Globe Circling Tours and Sub-Arctic Voyage Planned * * * * * * Daring Deeds Scheduled for This Summer Sur pass in Adventure Any Told of in i{calms of Fiction by Versatile Pen of Jules Verne k“' .W JoHM H. I I'Mears, DerntTi^s &AT,€HEM. ^oir Hubeet Wilkin? New York,—This summer will usher in many voyages of adven ture, surpassing in thrills any tales told In the realms of fiction. In describing rite underseut boa! “Nautilus" in “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," Jules Verne visualized a truly wonderful craft With remarkable precision this not ed French nuthoT, yenrs before they became a reality, carried us through the realms of adventure—thrilling and unbelievable. He told of ttie many hardship; overcome by daring adventurers tr his thrilling tales of voyages bj land, sea and air. Little did in dream that in later years these mas terpieces in the annals of fictlor would be written In the pages o: reality. In a modem "Nautilus,” a formei U. S. Navy submarine, recondition TRl'STSfS SAI.a. By virtue of those two certain Seeds o trust executed to roe on the 15th day 01 March, litjO, and recorded In book 18o pages 114 and 115 oC the office of Uu register lor clevetend county, N. C, tc secure an Indebtedness thereat described, and default having been made In the pay ment ot the indebtedness thereby eecured I will sell to the Highest bidder at tht court house door 111 Shelby. N, C , on, Natnrda), April IS, 1551, at 11 e'cloelt SI or within legal hours the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: 1st lot Situated In the 3. W, square 0 the town of Shelby, N. C., and being that lot conveyed to M. A. Spangler and J. L Buttle by Mabel n.-antcm and husband I H. tiranton bv deed recorded In book 3-U, page 146 of the office of the register for Cleveland county, N, C. reference helm, hereby made to said deed for description by metes and bounds. 2nd lot: Being situated in the eastern portion of the town of flhelby. N, C, and being lots Nos, 7 and * of luioclt A of prop trty as shown by plat of same made by D It, 3 Frasier, C E.. In December, 1924. and recorded In book i- page 80 of the office of the register for Cleveland county, N C., to which map and ricord reference is hereby had for bel-cr description and identification of said lots. Terms of sale; Cash, ’ This the ilth dsy of starch. 1931.. B. T. FALhS, Trust— 4t Mur 18c When I was a child, if I did not feel well, or if I had a cold, my mother gave me Black-Draught,” says Mra. Orpha Hill, of Wofford, Ky. "When I was married, it be came a family medicine in my own home, aa it was in my mother's. "I take it for headache and especially for constipa tion. When I get bilious, my skin gets yellow and I have a very bad taste in my month, and a drowsy feeling alt daring the day. My eyes burn ana I get dizzy, or my head is ’swimming.* When I take Black-Draught, it aeema to drive the unpuri tiee out of my aystem and I feel fine. I am seldom with out this reliable remedy.” THEDFORDS r#u«, or rufter overy monm, attouni TaJfc* CarJul. tT»«l for ovar 10 year*. ed and refitted, Captain Sir Hub ert WUkins plans early this sum mer to make the 3,000-mile under sea Journey, when he sails under the North Pole. This daring Australian has made four trips by airplane to the polar regions, each of Which is filled with tales of adventure far surpassing any told in the pages of fiction. "Around the World in 80 Days!” When the versatile pen of Jules Verne prompted by an active brain produced this masterpiece, little did he dream that aided by science man would traverse Mother Earth in far less time. John Henry Means, who, in 1929, set a record of circling the globe in 23 days, undaunted by the mishap at Harbor Grace in the gray dawn of the Fall of 1930, is again forming plans to lower the record of the Graf Zeppelin, which, under the guiding hand of Dr. Hugo Eckener, made the trip around the globe in 21 days. Bernt Balehen, who accompanied Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd in his flights across the Atlantic and over the South Pole, plans to fly in a tri-motor alrplifne from New York to Noyia Scotia across the Atlantic to England, through the Moscow and Japan, and will attempt to crass the Pacific at Nome nnd back again to New York hi one of the thrilling adventures scheduled for tills sum mer. executors: NOTICE. Having qualified as executors or the will, ot C, C Hamrick deceased, lute of Cleveland county. North Carolina, this la to notify all persons having!claims against the edate of said Ueoeased to exhibit same itemized and verified to fho undersigned, at Shelby, North Carolina, cm or before the 25th day of February, ldaa, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re* covery All persons Indebted to said estate will muKe immediate payment to us of such Indebtedness. This the 21th day or February, 1931. F. B HAMRICK, C. O. HAMRICK. Executors tfewton A* Newton. Atty.v Ot Feb 25c TKl'STKK'S SALE, Wilder and tty virtue of the authority contained In a certain deed ot trust given to secure nr. Indebtedness to the South ohelby Building and Loan association, which deed of trust is recorded In book 161 at uage 189 In the oftlce of the reg ister of deeds of Cleveland county, the undersigned trustee win. on April 8th 19.11, at 3 o'clock p. m sell at the court house door tn Shelby to the highest Did der lor cash to satisfy said indebtedness the following described real estate Beginning at a stake In the west edge of North LaKavette street, corner ot lot No 6 and runs thence north with said Street too feet to a stake., thence south 100 feet to n stake; thence east 161 0 feet to the oeginnlng Same being that lot conveyed to Samuel it. Burch tty Robert L. Cowman by deed recorded In book J-S at nage 219 in the office of the register uf deeds Of Cleveland county. North Caro* .ms, This March 2nd, 1931. HORACE KENNEDY, Trustee. 4c Star 4c CERTIFICATE Ol DISSOLUTION. State ot North Carolina Department of State. To All to Whom These Presents May Come —Greeting; Whereas, it appears to my satisfaction, oy duly authenticated record of the pro ceedlngs lor the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous conseut ot ah the stockholders, deposited In my offloe that the Union Light company, a corpora tion of this state, whose principal office .1 sAuated in the town of Shelby, county oi Cleveland, state of North Carolina iA A Mclnttre being the agent therein and In charge thereot, upon whom process may be served! has compiled with the require ments of chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled ‘'Corporations, preliminary to the issuing of this certificate of dissolution Now therefore, I, J a. Hartneas, secre tary ol state ol the state or North Caro hr.a, do hereby certify that the said cot pomtlon did. on the S3rd day of Pebruarv i&H. file m my office a duly executed and attested consent In writing to the dissolu tion of said corporation, executed by ai the stockholders thereof, which said coo sent and the record of the proceeding aforesaid are now on Me in my said of tlct as provided by law In testimony whereat, 1 nave hereto set my hand affixed my offtotal seal at fis jgg*. Mrd day of February, A. u J A. HARTHXSS, Secretary of State Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By UENN DRUM. VWV WWW CWS. .*W*J*. W. W «!v /%/sn. cws, ew*. -wvw *v Shelby’* municipal election campaign is getting more and more like the town clock. And that must be hard bn the candidates—nobody can tell the time of day by the old tlck-tocker that no longer tick tocks. Some of the fellows about town who still rate as “the boys” wonder how many remember when street carnivals were held In the street in front ol the present location ot the Cleveland drug store? Or when a high diver put on his thrilling act at the present post office location? Or when a balloon ascended there amt everybody thought the balloonist far more daring than the young generation considered Lindbergh’s feat? j Homebody’s holding oat on this colyum. The national Industrial board says that the per capita wealth of North Carolina is $1,137. Which is to say that every one of us should have that much. Wonder how big a club the colyum could organize of those of us who are wondering who has our part? I This one may bring on a swift kick In the pants or a caustic chiding, but, since we've started looking back into the past and peeping into scenes many have forgotten, it will stir too many memories to be with held: Approximately 31 years ago this week a rising young, lawyer-editor of Shelby, Clyde Roark Hoey, and his bride of Just a few days were buggy riding in the section to the south side of the court square. A piece of paper fluttered, Or something like that, and ol' Dobbin took to his heels thoroughly frightened- At the southeastern side of the square the young groom was hurtled from the buggy and the runaway horse shot on down tire street lickety-split with the bride holding on lor dear life. Over where the First National is now was the town hotel with a front porch. As the runaway reached that point gallant gents jumped rapidly for the bridle of the frightened steed. But too late, a wheel of the buggy struck the porch and the young bride was catapulted from the buggy and painfully injured. In those days a runaway horse or team of horses in the business sec tion caused considerably more excitement than a falling airplane would nowadays. They were events that were talked for weeks thereafter. And treat old days they were, huh? Hold just a minute, please: Alleen Walker, a "hello" girl whose ap pearance matches the voice over the wire, is nominated in the Miss Shelby contest. Shelby Shorts: Some of the entrants are wondering when the winners of the most-beautiful-girl and best-looking man contest will be decided. Well, who’s going to make the decision? Certainly not this corner; it would be far more dangerous than naming the ugliest woman and the mealiest man ... Meantime the list is open for new candidates . , . . . Comes a card from C. C. F., of Fallston, who is at Washington, saying as how times will be getting better soon since he's been up to see Herbert . . . Joan Crawford back at a local theatre. That goil certainly has ways about her . . . . Two good revivals in town . . . Grownups, filled with the spring spirit, tossing a basetnll to and fro along the South Washington street business curb .... One peewce golf course open and a big marble game still going on on the other .... General expression about town of the hope that X J. McMurry, veteran Shelby business man wintering In Florida, soon recovers from his attack of flu. Too many men of his type haven't been made yet.... The sign over Joe Nash’s new store adds to the pep of the LaFayette street business section .... One Shelby banker smokes cigarettes and few of the others smoke at all, ■ ■ ■■ I ThU is to be a war story, a true incident of the World war as it hap pened to two Shelby vets. Back In T8 when the Big Berthas were booming, and men were fighting and dying, an American M. p.; a Shelby boy, was strolling on his beat up in the heart of the action, Just behind the front line. An in fantry column came along. The commanding officer left word that one company was behind and apparently lost, and ordered the military po liceman to hold the company when and if it did come up until an ar tillery column had passed and moved into position. Then the artillery column came long. Shortly thereafter the lost infantry company came into sight. The M P. stepped out to the front truck on which the captain, a big, husky fellow, Was riding. "You'll have to wait until the artillery gets by. you can't break into a column," the M. P. shouted at the captain," “Like h—, I cant;" shot back the infantry captain. "Who are you?” ‘‘I’m an M. P„ and I have orders to hold your company until the ar tillery moves up, and I’m going to.” The big captain fumed and raged but halted his tired outfit Finally the artillery column was gone and as the Infantry dropped into line the captain stormed out at the M. P. Both soon forgot the incident. Things —big things—happened over there too frequently for that to linger long in the memory of either. Months passed and rolled into a year. It was Christmas 1919 and the boys were back home. Two vets, dressed in their civvies again, turn ed a street corner and humped into each other. As they shook hands one paid particular attention to the other’s voice. Back flitted his memory. "Say, you, do you remember an M. P. stopping your company one night at such-and-such a point?” “I sure do, darn him,” replied the former captain. “Re got me cussed out for coming up late. Why, you bloomin’ bozo! It just now comes to me that you were that M P.” And for some time they talked over that eventful evening. Which is showing you again that the world isn’t so very big after all. The M. P. of the story is now one of Shelby’s best known young men. Re sells tailored suits. The captain, a native of the Sharon sec tion, is in the wholesale grocery business at Houston, Texas. That ought to be enough for today. 666 LIQUID jr TABLETS Cure Colds, Headaches, Fevei « 6 6 SALVE CURES BABY’S COLD EXECUTRIX NOTICE* Having this day qualified as executrix ot the estate of F N Gardner, late pi Cleveland county. North Carolina, this Is to notily all persons having claims against the raid estate to present them to mo properly proven on or helore the gird dav o! February. 1832. or this notice will bo pleaded In bar of any recovery thereof All persons owing the said estate will please make Immediate settlement to the undersigned This Feb. 33rd. 1931 L CLEMENTINE OARDNER, Route «. Shelby. Executrix ol F 8 Gard ner. Estate At Peb 23p ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Raving this day qualified as admlnis -ratrlx ot the estate of J G. Jones, de based ol Cleveland county. North Caro lina. notice is hereby given that all per tons having claims against the estate ol the deceased will present them to me at iheiby. N. C., for payment on or before the «tb day ol March. 1833, or this notice! »ill be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereof All persons owing the said estate all! please make Immediate payment t tho undersigned This March 4th, 1831 ESSIE GREEN. Administratrix ol Estate of J, y. jr» nt Meh At. i SAME PRICE 25 ounces for K7*BAKING fVV POWDER It's double acting Use K C for fine texture and large volume in your bakings. MILLIONS OF POUNDS USHI BY OUR GOVERNMENT Ellenboro Class In Junior-Senior Feed (Special to The Star.) Ellenboro, Mar. 24 -The Junior- j icnior banquet tor the Ellenborc nigh school students was held last Friday evening tn the local schooj j building when a delightful social; meeting was given to both the stu-• dents and the members ot the high ■school faculty. At Unclose of the banquet Pro-! ressors Wlcc, Nanney and Bushong | of the high school faculty gave the j students instructive and inspira- ! tional talks. Miss Glenn Philbeck I of the junior class toasted the sen iors at the beginning of the ban- j quet while Mr. Jesse H&rrUl of the j senior class responded. Mr Carl; McKinney of the Junior class serv ed as toastmaster. The room in which the banquet! was held was appropriately deco-j rated with green and white, the ; senior class colors. JOB PRINTING Oh all kinds at lowe r prices than you have ever paid. Phone 11 or 4-J and let us give you an estimate o n your next printing order. Automatic oresses, accurate "(Hint, tf-24p TRUSTEE’S SALE. By virtue of A certain deed of trust ex ■cuted to me on the 25th day of J&uuary, 1028, and rtcorded in bools 133. of deeds, page 251 of the office of the register for Cleveland county. N. C.. to secure an in debtedness therein described, and default having been made In the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured. I will sell to the highest bidder at the court house door in Shelby, N. C., on. Saturday. April IS. IASI, at 12 o’clock M or within legal hours the following de scribed real estate, to-wlt: Situated bn the east side of N. I.aFay ette street, and being known as part of the Haynes property, fronting 100 feet on the east side of LaFeyette street, and ex ttnding bock 181.2 feet, reference being had to book 3-U. page 51* for complete description. Terms of sale: Cash. This the 18th day of March, 1931. B. T. PALLS. Trustee. ■It Mar 18c HOSIERv HOSPITAL, inc (Of Charlotte N C*> Branch At Mrs. Harmon’* Hcmstttchlnc Shop Hindu Chocolate Shoo) Hosier j and Knitted (lends Neallj Kcpalreti All float Must Re uudered SPECIAL LOW FARES To NEW JERSEY SEA SHORE RESORTS FROM: SHELBY Atlantic City _____ $25.60 Cape May ____$25.60 Wildwood_$25.60 Asbury Park _____ $26.80 Tickets on sale April 1 only. Limited to 18 days iif ad dition to date of sale. For fares to other New Jersey points see agent or H. E. PLEASANTS, UPA. RALEIGH, N. C. — SEABOARD — WEEK - END EXCURSION FARES FROM; SHELBY TO Charlotte_$2.30 Wilmington _$10.45 Raleigh ..$9.80 Richmond __$14.55 , Washington _$18.70 Columbia ____ $7.15 ( Savannah___$12.05 • Jacksonville __$18.80 And all points in South east east of Mississippi River. Tickets on sale each Fri day and Saturday and for Sunday Forenoon trains during period March 27 Oct. 25. Tickets limited to reach original starting point prior to midnight of Tuesday immediately following date of sale. Stop overs will be permitted at all points and tickets will be good in sleeping cars up on payment of pullman fare. | For fares to other points see Agent or H. E. PLEASANTS, DPA, RALEIGH. N. C. SEABOARD roiiua And Knob Creek Gleanings farmers Busy Plowing, Birthday Dinner Off For Mrs. Crow. Personals. (Special to The Star.) Toluca, March 21—With the beau tiful weather everybody is keeping the plows going. Mr. F. A. Boyles is having a new well dug. His well went dry last fall and the water has never come back Mr. and Mrs, Emory Hoyle, Mr. and Mrs, T C. Ledford and daugh ter, Miss Edith, attended a birthday dinner on last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Hoyle’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Crow of Malden given in honor of Mrs. Crow. Rev j. Mi Morgan, L. E. Boyles and A. C Costner spent a few days the past week at Green River fish ing. There will be a rally day at He bron M. P, church on next Sunday March 29th. Mr. and Mrs. B A Sain and son, Fletcher, visited at the home of Mrs. Saln's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mull of Catawba county, Mr. Mull Is suffering again with stomach trouble. Dr, and Mrs. Alfonza Boyles of Dallas visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Boyles last Sunday. Mrs. Alvin Deal and little son, Thomas, of Rockdale, spent some EASTER EXCURSION Low Round Trip Tickets tc all Points on the Seaboard Also to WASHINGTON, I). C. From: SHELBY, N. C. Washington, D. C. . $16.52 Columbia, S. C._$6.93 Savannah, Ga. __$11.03 Jacksonville, Fla. __ $16.65 Miami, Fla.. $29.82 St. Petersburg, Fla. $25.11 Tickets on Sale April 3-4 Only. Limited to 15 Days in Addition to Date of Sale For information and fares to other points see Agent or H. E. PLEASANTS, DPA, RALEIGH, N. C. SEABOARD THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Offers Many Attractive It-'’uteri Round Trip Excursion Fares fni Easter Holidays and Spring Va* cations. EASTER EXCURSION "ARES APRIL 1931 Round Trip Easter Ex. union , Fares on Sale to Many Points in the Southeastern 8tates ONE FARE PLUS *1.00 FOR THE ROUND TRIP. DATES OF SALE APRIL 1st. 2nd, Ird and 4th. LIMIT 15 DAYS FOR DATE OF SALE. WEEK END EXCURSION FARES Round trip week End Excursion Fares on sale to many points in the Southeastern states. Tickets on sale on each Friday, Satur day and forenoon trains Sundays March 27th, to October 25th 1931. One Fare plus 1-5 faro fot the round trip. Limit midnight folowing Tuesday. (Minimum Ex cursion fare 50 cents.) SUNDAY EXCURSION FARTS Effective Sunday March 79th. to Sunday October 25th 19.' J the Southern Railway will sell Sun day exclusion tickets Between all stations on the Southern Rail way Lines where the oneway tars is not less than 13 cents nor more than $3.60 on basis approximately one cent (lc) per mile in each direction for the round trip tickets on sale Sunday irmmins trains scheduled to leave prior tc noon limit returning to startir.f point prior to midnight date ol sale. (Tickets good in doache.' only.) VISIT THE BEAUTIFUL MAG NOL1A AND MIDDLETON GARDENS. CHARLESTON. ». C. Grpativ reduced round trip ex cursion fares to Charleston, 8. U. round trip from SHELBY, N. C. $7 90 Dates of sale March 27th, and 28th, and April 3rd and 4th, 10C1 , limit midnight Wednesday fol lowing date of sale. Round trip fares on sale one fare plus 1-2 fare for the ound trip March 18th, 19th. 10th. 21st 24th, 25th. 26th, 31st, Arrh 1st, 2nd. 8th, 9th. 10th. 11th. i«tb 17th. and 18th, limit 7 days from ■ date of sale. Ask Ticket Agents. R. H. GRAHAM. Division Passenger Agent. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM CHARLOTTE. N. C. Students Help Sow Lawn Grass In Yard (Special to The Star.) Ellenboro, Mar. 24.—To develop more interest in home beautifica tion within the Ellenboro commun ity and to" give the high school students practice in establishing the lawn, the Ellenboro agricultural stu dents helped Mrs Claude Blanton who lives about hne-half mile west of town on N. C. highway No. 20, sow her home grounds last week to a good lawn mixture advocated by the ] time the past week with her par-1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. S A. Sain. Mr and Mrs. J. P. Houser, Mr and Mrs. Biain Lenhardt, of Lincolnj county, spent last Sunday with their] parents. Mr. and-Mrs. S. H. Sain. agricultural department o 1 the tchool. The work wliich was done whin on tleld trips from the school should serve as a demonstration to get the hoys and more Ellenborq people in terested In bcihitifying their home* A good lawn and shrubbery should increase the value ol any home <500 whether it is located in town or it; the country. THIIEE ACT PI.AY AT BETH-WARE, MARCH 2JT.1 There will be a play at the Beth Ware school house Friday night, March 27th, beginning at. 7:30 o’clock The title of the play is “The Path Across the Hill,” given by the seniors of the El Bethel Sunda' school. Proceeds will go for th» benefit of the new Sunday school rooms at the El Bethel church. GET YOUR BARBER WORK CLOSE IN At CHARLES BARBER SHOP Now Located Ne$t To Hotel Charles Entrance. Exper ienced and Licensed Barbers. Modern Equipment. San itation pet-feet. These Men at Your Service: — Howard Bridges — J. H. Wright — D. L. Willis — Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 75m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, vve can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEL KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MOI’NT HOLLY, N. C. i For Best Results Use SCO-CO SPECIAL ! FLOWER, GARDEN AND LAWN j MIXTURE. ' ITS BETTER AND CHEAPER. I SOLD IN 200 lb.; 100 lb.; 50 lb.; 10 lb. | [: ■ Package. THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. Phone 577 — Shelby, N, C. SHRUBBERY YOUNG’S GREAT SALE IN FULL SWING SPECIALS FOR THIS MONTH; 20c Spirea Thunbergii, 2- 3 ft._ Spirea Van Houttoi, 4-5 ft._.... 20c VVeigelia Rosea 3-4 ft 25c Deutzia, B. R„ 3-4 ft. 25c Bush Honeysuckle, 3- 4 ft. __20c Spirea A. Waterer, 12-15 in. 30c Calycanthus, 1-2 ft. 25c (Sweet Shrub.) Butterfly Bush, 3-4 ft. -25c American Arb. 3 ft $1.00 > Chinese Arb. 4-5 ft $1.50 Chinese Arb. 2-3 ft. 75c Ligustrum Lnddum. 2-2; —... 60c i (This is one of the best of the'Broadleaf.) Ligustrum Japonica, S-4 ft. 75c N’andina Domestica, 1U2 ft.-$1.00 Nandina Domestica, 15-18 in. 73c i CRAPE MYRTLE, WATERMELON PINK, 2-3 Ft. 3 for —-—--_$1.00 These are the finest rooted plants that we have ever grown. NAN DINA DOMESTIC A, G-S inches, 3 for_31.0U THESE ARE JEST A FEW OF OCR MANY BAR GAINS. DON’T PET IT OFF. SEND YOUR ORDER IN TODAY OR COME TO OCR NURSERIES. Packing Free With All Orders Over $2.00. Under l'his Amount Add 25c. All Prices f. o. b. Greensboro. Greensboro Nurseries JOHN A. YOUNG & SONS GORREL STREET EXTENSION. BELL TEL. 5202 GREENSBORO, N. C.

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