Nobody’s Business CEE McG£E— SCHOOL ESSAYS Phlslollogy. dhlstollogy treats of the body and diaphragm and tells how and why the hart beats and how fust the blood comes back to It to be pump ed all over again. The human buddy Is composed of flesh and water and bones, of which the head is the largest and the backbone runs from where the head seta on It to where we set on It and houses the nerve center. The lungs suck in the wind and blows it. out after It gets full of carbolic gas. The liver* and kid neys strains the poison out of our systems, and so do the gall bladder. High blood pressure Is caused by the little red corp-pussies eating up all of the little white corp-pussles and some folks wh have It fall over dead before they know it. Signed: SalUe Pattlca, 9th Grade. Astronomy. Astronomy teaches what Is up hi the skies, such as the sun and her EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Having this day qualified ms executrix fit the estate of F N Gardner, tale ol Cleveland county. North Carolina, thl» Is to notify ell persons bavin;: claims against the said estate to present them to me properly proven on or before the 33rd cl a v of February, 1932, or this notice will Ire pleaded in bar of any recovery thereof All persons owing the said estate will please make immediate settlement to the undersigned. This Feb 23rd, 1931 L CLEMENTINE GARDNER, Route 4, Shelby, Executrix of F N Gard ner. Estate. fit Feb 23p ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Having this day qualified as adminis tratrix ot the estate of J O Jones, de ceased of Cleveland county. North Caro lina. notice I* hereby given that all per sona having claims against the estate ol the deceased will present then) to me at Shelby. N C., for payment on or before the «th day or March 1832. or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of an? recovery thereof All p«vsons owing the said estate will please malto immediate payment ti the undersigned. This March 4th. lim ESSIE ORKKN. Administratrix of F.state of J Y Jones fit Moh 4p EASTER EXCURSION Low Round Trip Tickets t< all Points on the Seaboard Also to WASHINGTON, D. C. From: SHELBY, N. C. Washington, D. C. . $16.52 Columbia, S. C._$6.93 Savannah, Ga._$11.03 Jacksonville, Fla. .. $16.65 Miami, Fla.. $29.82 St. Petersburg, Fla. $25.11 Tickets on Sale April 3-4 Only. Limited to 15 Days in Addition to Date of Sale For information and fares to other points see Agent or H. E. PLEASANTS, DPA, RALEIGH, N. C. SEABOARD IgyW: r Widen I mi Just a girl at home,” writes Mrs. & F. Riggan, of Baird, Texas, 1 took Cardui for cramping and pains In my side and back, and it helped me at that time. "After I was married, 1 found myself in a weak, run-down condition. I suf fered a great deal with my back, which was so weak it hurt me to get up or when 1 would stand on my test I fell off in weight "A friend of mine, see ing how bad I felt, ad vised me to take Cardui, which I did By the time I had taken two bottles, I H felt stronger and better i than I had in a long time." nu« Thadforda Black-Draiurat tor C«n»t Spall oft, Indication, and Blliouati- **. saddle-lies. The world Is composed of the earth and Mars and Jupiter and Saturn and a new planix t which was discovered in California called Pluto water which has a year that Is B65 years long. Venus is also u plannet, but not large enough to talk about. When the moon gets betwixt the earth and the sun, we havi an eclipse, and the same thing happens when the sun gets betwixt the earth and the moon I am verry fond of astronomy, and so is my teacher of teaching same. Signed, Starr Gayzer, 10th Oracle, i riilssital Geography. Phissleal geogeraphy tells us how glazers was formed which is made out of ice and it got so heavy, it commenced to slide a billion years ago. and it slid down acrost the United States and cut a big gash right, in the middle of our country which turned out to be the Missy Sippy river. Mountains and trees and things growed and died and rotted and got In ravines and soon turned ! out coal. This book helps to see how our phisdcal land was formed and also how iron and diamonds got Into the ground. I am verry fond of it Signed, Terra Firmu, 11th Grade. Algebra. Algebra la my favorite study. It teaches tho schollars how t,o work their erithmatick lessons by multi plying x by y which equals z, and thus takes the place of figgers. In cube, root, for-rlnstauce: a sq. mul tiplied by C2, minus d, plus ac, equals X. That saves a long drawn out example. If you want to know how manny cublck feet in a barrel, you simply let x equal the bari-el, and divide by xy, which equals x, which is the' correct answer. I have always got B 1ft algebra, so my teacher has a right to be proud of me. Signed, lma Cypher, 11th Grade. niy nr si venture into High Society I was nearly 20 years old when I was Invited to my first real party. They called It a "lawn party” be cause It was staged out In the front yard. Lawn parties were usually pulled off In the fall, but occasion ally they had them in the summer, but as chlggers were so bad at that season, the early fall was prefer able. I recall that I had a store-bought suit of clothes to wear that night. I bought It with my own 4 dollars and 98 cents—which X cleared from my cotton patch. It was real pretty EXKCUTOBS' NOTICE, Having qualified rs cxrcutors of th« will of c. C. Hamrick deceased, late of Cleveland county, North Carolina. thU U to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit Name itemised and verified to the undersigned, at 8helby, North Carolina, on or before the 35th day of February. 1932. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re* covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to us of such Indebtedness. This the 24th day of February* 1931. F. B HAMRICK, t\ O HAMRICK. Executors. < Newton * Newton, A ttys. 6t Feb 25c TRVSTEKR SALE. • First Published in Cleveland Star. March 25. 1931.) By virtue of the power of sale contain ed In a deed of trust executed the 12th day of Reptembcr. 1929. by \V. K. Whls nanl and .wife, Sarah Whlxnant. recorded in book 163. page 66. of the register's of Hoe of Cleveland county. N C. to me as trustee, securing an indebtedness to Allen lienn. and default having been made In he payment of said Indebtedness, and having been called upon to execute the trust, I, as trustee Will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at the court house door in Shelby^ N C.t on Saturday, April 35, 193!, at 12 o'clock M, the following described real estate; Located in No. 3 township of Cleveland county. North Carolina, about three miles southeast of Shelby, being that tract of laml bounded on the north by lands of £ R Hamrick: on the east by land of M A Spangler; on the south by lands of Rento McKmtre; and on the west by lands of the Blanton estate. notv owned by Novello Cline, with metes ami bounds of said property being as follows: Beginning at a stone on old line, cor ner of land sold by W J Hogue to J A Goode. now owned by 3. R Hamrick's es tate. and runs thence south 2T degrees west 33 poles to Jacob Hogue’s old corner thence south 29 cast 98 poles to n stone pile, Novello Cline’s and Renxo McEnUrc's corner; thence south 61 degrees east 54 o*d» s to u stone. M A Spangler's corner i ti he Jesse Hogue old line; thence north } ’9 (egrets east 90 poles to a stake In the *esse Hogue old line and corner of land old to J A Ooode. now S R Hamrick’s estate land; thence with line of the Ham rick's estate lino north 65 degrees wrest 124 nolea to the beginning, containing 48f acres more or less, being the Southern portion of the 98 acre tract conveyed to \V. J Hogue by Jesse Hogue on November V3th. 1889 and recorded In book Y. page 365. of the register's office of Cleveland ~ounty. N. C and the same being all of that tract of land convened by W J Hogue, widower, to Allen Olcnn on the 23rd day of March 1925. said deed being of record In book 3-Q. page 325. of the register's office of Cleveland county. N. C reference to said deed being hereby made Excepting from the above seven <7.45> xnd 45-100 acres deeded by Allen Glenn to M. A. Rpangler and J L. Buttle on the 1st day of January. 1926. which deed »• recorded in book 3-R. page 210. of the register's office of Cleveland county. N C • ■netas and bounds of said 7 45 acres bein* M follows: Beginning on a stake on aou.t\. dde of road. Spangler’s and Buttle’» cor ner and runs thence with their Ime north 20-30 east l.tlOft feet to stake, Hamrick' -orner: thence with his line north 64-2* *ast 526 feet to a stake in branch; thence touth 5-45 west 308 feet to a cherrv rtittttp; thence south 6-40 east 968 feet to taka, the point of beginning This sale ts made sublect to a prior •n executed to Federal Land bank, also object to any and all other prior lien* nd incumbrances including anv and all *&xes A deposit of 10 percent wit) be re quired from the purchaser at the sale HENRY B EDWARD6 Trustee t at n distance and was utso fine fur night wear. X had to go by a girl's house and take her. I had to beg ua for M minutes to let me have old Pete and the buggy for the occa sion. I called for her at 6 30. She was plumb ready at ft; 10, but I had a good time talking to her ma while She was dolling up and she made me eat supper with them. I had a hard time swallowing butter milk, but it and me .sounded like a cow inhaling her cud. We had corn-bred too, and also some molasses—which I spilt on my tie. but X licked It off when no one was looking. It was just dark enough to be pleusant on the way to the party. My girl had Hoyt's cologne all over her nnd I never knew a girl could smell so good. She evidently had some Lily White sprinkled about on her person. I fell in love with her. but got over It. after we got to the shln-dlg—She got With Bill Verner as soon as I '‘hope’’ her out of the buggy and she never spoke to me again till she asked me if I was ready to take her home. That lawn party was a thing of beauty and a joy from then on. I hnd never seen Japanese lanterns before -nor had I ever tasted orange ade till I got ft glass of the stuff there. They had 2 "changers.” They would come and get a fellow Just about the time he had mustered up courage to say: ‘Party night tonight, ain’t it?” and move him to another girl and you'd have to start all over again. You and a girl were allowed to talk on 3 minutes. I remember every word I said that night to those strange girls, and here they are: "Them swinging lamps is nice, ain’t they?” "We have 4 cows and 7 hogs and 9 other boys and girls in our family." "Your dress is the purtiest blue blew I mast ever saw.” "These benches is sorter cold to a feller, ain’t they?" “I killed 7 big snakes last sadday.” "My tan shoes cost me 3 dollars.” "I love lawn parties, don’t you?” "My new suit is sorter tight around my hips, but tight hips is stylish now.” "Our old cow has a new calf and his name is Joe after his daddy.” “wish I could talk to you all the time and not hafter to talk to them other girls." It was nearly 11 o’clock when I slipped up-stairs that night—at home. Nothing To Editing A Newspaper, Yeah? Morgunton News-Herald. Here is ft list of question to fire at that superior person w’ho believes that getting out a newspaper is mere child's play, and what is worse, insists on telling you about it, John Allen, editor of tho Linotype News, Is responsible for them: "Could you spell correctly offhand, the names of a large percentage of the residents of this town? If you could do that, could you write their Initials correctly without resorting to the telephone directory or other authority? “Could you write down, offhand, the names of your city officials, your local school board, your county of ficials, your leading state and na tional officials, getting all the names, initials and offices correct? "Oould you gather the threads of a story from half a dozen persons and weave them- into an intelligent readable account the first writing? "Could you write seven columns of material of 1.200 or 1,400 words each n two or three days, week after week, year after year, and when you have finished those seven, pound out two or three columns more before press time? "In writing a headline, could you call to mind a moment enough syn onyms so that you would not repeat the thought in the same words? “Could you Judge in a minimum of time what size headlines, and what position in the paper could be given to each of the 75, 100 or more stories that might go into your pa per? “Could you decide in a moment, or exercise '?nup' judgment, on the dozens of questions a newspaper man must face daily and get a ma jority of them correct? “Could you do these simple things and a thousand and one more diffi cult things too •numerous to men tion?" If he says “Yes," turn him loose on the next edition, if his answer is no, he'll be gone before you are half way through the list. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Hr \ Irtue at those two certain deeds of trust executed to me on the 15th day of Murch. 1950. and recorded tn book lge, paces 114 and 115 of the office of the register for Cleveland county, N. C.. to secure an Indebtedness, therein described, and default having been made in the pay ment of tire todebteduess thereby secured, f will sell to the Highest bidder at the court house door In Shelby, N. C.t on. Saturday. April IX, 1*51, at 1? a'claeb M. or within legal hours the following de scribed real estate, to-wtt: 1st lot, Situated tn the 8. W. square of the town of Shelby, N. C„ und being that .ot conveyed to M A. Spangler mid J. L luttle by Mabel Branton and husband, R H. Branton by deed recorded In boolt 3-U, page 146 of the office of the register for Cleveland county, N. C.. reference being nereby made to said deed lor description « metes and bounds, ' 2nd lot: Being situated tn the eastern uortson of the town of Shelby, N. C.. end oetng lots Nos. t and S of mloek A of prop erty as shown by plat of same made by D ■t. 3 Frasier. C. I . to December, 1914, and recorded to boob — page *# ot the office of the register for Cleveland county, N to which map and record reference Is tereby had for belter description end dentilicatlon of said lots. Terms of sate: Cash Tills Ulc will day of Starch. leTE. B. T. FALLS. Trustee. at Mar fs. I ORGANIZE CREDIT CROP FOR FIRMS Cotton Co-op Group To form Cor poration For Production Credit. (From North Carolina Cotton C-op Bulletin.) Our members have probably noted through press reports during the past several weeks that efforts were being made to organize a new agri cultural credit corporation In this state to furnish production credit for North Carolina farmers. These efforts have been finally crystallized and the new organiza tion has now been chartered and will operate as the Growers Agricul tural Credit corporation. Mr. J F. Diggs, who has been with the old North Carolina Agricultural Credit corporation for several years, will be vice president and manager of the hew corporation with offices In room 612, Odd Fellows building at Raleigh. This new credit corporation will of cqprse rediscount agricultural paper with the Federal Intermed iate Credit bank of Columbia. Hie initial capital to sponsor this movement Is being put up by a num ber of bankers throughout the state, and the North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative association Is also a stockholder in the corpora tion. We have realized for quite some time that production credit was go ing to be a premium in a great many counties, by reason of the many bank failures and general business depression, and for that reason we are undertaking to coop erate with the banks as far as we are able In trying to provide a limit ed amount of credit for those who are able to make the proper kind of financial statement or put up col lateral that will be acceptable to the Federal Intermediate Credit bank, It should be; remembered by every farmer, however, that regardless of how badly he may need money with which to produce his crops, no one is entitled to borrow money from any source Unless he has the proper kind of collateral to reasonably as sure the lender that the loan will be repaid. An individual handling his own money may through sympathy undertake to make loans sometimes without requiring the proper collat eral to guarantee the loan, but a banket or a credit corporation han dling other people's money, its offi cers wider bond, cannot afford to extend credit, regardless of how | needy the applicant may be, unless they can get the .proper financial statement or collateral. Tills state ment is being made in all frankness in order that those who desire to make applications may understand that If credit Is not provided for them that it will be no fault of the new corporation or of any stock holder who lias put up any part of the initial capital. It should be borne in mind by every cotton producer in North Car olina this year that if he expects to raise a crop of cotton with the ex pectation of repaying any loan therefrom, that he has got to do it on the most economical basis. Loans through the new credit corporation are necessarily going to be limited to a low scale. No reasonable man will expect a heavy advance per acre or per plow on a cotton crop. It is presumed that it will take about one week's time for applica tions to bo approved and checks to be mailed out from the Raleigh of CEBTinc.VTE OK DISSOLUTION. State of North Carolina Department of State. Co A!! to Whom These Presents May Come —Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction, oy duly authenticated record of the pro ceedings lor the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of il the stockholders, deposited in my office that the Union Light company, a corpora tion of this state, whose principal office ,t situated In the town of Shelby, county ot Cleveland, state of North Carolina IA A Mcfutire being the agent therein and In -barge thereof, upon rvhom process may oe served i has compiled with the require slants of chapter 23. Consolidated Statutes, mtitied "Corporations, preliminary to the issuing of this certificate of dissolution Now therefore, I. J. A. Hartness. secra tary of state of the state of North Caro ilna, do hereby certify, that the said cor potation did, on the 23rd day of February 1911, file in my office a duly executed and Ulested consent In writing to the dissolu tion of said corporation, executed by al die stockholders thereof, which said con >ent and the record of the proceeding? iforesald are now on tile in my said office is provided by law. tn testimony whereof. I have hereto iset ny hand affixed, my official seal at Ra lelgh. this 23rd day of February, A D l 1931. •T, A HARTNS53. Secretary of State) tatSIEt'S S4LE. By virtue of the power of sale contained; in certain deeds of trust, executed bn ; Tlldcn J Grieg end wife on March nth.' 1925. and by M, Hey Hamrick and wife on Inly 14th. 1926, to me as trustee, securin'; en Indebtedness to the Shelby Building i end Loan association, and default hating, been made in the payment of same. I, as' trustee, will sell lor cesh to the highest otdder af public auction at the court house door In the town of Shrlbv. N. C.. on Saturday. April 11th, 1931, at 11 o'clock M. the following described real estate In the town or Shelby, North Carolina: Being lots Nos. 35 end 1# of the subdi vision of the Mrs. Z. breen land. Begin ning at a stake on the southeast side of Sumter street, northeast corner of lot No. 24. and runs thence with the dividing line between lots Nos. 34 and 25 south 45 de grees 35 minutes cast 151 5 feet to a stake m north edge of Palm street; thence with Palm Street south 86 degrees 10 minutes east 40,7 feet to a stake m old line of the J. C, Beam 9 acre tract; thence with said line north 3 degrees 50 minutes east 29.9 feet to a stake tn said line, southwest corner of lot No. 37. thence with the di viding Une ol tots Noa 26 and 27 north 45 degrees JS minutes west 175 feet to a stake on southeast side of Sumter street thence with Sumter street south 44 da greet 25 minutes west 50 feet to the be ginning. The foregoing property will be sold aub Ject to any unpaid la es or any oth.e: prior liens. , Th s March Bth, 1931. CLYDE R. HOBY Trustee . -j «• u.-'K flee. For further information se our field men or your group secretary; or write to the Growers Agricultural Credit Corporation, Box 1310, Ra leigh. N. C. The Square Dance Of Bygone Year* j Wilkes Patriot. ! For a good many moons the ie j gion and legion auxiliary have been conducting a wholesome hit of le cxeatton at the Armory—-old-time square dances. Editors are not er t it led to recreation of any sort tear chief concern being bread and meat for tomorrow’, therefore we lnvc teen content to chronicle the date for the next dance, when a gentle voice over the telephone prompted But last Thursday evening we got desperate and poined the aviators at the armory. * • t> And how the memories of other days came trooping up, as the fi* I ures were called and !he dancers brushed back the years that have produced the Charleston, the bun ny-hug, the merry-widow and tab chitlin’ strut and followed the olu time figures that furnished thrhl and rythm for our parents in ‘he old days before the modern lance got in its insidious work, and "asl a shadow over anything that wis named "dance." * • • It is not a far cry since the day when the Saturday night neighbor hood dance was an institution: when there were no radios, no mov ing pictures, no auto joy-rides—just a week end frolic that was innocent and wholesome. There were no .,pa cious halls, Eager hands removed everything from the kitchen but tire cocking stove, or carried out thi beds and chairs from the "living room;" Jed Doolittle with his mouth harp and banjo furnished the syn copation that guided stubborn 'eft until never later than 11:30. No c ,e was late for church next afte.noo\ and the preacher saw no reason t) upbraid his parishioners for indulg ing in an innocent pleasure. If there has been criticism of the dances sponsored by the legion and auxiliary, such criticism must ave come from those who did not under stand, ir who have confused the old time square with the modern round dance, or who just don't like the word "dance" to whatever applied. NOTICE OF LOSS OF POLICIES. To Whom tt May concern: Notice is hereby given that Fire Policies Nos. 251151 to 251200 Inclusive and Auto mobile Policies Nos. 32801 to 32826 inclu sive of the l aw Union A: Hock Insurance Comuany, Ltd. of London, requiring for their validity the countersignature of a duly authorized and licensed agent, have oeen lost. Since these policies have not been regu larly countersigned. Issued or accounted for, nor any premiums received thereunder by this company, they will be valueless and void In the hands of whomsoever they may fall and no claim thereunder could be legally presented. If found, these pall ets® should be returned to the office of the company at Hartford. Connecticut. No claim of any nature purporting to be based on these policies will be recog nised by the company. The public will take notice accordingly. SCHENCK A; MEBANE, Inc., Gen eral Agents, Qreensboro, N. c. 3t Mch 18c TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power vested In me as -rustee In those certain deeds of trust, ex ecuted by John Michael and wife, and re corded In bool; 115; page 242, and book 151. page 325. and book 168. page 183, of the office of the register for Cleveland coun ty. N. C., and default having been made of the payment of the Indebtedness there by secured, and demand having been made upon me to execute the trust, I will sell to the highest bidder at the court house door nl Shelby, N. C., on Saturday, April 25, 1981, at 12 o'clock M„ or within legal hours, all of: the following real estate, to-wlt: I AH situated In the town of Shelby, N. C.,1 First lot fronting 50 feet on south side o:! -tudson street. and extending back t i depth of 150 feet, deed for which Is re corded in book 2-X. page 374 of the office! of the register for Cleveland county, N j C . reference being had thereto for full! description. Second lot, fronting oil an i alley 55 feet and extending back a depth of 75 fbet, and being u portion of the lot conveyed to J. M. McDowell by R. J Dan- | lei and wife, recorded In book 3-0, page! 172 of the register s office for Cleveland! county. N. C., reference to which Is here by had Terms of sale: Cash. This the 24th day of March. 1931. B. T. FALLS, Trustee. 4t Mar 25c WEEK - END EXCURSION FARES FROM: SHELBY TO Charlotte_$2.30 Wilmington _ §10.45 Raleigh___ §0.80 Richmond__$14.55 Washington _ $18.70 Columbia_$7.15 Savannah ____$12.05. Jacksonville_$18.80 1 And all points in South east east of Mississippi j River. Tickets on sale each Fri day and Saturday and for Sunday Forenoon trains during period March 27 Oct. 25. Tickets limited to reach original starting point prior to midnight of Tuesday immediately following date of sale. Stop overs will be permitted at all points and tickets will be good in sleeping cars up on payment of pullman fare. For fares to other points ; see Agent or H. E. PLEASANTS, D1*A, RALEIGH. N. C. SEABOARD Triangle Debate Grey Encountered Teachers Observing Methods. Atten Play at B. S. Personal News f Of Interest. t (Special to The Star.) . Lattlmore, Mar. 31,—The Henrlet ta-Caroleen. Cliffside and Lat.tlmosc triangular debate will be held Fri day evening of this week. The Lacu more affirmative, composed of Mis: Thelma McEntire and Hr. Milan Callahan, will debate the Henrietta - Caroleen negative at Lattimoie while the Lattimore negative com posed of Miss Elizabeth Hewitt and Mr. Lyman Martin will debate th° Cliffside affirmative at Cliffside Misses Edna Hanill and LaLene Grig? of the teacher training clas* oi Shelby are observing and doing practice-teaching in the Lattimore school this week. Miss Grigg is whh Miss Candace Rayburn in the thud grade and Miss Harrill is with Mrs Karl Jordan in the second grade. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harrill left Thusdav for Lynchburg, Va., whe^e Mr. Harrill has a position with tno National Cush Register Co. Thcv were accompanied by Mrs. ft. L Hunt and Mr. Colan Harrill. On their return home Mr. Harrill'»tni Mrs. Hunt were joined in Raleigh by Miss Burnette Hunt of Meredir/f. college who came home to spend the Easter holidays. Misses Gladys Hawkins and C’ara Poteat of N. Cl C. W. are at horn? for the Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jones spent the week end with Mrs. Jones parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hulsey at Earl. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wyatt spec 1 the week-end with relatives in Shel by. Mr. and Mrs. Yates Cooper spent Saturday night with Mr. and Ufa. Amos Cooper. Mr. and Mrs, Bate Morehead of Avondale visited Mr. and Mrs. J. a Morehead and Mr. and Mrs. 2. O. Hawkins Sunday. A good number from Lattimore attended the operetta "Miss Cherry Blossom" given at Bolling Springs college Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Harrill spent the week end with Rev. and Mrs. I lHUSILE'S SALE. By virtue of a certain deed of trust ex ecuted to me on the 25th day of January, 1929, and rtcorded in book 153. of deeds, page 251 of the office of the register /or Cleveland county, N. C . to secure an In debtedness therein described, and default having been made in the payment of the j indebtedness thereby secured. I will sell to | the highest bidder at the court house door i i n Shelby, N C., on. Saturday, April 18. 1931, at 12 o’clock M. or within legal hours the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: Situated on the east side of N. LaFay ette street, and being known as part of the Haynes property, fronting 100 feet on the east side of La Fayette street, and cx ttnding back 181.3 feet, reference being had to book 3-U, page 516 for complete description. Terms of sale: Cash This Uw 16th day of March. 1931. B. T. FALLS. Trustee 4t Mar 18c X1IE SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Offers Many Attractive It-Juced Round Trip Excursion Fares for Easter Holidays and Spring Va cations. EASTER EXCURSION* "ARES APRIL 1931 Round Trip Easter Ex union Fares on Sale to Many Points in the Southeastern States ONE FARE PLUS $1.00 FOR THE ROUND TRIP. DATES OF SALE APRIL 1st. 2nd. 3rd and 4th. LIMIT 13 DAYS FOR DATE OF SALE. WEEK END EXCURSION FARES Round trip week End Excursion Fares on sale to many points in the Southeastern states. Tickets on sale on each Friday, Satur day and forenoon trains Sundays March 27tli. to October 25tb 1931. One Fare plus 1-5 ’"are for . the round trip. Limit midnight | folowing Tuesday. (Minimum Ex ! eursion fare 50 cents.! SUNDAY EXCURSION 1-ARCS Effective Sunday March .-9th, to Sunday October 25th IflM th Southern Railway will sell Sun day excursion tickets between ali stations on the Southern Rail way Lines where the oneway fare is not less than 13 cents nor more than $3.60 on basis approximately one cent (lc> per mile In cu-’b direction for the round trip tickets on sale Sunday morning trains scheduled to leave prior tr noon limit returning to starting | point prior to midnight date 05 j sale. (Tickets good in .'oache.* | only.) VISIT THE BEAUTIFUL MAO i NOLIA AND MIDDLETON GARDENS. , CHARLESTON. S. < . Greatly reduced round trip ex cursion fares to Charleston. S. ‘J. round trip from SHELBY. N. C. $7 HI Dates of sale March 27U*. and 28th, and April 3rd and 4th, 1921 limit midnight Wednesday fol lowing date of sale. Round trip fares on sale one fare plus 1-2 fare for the round trip March 18th, 19th. 19th, 21st 24th. 25th. 26th. 31st, Arrii 1st, '2nd. 8th, 9th. 10th. ljth. ifith 17 th. and 18th, limit 7 days from date of sale. Ask Ticket Agents. R. H. GRAHAM. Division Passenger Agent, SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM CHARLOTTE, N. C. ft D HarrilL Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Toms Visited Mrs. Toms’ mother Mrs. Georgia C5old at New House Sunday. Mr. W. C. Harrill spent the day Sunday with Mrs. T B. Wrignt at Mooresboro. Mrs. M. L. Morehead of Avond ile is spending several days with rela tives in Lattimore. Miss Mada Wilson of Clareiaout spent the week end at home.. Misses Maude Morehcacl and Ma garet Stockton spent the week end With Mrs. C. X. Putnam at 'Boning Springs. Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When ill need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 75m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, we can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MOUNT HOLLY, N. C. >25 cents For Best Results Use SCO-CO SPECIAL FLOWER, GARDEN AND LAWN MIXTURE. ITS BETTER AND CHEAPER. SOLD IN 200 lb.; 100 lb.; 50 lb.; 10 1b. Package. THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. Shelby, N. C. Phone 577 Building and Loan Stock Pays DIVIDENDS Choose The Plan Best Fitted To Your Needs, And Come In To See Us. NO. 1.—Weekly deposits in amounts, 2oc and up. No limit. New series each quarter, matures in 332 weeks, you pay in $83.00, you secure 8100.00 on each share. Profits per share $17.00. NO. 2.—PREPAID SHAKES at $72.50 each. A splendid investment for those who do not need their in terest along, hut can wait the 332 weeks and withdraw $100.00 per share. (Profits per share are $27.50.) NO. 3.—FULL PAID SHARES. You invest $100.00_ $200.00 or any even amount up and receive in terest semi-annually at — ALL SHARES ARE TAX FREE — New Series Opens Saturday, April 4th. The Cleveland Building & Loan Association Wm. LINEBERGER, Pres. J. L. SUTLE, Sec.-Treas. SHELBY, N. C.

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