V* ..at I Believe About Education; Ey A County High School Principal (By a Hf'ih School ITinripal of Cleveland County.) I believe that education furnishc the only means of escape from ptsat antry and political submeislnn ill society, of those who form the masses. It offers the only machinery for thwarting the encroachment if fan tastic philosophies such as thRt em bodied in Communism. It offers the only means >f escape from the life of drudgery and mis ery common to the conditions ac companying the peasant state men tioned above In short, education of fers the only chance at economic freedom of the masses. It offers the only means of bring ing about a high state of spiritual and cultural development. Along with the church education offers the only meanR through which a permanent civilization car. be constructed. Education Not a Luxury. In this temporary and Severe economic depression our state i terns to be debating the proposition tnat education is a luxury that ts un necessary. and therefore must be curtailed when It ought to be dis cussing a program of education that will leave much of the tradition ll behind, and will fit into the ltfc of the people to a greater degree 'han ever before. Rural children will be herded into overcrowded class rooms Their teachers will be less effec tive due to additional economic wor ries and their heavier teaching imds Yet, those who are able wiii still ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Raving mu day qualified aa adminis trator ot the estate of Edeeele McBweln lata of Cleveland county, North Carolina thU la to notify all person* having claims against the said estate to present then, to me properly proven on or before the Mtb day of February. 1833, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any recovery thereof All persons owing the said estate will please make Immediate settlement to the undersigned This Feb 5#th, 1831 THURSTON MeSWAtN. R-l, Weeks bury, 8. C.. administrator of tcdesaie MeSwaln. «t F 37o P»— ——.. —- ... ■ ADMINISTRATORS- NOTICE. Having ijuallflrd a* the administrator of the estate of Mr*. L. C P Hamrick, deceased, late of Cleveland county. Noith Carolina, this 1* to notify all perrons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Shelby, N C , on or before the 37th day of February, 18.13. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons Indebted to said testate Will pleaee make immediate payment. T3Ue February 3«th. 1831 P Cl HAMRICK and MRS. F O WEAVER. Administrators of the Estate of Mrs. L. C, P Hamrick, deceased. Jno F. Mull, Ally. 6t Feb 37c First—In the dough. Then in the oven. You can be sure of perfect baking* in using— IfY^BAKINC IW POWDER SAME PRICE FOR OVER40 YEARS 25 ounces for 25c MtUIONSOF POUNDS USED BV QUA COVERNMENT Pale and Weak "I thin* Cardui is a wonder ful medicine, for I improved greatly after taking it," eaya Mrs. A. W English, of R. F. D. 4, Roanoke, Va. "When I waa Just a girl of 13, my mother gave this medicine to me, and it did me a great deal of good. I waa weak and run-down. After I had taken Cardui awhile, I felt much better. "In 1924, my health waa poor. I felt miserable, and hadn’t enongh strength to do my housework. It took all my willpower to keep up. 1 was pale and weak. "I got Cardui again and took It My improvement waa wonderful. I can recommend Cardui to others, for my health waa eo much better after I had taken a course of the Cardui Home Treatment** ___ try, tat CARDUI lit Ips Women to Health (Take ThedforiPa Black-Draught f for f xtpstion, Indlaeatlnn. I Only 1 pent a dose, | ! provide for their children bv seeking I better educational opoituniUcs away from home, because those op ! portunities have enabled them to gain the best for those whom rr.ev love. Our schools are critl ,ised ff r not meeting the needs of ail We have not yet arrived at the point where we can finance a narrow pro gram of studies much less introduce courses to fit every individual nee > Yet, the schools are Judged by scores of standards. A rural high iehool may barely be able to exist while of fering only one course of iudy. However many boys and girls who | will never go to college have to be subjected to Instruction In subject matter which may be of little or n" value to them, because the tourse of study must fit the small minority of the enrollment that will go to col lege. College preparation Is ham pered by short terms, association with those who pursue the same courses apathetically knowing that they could gain greater benefits from studies better adapted to their Interests, and by poorer teaching be cause of the smaller remuneration received by rural teachers, instead of criticizing, the people and their legislators ought to be studying the • defects of the system with a ”!cv; j toward development of a wndT ■educational system that wld func tion In the best interests of the ma jority. The present attitude seems to be "kill the child"; he is gob1 g to grow up a cripple anyway, thd v,e must save the doctor bills. WO are condemning the teachers of North Carolina for being holders of bush els of stocks and bonds, directors of corporations, aristocrats of ff-| nance and robbers of the public treasury. It Is useless to refute the charge. nenool Taxes. The farmers of America torn. Hie basis of American civilization. 'other groups prosper temporarily by hav ing him at. an economic disadvan tage, but in the long rim the whtie well-being of the nation ais upon a happy and stable rural pop ulation. The fanner has no lg'.t to ask Industry to pay his whole bill, but he does have a right to have taxes levied on him according to hie Income. He also has a right to edu cational opportunities as sultablo to his needs and just as adequate as those enjoyed where wealth Is a yn.* mulated and concentrated. becausr most of that wealth has been cheat ed from the raw materials lumijned by the tiller of the soil and ; y ’ hose who make the earth yield up hir virgin wealth. The fanner should not nor does he desire special priv ilege. He lias never had any; henve j he does hot know how to desis 9 it. However, the very nature of fanning precludes the availability of co' por- j ate triable wealth to furnish him ' with his need in the way of a ~op»v ! program of education for his chil dren. Yet we have the spectacle of j farmers opposing those who espouse doctrines designed for his benefit. They do not constitute a. majority, of the farming population, but the majority has not yet realized that the minority is joining hands with those who will take away the child.: best guarantee of a future free front ignorance and political dependency Too Big a Dose. The farmers of Eastern North Carolina had a very fine program had It not been motivated by panic instead of common sense They have yielded to mob psychology, and are ready to give up schools if necessary to get relief. They did not call for abolition of education except as a last resort, but demanded ■•onipleTc relief from taxes for the constitu tional term. They said that those; should pay who were able, in pay. which is right, but they tried to) thrust the whole dose of taxation j down the throat of Industry end certain forms of corporate wealth prove to be unwilling to take the whole dose at once. They tnaae the fatal mistake of asking fof the COMMISSIONER’S WALL OF LAN», Under and by urine of an order of the -.uperlor court, of Cleveland county. North lerohna, mede in tire special proceeding untied. J. C. Newton and Carl Thomp oh. administrators, et «1, vs Robte trackett. J C Brackett and others, the nder-igned commissioner will on the JOth lay of April, 1931, at the court house door n Shelby N C. at IS o'clock M offer or sal* to the highest bidder for cash hose two lots of land lying and being in '10 6 township. Cleveland county, Shelby, forth Carolina! and more particularly de ■rtbed as follows Lot No. l Lying and being In No 9 owushIp. Cleveland County. North Caro ns. and described as follows: Beginning: t the intersection of West Cfrohem 8t I nd Martin street In the southwes stquare r! the city of Shelby, N C.. and fun hence east with the north side of west irabarn street 66 feet to a stake, A. P •Veathers corner: thence with Weather's ne north 135 feet 10 a stake, a new cor ’er: thence a new line west 98 feet to a ■take In east edge of Merlin street; thence with south edge of said street south 135 set to the beginning and being southern >ert of lot No 8 as shown on plat in 'ook No. 1. page 667, In the registry of ■Meveland county, N C-, and being a part if the lot which was conveyed to J B "row by A. P Weathers and wife by deed *ated March 30, 1934, and recorded In ook OOO at page 411 and conveyed by 1 B. Crow to J. H. Brackett In book S-Y t page 379 of Cleveland county registry Lot No. 3. Lying and being in number i township. Cleveland county, N. C. Be •'nnlng on a stake, on the east side of fartln street !n thtfwlty of Shelby, N. C he southweet corner of lot sold to W T Brackett and runs then east with W. T Brackett's south line 133 feet to Selfs ine; thence eouth with Selfs west fine 40 feet to a stake Weathers' corner; thence west with Weathers' north line «7 feet to t stake; thence south with Weathers' vest line 10 feet to a stake a new cor 'er; thence west, a new fine 66 feet to a 'take, on east edge of Martin street; lienee north with said edge of said street 0 feet to the beginning astd tot being a •art of the 3 lots deeded to J. If Brack - •tt by J. B Crow and wile by deed re ceded in book 3-Y. at page 379 of reg ■ tar's of flee of Cleveland countv. N c This the 19th dav of March. 1931 YATFfi BRACKKTT. Commissioner Newton & Newton. Attys. a* if ■>, ->n.. j whole ling at once, and will be de feated even when they think they ! have won. Another group of farm ! ers i>: in for disappointment. They; Tire those of the Piedmont section j who espoused the doctrines of the east. If the cast wins In this legis lative holocaust, there is but one section of North Carolina left to pay the bill, and that section is Pied mont Carolina. The malcontents in Cleveland may have the sweet satisfaction of seeing their public servants Jerked down from their pompous financial ratings, but all of us will be saddled with other forms of taxe.s that will cost far more than the bill was under the legislative acts of 1920 No Class Immune. No class of people can be Immune to tnxatlon, but there should be Justice. Wc can hardly see where the Piedmont farmer Is going to get any Justice If the present education bill goes through. His children will be In overcrowded class rooms, their teachers will have to labor without any hope of reward in a material way, and the proposed sales taxes will bear down more heavily than Cleveland county’s present tax rates All of us will be holding the bag. Thirty thousand administrators, professors, teachers and the school children of North Carolina will pay at least one-eighth of the cost or $4,000,000 either directly or Indirect ly, and not a single concerted howl gone up from either group. At least, the Tuly-Gtlbert, Kca ton-Keys altercations have given certain Hollywood stars opportun Uy to view brighter constellations. Unable To Walk Days At A Time “Since taking Sargoii I've git more strength and feel better hum I have In years," declared Mrs. Ida Johnson, 409 Summit Ave„ Raleigh. I t?-...l.1 .11 . i MRS. TDA JOHNSON “poisons from constipation spi cad ti .rough my system until I develop ed something' like rheumatism over my entire body. I ached so that 1 couldn’t even wnlk: and indigestion, with painful gas pressure, Increased my misery. I began to mend last when I started taking Sargo.i and Sargon Pills, The poisons were.swept from my system and every troab.e I had disappeared, I do all my own housework now, and don’t suffer or tire at all.” Sold In Shelby by Cleveland Drug Co., and in Kings Mountain by Summers Drug Co. udv 1 OB PRINT IN G“o b all kinds at lower prices than you have' ever paid. Phone 11 or 4-J and let us give you an estimate o n your n e x t printing order. Automatic} presses, accurate, count. tf-24p SPECIAL LOW FAKES To NEW JERSEY SEA SHORE RESORTS FROM: SHELBY ' ..... - '■ • • ■ ’ .'.■ • . ’ • : Atlantic City __$25.60 |j Cape May__ $25.60 Wildwood___$25.60 Asbury Park_„_$26.80 Tickets on sale April 1 only. Limited to 18 days in ad dition to date of sale. For fares to other New Jersey points see agent or H. E. PLEASANTS, UFA. RALEIGH, N. C. — SEABOARD — America Gets Wealthier In 7-Year Peroid Worth 3G1 Billion Dollar*. Average Tar Heel Worth .lust $1,737. New York—Your Uncle Sant has taken on a little more financial avoirdupois since you last heard from him. Instead of being worth a mere $320,800,000.00 us in 1922, he is the happy possessor, as of 1929, of the tidy sum of $361,800,000. Of course that does not include his silver and gold bullion and coin, value of naval ships, privately own ed water suppltes or other such odds and ends, because they cannot be allocated to states and split up 48 ways for per capita purposes. , And as for per capita—that is you and I—each of Us has the neat pri vate fortune of $2,977 to our credit, which we earned and put away—j statistically—in the old stone jug on our average income of $692 a year. The nutional industrial conference board says that even as far back as 1914 the national health, distributed by states, in current dollars, was $188,600,000,000 so that by 1929 your unde had Increased 88 per cent in riches. The rise represents tire actual physical growth in national assets. The term national wealth repre sents tangible physical assets only. It excludes credits and securities, but specifically includes land and structure and other improvements thereon, the equipment of industrial enterprises and farms, livestock, railroad and public utilities land and equipment, personal property, motor and other vehicles and Such. Ip case you live in Nevada, Just hold your first place with per cap ita wealth of $6,318. But if in Mis sissippi bring up at the rear with only $1,242 to the individual. The per capita of states is given as: Alabama, $1,264; Arizona, $3,686; Arkansas, $1,557. California, $3,093; Colorado, $3, 418; Connecticut. $3390. Delaware, $3,056. Florida, $2,039, m.K OF VALUABLE l Alt M PROPERTT. Under and by virtu* o! the authority conferred upon us in a deed of trust ex eeuted by a R. Anthony and wife, Etta Anthony on the tilth day of October, 1(125 and recorded In book 121, page 366. wt will m Saturday the 4th day of April, liljt, at 12 o'clock 51. at the court house door hi Cleveland loutity. Shelby. N. C.. sell at public auc tion for cash to the highest bidder the ollowing land to-wlt. Alt that piece, parcel per mile in each direction for the round trip tickets on sale Sunday morning trains scheduled to leave prior tr noon limit returning to startlr.f point prior to midnight date oi sale. (Tickets good m done he only.) VISIT THE BEAUTIFUL MAC, NOLIA AND MIDDLETON GARDENS. CHARLESTON. S. C. , Greatly reduced round trip ex cursion fares to Charleston. S. C. round trip from SHELBY. N. C. $7 >H) Dates of sale March 27th, and 28th, atld April 3rd and 4th. 1921 limit midnight Wednesday fol lowing date of sale. Round trip fares on sole one fare plus 1-2 fare for toe round trip March 18th, 19th, iOth. 21st 24th, 25th. 26th. 31st, Arrli 1st, j 2nd, 8th, 9th. 10th. . 11th. IRth 17th. and 18th, limit 7 days from i date of sale. Ask Ticket Agents. j B. II. GRAHAM. Division Passenger Agent SOUTHERN KAILW \Y SYSTEM CHARLOTTE. N. C. Mooresboro Route 2 Items Of Interest i Webb Greene Dies in Oklalio.ua. Mr. anil Mrs. Kiser Move Personal News. ‘Special to The Star.; Mooresboro, Mar. 26.-Mr. a.id i Mrs. James Kiser moved last Thai*- , day into the Martin house in Moor es boro. Wo are glad to have • oe .1 near .is. Mr. Kiser is the espaoie principal of MoOresboro high rh Mr. and Mrs. ,Y. I McCarda.v! spent Wednesday in Charlotte. • v y also spent t he week end at Yell >«• Gap in the mountains.' Wo are glad to note that *hss 1 Ruby Greene is rapidly lmpro "tig from a serious illness. Mr. Ted Morehead of Philadelphia it visiting friends and relatives hue lor two weeks. Mrs. Ina Morehead a teacher in t'acolet high school spent the week ml with her aunt Mrs. M G. Mv tin. Misses Oct# Scruggs and U.h-t Renfro spent Saturday in Chari r The many friends of Mr; SVtbc Greene, will be sorry to learn ,)f tv. recent death in Duncan. Ofcla. M. Green has been a constant vis. s every year, until about two years ego. his health failed and he nasn’t been back to hi* old home since He was buried in Duncan. Okla, HOME OWNED STORES April Showers . - ■ »nehe evtft more unpleasant the task of -Shoppinf for Foods—in personi Quality Service Grocers save Tims . . Trouble and Temper for the feminine customers of tKeir stores. If one of the more then two thousand Ousli»v.Service Stores in the South is not now supplying your kitchen with its require* ments, won't you cell one to-day? There Is one near you I cn ~d ai O U* ?/) Q U3 Z £ O U3 s 0 1 Isaac Shelby Sunshine Pkg. 24-LB. BAG Cakes 6 ST 25c CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOUP — 3 Cans .. .25c GOOD LYE HOMINY — No. 2k Can. 10c GREEN STRING BEANS — No. 2\ Can 15c FANCY SLICED PINEAPPLE — No. 2 Can . . 25c TRIANGLE SALT—3 Pound Package ..... .. .. 9c NEW CROP PINTO BEANS — 5 Pounds 25c DELICIOUS PORK & BEANS — 3 Cans .25c Fruits and V:g .tables! NEW GREEN CABBAGE POUND ... 4c FANCY GRAPEFRUIT EACH. 5c FANCY FLORIDA ORANGES DOZEN ..... 30c BECKER’S BREAD Quality In Every Loaf! 3 Loaves. 25c WHITE HOUSE COFFEE Pound .. 36c JERSEY CORN FLAKES 2 Pkgs. 15c BORDEN’S EVAPORATED MILK TALL CAN __ 10c SMALL CAN Pay Your Grocer First! He Feeds You! EAGLE CORN MEAL — 10 Pounds . FRESH GROUND! DUKE’S MAYONNAISE — £ Pint Jar JUST LIKE HOME MADE! FULL DRESS RICE — 2£ Pound Package .. CHOICEST WHITE GRAIN RICE GROWN! HAVA-REXA CIGARS — 6 For .•. ENJOY A DEFECT SMOKE! LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTES — 2 Lge. Pkgs. . . “ITS TOASTED” STANBACK HEADACHE Powders - 3 Small pkgs. FOR SAFE AND SPEEDY RELIEF! 25c 21c 21C 25c 25c IVORY SOAP “Kind To Every- O Med. *1 f* thing It Touches” m Cakes IOC Kuttyhunk Blueing 3 for 10c PALMOLIVE BEADS pkg. 9c Laboratory Tests Of Great Silk Manufacturers Show Palmolive Beads Best To Wash Fine Fabrics! SHELBY—3—27-31 X o 2 CTJ c z pi D C/5 o PO PI c/5 HOME OWNED STORES *