VUL. XXXV11, No. 43 SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1931 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. ID PAGES TODAY iy '1*11 oei (IB MlVBBeBI It&u *rri«r o*t f—t. i Id *dv*n««» THE MARKET Cotton, per ib._10'4c op Cotton Seed, per bu ..._,.37'4c Cloudy Weather. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Increasing- cloudiness, show ers In extreme west portion tonight. Saturday showers and cooler In in terior. Raiders Active. Salisbury, April 10.—Between “5 and 100 men were arrested yesterday In what Deputy Prohibition Admin istrator John L. Osteen termed a “round-up of wholesale liquor deal ers" in Rowan, Davidson. Davie, Stanly and Cabarrus counties. College Head Dr. Frazier Talks Men Of Church President of Queens -Cliieora College Upholds Christian Education Here. Speaking before the men of the Presbyterian church in their regu lar monthly meeting last night, Dr. W, H. Frazer, president of Queens Chicora college, Charlotte, stressed the importance of Christian educa tion In the lives of young people as the means of fitting them into a harmonious social life, as a means of preserving proper economic re lations and as a means of promoting national peace and harmony. Fifty or more men of tiie Presby terian church were present and they were served a bountiful meal by the ladles of the church. M. H. Ran dolph, president of the men's broth erhood, had charge of the program and conducted the devotional. Will Check Crime. “Education is a big word and all1 progress is measured by its terms, but education may be harmful or it may be hurtful,’ said Dr. Frazer. Here he pointed out that educated men were recently involved in a business scandal, that educated men appear ed for them in the courts of justice,. but that did not mean that educa tion was a failure. Christian educa tion as a Christian ideal and so shapes the life of man that it will be harmonious with the social or der and obedient and subservient to the will of god. Education alone is not the thing which makes for pro-1 gress—it must be the light kind. I Knowledge will not drive back crime,' but It will check crime,” he con tinued. “Christian education can only come through a Christian college which holds the word of God before men. Unless they do that, we will have a low order of society and dis cord in human relations," said he. Value In Business. Then Dr. Frazer pointed out the value of a Christian education in economic relations, declaring that it enables men and women to differ entiate betwen thine and mine in what it teaches the rights of others, which rights, if not upheld and ob (CONTLNUED ON PACE TEN.) Donations Total $8,699 For College Sum of $82.85 Added to Boiling Springs in Last Fen Days. To date the contributions to Boil ing Springs junior college total $8 - 699.61, according to Rev. R. L. Bol ton who has been in the county lor the past month or longer, working In the Interest of the institution. Since last report published In The Star $82.85 has been secured. Previously acknowledged-. $8,616.76 J. M. Carpenter ...... __.$5.00 Miss Ruby Irvin ...__ .....-$5.00 G. L. Cornwell ...._$10 09 T. P. Hamrick__..$1000 Carl Jordan .... __..... $1060 Miss Lyda Poston ... ... .... $5,00 C. J. White, Shelby ..._..$20 00 A. T. Mull ..... ____$5.00 D. O. McSwain___....$5 00 Other donations -_....... $7 85 Total--... ....-$8,699.61 Revival Under Way LaFayette Methodist Rev. H. F. Duncan Is Doing The Preaching. Sunday Services Announced. Interest is increasing and crowds are growing at each service at La Fayette Street Methodist church where revival services are in pro gress this week. Rev H. F. Dun can is doing some good preaching. Services Sunday will be as follows: Sunday school at 9:45, with Mr F. E. Whitener, Supt At 11 o’clock Mr. Duncan will preach on the subject “Christian Certainty,” and at three in the afternoon especially to the young people op the topic, “Life to the Full,” and at 7:30 his subject will be “The Meaning of the Cross.” The pastor Rev. W. R. Jenkins will bs away Sunday and Rev. J. W lagle will fill his pulpit at Johnson Memorial. Eastside. at 11 o’clock The meeting will Continue into -'ext week. Hold Two On Charge Breaking In House; Negro Entered Home Where Two White WomenSlept On Stage Tonight Loy Thompson, well known young Shelby man, plays a double role in the play "College Flapper,” bring presented tonight and Saturday night at the Shelby high school auditorium. He will be the football hero of the Lions club play and also the house mother—a difficult role when it is noticed that he wears a mustache. Over 100 Shelby people will participate In the big play. Jim Lowery In Limelight Now Photos Sent Here Of Negro Thought To Be Killer Of Shelby Chief. Shelby’s oldest man-hunt is be ing talked again as local citizens belief that there is a possibility of locating Jim Lowery in Georgia. Almost 31 years ago a negro. Jim Lowery by name, shot and killed Police Chief Shelton Jones of Shel by. He escaped and has never been caught, but” scores of times men thought to be Lowery have been caught and investigated. A month or twn ago Police Chief Poston and, Sheriff Allen received a message from Oabbettville, Geor gia. man stating that he believed an aged negro working on the gang there was none other than Lowery. Officers investigated it some, but due to so many fruitless chases In the past did nothing about it. This week there came another let ter from the Georgia man. The negro's time on the gang there will be out April 24, and the man urged that someone who knew Jim Low ery in the old days here go to Georgia and see him before that time. “He told another negro on the gang, who is now' gone, that he was wanted in Shelby for killing a po liceman,” the letter informed. With the letter came two clear photo graphs ot the negro there, both showing him in his convict stripes. It is the picture of a negro man well along in years, and older citi here, whites and blacks, say that there is some resemblance to Low ery, None will be certain, however, since 30 years have elapsed since they saw Lowery. There is enough resemblance, though, to cause num erous older citizens to think some investigation should be made. It is likely now that some local I officer and a citizen who remem bers Lcnvery well will go to Georgia I within the next few days. Under $1,000 Bond To High Court Kings Mountain Woman Slips Out. Gets Neighbor To Capture Negro. George Gordon, negro, is in the county Jail under a $1,000 bond on a charge of breaking and entering a house at Kings Mdtintain in which two white women were asleep. The alleged incident took place about 3 o'clock yesterday morning. The home entered was that of Mrs. Jesse Barrett, in north Kings Mountain. According to witnesses in county court yesterday, where Gor don was bound over, the two women first knew that someone was in the house when they heard a trunk be ing moved. One of the women slip ped out a door, called In Toney All man. a neighbor, who held the negro at bay with a shotgun until Police man Hicks arrived. The charge against Gordon at the preliminary hearing was that of breaking and entering. but It Is likely, officers say, that It may be first degree burglary when it reaches superior court. Gordon contended that he was under the Influence of a whiskey substitute and did not know what he was doing. He remembered noth ing, he said, after leaving another colored man's house until he tfas in Jail. His actions when noticed In the house Indicated, It Is said, that he was not entirely aware of what he was doing. Another Charge. The other man bound over by Judge Maurice Weathers on a breaking and entering charge yes terday was Bill Poteet, white. It is alleged by the complaining wit nesses that he stole $45 from the home of Robert Bradshaw on West Marlon street Tuesday. Poteet was arrested Wednesday In Mt. Holly and brought back here by Deputy Ed Dixon. He denied the charge and his bond was set at $200. Let Contract Soon For No. 3 School Architect of Grover and Charlotte Draws Plans. To Have Nice Building. L. C. Ellis, of Grover and Char lotte, was this week named by coun ty board of education to draw plans for the new brick school building for the No. 3 township consolidated high school. It was stated today that it Is hop ed to have the plans ready soon so that the contract may be let the last of April or the first of May. The new building will cost around $25 000 and will put full high school facilities within close reach of all children in No. 3 township. Cline Lee Plays Against Yankees Cline Owens Lee, former Shelby High star, performed in two games this week for the Asheville Pied mont league club against Babe Ituth and the other New York Yankees, In the first game he secured one hit in three times up and scored one of Asheville’s two runs. In the sec ond game he banged out two hits and drove in two runs off Johnson, the Yanks first string right-hander In the two games he handled eight chances at second base without an error and featured in two douole plays. Edwards Would Save Ballot Boxes In Bailey-Pritchard Race For Contest Due to Late Contest Many Boses Of Ballots Already Thrown Away. Raleigh. April 10.—Representative Henry B. Edwards, of Cleveland county, introduced a bill in legisla ture this week, for the election laws | committee, recommending “the pre servation, so far as possible at this late stage,” of the ballot boxes used in the Bailey-Pritchard election. I The resolution was submitted to the house as a substitute for the McBee-Butler resolution, which call ed for the impounding of the ballot boxes, and turning them over to United States senate committee, which is investigating the election in which Joslah W. Bailey, the.Dem ocratic candidate, defeated George M. Pritchard, the Republican can didate for United States senator. The lengthy report of the elec tion laws committee goes fully into ! the circumstances of the contest, 'and emphasizes the fact that it was ! brought long after the time- for such contests under North Carolina law. In the committee meeting, Repre sentative Dosher of New Hanovei bitterly attacked the Republican party for poor sportsmanship in bringing the contest. The resolution reported out states that Bailey received 324,393 votes and Pritchard 210,761 votes, and that “no complaint was made, no protest was filed, and no question ol the honesty of the election was raised,” when these returns were certified ta the senate by the state board of elections. The Pritchard contest was filed on March 4, 1931, four months after election, and nearly three months after Bailey’s credentials were filed in the senate. "We do recommend in so far as practicable at this late stage, in view of this contest, that steps be taken to safeguard the ballots regular and absentee and the ballot books used In the election for United States senator, and that the same together ‘CONTtproED 01* PAOE ITS » Leader Passes America v>a > ui.. >v .iet«ay by the death, at Aiken, S. C» from a sudden attack of pneumonia, of Nicholas Longworth, for year* speaker of the house of representa tives and a leading Republican. Long-worth, admired and loved by Democratic opponents as well as by Republican comrades, was the hus band of “Princess Alice,” daughter of the late President Teddy Roose velt. DePriest Says SouthemG.O.P. Not For Hoover Rank And File of Republicans Against Him Says Former leader Here, “That is a lot of bunk some of the Republican leaders are handing out when they say that the Republicans of the South will be solidly united behind Hoover for the Republican nom ination in 1932,” declares George DePriest, of Shelby, former post master and Republican official in party politics in Cleveland county. Mr. DePriest made that state ment yesterday after a trip through South Carolina, Georgia and Ala bama. "On my trip,” the Shelby mail said, “I found that Postmaster Gen eral Brown must have been misin formed when he returned to Wash ington after a trip through the south and declared that President Hoover has the full Republican party of the south behind him. Saw Wrong Ones. “Mr. Brown was sincere perhaps In his statement, but the trouble Is that he didn’t see the right Repub licans in the south. The people he visited were postmasters and other federal job holders. Of course they say Mr. Hoover is the whole f'iow because they received their jobs from him. But Mr. Brown certainly heard very little vociferous applause from the rank and file of the Re publican party in the South. If it were left for all Republicans In the south to vote on the nomination in stead of letting a few office-holders pick the slate, the southern delega tion to the next Republican conven tion would not be instructed for Mr. Hoover. I’ve talked with enough of them to know that. May Back Him. "If the average Republican de sires a say so as to delegates, the only way for them to have it is to send no office-holders to the state conventions. Of course if postmas ters and other men who hold office under Mr. Hoover control the state conventions, they will be for Hoo ver. But if the people in the Repub lican party in the south who are against Mr. Hoover demand their rights. Mr. Hoover will not be the nominee and if he is there may be another 1912.” In his trip through the three states Mr. DePriest says he soon learned that the average Republi can as well as the average Demo crat has enough of Hoover to do for a lifetime. Officials who are saying that Mr. Hoover is a certainty in 1932 have their eyes on their Jobs, it was in sinuated by the former Republican Congressman Jonas before the last chairman of the county. “I told Congressman Jonas before the last election that his support of Hoover would defeat him, and I guess he knows it now. Other Republican leaders should be realizing the same thing now.” Mr. DePriest did not say just what Republican is his favorite for the presidential nomination, but it is known that he considers Senator Dwight Morrow one of the ablest men in the party. Masonic Notice. Cleveland lodge No. 202 A. P. and A. M., will meet in called ocmmun Icatlon tonight at 7:30 for work in first degree. Members are urged to attend visiting brethren welcome. Luxury Tax Is Defeated; Seek Income Plan Deadlock Possible In Assembly Senate Beat* Tax 26 To 24. Otter Offers New Plan Of Rais ing Revenue. Raleigh, April 10—After eight hours of debate the senate of North Carolina Wednesday refused to place the Hinsdale "luxury" sales tax in the hiennlal revenue bill. Elimination of the Day general ales tax Tuesday and refusal to adopt the Hinsdale plan 26 to 24 left the house members asking one question, “Where do we go from here?" The general assembly paired the MacLean school law In Its early days and It Is conceded some form of sales tax to raise *9,000 000 must be enacted If the act Is to be carried out. The house first refused the Hins dale plan and then passed the Day measure, which would levy one per cent on gross sales of retail mer chants, and sent the bill to the sen ate. It was conceded that the house would adopt the Hinsdale plan If the senate refused the Day Idea. Seek New Source. Raleigh. April 10.—Sales lax op ponents in the senate, so far suc cessful In their fight to keep a sales tax out of the biennial revenue bill Thursday sought to start an offen sive to raise $3,500,000 In new reve nue for a $10,000,000 equalization fund. , Immediately after the senate re solved itself into a committee of the whole to consider the revenue bill, Senator Grier of Iredell, leader of the anti-sales faction, sought to ex plain a series of amendments he proposed to offer to a dozen or more sections of the revenue bill. The Grier amendments are esti mated by their author to net $3, 500.000 annually, this amount to be added to the $6,500,000 already pro vided for in the revenue bill for schools—establishing a $10,000,000 equalization fund. Deadlock Possible. Adoption of the Grier amendments would probably result in a dead lock between that body and the house—where the forces are strong for no compromise on the $19,500,000 for schools. Sales tax proponents in the sen ate, however, are expected to make another fight to have the senate adopt either the Day plan or the Hinsdale plan, either of which would be now acceptance to the school forces in the house. Senator Grier proposes to raise the rate on individual income taxes, to Increase franchise taxes on rail roads, power companies, telephone companies, public service companies, and domestic and foretgn corpora tions. Corporation income taxes also would be increased, and an indivi dual income tax would be levied on dividends from foreign stocks. A small merchants’ tax would be Im posed also. Income Tax Increase. The income tax rate would be In creased to the constitutional limit of six per cent, ranging from two per cent on salaries over the amount legally exempted, up to $2,000 to six per cent on salaries in excess of $10,000 a year. Rev. Mr. McFarland Speaks On Science Gaffney Minister Otniines Benefits Derived From Its Stody. Rev. Dr. R. A. McFarland, pastor of the First Baptist church, Gaff ney, S. C. was the principal speaker before the Klwanis club in its week ly luncheon last night, having for his subject “Scientific Investigation the solar system, and how its study scribed the earth, the planets and the solar system, an dhow its study has brought about more scientific farming, more rapid transportation, world-wide communication, better forms of entertainment and has advanced medicine and surgery. “Yet with all that the development of science has done for these avenues of discovery, the greatest benefit that has come from a study of science is an enlarged human con ception of Diety and the knowledge that there is a God in control of the universe even down to the smallest division of matter—the electron,” said Dr. McFarland. Horace Easom had charge of the program and K. B. Hill who has re cently come to Shelby to go into business, gave three delightful pop ular vocal solos. Nest week’s meeting will be de voted to the cause of the Boy Scouts and the meeting will be held at the community building at the Shelby, Cotton mill. Cleveland School Leaders At the monthly meeting of the Cleveland rounty board of education tills week Mr. W. A. Rldcnhour. of King* Mountain, (to left above) was re elected chairman of the board. Prof. J. Horace Gri(t* (right) was re elected county superintendent of schools. (Star Photo.) Speaker Nick Longworth Dies In Aiken; Was National Leader Tra-La-La! Folk*, It'* Springtime Toss a couple moth balls In the overcoat* and the winter wraps, tuck them away in the closet, and ret out your warm weather clothes. Spring ha* arrived! Yesterday, with the Kbeltnft thermometer reaching the new level of 73 for 1931, Frank Hamrick, the Jeweler, blos somed out In his straw head gear, and this morning T. D. McCoy, the insurance man, had joined the growing straw hat brigade. Additional proof offered— since “Around Our Town” isn’t appearing today with the freak news—is that a group of Shelby business men Journey ed out and hooked a line full of "knotty-heads” yesterday afternoon. Smith, President Columbus Rotary Fortner Shelby Man Is Elected President of Columbus Rotary Club. H. Dixon Smith, a former citizen of Shelby and son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Smith, N. LaFayette street, was this week elected president of the Rotary club in the city of Col umbus, Ga. where he has been re siding for a number of years. This information comes from the Colum bus <Ga.) Enquirer-Sun which says that “his election was unanimous which was clearly evident when he assumed the chair,” Mr. Smith has been active in Col umbus Rotary for a number nf years and an editorial tribute in the Col umbus paper commenting on his election says “he is prominent in Columbus business circles and com munity affairs and has many friends who will congratulate him on his elevation to the club presidency ” Mr. Smith is engaged in the lum ber business in Columbus, a city of about 40,000 people and has timber Interests. Speaker Of House And Ifusand Of “Princes* Alice" Dies Of Pneumonia. Aiken. S. C., April 10.—Nicholas Longworth, speaker of the national house .one of the most fascinating figures In American statesmanship, died of pneumonia yesterday. | The 61 -year-old congressman | fought a valiant battle, aided, byi Mrs. Longworth—“Princess Alice” to millions—but succeeded at 10; 49 a. m. »> The end catne in a southern springtime at the colonial home of the James Curtiss after a three-day siege of the disease. Funeral services are to be held at 2 p. m. Saturday at Christ Episcopal church, Cincinnati, where his body will be taken from Aiken. Forego State Funeral. There will be no state funoral. Mrs. Longworth expressed her de sire that there be simplicity in the burial arrangements. With him when he died was his wife, the former Alice Roosevelt, whose adventures as "Princess Alice” when her father, the immor tal Teddy, was president, excited the nation. She reached his bedside early Wednesday after it had been (CONTINUED ON PApE TEN,I Will Hold Green Hearing On Friday Officers Chase Car 30 Miles From Belwood To S. C. Line. In county court this morning the case against "Fat'’ Green, local man, was continued until Friday of next week when the defendant asked for a Jury trial. Green was caught early Thursday morning, around 5 o’clock, by Depu ties Tom Sweezy and Ben Cooper, after a 30-mlle automobile chase. According to the officers, they start ed pursuing the Green car near Belwood and followed it almost to the South Carolina line, the whole ehase being on Highway 18. Green, finally halted. It Is alleged, when several shots were fired at his tires. Officers contend that he threw some liquor out of the car just be fore he was caught. He Is under a $260 bond. With Women, Cripples, Selling It, Whiskey Business Is On “Last Legs” Webb Lashes Men Who Get Weak And Poor To Sell Their Wares. Charlotte, April 10.—Whisky is on its last legs when those who han dle it have to resort to the use of women, cripples and boys to act as their agents just because there is a general impression that a Judge or a court will not be as hard on such folks. Judge E. Yates Webb declar ed from the United States district court bench following the trial of a number of whiskey cases through the term that opened Monday. "It would seem from our court here this week that the only per sons that whisky dealers can get to handle their goods any more are boys who don't know any better and negro women who have so many babies that they are thought to be Immune to a prison sentence.” The judge fixed his gaze on the courtroom audience and in no un certain terms he described this class of whisky dealers who ts "hidin? behind a fence of negro women, cripples and boys.” "There is another class of men that hide behind the skirts of their wives," he added. “In spite of the fact that women vote I believe they are still more or less under the in fluence of their husbands. In many cases they are made to sell whisky because of a feeling that the penalty may not be so severe on them.” After an old offender—although a young man—came Into the court on whisky charges, despite the fact that he had served considerable "time” before. Judge Webb pointed him out as type of law violator that the gov ernment will some day send to a special Institution for treatment rather than to prison. "We will eventually send such men to a place to correct thetr mental attitude rather than to pun ish them. In most cases they are not so bad at heart but they Just rtidn’t have any more sense than to: tollow the course that they are tak ing.” School Board Has Important Session Here Name Committeemen County Schools Rldenhour Chairman And Griff Reelected Superintendent County Schools. Cleveland county’s re-elected school board was sworn Into office this week and Mr W A. Ridenhour, of Kings Mountain, was again nam ed chairman of the board. Other members of the board are Messrs. J. L. Hord, of Waco; C. D. Forney, of Lawndale; Ivey Willis, of Latti more, and C. S. Young, of Shelby. One of the first actions of tho Board after being sworn in again was to re-elect Prof. J. Horace Origg as county superintendent. Committeemen. Every year it is necessary for the county school board to name one new committeeman for each school district in the county as the term of one of the three board members in each district expires each year. New committeemen named were: Palmer—J. A. MeCraw; Holly Springs—Gilbert Jones; Prospect—* Quay Mosteller; Mt. Plpasant— L. Roy Jolley; Grover—L. H. Herndon: Boiling Springs—J. L. Green; Flint Hill—Carl Weaver; Sharon—(Held open!; Shanghai—A. M. Hamrick; Waco—M. C. Whitworth. Zeb Cline: No. 3 township consolidated high school— Hacket Byers <3 years), L. H. Harrlll a year), Claud McSwatn, <1 year); Lattimore—Roy Padgett, W. A. Crowder; Moores boro—J. W. Lucas; Bethlehem—Butler Dixon; Beth-Ware—W. C. Blanton: Pied mont— W. E .Lee; Dixon—D. B. Bla lock; Fallston-t-C. D. Stroup; Bel wood—Frances Boyles; Casar—C, A. Brittain. E. M. Pruitt; Moriah—Ro land Price; Plonk—Floyd Wright; Oak Grove—Daniel Bell; Marya Grove— H. L. Beam; Stubbs—J. EL Ledbetter; Ross Grove—R. A, Span gler; Elizabeth—Broadus Norman; Poplar Springs—Mills Cline; Zion Frank Cornwell; Patterson Grove— J. Mat Ware; Beaver Dam—Will Humphries; No. 8 township consoli dated high school—J. P. Elliott. W. J. Bridges; Hayes—H. S. Grigg; Philbeck—H. B. Hull; Trinity—B. B. Harris; White—J. C. Walker; Dover Mill—Jack Dover; County Line—J. C. Owens; Park-Grace—Paul Mau ney; Hicks—Frank Hicks. Hancock Gives Gardner Praise Young Congressman Says A bid I.eader Came Along At Proper Time. "It was exceedingly fortunate lof North Carolina-that a man of Max Gardner’s unusual ability, excellent judgment, and square ideals canto along to be governor just when he did,” declared Congressman Frank: Hancock, ef Oxford, In Shelby ye*, terday. Congressman Hancock and his ‘family were guests of Mr. Hart cock's school chum. Wyeth Royster. The Oxford man although one of the youngest representatives in Washington is recognised as an aole leader and was outstanding lit North Carolina for years prior to his election last fall to represent tha Fifth district. “I’ve known Governor Gardner for years and have recognized hid ability,” he said, “but only in the last year have I comprehended what a super statesman he is. He -vent Into office at one of the most criti cal periods In the history of the State and he has faced and Is fac ing some of the most trying prob lems a North Carolina governor lias ever known. His method of meeting these crises is admirable, for it has taken and is taking more than brains, experience in governmental matters and diplomacy; it is also taking courage and sincerity. The human race, unfortunately, has a habit of failing to express proper appreciation of a leader’s ability until he has been dead for about 30 years, but it doesn't take a seer to know that history will record Gov ernor Gardner a place as on« of the State’s greatest leaders.” Killing Dogs In Mad Dog Rampage A number of dogs were shot In Shelby yesterday and today u the result of the visitation to the booth Shelby section yesterday of a mad dog. Several dogs bitten by «*> hy drophobia-erased animal were shot yesterday, included in the number being the pet terrier owned by for mer county judge Horace Kennedy The dog which is said to have spnad the rabies was killed today.

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