Nobody’s Business CEE McGEE— _ mb mmm mmm mmm mm ■ % Bow To Borrow Money From A Bonk. 1. Go in. ai.k for the president, but don'et let him know that you need any money. Pass the time of day with him, ask him what he thinks cotton will be next fall, and don't fall to tell him about the pret ty weather we are now having. 2. Mention the fact that your wife and all 9 of your children are well and happy and raring to go. Speak of your 4 mules, and explain that they weigh over 1,000 pounos each, and don't forget that you have already caught up with your work— that you won’t have to buy any feed THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Offers Many Attractive R 'uced Round Trip Excursion Fares fni Easter Holidays and Spring Va cations. EASTER EXCURSION ARES APRIL 1931 Round Trip Easter Ex ursdon Pares on Bale to Many Points in the Southeastern States I ONE FARE PLUS $1.00 FOR THE ROUND TRIP. DATES OF SALE APRIL 1st, 2nd. 3rd and 4th. LIMIT 15 DAYS FOR DATE OF SALE. , WEEK END EXCURSION FARES Round trip week Ena Excursion Fares on sale to many points in the Southeastern states. Tickets on sale on each Friday, Satur day and forenoon trains bun'lays , March 37th. to October 2»th 1931. One Fare plus 1-6 fare for the round trip. Limit midnighi . Mowing Tuesday. (Minimum Ex- - curalon fare 80 cents.) SUNDAY EXCURSION e ARTS Effective Sunday Marcn J9th, to Sunday October 26th 19.'1 th* Southern Railway will sell Sun day excursion tickets Between tli stations on the Southern Rail way Lines where the oneway fare is not less than 13 cents nor more than 93.60 on basis approximately one cent (lc) per mile Iri ea"b direction for the round trip tickets on sale Sunday morning trains scheduled to leave prior tr noon limit returning to startinf point prior to midnight date ol sale. (Tickets good in .’oachw only.) VISIT THE BEAUTIFUL MAO. NOLIA AND MIDDLETON GARDENS. CHARLESTON* S. C. Greatly reduced round trip ex cursion fares to Charleston. S. U, round trip from SHELBY, N. C. *7 AO Dates of sale March 27th, .md 28th. and April 3rd and 4th, 19L1 * limit midnight Wednesday fol lowing date of sale. Round trip Tares on sale one fare plus 1-2 fare for tne round trip March 18th. 19th. 10th. 21st 24th, 25th, 26th, 31st. Arrli 1st, and, 9th. 9th, 10th. nth. 10th v 17th. and 18th. limit 7 days from date of sale. Ask Ticket Agents. R. II. GRAHAM. Division Passenger Agent r SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM CHARLOTTE, N. C. this year—ansoforth. 3. It might be well to Inform him , that you have kept your payments , up with the federal land bank and , that you have no Ford, radio lightning rods or a dozen possum dogs. If you have any corns In your hands, make It a point to pick at them during the conversation so's he will think you have been plow ing Instead of handling a steering wheel. 4. Ask him how’s his folks are, and tell about seeing him at church last Sunday where neither of you were, and brag powerful on your preacher; this might make him be lieve that you have religion. Be sure to tell him that it was a little bit hard to pay your 1930 taxes (Joke No. 10-—), arid call the — , Renew Your Health By Purification 1 Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature’* Foundation of Perfect Health.” Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that : are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calolabs, —once or twice a week for several j weeks—and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs purify the blood by nc j tivating the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels. In 10 cts. and 35 cts. Packages. All dealers. (Adv.) writes Mrs. Mary J. Roberts, 117 West Franklin 8t, Raleigh, N. C. "I would Us awake half the night 1 woa dizzy and weak, suffered frequently with pains in my side and small part of my back. "When I was a girl, my mother gave me Cardui, and it did me so much good, I thought I would try it again. I took five bottles, and I feel Like a new person. "I think it is fine. I would advise every woman who is Take Thedforrt's Black-Draught for Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness. Only 1 cent a due*. LAST MONTH IN WHICH TO PAY COUNTY TAXES Every piece of property on which county taxes are not paid by May 1st will be advertised for sale the first week in June. I am compelled under the law' to collect all county taxes by May 1st or sell the property and 1 have no other discretion in the matter I. M. ALLEN, Sheriff Cleveland County. — WE COVER EVERY NEED — of Textile Industrial Employees and protect the worker and ail of his dependents under one policy. The combined Operation and Hospitilization. Ma ternity, Sickness and Accident, Burial Funds Policy costs but a few cents per day for the whole family. Ask your Employer to give you the onportunity to pur chase this policy for yourself and family, for you can se cure it only through the group plan The Employees pay the entire cost and receive individual policies. The Robert U. Woods Genera] A gene? General Office: SHELBY, N. C. Group Managers for Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. “The Largest Exclusive Group General Agency in the South.” Representing the Provident Life & Acci. Ins. Co. Established 1887 — Assets O'er $6,000,000.00. lames of several good men you lon't owe—Just to Impress him with ,'our honesty. 5. Ask him t if he bellevse that fou should sell the 7 bales of cot ion now stored under the shed at wur house (which Is another Joke), ir ask him If he were you would ne told a while longer. Impress him vith the fact (Joke No. 82) that you vill have enough money to pay for iverythlng needed up to April 15. Vhd tell him you'll drop uround ibout that time. . 6. Then tell about your 2 boys retting their bonus checks (but lon’t let him know that your 2 boys ire 8 girls), and that they are put tng that money in your hands, but f he finds out Henry Ford and Oen. Motors have done got both of them, f there happens to be any, It will lurt your chances. Brag on his fine ippearance, his golf, and his bank— ind poslbly his mushtash, if he has my. But, friends, none of this Is ne essary If you have always paid or renewed your notes promptly at maturity, and met all your other ibllgations on time. I understand | that the man who has done these j two things, be he rich or poor, high or low, black or blue, can alway: ret, all the money that he should have for legitimate purposes—from ■uiy good banker who has money to loan. It's bad when we lose our fortune, but It’s a danged sight worse when we tee our credit and honor—as we simply can’ tstart over again—If we bust. flat rock dots. a miss terious case has took place » our little community and cvery boddy seems right sad. it was like » bolt from a clear sky. miss Jennie me Jones run off last friday with a man who she met at the stimr last week selling rat poison and her where nbouts Is unknown. we all hope that they got married befoar they got verry far away from home, he had a nice ford. seholl was turned out on apull the 1, and the teccher was considerably apull fooled In manny ways, some boddy soaked her chewing gum In cowend pepper, and when she put same in her mouth and started toards the blackboard, you should of seen her make a dive for the water bucket, and then she dis missed them and went off hunting some ice water, someboddy stuck some fly paper on her where she sets down and she diddent know’ it the last time we saw her—till next day. The town farmers all seem right btzzy now running barkartts and furwards to their rcspectfull plan tations which they are all trying to ■■'Id on to, as they have nothing else to do. a few have alreddy got some guanner, but a big part of them is going on and plant then stuff and hope uitrit of sody will be cheaper in may and June, or sold on creddtck one. farm relief has not reached our little terry tory yet, out our congressman told the newspa pens not long ago that it was on her way. a snail must of got the job of making the delivery, the speaking that was to be hell at the scholl aud.v torium last Wed nesday night was put off onner count of noboddy was there excepp me and my wife and we don’t drink, he was to talk on proahishton, but after the people heard that he planned to tuko up a collection and get some pledges signed to keep the good work a-goining, nearly an the folks went to prayer meeting in stead, and they had the biggest congregation that rev. brown ever led a prayer meeting of his text was "are you keeping yore brother" ansoforth. so they used the prayer meetings for an excuse to miss the proabtshion talker. the sheriff was down recently and looked around our 2 filling sta tions a right smart, but diddent seem to find what he come after, and it wassent gasoleen either. 1 of course wont call anny names, but If one of them don’t cut out spik ing his coca colers, he is going to wwke up some morning with split shadows running acrost his face which is made by Jail bars, we mean to have a clean town if we hafter do without gassoleen and cigarettes, rar. editor, 1 am so wore out from plowing, plese excuse this short peace, rite or foam if you want the news from here more regular, yores truie, mike Clark, rfd. Another sign that the depression Is passing is that the bread lines are breaking up and re-forming at the public golf links. ADMINISTRATOB’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of B. T. Brooks, deceased, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them duly verified to the undersigned at Shelby. N. C.. on or before the 31st dav of March. 1933. or this notice will be Headed In bar of their recovery All per sons Indebted to said estate wtU pleas make Immediate payment. This 31st dsy of March, 1931. 7. J, THOMPSON. Administrator oi B. T. Brooks, Deceased. Joseph C. Whlsnant, Atty. St Apr lc EXECUTBIX’S NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that I have this day qualified at executrix of the estate ot Miss Jane Cline, late of Cleveland county, North Carolina and all person* having claims against the said estate will present same to me properly proven on or before the 30th dav of March. 193J or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any recovery thereof. All person* owing the said estate will please make Immediate settlement to the under—»d Thu M-.rch 30th. 1931 UETTIE CUNE R-a. Lawndale, JSxceUirix of Jane Cline dee d «i A Earl. April 8.—Little Mbs Betty Lane Runyan spent the week-end in Shelby, the guest ol her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Griffin Miss Mary Turner, member of the Waco faculty spent Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, For est Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gamp and laughter, Jacqueline Ann and Miss Florence Coleman, of Taylors, S. C. were dinner guests Sunday of Mi ind Mrs. P R. Camp Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Davis spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Bun Runyan. Dr: and Mrs. J. P Aydelotte re turned home Sunday evening from Charlotte, where they spent the holidays with his sister, Mrs. Sue Williams. Messrs. Rufus Moss and Vernon Camp of Taylors, S. C. spent the week-end at home. Mrs. D. G Webber and daughter. Mrs. Grady Bettis and children and Mrs. Chandler and Miss Catherine Bettis, all of Greenville, 8. C, are spending this week in the village. Mr. H. P. Haas returned to ms j work at Whiteville, Tuesday after spending the holidays with his fam ily. Misses Jessie Beachum and Paul .no Honeycutt of Charlotte were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Beachun. Ella Mill News Of Current Week \ _ I Smith Child Sirk With Pleurisy. Personals of Visiting About. (Special to The Star.) Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McCurry and children spent the week-end at Granite Falls with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wythe of hatttmore spent a few days this week with their mother, Mrs. Callie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hanney and Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OK COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 75m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, we can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving-freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MOUNT HOLLY, N. C. _ READY Delays cost you money when you are build inn inferior quality costs you money forever afterward. We are always ready to supply You promptly with building materials of the highest quality. May we serve you.' O. E. FORD COMPANY Lime — Cement — »'► - - Cfcmi .uachinery Fertilizers. 1‘HONE NO. 37 — SHELBY, N. C. Wc m»m«ul. LONE STAR Omml for all . ancrrtr ,<-..rlt «hrr<- dm<- U no* *h« principal factor — ana "1NCOR" Brand fur rcort lha* u ili a hurry. LONE STAR CEMENT CO. VIRGINIA, INC. Norfolk Ir Avoid } COLITIS Diarrhea, Dysentery and other forms of dis ordered stomach and bowels, respond quickly to and find relief from ANTI-FERMENT. For more than 2 generations it has been used by adults for up-set stomach and by mothers for their children to avoid Colitis. At all drug stores 60c and 75c. for baking powder is the Use K C Baking Powder the next time you bake and judge its quality by results. You will nnd there is none better —purer or more efficient. You save in buying and save in using K C Baking Powder. irS DOUBLE ACTING w fOB 25 ounces for 25c BAKING POWDER MlU«ON^ OF POVNOS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT children spent the week-end with their parents at CUftside, Messrs, Lawrence and Sherman tioss spent the week-end with Mr Joe Camp. Mr. Ed Morehead and two chil dren, Nell and Thomas, spent Sun day In Charlotte with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Vard Walls have returned home from Dallas where they have been visiting relatives. Mr. Robert Tucker of Marion spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker. Larue Klims ana jui ipent Tuesday with their grahd .nother, Mrs. Roland Johnson. Mrs. E. V. Ross and three chil dren of Oak Grove spent Monday with Mrs. Joe Camp. Mrs. William Bumgardner and two children of Eastside spent the week-end with Mrs, Callie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowens of New House spent Friday and Saturday of last week with Mr. and Mrs Alonzo Towery- ,£} We are sorry to note that little Charlie Smith, son of Mr. and Mr» Wash Smith is very sick with pleuresy. Another problem is the English language. The other day, for in stance, the newspapers reported that General Butler is , retiring. - Virginian-Pilot. The number of murders commit ted at tlie bridge table is less than than 1.3 per cent of those that ought to have been committed.— San Diego Union. HOME OWNED STORES 1 I cn x o 73 Q jJ Z £ O id S O X IT’S EASY TO SOLVE iky Quality-Service Storei are daily becoming the lourcti eating number! ol ditcrimiriaUftJ houieuiivetl of Account. . tk« privilege of telepkore . . end tk« I ... arc but added reetoni why you ekoold ihop • • • . at our ttorcil % MILK P BORDEN’S \ EVAPORATED ’ :i TALL OR Corn Flakeg 3 Pkgs. . 25c Morton’s Salt ISAAC SHELBY FLOUR - 24-lb. Bag.75c FULL DRESS RICE — 2\ lb. Pkg. ..23c SUNSHINE PKG. CAKES - 6 Small pkgs. 25c CHOCOLATE NUT CREAMS F. F. V. CAKES — lb.33c STANDARD PAUL TOMATOES — 3 10c cans 25c LYE HOMINY No. 2Tcyn ......... 10c KRAFT'S HAMANAISE /Jar .23c WHITE HOUSE COFFEE Pound 37c NEW IRISH POTATOES — Lb. .. 8c NEW SOUTH CAROLINA CABBAGE — Lb. . 4c JERSEY ROLL WHOLE WHEAT — Pkg.20c FANCY EVAPORATED PEACHES —2 lbs.. 25c P. & G. SOAP “GREAT IN HARD WATER” 4 CAKES. 15c SUPER SUDS — Pkg... 9c NEW READ FORM SOAP! - PALMOLIVE SOAP — I Marguerite Hoare, distinguished beauty adviser of Mayfair, Lon don, tells her smart clients t use Palmolive Soap to "keep thoi schoolgirl complexion ” 310c Cakes 23c SHELBY—4—10—31 1 KRAFT'S VELVEETA \ lb. Hava-Kexa CIGARS 6 for .. 25c LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes 2 Large l»kgs. 4*DC HOME OWNED STORES c s Pi c £ z r D co c r CO