Treat FIRE HAZARDS AS A PLAGUE S TH£ medical profession seeks to /\ stamp out disease, so Stock Fire Insurance tries to do away wijh condi tions that threaten life and property, fhe fire trap, like a contagious disease, is a threat to the safety and life of the public. To protect communities against fire disasters is one of the services Stock Fire Insurance has performed so effec tively that its average cost has steadily declined for many years. Here are some of the community activ ities of STOCK FIRE INSURANCE 1—Formulation of correct building codes; nearly 300 American Cities have followed the lead Of Stock Fire Insurance engi neer* in this respect; *—Utcomrnendlns'proper standards for waterworks systems — fire apparatus and departments— fire alarm systems; I—Educational and advisory work with Chambers of Commerce, schools, hospitals, city govern ments and various organizations along fire prevention lines; 4—Maintenance of Underwriters* Laboratories, where materials and devices by the thousand are tested and, when approved, are to labelled; 3—Fighting the crime of arson through cooperation with po lice, fire departments, fire mar shals and other officials. Buftding safely and guarding against fire ft primarily an Individual problem. It becomes a community problem when groups of people are concerned. Stock fire insurance renders conspicuous pub lic service In safeguarding life and property against loss by fire. Slcclr Fir* Imarsnt* C*mp*nl*§ »r» F*pr*r*nt*4 C*p*M* Ag+frtt In Your THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS •5 John Stroot, Now York BKAOO •Hi Wort Atom Stroot a*____ SAN FRANCISCO Morehonli Eodionyo BMf. A MhNoW OrgmtlfHnn of Stock Ftr* Innrtm CnmpvtU* IiQMdtW In 1*44 STOCK INSURANCE IS SOLD IN SHELBY BY THE FOLLOWING AGENTS:— Union Trust Co. J. F. ROBERTS — J. L. SUTTLE Manager. Chas. A. Hoey Frank L. and George Hoyle THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS ONE OF A SERIES OF ADVERTISEMENTS WHICH WILL APPSAlt PERI ODICALLY, SHOWING THE ADVANTAGES OF orrATir rtnr ivoirn a \rnr Nobody’s Business CEE McGEE— flat rock social news, a Sunday scholl party was give by miss sudie mat gtv ;n Lust friday night in honor of the fuirin mis sion nerry from alabuma bring here who is home on a fur tow Ohherj count of his wife being too weak to! stand her warm climate, which, she says allways around 98 enduring the. summer months. serral different programs was put on by the classes at large, the dew drops reppresented the children ot isrell coming out of the red sea ahead of old pharow. and they used a lamp to reflect the waiter and throwed a little on the ordinance wtflf a squirt gun and it locked plumb natcheral. the teen-agers and the sunbeams and the moonbeams give a play en titled—1"Jo-seff sold into slavery b> his brothers” and they sure done him a mean trick if they done him like the children done him in the said play. It allso looked rail, and the Clark children certainly sowed that they had a tallent for the stage ansoforth willie Clark was Joseff, and his 4 brothers and 2 sisters was on the other side. the royal am bassadors Joined the b. y. u. pj in a tablow reppersentlng the heathens in jappan corning into the tabber nickel our church has hepped to bild over there; all of them looked just edzackly like jap pans to me and i newer did know befoar that heathens could under stand what one another sed. the other classes, vizzly: the bizzy bees and the juniors and the ever reddies and the b. v, ds. and the lit tle soldiers rendered a song: In cost coni which showed how the russiaus was tairlng down churches over there and using same for other pur poses. big tears come into the furrin mission nerry's eyes when they come to the part where a preacher was put to work cutting wood. after the performances was all oyer, refreshments was served by the ladles aid, assisted by the rebeckcrs and the w. m. s. and the wimmens bizness legg, and it was put in lit tle paste board plates with a paste board spoon, and what they had to eat was some mashed up Irish taters with some green leaves in same and 2 sody crackers and a sam-witch with something that looked like but ter and tasted sorter like cheese and pepper betwixt it for cl5 each. the reception was closed with prayer by the furrin mission nerry and we all went home after a pleas ant night at the church which was hell in the social room down satins, mr. editor, rite or foam me if you Want the names of all pressent. yores trulie, mike Clark, rfd. Good Newski. The import duty on whiskers from Russia has been reduced from 25 percent ad valorem to 15 percent au jus. Ford will save 10 cents per cushion, and that means $100,000.00 to him in a year, and paint brushes ought to be some cheaper too. Wanted: Broader Broadcasts. If all of the radio stations get all of the stuff they are asking for, we wont be able to tune in on any thing but static: 177 towns are call NOTICE OF LOSS OK POLICIES. To Whom It May Concern: Notice ia hereby given that Fire Policies Nos. 251151 to 251200 inclusive and Auto mobile Policies Nos. 32601 to 32626 inclu sive of the Law Union & Rock Insurance Company, Ltd. of London, requiring for their validity the countersignature of a duly authorized and licensed agent, have been lost, 1 Since these policies have not been regu larly Countersigned. Issued or accounted for, nor any premiums received thereunder by this company, they will be valueless and void in the hands of whomsoever they may faU and no claim thereunder could be legally presented. If found, these poll clse should be returned to the office of the company at Hartford. Connecticut. No claim of any nature purporting to be based on these policies will be recog nized by the company. The public will take notice accordingly. SCHENCK * MEBANE, Inc., Gen eral Agents, Greensboro, N. C. 3t Mch 18c TRUSTEE'S SALE. By Tlrtue of the power of aale contained Ik certain deeds of trust, executed by rildan J. Grtgg and wife on March 13th, IM5, and by M. Play Hamrick and wife on July 14th, 1936, to me as trustee, »n indebtedness to -SMI*1*; and Loan association, and default having seen made tn the payment of same. I. as trustee, will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at the court house loor In the town of Bhelby. N, C„ on Saturday, April IHh, l»3t, at 1* o’clock M, the following described real estate in the town of Bhelby, North ^Betng* lots Nos. 25 and 26 of the subdi vision of the Mu. Z. Green l»nd. Begin ning at a stoke on the southeast side or Sumter street, northeast corner of lot No. 21, and runs thence with the dividing line between lots Nos. 34 and 25 south 45 de grtes iu minutes east 167.6 feet to a stake in north edge of Palm street; thence with Palm Street south 86 degrees 10 minutes east 40.7 feet to a stake In old line of the 3. C. Beam 9 acre tract; thence with sa.d line north 2 degrees 50 minutes east 29.9 feet to a stake in said line, southwest corner of lot No. 27, thence with the di viding line of lots Nos 26 and 27 north 45 degrees 35 minutes west 176 feet to a stake on southeast side of Sumter street thence with Sumter street south 44 de grees 25 minutes west 50 feet to the be **The ^foregoing property will be sold sub l«ct to any unpaid ta'M or any othci prior liens. This March 9th, 1931 CLYDE R. IIOEY. Trustee. 41 Mar lie ing for more wattage, some are kicking about their kilo-cycles and others are not satisfied with their wave lengths. Old man Henderson still functions, regardless of Mr. Hoover, the chain stores, and the federal radio commission. Cotton Letter, New York, Mar. 25.—Talk of a dry winter, a wet spring, a hot summer nad an early fall, plus southern sell ing and northern stroddling, put July spots on a basis equal to Bom bay’s futures. The decline In silver and Ghandi's refusal to wear draw ers had a disquieting effect on the boll weevil emergence, therefore- i hedging might be advisable while call money is cheap. Some realizing took place near the close, but we advise a close watch oil your wife and the stock market. Land a Job Jobbing Land. -j If the large corporations continue to ‘“cut down their overhead" by turning off so many of their em ployees, and if the plan to use two school teachers in the future where 4 have been used in the past, is put through, we don't see anything in sight except that the federal land bank employ all of these folks in j looking after the thousands upon! thousands of acres of land now fall- j ing into their hands. We had once I aoped that teeny-weeny golf would absorb this surplus labor, but dnng cd if It don't, look like it’s playing out too. And Don't Let Your Insurance Lapse. We still receive letters asking for tlie recipe for making homebrew — which appeared in this column sev eral months ago. We know for a fact that, Hits recipe is a good one, of couI'm', but It might be against the law to publish It. The man who .gave it. to us does not how believe that he will ever recover from Jake paralysis, however: take a quart of" sugar, a pint, of gixxl varnish, a can oi lye. 2 cakes of soupu, add car bolic acid till the taste suits you, theit boll over a warm fire till the | Wiekersbam report is translated Serve at priee fights and hangings and l.vnchings—while hot. Outsiders Attend R. P. Roberts Funeral Some of those who attended the funeral service* of Mr. R. P Rob erts at Grover Monday afternoon were: Prof. Tom Roberts, brother of de ceased, Richmond, Va.; Mrs. John Poster, niece. Roswell, Ga ; Miss Alda Wilson, Messrs. Gcoi-ge and Arthur Wilson, Asheville, Mrs. Geo Crowell, Anniston, Ala.. Mr. and Mrs. James Byers, Mrs. George Garrett Byers and Mrs. C S. Cope land,Gaffney, S. C,, Dr, J. Lee Oates, Bartow, Fla., Col, and Mrs. J. C. Plonk. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Shuford. Hickory, Mrs. B. N. Moore, Dr. and Mrs. W. C. White sides. York, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. John S. Raney, Sharon, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. I, G. Wallace, Charlotte, Mr and Mrs. W. C. Thompson, Gaffney, Mr. J White Ware, Gastonia. Juniors Entertain Lattimore Seniors Festive Oreiisiou »l LuUlmorc ll'g! fifhwil. Banquet, Toasts ml I un Enjoyed. (Special to The Star.' Lattimore, Mar. 2L On ,V 'rfues day evening March 18 at 8 /clock, the Junior etas;; of Lattimore high school entertained the Seniors a? u lovely banquet. The banquet war held In the agricultitrttl department of the school and more than 70 guests attended. The occasion which Is an annual event in the geuQOt wi»C an unusually enjoyable one. The tousts, etc., were given In the form of a supposed radio proq air network J U N f O R broadens* mg a program from an, old fashioned garden over several stations A V. Irvin served as local announcer. The first station tuned In on was AVI with Mr Irvin giving the address of welcome. Station F. C. D followed with Miss Faith Davis toas lng the guests of honor, the seniors. Station M B C, president Milan Callahan of the senior class responded. Other toasts given during the ban quel were an appropriate tribute to Professor Lawton Blanton given by Miss Aileen Crrwder with Mr Law ton Blanton responding: and a toast to the high school faculty given by John Albert McBrayer w ith response by Coach A. C. Hood. Mr. Tom Lat timore proposed a toast to the girls present and Miss Thelma MsrKntlro responded for the girls with a toast to the boys. Small tables were arranged with in the garden scene. An rlaborn'e fourcourse dinner, prepared cy mem bers of the Junior class under the supervision of Atlis Lyda Poston of the home economics department, was served by attractive waitresses from thu freshman class undei tin j dlreetton of Mrs. A. L. Cadon and Mrs. H L. Hunt. The menu on Gat ed of grapefruit cocktail, chicken dressing, creamed potatoes, gravy, green beans, candled yams. c*. n berry sauce, celery, pickles, hot rolls, banana salad, ice cream and cake. Iced tea. At the conclusion of the aane ict j proper a short program was render i ed. Miss Annette nianton aoccmi an | led at the piano by Miss Eve’yn ! Huggins, sang "In an Old fashion ed Town." Miss Hlantou nnd Mi: s i Alleen Crowder rendered "In an Old Fashioned Garden" as a duct. They I were accompanied at the piano by Miss Wiloree Calton, ' Miss Gene vieve Blanton gave a rending "Pris cilla's Old Fashioned Garden.” A bag-blowing contest between mem bers of the t wo classes resulted in a victory for the Juniors. The concluding numbers on the program were two old-fashioned dnnees. the minuet nnd the V'rglnln reel. The minuet was given by six teen members of the senior class A group of six couples from the junior class danced the Virginia reel. Fa listen News Of Current Week Home Economics Club Meets. Mr. Baber Quite III. Other Per sonal Items. (Special to The Staid Fallston, Mar. 23.—The Home Economies club met Friday after noon at the home of Mrs. Robert Cline with fifteen members and one visitor present. Egg pies were made by Mrs. Wallace and an Interesting talk by Mrs. Wallace. The pies vert* served with coffee and jreatly enjoyed by all. Mr. M. .1 Baker remains quite 111 at his home. Mrs. Ervin Buts, of Shelby, visit ed Mrs Max Boggs Wednesday. Mrs. Lewis Blanton and laughter, of Belwood, spent last Wednesday with Mrs. J. C. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs Pink Blanton and daughter. Ruby, and Mrs. '‘bert Petty of Gastonia visited Mtss Lou Petty Wednesday. Mrs. P. F Pegram and sons, Hugh, Billy and David and Miss Mary Pe gram. of Shelby, visited Mrs. W A. Royster Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Odus Armstrong and children of Raleigh visited Mrs Armstrongs parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Baker Saturday and Sunday Messrs. Wyte Royster and Pa. is Wilson returned to college Fr'day after spending spring holidays with their parents. Mrs. Claud stamey and daughter Miss Nolle St amey spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. George Corn well in the Zion communion. Miss Eudora Hoyle spent Thurs day night with Miss Elolce Royster. Mr. Robert Carpenter and Mt-s Bennie Justice spent the day Friday with Mrs. W. A. Gantt. Misses Annie Sue Tillman and Irene Peeler of Belwood were Fall ston visitors Tuesday afternoon. Miss Elolce Royster visited Miss Mary Pegram at Shelby Thursday. DOES YOUR ROOF Leak? See J. W. Den ton, Hoey Apt., rear Postoffice. He posi tively guarantees his work. Phone 4-J. fve shipped on a South Sea Tramp —says Chesterfield r1 .—<-*?-« —r~’rrm^rrrrr”-—"■ — — t— —^11 ".t:—rmzi ©1931, Liggett & Mykhs Tobacco Co. you’ll find me just around the corner 99 It’s a small matter where you meet up with Chesterfield. The point is —get acquainted! You’ll find the change to Chesterfield a real change ... one which your palate will thank you for! Chesterfield uses choicer and milder tobaccos—nothing else; and so blends and "cross-blends” them that you get just what you want in a smoke . . . greater mildness and better taste. For NINETEEN years, our Research Department has kept intimate touch with every new development ol Science that could be applied to the manufacture of cigarettes. During thir period there has been no development of tested value' or importance to the smokei which we haw not incorporated into the making ot Chesterfield cigarettes. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. They Satisfy —that's Whyl