Very Dear-• Realizing that you have ta **>n oyer the road that I am thinking of trav eling. I wish that you would give nw your best advice through Tl.e Star. I am mre The Star will gisdly do this if you will only be so kind bs to write the letter. Here t am, a widower, three lots, a sweetheart that I love more flux, life itself. But before she will nnury me, I must give up my kids. Shed says she only wants me, and will ! not take my kids. I can't lira with-' out her, so please tell me what ij am to do. Your friend, In Troubie i Answer; My friend, you may be in trouble, and it looks like to me you ure about to get In something worse than trouble. I can not understand wiry yon picked me to rail on. I think you .should have taken this up with Dorothy Dix. > Well if you can't live without her, cs you sajv the only thing I can tec for you to do is to let some one have your children and go marry her. But remember, my boy, these kid, are your own blood and flesh, and I am afraid when you lay down at | night to sleep you’ll hear their cries for daddy, and that you will spend many, many restless nights tossing to-and-fro, longing for them, Too,! at Christmas time you will want to remember them with a little sift, land when yo udon’t I'm afraid that sweet little darling of yours will be jealous and your love nest will go to pieces. There are thousand? of, things that’s going to come up that you axe not expecting*And m the ' first place this woman don t love ; you, if She did she could not ask , you to part with your own blood and I flesh, For my part I wouldn't marry her j if she would agree to take the kids. Now tliat she has already showed her dislike for them, your tvnr.e could not be nothing only a h — on | earth. So if I'm your friend take my advice and lay off of her, and T don’t believe* VA give you bad ad vice, if I'd say all of 'em. P. S. I think you owe me your name. Don’t you? Please remit. Early Bird Grabs The Worm And Job Woodruff.—V. Fowler, a carpen ter, believes that the early bird catches the worm. Walking into a store operated by i C. G. Edwards, he applied for the job of repairing a roof on a tenant house belonging to Mr. Edwards. “There’s nothing the matter with j that roof,” said Mr. Edwards. ‘•yes there is,” said the carpen ter. “It is burning off right now and the city firemen are extinguishing the blaze. Soon as they get out of1 the way, I can begin putting a new one back." He got the job. i OPEN ON SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN —And Miniature Golf Is Part Of The Spring Fever. Last Summers’ golf fans will again be at their favorite rendezvous .., getting the same old thrill, trying to get back the same old skill. It’s fun and it’s fascinating to play Pater Pan Golf. We’ll have a formal opening in just a few days. Wean while, come along and get in training for the happy days and nights that Peter Pan Golf will gjve you. 18 Holes of Healthful Recreation Single Round 20c Two Rounds 35c Three Rounds 50c PETER PAN GOLF COURSE - OPEN DAY AND NIGHT - New Bern Is To Establish Fund New Bern. March 22.—Craven, county physicians have recommend - ed that the city of New Bern and county of Craven each appropriate $t25 a month for a proposed Hos pital Charity loan fund for the use of needy hospital cases in St. Luktt hospital here, rather than go In with Pamlico, .Jones and Onslow counties In the establishment of a I four-county hospital near here. j No. 1 Township News Of Week Irthur Kirkendoll Weds Mias Bertha , Thrift. Personal Mention. (.Special to The Star.) Mrs. J. A. Anthony and little J. lighter, Martha Louis, spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Mr. Monroe Bell near Grover. Mr. Charles McCurry spent the j week-end 'with relatives at Biastside. Arnold and Bonnie MeSwain spent Sunday night with their uncle of Beams Mill. Little Howard Lemons of Patter son spent Tuesday afternoon with his sister, Miss A. G. Lemons. Mr. and Mrs. J P. Olover of Pat-! terson spent Sunday with their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Glover. I Mrs. Ollle Goforth of Rutherford - ton spent Sunday and Monday night i with her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. 3. Anthony. Mr, Joe Eaker motored to Morgan tan on business last Tuesday. Miss Mary Hambright of Shelby visited her grandparents Sunday. Messrs. Carl and Bill McSwaln of Beams Mill spent Saturday night with their uncle, Mr. John Mc Swain. Mr. and Mis. John Browning and children and Mrs. Prank Browning and Mr. Prank Glover Of Shelby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrr. Smalley. Mrs. Geneva Glover and little son spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. T. J. Glover. Mr. Arthur Klrkendoll and MUs Bertha Thrift were married Satur day March 14 at Gaffney, B. C. Their many friends wish them a long and happy life. They are mak ing their home with the groom'a parents. The birthday dinner which waa at the hpme of Mr. and Mrs. P. M Thrift Sunday was largely attend ed. Oyster Supper At Northbrook No. 3 The Daughters of America May flower council will serve an oyster supper at North Brook No. 3 sehocl building Wednesday night, Mareh 25. Two short plays will be rendered. Ail kinds of refreshments will be for sole. Two quilts will be sold at auc tion. which have ben pieced and Quilted by the ladies of the council. It Pay* To Advertise NEW DIAMONDS $5 $10 $15 $25 i ! r They Sparkle Like Value.; Thak .Cost Three Times As Much. All set in IS-karat white gokl itiotmuiii;.'. Another sln-ewd purchase by I lain rick ^ makes this opportunity for you. If you can’t come to tiie store, yet your order in the mail as early as you possibly can, for the number of diamonds in each price range is limited. T. W. HAMRICK CO* — JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS Quality Cleaned DRESSES Look Better They are cleaned by the latest improved clari fying system of 650 gallons capacity. This system enables us to keep clean, pure cleaning solvent at all times. IT’S THE CLEANING THAT COUNTS IN DRY CLEANING. Here you pay for only satisfactory dry clean ing. TRY US. Quality Cleaners NEXT TO CITY CAFE — S. LaFAYETTE STREET SHELBY, N. C. We Believe In WEARING MORE COTTON BECAUSE 90% OF CLEVE LAND COUNTY’S 5 2,107 “ PEOPLE ARE DEPENDENT IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER UPON COTTON. First National Bank WE GROW a - MANUFACTURE ( ATT All LET’S WEAR VUIIUU

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