The Cleveland Star SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE By Mail, per year --*_*_...__... 92.59 By Carrier, per year ......i_$xuu THE STAR PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. LEE b. WEATHERS ........__ President and Editor & ERNES'I HOE? ___....... Secretary and Foreman RENN DRUM _....._....._... News Editor L E. DAIL .............._...._......... Advertising Manager Entered as second class matter January i, 1905. at tiie postotlice at Shelby, North Carolina, under the Act of Congress, March S. 1879. We wish to call your attention to the fact that it is and nas oeen onr custom to charge five cents per line for resolutions of respect, cards of thanks and obituary notices, after one death notice has been published. This will be strictly adhered to. FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1931 TWINKLES Two weeks from Monday Shelby will have a city election. Maybe there is TNT behind all the silence; and, again, may be there is not. A local punster recently pulled his copy of The Raleigh News and Observer from the mail box and remarked, “Well, here’s today’s issue of the MacLean bill.” The death of Chns. E. Neisler, of Kings Mountain, re moved one of this county’s most valuable citizens and one of the outstanding leaders in the textile industry of this sec tion. GETTING QUICK ACTION THE TOWN OF KINGS MOUNTAIN has a new fire truck. Just a few weeks ago considerable damage was done to the Sunday school annex of the Kings Mountain First Bap tist church by a fire. Had it not been for aid rendered by firefighters and equipment from Shelby and Bessemer City it is likely that the damage would have been greater. Tn reporting the fire The Star’s Kings Mountain cor respondent emphasized the fact that citizens were criticising the town’s shortage of fire-fighting equipment and were in augurating a movement to purchase a new truck. The move ment, it can be seen now, gained impetus and met with prompt willingness to cooperate on the part of town officials. Such things, as modern fire trucks and equipment cost money, but no town or city can afford to be without proper facilities to protect the lives and property of citizens who foot the bills. Kings Mountain is to be congratulated, and it is good that the fire which brought about the new fire truck was no more serious than it was. THEY’RE OFF AGAIN I THE BASEBALL SEASON IS ON! Philadelphia’s cham pion Athletics stopped the Washington Senators, their most dreaded opponents, in the eleventh inning of the open ing contest of the American league. Over in New York Babe Ruth started out to regain his hom^run crown by swatting one over the palings. In the National league the St. Louis Cardinals, 1980 champions, opened up with a victory, and Chuck Klein, the Philadelphia outfielder and rival of Ruth along with Hack Wilson, smacked out two home runs. Wes Ferrell, the North Carolina boy, won his first game of the year and started out for a new record, while A1 Simmons banged out two timely blows for the Athletics and Frankie Frisch, the Cardinal star, stole the first base of the year. All of which means that a big percentage of newspaper readers will now be turning to the sport pages instead of giving all their reading time to the overthrow of monarchies, the Democratic row over the wet-and-dry issue in 1932, the sales tax, and other matters. It’s a great season of the year, and, certainly, a welcome relaxation from the depression talk and other discussions which will now he neglected, more or less, to the voles of minor controversies. KINGDOMS VANISHING EKE MANY YEARS, unless the order of things is reversed, monarchies will be no more. When Alfonso, King of Spain, abdicated his throne this week at the urge of his peo ple, only 12 major monarchies were left in existence. The remaining monarchs in power are George, the Fifth, of England, Victor Emmanuel of Italy, Albert of Belgium. Gustaf of Sweden, Haakon of Norway, Christian of Denmark, Wilhelmina of Netherlands, Carol of Rumania, Hiroliito of Japan, Boris of Bulgaria, Frajadhipok of Siam, Ras Tafari of Abyssinia. Of those remaining Albert of the Belgians, a colorful World War figure, is without doubt the most popular, with his countrymen and the world at large; and of the others it ip likely that Victor Emmanuel of Italy is the least pow erful with Mussolini as the iron ruler of the country. The most noteworthy incident of the Alfonso abdication perhaps is that it took place without bloodshed, a rare oc currence when monarchies crumble. In recent elections the people of Spain had made known their desire for a republic. Alfonso and his advisors apparently realized that nothing would stop the march toward that goal, and the abdication and removal from the country of the royal family passed off without trouble as leaders of the republican movement gave the departing King and his family ample protection against violence and disorder. What sovereign ruler will be the next to go ? REFUSE TO BE FORGOTTEN HERE IS A STORY of a man whom the years forgot. It is from The Fairbury, Nebraska, News': He ran a successful business twenty years ago, He had built up this business by hard personul effort. Those who dealt with him knew that he could be relied upon, and any thing which he sold was well worth the money. And he had a fine group of customers. But customers change. Some of them die. Some go away. Some get restless and turn to competitors. So It was with his customers. And not enough new ones % came to take their place. This man worked harder. He studied his products. He kept them up to date. In many ways he was the beBt posted man in his line of business. Except for one thing—and on that one thing his com petitors passed him. He did not keep in touch with old customers and attract new ones with sufficient energy. He believed the old “mouse trap” saying, that people would beat a path to his door. But competitors set up along the beaten path, and the customers were diverted. What this man forgot was advertising—and so the years forgot him. 1 He forgot to study the progress made in merchandising. He failed to see or find out the methods used by others in his same line of business, who were continually in communi cation with his customers, telling therA the advantages of other merchandise, building confidence in other business in stitutions, winning away the people who had made this one business successful twenty years ago. This is not the story of any one business. It is the story of scores of businesses, once successful, but today disappear ed from the field. ✓ Don’t let Anyone forget your business. Keep in touch with your present market, and open a larger and better mar ket by using advertising. • TON OF PORK FROM EIGHT PIGS CLEVELAND COUNTY FARMERS with live-at-home ideas in their heads at this season of the year should be in terested in the following from The Gastonia Gazette: Producing a ton of pork with as many as ten pigs in a litter is not an unusual accomplishment in North Carolina but to grow this much meat with eight pigs during a feeding period of 120 days is unusual. “This is what Alfred Straughn, 4-H club boy of Chatham county, did last year to establish a new record for his county,” says L. R. Harrill, state club agent. “The eight pigs weighed 140 pounds total when young Straughn began his feeding demonstration. At the con clusion of the 120-day period, the eight animals weighed 2,080 pounds, gaining two pounds per pig per day through the entire period.” Mr. Harrill says Alfred’s feed record shows that he gave the animals 2,280 pounds of corn meal, 52 bushels of shelled corn, 580 pounds of fish meal and 525 pounds of shorts. After deducting the purchase price of the fish meal and shorts and the initial value of the pigs, the boy r-eceived $1.22 a bushel for the com fed But in addition to learning about the value of good feeding and keeping systematic records, Alfred also sold the idea to his father. Mr. Straughn, senior, said, “They were undoubtedly the poorest bunch of pigs w-e have ever had on this farm. J never would have believed the gains they made were possible had I not seen the test with my own eyes.” So encouraged was the youthful pig club member that he has started another bunch of pigs on feed this spring. The animal* will be ready for the high market in late August or early September. This time, the father, is using the same system with hi* hog*. He has concluded that there is some merit in the system advo cated by W. W. Shay, swine extension specialist at State College. Both demonstration will be carefully supervis ed by N. C. Shiver, county farm agent, who is encour aging the production of pork in all parts of the county, says Mr. Harrill. Nobody's Business By On McGee flat rock news. flat rock, a. C., apull 15, 1W1. deer mr. editor:— a meeting of the deacons of re hober clurrch was hell last Sunday in the auntie room for the purpose of passing a reaser lutlon on the death of one of our members which taken place one yr. ago today. he was a pir. jhon James rifkoff who come into this community In 1® and 20, enduring the pannlck. he soon united with our church, and as he copld not remember whether or no he had ever benn babtized, the preecher babtlsed him again so a to be on the safe side, he had a church letter, he said, but hed lost same, a good many nice tilings was said about him. the pasture said that while he newer did pay nothing In, he was always reddy to pass the hat and allso hope with the singing and he fixed our organ twist* when the wind busted the bellusses on its inside for nothing, and it played o. k. again as usual, so the following resser lutlon was unanimously pass ed and spread on the mlnnlts: resser lutlon resolved: Jhon, we are ait mighty sorry that you had to leave us. yore place will be hard to fill as noboddy else knows very much about organs ansoforth, as a good citizeen, you will like wise be badly missed, as you made It a habbit to tell so manny folks how to vote. resolved: you were always handy in everything that concerned our church, if it was a grave yard to be cleaned off, you was the first one their, and you newer forgot to fetch yore tools along, you allso got up most of our ptcknlcks, for Which you will plese except our thanks, as the rest of us was too blwy to tool with same. resolved: a copy of tnese reeaer lutions will be sent to your bereave wife who got married again bet sanday to bill clltkius who was a comparative stranger to her, but had a nice ford, so, Jhon, will close, and our prayer is that you win en joy yore self up yonder. (rite ot foam how you like this, mr. editor > signed, mike Clark, rfd, seeker terry. Mlkfe Writes Mr. Wrigley. flat rock. s. C., apull 17, 1S31. mr. wm. wriggly. Jr., Chicago, 111. deer sir:— 1 notls In the papers where you will buy 200,000 bales of cotton at c}2 a pound to hepp us poor farm er* out, so 1 am rttlng to let you knew you can have my bale at that. 1 have alreddy hell It for 6 months, but will let her go at yore price. my bale wald when first ginned 325 lbs., and i suppose It still ways that mutch, so plsee send me 41| and c45 in monney for same and i will ship it right out to you. don't send anny chewing gum, as 1 don't care to swop my ootton for gum, but 1 promise to chaw yore gum if t chaw armythlng else but browns mule tobacker. It is mighty nice of you to buy this cotton from us, and some of my nabors say that you will pay him offj in Juicy fruit or speermlnt, but asi I coulddent use annythlng like a bale of cotton’s worth of gum at this time, kindly send real monney for my crop. plese be advised that the sed bale! of cotton la a cross betwixt long steepe and short steepe, as 1 plant ed no. 5 cotton seed which had benn peddlgreed for sevral years, so It is possible that you will give me c2 a pound bonus for same, and If so—kindly add that to the check, but don't send me no gum till further notls. of course. If you plan to swop chewing gum for cotton, kindly lg noze this letter, a man can’t plow and hoe a crop on chewing gum, and 1 Intend to buy meat and bread with my bale, and that's why 1 cant taka gum for tame, all of my folks ehew wriggly* altogether, and so do our schqll teechers, and you may rest ass sured that If you pay cash for tnv cotton, i will talk for you [from now on. so, mr. wriggly, you can rite or foam me in care of mr. gee mcgce, undersoil, s. C. if i can sell you my bale, and if i do—it will get him to cash my check, as he is working for me now. but don’t try to trade me chewing gum for my cotton, as 1 need monney worser than gum an soforth. yores trulie, mike Clark, rfd. Argentina’s Scotch population is nearly 20,000. Fully 400,000 radio receiving sets are in use in Argentina. In 1900 a traffic code was un heard of; in 1929 the traffic code of any large city would make a good size book. Nearly 230,000,000 cans of pine apples were shipped from Hawaii to other countries last year. M. Fontan of Toulon. France, the first surgeon to put stitches In the heart, died recently. Mothers Avoid Colitis Dysentery with children need not be at all dangerous if treated upon first symptoms. Mothers for more than a gen eration have put an end to stomach and bowel disturb ances of their children by keeping handy bottle of Anti-Ferment. It settles the stomach, soothes the pains, prevents violent paroxysms, tends to regulate the bowels and in the end may avoid Colitis and more serious trou bles. It is harmless and non narcotic but a relief for Dys entery, and Diarrhea and di gestive disorders due to upset stomach and bowels. It may be obtained in separate for mulae, for adults 75c or for children 60c at all drug stores. Keep it ready for emergenc ies- adv. Presenting the NEW CHEVROLET SIX in ttrelve attraetiee models CONVERTIBLE CABRIOLET A comfortable coupe or a racy roadster. $s t ~ Wide rumble seat. Kadiator grille. . . . , Oil) 55 THE COACH An idaal ear for the family. Kooniv seats. |« . « Usher body. Driver's seat adjustable. Dw STANDARD FlV£-*INDOW COUPE An err optional value in an attractive ^ new model. Spacious rear deck. .... 0x0 f n E-PASSENGER COl PE A new and distinctive de lure model. Kadiator grille and cowl lamps. ..... u/i) X STANDARD COUPE An e trelieo I peraonal car for business |eoe or professional use. large rear deck. t/OO X STANDARD SEDAN A fine ear for general family use, smart- $ ^ ly styled. Wide, comfortable seats. . . OOO CONVERTIBLE I.ANDAL PHAETON V new, fully comertible toarins car. |x •. > Windshield folds forward.. 0OU 'PORT ROADSTER A fast, smart, youthful open ear. Hide | rumble seat. Special upholstery. . . 495 PHAETON Distinctive in style. Top fabric harms* \« lth body