r. Wirj blv|',;n 20,000 People Read Star Want Advs-flie Cost Is Small; Resul's Cood Rated Fur Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size 1 cent per word each insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. Tin's size type 3c per word each insertion. FREE MAP OF THE COM plete highway system oi Cleveland county, showing the roads taken over by the state under the new highway law. You can secure one of these maps 16x17 inches by paying $1 or more on sub scription to The Star, tf 4p WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY repairing, L. a Dftvls. next door to Eflrd’s. I appreciate your patron ess. large or small. tf 16c FOUND: LADIES KID GLOVE. Owner identify and pay for ad. It 27cj USED AUTO PARTS FINK IRON & METAL CO. Trade Alley. Phone 580. tf-30c FOR SALE—ONE GERMAN 77 lice dog, 18 months old, named "P*l! with registration papers from a fine strain of. blood. He is a wonderful guard for the home and his friends -Can be seen at 312 E. Marion S ., Phone No. 311-J. NEARLY TWO HUNDRED • users In Cleveland county of Gen eral Electric Refrigerators and not ' one has ever spent oue cent tor service. Robert C. Herd, Dealer, 8. Washington St., Shelby. tf 25c FREE, NEW HIGHWAY map of Cleveland county showing the 793 miles of roads to be taken over by the state under the new road bill. You can get ohe of these maps by paying $1 or more on your subscription to The Star, tfp LOST: TUESDAY IN SHELByTa small Fox Terrier, brown'and white spotted, with a leather collar. Find tr notify D. M. Jones, Star route, Lattfrnore. Reward. 2t 27p FOR RENT: SIX-ROOM HOUSE, •115 North Washington St.'Immed iate occupancy. Louis II. Hamrick, phone 105. tf 4c PAY 51.00 Oli MOKE ON subscription to The Star and receive free, the new highway map of Cleveland county. It shows the various types of roads, township lines, towns, large streams and consolidated schools. The map is just out. Get yours now. tf lp ANY MAKE RADIO REPAIRED. Parts of all makes. Mauney Radio Service, S. Washington St., Phone 513. . tl 6c NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. , Washing and greasing. Standard Products and Service. Stanley and ' Son, Corner LaFayette and Sumter Streets, Phone 642-J. Gt 20c SEE GEO. ALEXANDER FOR tine watch repairing. Prices moder ate. Your work appreciated. Next door to Stephenson Drug Store. 12t Mch 23p FOR RENT: ONE OR TWO rooms in my home, 408 South Washington St. J. M. Black. 3t 27p FOR SALE—SEED Corn, Golden Yellow, two ear prolific. D. A. Beam Co. Phone 130. 3t-23e U£ l YOUR MULE SHOED ALL round for 50c, you to furnish slices. Bull tongue and twister plows re pointed and sharpened, two for 5c. Heeler plows sharpened for 7 1-2 to loc each. Bring your com to our mill. Corn cleaned and ground. Proctor and Gold between Metcalf’s and Double Shoals. 3t 23c SHELBY POTATO STORAGE house will start treating potatoes March 26, 1931. Three cents per bushel will be charged. 3t 23c LET US QUOTE you on your next re pair job. M aune y Auto Parts Co. tfc MAN WANTED: FOR RAW l’igh city route of 800 families in Charlotte, Tyron, Cllffside. Gas tonia, Lowell. Reliable hustler can ■ Mart earning 335 weekly and in crease rapidly. Write immediately. RawRigh Co., Dept. NC-W-52-V, Richmond, Va. . it 22p consultqual: ITY Cleaners before having your Spring Cleaning done. Phone 100. tt-27e | THE STAR IS WORTH i the price asked—less than the cost of a 2c postage stamp per issue, but a new highway map showing the 792 miles ol roads in Cleveland county to be taken over by the state, will be given free to subscrib ers paying $1 or more on sub scription. tf-4p JU§T RECEIVED A FRESH supply of Garden seed. Loose Leans and com. We have them. Sec js be fore you make garden. Hord and Son Lawndale. 9-lGo CUSTOM HATCHING done, 2c an egg. Bring eggs on Tuesdays. H. McConnell, Fallston Road. tf 27c IT COSTS BUT A FEW CENTS a day to protect your income when disabled from sickness or accident. Write for full details. North Ameri can Accident Insurance Co., Box li Shelby, N. C. tf 23c CALL 832 AND LET US SEND Tor your car and Wash or Grease It for 75c each Tire Auto Inn, next to the Whiteway Dry Cleaners, tf 30c FOR PLUMBING and Repairing Phone 329, W. T. Randall. 9'trlic CALL US FOR Plumbing and heat ing, new and remod eling. Repairing done promptly. Modern Heating and Plumb ing Co., Phone 569. tf MR. FARMER: YOUR BEST crop insurance is a good Standard Southern Fertilizer made by Na vassa Guano Co. See J. J. Latti more, Agent. tf i3c JOHN MCARTHUR’S TIN SHOP. If you need a tinner go to McAr thur's Shop for guttering, roofing and repair work. Opposite James Tiddy’s Shop. 3t 23c ~FOR RENT TO MARRIED COU ple; Four rooms with privilege of kitchen and bath. \V. Y. Weathers, phone 264, South DeKalb St. 3t 23p " FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM HOUSE on West Warren St. Ail conven iences. Nat Bowman. tf 4c -DR. SCHOLLS, Foot specialist, will be at A. V. Wray & 6 Sons on Friday, April 3rd. Free examination. 4t-25c’ FOR SALE: B E D AND Dresser, at a Bargain, almost new new. Call Gil. 2t-25p AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE Saturday at 2:30 in front of court house. Be there, we may have just what you want at just what you are willing to pay. Jones Furniture Co. 2t 23c FOR SALE: GERMAN POLICE pups. Can be seen at Doggett's Serv ice Station. 2t 23c BABY CHICKS: BRED TO LAY Barred Rocks. Reds and White leg horns at ten cents each on Wednes day afternoon of each week. Custom hatching. Ellenboro School Hatch ery. tf Frt’tc FOR BRAKE LIN ING reasonable s e e Mauney Auto Pails Co. • tfc DOES YOUR ROOF Leak? See J. W. Den "on, Hoey Ant., rear °ostoffice. He posi tively guarantees his work. Pbnne 4-J. C. B. ELLIOTT’S STORE. Guaranteed Pure Coffee ...12c lb. 98-lbs Isaac Shelby Flour .....$2 3'J Sugar, any quantity, lb ..... .... 5c Pinto Beans, any quantity, lb. .5c Home-made Molasses, gal _ 75e 36-ft. Rope plow-line.-23 Big Winston Overalls (meni , Carolina Special Work Shirt. Mens Straw Hats .. S0x4-50-21 Goodyear Pathflnd tires...... 5 gai eas, 1 qt, oil___.... V. 10 ELLIOTT’S STORE near PolUvI K .$125 . ww SINGING AT CAMP CREEK CHURCH SUNDAY. MARCH 29 Prof. Wade Humphries, of Gaff ney. asks Tlie Star to announce that he will conduct a. singing at. Camp Creek church in No. 1 township on Sunday afternoon, March 29th. be ginning at 2 o’clock. Camp Creek .church is between Boiling Springs ‘and Gaffney. j Make sure your cotton fertilizer contains at least 8 i Potash — lo — set more fruit reduce shot {ding increase turn-out improve lint control rust % increase yields i To increase the ' . .. •• /•. ■ potash in your fertilizer with every ton apply 200 POUNDS of Muriate of i Potash N.V. POTAsH 1APOR1 MlI.u. of A msterdam, Holland 740 Hurt Bldg. Atlanta, Georgia It Pays To Advertise Lattimore News Of Current Week IJIrs ( run tier l ailed Tu Ihtlsidc of Falhrr In Virginia. Per sonal News; i Special u» The Star.) Lattimore. Mai'. 20.-Mrs. YV. C Lynch of Boiling Springs did some observing mid practice-teaching in the Lattimore school Thursday #uid Friday. Those attending the school mas ter’s club in Shelby last 'i u ■ -dfr night were Messrs, Lawton Blan ton. \V. E. White, AC. Hood, Kin. | Jordan and Archie Parker. Mrs. J L. Jolley mid Mr and Mr Karl Jordan spent the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Roberts in the Mt. Pleasant community. Mrs. Oimie Smith was a dinner guest Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. C. L Jones. Miss Margaret Stockton of Boil ing Springs junior college .spent tie week-end at home. Mrs. LlllztiBeth Walker and little daughter. Madge, Miss Edna Hur rill arid Mr. Billie Iiarrili spent the day Sunday at Mr. Monroe Jones. Mrs. Emma Bridges of Summer set. ky., is spending sometime with Mr. and Mrs. C E. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Jordan and Mrs. J. L. Jolley accompanied by Miss Ada Hamrick of Boiling Springs college visited Rev. C. C Malheny in Charlotte Monday aft ernoon. Mr. Matheny underwent a serious operation at the Charlotte sanatorium Thursday, but .is recov ering nicely. Mirs. Crowder’s Father 111. Mrs. Forrest’ Crowder, Who war ulJU'cf to Hickory, Va, several days sgo on account of the serious Ill ness of her father, returned home Sunday Her lutlwrs condition is til! very serious. Mrs. Crowder was accompanied by her little daughter, Marietta, and son ‘Forrest, junior, Miss Annie Lee Walker attended •a house party given by Miss Annie Van Dyke of Cherryvllle last week end Mr Herman Earley of Oxford is spending ti fete dayswith Mr, and Mrs Yates Hamrick. Miss Carrie Rayburn of the Eliza beth school spent the week-end nt home Cherokee County Cotton Crop Big Gaffney Ledger. Cotton ginned in Cherokee county for the season of 1930 totalled 2i,-" 1242 bo If* us compared with 21.865 i bales in 1929—only 013 butts lei' (than the record-breaking 1929 m».— : Auction—according to March 1 u . port of the bureau of the census made public In u message (o T c Wood, Cherokee county reporter The March 1 figures were an nounced n.s preliminary ntui su!> joct to correction, but no change expected. I M.t l TOKV NOTH I. Having .thi* day qualified a?, I'MCUtoi': of the will 01 HuXws P. Trancb, deceased, this. Is to Leonty uotltv »H iieraor % hold Ing via I ms Against the said estate of sate Rufua P. Tram:!* to present them itemised and verified to fife undersigned I'Sccnter* an or before March 27 IBM. or this uotlre will i>« pleaded lit liar of any recovery on same: and this Is further to tiutlty nil or son* Indebted to si, 1(1 estate to macr iimnedtale payment to us of such Indebt edness. This the 5®th day of March: ltfjl. m a, rtiA.NctH, p, r, w u.Kiha, Jf.secutor* ; Uewten '* Newton, Attyi. St Mar *7c Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB ' ' \ '■ , . ‘ ' - . When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 75m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, we can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving freight and double bundling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MOUNT HOIXY, N. C. Strong, Healthy. Nursery Stock Roses. Shrubs, Evergreens * very glint .uliipt, d to Southern pluni *?? InjC. Thotitaiuls of plant* to rh<>o«# fl h*^i. Roar*. 110 \ arlf(lei, C«uaran< ! *‘*wi it rung, healthy itork. Make yotir Munir Krautnhi—in« gtraen mu of your neighborhood. Write TO PAY for free ritalof, Contmiu full planting directions. ► Fruitland Nurseries Dfdk T-S, 1» O. Orairtn »lt, 1 AUGUSTA, GA. y#^A?utKs Oldest Nurserr For Best Results Use SCO-CO SPECIAL FLOWER, GARDEN AND LAWN MIXTURE. ITS BETTER AND CHEAPER. SOLD IN 200 lb.; 100 lb.; 50 lb.; 10 lb. Package. THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. Phone 577 —~ Shelby, N. C. FOR GREATER RESULTS IN SELLING—TRY STAR AT)V. ■'CviV':v y''■ ■ ,, ::™ .. ■' ~w~• mSiMoMiomMt Time if*~*‘l *.^rrw. •/«' *rfk$ a.,.,.. Ju Belt is-Austell Co.. Earl. N. C. Decatur Elmore. Lawndale, N. C. J. B. Elmore, Lawndale, N. C. M. M. Green, RED, Mooresboro, N. ( 1). C. Wright. Mooresboro, N. C. J. L. Herndon, Grover, N. C. , 4**. T. II. Lowery's Sons, Patlerson Springs. ('. I). Mitchem, KFD, Lawndale, N. C. John F. Moss, Waco, N. C. *'• €. Walker; K.F.l)., Lattimore. N. C. I’lonk Brothers, Kings Mountain, N. L. (iold & Bridges, Kings Mountain, N. C. TOOTS AND CASPER Privilege* Of A Guest. V. NO.CAMPER., I IXPN’T ^ENP AMY TELE^-RAM^ OVER OUR TELEPHONE PURINA THE LA<3T HOMTHa WH'f? k|1t.< (I SENT FOUR, BUT I'M CHARGED WITH TEN ON ~twi<=>'phone bill thatOubt came !n,toctto‘ rr ■( hello! telephone company? HOW COME I'M CHARGEP WITH YEN | TELEGRAM'S WHEN I ONLY <=>ENT FOUR ? THE FOUR TELEGRAM'S ON MARCH SEVEN ARE CORRECT, BUT I DiDNT SEND THE SIX I'M CHARGED WrTW ON march _j*rr—Z ^twelve; aMr HOLD THE WIPE, PLEASE AND I'LL LOOK IT HELLO,MR CAMPER* I HAVE THE RECORD'S* Before me'. <5>>x -teleuRam& WERE <S»ENT IN over. YOUR phone on march I IIP = '"THEY'RE ALL <=>I^NED < “ BEANIE" 5EANIE. WASN'T SATISFIED "TO UVE WITH Mt FOR TWO WEEKS'. HE HAP -TO CHARGE $9.*£. WORTH OF TELEGRAMS TO ME ANP LEAVE WITHOUT MENTIOKHNLt IT', HE'S VERY LIBERAL WITH THE OTHER FELLOW'S MONEY.’ I LL &ET THE $ 9,E£ FROM HIM, ANP ITS not PRINCIPLE IT. EITubb* A “Fight” Picture. * PONT CROSS PARKS PATH TODAY, Buttercup! hes like an old bear! HE'S FURIOUS BECAUSE BEANIE. CHARGED WORTH OF TELEGRAMS To our'phone and went awaY , . WITHOUT MENTIONING IT ■» ^ OH,*Z>Q THERE ' YOU ARE,beanie;’. YOU OU&HT YO BE A5HAMEP OF YOUR£EU= IF YOU WAWYEP TO CHARGE TEIE4»AM£> TO MY'PHONE WhYPIPNT YOU COME OUT UKE A MAM AND «=>AY &0'<? A'OoPne^^' ! I PIPNT KNOW Beanie wa^> whY did You WAIT UNTIL MY BACK ie TURNED? YOU ^OOD-RDR N0TH1N4 IMP! fop two PlNS> i p SMACK You Down'. 6EE.» MUST separate *TUPM f - AND FURTHER-MOPE, { YDu BUS* HUNK OP * CHEESE, I'M ^ONNA tv tav^e Youp Photo k( PCWN. BECAUSE IT MAKES* ME SoRE. every time i Lock. AT IT!

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