WOOD’S INGOLD COTTON SEED I'Olt SALE BY HERMAN BEAM, FALLSTON, N. C. Will sell or exchange for other seed. This cotton was grown in a test on my Beams Mill farm under direction of V, A. Gardner. Ginned on the Boggs-Ross Gin at Fallston. Re-cleaned on Cyclone Cleaner. In the test, three other standard varieties were also grown with these results; largest yield seed cotton per acre—highest per cent lint at gin 89%, largest bolls 68 per pound. Was all open at Oct. 28; length of lint 1 1-32 in.; brought premium of 1 3-4 cents over the market. 9 acres of common land made 10 bales last year. As Blackmon says about his stock brick: “You’ve tried all the rest, now try the best.” See HERMAN BEAM, FALLSTON, N. C. NEXT SUNDAY EASTER PLEASE LET US HAVE YOUR CLOTHES AS EARLY I N THE WEEK AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU! r THE . WHITER AY “QUALITY” CLEANERS — DYERS PHONE 105 “Guaranteed Dry Cleaning” Webb Theatre NOW PLAYING — You’ve Heard Beautiful Voices on the Screen Before— WAIT TILL— Never two such marvelous voices in one picture! Lawrence TfWSTT Grace MOOfet SING “LOVER COME BACK u) ;w IN This tvO MANTIC DRAMA FROM THE BROADWAY SMASH HIT Directed by JACK CONWAY With ADOLPHE MENJOU Roland Young Matinee 10.25c — Night 10.30c tail... WCTUHS COMING WEDNESDAY -'"MILLIE” Webb Theatre LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Miss Mary Osborne Wilkins, 01 j Brevard, has returned to her home alter spending several days here with her grandmother, Mrs. J. R. Osborne, who has been quite 1U. Mr. W. J. Erwin, of Great Fulls, 8. C., spent the week-end here as a guest at the home of Rev and Mrs. John Suttle. Mrs. Erwin, who spent last week here, returned home with him. Dr. Joe Osborne, of Raleigh, is ex pected home within a few days to visit his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Osborne. He comes especially be cause of the illness of his motlter. Miss Montrose Mull left yesterday for Florida to be gone a week. She accompanied her father, Mr O. M. Mull, Mr. George Blanton and Miss Caroline Blanton, Born to Mr. and Mrs. lee Spake on Thursday March 26tli a dalni. daughter, Claudia Lee. Mr. and Mrs Spake live on Shelby Route 1. Mrs, O. C, Joseph who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Tom Lattimore on N. Morgan street for a week, returned to her home in Spartanburg Sunday. Mrs. II. Dixon Smith arrived yes terday from Columbus, Ga., to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. A. P. \Veather3 who is recovering from injuries received in an automobile accident last Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Cornwall spent last week here with Iter daughter, Mrs. F. Guy Hull and Mr. Hull. Senator Peyton MeSwam was at home from Raleigh for the week-end returning to the capital this morn ing. Representative Henry Edwards spent the week-end here visiting friends; he will return to Raleigh on Tuesday. Mrs. Edwards is in Win ston-Salem at present visiting rela tives. Mrs. Dennis A. Beam and infantj daughter, Mildred Betty, were able to leave the hospital on Saturday and to return to their Ijome in Beaumonde Terraces. Mrs. L. E. Powers, her daughter, Miss WUiard Powers, and Mrs. B. E. Powers, Jr., all of flutherfordton, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Hoyle and other friends here on Sunday afternoon. , Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Let/ an nounce tiie birth of a son. David Allen, at the Shelby hospital on Sunday evening; Mrs. Lee, before her marriage was Miss Bertie Crow der, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Crowder. Friends of Mrs. T. Cling Eskridge will be glad to hear {hat her con dition is improved today after being quite ili for the past several days. Mrs. Crawford W. McCraw, of Gaffney, is spending several days here with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Beam. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Mauney, of Lawndale, announce the birth of a daughter on Saturday at the Shelby hospital. Mrs. C. C. Roberts returns home today after a visit of several days to her father at Greenville, S. C. " Miss Isabelle Hoey spent the week end at Forest City ns the guest of Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Lovelace. Mr and Mrs. C. R. Hoey went to Forest City for a brief visit Sunday afternoon and Miss Hoey returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Heunessa. j of Charlotte, spent the week-end here with Mrs. P. L. Hennessa and jMrs. Brevard Hennessa. ! Miss Burton Qettys and Miss | Dorothy King, students at N. C. C. i \V.. Greensboro, are spending the • spring holidays at home this week with their respective parents. At The Theaters A deluge of dynamic drama is running at the Lyric today. The name of the picture is “The Flood," with Eleanor Boradman, David Newell and Monte Blue carrying the principal roles. Serial and comedies complete the program. The Carolina's early week offer ing is "Honor Among Lowers," with Claudette Colbert and Fredric March, both of ‘'Manslaughter'' fame. The picture is running today and Tuesday. Wednesday and Tliurs day of this week, the Carolina will play George • Baneerf s latest pic ture. "Scandal Sheet. ’ Two stars, famous on air. screen and stage, are beginning a two-day engagement today at the Webb theatre. They are Orace Moore and Lawrence Tibbett and the picture is •New Moon.'-’' Mrs. \V. T. Davis and two chti-, firen and brother Mr. James Wcvb: of Columbia. S. C., were week end! visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John U wells. Miss rtuth Whisohant Ls buck at home after spending last week with her aunt, Mrs. E. G. Byers, and Mr Byers at Marion. Mr. Joe Singleton is at home from Georgia Tech, Atlanta. Ga:, for the spring holidays which he is spend ing with his mother. Mrs. L. S. Fri day. , Mr. Louis Roberts returned to his work ut the medical college i f Duke university yesterday after spending his spring holidays at home. Hie parents. Captain and Mrs. J. F. Roberts, returned to Dur ham with hint and Mrs. Roberts will enter the hospital there for an ex amination. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Poteat of Ben-! ver Dam community announce tliei birth a daughter. Rebecca Kath leen. on March 20. Mrs. Poteat be fore marriage was Miss Vertie Wil-j son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John? Wilson. Miss Margaret Blanton, of Queem Chicora, Charlotte, is spending the weekftnd at home with her par ents, Mr. and Rfm. Ceph Blanton,j She will return to school tomorrow. Mr. R. M.- Laughridge went to! Cliarlotte yesterday and brought his; daughter, Miss Ruth Laughridge, of Queens-Chicora. home with him.] Miss Laughridge lias been ill and will spend tills week at home. On Thursday Miss Marie Chambics, of Tampa, Fla., a schoolmate of Mist Laughridge, will arrive here to be her guest through the Easter holi days. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Morrison re-j turned home Thursday from a two] weeks trip through Georgia and Florida. While away they visited] their sou, Mr. Ivey Morrison and! his wife at Moultrie. Oa. Miss Ella MacNichols, superih-1 tendent of the Shelby hospital, had as her guests for dinner in Char- j lotto yesterday. Mrs. W. B. Nix, Mrs. ! E. B. Lattimore and Miss Etta Bev erly. Mr. George Webb and son, Of Spencer, spent yesterday visiting the Golds and Clint Wellman in the Zion community. Messrs. Earl Hamrick and Jack Dover were business visitors in Char lotte today. Miss Anne Veech, of Shelbyvilte, Ky., a student at N. C. C. W, ac companied two of her school mates Misses Elizabeth and Louise Morri son, to Shelby to spend the Easter j holidays with the parents of the lat ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Morrison. ^ Misses Minnie Katherine Alien, I Louise Cottle, Mary Frances Carpen-' ter and Helen Whitener are among the N. C. C. W. girls who are homej from Greensboro to spend the spring; holidays with their respective par- [ ents. Mrs. Fanny Shuford returned] home last week after spending a month with her sister, Mrs. Pink j Rollins, and Mr. Rollins, at Render- j sOnville. Miss Jessie Mackie spent the week-end with Miss Octava Jeter as guests of the latter's parents at Santuk, S. C. Mr, and Mrs. William H. Dnvis, of ] Kana, Pa., are spending several days wdth the latter's sister, Mrs. J. P.; Cunningham, and Mr. Cunningham at the Hotel Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are returning home from a trip to Florida. Alternate freezing and thawing this winter killed much of the grass planted on the new pastures in Cur rituck county but the owners are re newing their stands by seeding car-! pet and Dallis grasses with lcs pedeza this month. NEGRO MINSTREL TUE8DAY AT POLKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL There will be a negro minstrel given by the Palm Tree Epworth league at the Polkville high school auditorium next Tuesday night, March 31. There will be a small ad mission fee. Mother May Be Jailed. Chicago.—"Alimony row’’—hereto fore man's haven may have a wom an occupant. Walter Molek, father of three children, bad his wife. Eleano, cited for contempt of court today for failure to keep up $5 weekly “ali mony” payments. The estranged wife w*s ordered to appear before Judge Dane] p. Tryde to show cause why she should not be placed tn "alimony row.” Mrs Molek. who filed suit for dl j vorce February 9 was ordered to I pay 35 weekly to her unemployed huebnnd until he cynfttl find wort; EASTER JEWELRY Left to itself, no costume, however smart, can create just the proper effect. Cos tume jewels must add that necessary dash of bril liance. It's your duty to your costume to remember with jewels. DIAMOND RINGS 15, $10, $15, $25 Up NECKLACES $2.00, $2.50, $5.00 BROOCHES $1.50, $2.50 Upward BRACELETS $2.50, $5.00, $6.50 HANDBAGS Leather and Silk. $1.00, *2,50. $2.50. $5.00 MESH BAGS 2.50. $3.00, $5.00 Up VANITIES 1.00, $1.50, $2.00. $3.50 CATCHES •iljrin Sport Watch Only 1-1.95 T. W. Hamrick Co. Jewelers & Optometrists A $30,000 WASH VOMAN o do your aundry better 'IMRE'S a laundry plant equipped with every effic ent and modern appliance for the more thorough, more gentle and more sani tary washing of your cloth es. No human hands, no amateur, home method or utensils can perform such -omplete and competent aundry work as you will I eceive when you entrust j our week’s washing to us. j 1 i — PHONE 59t Snowflake Laundry i i i i CAROLINA “Shelby’s Popular Playhouse” - TODAY - TUESDAY — Fredric March Claudette Colbert Charles Ruggles Honor Among Lovers Ford Sterling “COME TO PAPA,” “Fox Movietone News.” Admission Always 10c-25c — WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY ~ GEORGE BANCROFT — Scandal Sheet — THE Antique Gift Shop •AT THE SIGN OF THE OAK TREE 419 NORTH MORGAN STREET Opens April 1 And will remain open every afternoon this week from 2 to 6 o'clock. After This Week Open every Tuesday and Thursday 9 to 12 A. M. Any other time by appointment. Phone 22, Specializing in Old Glass, China, Bric-A-Brac And Antique Furniture Mrs. Paul Webb — Miss Elizabeth MeBrayei First National Bank SHELBY, N. C. STATEMENT OF CONDITION MARCH 25TH, 1931. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts-_-_-$2,915,330.58 >Cerd rafts ._.•... 90.39 U. S. Bonds to Secure Circulation__ 250,000.00 Other U. S. Bonds Owned___ 159,150.75 N. C. State Bonds ________5,000.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank __*_ 22,500.00 Other Stocks and Bonds _________ 113.200.00 Real Estate Owned _____ 113,398.21 Redemption Fund —.. _______ 12,500.00 Cash on Hand and Due from Other Banks_ 577,493.56 TOTAL $4,168,663.49 LIABILITIES Capital ---...... . ..§230,000,00 Surplus- .-- - - -... COO,000.00 ; I'ndivided Profits_..._......_..._98,288.88 Accrued Interest Reserved____86,853.28 ! Reserved for Taxes ..... ..._...._ 15,000.00 ) Circulation___....._..... 250,000.00 Notes Re-Discounted with Federal Reserve Bank _ _..... 128,500.00 DEPOSITS ...._...... 2,895,026.98 TOTAL ..... ..._____ 84,168,668.49 Our statement above reflects improving conditions in this section and our people have much to be thankful for from a financial status. Business along all lines seems to show some improvement and individuals and firms are proceeding with caution and economy, which plan will ultimately lead to financial independence and stability. We invite your banking business and co-oper tion in every way. First National Bank SHELBY, N. C. Capital, Surplus and Profits Eight Hun dred and Forty Thousand Dollars. UNION TRUST CO. SHELBY, N. C. STATEMENT OF CONDITION MARCH 25TH, 1931. Including Branch Offices at Lattimore, Lawndale, Fallston, Mooresboro Rutherfordton, Forest City and Caroleen. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ____'j.._$1,218,841.78 Overdrafts ...... 83.78 N. C. State Bonds .. 30,480.00 United States Bonds _____ 72,253.47 Other Stocks and Bonds___ 7,500.00 Banking Houses ___..._ 59,028.16 Other Real Estate Owned_____ 34,493.72 Furniture and Fixtures_____ 26,701.03 Cash on Hand and Due from Other Bands „ 308,775.71 TOTAL _$1,758,157.65 LIABILITIES Capital .. .. ...* $150,000.00 Surplus - 130,000.00 Undivided Profits and Reserves for Interest and Depreciation-- 60,875.34 Bills Pavable ____--——— __ 105,000.00 DEPOSITS . 1,292,782,31 TOTAL....$1,758,157.65 The trend of business is improved and each, week and month brings a more optimistic outlook. With economy and conservatism is watch words, the custom ers of The Union Trust Company should go forward and strive by team-work, economy, frugality and saving tc bring about dti even greater financial stability through* out our section. We nivite your banking business. UNION TRUST CO. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. .

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