MRS HAMMERSTEIN'S OWN STORY TODAY: Homage—and Snubs —From London’s Aristocracy Oscar's “Hello, King! Greeting to George V; the Rebuff to Lady Cunard; When an Outraged Soprano’s Mamma Crushed His Top-Hat -ft* SMILING THROUGH Although Thi* Photo of Mr*. Oscar Hammerstein Wai Taken When the Cloud* of Disaster Hovered Near the Horizon, She Remained Gay and Hopeful. Here You See the Proud, Defiant Smile That Encouraged Her Famous Husband it* the Midst of His Troubles. UlS is the fifth of a series of * articles l>y Mrs. Oscar IInmnier - stein. in which she nili of the triumphs and disasters of her color Hem i* the tragic story of a unman, icho first married a wealthy Chicago packer, then Was the wife of the most famous impresario of his time, and finally was found pen niless and forgotten, drifting about I Xetr York amid the scenes of her ' former glories. 0f MUX. OSt 411 HAMMhRSTliiX. ONI)ON — the . glittering, fastidi ous London of nearly two decades ago— vvii' the background for the dramatic turn of the tide in my own and my husband's fortunes. To this day I look back to that time as mark-, htg the pinnacle and the beginning of the descent'"in our triumphs. It was there I met and fell in love, with my husband ; it was there I saw the full flowering of his genius, and. ala,-! it .was also there 1 realized the disastrous force of. his temperament ahd the i kin caprices that motivated his actions. 1 was to see hint treat the King of Mngiam! in a most oiThand and ■usual Way, to openly rebulT the aovierful Lady Cunard, and to turn his back on the popular ex-King .Manuel, : ful life. of Tortuga!, and the Duke of Argyic. His egocentric and eccentric actions overwhelmed me at time', but I soon learned-—and, [ think, with a thrill of pride—that Oscar Hammerstein pos sessed a singular feeling of world inde pendence. Yet, as I shall show you, it was to ptove our undoing. It was* after the Metropolitan Opera Company eliminated Oscar from the New York field that he looked about— like a forlorn Alexander-—for other operatic worlds to conquer. He de cided upon London, and resolved to make a great splurge there. Then the stronghold of Covent Garden, where the famous Sir Thomas Beecham. ,%he pill king, reigned as di rector, became active. Oscar had un warily put his head into the jaws of the British Hon. Covent Garden rose from the very foundation of the Brit ish throne, immovable, invincible, and, above all, hostile to a foreign invader. To patronize any other house would have meant a slight to royalty itself. But Oscar refused to be disturbed by the frowns of royalty. He set up a royal, entrance in his Kings way Opera House, but over the door he had chiseled, not the King’s effigy, hut the effigy of Oscar Hammerstein! De spite the special portal for the King’s family, royalty never passed through it. When King George did come, ft was through the main entrance. He ig nored the royal entrance, with its SIGNPOST OF FAME A Recent Snapshot Photo of Mrs. Hammers tain Standing Just Across the Street from Where Her Husband's Famous Victoria Theatre in the Heart of the Times Square District Stood. effigy of Oscar looking mock ingly down. The occasion for the King's visit was one of Queen Mary’s charity be nefit.-.. Oscar was elated. -So was I, of course. After all i these months their Majesties had at last consented to at tend. Oscar, Wearing his in imitable top hat, stood by the entrance, awaiting the atrh a! of the K i rig's, carriage. -ws wing v.eorge aligMed from his carriage and started, lor the entrance .Oscar came forward with ex tended hand and with all of the heartiness in the world, entirely free of the usual formality, cried out; “Hello, King! Glad to see you l" The King smiled with surprise and amuse ment. and said, cordially, "1 am de lighted to meet you, Mr. Hanimers'tei.n.'" Oscar had tried to be very genial. Of course, he was not used to the eti quette of the court. I don’t suppose that His Majesty, in his most unsus pecting moments, had ever dreamed of such a welcome. My husband mur mured a quiet salutation to the Queen. Of course, I never dared mention to Oscar that his regard for a king was not in keeping with custom. However, the evening seemed to be a triumph, and everybody, we thought, was happy. But the King and Queen never returned to Oscar’s opera house after that incident. They let the insti tution lapse into the doldrums of fail ure without the slightest concern, in fact, Oscar once said to me: “I kind of think that King George and his What Cansos Sciatica in Your Legs u. I I.. V SCIATICA i.r mount pain due to some involvement of the sciatic nerve. This nerve is the longest rr> the body. It reaches front the spinal •ord down to the knee joint. There it branches off into two other nerves which supply the lower part of the leg and foot. As a matter of fact, the sciatic is not really a single nerve but i--: a combination of two nerves enclosed in a tube of tissue in the same way that ar, electric cord consists of two elec trie wires surrounded by a tube of in sulating fabric, Tit is through the me dium of this nerve that the log receives impulses so,that it tail, move at will. It also receives sensations from the skin arid transmits them to the spinal cord and to the brain. Kecause the nerve runs down the biii-k part of the thigh, jt is there that the pain is felt in sciatica. Sciatica is r ot ad) lease in itself; it is a symptom. In this respect it may be compared to a headache which is merely a warn ing that some abnormal condition is existing in the body. Of course, it is possible for the nerve to become in flamed due to such causes as exposure to cold for prolonged periods, extreme muscular exertion, and u severe wet ting in water much below body temper ature. Oftentimes a mild degree of .sciatica may result due to faulty pos ture v lulu silting in which pressure is (Phjiician and Surgeon ) The bourse of the Sciatic Nerve (X) Down the Back of the Right Thigh, i» ■Shown at the Left, Dividing In Two Branches at the Knee-Joint (1-2), At Rich! (B) the Courses of the Two Branches Below the Knee Are Shown. made upon the nerve. Crossing of the legs, or sitting too close to the edge of a chair frequently gives rise to peculiar sensations described as the leg or foot “going to sleep." Aside from these possibilities there are more serious causes of sciatica. Anything: which exerts a pressure upon the nerve anywhere along its course is painful. Tumors sometimes form in the pelvis and press against or pinch the nerve. Even an enlarged uterus, due to pregnancy or tumors, may in volve the sciatic nerve. Sciatica some times appears suddenly following an accident in which there is a dislocation or fracture of the bones in the region of the hip or knee, a bone being jammed against the nerve. Gout, rheumatism, excessive use of alcohol, diabetes, flat feet and venefaJ diseases have been held responsible for sciatica. The possible causes are many and varied. It is little wonder that sciatica is obstinate to treatment. The most painstaking search with the aid of all known means of diagnosis may fail to locate the underlying cause, jf the cause is discovered, however, and removed, the pain ceases as soon as the nerve recovers from its injury. How can one tell if the sciatic nerve is involved when the leg is painful? The following is a simple test. Lie down flat on the back pending both the hip and knee joints. Now slowly stretch the knee so that the leg be comes straight, pointing up in the air. This movement places the sciatic nerve on the stretch. If it is diseased of in volved in any abnormal condition, pain will be felt as the knee is straightened. The distribution of the pain will follow the course of the nerve, being prom inently noticeable along the back ol the thigh. JUST A PAL “A* King George started for the entrance of the new opera house, Oscar Hemmerstein cenie forward with entended hand and cried out: "Hello, King; glad to see you!” v/if<• took me for n sucker. I was an easy niark for them nil right. They vised mv house for their chanty work, but. they never thought of being char itable toward me.” But it was his self-ijuffieient attitude which was destined to ruin him. Hi hearty American methods were to prove too uncouth for London’s oper atic climate. The first severe blow mine from hm patron, Lord Howard do Walden. Oscar had put more than $850,000 into the Kings way House, and Lie Walden added the balance to make it $1,000,000. One day the British peer paid my husband S SO,000 additional: to put on one oi ms own operatic com-, positions. It was a a (1 f lop, a n d O s c a r urged him to stop composing. But soon after ward his lord »hip presented V another opera for Oscar's con 'm side ration and production. My 1 husband turned it down flat. “But 1 will pay all. the ex penses,” insisted De Walden, “no matter what. they, might amount to 1 want it produced." “No, siree!” said Oscar, and .1 had difficulty in keeping from laughing for, although in the background, I could not heln overhearing the con versation. “No more of your pieces in my house,” Oscar continued. “You can, take everything that; belongs to you .and get out. if you think you -can foist stuff like that on me," Lord de Walden’s feelings were shocked. He never quite recovered from the effect. Hi- pride was mor tally wounded. The British peer imme diately withdrew his patronage and the' support of his followers. But the bil t‘rest blow of all came one night, toward the close of oUr. first London season in 1.912, On that night Mr. Hammerstein’ and ! were sitting in his box in the grand circle of the opera house. We were sweetheart.-, then, in the first bloom of our romance. A boy came to our box and said that Lady t’unard wished to see Oscar. Previously he had pointed her out to me. She was beautiful, and fbiie of the most socially powerful women in London. Through my opera glasses I watched Oscar, and, suddenly, I saw the ex pre. -ion 'on his face change. He said something, and then two gentlemen in l ady Cunard’s box rose angrily to their feet. One was Manuel,.the ex-king of Portugal, and the other the Duke of Argvle. For a moment the two men glared at Oscar. But he. looking ston ily past them and at Lady Canard, bowed and turned abruptly. As he left the box he klamtned the door-. It was with fear that he had done, something rash that I awaited Oscar's return to our box. When he ap A HEAVY SCORE, INDEED “Clear tlrodt angrily upon the itage, (winging Wl ennn menacingly, Ha approached the offending loprano. But kaj mother, who wa( (landing naarhy, picked up a heaey acorn of ‘Fauat’ from the piano, She raiiad it high in the air and brought it down flat upon Oicar’i top-hat. The hat crumple* unhappily on hia head." pea; 0.1 1 asked -ifm what, the trouble was, •‘What do you think, eh?” lie replied. “That Lady Cunard tried to tdli me how to run an opera house -my opera house! After I have been in the opera for forty years she Lies to tell me how to run one, eh'.”' Oscar was very angry, lie explained tj me hoV he told Lady C anard he didn’t need a guardian or her advice. T said to her; '1 didn’t invite you rr. l ou ramp of your own free will, and if, you d on't care lo come you don't have to. I haven’t pot time to be h o t h e r ed with people like you.” E v p n lie fore Oscar had finish One liey Oscar sent for her but she refused to see him until she had finished her rehearsal. He dashed downstairs in a fit. of anger. Bursting into the auditorium, he saw the young woman at the piano. He strode angrily upon the stage, swinging his Ane menacingly. He^ ap proached the offending soprano. When he demanded to know why she had not answered his call she refused to reply. But her mother, who was standing nearby and had observed the phenome non of the impresario upbraiding her daughter, ventured to answer for her. Picking Up a heavy score—of "Faust,” 1 believe— from the piano, she raised it high in the air and brought it down fiat upon Oscar’s top Hat Then the soprano and her mother left the auditorium. Despite Urn vicissitudes he suffered in London, Oscar kept his romantic spirit aglow. Soon after I returned to New York I received a letter from him, ALL ALONE— Mra. Oaear Hammeretein (Above) A» She Administered Her I-ate H unhand a Dwindling Estate. At Right, She la Seen Feeding Her Dog, “teddy.' <-ti .speaking I .-aw. Lady. Canard and her two famous companions leave the ir box—•never to return. After that I understood Lady Cunard took par ticular pains to prevent arty of her aristocratic coterie of friends from attending and patronizing Oscar’s operas. Hut her antagonism did not seem to trouble him. He keep right on without altering hia tactics or his attitude. However poor business was, there were always plenty of episodes to keen up a sort of bon c»pnt. there was enough color and, on most oc casions I must say, there was too much drama. For instance, there was a little-known American girl, who used to sing at the Manhattan Opera House and was transplanted to Oscar’s London house. Chair |n W hich Oscar Hammerstein Sat in the Wing* of His New York Opera House to View Performances. The Cane Is the Last One Ha Used. THE MUSIC MASTER ' Tbit Study of Otcar Hammeretein It Hit Widow’# Favorite. It Wet Taken a Few Yeart Before Hit Death and Reveal# the Fine, Intellectual Feature# of the Great Impretario. which was both gentle and despondent. He said he was "so miserable because the future in London does not look bright, and 1 am so tired of my loneli ness and the stolid, unappreciative English people, that I wish I had never come here." Then he added: , “1 turned down invitations from l ord de Walden and Cavalieri. The city is like a morgue. Everybody out. of ’ town. 1 am smoking myself to death. I walked, walked, walked. Everything is simply desolate. The empty lounge—the empty existence. "And then I thought of you. ‘Where may she be today? Tonight? She won’t stay in her room all day, Lone liness is the strongest temptress in the world. So kiss my picture every time you look at it. Presene that spirit Emma, have me before you all the time, and think I am thinking of you,” (To Be Concluded.) , Copyright, JtfSO* Jaiera»ti