20,000 People Read Star Want Advs-The Cost Ic Small; Resul's Cood WHaFgmWant 1 Tit the WANT APS Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 26c. Ilils size 1 cent per word each insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. FOR SALE: TREATED NANCY, Hall potato plants by Aplrl 25 $2.00 per 1,000. First orders first filled. C. L. Putnam, R*l, Kings Mountain, N. C. 9t 6p FOR FRIGIDAXRE AND CAL viriator service, phone 314. 3t 10c FREE MAP OF THE COM plete highway system of Cleveland county, showing the roads taken over by the state under the new highway law. You can secure one of these maps 16x17 inches by paying $1 or more on sub scription to The Star, tf 4p COMPLETE RE Babbiting service. See us for all parts. Mauney Auto Parts Co. _tfc FOR SALE ON FALLSTON road, two story stucco dwell ing, with six acres land, 2,000j hen capacity hen house. Peach orchard. H. McConnell, tf-lc THE QUALITY CLEAN ERS always satisfy. 2t-15c USED AUTO PARTS FINK IRON & METAL CO. Trade Alley. Phone 580. _____ tf-30c NEARLY TWO HUNDRED users in Cleveland county of Gen eral Electric Refrigerators and not one has ever spent one cent tor service. Robert C. Hord. Dealer. S. Washington St., Shelby. tf 25c FOR RENT: TWO ROOM apartment. Hot and cold water with private bath. Inquire Green Lan tern Tea Room. 2t 13c PAY $1.00 OK MORE ON subscription to The Star and receive free, the new highway map of Cleveland county, ft shows the various types, of E>ads, township lines, towns, rge streams and consolidated schools. The map is just out. Get yours now. tf 4p SEND YOUR WORK TO the Quality Cleaners where you get the best for less. 215c SEE GEO. ALEXANDER- FOR fine watch repairing. Prices moder ate. Your work appreciated. Next door to Stephenson Drug store 12t Mch 23p FOR RENT: SMALL APARIN ment on S. Washington street for couple. Phone 767-W. tf-Sc Be Healthful, WALK! Nation - Wide Foot Health Week April 19 to 25. Will have experts to fit shoes and supports. A, V. Wray & 6 Sons, CITY tfc ANY MAKE RADIO REPAIRED Parts ot all maxes Mauney Radio Service. S. Washington St, Phone 518- tf 6c “CALL 832* AND LET 08 SEND tor your car and Wash or Grease it for 75e each. The Auto Inn, next to the Whiteway Dry Cleaners, tf IOC FOR SALE: 175 WHITE LEG~ horn hens, laying, at 75 cents each. See Dr. D. M. Morrison. Woolworth Bldg, on Wednesday or Friday. Shelby, N. C. 3t 13c BRAKE LINING~At prices you can afford to pay. Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc THREE GRAPES o f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate Engraving-, Relief g r a f (raised letter) and printing. Samples upon request. All pric es at a liberal dis count from list. The Star. Phone 11. tfl4c * CYLINDERS' RE^ BORED and honed, p i^s t o n s and rings. Maqpey Auto Parts Co. tic FOB SALE: VERY FINE DIN tng room suite .Brand new. Will sell at a Bargain. Pendleton's Music Store. 2t 15p ""the star is worth the price asked—less than the cost of a 2c postage stamp per issue, but a new highway map showing the 7t)3 miles ol roads in Cleveland county to be taken over by the state, will be given free to subscrib ers paying $1 or more on sub scription. ■ tf-4p IT COSTS BUT A FEW CENTS a day to protect your Income when disabled from sickness or accident. Write for full details. North Ameri can Accident Insurance Co., Box 12, Shelby, N. C. tf 23c FOR RENT: TWO ROOMS FUB nished on 233 E. Graham St. Mlse Pearl Jackson. 2t 15p WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY epamng. L. C. Davis, next door to Efird's. I appreciate your patron ige large or small. tf 18c] FREE, NEW HIGHWAY map of Cleveland county ■ihowing the 793 miles of roads to be taken over by the state under the new road bill. You can get one of these maps by paying $1 or more on your subscription to The Star, tfp FOR SALE: USED AND FAC tory rebuilt typewriter.:,, adding ma chines. Paul P. Costner, Linctoln ton, N. c. I2t lOp WANTED: MAN TO HELP ME on farm. G. W. Powell of near Polk ville- < 3t 13p UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIR ing. Furniture and other work. Re fining, etc. We mend anything. Prices reasonable, shop located in basement of Webb theatre building. We handle second-hand furniture, etc.^ Traders Bureau and Upholster lnF Co. 2t 15p SEND YOUR WORK TO~~THE Quality Cleaners where you get the best for less. 2t 15c 'does 'your'‘roof LEAK? If so See J. W. Denton, H o e y Apartments or Phone 4-J. Work guaran teed. tf THE QUALITY CLEAN ERS do it better. Try Them. 2t-15c FOR SALE: 1929 MODElTpON tlac coupe in good condition. C. R. Webt^ Lineberger Bldg., Shelby, N C- 3t 13c THE QUALITY CLEANERS DO it better. Try them. 2t 15c ICE BOXES MADE TO ORDER, cheap. W. G. Spake, 206 Suttle St. Leave order at Paragon Furniture Co. ■ tf 13c FOUND: BUNCH"OF KEYS ON ring out on No. 20 near Fairway station. Owner identify at Star of fice. it i5p FOR SALE: CLEAN Crowder Peas and seed corn. D. A. Beam Co. 3t 15c REINHARDT SPECIALS': Breakfast Bacon, sliced lb. 85c Black Eye Peas, can __10c Lima Beans, can_10c Turnip Greens, No. 2J can 10c Turnip Greens, No. 2 can, 2 for__15c 3 Cans No. 2. Tomatoes __ 25c 3 Cans No. 2 String Beans 25c Evaporated Peaches, lb. 12ic Evaporated Apples, lb. _ 12le Lettuce, Nice Head_5c Tomatoes, Red Ripe, lb. . 10c C. H. REINHARDT, SOUTH SHELBY lt-15c BEAUTIFUL WED DING Announce* ments and Invita tions. The famous Re lief graf at a liberal discount from 1 i s t prices. Looks like cop^ per plate engraving*, but c o p s i d e r a bl y cheaper. We keep se crets of weddings to be. The Star. Phone 11. £fl4p THE QUALITY CLEANERS AL ways satisfy. 3t l&c COPPERPLATlT Wedding Announce ments and Jnvitations at a liberal discount from list price. See the beautiful samples. We keep your secrets. The Star, Phone 11. tf Grier-Folger Plan Best Solution Now Hickory Record This week will bring a renewal Of efforts to effect a compromise whereby the state legislature may dispose of the troublesome state revenue and appropriations meas ures. The way out will be easily found If the friends of the Grier-Folger measure which the senate has agreed to pass, can muster suffi cient strength In the house to se cure adoption there. Representative Pitts, of Catawba county, who Is heartily In favor of the proposed compromise, says that although a determined fight will be made to put the measure through the lower branch of the assembly, the chances for success are somewhat slim. He further says that there Is a strong probability of adjournment without action, if some settlement cannot be reached this week. It would seem that all fair-mind ed assemblymen could agree upon the senate plan of solution. Here is what the Sunday Journal of Winston-Salem, says the Grier-Fol ger measure provides: 1. This bill makes possible a 20 per cent reduction In the values fix ed by the state or rural, urban and Corporate property alike. 2. It reduces the tax rate for school operating costs from 51 cents to 30 cents on an average in the counties and no additional taxes, ex cept under special conditions, can be levied. 3. The state sets up for the first time reasonable standards of school cost, thereby fixing a budget that the counties can live under without extra taxes and provides the mach inery for such adjustments as will enable them to do so. 4. It provides the machinery by: which ft county or city or local tax district may levy additional taxes to meet higlier standards than those set up by the state, but a new or sup plemental budget must be presented setting out the Items requested by the school board to the tax-levying authorities, and must be approved by them before any additional taxes can be levied. 5. It provides economies in school administration, making our school system more efficient, more pro gressive and, at the same time, more economical, 6. It will save our state from em barrassment in dealing with the col ored people. 7. It will doubtless save Our state from many expensive uncertain law suits with the railroad companies. 8. It continues the pleasant re lations of the state to our large clt f les In school administration 9 It provide liberal aid for the! extended school terms, giving th farmers and the country people thi i opportunity for standard elementary and high schools In their eommum- j ties at much lower tax rates, not higher than obtains in the cities or the centers of wenlth. 10 It will correct In time the mistakes that may have been made | in the location of high schools, the ultimate end being to cut our du plications and extra cost, which will mean much hereafter to the state. 11. Finally, It will raduee the sum total of taxes for school operation on all property—rural, urban and corporate alike—approximately 40 per cent, 12. It Is the best proposition yet offered the farmers. Closing Exercises At Beams Mil) The closing exercises of the Beams Mill school will be held Friday even ing of this week, beginning at 0 o’clock. All grades Will take part in the program and there will be no admission charge. Two short plays will be presented, one entitled “The Three Bears' and the other "Jum bo Jum." STEM'S 1 1 ' ' '■ Quality Furniture Om Easy Terms. Phone 592. Shelby, N. C. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In that certain deed of trust made by R. H Ponder and wife. Mattie Ponder to Commercial National Bank of High Point. Trustee. recorded In hook. 150 at page 382 Of the registry of Cleveland county. North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured and the holder thereof having directed that the deed of trust be foreclosed, the undersigned true tee will offer for sale at the court house door In the city of Shelby. North Caro lina. at 13 o'clock noon on May 15th; 1931, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, a certain lot or parcel of land in the city of Shelbyi Cleveland county, North Carolina. and more particularly described as follows: Being joined on the north by art alley, on the east by A. Roberts, on the ■south by East Warren street, on the west by J. A. Weaver and lying on the north side of East Warren street, in the" town of Shelby, N. C.: Beginning at, a stake or rock on the north edge of the extension of East War ren street, J A. Weaver’s southeast coro ner, the said corner being 63 1-3 feet south 85 deg 30 min east from the inter section of the north edge of Hast War ren street with the east edge- of ?4wple street and runs from said Weaver’s cor ner south 85 deg 30 min. east with the north edge of East Warren street 60 feet to a stake, corner of J A. Roberts thence wtth Robert** line north 5 deg 30 min. cast 175 feet to a stake on the south edge of a 10 foot alley; thence with said edge of said 10 foot alley north 85 deg 39 min west 60 feet to a stake, J A. Weaver's northeast corner; thence with Weaver’s line south 5 deg 30 rain, west 1*6 feet to the place of beginning, the same being a part of that property conveyed to R. H Ponder by J. L. Thoifiasson by deed re corded in book 3-8 at page 473 and part of that property conveyed to R M Pon der by Dt. d. R Osborne and wife by deed of record in the office of the registry of Cleveland county, North Carolina, in book 3-W at page 487. This the 13th day of April, l»3l. « COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OI HIGH POINT, Trustee. 4t April 15c Piedmont Finals Begin On Friday Or. H»yfs Mill Preach Sermon. Clye A. Erwin To Speak. Or der of Program. Lawndale, April 14 —Commence ment exercises at Piedmont school will begin Friday evening, April 17, at- 8 p. in., at which time the elc Around The Carolina Theatre WITH APOLOGIES TO RENN DRUM. Well folk* we skipped out on you for a couple of weeks to see If we were getting the necessary readers, and we find tliat many folks have asked what became of the editor. We promptly replied that ha lost an arm, and several teeth from talking out of turn while playing golf with hie side kick; so we are now repaired and will try to give you a hot line for awhile longer, until we have another accident, li d6n't fee! very good to meet the business end of a mashie do the lip, but who could blame us for talking about “A CONNECTICUT YANKEE," with WILL ROGERS. and that funny Swede EL BREN DEL, in MR. LEMON O* ORANGE’’ coming in the next two weeks By the way, have you met our new cashier. MRS. JOHN 8T0WE? She has been thank ing yo unow for the past two weeks, and she says It aa it the really meant it, Ob, Yes, we have had our face lifted, a little paint and powder. Drop down and tell us if you like it or not. as it wil soon be time to pay the doctor. Look out for an Important announcement soon. WE THANK YOU! mentary grades will present an operetta “On Midsummer's Day.” At 8 p m on Saturday I8th, the senior class will hold their class day exercises, consisting chiefly of a play entitled "The Judgment Bar On the stage, used as a courtroom, the seniors are tried to see whether or not they deserve their diplomas. Dr. L. B Hayes of Shelby will preach the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday afternoon. 20th, at 3 p. m. The speaker for the graduating exercises la 8upt. Clyde A. Erwin of the Rutherford county schools. This address will be at 8 p. m. on Mon day, 21st A number of medals and ■certificates will be awarded at this time Twenty-one seniors are ex pected to receive diplomas. Tuesday. April 21«t, is the last day of school and on that evening at 8 o'clock the senior class will present, a play. "The Alley Daffodil.” This Ik a newly written comedy whld should attract a large audience. Edgecombe county farmer* eave lbout $1,000 through cooperativ purchase of lespedeza seed On hundred farmers pooled their or ders. The Bolsheviks say there la n unemployment. In Russia. And prao tlcally no wages.—Dallas News. 4 Reasons Why Majestic Electric Refrigerator Is The Leader CONSIDER THESE FACTORS FIRST BEFORE BUYING AN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR: FIRST—A quality product with 30 features that no other re frigerator has. SECOND—Compare the prices and food space of competi tive makes to a Majestic re frigerator. THIRD—Beauty — All Steel Box, Flat Top, Chromium Finish Hardware. FOURTH—CHEAP TO OPERATE — Using forced air circulation to speed up condensation — Will operate for as little as 3c PER DAY. Pendleton’s Music Store 0 SHELBY And KINGS MOUNTAIN TOOTS AND CASPER Cause For Excitement. JAIL RI4HT, \ TOOTS= J 0RIM4 / oki Your. \ FASHION! ) 5HOW) / I DIDN'T KNOW WHICH ONE OP two suits You'd Li we best ON ME, CA5PER,SO THE STORE . ‘sent both out on approval So Vou ?COULD See THEM l THIS Yb OWE OF THEM I OUST SUPPED IT ON '. /-AND "THlc, \<=, l "THE OTHET3 OKIE1. I cant decide. Between them! WHICH ONE pOTbu LlkE. . BE=.T? V NO MATTER WHICH 'ONE YOU *5END BACK. TtXJ LL ALWAYS WI5-H YOU'D WEPT THE OTHER.'. THE ONtY WAYTO BE <30K?S YOU VE WEPT THE R14HT ONE TO BUY & BOTH OF THEN! I CASPER HA€> BEEN -SO -SWEET "TO ME SINCE MRS. HOOKER FLEW THE. COOP*. MAYBE ITS. MADE MIMREAU2E THAT WINNIl\4 A 4lRLS> LOVE IS ONE. THIN4-, AMP HOLDING HER LOVE Another.1,; HELLO, COLONEL HOOPER1. VooeetM Evcnepi have You HEARP from Your, wife ? r The Eavesdropper. CA9PERS CURIOSITY IS AROOWD Tspw & cbt-ONSL hoofer 4oin4 TO MA*E , fortune? f here WE tf'TE CASFVR J AT Th£ CoLDHELS OFFICE SEEKING INFORM ATIOM'. 7 •»URS, CAMPER I LL BE A RICH man in a year., and i m doin<4 it all FOR BOPH1E '. C5HE'S> A 4RAND 4AL* ^HH €> WORKED HARP IN HER DAY AND c5’HE,<5> ENTITLED To A LIFE OF EA-&E FROM NOW ON'. V/HEn^VIE CONIES SACKTOME I’LL 4ET HER. A COUNTRY ESTATE, JEWELS LIMOU^INE^)* IT S» A SECRET YET® •ILTELLYOU ALL ABOUT IT 6>OON3 lONOTROw!/5^ DROP IN A^AIN ‘SOON, CASPER'. I'M SORRY “TO A«5V<£ YOU "TO LEAVE, BUT MY ATTORNEY IS HERE TO DRAW UP AN AGREEMENT FDR ME AND ITS VERY CONFIDENTIAL*. “ w I'M NOT AT Ail interested in Your affairs, colonel hoofer*. I'VE 4oT ALL I CAN DO TO MINP MY OWN i BUSINESS* —-i. — LISTEN TO HIM LOCRTHE. DOOR. I IF. HE'S* AFRAID OF me <snoop»n4 on him HE WA& N0THIN4 TO WORRV ABOUT1. i nvouldn-t snoop L “TO PRV INTO HV& J-\ AFFAIRS OR ^°L.Dak

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