Art Hord Breaks Hi* Ankle Bone Concord. March 25.—Old man Hardluok dealt a stunning Wow to Arthur < Pee wee i Hord. sensation of Qie training camp of the Birming ham Barons, during the course oi | an exhibition game last Thursday | alien the Kings Mountain wonder suffered a slight fracture of a small! bone in the right ankle The injury Isn't serious, however, and he’ll be able to participate in i practices once more by the first, of next week, according to a message i received from him by relatives to day. Record Available For, Bulls Bought Here (By R. W. Shoffnrr, C ounty Agent.1 I have just received from the Many Springs farm, Pennsylvania, the records on the dams of the bulls ■that were bought In the county last summer, the records that were made last year. As you know, then were seven bulls brought to this county from the Many Springs farm. Of the seven bulls, six had an official record. One of these bulls did not have a record, due to the fact that the dam died while on test. No doubt, but what this dam would have made as good a record as the rest, Mr Williams, manager of this farm says, We have sold a lot of bulls in the last year, but among the best are the ones that came your way.” The average milk production of the six dams of the bulls that, we have In the county Is 12,208 pounds of milk. The average fat production of these six dams is 627.1 pounds. Of these six records, two made gold medals last year. This Is r mighty good record for a club of bulls and is a credit to any county in this state. TKt'NTKK'N SAI.t, By virtue of the power vented In me sj trustee iu those certain deeds of trust, ex cottted by John Michael end wife, and re corded In book 145. pegs 343, end book 151. page 335, and book 1»<I, page 113. of the office of the register for Cleveland coun ty. N. O., and default having been made of the payment of the Indebtedness there by secured, and demand having been made upon me to execute the trust, I will sell to the highest bidder at the court house door nl Shelby, N. C, on Saturday, Aura 35, I nil, at If o clock M . or within legal hours, all of the following real estate, to-wlt: All situated In the town of Shelby, N C.. First lot fronting SO feet on south side of Hudson street, and extending bock it depth of 150 feet, deed for which Is re corded in book 3kX. page 374 of the office of the register ror Cleveland county, N C.. reference being had thereto for full description. Second lot. fronting on an alley 65 feet and extending back n depth uf 75 feet and being a portion of the iov conveyed to J. St. McDowell by R. .1, Dan icl and wife, recorded in book 3-0. page 17* of the register’s office for Cleveland j county. N. C., reference to which is here by had. Terms of sale; Cash. This the 34th day of Starch, lwt, 8. T. PALLS. Trustee. 4t Mar Me SPRING TIME HAPPY DAYS Folks have gone to work ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN — you can see them working in the yards and making garden everywhere you go. Now, if all the men would go to work there would be sure enough happy days Working Saving And Spending WISELY Make Happy Days We urge one and all to go to work and save their .earnings the B. & L. way— SO MUCH A WEEK It is so easy alter you get started. Try it now while we haw » new ser ies opening. Cleveland Building & Loan Association J. L. SLTTLfcl, Sec.-Treas. Two Baseball Games Here Friday, Saturday l.or;il I'uits V\»ll Get to Highs In Action Against Colics tan* <■ - , Saturday. It.iM-bali fans with their •* l> petitro already whetted lor plenty of aetion will be reward ed this week when two Raines are played here. On Friday Coach Christenbury’t Kings Mountain outfit comes here to clash with Shelby’s rebuilt cham pionship team. Then on Saturday Coach Biainey Racfeley’s Bolling Springs collegians play here Doth timid Games. Both contests should be interest ing. First of all. the fans will be curious to see if the young Morris men are improving after working two games together. Then, of course, a rriendly rivalry of many years will be in evidence In the Klngs Mountain game Friday. Contests be tween the two tennis have been hard fought for years, particularly in baseball, and the Mountaineers will be anxious to bump off the lo cals Friday in view of the fact that a major portion of the 1930 champ lonshlp club Is missing Fast Outfit. Reports arc that. Boning Springs lias back in school much of the club which last year made things hard for the junior colleges of the State. It will be the first Saturday game of the season here and should draw the largest crowd of the new season. Spirit Of Century Will Bring Us Out To The Kill tor. When times got, to their worst lust summer and full. so many bad things had happened we wondered what would happen next. Many of our banks hutl closed and tied up the people's money, following 'the' stock market crash of the year be fore. Industry slowed clow t v-si tikes were called when tljo questions in dispute should have been settled by a spirit of conclliatiou and mutual good-will and sympathy by the em ployers and the employes. Our peo ple were restless and reckless and a few were openly Bolshevik. Troops were called out to keep order. The papers were filled wltli robberies, murder.!, crimes, suicides and viol ence of all kinds, and it seemed our civilization was about to fall. Thou sands of the unemployed were tramping the streets and highways looking for jobs and begging fur bread. while a pitiless sun was scorching half the continent leaving many sod hearts and empty stom achs. For 50 years we had been try ing to help run things and It seem ed we had made a mess of it all. We had built schools, churches, hospi tals, trying to educate the masses and enforce law and order. We thought of all the groat teachers, preachers, editors and statesmen, and many men and women who had given their wealth and their lives to advance our civilization for the past 50 years. I do not need to mention their names—this paper would not hold the list -you know them for you have also worked with them. We were blue; everybody was blue, not so much because our crops fail ed to pay our debts and taxes and that we might lose our little of tilts world’s goods, but becuuse we felt somehow responsible for such con ditions. Very many things were be ing suggested and done to help the situation but it still continued to go from bad to worse, cattle and peo ple were suffering and starving in the midst of plenty when Thanks giving Day came. The roads were still filled with thu hungry and Jobless—confronted at every corner by the sign: "No Hiflp Wanted." Misery and despair was plainly written on many faces while some were outspoken Bolshevik. The very air was charged with danger, anything could happen. Something did happen just four weeks later when Santa Claus came. Times were hard and money was scare and hard to raise but every community in this land placed a sufficient sum hi the hands of charity to take care of all the needs of every citteen. The nak ed were clothed, the hungry were fed and the sick were administered to. When your euutkis walked in to their' Christinas dinner, and laid down contributions to be added to your already very liberal charity fund, they carried the spirit of the Twentieth Century that will save us. Not the size ot the gilt so much as the spirit in which it was done. They, and all men of like capacity represent the sum total of our times, they are the product of Vae last half century. The pinch oi poverty was relieved, laces brightened—the sun came through the clouds again and with that spirit we crossed the cross roads on Christmas day to a brigh fler day of Hope, which is now being fulfilled as conditions all over the world are growing better, and the worker may rest assured that every thing possible is being done to make his job secure. Thanks to the men and women who made the sacrifice. On Christ mas day we turned the corner and all te well There mu t be a Santa Claus J A. WILSON Charlotte Contest Called Off Tuesday TJio Charlotte-Shelby base- ■ ball game at Char.otte Tuesday j wan called off because of wet j grounds. Plans for playing tlic name at a later dat*> have nc* been arranged. West Shelby News Of Late Interest Several oil the Sick List. People' Moved Into Community. Pray- I er Meeting Friday. (Special to The Star.i Mrs. 8. M. Morrison has retained from a few weeks visit to Iter dmjgii- j ter Mrs. Wilbur Sliytle at Valtlese. Mr. Mallow Stroup of Bo!lie-; j Springs spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Stroup, Mi and Mrs. Joe Allen spent Saturday j night with Mr. and Mrs. L. Z. Huff- ! man. ; Little Elizabeth and Billie Oaves j spent Monday with their aunt IWi? Lee Champion. Mr. and Mrs. Hnrvill •Hamrick moved into their new home on Lie on street last week. Mr. and Mrs, P. G. Noble it y... e also moved in part of the Hi-nirVf house. j Mrs. Madge Wise and her father ' Mr. W. P. Gale moved to Wee: ; Shelby. Mr. Edgar Morrison and family i have moved to West shield;, Mrs, Bonnie Matheluoii and 'chil dren have moved back from New ton The children of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Boughain are sick with meas les. Mrs. Jacob Morrison is confined to her bed with high blood pres.? art) at the home of her son. Mr. 8, M. Morrison. Mrs. Walker who makes her home with her daughter Mrs. L. C. '-Pair’s is quite sick. Mrs. Marion Price is very sick vr-th pneumonia. There will be prayer meeting on Fi'lday night, at 7:15 o’clock at the home ol' Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Ramsey conducted by Rev. L. L. Jessup, HLVlWILL PERSONALS OF THE CURRENT W75RK (Special to The Star.) ^ Prayer meeting m Mrs. Charlie Tritt's next Friday night at 7:15. Mr. Major Anderson is in the hos pital. Mr. A. N. Ledford and family mo tored over to Kings Mountain Pun duy. Mr. Clarence Fisher and \vii> spent Saturday night with parents In Catawba county. Mr. Dewey Parker und wife and Miss Irene Baker spent the week-end in Burnsville with relatives. Mrs. W. M. Revels of the Mulls Grove section spent Saturday r.ight With Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mull. Announcements of engagements [are running 20 per cent above nor mal In the Chicago newspapers. Al most any girl with a good Job can get married now.—American Lum jbertnan (Chicago.) TWSTBE'H SALS. •Mrst Published in Cleveland atcr March 25, 1*31.) By virtue of the power of sale von tam ed in a deed of trust ekeouted the 12th day cl September, 1859. by VT. B Whto uatit and wife, Sarah Whtsnant recorded in book 163, page 56, of the register'* of fice of Cleveland county. N. C., to me «s trustee, securing au Indebtedness to Allen Glenn, end default having been made in the payment of said Indebtedness, and having been called upon -o execute the trust, I, as trustee *111 sell tor cash to the highest bidder at public auction at the court house door lh Shelby, N. C, on Saturday, April S!5 INI’, at 13 o'clock M., the foUowina described real estate:* Located In Kb- 3 tow nth.u of Cleveland countv. North Carohoa. about three miles southeast of Shetup. briny, chut tract of land bounded on the north by lands of 3 « Hamribfe-. on the cast by laud of M A. Spangler: on the. south, by lands of Itai:~o, MeKnttre: end on tlie west by lands of the Blanton estate, now owned by No.eiH Cline, with metes and bounds of Haiti, property being as follows. Beginning at a stone on old Hue. cor iii r oi land sold by IV. J Hogue to J. A Goode. now owned by 8 R. Hamrick's es tate. and runs thence south 27 degrees west 33 poll's to Jacob Hogue's old corner; thence south 29 eust 9* poles to a stone pile, Novello Chile's and Ren so r.ic Entire's corner; thence south 61 degrees east S>4 poles to a Slot;". M. A. Spangler’s corner in the Jesse lloguc old line; thence north 19 degrees east 90 poles to a stake tn the Jesse Hogue old line and corner of land sold to J V Goode, now S. R. Hanirlek’s estate land; thence with Hue of the Ham rick’s estate line north 63 degrees west 134 poles to the beginning, containing 46.6 acres more or less, being the Southern portion ol the 98 acre tract conveyed to AV J Hogue by Jesse Hogue on November Kith 1889 and recorded in book Y. page 365. of the register’s offtoe of Cleveland county, ft. C.. and the same being all of that tract of land conveyed by W. J. | Hogue, widower, to Allen Oleun on the -'3rd day of March. 193S. said deed being jof record in book 3-4). page 325. of the register's office of Cleveland county N. C . reference to said deed being hereby made Excepting from the abo’c seven (7:481 . ud 45-109 ucres deeded by Allen Glenn to M. A. Spangler and J. L. guttle on the 1st day of January. 1926, which deed t* recorded in book 3-R, page 210, of the register’* office of Cleveland county. N. C.: metes and bounds of raid 7.45 acres being as follows: Beginning on a stake on south akte of road. Spangler's and 8utt)e’s cor- j her and runs thence with their line north 20-30 east 1,110 5 feet lo stake, Hamrick’s norger; thence with hie line north 64-25] east 525 feet to a stake in’branch; ther.eei south 5-45 west 308 tret to a cherry, stump; thehce south 6-40 east 968 feet to .Make, the point of beginning. I This sale is made subject to a prior j lien executed to Federal Land bank, also, robject to any and all other prior liens . nd incumbrances including any and all taxes. A deposit of 10 percent will be re paired from the porchsmer at the sale. HENRY H, HUWAH0O’. Trustee. , 4t Mgr 25o .. c ; Red Badge of Courage Not Male Monopoly Determination of Lady Wilkins to Dare Perils of Sub-Arctic Expeditions Recalls Other Examples of Women Who Preferred the Wilds to Pink Teas, Boudoirs and Civilization in General. ' Fudv N WlI/KINSr r Mrs? 1 Martin rJoHNfbN'1 Nrv York.—When Sir Hubert) Wilkins, 'the noted Arctic explorer, made public his intention to attempt un approach to the North Pole by submarine, many opinions were voiced as to the wisdom or practical value ot such an expedition. Beyond that, public interest in the affair was, to say the least lethargic. But since the wile of the Intrepid ex plorer has declared her intention ol making the hazardous trip with her husband, the world, which is first and foremost an incurable roman ticist, lias set up with a jolt and is I beginning to take notice. Lady Wilkins, who only recently made known her determination to be one of the crew of the sub-Arctic Nautilus, doesn't think that there is anything crazy or fool-hardy j about the proposed trip. She has no fear of that blind dive through frigid seas tinder an Ice field twenty feet thick. The thousands of perils that lie in their path between Spitzber-] gen and Alaska are to her just de tails ol' a great adventure. Only one thing matters. She'll be with her man—and that's the true woman of it. Lady Wilkins is just running true to form. History teems with exam ples of heroic women who have braved untold perils to be with the men they loved. One need only think back to pioneer days When the hardy men and women who made our west trekked out into what was then the great unknown. In those days the women fought side by side with the men, and many of them sent more than one would-be scalp lifter to Join his ancestors in the happy hunting grounds. Our own generation contributes generously to the reputation that woman has won for fearlessness. Another lady who has no fear of old Davy Jones is Mrs. William Beebe, wife of the submarine scien tist. Mrs. Beebe has accompanied her husband on many perilous ex peditions in search of new data re lating to marine flora and fauna. To change the scene from ocean depths to tropical jungles. We have the saga of the Johnsons, whose ad ventures through regions of unmap ped Africa make a more blood-stir T'.ng narrative than the wildest flight of fiction. Martin Johnson, who shoots big game with a camera instead of a gun, has penetrated parts of the dark continent where a white man had never before set foot and filmed scenes that astouud us stay-at homes who must find our adven tures in the pages of detective thrillers. In all of his harzardous ex- j peditlons Mr. Johnson was accom-1 panied by his wife, who did her] share of the dangerous work of re-, cording the habits of wild animals Not In Years Have We Seen Such SILK DRESSES $9.95 A LOW PRICE FOR SUCH SMARTNESS! EVERY woman who knows the high priced character istics of chic, taste and good quality will be thrilled to find these in dresses at only $9.95. For you never saw anything quite as good looking, as utterly smart as the dresses in this low’ priced group. Bright prints in the gayest colors . . . plain colors and contrasts. Made with the care and details you would expect only in much higher priced models. — Styles For Everybody THREE-QUARTER COATS SOFT COWL NECKLINES DISCREET FLARES SHORT JACKETS FAGOTTING LACE Sizes for women and misses Campbell Dept. Stores with the camera. On one occasion wliile taking pictures at night, tire explosion of a flashlight enraged a lion and caused him to charge the daring woman. Was she scared* Well, maybe, but not scared enough to make her hand shake; for she iircd when the charging beast was only fifteen feet from her and killed her lion With one shot. Pink teas, boudoirs and civiliza tion in general pale upon many woman who have that dash of ad venture in their blood. Mrs. William Seabrook, wife of the author and traveller, is one such. Mrs. Sea brook has accompanied her hus band in his strange wanderings in many lands, among Bedouins in Arabia, cannibals of unexplored West Africa and Voodoo workers of Haiti. She once averred that she lelt much safer in the most savage infested jungles than she did in some of our most civilized cities. Patriarchs Of County Who Lived Long And Drank No Whiskey (By M. L. WHITE , Editor of The Star. People have a right to differ and most of them exercise this privilege. They also have a right to express their diversities of opinion if done in proper spirit and clothed in decent and respectful language. I am often assured by ancient phil osophers that prohibition is a great iniquity and encroachment on per sonal privilege. That every nan has a right to use tobacco of his own tree will and accord and to look upon white mule when it gives its color in the jug. That whoso useth tobac co and corn whiskey will enjoy a long, quiet, peaceful and happy life, even if he partakes of while mul® till he cant drive a horse fly frcm the end of his nose. As for longevity, Adam, 'Uethusa leh and other historical characters who erassed the ninth century mark rather confute claims of acf vocates cf tobacco and intoxicants. Then as to out cry against pro hibition. The first law enacted in Eden prohibited eating fruit of the tree of knowledge, and Satan, the first prohibitionist beguiled Eve in to violating this What he called abuse of personal privilege, and his tribe are still a mark spreading thei: sophistry among the sons an;;, daughters of men. I am assured that all wise ana prosperous nations are unmitigate soakers of apple jack, bug juice me other Intoxicants. The Arabs are ab stainers from intoxlcans and mat: aged to lick our carousing ancestor in four crusades and hold lerusr lem. They also, taught us all 7 know about algebra and geometry and architecture gave us Arabic fi- - ures instead of the cumbersome Re man letter system. They had tine and fleeter horses than our clunxs French and English draft animal. They could cut our swords in tw o with their finely tempered einirtev They were polygamists and eo ar we The man who has married threv women, all still living, i: just a much a polygamist as the late Kin Solomon-or the sultan of Turke; One anti-prohibitionist will tel you the Savior made whiskey whit another tcils you that whiskey an lODacco promotes,longevity. uuu think modern doctors of . erse o skill prescribe either whiskey v to - bacco: and think such prescription were results of ignorance and rap erstiticn in the "good old days,” vei' erated with such rapture by the ev - er present fogies. The only tv;o men X ever knew to die from ode of ; venomous snake had a satisfy o whiskey; ohe having a gallon r contraband and the other being i: a distillery. May people here remember Cap Edd Dixon w ho had about reac'nei the 97th mile post In the January of life. He never used whiskey or to bacco. Dr. V. J. Palmer attained live ripe; age of 80. He was not an addict o; either whiskey or tobacco, was i brave officer of the Confederacy and did enough night riding in rain snow and freezing weather to civ cumnavigate the globe several t'mf ministering to sick people after the close of the war in which he rrcelv ed several wounds. Another gallant Confederate hern was Capt. Devenny Parker who reached 92 years. He lost his right arm at bloody Chickamauga, G: but never used either tobacco no whiskey. However he opposed prohi bit ion on the score of “persona’ privilege.” while a very honest, in telligent man, X regard his v*ewc a' untenable CORN CRACKER. Must PLOW DEEP And SOW WIDE ... TO GET BUSINESS OUR NEW MEYER BOTH CUT AND COPY SERVICE IS HERE with new and forceful illustra tions and commanding copy and dis plays to draw productive sales from your trade territory. Help Yourself to the Business Get ting Suggestions Free For Your Use At The ClevoLcnd Star

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