Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By KENN DRUM. Ever nolice Hie different colons of the brick in-Shelby business build ings? Take the block from the Linebevger building to the Hotel Charts* corner: gray. red. yellow, while, light red, and cream I,N THE good Of days: Somrbod’s “Grandpa” semis m this Interesting epistle. “I see by your column that you have been trying to ‘‘pump' Ha Buttle for some “remember whom"—If he won't, I will Ask Bass if lie remembers when lie collected call tails at the •laughter pen. mid painted them various colors, and put them on sale as pure silk bridle "tassels?” I gave him sixty cents for a pair arid didn't find out the trick until 1 got home. The tassels were full of cockle-burrs. Who remembers when Geo. Blanton rude the little brown mule around town? What.was the mule’s name? Who remembers when W. B Nix bought the first Tyson-Jones buggy in Shelby? It was painted a bright yellow. -He drove a big “bay” horse named “Charlie," With yellow harness to match the buggy. He and “Miss Hattie.” were “hot stuff” with that lay-out. When the other boys saw that yellow buggy come careening around the comer they would turn green with envy. Don’t go way—-If you like this one. I may give you another one. your for more and beler memories." Keep it up. grainper; while you're ul it have “grammaw” nil up her clay pipe again and do a leetle "rickolicking” of her own. With two or ihrec folks like you helping out this colyuni may get .somewhere yet. Attorney P. Cleveland Gardner recently ran upon an issue of the old Shelby Aurora of November 13, 1890, edited by W. H. Miller, in which he found a number of Interesting items. Parson L. B. Hayes, of Central Methodist church, who is quite a shot himself, will, or should, be inter ested in this one: “The Rev. Dr, T. H. Pritchard, accompanied by H. T. Hudson, jv., young lawyer tthe late Tom Hudson, father Of Hilary, Harry and Jolin Hudson), and Henry Carroll, was a successful nimvod Tuesday. Near 8helby this trio killed and bagged 76 partridges.1* In those days, we might add, it was unnecessary to travel a hundred mites for a bit of shooting. Shelby attorneys listed in the old issue of the Aurora were: J. W. Gidney, J. L. Webb, R. McBrayer, R. L. Ryburn, J. A, Anthony and H. T. Hudson, Jr. 8, S, Daniel was a "surgeon-dentist,’* a graduate of the University of Maryland, and "extracted teeth without pain." Does a sweet potato vine bloom? That's the question members of the science class of the No. 3 town -Inp school, including any number of good looking young girls and In telligent-eyed young boys, popped at this oolyum on an inspection tour of a newspaper plant this week. 'We'-were forced to admit that that was one of the two or three things this oolyum does not know. Readers might answer It. Some of the science students said there were sweet potato olooms; others said ho. Incidentally, the name of the principal of the No. 3 school, who ac companied the class, is John W. Davis, the same name as that of a Dem ocratic candidate for president, several years ago. Now we'll ask the No :t students a question: Who was the candidate for vice president on the Democratic* ticket with Davis'? Take a shot at answering without look ing it up—and let us have your grades Shflby Shorts: iiow many Shelby couples have been married at New York’s Little Church Around the Corner? We know near a halt dozen: . . The grand Jury in si s. an this week didn’t say a word about the court house clock That's news Alter the Easter parade there should be a number of new entrants in the Mists Shelby contest . . Heavy Lybrand hasn't purchased an Austin ear . Street corners: filled with farmers In town to buy fertilizer. Another cotton crop com ing along . Why not a few early spring baseball games between clubs representing Knvants. Rotary, Lions and the Key club? . . . That headline over the item about Babe Carr, the boxer, being bruised up in nu auto accident should have read "Carr knocked Cut by car" . It won’t be long now until the homebrew season will be here: A Budwe. ier malt-syrup ad is running in The Stai Ever notice the similarity in the names ol the Shelby building and loan associations? It's a wonder the postal clerks do not get their mail tangled up occasionally. One is the Shelby Building and Loan Associa tion. Another is the Cleveland Building and loan Association, and a third is the Shelby and Cleveland Building and Loan Association What became y! that new hosiery mill that was coming to Shelby? Why hate no candidates announced for the city ..cliuol board? Fallston News Of Current Week N. J. AVright Very III. Personal- e* People Visiting About in The Community. 'Special to The Star. > Fallston, Mar. 26.--The Pattai-jii-j Methodist' Protestant charge v 1'! > meet with several other charge:-- at | Hebron for the district rally 3ausr- , day afternoon March 28th and Sun day 29th. The Fallston Christian Endeavor will give a program -Sun's day evening at 7:;io. Mr. N. J. Wright is very sick at this writing. His many friends nope foi him a speedy recovery. Miss Helen Scott visited father at Converse South Carolina Sunday, who ts very ili. Mr. Elvin Barnette of West Jctior son visited Mr. and Mrs. P. 6, U> • Sunday and was accompaniednc.r-i by Ills wife who was formerly Miss j Laura floss. Misses Nelle Blarney and J.lolcc Royster were Charlotte visitors Monday. Messrs Hubert Smith and Hoyle Lee, students at Mars Hill college spent the week end with their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Stamey o: Polkvllle were Fallston visitors cn Monday. Misses Maude and Lillian Ken drick who teach School at Dallas spent the week end with their par ents Mr. and Mrs. S, T. Kendrlaa Mr, and Mrs. O. L. Royster «uid tamily were the dinner guests of .Mr and Mrs. A. B. Dellinger Sunday Mr. Lawrence Hoyle and sou o' Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Lee Hoyle Sunday. Mr and Mrs Ruse Wise ot L >. colnton spent the day Sunday w.l.; Mr, and Mrs. Jim Cline. Mr. and Mrs. Gettys Park.” o; near North Brook were supper quests of Mr. and Mrs. Hall Tillman Sunday evening. Rev. E. E. Snow was the dinnt r guests of .Mr. and Mrs. Slone Elili! t Monday, Mr. Hubert Smith and Miss Weno la Smith visited Mr. and Mrs, Mack Smith at Belwood Sunday. Misses Helen Palis and Rhea Let timpre spent the day Sunday with Miss Falls parents* Mr. and Mrs, Cicero Falls near Belwocd. Mi's L. F. Hamrick is spendias several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson. Mr. Wifeo'i is seriously ill at his home in the Zion community. Mr, M. R. Willis visited Mr. and Mrs. Yates Beam Sunday afternorn. Messrs Hubert and Wayne Hoy o visited Mr. Alton Royster Monday evening. ■ Miss Rosie Gantt is spending sev eral days with Mr. and Mrs, Adl&i Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Royster and ! HOSIERY HOSPITAL, Inc (Of Charlotte. N C.) ’ Rrniub At | Mrs. Harmon’s Hemstitching Shop finger Cboaolut* Sbov> hosiery ami Knitted Goods Neatly Hrnatrcd. | All tloia Sluet lb Laundered. daughter Martiui Sue, Luted C/h., and Mrs. Claude Stanley Sunday i Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Beam and: daughter were Lincolnton visitors c,i | Sunday. Miss Thelma Hoyle spent Sunday] night with Miss Nelle Stanley. Mrs. O. E. Hoyle and Mrs. r. f\ j Cline visited Mr. Claude Simmy Friday afternoon. Key E. E. Snow visited Mrs. Snow in the Charlotte sanitarium Monday afternoon Mrs. Snow is not m proving. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lewis Spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs Geliys Bingham. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Martin spent the day Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wright at Lincolnton. Miss Elizabeth Bridges of the 1 lgasant: Grove section spent Tu day night with Misses Lorene and Eudoro Hoyle. Beams Mill Dots Of Personal Items 'Special to The Star.a Beams Mill. Mar. 26.—Mr. and Mrs. Everette Wright spent Satur day night with Mr. and Mrs. Ricn ard McSwain. Misses Gurta and Della Sellars of Falls ton and Novella Wright spent Saturday adght with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. Dodse Sellars of Cherryville spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Furman Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bridges spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wright of Falls ton. Mrs. Gaston Hoyle spent Monday evening with Mrs. Roy Dedmon of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Furman Wright and sons, Everett and Leonard, Mr. Richard McSwain, Mr- John Wright spent Sunday in Hickory. Mr. James and Mess Nancy Mc Swain spent the week-end with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fur man Wright. Miss Ray Hoyle. Mrs Cleaphe Wright and Mrs. Virgil Gardner spent Tuesday evening with Misses PILES 60ARARTEED TO YIELD TO CHINESE HERB If you suffer from itching, blind, protruding or bleeding Piles you are ikely to be amassed ’at the soothing, healing power of the rare, imported Chinese Herb, which fortifies Dr. Nixon's Chinarold. It's the newest and fastest acting treatment out. Brings ease and comfort in a few minutes so that you can work and enjoy life while it continues its soothing, healing action. Don’t de lay, Act in time to avoid a danger ans and costly operation. Try Dr. vixon's Chinaroid under our gttar mtee to satisfy completely and be .verth joo times the small cost or your money back. BUTTLES DRUG STORE. Ethel anti Martha Williams. Mrs. Clcaphos Wright, Mrs. Char lie Williams spent Monday evening with Mr. Crawford Barnett. Mr. Charlie Alexander spent Sat urday night with Mr, Dwight Cost ner. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bridges spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bridges. , Mr. and Mrs. Onley Wright spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Julius Costner. Senator J. Ham Lewis predicts four political parties in 1932. No, no, Jim, we really haven't enough graft for the two we now have.— Hubbard <Ore.» Enterprise, -666 LIQUID or TABLETS Cure Colds, Headaches, Fevei « I! (i SALVE CURES BABY’S COLD STOP THAT COLD WITH A & O IT’S LIQUID PRICE 25c RELIEVES A COLD IN 24 HOURS SOI.D BY PAUL WEBB A SON and ALL DRUGGISTS Sold on a Money-Bac’t Guarantee. ,T,} Chilean VitrateofSoda Cheapest Car Lot Prices T< Be Found C. C. FALLS & SOIV FALLSTON, N. C. SOUND ADVICE by your Fertilizer Dealer f 4 in a Series appearing in this newspaper GIVE first thought to nitrogen this year in ordering fertilizers. It’s nitrogen that gives your crops healthy growth and healthy yield. This year, more than ever, on account of unusual dry weather, nitrogen is most lack* mg in the soil. Play safe. Buy plenty of Chilean Nitrate of Soda. I’ve got a big supply. Cheaper than it has been for years. New 100-lb. bags, too. Order now and be sure of your requirements. CHILEAN NITRATE now comes in new 100-lb. bags that make it more popular thaj> ever. It always has been the dependable fertilizer of Southern farmers. Side dress, top dress with Chilean Nitrate...and increase your yields, quality and profits. Be sure you specify “Chilean” when you order your nitrate. “Chilean” is the one important point to remember. It is your protection and your dealer’s too. When you get “Chilean,” then you’ll get the real, mortey-making fer. tilizer — the natural nitrate. Remember th« two kinds — Original Chilean (Crystalline) and Champion Brand (Granulated) both natural nitrate. LOWEST PRICE in years NEW 100-lb. BAG The bag without a backache. Chilean Nitrate of Soda EDUCATIONAL BUREAU 403 ProfcHiontl Bldg., lUUltf, N. C. in writing for literature or Information, pirate refer to Ad New il In Shelby and suburbs you can get THE STAR EACH AFTERNOON of PUBLICA TION DAY by paying the Carrier Boy who oasses your door, 25c per month. First Choice Of Quality Merchandise At Stanley's Your Dollar Will Buy More Now Than Ever Before See Our New Shipments Of Real Easter Frocks And Hats, Just Opened Up FOR NEW EASTER DRESSES OF LIGHT WEIGHT SPRING GOODS, SEE OUR LINE HOLLY BELLE LAWNS IN THE NEW PRINTS AT.25c BUY YOUR NEW EASTER SHOES NOW We have a complete stock of all sizes and widths in the Newest styles and colors. NEW ALL SILK PRINTS The heavy $2.25 quality for— $1*45 New Pastel Shades in ALL SILK FLAT CREPE $1.65 Grade, Now— 95c yd. BIG VARIETY ALL NEW PRINTS For that new Cotton Dress — 15c 17 and 19c Pretty Rayon FLAT CREPE PRINTS New Patterns 39c MEN’S NEW SPRING STRAW HATS Just Opened Up For EASTER 36-Inch Solid Color ALL LINEN In New Spring Colors 50c SPECIAL PRICES FOR EASTER Made on Our New SPRING COATS FOR LADIES l.adies' Full Fashioned Cotton Hose. Made in North Carolina 95c LADIES PRINT DRESSES 39c Beautiful Patents in NEW TUB PROOF PRINT DRESSES 85c Ladies' Fine Silk Rayon Hose In First Quality—Pair 20c FIX Ur 1 ml noivit tUH EASTER WITH NtW FURNITURE. WE HAVE JUS T OPENED UP SEVERAL BIG SHIPMENTS Of THE NEWEST THINGS AT SPECIAL PRICES. Men’s Fancy Silk Sox 10c 36-In. Heavy Sheeting, Yd. 5c 1 Men’s New Ties — Extra Special 10c THE STAMEY CO. FALLSTON POLKVILLE j New Shipment Of LADIES’ EASTER HATS In large headsizes. The new Watteaux hats, Bandeaux and Brims in new colors at attractive prices. Ladies’ Non-Ravel SILK RAY* ON BLOOMERS—Special 25c New Shipment Children’s Fancy 3-4 Hose at—Pair 20c I

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