12 PAGES TODAY •U «UiL oer iw. (Id t«(uni ft.bi VOL. XXXVII, No. 39 SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESDAY APR. 1, 1931 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. LA TE NEW: ' THE MARKET Cotton, per lb. ... I0'4c up! Cotton Seed, per bu .. 37 He Fair Thursday. Today's Ncvth Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight and Thursday. Colder In east tonight. Warmer in central and west portions Thursday. Knute Rockne Dies Bazaar. Kansas, April 1.—Knute Roekne, famous Notre Dame foot- ] bail coach, was killed along with five other passengers and two pilots near here yesterday when a trans continental passenger airplane plunged to earth. The death of Rockne, known wherever football is known as “Rock the genius,” was a great shock to the entire nation for the internationally known lnstruc tor of athletes was the greatest fig ure ever in the gridiron game. Quake Kills 1,000 Managua, Nicaragua, April 1.—Fire following a series of 11 earthquakes here yesterday, demolished the busi ness section, spread terror and des olation throughout the entire sec tion, and claimed around 1,000 lives with thousands of others being in jured. Many of the victims were Americans, but this evening, while the fire still raged, only three had been definitely identified. College Gifts Above $8,000] Nearly $800 Added During the Week.; First Baptist.and Double Springs Lead. Tn the special effort in behalf of Boiling Springs junior college some of the churches in Cleveland county have revealed a great spirit of gen erosity. The First Baptist church, Shelby, has given nearly $1000; Dou-1 ble Springs, the church which has! long been known as the best coun-! try church in North Carolina, hasj given nearly $500. Elizabeth church' has given a little over $200. ! In the next list of donations a i statement will show the total! amount given by Boiling Springs j Baptist church which has given so! generously during this special effort.-1 Donations for the current week j follow: Previously reported ....... $7,208.15j Double Springs church ..... 300.001 R. D. Hord, Boiling Springs 100.00 First Baptist church, Shelby . 250 00! W. W. Washburn ............ 40 0fli Clarence M. Morrison, Shelby 25.00; John F. Schenck, Lawndale 25.00] D. P, Washburn ....... 25.001 Elizabeth church ___ 26 361 Mi's. Chas. W. Spake. Shelby ... 10 00 G. V. Hawkins, Shelby ....... 10.00! C. D. Forney, Lawndale ___ 10.00 W. F. Hamrick. Fallston ...... 10.001 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ledford, Kings Mountain . _... 10.00i Fast Side chyrch, Shelby ...... 4.00! Mr. and Mrs. M, R. Randall, Kings Mountain . .......... 5.00! M. L. Smith, Fallston ...._5 00 W. O. R. Putnam, Shelby __10.00 A. M. McWhorter, Shelby_5 00 E- C. Randall, Shelby ......... 5.00 W. H. Champion. Shelby ...... 5.00 New Hope church __ 1.2S Second Baptist. Shelby.1.20 First Baptist church, Kings Mountain ______ 4.36 Total to date ........... $8 099.74 Special Program At Central Church For Good Friday Different Denominations Will Have A Part In Crucifixion Program. A program has been complet’d for a service commemorating fro crucifixion of Christ, which will be held Good Friday at Central Meth odist church. The service will com mence Friday at 12:30 and will con tinue until 2:30, people being per mitted to come and go at half hour intervals. It has been arranged for the fcl lowing pastors to take-charge of the service: Rev. L. B. Hayes, Rev, I. L. Sills. Episcopal minister of Ruther fordton; Rev. W. R. Jenkins, Rev J. W. Ingle and Rev. N. D. Yount, Lu Uieran, minister of Bessemer Ci'y This program will consist of music, prayer and scripture, and everyone will be welcome to attend any part or all of the services. Large crowds continue to attend the revival on this week at Ccnual Methodist church. Rev, John R Church will preach his last sermon Friday evening when the meeting comes to a close. Then on Sunday a special Easter service will be held at which time the doors of the church will be opened to receive members Kiwan»s Meet'm? Called Off Today Because of the revival meeting: under way at the First Baptist and Central Methodist churches, tiro Kt wania meeting to be held Thursday night, has been called off. The meet ing will be held on schedule nexl week Credit Corporation Organized Here To Aid Farmers Buying Fertilizer, Supplies For Crops Cornwell And Mull Are Officers Already §10,000 Paid In. Plan Of Operation Explained. Tom Corn well And John P. Mull Officials. To enable fanners to get addi tional credit facilities to help buy fertilizers and finance their crop making, the Shelby Agricultural Credit Corporation has been organ ized by a group of farmers and busi ness men. Purely Local. The local credit corporation is similar to others organized over the country but this one has no connec tion with any other organization in Sheiby or any other credit corpor ation, Stockholders in this corpora tion are only responsible for the acts and obligations of the local organi zation. ' Cornwell-Mull Heads. Already $10,000 in stock has been subscribed and a. tentative organi zation has been formed with Tom Cornwell as president, John P. Mull, secretary-treasurer. Five directors have been elected: Tom Cornwell, A. D Spangler. Wnj- Lineberger, J. L Lackey and Forrest Eskridge. As ad ditional stockholders come into the organization, the number of direc tors will be increased from the farm ers. Stock can only be taken by peo ple who expect to borrow and use the credit facilities offered, thus making It a sort of mutual propo sition. The local corporation has made arrangements to handle farm ers notes with the Intermediate Credit Company Bank of Columbia, S. C„ which ts sponsored by the Farm loan Board. The credit cor poration can only handle through this source, notes of solvent land owners or tenants, with landlords signing a waiver of his interest in the crops until these loans are paid. The rate of interest on these credit loans runs around six per cent per annum, plus small legal and record ing fees. Borrowers are required to be stockholders in the Shelby Agri cultural Credit Corporation, but it is not necessary to take additional stock from year to year. Thus, orig inal stock taken in the corporation gives the holders the privilege of se curing loans from year to year. These loans will be made to stock holders of the corporation where they are good and solvent, but each note must be secured by a crop lien and chattel mortgage on live stock used in making the crop. Farm Use Only. It is pointed out that the Credit Corporation is for the use and good of farmers only and while local bankers have taken the initiative In its organization, they are not doing so for gain or profit, but expect the farmers to manage the same. The bankers will give their assistance at all times toward the successful and economic operation of the corpor ation. For several years, or since Cleve (CONTtNUED ON PAGE TEN.I New Pastor Begins At Kings Mountain Rev. Thomas L. Justice has m'ovec with his family from Grier, S. C., t< Kings Mountain where he become; pastor of the First Baptist church o' Kings Mountain succeeding Rev W H. Hartsell who recently resigned tc accept a pastorate at West Durham j Shelby Hospital Given Duke Money [ Local Institution To Receive $4,393. Almost a Million Given Out t The Shelby public hospital will! receive a check for.$4,393 this week] [from the Duke endowment fund, it! I was announced in Charlotte yester day following the annual meeting * of the directois of the fund. The directors announced that) $861,175 Is to be distributed to hos pitals and orphanages from the fund in the two Carolina*. North Carolina's portion of the fund will go to 67 hospitals and 30 orphan ages. Baptist Revival Gains Interest ! _ j Large Number Saved Monday And Tuesday. Services Continue Through Week. Despite the inclement weather ! yesterday morning and last night the services at the First Baptist church proved to be some of the best yet held during the revival series "The Man Who ‘Came Back',” was the subject of Rev. Dr. Zeno Wall, in the service on Monday evening. The message was based upon the inci dent of Elijah under the juniper tree, ready to give up in despair, when God spoke to him and en couraged him and caused him to make a new start In life. The elder ly members of the congregation were honor guests at this service. A great number were present along with one of the largest audiences during the revival services. On last night Dr. Wall used as his subject, “Trying To Divert Jesus.” He spoke of how people try to di gress from the main issue which is to prepare to meet God. A splendid crowd was present. At the close of the services Monday and Tuesday evenings, appeals were ' made and several united with the church by letter and by profession. “Jesus in the Home,” was Monday I morning’s subject. The pastor made a strong appeal to all to give Jesus pre-eminence in the home as well as control of every action in life. Yesterday morning he spoke on, "My Grace is Sufficient.” This mes j sage was predicated on the words of Paul when he spoke of his thorn in the flesh. Dr. Wall spoke of how God cures by addition—giving enough grace to bear every trial of life. The music has been an attractive feature in all services. The two large chorus choirs sing each even ing. Speciar renditions are heard at each service. Request numbers are being sung at each service this week. The congregational singing of the old hymns is inspiring to all. The services will continue each day this week. except Saturday. Each morning at 10 o'clock and , evening at 7:45 o'clock. The group meetings are held each evening at 7:15 o’clock. The church auditorium is left open each day for a continu ous prayer service. The public is in vited to all services of the church. Special Committee May Be Necessary To Solve Tax Row, Says Edwards County Representative Thinks Sen ate Will Stop New T"ax Measure. "If the legislature hopes to ad journ before mid-summer, I be lieve the sales tax and luxury tax controversies will eventually have to be settled by a special committe named for that pu~ pose,” stated Henry 11. Edwards Cleveland county representative, before returning to Raleigh aft er the week end at home. Monday night the revenue bill, which includes the general '-ales tax item, passed the third and linal reading. Representaive Edwards holds the same opinion, however, as do numerous others at Raleigh, and that is that the senate will kill the sales tax portion of the revenue bill (Just how’ this will be done remains to be. seen. The senate hiay ’occ down the sales tax measure, and it Is said that enough strength is as sured in the upper house to do so, I and insert the Polger plan of an in |(reused equalization fund to operate the schools. This would mean an ul timate nullification of the MacLean act. If the senate does so, Representa tive Edwards is of the opinion that the house will reject the amended revenue bill, being committed to either a sales tax or a luxury tax. Such being the case the assembly again be deadlocked and in a great er legislative wilderness than ever before. When that point is reached the Cleveland representative believes the wearied legislators will be willing to give a little ground on each side and effect some form of compromise His idea is that a Joint committee will be named of house and senate members to formulate a plan that would take as much tax as possib.c off of land but would at the same time not impose upon the state a nefarious nuisance tax. Mr. Edwards' banded with other Piedmont representatives in the house to fight the special taxes, and Senator Peyton MeSwain, his -oi league, is one of those counted upr.n to do his part to throttle a sales tax this wepk in the senate Terms Of Sheriff; And Deputies End With This Week! Sheriff Allen To Be Sworn In For New Term On Next Monday. The terms of office as Sheriff j Irvin M. Allen and his force of 5 deputies will end Sunday night at midnight, and on Monday Sheriff Alien, who was re-elect ed, will be sworn in again by the county commissioners. All other county officers elected in the last election have already been sworn In and have taken of fice, but in Cleveland county the sheriff’s term has for years extend ed to April I to enable the sheriff in office to wind up his tax collec tion for the previous year. The change takes place Monday instead of today because it is the first Monday and the first meeting of the commissioners. "The terms of all my deputies in efftce now will end this week when my old term closes," Sheriff Allen announced today. "The terms of deputies now on the force will draw to a close and they will no longer be deputies unless re-appointed and sworn-in. Those deputies, however, who are also township constables will continue to serve as officers of the law In the role of constable even If not re-appolnted as deputies." No statement was made as to Just when the list of new or re-appolnt ed deputies will be made public. Triangular Debate Going In Schools County Schools Debate Friday. Shei by Debates Tuesday Night. The annual state-wide triangular debates will get underway in the high schools of Cleveland county this week. It Is understood that nine Cleve land county schools will enter the contest. These are Belwood, Grover, Lattimore, Mooresboro, Casar, No. 3, Shelby, Kings Mountain and Waco. All the county schools in the con test will singe their debates Friday night of this week with exception of the Shelby teams which will not debate until Tuesday night. April 7, Shelby is in a triangle with Gas tonia and Lincolnton. So far The Star has been unable to get the debating arrangements of only four teams. On Friday night the Henrtetta-Caroleen negative will meet the Lattimore affirmative at Lattimore, and the Lattimore nega tive will go to Cliffside. The Bel wood negative will meet the No. 3 affirmative at Earl, and the No. 3 negative will go to Harris to meet the affirmative team there. The Harris negative will meet the Bel wood affirmative at Belwood. On next Tuesday night the Gas tonia negative team will meet the Shelby affirmative team in Shelby, and the Shelby negative will meet the Lincolnton affirmative at Lin colnton. The Shelby teams are: affirmative —Matilda Jenks and Sarah Louise Falls: negative—Sara Thompson and William Ingram. (Note to teachers: The Star would like to publish in Friday’s is sue .the teams each Cleveland school will meet and the names of the de baters on each Cleveland county team. Those In charge of the debates are also urged to send in the re sults Saturday for publication Mon day.) Winchester Gets $500 Verdict Here Lester Winchester, auto salesman got a compromise verdict against the Standard Oil Co., of N. J., yes terday in the Superior court hete for burns he received at a Standard filling station at Kings Mountain. Winchester picked up a can of gaso line and water at the Kings Moun tain station some months ago and poured the contents on his hot mo tor. A fire started and Winchester badly burned. Ham Jones of Char lotte represented the Standard Oil Co., and C. R. Hoey represented Winchester in the court action. Dr. Anderson Dies At Home Of Son Dr. William Anderson, 84, of Blacksburg but a former native of Rutherford county, died last night at the home of his son, W. D. An derson, at Gastonia Dr. Anderson, a Confederate veteran and one of the best known citizens in this sec tion of the two Carolinas, had been critically ill for two weeks. A daugh ter, Mrs. Floyd Rogers, of Columbia and the son at whose home he died survive Patterson Gets i Six Months On j Larceny Charge ] _. I To Work At County Home, Hospital Six Months Suspended Sente nor On Second Indictment After Submission. Mr. I cm Patterson, oue of the best known residents of the South Shelby section and a former over seer of the Ella Textile mill, was given a six months sentence in su perior court here yesterday after noon. A Jury had returned a verdict of guilty in one count against him and In order to clear up a half dozen other counts, contained in the same indictment and a second Indictment, his attorneys submitted him In the other cases. The order of the court was that Patterson Is to serve six months and at the discretion of the county com missioners may be employed at the county home or hospital. On the second Indictment he was given a suspended sentence of six months. Over Cotton sale. Tile charges arose, according to the contentions of-the prosecution, from manipulated sales of cotton to the mill which employed him. In one Indictment four charges were pre ferred against Patterson In connec tion with cotton sold the mill through Griff Borders. It was on anc of these counts that a Jury re turned a verdict of guilty. In the second indictment there were two or three counts In connection with an alleged sale through Jim Camp, the state contending that there was no such cotton as the checks were said to have been written for. De fense attorneys submitted on the other counts Just before Judge Wil son Warlick passed sentence yes terday afternoon at 3 o’clock so that no charges might be held over the defendant with one sentence cover ing all the connecting charges. Good Reputation. Before sentence was passed quite a number of well known citizens took the stand and testified to the good character and stability of the defendant, giving him an unusual ly good name for integrity . All together the case has taken up practically two full days of the court grind and was stubbornly fought all the way. Judge B. T. Falls aided Solicitor Spurgeon Spurllng In the prosecution and Patterson was represented by At torneys D. Z. Newton and W. S. Beam. Two Killing Cases, Rape Case Over To Court In July May Continue On Criminal Docket Until Tomorrow. Hoey Out Of Town. Although three of the more Im portant criminal cases were con tinued in superior court here yes terday It Is not likely that the court session wrlll get to work on the civil calendar before tomorrow. Thursday. Yesterday morning the three cases referred to were continued be cause of the absence from the city of Attorney Clyde R. Hoey, de fense council in the three cases. The three cases continued were the killing charges against James Rippy and O. W. Ellis, an automo bile killing charge against E.“ L. Liles, and a rape charge against J. Y. Green, colored. Rippy and Ellis are held in con nection with the shooting of Sam Jlmersort, colored, when he was found in a corn field in the south ern section of the county on Sept. 13. 1930. Liles is the alleged driver of the automobile which struck and fatal ly Injured Cartne Dixon, farmer, cn highway 18, near Fallston, on the day after last Christmas. Liles left after the tragedy but within a few weeks returned and gave himself up. At the preliminary hearing his remorse was evident as he took the stand and declared that be did not know his car had hit anyone when he drove on. J. Y. Green, colored, Is charged with assaulting a small negro girl a short time ago in the Boiling Springs section. Traveling Men Elect Officer* Because so few members o£ the Travelers Protective association at tended the called meeting schedul ed to be held last Saturday In the office of Uie Riviere Oil Co., there was no election officers. Another meeting will be called at a later date at which time it is hoped to have enough members present to transact business. They Can Afford to Smile One little 12.60 ticket purchaaed by Clayton C. Wood* brought him and hi» two brothers, Kenneth (left) and Elmer, and their wives, wbo are shown above, $886,360 when Gregralach ran second in the Grand National Steeplechase. Woods, told a ftfty-cent share to his four rela tives, who share alike in his fortune. Gas Price Up 1 Cent! Extra Cent For Roads Added To Retail Price Today. All Stations Advance Here. No April fooling about this—the retail price of gasoline in Shelby and Cleveland county today is one cent hitrher than Five Divorces Granted Here Within 2 Days More divorces were granted in the last two days of March in Cleveland county than there were marriagts during the en tire month. In superior court Monday and Tuesday five divorces were granted, while downstairs In the office of register of deeds A. F. Newton only four marriage licenses were sold during the month. The charge in three of the di vorce suits was adultery, and sep aration of five years or more was the basts of the action In the two others. Women Lead. In two of the three actions based on adultery the wife was the al leged violators of the matrimonial code, and In the other the husband was shown to have been unfaithful. In the two suits based on separation the wife was the deserted one In one case and the husband In the other. Twin Walker Child Pneumonia Victim Ruby Walker. five year old daughter of Mr. Kirk Walker who lives on the Dr Peeler place three miles southeast of Shelby, will be buried at Friendship church. Fall ston, Thursday afternoon at two o’clock. The child was a victim of pneumonia following influenza. Five other children In the Walker family are sick with Influenza, one with pneumonia. Their mother died a few years ago. Ruby Walker is a twin and her twin sister Is one of the five children sick now with in fluenza. it was yesterday. The additional one cent was added to retail gas prices today to take care of the extra mie-cent gasoline tax put on by the present session of the legislature for upkeep of high ways. Heads of all gas distribute firms here informed today that the new retail price of 20 1-3 cents would prevail at all service stations Ip the county. Was Five Cent*. Heretofore the tax on gasoline lor highways in North Carolina was five cents, but the present general assembly, still in session in Raleigh, boosted the tax to six cents alter the state took over all county high ways. Other Change July I. Although the new highway tax on gasoline takes effect today, the new highways system, whereby the state takes over and maintains all eoun ty highways, does not go Into effect until July, l. Township road commis sions in Cleveland county will con tinue hi office until that date, which also means that the No. 8 chain gang will continue operation until that time. Miss Jenks Wins In Piano Recital Contest Will Represent Shelby High In Dis trict Contest Here April 18. Miss Tlllle Jenks, talented daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Jenks, S. LaFayette street won first place in the piano contest among the pupils of Misses Bertha Bostic, Mary He»en Lattlmore and Mary Adelaide Rob erts this week and will represent the Shelby High school in the district contest to be held here April loth. While Miss Jenks was practising for the contest she carried on her work in the glee club, orchestra, band, senior play and triangular debate* all of which are other school activi ties In which she was engaged in addition to her class work. Miss May Lattlmore won second place and Miss Esther Ann Quinn third place In the contest. McMurry And Dorsey Out Of Mayor’s Race; Gets Camel Prize Withdrawals Turn City Politics Topsy-Turvy. Lon Hamrick Gets F!5,000. i " Three startling announcements made public early today mud dled the Shelby political situa tion more than ever before and placed one man on easy street with a forune large enough to assure comfort and plenty for the remainder of his life. Tlic first anouncement came from former Mayor W. N. Dorsey and Mayor S. A. McMurry informing that both are withdrawing from the race for mayor of Shelby in the coming primary. The announcement, it is understood, was accompanied with a statement from both men de claring that in their opinion ‘‘Shel by does not need a mayor, and it is a foolish and unnecessary expense for the citizens of the town to pay a salary for the meagre amount of work done by a mayor.” This announcement leaves the city without a single candidate for mayor, and reports have it that the aldermen will hereafter take time * About serving as niaypr at board meetings—unless other candidates announce. Takes The Cake. The other announcement, which almost disrupted the grind of su perior court, was that A. M. (Lon) Hamrick, well known clerk of court, had been notified that he was the winner of the $25,000 first prize for the best article explaining how the new wrapper had improved the well known cigarette made at Winston SalemrAs a result of the unexpected fortune dropping in the court clerk's lap it Is likely that former cleik George P. Webb may have to at tend to the clerical duties fqr the remainder of the court term while Mr. Hamrick takes his $25,000 and goes to Iowa to purchase a train load of hams. Such a series of startling events have never before swooped down upon Shelby In one day. And If there are those inclined to class these sensational happenings as ‘just another newspaper yarn.” they might take a peep at the calentSAr md see that It Is the first day of a nifw month-APRIL FOOLS' DAY.1 Off Year For Politics, City Election \Mum ’ Interest Decrease* As Date Nears General Drprrsuton Termed Cause Of Apathy. Beam Talked For Alderman. It is not only an "off year” as far as national politics Is concerned but it is, also, very much of an "off year' in Shelby's municipal politics. A month ago with two announced candidates for mayor and four can didates for the municipal board the lack of Interest shown was explained by predictions that the campaign would warm up and begin to sizzle within another month. Such hasn’t been the case. In stead of warming up there Is less in terest evident now, with only a month before voting day on May 5, than there was a month ago, when there was some curiosity os to who would announce wiille the announc ing epidemic was in full pitch. Other Interests. Pew explanations have been ad vanced for Shelby’s refusal to get stirred up over the approaching elec tion. All admit that it is unusual for every two years for many years the city has boiled and bubbled more over city elections than over presi dential elections. Perhaps the best explanation is that the general de pression lias given the people other, and perhaps merit important, things to think about. Just who m»y be mayor and alderman doesn’t seem to bo worrying many people If they can solve the problem of making ends meet until “times get better." In Hickory this week a municipal primary was held and only 44 votea were cast. Hickory will stage a reg ular city election, after the primary, next week and then it is expected that considerably more than 44 vot es will be tossed In the ballot boxes. But unless something peps up the campaign here It is a safe bet now that fewer votes will be cast hero next month than At any time since Shelby swelled up Into the city class. Undecided. Since three members of the pres ent city board announced for re election and Wyeth Royster an nounced for the fourth place thara has been little talk of additional candidates. Tills week, however, there were reports around town that John Beam, who has taken a mora or less active part in politics for several years, might be a candidate for alderman in Ward Two. Queried about it Mr. Beam stated that he had not given the matter any thought and would not commit h'm seif either way until he had done so. There Is some talk still in the air that M. A. McSwaln may yet become a candidate from Ward Two. No School Board. So far there hasn’t been a single announcement for the city school board. The present board may be drafted Into service again and it may not. If a school board contest develops it may center about H. Clay Cox, county Republican chairman, the only Republican member of the hoard. A number of citizens did not relish a statement made in a cam paign speech here last fall by for mer Congressman Chas. A. Jonas, whose campaign was managed by Mr. Cox, in which Jonas declared mat uemocrast so controlled things a Republican had no chance to get on the school boards or anywhere else and that such a condition worked against teachers who might be of Republican faith. Mr. Cox, who was with him on the platform at the time, was named to the Shel by board a year before without op position or reference to party lines. However, there are those who re mind that the statement was a Jon as blunder and not the fault of the Republican member of the school board. The announced candidates are: for mayor—S. A. McMurry, present mayor, and W. N. Dorsey, fdrmer mayor: for aldermen—P. M. Wash burn. Ward One: Wyeth Royster. Ward Two; John Schenck, jr., Ward Three; and Z. J. Thompson, Ward Four. Shelby Man Named On College Board Clyde R. Hoey, jr., of Canton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, was this week named one of the 30 trustees of the North Caro lina state university. Tills board will be in charge of the University of North Carolina, State collets, and N. C. C. W. until the three institu tions are formally consolidated un der one board «* outlined by the legislature, to, * .■4y.li.,... ii,i ■ Attorney Clyde R. Htwy attend*,1 the funeral of Eugene Bforrlaon, in Statesville Monday. 4, i