Democrats May Leader* Bcltrve They Will llr Milt To Dlrerl House Legislation And l.leel ( ninnvlltrr ( hafrmcn Democrats arc now convinced IV..d | they are going to Ih' nblp to organ- | tee the next house, elect the e "in-i in it ter chairmen, and direct 1 lion. Representative E W. Pou, ot : the fourth district. Is ahioiiu; ’.hose , who are confident It-will work cadf this way and. in such eventual Till; Pou will no tr the head of tie very powerful'rules committee. Mr. ) fmi ha hern a member of rules ‘or ‘.:o year1, serving ns chairman o. a couple Of year.- diitilip ihe v tr c. war period 'Possibility of control of the house f try flip Democrats is of sometime more than ncadefnlc interest,'tn the.! firs* place it P likely that demands'; tor a special session will grow In j volume There are not only t he preh-; Inns rrowinc, out of unemployment hnd tov Jarin .prices, condition that,| vonltn'ic to le.icl to much human; '-utter.,m 'ml •■since gentlemen ‘touted the idea that the jiresl.lcnt,S will call congress into ri special ms-1 non there lies .developed the i i tamfy or a treasury deficit >,itch as Jisis not been observed in the last .clerade It is interesting:, therefore tins question of who is to run Tittup; v hen members do return to Warh . tngton 1 Strange as 11 may seem, the 15am . omits really desire control Of the 1 oiise. although such responslbi' t v is apt to prove a liability tn the er.d But parly lenders desire to place a program before the country ,a sort ih pint terra oh which they can 'and during the next presidential rp n palgn This may be found difficult ■of ae.hU.v nrent-, hence the liability Democratic members, before pre senting to the country a program for popular approval, would :trtK have to agree among themselves’. Control Washington, Mure it 23, ■ Miist Lutheran Meeting At Kings Mountain Hii' Southern district of the Lutheran Brotherhood will hold a mcifiiB at Saint ..Matthews, church. KiiiKs Mountain. Sunday, March 9, tw ginning id 3 p m W, A. Uiden hour will read the scripture. S. A Mauney will offer prayer. utter which A. F. Cline will deliver an ad dress oti Brotherhood and Church Finances,” W H. McGinnis will de liver an address on the * Spirit of Loyalty Penny Column AUCTION SAt.K OP FURNITURE Saturday at 2:30 in front of court house. He there, we may have just what you want at Just, what you are willing to pin Jones .Furniture..Co, 2t 25c ~roil" Sale~*gehman police pups. Cun be seen at IXHnjett'-s Serv ice Station 2t 25c J LOST~tN.SHELBY TUESDAY, poeketbook containing bills and .cither money Reward for return to Star office it- 25c 32 Physicians Report Findings On New Sargon So it markable have been. the re sults accomplished by Sargon fn helping restore health to counties.! thousands ot i >eopie that U u mg the past 30 days alone 32 leading phy sician.? have broken the rule of a life-tune and have come out. openly and publicly to give it their nn pm’, ified endorsement. So startling have been the reports. In many thousands of eases t.ha se lected physicians in principal cities were expressly retained: to studv the S argon formula and report their findings so that "the public might know the whole truth. Outstanding among the nunitet »re: Dr. P. K. Drummond, plant phj - | Sudan for the Ford Motor company, Detroit, for 12 years. Dr. C. J. Roberts, Philadelphia — Examining Physician lor the Penn alyv&nia Railroad for 26 years Dr. W. L. Mair—Graduate McOVU i University Faculty of Medictne. Men treal—Medical Examiner for Sear - Roebuck, Detroit. Dr. G. YVarburton—1Graduate fe-i mous Bellevue hospital medical cel ■ lege. New York. jr Dr, Eugene Perkins—Physician for Western Electric company, Pella If delphia f Dr W. W. Kern—Examining Phy sician for New York Life Insurance r . Company—and many other-, | Hi order that the public inav re ceive the full benefit ol the rrtvee | of these well-known physicians, * their reports will be published in ' . tater issues of this paper, rne sfate tr^nents of physicians of sttch 5-rtnid lng are perhaps Without precedent. Study their reports and profit by | their advice. | Sold by Cleveland Drug Company sy In Shelby and Summers Drug Co to Kings Mountain. 4d Gardner Opposes Sale, Luxury Taxef * CONTI Nt IflJ FKOM I'AOK ONIi.) damentaih unsound in principle, and ! should Incorporate It into the rew-1 nue system of the state. "If assuredly offers no average n lief for llie uveiage property Owner tt relieve' 'ownership! of property is well above the aver- j age and gathers from those who are below the average or who own no property at alt I am unalterably op- ! posed to the principle ot taxation, and to any legislative program that, [did. U necessary to sustain It, ' In speaking of the luxury sales ax plan, which has been mentioned in connection. with the school sup (Orl. Clove) nor Gardner said: "The came reasons that condemn i general sales tux have lh(ir ap* ’ plication to the selection of article. if common use among the whole > Kxl.v of citizenship of the state, and [he designation of Mich articles as luxuries It seems to nie a narrow [•oiTipichf listen of the subject to di - .Ignate such article, us luxuries" Did Not Support .MiicUun Mill Governor Gardner said it wise generally understood tie did not iu nui'Hge the passage pi the MacLean dll, add, ‘ I hope It is equally us Weil itriderstopd that. I did not discour .ige its passage.” "I did not encourage its passage. - He said, because I did not know 01 any means by which tins tremen dous additional obligation could hi provided. ■‘X did not discourage the passag. of the MacLeod bill because I\ en tertained us much anxiety ns any] member of this general assembly to | lighten the burden of property luxa tton in the state, and if this general assembly could, within the realm of reasonable taxation, find the reve nue to sustain (lie RtaoLean bill, J was ready to give my Tull support of it." ; l earnestly hope that no sates t-»X in any form wilt be imposed , on tlic people of North Carolina.'' the governor.said.''"And I therefore rec ommend that much ol the purpose ol the. MacLean bill as cannot be carried out without a sales tax be eliminated from its scope and pur pose." He cited the road law and the es tablishment of the local government eomission as major land tax reduc tion issues passed by the assembly. He estimated these measures will bring about a state-wide average re duction in the ad valorem tax of 411 cents on the $100 valuation. Two Revivals On; Good Congregations "OM'lNI'tl' IHOM PAUB ONK.t :he church. One of tire outstanding incidents of the Central services was the response Sunday to the service by parents after Hev Mr. Hayes ex pressed the dire need of a more pirltual, companionable life In the homes of the community. lfev. W, R. Jenkins and his con gregations at La Fayette street and Eaststde are lending their support to the services by regular atteud anee. Hap 11st Services. nit' Burning Heart of Paul, was llie subject of-,Rev Dr. Zeno Wall, In the revival .servlee, at the First Baptist .church. Monday evening. Speaking of the piiasioh of Paul in bringing ■ th«? message of the Cruci fied arid risen Christ to his own people. Dr. Wall made an earnest hid fervent appeal to his own peo ple here to accept the Saviour of mankind. At the close of the serv ice several came forward In answer to the appeal. Dr Wall used as Ills subject last night, “What Then Will Ye Do With Jesus, Which is Called the Christ?” Eh*. declared that Jesus Is on trial now and that; each one is the judge. Closing the message, he reminded the large audience that some day Jesus will lie the judge of every in dividual, all of whom will stand be lore the judgment bar of God. Sev I'tal came forward bust night and united with the church in response to the invitation. Tlie morning services have grown in interest and pttetidance each morning Dr. Wall spoke Monday morning on “A'k and Ye Shall Re tcive.’ The attendance outgrew the young peoples' assembly auditorium and was moved to the church audi torium. Tuesday moi ning the sub ject. was “Take Away the Stone.' Every Christian was asked to remove any hindrance or obstacle which may keep the holy spirit from vis iting every heart, and which might prevent the revival from reachim. any lost person in the community. Hundreds of people are attending these revival services. Large congre gations have been present at each service. Each morning at 10 o'clock, each evening at 7:45 o'clock services are, held at the church. The audi torium is open each day from morn ing until evening for continuous prayer. . Large numbers of people | have been going to the auditorium leach day. At 7:15 o'clock each even ing the group meetings are held ior the men, women, intermediate young people and juniors. A splendid feature of the meetings is the music under the direction of Mr, Horace Easom. Two hwgc rhorus chofrs are leading the congregational singing and several special numbers are heard at each service The pub lic is invited to all services. The meeting will go on through next week. Wrecked Sealer of Filming Expedition :•» «*•'•*.*(■.*■* «*•< A blast which wrecked the sealing ship Viking in • the ice floes off Newfoundland resulted in an un determined death roll und several others marooned on the treacherous ice floes off White Island, The film company on board the Viking was headed by Varick Frisscll, a Vale graduate and nephew of Covemor Pinchot of Pennsylvania, who is among | the missing. Upper right shows a picture taken last year, when Frisseli’a expedition for an Arctic movie was struggling across breaking ice. (Lower left) The ill-fated Viking hemmed in by ice. Map shows the location of the sealer Viking at the time j of the blast disaster. The sealer sank instantly. t I Luxury Tax On Articles Used By Common Man Is A Tax On Poverty PROM PAUt OMI ' property Of any general asoembfy In the history of North Carolina . . , And without Imposing anew burden of nine or ten million dollars in the form of a sales tax on the backs and stomachs of two and one-half million of our people who through adversity, poverty and misfortune [have never been able to own a home or possess a tract of land. "For a six year period the Increase in property taxes In North Carolina has averaged four and one-half mil lion dollars (per year) One year the tax Increase on property was eight million dollars. Enact the recom mendations I have made and you will effectuate the unprecedented re duction of 12 1-2 million dollars in one year .... this reduction with j out this proposed sales tax which ! would Impose a burden of nine or | ten million oh those least able to pay. "In the last analysis it (a tax on so-called luxuries) is not paid by the producer of the article but pass ed on to the consumer and Is a tax on poverty . . Property tax reduction, yes, in the biggest amount in the history Of the state . and achieved with out saddling on the masses another tux that is an injustice, “Our tax grievance is in part an utterance of the woes and the heart aches growing out. of the present misfortune of our people who find ill tills an expression of the multi tude of the miseries of these times. Our people cannot liquidate their debt to the land banks by legisla tion. They cannot satisfy their mortgages by legislative resolution. Hut when people do get caught in the barbed wire entanglements of economic depression, their one out let. of resentment and discontent is uttered vocally against government and especially against the taxing power of government ” Ask Joe Robinson For Charlotte Talk Democratic Club Extends Invitation To Arkansas Senator To Speak In May, Charlotte, Mar. 25.—Senator Jos eph T. Robinson of Arkansas, min ority leader in the senate, running mate of Governor A1 Smith in 1928 and regarded by Democratic proph ets as a strong contender for the nomination for president in 1932, has been invited to make an address to the Mecklenburg county Demo cratic club in May. The invitation was sent by Col. T, I,. Kirkpatrick, president of the club. He is confident Senator Robinson will be able to accept, he said last night. The next meeting of the club will be held Thursday night, April 2, the anniversary of the birth of Thomas Jefferson, founder ot the Democra tic party. The speaker will be X.‘ T. Valentine of Spring Hope, Nash county, a prominent eastern North Carolina lawyer. The public is cor dially invited to attend the meeting The Guilford Co-operative Dairy association delivered milk through their own co-operative plant for the first time on Saturday. March 6. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR DECORATING B\ our own economics, and ef ficient methods, a n d large scale buying of materials, we can help you save substantial ly in re-decorating your house this Spring. You will find our new selection of Wall Papers replete with the smartest of patterns and colors. Drop jn today. MAY WE CALL AND ESTIMATE? Sterchi Brothers Inc, PHONE 592. 1 S. LFAYETTE ST. Census Summary I Failed To Cover The census bureau report of Shel by, published In Monday’s Star, telling details of the retail busi ness here failed to cover all busi ness despite the fact that it , was shown. that Shelby handles an an nual retail trade of hear five and one-half million dollars, i Among the discrepancies in the 'report pointed out was that Shelby J really had 12 restaurants and cafes | instead of five, and these twelve .employ more than double the 12 em ployes given in the report. Likewise there tire two florists instead of one, and the drug stores of the city em ploy 20 workers instead of 14. Several other minor omissions were noted MONARCH OF THE I REFRIGERATOR A — GREAT FEATURES FLAT TOP ALL STEEL 84 ICE CUBES VIBRATIONLESS GLIDER-BAR SHELVES ECONOMICAL COME IN NOW for DEMONSTRATION PENDLETON’S MUSIC STORE Shelby and Kings Mountain Survey Reveals Need About 272,090 of the 3,400,000 holders of veterans’ compensation certificates, or 8 per cent, are in need, General Frank T. Hines (above), veterans’ administrator, informed President Hoover in a report which has been made pub lic. The estimate was based on a survey of eighteen cities. Boxer Injured In Wreck Monday Eve Car Occupied By Babe Carr And Pal Turns Over On Rock Hill Road. Babe ® Carr, well known Shelby lightweight boxer, and Floyd Willis, of Shelby, his companion, were bruised and shaken up Monday night when the Willis car in which they were riding turned over on the Rock Hill-Charlotte poad. Carr and Willis, it is understood, had started to Darlington where Carr was to appear in a boxing pro gram Monday night. The car turned over while they were going from Charlotte to Rock Hill. The bout was called off. Visitor Finds Mach Interest Over County In Boiling Springs People Aiixlous To Retain Baptist Junior College. Good Spirit '' Shown. By R. L. BOLTON. ' When I came to Shelby two weeks ago at the invitation of the presi dent of the school, Dr. Zeno Wall, and his trustees to promote \he success of the emergency appeal I knew practically nothing concern ing this junior college, Since I have been in Shelby and in *he county oi Cleveland in the interest of the school I have been listening to what the people of this section have to say about their college, the only one in this section. I have reached the following conclusions: 1— The people of Cleveland coun ty believe in Boiling Springs college Most of them love It with a very e rdent love and look on it as "their own school,” located right among them, educating their own sons and daughters, and, therefore, having the first claim on their gifts to de nominational education. 2— -The sacrifices that the teach ers in the college are making to promote the interest of the school, the fine group of students who are there with high purpose to make the best of their opportunities, the loyalty of the pastors of the coun ity, the strong conviction of Dr [wall, the president, that such a school as Boiling Springs junior college Is an essential unit In our educational program, these things give assurance that the school is here to stay. 3— The people of Cleveland coun ty can do anything they want to do. They generally pull together for the accomplishment of their purposes. This is one of the greatest farming counties in the south. I have seen sections of the county where pros perity was in evidence on every side Money is not circulating freely just now. However, there is about as much in Cleveland county in pro portion to the area as you will find anywhere in the south In spite of “the depression” the noble people of the county have an opportunity to do something for one of their schools that will reveal to the state that whenever anything is left to Cleveland county to look after that it will not go lacking. 4— The junior college is here to stay. It is a popular unit in our educational program. It is meeting a crying need in the educational world. The people of Cleveland county have such a school among them. It is to become more popular with the passing years. The main thing now is to make it sure and steadfast. If the noble, sacrificial thing is done now in these times of “depression” it will give soul and spirit to the school, such, as gener ous giving in times of prosperity could not give. 5— 1 have seen farmers during the last few days stop their work to write a check for $50.00 or $25.00 for Boiling Springs college. May such a spirit of giving stir all the Baptists of Cleveland county. We have until Easter in this special ef fort. Thousands of Baptists and their friends should get in on this special effort just now. Do as one splendid citizen of Shelby did a few days ago, he mailed to Dr. Wall a check for $100.00. Do as a noble woman of Shelby did when she gave to Dr. Wall a check for $50.00. Let us make this a great victory and show' to the world that Cleveland county knows how to reach every objective undertaken. Bay Lespedeia. Nearly 7,000 pounds of lespedeza and grass seed has been ordered by Cumberland county farmers this season in starting new pastures and for hay and soil improvement. Old King Cotton Has Four Outstanding Values Beauty - Durability - Style - Sanitation Looms, dyes, fashion artists ... all have collaborated to make the fluffy staples of the South’s economic King into strips and widths of gorgeous materials for Spring wear ing apparel. Nothing short of the full strength of Cotton’s inherent toughness has been left in the millions of yards of n e w Spring piece goods ... now on sale in first rate department stores. Style experts have sensed the urge to “change to cotton” and have done some wonderful things with the new figures and designs of pretty cotton goods for Spring 1931. Buy a Ready-Made Dress of Cotton or go to your Shel by Merchants for some of the other pretty things made of cotton. Shelby Cotton Mills C. C. BLANTON, Pres. R. T. LeGRAND, Sec. - Treas. We Manufacture Cleveland County Cotton We are doing our part to preserve the Royal Heritage of King Cotton. Cleveland County grows the cotton and we make it into cloth. Are you wearing your share of the white product that has made Cleveland County famous? Women’s Clubs, Civic Circles, in fact wherever women congregate, the Cotton Campaign is the chief issue. Such organizations are pledging themselves to wear more cot ton .. . because COTTON GARMENTS AREBEAUTIFUL, MORE DURABLE, MORE SANITARY AND CHEAPER. Let's Wear More Cotton ORA mill co. JNO. R. DOVER, Pre*. EARL HAMRICK, Sec-Trea«.