SOCIETY NEWS 'IK' KfcNN UKLi'l, ficiitor l'elepnone The star .\u *-J Cacti Morning & Jo 13 o clock. Mrs. Drum can be ieacnw at her no me, Phone 713, afternoon anu uiglCa ODD God made, they ; ay. ten lousand races. With fins or wings or Desks r tares Ami from them ail He chose and blest t certain species He liked best To me it seems a little non And Just a trifle hard on God. That those alone ho chose ns- b s' Should eagerly destroy the yell -John Russell MeCani itth l entury Not To Meet This Week. The meeting of the 20t i i Jentury dub scheduled to be held this rVrk with Mrs. Lee B. Weathers as t ost ■ss has been postponed Indefinitely. Announcement will lx- made latev as to when this meeting will take place Meeting Of Second Division, There will he a regular mev av; of lie Second Atternoon Division of . . . -until Valve-in-Head STRAIGHT Sight ENGINE Exceptional new ,swill ness, smoothness xml power are added to Buick's famous de pendability and long life by this new Valve in-Head Straight Eight engine. *1025 »nd up—t.o.b. Flint,Mich. Oi**l It ihirftptUrtfy, trtfrr, •iU wudtli tj 19Jt Bmici Str.itkt | l it&tt trill it ctmtitmej tir**fh tut lit temrt; tummtr t*4 /til J. Lawrence Lackey the eight as BUICK builds it ■ the Woman's club on Thursday aft* ’ ernoon at the club room with Mrs. | J- R. Robinson, Mrs. D. D. f*ou. atld : Miss Elizabeth Ebeltoft acting as j hostesses. All members are urged to be present, Id die*’ Golf Club To Meet The regular meeting or the ladies golf club will take place on Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the club room. i Easter Dance i At Isothermal The annual Easter dance will be sponsored this year by the German club of Ruthertordton and will be given at the Isothermal hotel, Fri day, April Jffd. Music will he Jur nfshed by Bill Davenport’s orchestra of Spartanburg. S. C. There will be special features during intermis sion | .Surprise Party Last Thursday. (Special (o The Stai.i The young peoples division «.f | Feulah church gave a surprise par ! ty Thursday evening In honor of Misses Aleese and Georgia Forbes and Mr. Robert Forbes at the Forb es home. Out of the community guests were * Messrs John Whitworth, Marvin , Putnam, Arthur Stroup and Wray ' Black of Waco, and Floyd I-edford i and William Turner of the Oak | Grove section, ■ / • Opening of Nash, Inc. Attracts Targe Crowd. Between twelve and fifteen hun Idred people yesterday afternoon at tended the formal opening of Nash, Inc., new ladies ready-to-wear shop on I.aFayctte street, The nearby [towns of Kings Mountain. Forest City and Rutherfordton were rep resented In the crowds which thronged the attractive show room of the new and modern store during the afternoon. Music and elaborate floral decorations Increased the charm of the occasion, and five hundred beautiful red radiance roses were given to those who called during the afternoon. Mrs. fiord h Bonk Chib Honies*. Mrs. Robm Herd was a gneclous hostess to members of the Contem porary book club on Tuasday after noon at her apartment on 8. DeKalb street- After a brief business meet ing conducted by the president, Miss Mary Adelaide Roberts, an interest ing discussion of current topics was given by Miss Caroline Blanton. The main feature of the afternoon's pro gram was given by Mrs. Brevardi Konnesaa who read a short paper on Frederick H. Koch and the Caro lina Playmakers. after which she read one of their plays, "Job's Kin folks.” The play was well read and presents excellently a certain strata of life In North Carolina. A social half hour was enjoyed during which Mrs. Herd served a de licious salad course with coffee. Pretty Party For l ittle Miss Baber. Mrs. Fred Baber entertained at a j pretty child’s party on Monday aft ernoon honoring her small daughter! Gwendolyn, in celebration of her third birthday. Between thirty and forty children were present and they enjoyed an hour spent in playing games on the lawn. The little ron oree wore a dainty frock of printed silk. When the children were invited Into the living room they were all seated and the story of "The Ginger bread Boy" was read to them alter which each child was given a real gingerbread boy. Ice cream cones were served and each little guest re ceived aa Easter biddie as a souve nir Little Gwendolyn received .t ccl • lection of pretty aud useful gifts. Miss Mary Peg-ram assisted Mrs Baber la entertaining. Carpenters Grove B. Y. P. V. Entertained. The senior B. Y. P. 17. of Carpen ters Grove church entertained with' a social at the home of Miss Corene i Hoyle, of Lawndale, last Saturday evening. The living room was beautifully decorated with a mixture of spring flowers. The guests were greeted at the door by the hostess and Misses! Vertle Smith and Edith Ledford. Games and progressive conversa tion were enjoyed during the even ing. After which the hostess'assist ed by Misses Inez Propst and Edith Ledford served delicious sandwiches and punch. Those present were: Misses Corene Hoyle, Ruth COstner, Inez Propst, Vertie Smith, Vangie Mull, Nora Costner. Edith Ledford; Messrs. Wayne Carpenter, Clarence Clark, Clyde, Burgin and Edwin Costner, Leslie and Edwin Seagle, Woodrow Hoyle. Jack Relney, George and Hubert Cook, Robert Porter, Ever ette l utz, Dixon Smith. Vernon Cook and Delmar Propst. American Homes Division Enjoys Regular Meeting. A regular meeting of the Axsri-j can Hemes division of the Woman'* club was held on Monday noon at the club room with Mrs. u jhh McCJUrd, Mrs. Retd Young- and Mi" Inna Wallace in charge as ujide; Mrs. J. L. McDowell, chairman, p-e • sided and conducted :l brief bustm session before the beginnin .• .of the program. Two attractive and a"l)i 0 prlute contests furnished amuse ment. The first consisted ,of ques tions, the answers to which wide fruits and vegetables, and tho w< - ond was one of completln i mi-fa; i ioned rhymes. In the first '■ontest Mrs. George Hoyle won tint prize and Mrs. Jap Buttle won see'mia. Ir the second cor,test Mrs. Buttle war first prize winner and Mrs trio a Wallace won second prize T'->o prizes were all appropriate to the Easter season. Mrs. Wallace con ducted a few. simple games vvi-.i. were followed by music. Miss Mil dred Luughridgc and John MeCiurd jr„ played two selections on to<ii liorns and were accompanied by Mrs George Hoyle at the piano. Mrs Was lace brought the program to f- close by reading several original poems appropriate to the Easter season Sandwiches, sweets and cofoe were served with the Easter idea carried out, by bunnies and biddies appearing on each of the plate Turlington Opposes Drug Store Whiskey Charlotte, March 23.—Zeb V. Hurl ing ton of Mooresville, author Of North Carolina's prohibition law. today said he was opposed to amendment of it to permit physi cians to prescribe whiskey. Presiding Elder At Sulphur Springs j Saturday, March 28, our presid ing elder, Rev. It M. Courtney, will be with us at Sulphur Springs and preside over our second quarterly conference for the Shelby circuit, i Brother Courtney will bring us a 'message at 11 o'clock and the busi ness part of the conference will be aboue 1 p. m. Alt the officials of the charge are expected to be present. On Sunday morning, March 29, the presiding elder will preach at 11 o'clock. The Sunday school will give a program beginning at 10 o’clock Sunday morning. We are expecting a great day. A warm welcome will be given to all who come. R. L. FORBI6, Pastor Cleveland King Of Cotton Makers Charlotte Observer. 'flic clean-up report by the De partment of Agriculture as to the season's ginnings gives the state 800,375 bales against 767.043 in 1929. It also leaves the mountain-fringed county of Cleveland at the head of the list as cotton producer, with 62. 792 bales gtnned last year, against 64.340 in 1929. The Mecklenburg ginnings for 1930 almost tallied with the ginnings in 1929—in the former case, 25,698 bales, ar„d in the latter, 25.234 bales. Robeson is the nearest competitor to Cleveland, with 52,218 boles in 1930, and 40.281 in 1929. Tire best that Jones county could do was a little the ri:,e or 1, 000 bales each of the years named. Cleveland Is the undisputed king Cotton county of North Carolina Most of us won't be contented with our lot tilt It's a lot more - Arkansas Gazette Henrietta Leader Claimed By Death Writ Known Hullicrlortl Mill .** n Dies At Home. Funeral Tuesday. Forest City, Mirch 'z j. —Ldgcr 1 Neal, C7. died at h s liome in Hen | rietta Sunday nigh. Mr. Nenl is known in cir cles all over the state and is uii_ .ii inently known m Uutherfor.i coun ty He was one of the oldest em ployes of the Henrietta mills In the point* of service, leaving been em ployed by tills company ior Vi years. At the time of his death he was timekeeper tor the mills Funeral services were held Tues . day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Pat lerson Springs, with Rev. A. W. Lynch, pastor of the Henrietta Methodist church, in charge. Mr. Neal is survived by. liis v, ic and five children: Robert Paul. Ruby find Madge Neal of Henrietta, and Mrs. J. A. Hamilton of North Wilkesboro. Four brothers survive: Lewis Neal of Kings Mountain, The odore Neal of Grover, Greely Neai of Blacksburg, S. C., and J. It. Neal of Patterson Springs. One sister, Mrs, John Clarke, of Grover, also survives. ! New Prospect News Of Current Week i Special To The Star.* New Prospect. May 24. -Quite a bit of work Was done ill the field during tire recent pretty weather. Most of tlie land has been prepar ed for planting. However. It seems like the farmers are looking for w!ard to an early spring. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Howell and Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Howell visited Mr. and Mrs! Tom Howell of near Bethlehem church Sunday. The lat ter was accompanied home by Miss Laura Howell who spent the week visiting relatives In this commun lty. Mrs. J. R. Poston visited her son. Mr. Atkin Poston, of Shelby, last Tuesday. Mrs. Pressly Costner of near Beams Mill and daughter Mrs. Paul Bridges of Shelby, Misses Novella and Jna Jean Wright of near Mulls Chapel, spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Mack Adams. Mrs. FIbra Poston and two Chil dren, John and Lillie and Mrs. J. R. Poston and daughter, Dalsle, visited Mrs. V. V. Wright last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Evans Stamey re cently moved from Shelby Into the residence with Mr. and Mrs. Mon roe Ledford. Peachtree Beauty Is Unhurt by Depression —— .i Aberdeen, March 23.—The peach] orchards hereabouts are in full! bloom. In spite of the hard times j and the high taxes, the trees 4re 1 blooming as nicely as they did when i peaches were worth $4 a crate. Pool Fertilizer. Fertilizers for this season's crops: are being purchased for cash j through a cooperative pool by Alio- j Shany county farmers. I1EL FORTUNE GOES T Nearly Ml Of $109,000,000 Estate ISequeatlied To Charitable Agencies. New York March 23.—The hun dred million dollar Wendel fortune buildcd on furs, pelts and real es tate—'buy, but never sell real es tate’’ was the Wendel motto—has |been bequeathed almost in its entire ty to charity f. The will of Miss Ella V, Von E. Wendel, last of the land-wealthy family founded In 1799 by John Got tleib Wendel, was made public to day. It will be many months before it can be probated. The executors explained that a “determined search’’ will be made for any pos sible legal heirs before distribution of the estate is attempted. Numerous personal bequests are made, such as $20,000 to Miss Wen ders personal maid, and $2,000 each to other servants. The residuary es tate, Including all real and personal property not otherwise disposed of, is to be divided into 200 equal shar es. Five institutions are bequeathed the bulk of the estate, 35 shares each going to the board of foreign missions of the Methodist Episcopal church for the Nankin Theological Seminary, at Nankin, China; New York Society for the relief of Crip pled and Ruptured; St Christoph er’s Home for Children, Dobbs Fer ry, N. Y.; Drew’ Theological Semi nary, Madison, N. J., and the New York Flower Hospital, The remaining 25 shares go in varying quotas to other institu tions, LYRIC The Little Theatre With Big Productions. Today And Thursday “SEWANEE RIVER” With GRANT WITHERS And an all-star sup porting cast. Also SERIAL AND SHORT ACTS. — COMING — “SHOWBOAT” WATCH FOR THE DATE. It Pays To Advertise PAINTUP/FIXUP/r/te Proper Tme is Mow! KYANIZE Will Beautify That Shabby Piece Of FURNITURE Look Around your home— your guests do! Paint up, renew with Ky* anize. HOUSE NEED RE-PAINTING? Certain-teed Will Do The Job. Every product bearing the Certain teed label is built to a definite stand ard of high quality. Beautiful shades for interior and exterior work. If you want a painter, call us. She!1'/ Hardware Co. “We Serve To Satisfy.” — Phone 330. TAKE ’EM OUT NOW Like many other good thrifty folks are doing. During the month of March scores of people, young and old, started B. & L. Shares with us— Just Like Old Times Well times are better anyway, people are feel ing better, they have about settled down to brass tacks, gone or go ing to work and saving every cent tl^y can ALL THIS MEANS HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN SO Work And Save The B. & L. WAY We have a hew series to open Saturday, April the 4th — but start your shares today. Cleveland Building & Loan Association J. L. SUTTLE, Sec. Be Like the.BEE — I; . ■■■■■'; PROVIDE FOR FUTURE NEEDS Naturally, the bee's never heard of Prosperity. He just goes ahead, storing honey for the future, and then making good use of honey when the need arises. IPs fine to spend. But first you have to SAVE. Wise saving and wise spending are an un beatable combination. l UNION TRUST CO. “IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH” There’s No Health Better Than That Which Follows Illness... EVERYONE has experienced the joyous sensation of convalescence, following a long siege of illness. The nation is just now entering such a period. It f e e 1 s mighty good to be up again. Keen business men are using this period for gathering their forces, gaining back their strength, preparatory to the order for full steam ahead. The First National Bank does its part by supporting any program of reconstruction. — ALL COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS INVITED — First National Bank SHELBY, N. C.

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