Toluca And Knob Creek Gleanings Miss ( orenr llovlo Knirrijlns ' i I Sain Goes to University Personals. 'Special to The Stal'd I Toluca. Mar. 3C.—There is still' a lot, of sickness in this community a lot of ilu. and several cn of pneumonia. Members of the Seutoi B. V. P U at Carpenters Grove eft Joyed u :■? j cud at the home ol Miss Cercr.e ®nyle on last Saturday night. Thd.c present were: Misses Ruth and worn Costner, Inez Propst, Vunyie Mull, \*rtle Smith, Edith Ledford. Dlxpr. Smith. Vernon Cook, Delinhe Propst Wayne Carpenter. Edwin and leuie j Seagle. Clyde Bingham and Edwin ; Costner. Many interesting games were played after which refresh ments were served consisting of sandwiches, pickles and punch, Fletcher Sain returned to the Uni versity of N. C„ last Sunday where he Will enter the spring term, He returned by Charlotte where he spent Saturday night with Dr. and Mr*. Clarence Peeler. Mr. Lee Willis spent Hie part week at his home. He wai home from college for the spring holldvys I Mr. and Mrs. Owen Seagle apent, Saturday night at the home hi her; father, Mr. A. c. coscner. Miss Nora Costner spent a few j days the past week with Mr. and > Mrs. A. T. Mull. Mrs. Leanne Boyles spent a few days the past week in Lincoln cout> | ty visiting:. Uncle Monroe Williams, en HF» \ ear-old veteran, enjoys spending some time with his friends. He spent , everal days the past week at Hick ory and Newton. Miss Vangie Mull or Fnllston and Miss Nora Costner spent Saturday night, with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cook Mr. Edney Willis and family were j dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Young last Sunday. Mrs. Joe Bingham spent last Men day at the home or her daughter L'r and Mrs. F. D. Edwards. Misses Madge Beam, Mo?,ell Bess and Pauline Hoyle of the North; Brook section spent, last Monday i.ight with Mr. and Mrs. R, P Boyles. Miss Pauline Davis of Rockdale spent last Wednesday night with lit r i uicle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. IJ. S. Boyles. Miss Ruth Costner spent Wt > nasday night at the home pf her s,s* | tet Mr. and Mrs. Owen Seattle, Mrs. S. A. Sain and son ThaxL.j DON’T BE SO HARD ON OLD DAD Times ain't like they use to be—he can’t spend as much on his home folks now—cause times ain’t like they used to be. Help Him Out Don’t want so much and help him to save. The average Dad wants his folks to dress up and look good, lie wants them to have a nice car. the home spick and span, and this and that—and it hurts him to refuse or even say let’s leave this off for a while because he wants his home folks to have the best and s good time, but he can't do the things he used k do because times ain't like they used to be. i — BUT — Time are improving now and it’s up to the whole family to put their shoulders to the wheel and help Dad out by ! working and saving. - With A Smile Don’t nag a l him. Don»t want so much, but back him up. wear patch ed britches with him— and times will b? like they used to be, — START A Family Get Ah<?rd Fund The B. & L. Wav So Much A Week At The CLEVELAND BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 1. 1.. SiTTLi:. Hec.-Treas. New Series Now Opening v .>re dinner guests last Saturday of her uncle and auht Mr .and Ve. ' C Mull of Shelby. New House Section Personal Mention While I aliiilj l oses lloinr In l ire In Oeorifia. Padgett t'lill.l St iloudly III. iS|'ieiat to The Star.i New House, Mar, "6.- Friend • i.i.a. relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Loy sV-hi" >f Hillsboro. On., weie orrv to learn of their home being destroyed 1a fire one day last \ celt, toy and brother John gave the livid. pi: nt :6 the Sandy Flutn. Baptist nu: c!i hi ntrnic ot their father Mr. .In White. Since the White brothers .la e dorr f much i-ir . lie .•llllnll. he people tori a.s if they owe them lomething. A committee was appdfht id to rat e money, and the W A!. t ivomen ere griung CloUiin. unen fruits and etc . to ■ end. Master Fny Jrnkiie .(r.. tie, u< ,.n lick for tin pay week, lie i mi* proving. Rev. and Mrs.. ,1 D Bridge,* are a*, lie home of Rev. and Mr.',, Itt.vsi Padgette at Lowell to be ;at the bed* lide of their granddaughter who is -1 not expected to live. Mho has H tc with scarlet fever and compli cations. Her condition very Si.'. Born 1’iiuisday March 1st to i\v> ifid Mrs. Frank McFarland a. dale- • -cl;": .htcr. Joan. Mother and bub art getting alon j nicely Mrs. .1 - Far hind before •nun-in.:.* xs Mi.-s. Vernie Dave.. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. vVnik'T -pei the week end In Ellenboro visit;.--, relative-.. Mr. and Air.. L. 1. Crcenu ,pui Sunday night with Mrs.; ■ Gryt'-iV; 1-ru-t‘iU.s. Mr, and Mrs de ,y Whitaker. Mr. Stough A. DaU-. who lias it. i. indisposed tor the past week 1 • in- • proving Ml?-, t.buise Wiilket visited u< f uzele P.elty Sunday. Mr . Buren y.rooks is visiting eer parents Mr. and Mis. B. C. Gr t.v this week. Mrs. Httlchel Walker and chiUk.-n Mary Etta and. Walter Forrest,, a Atrs. Jame Sherrill oi’ Lattimore rent Saturday afternoon with Airs Zullu Walker and daughter Belie.; Mi. Emmett Greene had tin o;>; - atioii performed 011 his foot at .toe Shelby hospital Saturday. He ha returned to hit home unci is j,i idi . along ntcely. Mr. and Mr L. I . dreenr, ’• Gladys Greene ami Mr. Vi&ti: Greene visited Mr. and Mrs. vV. 8 j Walker In Shelby Sunday afteru'*. ‘ U. O. P. To Make Tammany Issue Washington.—The Republican ne . ional commit uau intends to fig!) the I Mil presidential campaign cm, the is..ue that a Democratic ViCtorj ; would mean Tammany control1' .«>.*; the White House. Remember the success which attorn, j ed their emphasis upon Tammany and related issues in the 192U elec tion. the Republican high command hit.: decided that disc is.-Ti.!1 ol T; • current municipal travail iirjltr York is the best antidote lor ,auU-j ciprtted Democratic utilization the depression, unemployment, tiic-' unsutslfactov’. farm situation, uiidi prohibition unrest as campaign am munition. i My Tammany an issue tlie'. Republicans believe they can capi talize prohibition sentiment in the west and south without alienatin'.', ant'.-prohibitionist;, in the populous! ' ,e i. : “If a dc,j steals a piece of meat j livrn my shop Is the owner liable?’ li-j r feed the man behind the desk. ; DEL MONTE FOOD SALE FRUIT SALAD - NC°J - 19c PEACHES ‘ST 19c ASPARAGUS TIPS - ^ L. - 17c SPINACH | 'ar *i9c APRICOTS cr 29c PINEAPPLE SLICED No. 1 Can No. 2 Can CRUSHED No. 1 Can No. 2 Can i Royal Anne CHERRIES Nc“.n' 19c i AT THE NEW LOW PRICE [ BOKAR 29c ! PINK SALMON — — 10c BLACKEYE PEAS - 6 lbs. 2Sc APPLE SAUCE ££ r 10c MAWBLL HOI’S!: COFFEE Lb.. 32c H»S h HR WO FLOUR-24 & 65c IONA Bit A N1) BEETS 2 No. 2\ Cans . 25c f NV" R" ioim: Nutley lb. 15c FA NOT Rt.l I IJOSF | MCE # — lb. St LTAVA—ASSORTKI) FLAVOR 1 JAM — £ 5c 19c beams Quaker Maid Oven Baked CATSUPJmS: 8-0* Bottle ) cans 19C I6cj5Z*i« Grandmother’s Bread "ra KULL POUND 1 pkg. Ivory Snow with * Camay Soap For I9C JEWEL OR SCOCO SHORTENING 8-POUND BUCKET Bulk lb. 10c 89c Sugar-Finest Granulated 10-lb. 47c Pure Rio COFFEE 2 - lbs. 25c PRODUCE SPECIALS LEi I'UCt; ~ 1 1 v*U\i ..... . .. _ _ .. CARROT'S - ■ *. bundles ... BANANAS - (» Pounds ___ POTATOES — Florida Red Bliss. No IV. 2 lbs. GRAPEFRUIT • . 0 for ;r:-___’' . .___ 5c 10c 25c 15c 25c MARKET SPECIALS K1NGAN’S SLICED Q Q BACON — lb. ... ... PORK CHOPS or BOAST — lb. VEAL CHOPS — Pound ___ 17ic 19c BEEF LIVER — Pound *_i._ STEW BEEF - Pound ........... PORK LIVER ~ Pound ___ 19c 10c 10c The Great Atlantic Pacific Tea Co. rrinitv Community News OfThe Week Mn-ler Homer Wall Seriously III With Pneumonia. Food Shoe, w For School. iSp era! to The Star.) Friivity, Mar. 25.—Mrs. Forrait Kelly ef Goldsboro, is spending sev '.‘I'al days here with her granipur ent . Mr. and Mrs. K. D. N Jol 'Alr*. Wray Hollifield of *u*r Cl t -nee, S. C., spent last week wish her soil J. A. Hollifield here. airs. Paul Bridges and little daugh for Katie Lou. have recently re turned to their home here after hav ing spent severnl days with ne; j brother Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mc Kinney of EUenboro. j The Sunday dinner guests of Mr i H. W. McKinney included Mrs. C. j O. Jollev of Raleigh, Mrs. Forres’ ! Kelly of Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ij. D. N. Jolley and Mr. and Mrs. F. n j Lovelace of this community. | Master Homer Wall, the eight- j year olti son of Mr. and Mrs. sti.iv Wall has been seriously ill with pneumonia and side pleurisy, t> it. we are glad to note that he is .m proving nicely. It is reported that we have several cases of flu in our community b' t none of these seem to be serious. Mrs. K. D. N, Jolley and Mrs. ©..| C. Jolley of Raleigh, spent a few days of last week with Mrs, B. I Buchanan of Boiling Springs. Mr. and Mis. K. D. N. Jolley. Mm C. C. Jolley. Mrs. Forrest Kelly, Mrs W O. Winn and Mrs. N. C. Joiiey spent Thursday with Mr and Ii W. E. Jolley of Shelby. The B. Y. P. U. study course ,uc progressing nicely this week and tne exams will be given Friday night. The quarterly meeting of the V M. U. will be held at Trinty church next Saturday afternoon at 230 The president Mrs. J. A. Hunnicutt is asking the different churches to bring a food shower for the South Mountain institute at this time. \ representative of this school will oo present to receive this shower. Ft Pays To Advevtise NOTH' V » O ,M) > a 9. <orth Carolniu, Cleveland County, in the Superior Court, Before the ClcuJt. County Board oi Education of Cleveisr.c Cohntv. N. C., Petitioner vs. Junlc Moss and Husband, Cofard Mos andr Brooks Mobs, Defendants. Tne defendants. Sunie Moss, Cufdni MOss and Brooks Moss wlU take notir that an action entitled as above has beer commenced in the superior court of Clew and county to condemn certain lands foi a school site for the No. 3 Townshi; school in which each of you have a cet tain interest" and the said defendants further take notice that Urey are requirec to appear in the office of the clerk oj hiperior court at Shelby N.. C. on Mon day. April 27th. 1931. to answer or de mur to the complaint in said action oi Plaintiffs will apply for the relief de manded in said petition This March 26th. 1931. A M HAMRICK. Clerk of Superior Court. Jno. P Mull, A tty. for petitioners. 4t Mch 27C STAR AD VS. PAYS Taking It On The Chin! Our Entire Stock Of Furniture and Furnishings Must Go - Regardless During Our Clean-Sweep, Removal Out-of-Business Sale Read It - Read It MOST INTERESTING NEWS IN THE STAR I $62.50 Sellers Kitchen Cabinets at $32.95 $60.00 Mascot Maid Range at . . . $29.50 $ jj $39.50 Marsh Kitchen Cabinets at $23.95 j I $12.50 Armstrong Congoleum Rugs $5.95 I Jj $10.00 Felt Base Rugs at .. $3.95 j | $10.00 50-lb. Cotton Mattress at . .. . $3.98 j f $1.50 Split Bottom Chairs at .. _ 95c | j All Window Curtains and Draperies 1-3 Price. All Pictures, Mirrors, Novelties — Less Than Wholesale Factory Cost. Also Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses. 1-2 PRICE ALL PORCH FURNITURE. 100 Rugs All Kinds And Sizes - \ Price I SEE AND GET PRICES, AND YOU’LL BUY — OUR SALE PRICES ARE ' THE LOWEST EVER OFFERED IN SHELBY. 4 Floors & The Warehouse Jammed ! WITH NEW AND UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS — COME AND BUY BEFORE TUESDAY NIGHT The Paragon Furniture Co. SHELBY, N. C.

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