SOCIETY NEWS YIKS. KENN DRLM. tdiloi. Telephone The Star No. 4-J lfcacu Mormug a lo & Ocioca. M:rs. Ovum can he reached at her home. Phone 713, aiternoon ana nights V.%V«V. •«* .-•w.v The Goal. Upon the earth's hard bosom We’ll come to rest at last; Winners of the ruthless race And those the swift ones passed. l.v the earth’s breast unlovely Or is it blossomy fair? We’ll be so weary of the road We shall not greatly care. Isabel Neill, in Opportunity. f ortnight Bridge Club To Mcrt. Dr. and Mrs. Sain Schenuk will be hosts this evening to members of the Fortnight bridge dub The hour is 8 o'clock Auxiliary Meeting With Mis. LeGrand The inspirational meeting at me woman's auxiliary of the Presby tenau church will be held on Mon day afcmioon at 3:30 el the home or Mrs. It. T. LeGrand on S Wash ington street Hoot Club To M eel With Mrs. Hudson. The regular meeting ol the Con temporary Book club will be held oh Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock with Mrs. Havj'y Hudson as hostess at her home on Grover street. Meeting Of Knth Class. The Ruth class ol the First Bap tist church, ol' which Mrs. B. T. Falla is teacher, enjoyed a class meeting at the hom" of Mrs. Falls on Mon day evening. During a business meeting the class ntembers drew nainei each girl*: accepting the girl whoso u»me. she drew as her parti cular charge during the Coming year. After the business meeting ah attractive contest on familiar similes was Cnjoyed. During a social half lvoui Mrs. Fall,-; served sandwiches and lea Meeting of Muonic and Arts. On Wednesday afternoon at the elub room Mesdaines Loy Thompson and J. S. Dorton were joint hoste ; • es to members of the Music and Art department of the Woman'* clutur Mrs. W. R. Casteevens read an ex cellent paper on the “Life of Ha'fi er Hughes," and Mrs. Frank Hvy read an attractive article on O'Henry which concluded the brief but in teresting program During the social half hour lh' hostesses served a* sweet course with accessories. l.incoJnton Book Club Meets Herr. Mrs. H. J. McCorcklr. of Lincoln ton. entertained members of the Book Lovers club here on Wednes day afternoon at the Green Lantern tea room. After the business meet* , tug and program a four course hneheen was served, a color scheme of green, pint and lavender being j carried out in decorations and serv ice. sweet peas and snapdragons were the Hover decoration'., Mrs. MeCoivkle i.« a sister of Miss Claudia Calhoun, of this place. Those enjoying this delightful ,meeting of the club were: Mes ■ dames W. F. Elliott, A. M. Cornwell, I'D. P. Rhodes. Paul Rhodes. Walter Costner. Kenneth Grieg, Harvey Kuhn. Paul Mullen. B. C. Lineber *ei'. Grady Crowell, M. L. Little, C. B Phillips, Fd Byars and Roper Jonas. Uhorning Club Has Delightful Meeting. Members of the Islipening club charmingly entertained on Thursday afternoon with Miss Elizabeth Ebelioft as hostess at her home on South Washington street. The rooms of the lower floor were bright with spring flowers, the color note of orchid being accentuated in The use of lilacs, wisteria and iris. Miss Elizabeth Roberts was program Header for the afternoon and began the program by reading an interest ting article on “Adopted Writers of North Carolina. James Boyd and Struthers Burt being included in her discussion. Miss Mary Moore read *n article on Gerald Johnson and aohn Charles McNeill: and Mrs. tlohn Wynne Doggett concluded the program with a paper on the late governor, Zeb Vance, and other in teresting North CaroUuians. ' The hostess served an ice course’ yiith coffee and other accessories, a color scheme of orchid and pink be ing effectively carried out on the refreshment plates. Wells-Whitlock Wedding 3n Spartanburg. A wedding which will be of inter •tst to friends and relatives here took place in Spartanburg, S. C. on' Wednesday afternoon at the home tot the bride when Miss Marguerite Whitlock became the bride of Mr. •lames Duncan Wells, of Columbia,! S. C-, in a simple but beautiful cere mony. Immediately after the wed «iing a pretty reception, was held, • iter whteh Mr: and Mw. Wray left «or Washington, New York and toth-r points on * ’ wedding trip.1 41 Upon their return they will be ut home in Columbia. , Mrs. Wells, who was a third year student ut Converse college this year, is an attractive and accom plished young woman. » Mr. Wells is a son of Mr:.. Amelia Wells, of Columbia, and the late Mr, JamesWells, formerly of Shelby, He is a nephew of Mr. John K Wells, of this place, whom he has visited on a number of occasions He has for a number of years held, a position with the Southern rail way company, The wedding was attended by Mr.! and Mrs. John K. Wells and Mr. | Pan! Wray, of Shelby. Meeting Of LaPayettr r. T. A. On Saturday. The Parent-Teachers association of the LaPayette school will be held at t he school building on Saturday: jevening at 7:30, All members are i | urged to attend I Mothers' Club I To Have Meeting. i Mrs; G. J. Mabry will be hostess to j members of the Mothers' club at a j regular meeting on Tuesday after I noon at 4 o’clock, entertaining at lies home on Sutile street ! Garden Club To Have Meeting. A regular meeting of the Garden club will be held on Tuesday after noon, the time to be spent in visiting neighboring gardens. Members are asked to meet at the club room at 1 o’clock and alt who can furnish cars for the• afternoon are asked to do so. Several gardens in Gastonia 'are to be visited by the club j Miss Blanton To Re j Entertained Tomorrow, Tomorrow at 11:30 Mrs, Newton Parnell, of Greensboro, is entertain ing at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Jap Buttle* with a bridge luncheon in compliment to Miss Caroline Blanton, bride-elect. Tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 Mrs. H. 8. Plaster will be hostess to members of the Contract bridge club, entertaining in honor of Miss Blanton. Second Division Will Entertain First Division. The nreetingjiay of the second division of the Woman's club has been changed from Thursday to Wednesday for next week’s meeting, i on which day this division will be j hostess to members of the first di ! vision of the Woman's club! Tire meeting will be at the club room at 3:30, and all members of both divi sions are cordially invited and urged to be present. Regular hostesses for the afternoon are Mrs. C. H. Harrill, Mrs. Alice Linebcrger and Mrs. Har ry Speck. Mrs, Ellen B. Switzer is chairman of a special hosess com mittee to assist on this occasion. Special features are being planned ; for the afternoon's entertainment. At The Theaters j The Carolina’s Friday and Satur-, day program us doubled again thus week: “Oh, For a Man.” with Jean ette McDonald and Reginald Denny, a comedy; and "Ridin’ Fool,” fea turing Bob Steele. Added, Pathe comedy. Will Rogers will come to the Carolina Monday and play for two days, in a master picturization of Mark Twain's masterpiece of comedy. “A Connecticut Yankee ” The management of the Carolina has already received many compli ments on the new interior painting of the theatre In tile leading role ui “Strangers May Kiss," Norma Shearer steps in and handles her business with a certain assurance of possession.. It has been predicted that this new MGM picture of hers will win the next gTand prize to be given by the Motion Picture Art* and Sciences! thus year. Miss Shearer won the award in 1930 with her performance in “The Divorcee. ’ “Strangers Ma ■ Kiss” played to large audiences >cs. ! terday at the Webb theatre. Today and tonight will close the engags ment. WANTED - We buy Chickens and Eggs. Also sell fruit and produce, dressed chick ens and LARRO Feeds. CLEVELAND PRODUCE CO. Phone 691. Shelby, N. C. Company K, Local Militia Unit, Inspection, Gets A Fine Report Improvement .Shown in Drill. *< ■ lrr Of The Company Given. The annual Federal linspection of Company K, 120th Infantry. v/as held at the Shelby armory this week. 'Die inspection was made by Capi: - Louis A. Page, of the regular, army, who is national guard instructor for South Carolina. He was accomoa ti led by Capt. Tom S. Brand, gua’.d instructor lor North Carolina. It was the third time Cap’tih Page has inspected the local com pany and his report was that .im provement was shown over inspections, but added that there should be still more improvement The following is the list of offif cers and men now comprising t he company: First Lieut—Henry C. Long, com manding. 2nd Lieut - Andrew W McMu; - r.v. 1st. Sergt— Lawrence Runyan Supplt Sergt..-—Claude ML Con ner Mess Sergt, Marion Faker Sergeants—Dwella L. Grant, Lov S. Hoffman, Arlo McFarland, K'Pd W. Noblitt, Forrest R. Warlick. Corporals—Ernest Carter, Andrew O. Raker, Chives A. Lowrance. Ar thur U. McKee, Clayton M. Newton Willie B. Wright Privates 1st class—Purvis Barrett. Ray E. Brown, Wilburn A. Byers, Thos. M. Grigs, Wm. ML Huffman Dewey L. Howell, Jas. W. Odus Irvin. Horace 0. McKee. Geo Weathers, Privates—Claude E. Alien, Art In. B. Byers. Kenneth E Crawford. Sam Dayberry,, Robert G. Ellis, Grady O. Green, Charlie P, Hicks. William F. Hamrick, Charlie O Green, Hu bert, Hoffman, Everett W. Hov. ell. Isaac H. Jackson. Clarence F Leon ard, Horace Lowrance, J. C. McCraw Randolph W, McBee, Tilden McKee Ben P. McSwam, Curtis Nance, Mance Nance. Forrest B Newton Roland R, Newton. Leon E. Putnam. Clarence G. Queen, Clctus W, Smith. Fire Truck Bought For Kings Mountain 'Special to The Star t Kings Mountain, Apr. 16..the town of Kings Mountain is to have r new fire truck. The city fathers at the regular monthly meeting of the council placed an order with the LaFrance” fire truck company for a new truck and new fire fighting equipment. The truck is to have a pumping capacity of 600 gallons per minute and is to be delivered about the first of June At present the town of Kings Mountain has practically no lire fighting apparatus. The present equipment consists of an old model T Ford truck and other inferior equipment. Marvin Turner, George W. Upton, ' Monroe M. Upton, One M. Valen tine, Allred R Ward, Ben P. Wilson, Lowrance W. Wortman, David Led ford. NEGRO SINGERS HERE AT COURT HOUSE TONIGHT The Cleveland County Training school presents the Johnson C. Smith university quintet tonight at the court house at 8 p. m To WcdN.Y.Broker During the first ■week of June, the month of brides, Jeanette Mac Donald (above), musical comedy and screen star, will become the bride ol' Robert G. Ritchie, New York stock broker. Then (nay be a good Ume com ing as a linancier has assured us, but all we can say vs that it's a good thru coming.—The Humorist. New York is conducting a vigor ous anti-noise campaign It is al ready well equipped with speak-eas ies—Arkansas Gazette. Shuford’s Studios FROM CHARLOTTE Will be at Hotel Charles to make sittings for people of Shelbv on APRIL 21ST AND 22.ND ONLY Those wanting Coupons for Miniature Special or Pic tures may secure them f rom MRS. S. M. GAULT. TELEPHONE 9080 Until April 20th — Posi tively None Will Be Sold Later. Eskridge News VOL, 2. APRIL. 17, 1031 NO, 18 We cordially invite you to at tend an exhibit ot Ford Pro ducts which will be held in our garage next Wednesday and Thursday, April 22nd and 23rd. This exhibit will be very inter esting and also very educational and we feel sure that it will be well worth your time to come in and look it over. Marc Anthony: "Here maid, is your Mistress Cleopatra at home?” Maid: "Yes my lord, but she is in bed with tonsilltis." Marc Anthony: “What, is that Greek here again?” The most Interesting exhibit* ill the Ford Show will be the cut away body, chassis and motor oi the New Model A Ford Tudor Se dan. These exhibits will show you clearly just how the New Model1 A Ford Car is built, both the! quality of materials and the pro- ! cision of manufacturing. In conjunction with the differ ent exhibits we will show a Talk - s mg Picture of the River Roug. Ford Plant at Detroit. This pie ture will be very interesting ano will give you a clear insight ol the wonders of mass production. When Mrs. Borden-Lodge ar rived in this country after a short visit abroad she was asked tire usual question by the custom official: "Anyway to declare madam?' “No.'V she implied sweetly (‘nothing, "Then, madam, said the of ficial, “am I to take it that the fur tail I see hanging down undei jour coat Is your own?” Do hesitate to call at our gat agt' and look over the Ford Show next Wednesday and Thursday, you will be under no obligation to buy anything and In fact we will not try to sell you anything The purpose of this show is to better acquaint our friends and customers with the hidden quali ties oMhe Model A Ford Car ana the Model AA Ford truck "Just what is the big idea of going down the street with an apple in your hand?” ‘‘Well you know the old saying, •An apple a day keeps the doctor away,’ and I am calling on his wife.” rile hours of the Ford Show next Wednesday and Thursday will be from noon until 10 o’cloCa each night. Come and bring your family and friends with you. It will be a pleasure to have you visit our place and we will try out best to keep you entertained and make your visit as pleasant as possible Wife: "I'm going to take uf horseback riding it will increase my social standing. ’ Husband; "I don't know about the social part, but it'll increase your standing no doubt The New Model A Ford Cat Will not affect the standing, but it sure will help the social part. Try it. Early Tuesday morning oi Uns week, Henry Ford jumped under * the wheel of a new Ford sedan and. alone, drove it down the re maining yards of the assembly line. The car was the twenty millionth Ford produced by the Ford Motor Company Twenty million Fords have al ready been built! Think of if CHAS. L. ESKRIDGE Double Springs News Gleanings ; Personal Mention of People Visiting About Within the Past Few Days. 'Special to The Star.' Double Springs. Apr. 16.—Mr. anti Mrs. Erastus Hamrick and children of Kannapolis visited Mr. and Mrs | T. B! Hamrick Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Sammle Brooks and son Herbert visited Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Brooks in the Poplar Springs! community Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. C, Stockton were Visitors ol Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bank head Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hamrick : of Shelby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. W A. Crowder and family visited Mrs. Roland Philoeck of Lawndale Suaday. Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Neal and ; oils Oliver and John, of Kings Creek were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W W. Humphries Sunday. Mr. Woodrow Humphries -u nt Sunday with Mr. Worth Melton: Miss Etta Jones was the spend the-day guest of Miss Reba Davis Sunday. Miss Annie Davis spent the 'latter part of last week with her grand parents near Hollis and attended the commencement exercises of the ! school there. Mr. and Mrs. Greene Martin and family of South Carolina visited Mr and Mrs. P. B. Bridges Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Grady Brooks visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lee Sunday. Miss Blanche Davis spent the day Sunday with Mrs S. J. Cabaniss Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Hawkins and son visited Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Haw kins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Hawkins and son visited Mr. and Mrs. W. P Haw kins Sunday. Miss Maxine Cabaniss of the Zion community spent Wednesday night with Misses Mary Frances and Katherine Bankhead. Mrs. Annie Bridges and daugh ter Miss Ethel, and Misses Acqu'.lla and Bernice Johnson were visitors at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. J B. Horne Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Greene and daughter Miss Evelyn visited Mr. and Mrs. Billie Powell Sunday .aft ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Bridges and i children of Shelby visited Mr, and: Mrs. C. A. Bridges Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Falls of Wood ruff. S. C.. and Mr. and Mrs. Yates j HarrlU.were visitors of Mr. and Mrs; Alfred Falls Sunday. The farm board is now selling a lot ot wheat in Europe at the loss of ; a tidy sum per bushel. This is con-j structive statesmanship, tho some | ignorant foreigners can hardly tell' it from dumping —The New York-! Edgecombe county farmers saved about $1,000 through cooperative purchase of lespedeza seed. One hundred farmers pooled their or ders. PENDERS THE BETTER CHAIN 2 STORES N. LaFAYETTE STREET AND S. WASHINGTON STREET PINK SALMON — CAN . TOMATOES — No. 2 Can - 4 For 10c RICE ~ BULK — POUND Swift’s Jewel LARD — 8-Pound Pail . . 5c 91c SUGAR — 10-Pound Bag $4.60 Colonial LIMA BEANS No. 2 Can - 2 for Honey Dew PRESERVES — 2-Pound Jar .. DILL PICKLES — Quart Jar . . Hostess PEACHES — 2\ can - 3 for 27c 19c 49c Bull Head PORK & BEANS — 4 for ROE HERRING - 3 Pounds .... . PURE COFFEE — Pound . 10c 15c Special Buffet Size Canned Goods 3 Cans For 25 Choice of; PEAS, BEANS, CORN, PEACHES, SPINACH. With Prices Like These You Will Want Twice As Many DRESSES It' you have been lacking a dress for this or that occasion, and felt that your budget,would not permit it, you will welcome this opportunity to get exactly the dress you Want at a sav ing from $3 To $7 Me Neely Style and Quality are made into every garment included in these groups of merchandise for Saturday and Monday: $5.00 DRESSES A splendid group of values for which you would expect to pay $8.50 and more. Good tailoring, fine quality materials, assorted patterns, full range of sizes and colors for every type. $9.95 DRESSES Made by one of America's most fam ous manufacturers. Supplied to us at a saving which we are passing on to you. Featured among the group are stunning polka dots and lovely Pas tel colors. Tailored to look like dress es t hat cost twice as much; copied from models that sell for many times our price. Authentic in every style de tail. See them, and see if you can keep from buying one, two, or morel $1.95 Presses l'Eluding n7 frve for e, erv ?Cticai * Vet they esses tiiat erV iv/nd of h that you rf- «*arf 'V°rfe 50,ids «<«( string '°’v M». p* - L'or>iplete At tu makc the ,ts’ to choo^1 thls Mce. nZ^tio* summer hlWy f0l. e H'Jse p,,n«' and to 5E,-ttT i'oup. entire Wa, robe FROit "A«c ?. ?m* - Quality : gEJ? _ shexbv, n. c tfiVfCK

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