Assembly Gets ReadytoRiot, Already Riled Lawmakers Have Been Wrangling For Near Three Months Now. (By CARL OOERCII1 It wouldn't surprise me In the slightest to Ase a riot start up In Ra leigh at any time. The boys are getting so mad that there’s no telling what will happen next. They’re righting each other now, instead of lighting lor lower taxes. Out in the world thou gocst, Oh, treasure of my heart! Now hark to what 1 tell thee, Ere moving to depart. Become a lawyer if you wish; A doctor or a barber. Against these not a single grudge Doth mankind ever harbor. Become a lanner or a clown— Or even be a waiter. But for the love of Pete, my son— Don't be a legislator! 7 he short ballot bill got sat on last week. And that uncovered a lot of opposition which, until then, had kept itself mow or less in hiding. You see, there are some members of the legislature who never have been and who never can be actual lead ers. They resent the idea of anyone else attaining any prominence along those liner. Thr Hon. O. Max tuts been dcing some mighty effective leading during the last couple of months, and sorry of the boys don't like tt. They’re now snapping and Tipping at his heels like a bunch of An^KMUTK*TOR'S NOTICE. Having Mii« day qualified *a administra tor of the relate of Ellzu non. dtcuun of Cleveland county. North Carolina, no tice Is hereby given that *11 persona hav ing claims walnst the i«ld estate must present them to me properly proven for payment on or belbre the 7th day o' March. 1»3», or this notice win be pleadsd In bar of any recovery thereof All per sons owing the said estate will ple««e make immediate eetUement to the under elgned. Thla March 1th. 1931 W. C BLACK. Administrator of Es tate of Bllca Green, deceased #t Mar Pc EASTER EXCURSION Low Round Trip Tickets tc all Points on the Seaboard Also to WASHINGTON. D. C. From: SHELBY. N. C. Washington. IX C. . $16.52 Columbia. S, C. $6.93 Savannah. Ga._$11.03 Jacksonville. Fla. .. $16.65 Miami. Fla.$29.82 St. Petersburg, Fla. $25.11 Tickets on Sale April 3-1 Only. Limited to 15 Days in Addition to Date of Sale For information and fares to other points see Agent or H. E. PLEASANTS, DPA, RALEIGH. N. C. SEABOARD Mxa Con Mokhiar, of 601 North New Orltui Aw, Brinkley, Ark, writes: "1 *u eo constipeted until 1 wee Just sick. I could not stand to take _ Strong medicine, so I de-1 elded I would take Black EJauyh^and 1 found it to 1 would have such dbnty •polio, and such bursting headaches, n»tii 1 ooulo hardly go. But after tak ing a few doses of Black Draught I would feel Just ins. It is a good medi cine, and I recommend it to all who suffer as 1 did. It is vary easy to rseom mend a medicine that **»* done es much for — Black-Draught has , • tonic thould jmi If ywii terrier*. What they're trying to do Is to tear him down, even though they may have to tear down some mighty good bills In order to accom plish their purposes. The drug store liquor bill didn’t tand much of a show. What's the ciift- ot loading up all our dry," -itores with liquor when you can go out Into the country and get all you please? Useless and entirely un necessary. And this week we come to the oft dlacussed and oft-cussed Mac-Lean bill, which has to do with the state support of schools. This bill, unless It gets defeated, Is bound to pass. Members of the senate and house have held It in reserve and are pre senting It now as a grand finale, with everybody Joining In the sing ing. Revenue Commissioner Maxwell spoke against the bill over the radio. This radlo-speaktng business is get ting to be mighty popular. It used to be that our public men went to the newspapers and had their views Inserted there. The trouble with that course, however, was that the newspapers make a permanent rec ord of your remarks. With the radio it’s different If somebody doesn't like what you say, you can always tell them that they misun derstood you The sales tax is still up there. Any well informed advocate of such a proposition can, without the slight est trouble, set forth 2,458 sound and logical reasons why a sales tax should be adopted. And any well in [ formed opponent to the measure | can—also without trouble—give you 12,458 equally sound and logical rea sons why it should not be adopted. I'rake your choice; there’s no use in my trying to say anything about it. Almost three months since the gang got together. Three months of wrangling and fussing. Seems like a pity, doesn't it? Particularly when moat of us were interested in only one thing—and that was a reduc tion in property taxes. Thus far, that is the only thing which has not, Dt'en given any serious consid eration. They have legislated in fav or of or against practically every thing under the sun, to say nothing of the nioon. They have even gone out of their way to find bills which they could introduce and pass. The only thing they've left undone so tar is the one thing, above all others, which we wanted them to TRUSTER'S KAI.K or REAL ESTATE Under the power end authority contain ed tn that certain deed of truat dated September 9, 1*37. made by Thos. J. Bab m# ton and Inea McVarlend llabmgton. his wile, to W. J. Henson and W. L Andrew*. Trustees to secure the Shenandoah Life Insurance Company. Incorporated, of Boa nuke. Virginia, the sum of $2500 00, with interest thereon from the 0th day of 8ep temiwr, U30, wid interest being payable semtarthuatty; and whlofi deed of trust was duly recorded in Deed Book 150. page U, In the office of the Register 01 heeds. Cleveland County, North Carolina, to whioh reference te made, on which aatd debt there remains due end unpaid the sum of $3500.00 with interest thereon from September *, lMflr and on nocouat of default In the payment of said debt and the Interest thereon, ae elated above and the whole of the Indebtedness seem ed In eald deed of trust being due and pay able. and being requested so to do by the Shenandoah Life Insurance Company, Inc ol Roanoke. Virginia, the holder of said debt, the eaid W. J. Henson and W. L, Andrews, Trustee*, or either of them Isold trust deed permitting either to act! will sen for cash to tits highest bidder tit the trout door of the court house ol Cleveland County, North Carolina, on the hth day of April, 19S1, at II o'clock. A. M. the following described lands situated in the county of Cleveland, Biate or Norte Carolina, and more particularly daterfbed as follows: That certain idee* or parcel of Hand situated in tire Town of Shelby. State of North Carolina, and being more particu larly described, by metes and bounds, as .ollows, to-wlt: Beginning at a stake t„ B. Ross's cor ner of the west edge at North Washing ton Street, In the Town of Shelby, and runs thence with this line West 3JO feet to an Iron stake; thence North 70 (eet to an Iron stake; thence Bast 350 feet to an Iron stake on the west edge of North Washington Street thence with the said street south 70 feet to the beginning, con taining 17.500 square feet, more or less. Being the same property conveyed to Thos. J. Babtngton by deed from L. O Hoffman, which deed Is duly recorded tn Book 3Q, page 304 in the register of deed. office for Cleveland County. North Caro lina. to which reference 1» herebv made for a better description of the property herein described. Term* of sale: Cash. Dated ate Roanoke. Virginia, thl* the Sth day of March. 1931 W J, Henson and W. Is Andrews. Trus tees. ._ 4t-Mch-9c WEEK - END EXCURSION FARES FROM: SHELBY TO Charlotte__$2.30 Wilmington__$10.45 Raleigh --$9.80 Richmond____ $14.55 Washington _$18.70 Columbia _ $7.15 Savannah —_ $12.05 Jacksonville __$18.80 And all points in South east east of Mississippi River. Tickets on sale each Fri day and Saturday and for Sunday Forenoon trains during period March 27* Oct. 25. Tickets limited to reach original starting point prior to midnight of Tuesday immediately following date of sale. Stop overs will be permitted at all points and tickets will be good in sleeping cars up on payment of pullman fare. For fares to other points see Agent or H. E. PLEASANTS. DP A, RALEIGH. N. C. SEABOARD do. However, while there's life there’* hope, although It must be admitted that there Is very little life left In Old General Assembly at this par ticular time. Beth-Ware Section News Of Week-End (Special to The Star.) Beth-Ware, Mar. 26.-We are glad to say there Is not very much sick ness In our community at present Mrs. D. A. McSwaln was called to Shelby last Saturday to be at the bedside of her little grandson, L. W McSwaln, who has pneumonia, but Is some better. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Herndon spent last Tuesday In the Oak Orove com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Edmondson and Mr. T. W. Pheaglns of Shelby spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H PheRgln*. Miss Odessa McSwaln Is visiting In 8helby this week. We are glad to say that Miss Hanah McSwain Is improving hav ing been siok with flu and pneu monia for several days. The Woman's club met at Mrs. Ben Goforth last Saturday p. m. A large crowd was present. The World * Richest Man. (From The Montgomery Advertiser) A special writer for the United Press says that the Nizam of Hy derabad is »ur richest man. He does not know the extent of hi* posses sion, but their value is estimated at more than $2,000,000,000. One tale is that lie has $500,000,000 in gold bricks and coins. “Two Englishmen worked more than two years classi fying family Jewels worth millions I of dollars,” Yet he “lives in frugal simplicity’’—he having provided himself with only 400 automobiles and only 22 Pullmans in his private train. His private income is between $30,000,000 and $40,000,000 a year. He is the ruler of 13,000,000 people in cluding his wives. His pa before him was rich. Edgecombe county farmers saved about $1,000 through cooperative purchase of lespedeza seed. One hundred farmers pooled their or ders. The actual value of lespedeza as a soil Improving crop will be tested hi a soil building demonstration for five years on four or five plots of poor land in Rowan county by W. G, Yeager, county agent. CMtTfPICATE OK DISSOMJTION. State at North Carolina. Department at Stats. To All to Whom This# Prewitt May Com* —Ct resting: Whereas. It appears to my satlalaetlon by. duly anibrntleated record of the pro ccedlns for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unsnlmous consent of all the stockholders. deposited in my office, that the Eiirl Electric company, a ctr poratton of this state, whose prtnlpal office Is situated in the town ol Earl, county of Cleveland, state of North Carolina (O. L. Putnam being the agent therein and In charge thereof, upon whom process may be servedi, has compiled with the re quirements ot Chapter 33, Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporations." prelim inary to the issuing of this certificate of dissolution: Now therefore, 1, J, A. tfartness, secre tary of state of the state of North Care llna, do hereby certify tbst the said cor poration did, on the 31 h day of Pebrusrv, 1031, file In my office a duly axecuted ind attested consent In writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file tn my said of fice as provided by law In testimony whereof. I. have hereto set my hand end affixed my offtolnl seal at ftulelgh, this S4th day or February. A, 13., 1031, J. A. HARTNE8S, Secretary of State 4t Mar 18c 666 LIQUID »r TABLETS w'ure Colds, Headaches, Fevei 66 6 SALVE CURES BABY’S COLD DR. A. PITT BEAM DENTIST — PHONE 188 Especial Attention To Pyorrhea. SPECIAL LOW FARES To NEW JERSEY SEA SHORE RESORTS FROM: SHELBY Atlantic City_$25.60 Cape May_,_$25.60 Wildwood __$25.60 Asbury Park_$26.80 Tickets on sale April 1 only. Limited to 18 days in ad dition to date of sale. For fares to other New Jersey points see agent or H. E. PLEASANTS, DPA. RALEIGH. N. C. — SEABOARD — New Uses For Cotton Brings On Optimistic Spirit In Industry New York Exchange Told Of Recent Development* Which Help Industry. New York, March 27.—Important developments in the creation of new uses for cotton and the pronounced improvement in the cotton manu facturing Industry of this country during the last two months were de scribed by George A. Sloan, presi dent of the Cotton Textile institute, at a meeting of the New York Cot ton exchange. Mr. Sloan spoke optimistically of the results accomplished by the cot ton manufacturing Industry, with the co-operation of the United States departments of agriculture and commerce, in expanding the consumption of cotton goods, and of the effect of such activities. Sales Volume Galas. "The volume of sales of cotton cloth since January 1,” said Mr Sloan, "has been heavier than dur ing the same period in any recent year. These large sales have com pletely changed the position of the industry. While unfilled orders are now approaching peak levels, stocks on hand, the cause of concern only a iew montns ago, nave diminished to the lowest volume ever recorded. On many classes of goods, stocks have been /educed to the minimum yardage on which current business can be transacted. “Notwithstanding this gratifying expansion of business, the mills are taking a conservative atltude re garding production because of the conviction throughout the Industry that the recent favorable trend in cotton textile should not be regard ed as a genuine recovery until the general business situation shows further improvement. The excess DR. S. F. PARKER — PHYSICIAN - Office Phones 64 and No. 2 Residence Phone 129-J DAN FRAZIER ~ivil Engineer And Surveyor Farm Surveys, Sub-divis ions, Plats and Oengr&i Engineering Practice, - Phone 417 - ^. ... * THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Offef* Many Attractive R' ’uced Round Trip Excursion Fares for Easter Holidays and Spring Va cations. EASTER EXCURSION 'ARES APRIL 1931 Round Trip Easter Exur&Ion i Fares on Sale to Many t*olnti in - the Southeastern States i ONE FARE PLUS $1.00 FOR THE ROUND TRIP. DATES OF SALE APRIL 1st, 2nd. 3rd and 4th. LIMIT 15 DAYS FOR DATE OF SALE. WEEK END EXCURSION FARES Round trip week End Excursion Fares on sale to many points in the Southeastern states. Tickets on sale on each Friday, Satur day and forenoon trains bun-lays March 27th. to October 25th • 1931. One Fare plus 1-5 'are for the round trip. Limit midnight Mowing Tuesday. (Minimum Ex cursion fare 50 cents.) SUNDAY EXCURSION FARFS Effective Sunday March 29tta, to Sunday October 25th 18S1 th* Southern Railway will sell Sun day excursion tickets oetween ah stations on the Southern Rail way Lines where the oneway fare is not less than 13 cents rnr more than $3.60 on basis approximately one cent (lc) per mile in each direction for the round trlt tickets on sale Sunday morning trains scheduled to leave prior tr noon limit returning «o startici point prior to midnight date ol sale. (Tickets good in Joacha only.) VISIT THE BEAUTIFUL MAO NOLIA AND MIDDLETON GARDENS. CHARLESTON. S. C. Oreatly reduced round trip ex cursion fares to Charleston, s. C. round trip from SHELBY, N. C. $7 00 Dates of sale March 27th. and 28th, and April 3rd and 4th. 1931 limit midnight Wednesday fol lowing date of sale. Round trip fares on sale one fare plug 1-3 fare for the nutid trip March 18th. 19th. iOth. 21st 34th. 25th. 26th. 31st. Arrh lit 2nd. 8th. 9th. 10th. llth l«tb (7th. and 18th, limit 7 days from date of sale Ask Ticket Agents. V R. H GRAHAM. Division Passenger ipirt SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM CHARLOTTE. N. C. capacity for production of cotton goods has been corrected to an Im portant extent by the discontinu ance of night employment of a'ometi and minors In a large proportl tn of the mills. Sees Stabilisation. “There Is a growing tendency to discontinue night operations entire ly and to concentrate production on the day shlff. These developments, together with further observance of greater uniformity of running time, promise to go far in stabilizing em ployment.” Among the new uses for cotton goods described by Mr. Sloan Is the insertion of a heavy layer of water proof cotton fabric between the two layers of wood planking In the holds of motor boats and light cruisers which does away with the necessity of calking. Oranges from Florida are now coming Into the New York market In a newly developed open meshed cotton bag for retail distribution. Increasing amounts of cotton cloth are being used for cloth stationary, maps, menu cards,, and advertising posters. Over 80,000 People Killed By Autos Trenton, N. J., March 26.—Auto* mobile deaths in the United States during the past 18 months totalled 504)00, a report Issued by the state traffic commission shows. As a comparison the report said the number exceeded the American death toll of the World war in which 60,510 were killed or died of wounds during 18 months. In New Jersey, 14251 persons were killed by automobiles in the last 18 months. Last February 72 were kill ed as compared with 80 in February last year. Bxcoirroas' Notice. - Having till* da; qualllied ai executors of W. P. White's will, notice Is hereby given to all persons holding claim* against the said estate to present the same prop erly proven to the undersigned on or be fore March 8. 1033. or this notice wlU be pleaded In bar of any recovery thereon. All persons Indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 7th day of March, 19JI. PETER WHITE and CHARI,IS WHITE. Executors of W. P. White's will. B. T. Palis. Atty. *t Mar 0e t 1 % Have Your Eyes Examined Regularly DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTOMETRISTS Office Over Paul Webb tb Son’s Drug Store T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book Seller Phone — 82 Science Students On Visit To Star Plant Forty Students From No. 3 Consoli dated on Inspection Tour Here. Forty students from No. 3 Consol idated school made an ihspcctljn tour Wednesday, visiting The Star office and a cotton mill. J. W. Oavu. principal of the school said many of the students had never been -n side a cotton mill, so they planned a visit to a local mill after going through The Star plant In The Star office they v-ere shown how news is gathered, cw pictures are made and transmitter, how type is set, forms made, .na rolled sterotyped and put in condi tion for planting on the mam mot n 34 page rotary press which has < speed of printing, folding and tog 18,006 newspapers in an hour Other schools are Invited to cud their classes In charge of a teache’ lo The Star office. Before cornu i. however, an engagement should be | made with the management. FOR JOB PRINTING OP ALL KINDS—CALL THE STAR FOR QUALITY PRINTING NOTICE TO THE VOTERS OF SHELBY. , NORTH CAROLINA, AND SHELBY SPE CIAL CHABTtE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. ThU la to hereby notify all eltlaana ol the city of Shelby. North Carolina, and Shelby Special Charter School District No 33, that the nnderalgnsd haa been appoint ed reglatrar for an election to be held on the first Monday In May. 1931, for the election of a mayor and a board of aider men for the city of Shelby. North Caro lina; and also for the election Of a school board tor the aforesaid dlatrlct on same date. This la to further notify all citizens who are no registered roterS of the city of Shelby or said school dlatrlct that those who are qualified to register under the law may register with the undersigned between the hours of sunrise and sunset, except Sundays, for twenty (301 days next proceeding the first Monday in May. 1031 This the 13th day of March. 1831. P. H. KENDALL, Registrar. 4t Mch 53C ROSIER* HOSPITAL, Inc (Ol UfcarletM M 0.1 llniirk At Mrs. Harmon'* Hemstitching $h«9 (Cate Cbocotste Mw) Heelery end Knitted Gm>d* tootb ■••sired. U But Meat Its UuteM — BILLIARDS — Visit the Shelby Cigar and Billiard Parlor and BARBER SHOP For Clean Sports and Barber Work. Corner South La Fayette and East Graham Sts. M. C. PUTNAM AND J. E. ELLIOTT STOP THAT COLD WITH A&O IT’S LIQUID PRICE 25c RELIEVES A COLD IN 24 HOURS SOLD BY PAUL WEBB A SON and ALL DRUGGISTS Sold on a Money-Bacv Guarantee. Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 76m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, we can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MOUNT HOLLY, N. C. — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES — FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON, FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—9:45 a. m.; 3:45 p. m.; 8:45 p. m FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: 7 LEAVE SHELBY7:40 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 1:40 p. in.; 4:40 p. to.; 9:40 p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—11:10 a. m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:40 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 1:40 p. m : - < — FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - PHONE 450 - QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY “PROTECTION’* # Everyone Need* It. 1 See THE ROYSTER COMPANY, INC., | State Agents, SHELBY, N. C. } THE CONSERVATICE LIFE INS. CO., j Wheeling, West Va. ... . -- -- - , v Powder ounces For Best Resui's Use SCO-CO SPECIAL FLOWER, GARDEN AND LAWN MIXTURE. ITS BETTER AND CHEAPER. SOLD IN 2C0 lb.; 100 lb.; 50 lb.; 10 lb. Package.. THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. Phone 577 — Shelby, N. C. Get A Pair Of Re-lhr Skates FREE To each and every boy or girl who gets their par ents to buy an Automobile-Travel and Non-Occupation al Accident Policy we will give a pair or Roller Skates FREE. Here is the Policy Explained in full: Sold to Males, Ages 18 to 65; Females, Ages 18 to 60. White Risks Only. No Medical Examination. SPECIFIC INDEMNITIES:— Travel For Loss of: Accidents Life..$7,500.00 Two Limbs_$7,500.00 Two Eyes -_$7,500.00 One Limb -_$3,750.00 One Eye___$2,500.00 Note: All indemnities for Specific Losses annually until increase 50r'o in value. Automobile Accidents $2,500.00' $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $1,250.00 $ 850.00 Non-OccO pational Accidents $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 350.00 increase 10% MONTHT Y INDEMNITY:— For Total For Partial Disability Disability (6 Months) . (1 Month) Travel Accidents __$150.00 $75.00 Automobile Accidents __ $100.00 $50.00 Non-Occupational Accidents __ $50.00 $25.00 Also: $10.00 Surgeon’s Fee for Non-Disabling Injury. $100 Identification and Emergency Relief. -COSTS ONI Y $10.00 A YEAR Sold By ‘ THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. of CHATTANOOGA. TENN. ' Since 1887 — Dependable ASSETS OVER...$2,700,000 MORE THAN $7,550,000 PAID IN CLAIMS SINCE ORGANIZATION. * WHEN YOU GET YOUR PARENTS CONSENT TO BUY, NOTIFY Provident Insurance Agency . J. L. BLANTON, General Agent -PHONE 445 - OFFICE: AREY BLDG. S. WASHINGTON ST.

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