20,000 People Read Star Want Advs-Tlie Cost Is Small; Resul's Cood k WKatYouWant~> kin the WANT APS ^ Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum (Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. rhis size 1 cent per word each insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. FREE MAP OF THE COM plete highway system ol Cleveland county, showing the roads taken over by the state under the new highway law. You can secure one of these maps 16x17 inches by paying $1 or more on sub scription to The Star. tf 4p WAI'CH. CLOUR AND JEWELK. repairing L. C Davis next door to Eftrd's t appreciate vour patron age targe or small tf We USED AUTO PARTS FINK IRON & METAL CO. Trade Alley. Phone 680. tf-30c FOR SALE—ONE GERMAN 3 P lice dog, 18 months old, named W with registration papers from a fine strain of blood. He is a wonder! J guard for the home and bis friends Can be seen at 312 E. Marion S . Phone No. 311-J. NEARLY TWO HUNDRED users m Cleveland county of Gen eral Electric Refrigerators and not one has ever spent one cent tor service Robert C Herd. Dealer. 8 Washington 8t., Shelby tf 25c FREE, NEW HIGHWA V map of Cleveland county showing the 793 miles of roads to be taken over by the state under the new road bill. You can get one of these maps by paying $1 or more on your subscription to The Star, tfp LOST: TUESDAY IN SHELBY, A small Pox Terrier, brown and white spotted, with a leather collar. Find er notify D. M. Jones, Star route, Lattimore. Reward. 2t 27p DON’T LET YOUR repair jobs eost you too much, see Mauneyj Auto Parts Co. tfc PAY $1.00 OR MORE "ON j subscription to The Star and! receive free, the new highway map of Cleveland county. It shows the various types of roads, township lines, towns, targe streams and consolidated schools. The map is just, out. Get yours now. tf 4p ANY MAKE RADIO REPAIRED. Parts ol all makes Mauney Radio Service, 3. Washington St.. Phone 518. tf 6c NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Washing and greasing. Standard Products and Service. Stanley ana Son, Corner LaFayette and Sumter Streets, Phone 642-J 6t 20c SEE GEO. ALEXANDER FOR fine watch repairing. Prices moder ate. Your work appreciated. Next door to Stephenson Drug Store 12t Mch 23p FOR RENT: ONE OR TWO rooms in my home, 408 South Washington St. J. M. Black. 3t 27p ” FOR SALE—SEED Corn, Golden Yellow, two ear prolific. D. A Beam Co. Phone 130. 3t-28e GET YOUR MULE SHOED ALL round for 50c, you to furnish shoes. Bull tongue and twister plows re pointed and sharpened, two for 5c. Heeler plows sharpened for 7 1-2 to 15c each. Bring your com to our mill. Corn cleaned and ground Proctor and Gold between Metcalf s and Double Shoals. 3t 23c SHELBY POTATO 8TORAGE nouse will start treating potatoes March 26, 1931. Three cents per bushel will be charged. 3t 23c CONSULT QUAL ITY Cleaners before having your Spring Cleaning done. Phone 100. 4t-27c NOTICE TO PATRONS OP LAT timore Potato House: Potatoes for bedding will be treated Wednesday, March 18th, Wednesday. April 1st, and Wednesday, April 15th. A charge of 3 cents per bushel will be made. No potatoes may be stor ed neat fall unless grown from seed treated at the house It 16p IT WILL PAY YOU to see us about your next repair job. Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc THE STAR IS WORTH the price asked—less than the cost of a 2c postage stamp per issue, but a new highway map showing the 793 miles ol roads in Cleveland county to be taken over by the state, will be given free to subscrib ers paying $1 or more on sub scription. tf-4p JUST RECErviD A ^RJSH supply of Garden seed. Loose trails and corn. We have them. See is be fore you make garden. Hord and Son Lawndale. 9-16-.; IT COSTS BUT A FEW CENTS a day to protect your income when disabled from sickness or accident. Write for full details, North Ameri can Accident Insurance Co., Box 12, Shelby, N. C. tf 23c CALL 832 AND LET US SEND .or your car and Wash or Grease tt for 75c each The Auto Inn, next to the Whiteway Dry Cleaners tf 30c FOR PLUMBING and Repairing Phone 329, W. T. Randall. 9t-llc FOR RENT; SIX-ROOM HOUSE, U5 North Washington St Immed ate occupancy. Louis M Hamrick, phone 105. tf 4c NOW IS THeT TIME TO get chicks for high price fall eggs. Hatch off every Tues day. Custom hatching Satur days. Suttle’s Hatchery. 2t23 CALL US FOR Plumbing- and heat ing, new and remod eling. Repairing done promptly. Modern Heating and Plumb ing Co., Phone 569. tf MR FARMER: YOUR BEST crop insurance isfa good Standard Southern Fertilizer made by Na vassa Guano Co. See J. J. Latti more. Agent tf 18c FOR "RENT: FIVE ROOM HOUSE on West Warren St. All conven* iences. Nat Bowman. tf 4c WHEN IN NEED OF CORRECT job printing call No. 11, The Star office and a representative will c«i! upon you. DR. SCHOLLS, Foot specialist, will be at A. V. Wray & 6 Sons on Friday, April 3rd. Free examination. 4t-25c DOES YOUR ROOF r ea1r? See J. W. Den on, Hoey Ant., rear ^ostoffice. He posi wely p-oaran+^os his -rov1- A-J. C. B. EUIOTTS STORE. Guaranteed Pure Coffee _*_12c lb 98-lbs Isaac Shelby Flour.$2?<J Sugar, any quantity, lb......' r>c Pinto Beans, any quantity, lb. .5c Home-made Molasses, gal_75o 26-ft. Rone plow-line ..._:,!£*• Big Winston Overalls (men) ..$128 Carolina Special Work Shirt... /Ho Mens Straw Hats_ ..... .'Sic 30x4-50-21 (Joodyear Pa^Jifind tires .. $5.6.1 5 gal gas. 1 qt. oil...$1.10 ELLIOTT’S STORE near Polk villa. *-27c YOUR MOTOR RE BUILT like new. Let us save you money. Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc NOTICE, I HAVE sold m y plumbin^ business to Model PlumhiVcr & Heatm®1 Co. W. H. Yeago will v*e with th^m Phone 569. W. E. Vickerv. I»t20c "LOST: GOLD MUSIC MEDAL IN Shelby about Wednesday. Notify Mrs. B; L, Brooks, phone 766-XJ 2t 30c Highs Play 3 Games 1 This Week; Win One Charlotte Here Thursday. Play Lowell Friday. Defeat Kinds Mountain. The Shelby High baseball team will play three contests this week. Thursday afternoon the strong Charlotte team will come here for a game. Friday the locals travel to Lowell for a contest and Saturday go to Bolling Springs for a game. Barely Win. Playing in football weather here Friday afternoon the locals barely slipped over a win on the Kings Mountain tram 8 to 7. The win gives the Morrismen a fifty-fifty break for the season. On general play the Shelby team looked considerably better than In the first game of the season with Cherryvllle and as a unit appeared to be a superior club to the visiting team, yet numerous errors, the ma jority of them “bonehead" plays kept Kings Mountain In the run ning. Woody" Whisnant did the hurl-; ing for Shelby and worked well on occasions. He again demonstrated thafc he has the ‘‘stuff’ on the ball, but his main weakness seems to be in not knowing how to use it. Time after time he tried to whip his fast ball by strong right-hand hitters when he should have been curving them. As a result the Christenbury boys banged out a number of lusty hits. At that the breaks were against Whisnant and Big Peters hurled the final inning. Shelby had the visitors scoreless for several innings, the score being 3-0. With two outs on Kings Moun tain a visiting batter hit to Shorty McSwain on second. The second sacker shot it a little high and pull ed Wilson off first base. Instead of stepping back on the bag Wilson at tempted to punch the runner, the ball was knocked out of his hand and the runner was safe. Kings Mountain then proceeded to score three ruus when the side should have been easily retired. At another time Mayhew and McSwain mussed up an easy double play, and later in the game Carter walked off third base thinking three were out when only two men were down. He was tagged for the third out Whisnant helped the mental blunders along by throwing out the batter when run ners were on first and second and the man nearest home could have been cut down. A series of wild plays in the ninth Inning enabled Kings Mountain to lock the score 7-all, but Wilson got on base and Mayhew lopped a sin gle over first to score him and win the game. Despite the eccentric fielding of the Shelby team the club looked considerably better and had more punch than in the first game with Cherryville. However, still more improved play will be necessary to give Charlotte anything like a hard battle Thurs day. Charktte Here The Boiling 8prints college - Shelh.v high baseball game rain ed out here Saturday will be played in the local park tomor row, Tuesday. The hour for the game will be 3:30, the same hour as the game here Thursday afternoon with Charlotte. Four demonstrations tn feeding swtne for market are being conduct ed by Beaufort county farmers to determine the value of corn when marketed through hogs. STAR ADVS. PAYS Spangler Fights Headline Bout At Kings Mtn. Soon 2*—SPANGLER. — sport sure 'T»kr» On "Kid" Harmon. Bessemer City Scrapper. Good Pro gram On. Jerome Spangler, Shelby's chunky lightweight boxer, will take on “Kid'* Harmon. Besse mer City scrapper. In the main bout of a boxing program at Kings Mountain Saturday night, April 4. The promoters say the Bessemer boy t* out to floor Spangler, but supporters of the local glove-pusher say that's something few light weights hereabouts can do, and a lively fray la anticipated. The semi-final will be a heavy weight colored bout between "Ice house Kibbler, of Kings Mountain, S P E C I A L DEMONSTRATION Does it Have you callouses, cramped toes or burning sensations at the ball of the foot? How to get relief from this or any other Foot Trouble will be demonstrated at our store FRIDAY, APRIL 3 by a Foot Comfort Expert of the Chicago Staff of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, noted Foot Specialist — No Charge for His Services! If you suffer from your feet, it will be to your everlasting benefit to visit our store on tne above date. You will receive an analysis of Pedo-graph prints of your stockinged feet and be shown exactly what your foot trouble is.' The Dr. Scholl Appliance or Remedy you need is then demonstrated so that you may know how com* pletely comfortable it w ill make your feet. All this without cost toyoul • EDCEI Each visitor to our store during this a P K. EES Demonstration will receive a earn pie of “ • Dr. Scholl’s ZINO-PADS for Corns, and A a copy of Dr. Scholls booklet. ’’The Feet and Their Care.” w A. V. Wray & 6 Sons Shelby, N. C. and Kid Jones, ol Gastonia. There will be two other good pre liminaries and a battle royal in which five colored youths will swat each other. The bout will be In the Webb building and a portion of the pro ceeds will go to Associated Chari ties. It Pay* To Advertise WE KNOW YOUNG MEN WHO ARE MAKING $15 TO $20 PER WEEK —and are spending every cent of what they earn on things they could do without. They nre not saving a penny a week. — IF — —they would only stop : ind think what a thous >nd or two dollars or i 'ven a few hundred do!* ’ars would mean to them later on when they will want to go into some business or make an in vestment or marry, they would go into reverse this minute and start living— Think Thi* Over Young Man Come In today and start a few B. & L. Shares and save your money. You’ll need It later on—just as sure as you are born. J. L. SUTTLE, See.-Treas. CLEVELAND BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION In Shelby and suburbs you can get FKE STAR EACH AFTERNOON of PUBLICA TION DAY by paying the Carrier Boy who masses your door, 25c per month. EASTER—the fashion parade—the one time in the yea] when everyone aims to look smart and stylish—is bui a few days away now. Your Spring coat, your suit, your knitted dresses (which will again be as popular as ever) your fur neckpieces, your gloves. You’ll be surprised how many items of your apparel need renewing and re-smarting. And that’s the reason we want to remind you that the usefulness of the dry cleaners, the skill of the dyer, and the craftsmanship that moulds back shape and smart ness Into your clothes is available for you, if you act luickly. Assemble your bundle now. Remember Easter is next Sunday, so give us time to get the work done before the 'ast minute rush hits us. When you see the smartness and economy we bring, you can plan your Spring cloth ing budget with new interest and assurance. IT'S PONE US—WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER. ALSO CASH AND CARRY PRICES. SHELBY Dry Cleaning Company WEST MARION STREET OPPOSITE ESKRIDGE GARAGE rHE STim EVERY HER Dtr S2.51 PER YEAR TOOTS AND CASPER Rapid Growth. I'LL PLANT THI<=> APPLE SEED HERE AND WATCH IT L^ROW. 0OME DAY ILL PICV A LOT OP APPLET OFF A OFZL*>1 I •s.TUCU' "THAT ©Tick: IN THE 4R0UND To MARk THE ©POT WHERE , THE 9-EEP PUANTEOi f WeOE-9 “THE LITTLE I apple tree You bought) AY THE rr-/ — NURSERY, MA'AM. * i want 'You to plant nr pop MS, TOO'. 3et it about WHKPS THAT •stick »&; JBUI, ^ COME TO THINW'. OF IT MAYBE I p Setter water. THE *30IL AROUND I s THAT ‘SEED 1 J v i j^r^ _ The Colonel’s Presentiment. • OUST SAW Your wife. ridin4 Pown the street 4 •M A TAXI-CAB, COLONEL HOOFER.! ISN’T THAT SORT OF BXTRAVA^ENT ? j I WATCHED THAT TAXI UNTIL IT DISAPPEARED PROM 3»4HT, CASPER* ) ALMOST WISH I HADN'T LET SOPHIE .40 OUT! DID YOU EVER HAVE A presentiment? I'M SERIOUS, CASPER.! SOPHIE IS A 4RAND WOMAN AND EVEN IF WE DO HAVE A SPAT HOW AND "WEN I "THINK. ~ne world of hi ' y AFTER SHE HAD drONE I CANT EXPLAIN I DONT KNOW BUT I HAD A 5TSAN&E FEEUN& “WAT «> NEVER 9MB HER. wtrf Mi URPHj* ■TOMORROW.

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