Nobody’s Business CEE McGEE How To Combat Insomnia. The worst thing In the world is Insomnia. It funstlons best between midnight and 3:30 a in. It Is a sel ective type of affliction. It will not hire or harbor a lazy man. Well diggers never experience It. Washer women don’t know what it is. And Insomnia has never been known to bother a tenant-farmer. After consulting both of my triends oh this subject—one being a doctor and the other a physician, I have promulgated the following tules which, if carefully observed, Will always drive insomnia away and fetch Morpheus with outstretch ed arms to aid you In your efforts Bladder Weakness * If netting Up Nights, Bnckarhe, (frequent day calls, L>eg Pallia, Nerv ousness. or Burning, due to function al Bladder Irritation, in aold condi tions, makes you fed tired, depressed and discouraged, try the Cyatex Test. Work* fast, starts circulating- thru the system in IB minutes. Praised by thousands for rapid and Positive ac tion. I'on’t give up. Try Cyatex (pro nounced Slas-tex) today, under tho Iron-Clad Guarantee. Must quickly SUlay these conditions. Improve rest flit sleep and energy, or money back ’Only tec ett SUTTLE’S DKt'O STORE Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tell you that “Perfect Purification of the Sys tem it Nature’s Foundation of Perfect Health,’' Why not rid ’yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Caiotnbs, i—once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re* wards you with health. Calotabs purify the blood by ac tivating the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels. In 10 cts. and 85 cts. Packages. Ail dealers. (Adv.) SAVE IN BUYINC Iff* BAKING IW POWDER IT'I DOUtlt ACTING MIUIO.'IS Of POUNDS, USED GY OUR GOVERNMENT r Mu, Cora Moahier, ol 601 North New Orleans Ava, Brinkley, Ark., writes: "I was so constipated until 1 was Just eick. 1 could not stand to take strong medicine, so I de cided I would take Black Draught, and 1 found it to be all right. ”1 would have such diqj spells, and such bursting headaches, until 1 could hardly go. But after tak ing a few doses of Black Draught I would feel just due. It is a good medi cine. and I recommend it to all who suffer aa I did. It is very easy to recom mend a medicine that has done as much for me aa Black-Draught has done." THED FORD’S hf CONSTIPATION IWi>¥»N who need a tonic •houtdl Lm«.C4%ppi. o*»r to y«*r».l to repose In sweet slumber. 1. Count by dollars and dimes the amount of money you have paid out during the past 10 months for things that you wanted and diddent need, and by the time you get to the fifth Installment on your wedding ring, you'll drop off to sleep; that to—If you intend to pay the balance due thereon, 3. Imagine yourself at church; the temperature to 77: let the preacher make his 14 announce ments; listen attentively while he reads his text: watch the collection plates as they barely miss your nose in their passage to and fro: and when the said preacher has preach ed 20 minutes, Just close your eyes and there you are. 3. Quit counting sheep, find pic ture In your mind a legislature in Session. Lend an attractive ear to the Chaplain as he prays for the members of the general assembly. Take heed of the roll call Permit the members to shoot their usual ll^ie of useless bull, think how help less you and others like you are, make up your mind that you don’t give a cuss if they bankrupt the whole world, and then you'll find yourself sound asleep. 4 Dismiss banknotes front your mind. Forget what you owe the doc tors and the lawyers and the grocers —us you ain’t going to pay 'em no how. Get up and take a dose of soda, follow it with an aspirin tab let, drink a glass of hot milk, read one chapter of the Congressional Record, chunk up the fire, and by that time, it will be daylight, and you should be up and about your business. 5. Think of nothing, If possible. If you can't got your mind center ed on nothing, why, just think of yourself a few second, or if you ; can’t do that, think of the space | that exists between Jupiter and Orion, that’s nothing too, and rtnngrd If It ain’t time for break fast before you know it. Nothing To Think About. Anyway, Mr. Hoover is the best engineer we ever hod for president. The bonus monfey is not all spent yet, I just saw one of the recipients with 2 dollars cash In his pocket book after he had paid for 4 new inner tubes. If it takes your boy 10 hours to do 2 hours work, make a legislator out of him: he’s got the stuff in him for a good time, but be sure to touch him how to figger extra time. Cotton Letter. New York, April 15.—Liverpool catne in lower than duo and so did the income tax Some hedging was recorded near the; close when south ern selling forced Shanghai buyers to list Bombay short. Thunder show ers are expected in Texas next month at 3 o’clock, therefore we look for lower prices. Bed spreads and denims are strong, but some yarns; ain't. Curtailment continues in all localities not engaged in gov ernment work. We advise less cot ton and more dough, but by all means—don't straddle till July, and then be very careful. If you want to see business pick up Just let the installment houses sell their sjpff without a down payment. That's all that’s wrong with this old country anyhow: We blowed in the dowm payment on something we EXECUTORS NOTICE. Having this dav qualified as executors ol the will ol Rufus P. Francis, deceased, this ts to hereby notify all persons hold lug claims against the said estate of said Rufus F, Francis to present them Itemised and verified to the undersigned executors on or before March 21. 1832. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery on same: and this la further to notify all persons indebted to said estate to mate mmedlate payment to us of such Indebt edness. This the 38th day of March. 1*31. M A. FRANCIS. F t Wn KINS, Executors. t Newton A Newton, Attys. et Mar 27 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Massle L. Hamrick, deceased, this is to hereby notify all persons holding clal- rs against said estate to present sam. properly itemised end verified to me on or before April g, 1832. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery there on: and this Is further to notify all per. sons Indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment of such Indebtedness to me. This the 7th day of April, 1931. J. BROADUS HAMRICK. Administrator. Newton & Newton. Attya. «t Apr *c PILES YIELD TC CHINESE _HERB Don t Buffer another minute from blind, Itohing, protruding" ilea without tooting the newest ins ———, 1 J‘ —~ tin newrsc and fneteat acting treatment out Dr. K lx on a Chlnarold, fortified with rare* Imported Chineee Herb, with amailng power to reduce ewollett tissues, brings ease and comfort ,1a R few minutes, enabling you to worle •n<* 'while It continues its soothing, healing action. Don’t de lay. Act In time to avoid a danger, ous and costly operation. Try Dr. Nlxon'a Chlnaroltf under our guar antee to aatisfy completely end be worth 100 times the small cost or your money back. SUTTLE’S DRUG STORE. diddent need, and now we've got to earn or steal another one. A goober parcher exploded at one of our southern state capitals last week and 14 members of the gen eral assembly were badly damaged' about the coat, hat and pants. The others hnd not arrived from home— where they spent both week ends. How to write a business letter: “Dear Sirs:—X am sorry that I can not pay you anything on aacount now. My son is In college, my daugh ter expects to get married, and my car is in the garage, but don’t worry —we will continue to trade with you." The cotton-seed oil companies ire really and truly financial wizards: they will buy a ton of your cotton seed for $22.00 and sell you a ton of cotton seed meal for $27.00, and then ask only i cent a pound more for compound lard and 4 dollars a ton more for cotton seed hulls than they asked when they paid an hon est price for cotton seed, viz: $35.00 per ton. Yep, they got. mine, too Religious Radio Broadcasts Listed As a new service to Its readers the Sunday school Times published for the first time In its March 231h issue a Radio directory containing 'the hours and call letters of fifty seven religious broadcasts through out the United States and Canada. The classification is according to the days of the week, so that at a given hour of any day readers may easily tune in on any rellgioua serv ice that happens to be on the air. For months readers have been asking for such a list of stations, and it has taken weeks to compile the Index. So far as the Times knows, no other paper has such a department at the present time. The Directory will be kept up to date ns far as possible, and will ap pear frequently. ! Spain's largest railway system, ; the Norte," did $1,600,000 more business In 1930 than In 1929. In the last 12 months 37 ships were launched from Danish Ship yards. There are at least 60 stars to every man, woman and child In the world, says n European scientist. TRISTKE'S SALE OB VALl A11I.E BAND. By virtue and power of sale contained in a certain deed ot trust executed by George Martin and wife. Mary Llsxie Martin, to me as trustee, said deed ol trust being recorded in book 183 at page 131 of the register of deeds office of Cleveland county. North Carolina, and default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness, and foreclosure hav ing been reduested. I will sell at IS o oIock Saturday, May 8th, 19.11. or within legal hours, at the court house door in Shel by, North Carolina, to tho highest bidder for cash the following described real es tate. l.ylng and being in No. 9 township, Cleveland county, N C. and more parti cularly described as follows: Being a part ot the A Q, Higgins homo place and be ginning at a stake. Claude Dixon's corner oil the west side of the. road and runs thence N. 19-U E. as feet to the center ot satd road: thence with said road the fol lowing courses and distances N. 15-65 W. 300 feet; N, 19-63 w. tat5 (eel: N. 23-40 W. 703 3 feet to a stage In the center of the road in Luts 3 line, thence with his line N, 80-36 W. 353 feet to a stone. Luts's corner; thence with Luts line 3. 8-16 W 1040 feat to a post oak. Iris corner: thence with his line B 61-33 VV. 1101 6 feet to a stone; thence B. 0-45 K, 983 leet to a stone, llumgar Jner’s comer, thence with his line 3 75-45 E. 347,5 feet to » post oak Claude 11. Dixon's corner, thence with his line N 63-17 E. 311 ted to a stage, a new corner; thence a new line N 31-W 395 leet to a stake; thence N. 58-45 E. 313,3 feet to a stake, thence N "0 E. 914 (eel 1,0 the beginning, and eontalns 61.71 acres. The foiegolnit property is sold subject tc any unpaid taxes. This April 8th. 1931 J. B NOLAN, Trustee. 4f April 10c Golden Crown it an ap petiser—a wake-up food in the morning that sup plies eneVgy through the day. It has a rarity of flavor that transforms simple things into dishes of rare delight. » Suggestion: Serve with pancakes, waffles, fried mush, French toast, hot biscuits, hot rolls, — or just over bread, or with country sausage. FREE BOOK of Southern Kecipee Sent on Bequest. Steuart, Sen A Co, Inc., Xarvlaa4. TABLE SYRUP Sonthcfin~fUwe knot time to take in walking. No wonder her huiband it a happy man I EAGLE CORN MEAL —— 10 Pounds .. . SUNSHINE CAKES — 6 Small Pkgs.25© Snow King BAKING POWDER — 25 Oz. Can .2)C PILLSBURY’S PANCAKE FLOUR — 2 Packages 25© Pancakes will tasle good tomorrow—MAKE THE BEST WITH PILLSBURY'S! BECKER’S bread 3 Loaves . --25® CAKES Pound .13® STALEY’S SYRUP 5 lb. can 37C SHELBY Liver Mush Pound .IOC BANQUET tea i Pound ggv Cakes Pound ..35c OVEN FRESH! FLAV OR Y! THEY'RE FINE! Xic 1.5c •^cttES toe 8ESS.I' £gtT&* ^p_SOu'’He»d 2$C ffixtoss CA-RO^'^^ > gM ^L 0 ',£«» BO VSlNN^11 SAUSAGE - Pure Pork - lb.25© STANBACK HEADACHE POWDERS - 4 Pkgs 29c OCTAGON SOAP - 6 Cake. . .. 25c Save The Coupons for Valuable Premiums! CAMAY SOAP “THE SOAP YOUTH IS CHOOSING” CAKES 23 c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 cakes 23c tn Holh wood—All the 76 Important Beauty Shops Advise Palmolive for the Skin! SHELBY—4—17—31 X o 2 m O £ 2 m D C/3 H O sc m co HOME OWNED STORES