T'le C eviland Star SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE By Mall pm yem .......____.._._$2Xj By Carrier pet year ____ jam) THE STAR PUBLISHING COMPANY. INC. LEE B VO^EA THEIiS __... President ana fcaitoi 8 ERNES'i HOEY ___ Secretary and foreman RENN DRUM ____ New* twntor L E DA1L .....___........._ Advertising Manage! Entered as second ctass matter Jnnuary l. I90S at the postomce at Shelby. North Carolina under the Act ot Congress. March 3 i87u We wish to call voui attention to the tact that it is and nas oeen our custom to charge five cents per line tor resolution.' of respect, cards ot thanks and pbituary notices after one death notice baa been published rhls will be strictly adhered to. FRIDAY", MAR. 27, 1931 TWINKLES If you haven’t attended either of the two revivals in Shelby this week, do not fail to over the week-end. Hand this to Mr. Hoover: You haven’t heard so many people complaining this year about the excessive income tax they had to pay. Geographical note to Raleigh’s morning newspaper,! which says an overwhelming majority of people are for the1 MaoLean school plan although it rua>v lie supported by a nuis ance sales tax or an obnoxious and unfair luxury tax on the needs of the average man: North Carolina, sirs, extends just a bit to the westward of Raleigh. The- News and Observer speaking : “Governor Gardner was vigorous in telling us how it cannot be done (referring to his opposition to a sales or luxury tax.) He had no ad vice as to how it can be done.” Seeing as how the esteemed Raleigh paper seizes every opportunity, at every crook and turn, to tell the general assembly what should or should not be done, we see little necessity for a mere governor or any one else daring to butt in with advice. CHARLOTTE CLAIMS ALAIN * MECKLENBURG WANTS a representative on the State highway board when the state takes over the county system of roads in North Carolina. The names of several Charlotte men have been put forward and The Observer seems to be pressing their claims. It should be borne in mind that Charlotte furnished a representative on the High way Commission for years when the state road building pro gram was under way, tha^ Mecklenburg county has had a lion’s share of highway money and that when the Governor proposed a re-organization of the commission and that; the state take over the county road systems, the strongest oppo sition to the-plan, came from Charlotte. The new highway system should be in charge of men in sympathy with the plan and not men who fought it. Yes, they should even come from sections in sympathy with the new plan in order to ren der sympathetic and efficient service. A DETERRING INFLUENCE WEDNESDAY NIGHT of last week a widow’s home in the Boiling Springs section was robbed. Thursday night some of the stolen articles had been recovered and two men jailed. Wednesday night of this week three men had been tried for the robbery and sentenced to nine months on the chain gang. Caught, jailed, tried, convicted and on the gang in a week’s time! Speedy justice and punishment of that type will do more than anything else to deter crime. Repeated postponements do not increase respect for law and order. The above is just another instance of rapid and valuable work done by officers of this section recently. More than a dozen store and home robbers have been apprehended in Cleveland county since last fall and are now serving time. And, perhaps you've noticed, robberies are on the decline. The odds being stacked up against them are worrying would be thieves. CART BEFORE THE HORSE WHEN YOU GET to the bottom of the growing opposition to the proposed sales tax or luxury tax to provide funds for the Mac Lean school bill, it will be found that the entire discord results from passing a • measure before devising means for its support. The legislature passed the MacLean bill calling for State support of six months schools before it even attempted to figure out where the necessary money can be found. Out on the farm they term such procedure as putting the cart before the horse. No sensible man, not even a fairly bright nit-wit, will order lumber and material for building a new house unless he has made some arrangements about paying for it. A man does not open up a new business and invite the public in un til he knows where his stock of goods is coming from. Neith er does a young man secure a marriage license until he landfc the girl. Someone should have outlined where the money was to come from and had the legislature arrange that very neces sary preliminary move before attempting to run the cart all over the State with the horse shambling along behind. The tobacco companies should, declares Josephus Dan iels in one breath, do their part to maintain our schools. They should. But popping a tax on the cigarettes and chewing tobaccck used by all classes, and there are more poor people . than rich, does not get anything from the tobacco companies The poor man foots the bill. HE GAVE THEM PLENTY l„ CERTAIN FACTIONS in the general assembly kept insist > ing that Governor Gardner come before them and give his opinion of the MacLean bill and the proposed sales ta> or luxury tax method of raising the necessary revenue toi the plan. When Governor Gardner stepped out Tuesday anc had hla eay he did so in such a manner as not to be misunder ^toful or ni'sinl<'rpreU*tl. His address will not only s one of the most master ful discourses in governmental matlex a ever delivered in this State, but it will al o in time, even to those disagreeing now, rank as one of the great e.t bulwarks thrown up in defense: of the little man, the average man, the small property hold-j ed and the non property holder, ftgainst governmental op-i passion and fax tyranny. Why, asked the Governor in substance, take more taxes off land, pitch the burden on the aching shoulders of the poorI man when I Ik* present legislature has already reduced the property tax burden more than any legislature in the history | of North Carolina? If is disgraceful to shift a ten million| dollars tax burden off on the shoulders of the tenant farmer who chews tobacco, the mill hand who smokes cigarettes, or! the hard laboring man who uses either. The general assem bly, spurred on by Hie Raleigh News and Observer seeing} only one side of the matter, may do that, but Governor Gard-I ner has let it be known in clarion tones that it will not be! Hone with his approval find support, The average Star reader before now has likely read the Gardner address in its entirety. At least, all should do so. Hut. it is worthy of reiteration that he reminded that the fairest of all taxation methods is $he income tax method. All men should pay taxes according to their ability to pay, A tax called “luxury” tax on articles every man uses, common needs of life, is an unfair tax—a tax on poverty as Governor Gardner said it. Should a man who is worth only $1,500 or worth noth ing more than the clothing he wears pay just as much tax to operate our schools as does the man who owns property valued at $100,000 and upwards even though the poor fellow does smoke as many cigarettes or chew as much tobacco as the wealthy landowner? In taking his stand against such a measure Governor Gardner bucked a strong opposition and as a result will be disagreed with. It behooves those of us, then, who clearly see the justness and fairness of his defense against a tax on poverty to express .to him our regards for his courageous declaration. It was not the fault of taxation that* cotton and tobacco brought prices last fall not equal to production cost. Any reasonable farmer or any other knows that. Neither did taxation bring about the conditions Which have thrown t housands of people out of work. Nor can a decrease in tax ation relieve those effects of a depression, ^lthough realiz ing that, Governor Gardner admits that the tax burden is heavy and he hasotione what he can to relieve that. What has he done? The present general assembly, if it continues to enact the economy measures advocated by him, will relieve North Carolina property in one year of approximately 12 1-2 million dolars in taxes. That is some reduction, to use a street term, when you realize that for six consecutive years property taxes in this State were boosted on the average of four and one-half milion dollars per year. DO YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL? Use Classified Advertising In The Star. 20,000 Readers and the Minimum Charge for a Want Adv. is Only 25c. Phone 11. Eskridge .News voL a MAH. 27, 1931 NO. Unusual speed and power are available In the New Model AA Ford Truck, due to the construc tion, of the four-speed transmis sion. This makes an ideal vinit for handlhig fertilizer, cotton, cotton seed and wood. Now Is the time to purchase a truck to get full benefit from it, think of the time you will save by hauling your fertilizer in a New Model AA Ford Truck. A Model AA Ford Truck prop erly handled will more than pay for itself during the first year of operation. We have several truck owners that have done this witn their Ford trucks and arc highly satisfied with the service they have received both from their truck and front us. "Can you drive with one hand?” asked the girl in a gen tle voice "You bet l can,'' he answered eagerly. "Then have an apple.” she said sweetly. We have been in the automo bile business tor over 20 years and we can honestly say that we have never offered any automo bile to our customers that is as complete as the New Model A Ford Car regardless of the price This is a very broad statement to make but we have the proof to back up our statement and will be glad, to furnish same to you. i: ••Did .you know', dear, that tun nel we Just passed through was two miles long and cost $12,000, 000 00?" asked the “young man of his sweetheart, "Oh. really, did it?” she re plied, as she started to rearrange her disheveled hair. “Well, It was worth it wasn't it?” We have a policy that provides for FREE Inspection and Grease service for the first 1500 miles of service of every New Model A Ford Car and Model AA Ford Truck sold and delivered by us. A new car or truck is just like a person, they say that the first 100 years in a person’s life are the hardest. In a car or truqk the first 1500 miles are the hard est because all moving parts are fitted tight and need critical in spection and adjustment during that period while the car is get ting limbered up and breaking irf We provide this service to our customers at absolutely no cast and if they do hot come aft er this service it Is practically impossible to take It to them. When we sell a new car our obligation to the customer be gins. The customer ends his part of the deal when he buys a New Model A Ford from us but our obligation to him starts and it Is our duty to assure our customers economical and satisfactory ser vice from theircar. Ask the man that bought his Ford from us. he can tell you of his, actual experience With Us end how we endeavor to dis charge our obligation to our cus tomers. Give us a ring at No. 241 and we will be glad to have our rep resentative call and give you a demonstrrtion of the New Model A Ford Car. Of course, there Is no obligation on your part and we will welcome the opportunity to acquaint you with the won derful qualities of this remark able car. CHAS. L. ESKRIDGE fRY STAR WANT ADS FOR RESULTS To Distribute Quail In Cherokee County 3affney Ledger. One hundred pairs of Texas quail will be received here the latter part of this week for distribution to land owners in an effort to help restock the county with birds, it was an nounced by Roland T, Clary, Coun y game warden. Property owners who wish to be assigned pail's of quail may file ap plications with Mr. Clary by Thurs day or Friday, he stated. The birds will be allotted only to owners who permit hunting on their property, Mr. Clary said, since the county will pay the purchase cost from the game fund. Applications will be re ceived In person or by telephone, the warden said. Cussing* Governor In Assembly Now Charlotte Observer. So, It has come to pass that the governor of North Carolina Is re ferred to, In the legislative halls, lnferentially, if not directly, as “a d—d ass." Really, now, isn’t it about time for the legislature to close up shop and come home? Try Star Want Ads. TIME means MONEY We can save you rime—and that means money — with our prompt, dependable building material service. Come in and discuss your building problems. O. E. FORD COMPANY Lime Cement — * i.-ueninery Fertilizers. PHONE NO. 37 — SHELBY, N. C. CEMENT W« recommend LONE ST All Cemml for all concrete wiofti where time ia nat the prtndpml factor—end ‘INOOIr Brand for work that is in a hurry. LONE STAR CEMENT COMPANY VIRGINIA. INC.. NORPOLK Get A EUGENE PERMANENT FOR EASTER $6.50 If you will entrust the effectiveness of your hair dress to our experienced taste and judgment, you will enjoy a rare satisfaction and approval PHONE 415 EARLY, FOR AN APPOINTMENT Gravity Beauty Salon ' MAYHUE’S PLACE ROYSTER BUILDING SHELBY, N. C. For Greater Results In Selling-Try Star Adv. FREE A Royal VACUUM CLEANER With Each Living Room Suite Priced $100 GET YOUR FREE VACUUM CLEANER NOW—OFFER LIMITED This is a fortunate event for you and for us. A ROYAL VACUUM CLEANER will make an ideal gift right here during time for Spring cleaning. Our new low prices on Living Room Suites are attraction enough in themselves, but when wre offer a labor-saving home necessity like a vacuum ciean er, it’s hard to resist the saving you will make in the purchase of a brand new suite to liven up your home. BUY THE SUITE ON OUR EASY TERMS. WE GIVE YOU THE VACUUM CLEANER. WITH EACH SUITE WE SELL PRICED UNDER $100 WE WILL GIVE A HANDSOME END TABLE FREE! FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF EVERY * Kitchen Cabinet PRICED FROM $34-ro to $79.50 What a combination for the kitchen! A handsome new step and time-sav ing Hoosier Cabinet—finished in a choice of Ivory, Green, Gray o r White—and a 32-piece Dinner set FREE. You will be proud of the cab inet, but you’ll be prouder still of the Free set of Dishes. $1 Down buys the cabinet, and .we give you the dishes. Kester - Groome Furniture Co. North LaFayette Street -— Shelby, N. C.