t 8 PAGES TODAY .kAXVII, No. 47 SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY. APRIL 20. 1031 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. it UHL MI riu (ID •Oanaai !*.<* »r'r»«f orr mi. On idnsMi _ *H.m LA TE NEW. THE MARKET Cotton, per lb._....... 10’, r Cotton Seed, per bo __.. 57 •" i. Showers Tuesday, Today's North Cai<>bn,> -Wc.atl;er Report: Mostly cloudy tonight ar t Tuesday. Showers in wed portion Tuesday. Hondiur- Revolt. Revolution, aorta rontlv in: re: ’*>.r In intensity, broke on4 ,.■< yy-rd ’ ».tt the northern coas. «>f Sp.vrnsh Woo duras against the li.ral govero mrnt of President V!, nto Colindres. The revolution:-..-v ■%, • •. i. lies were directed chiefly at towns of Progreso. La < e'h>. YyJ:'. Trujillo and Puerto C-orter, > le. four are the prinrijral pc ts of (■',*; country. Three of the tinned Sty', navy's swiftest cruisers were s'*! speeding last night to protect Am erican citizens in the terj itor y Shelby Gets 5 1st Honors In Music Contest Local Musicians Also Win I’our Second Places In District Meet. Shelby high school niusician^won five first places and four second places in the district music contest held at the Central high school auditorium here Saturday. Eleven schools from five counties In the district were represented and approximately 500 people were in attendance during the day. Good Record. There were 18 competitive event; in all and the Shelby school enter ed nine of the 18. taking first or second honors in all events entered. This means that the five district winners will go with the high school band to Greensboro Thursday and Friday of this week for the State wide contests. First Honors. Events in which Shelby entrants : won first honors were as follows: Clarinet—Pegram Holland; Trump et—Colbert McKnight; Trombone— Herman Best; Baritone Horn -John McClurd; Unchanged Voice—Virgil Cox. Shelby entrants took second hon ors in the following events: Bari tone solo—John Corbett: Girls trio —Alice Goode King, Mary Teddet and Edith Blanton: Girls Glee club: Piano—Matilda Jenks. The music supervisors for schools throughout the district compliment Mr. O. B. Lewis, Shelby musical di rector and district chairman, on the rpeetly and popular manner in which the contests were handled, de claring it to be the best district event ever held. Mr. L. R* Sides, Charlotte High school musical di rector, acted, as judge. and lie and Prof. W. T. Sinclair, former direc tor here, declared that Herman Best and John McClurd were exception ally good on tire trombone end baritone horns. They also stated that the Shelby band was better, it possible, than it was at this time last year just before it won first State honors at Greensboro. The 48 memoers of the aand. among whom are the five solo win ners of the district meet, will enter those events this week. Other first place winners in Sat urday's district events here were: Soprano—Forest City; alto— Cherryville; Tenor—Belmont; bari tone solo—Belmont; bass—Hickory; girls trio—Lowell; mixed quartet— Forest City; boys quartet—Forest City; Class B boys glee club—Bel mont; Class C boys glee club—Low ell; Class B. girls glee club—Forest City; Class C girls glee club—Low ell: Class B mixed chorus—Forest City; Class C mixed chorus—Lowell. ’Gard Hamrick Is Hurt On Thursday United States Deputy Marshal Has Narrow Escape When Strqck By rianks. U. S. Deputy Marshal F. B. Ham rick, of Boiling Springs, Cleveland county, who at, present is assigned to the Charlotte area, was painfully injured and narrowly escaped death Thursday night when struck b,' planks projecting from a passim Mi. Hamrick was walking alcci* the highway near his home eatV Thursday night when a large truck passed him .the projecting plank striking him on the hip and knock ing him to the pavement. Clint Newton 111 Again At Home Clint Newton, county solicitor is 111 again at his home on West Mar ion street. For several days he has been confined to his bed ^ and his condition is quite serious,' his ail ment being a kidney trouble from which he has suffered a long time. He is having hemorrhages again and suffering intensely with nausea. Over 1,000 Teachers Seek Positions Here I Mentions Numerous For Jobs In Shelby Schools. Present Faculty Is Reelected. Be' ween 1,000 and 1,200 teachers have applied for po • Tons on the faculty of the Shelby Public Schools for 1931 '932. but the city-school board has re-elected the entire pres ent: teaching- staff lor another year, according to informa t on obtained today from Supt. B. L. Smith. [ AU present teachers have been notified of their re-election but they i have not beau assigned to the par j tietder class thev will teach. The i •natter of assignment will be delay (ed until the summer vacation per I iod. One or two vacancies may oc cur. but these will be filled from the | list; o; applicants. Many Apply. Supt. Smith and the city school board members were .surprised at such a large number of applications which came from teachers from this and other states. Jt is evidence oi the fact that the number of teach ers greatly exceeds the demand and that many are turning to the teach ing profession because of the depres sion and unemployment. Good Teaching. Supt. Smith stated at a recent teachers meeting when announce ment was'mede that ah present, teachers had been re-elected, that he was pleased with the work the staff of about .77 teachers had done this year and that in view of this fact, he and the school board mem bers thought it best to re-elect the present staff rather than venture to make changes. Smith Takes Shot At Raleigh Paper Over Tax Problem Garuaer Refuses To Mix Further In General Assembly Deadlock. Raleigh, April 20.—Efforts to get Governor Gardner mixed up in the controversy which con ference committees of house and senate are now trying to work out, relative to State support of the six months school term by a general sales or luxury tax. or to throw his weight to one side or the other to influence the confrerees, has been unavailing. He takes the position that he should take no part in this fight, but is quoted as saying that what ever laws the general assembly sees fit to put on the statute books, he will endeavor to administer as strictly and as completely as pos sible. Mr. Gardner is said to question the wisdom of even re-stating his position, on the ground that critics might charge him with attempting to influence the conference com mittee members who are striving to work out some basis of joint action by the house and senate- In his speech to general assembly a fey weeks ago, Governor Gardner ex pressed strongly and forcefully his opposition to any form of sales tax. His friends say he has not shifted, but stands on that basis, a position he has held for a decade or more. “Maybe I made a mistake in not asking the News and Observer to name the confrerees’’ Willis Smith, speaker of the house of representa tives, said in a statement issued Saturday in answer to an editorial appearing in that paper this moan ing, criticising him for not appoint ing a larged number of luxury tax (CONTINUED ON FADE SDf.J Many Register For City Voting Between 140 and 150 people have registered for the Shelby municipal election on May 4, It was stated today by Frank H. Kendall, registrar. Only those who have moved to Shelby, have come of age. or have changed wards since the last election are required to register for the coming elec tion. Mr. Kendall will have the registration books at the eourt house every Saturday until the books close just before the election. Voters who desire to register during the week may do so by getting In touch with Him. I Hayes Elected Rotary Leader; Succeds Quinn Central Methodist Pastor New Pres ident Of Shelby Club. Rev. 1* B. Hayes, pastor of Cen tral Methodist church, was elected new president of the Shelby Rotary club at the luncheon held Friday. Rev. Mr. Hayes succeeds Mr. De witt Quinn, who automatically be comes vice president of the club. Other Officers. Other officers reelected were At torney Pat McBrayer as secretary and Mr. Roy Sisk treasurer. Directors and committee chairmen will be named later. To District Meet. A delegation from the local club Will tomorrow go to Greenville. South Carolina, for the annual dis trict convention of Rotary. Presi dent-elect Hayes, former club pres ident Carl S. Thompson and others plan to attend. The Shelby delegates, it is under stood, will support a member of the Hickory club for district governor. Harold Griffin In A Durham Hospital Shelby Boy, Just Back From Turkey, III In Hospital There. Mr. Harold C. Griffin, former i Shelby boy who has been employed with a tobacco company in Greece and Turkev for several years, is now ill In the Watts hospital at Durham, it was learned here today. Young Griffin, son of Mr. I. C Griffin, former superintendent of the Shelby schools, and Mrs. Grif fin, had just reached the home of his parents in Chapel Hill from Tur key when he became ill. He is suf fering with pilitis and plans to visit friends in Shelby when his condi tion Improves. His father is now a member of the university faculty. Business Better But Will Improve Slowly, Says Roger Babson, Expert Tells Hoover That Gradual lin-, provement In Trade Is Indicated. Roger W. Babson, business statistician, told President Hoo ver last week he believed busi ness had "turned the corner" and would gradually but slowly improve. Babson said he based his statement on figures and not on | hopes. Car loadings for the past ' month, he said, have been larger than those of a year ago and , employment figures from the labor department have shown an i increase for the first time since | 1928. ' A few of the chain stores arc j showing better earnings not only over last month but over March a year ago, he said, adding cer i tain railroads also have appar I ently reached the bottom in the decline in earnings. Babson said his figures did not include the effect the widespread building campaign of the federal government would have on gen eral industry. He added he would not be surprised to see a shortage of labor in some lines before the year ended. < He said he did not look for a sharp rise in commodity prices and was not certain the decrease in those prices had ended. lie added the last commodity price declined lasted more than 40 years. The business statistician said he did not look for any great decrease in business on the stock market but instead expected the speculative fever to turn to com dodities. "In my opinion," he said, “the public is fed up with stocks and the speculative fever will work itself out in some other way." Liquor via Plane Russell A. Hoseler (above), noted air derby racing pilot, is grounded for life through an order of a De troit, Mich., court, sentencing him to two years in Leavenworth for smuggling liquor by airplane. Hosier’s two flying companions were also found guilty. King To Take Stand In Trial Starting May 4 Shelby Man Is Likely To Testify At Second Hearing: On At Lancaster. Rafe King, according to Toth newspapers, says he will go on the stand and testify In his own behalf when he goes on trial for the second time at Lancaster, S. C., on May 4. on ihe charge of killing his pretty wife, Faye Wil son King, at Sharon. 8. C. Ac cording to York dispatches King says he was kept from going on the stand by his attorneys in the first hearing, but that he is now determined to talk in court rath er than to newspapermen and outsiders. The governor has appointed Judge Featherston to set on the case and a special venire has been drawn from which to select the jury. Clyde R. Hoey and B. T. Falls of Shelby, j will defend him when he conies up on a new trial granted by the Su preme court of South Carolina and considerable interest will attach to the testimony of King himself if he succeeds in carrying out his determ ination to testify in his own behalf. Shot In Thigh A t Flour Mill Negro Shot As He Leaves Eagle Mill With Sack Of Flour On Shoulder. As Percy Daniels. 3o year old ne gro, was making his get-away -irom the Eagle Roller mill Friday night with a 98 pound sack of flour which he had stolen from the mill, Fur man Huskey, one of the white em ployees of the mill opened fire with a pistol and wounded Daniels in the thigh. The bullet ranged downward as Huskey shot from the second story of the mill building. Daniels was carried to the Shelby hospital wjrere he received medical aitemion but was dismissed without the bul let being extracted. Mi-. Huskey and a colored em ployee at the Eagle Roller mill wcTft working at the mill after supper, loading a car of feedstuff when the negro employee saw a bag of Eagle Hour hidden near the railroad sid ing alongside the mill. The find was reported to Mr. Huskey who kept watch to see who would get the bag. In the darkness Daniels approached the stolen bag, loaded it on his shoulder and started away with it. when Mr. Huskey called for him to stop. Daniels dropped the bag and started running, whereupon Mr. Huskey fired, striking the negro in the thigh. The matter was reported immed iately to officers- who visited the : scene and investigated the circurr. | stances surrounding the shooting. Mill officials think Daniels is the same negro who has been carrying on thefts at the mill and in that Vicinity for some time. Daniels is not seriously injured. ROY NEWMAN TAKES FILLING STATION Roy Newman has taken over tip management and operation of the Newman Filling Station1.h on the Cleveland Springs road which he and his brother Mapes Newman operated at one time. Plan Addition Of 8 Acres To Cemetery Here Additional Space Is Badly Needed Seven Or Eight Acre* of MeMurry Lanil Sought By Committee From Board. Seven or eight acres of land will be added to the property holding's of the city for an addi tion to Sunset cemetery if a deal now pending goes through, as it likely will in a few days. The city proposes to purchase land adjoining: the cemetery from A. W. McMurry for $500 an acre to give additional space which is very bad ly needed, according to information learned today. Several month sago Aldermen Z. J. Thompson and John Schenek, jr.. were appointed from the city board to provide additional ground for a city cemetery and several plots of land have been under consideration, but it is understood that they will recommend the purchase of seven or eight acres from A. W. McMurry on [ the north side of Sunset cemetery | rather than acreage in some other part of tiie city. To buy elsewhere | than adjacent, the present cemetery would require two care-takers in stead of one, so it was thought best by those two aldermen to recom mend the purchase of land adjoin ing the present Sunset cemetery, A. W. McMurry owns all of the land adjoining the cemetery, but has consented to sell a portion of his holdings on the northside of Sun set at $300 per acre. At first, he had a price set at $.1,000 per acre. While the deal has not gone through, it is learned on good au thority that the terms have been agreed upon, a survey made and that the deal will be consummated in a week or two. For the past several years, city administrations have given consid eration to the purchase of more property for the enlargement of Sunset cemetery but no steps were taken in this direction until a few months ago when two of the aider men were appointed to work out the best plan and consummate a deal for the city. Failston Man Buried Today I). Franklin Wright Dips In Lincoln ton Hospital With Mastoid Trouble. Funeral services were conducted this morning at 11 o’clock at Friend ship Methodist Protestant church Failston, lor Mr. D. Franklin Wright who died Saturday in the I.incoln tou hospital with a mastoid trou ble. Mr. Wright lived in the Fall ston community and was a highly esteemed farmer. He was 53 years and nine months old. In 1902 Mr. Wright married Miss Susan Jane Wright and to this un ion eight children were born. Six survive as follows: Clarence. Mar shal, Forrest, Velus. Ellis and Miss Fay Wright. One grandchild and the following brothers and sisters survive: Will Wright of Failston, Mrs. David Dellinger and Mrs. Frank Dellinger of Gaston county, Mrs. Grady Sain of Morganton, Mrs, Vance Costner of this county and Mrs. J. C. Goins of Lincoln county. , Young Cox Honored By College Offices H. Clay Cox, jr.. of Shelby, has been elected president of the Bap tist Students’ Union and editor of the student paper at Mars Hill col lege for next year. Young Cox, ■■on of Mr. and Mrs. H. Clay Cox, is only ,a freshman this year. At Age 91, She Visits From Texas —— At the age of .91 years, Mrs. Elvic Borders made a train trip from Texas to Shelby, ar riving Iasi Thursday, and withstood the trip well. Mrs. Borders was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Albert Wesson with whom she has been living for the past two years at Emms, Texas. On Sunday she was tender ed a birthday dinner at the home of her youngest daugh ter. Mrs. W. P. Gibbons at Gastonia. Betwen 35 and 40 relatives were present to en joy the occasion with her, i most of them being from Cleveland county. The third daughter is Mrs. M. D. Hop per of Shelby. I Baby Fights Grim Spectre Kor nearly two weeks this tiny baby, James John Kelly, of Pitts burgh, Pa., has been kept alive in his tent-covered crib by the administration of 21,000 Radons I >f oxygen. Tho little morsel of I humanity ts making a gallant fight against the ravages of double pneumonia. His mother, M re. Katherine Kelly, is shown in the picture anxiously watch ing over the patient. Georgia Convict Not Killer Jim Lowery Shelby’!* oldest man-hunt is no nearer at an end than it was two decades ago. The aged negro convict on a chain gang at La Orange. Geor gia. for some time suspected of being Jim Lowery who killed Police Chief Shelt Jones here nearly 31 years ago, is not Low ery. Four Shelby men definitely ascertained that yesterday. They were Sheriff Irvin M. A|len, R. O. Hamrick, plain clothes man of the city police force; Hr. J. H. Osborne, who did dental work for Lowery before the killing in 1900. and J. P. Austell, local barber shop proprietor. Sonic time ago locul officers were Informed that there was reason to suspect that Uir negro on the l,u Grange gang was Lowery. After securing addition al information the party of four made the trip there yesterday, returning today dt noon. "lie in ton hlark to be Lowery and resembles him very little. In fart we knew It was not lanvery even before we saw. him,” the officers stated on their return. An investigation by Dr. Os borne of the convict's teeth also revealed that lie could not be Lowery. The convict, however, refuses to disclose anything about his past and Georgia officers believe he Is wanted elsewhere on some serious charge. In Session Over Hundred Days, Lawmakers In Deadlock Over Tax Issue For Public Schools Increase In Tax On Tobacco Com panies Over 47 Per Cent. Mild Tax On Merchants. 'Special to The Star * Raleigh, April 20.—'The senate and house of representatives of the North Carolina general assembly are in a deadlock, over state support of the public schools—whether hope lessly or not may be indicated early this week, when the Joint conference committee attempts to straighten out the snarl. More of the give and take spirit than has been in evidence so far during this session of more than 100 days will have to be displayed before the differences cau be adjusted. For. on many matters, the senate and house have locked horns and a con ference committee has been neces sary in more than the usual num bers to get the two houses together. Senate Snbstitute. Although a deadlock was not un expected, it became more apparent when the house received from the senate last week the revenue bill for concurrence in the many changes made after it left the house. The house voted on a motion not to con cur and to name a committee to meet With a senate committee to seek to bring order out of the chao tic condition of the bill. The senate marched right through tlie bill and by the middle of last week had eliminated the general sales tax provision, along with the full support by the state of the six months school term, as contem plated in the Maclean act, substi tuting therefor the Folger-Grier plan of a $10,000,000 equalizing fund for the schools, and increased the revenue so it would amount to more than the $3,500,000 increase provided in the equalizing fund. Tax Increases. In fact, the Semite increased the ■ Continued on page six t County Man Has Miniature Magnolia Garden; 20,000 Tulips In Bloom Gideon Price lias Beauty Spot At Lattimore. Will Not Sell Flowers. Magnolia gardens near Charleston attract thousands at this season of the year, but Gideon Price, one of Uncle Sam's mall carriers living at Lattimore, has a flower garden which is a miniature Middleton or Magnolia. Admission is free. Mr. Price has 25,000 bulbs and fully 20.000 of them are in bloom Hundreds visit his garden every day and feast on the beautiful floral display, a riot of color and aroma. Not only does he have a garden of 25,000 tulips, of every conceivable solid and variegated color, but grow ing in his garden are peonies, iris, jonquils, hyacinths, pinks, etc. A Hobby With Him. Some ol his choicest varieties haven't come into bloom as yet, but will be seen at their height of beauty in about ten days. These choicest varieties cost $2.50 per dozen bulbs or more. However, he has fully a dozen beds in gorgeous urrafr’ of color that attract lovers of flowers from far and near. It is worth a trip to se them and Mr. Price greatest joy is seeing other people admire them. If you don’t believe he has 25.000 tulips bulbs, Count them your self. Mr. Price set each bulb out with his own hands and he counted them when lie put them in the ground. Flower's are his hobby yet he refuses positively to commercial ize them Carrying Uncle Sam’s mail on Lattimore route 1 is his livelihood and since Unci# Sam bays him for this job, he staunchly re fuses to cash in on his flowers His great pleasure is working with them and seeing them grow, bud and bloom. Then when the blooms .come he cuts them for sick folks and shut-ins, gives them to churches and hospitals and therein lies Iris Joy in flower culture Refuses Money. ”Pid you every sell a flower?" Mr. Price was asked by a representative iCONTIJWED Oii 1‘AGJi S1X.1 Austell Makes Record Sale Of Chickens Here 2,000 Pounds Sold By Earl Man 810 Broilers Sold From Flock. Total 1,000 Founds Loaded, 1!. Austell, poultryiiian ol Earl, recently sold what ia thought to be the largest sin gle sale of broilers made in this part of the state in many years. When the poultry cai was loaded at the Seaboard depot on Wednesday of this week, Mr. Austell loaded 2, 000 pounds of select Leghorn broilers, which brought thirty cents per pound or better. In the lot were 840 broilers pick ed from his flock in his poul try plant at Earl. The c#r loaded 4,000 pounds at the local station on Wednesday and Mr. Austell furnished half of tin shipment from this point. He has in his yards at Earl over 4,000 chick ens after selling off 840 when the poultry car passed through on its every-other-week pilgrimage. Cars ate run about every two weeks at this season of the year and pick up poultry along the Seaboard lino from Rutherford tori east. Mr. Aus tell also sold over 300 broilers to other parties last week, making his sale during the week run well over 1,000 birds, ‘Does poultry pay?" Mr. Austell was asked by a representative ol The Star. “Yes," said he, "but It calls for work seven days a week. One must know the game and go into it to win, He must get used to mis fortunes which are bound to coma from time to time. Peed te a big item of cost, but feed Is cheaper now and If a pouitryman plans to sell tha market at the right season. It beats cotton, all hollow." Boiling Springs Wins 2 Debates ! County Institution Wins In Both Men’s And Women's Contests In State. Boiling Springs college has been declared champion in the junior college debate conference in both men’s and women's contests. Bolling Springs was originally in a triangle with Lees-McRae college and Rutherford college, but Lees McRao was compelled to drop out of the contest because of quarantine regulations. Boiling Springs bays won both the affirmative and the negative side of their debate with Rutherfordton. The Boiling Springs Kirk went into the finals by default in their triangle, as Rutherford does not put out a girls’ team. In the finals, Bolling Springs af firmative boys won over Mars Hill, which had defeated Biltmore and Weaver, and at the same time, Boil ing Spriugs’ negative defeated Campbell college, which had de feated Wingate. Bolling Springs women defeated Biltmore, which had won over both Mars Hill and Weaver, their affirmative winning at Biltmore and their negative at Boiling Springs. This is the first time since the organization of the junior college conference that any one college has been conference winner in mens’ and womens’ contests at the same time. Boiling Springs college has not lost a conference debate during the season. This is particularly re markable since 1931 is their firs! year in the conference. Mrs. Pulcher Dies In Detroit, Mich. The remains of Mrs. M. L. Pulch er, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wagner, of Shelby, will be brought to Shelby Thursday night and buried here Friday morn ing in the Wagner plot in Sunset cemetery. Mrs. Fulcher died in Detroit this morning, according to information learned today. She was the wife of the millionaire head of the Federal Motor corporation and has visited | Shelby on several occasions while ;her parents were living here. Her | only brother, Fred Wagner, died I here about 16 months ago. Mrs. Fulcher is survived by her husband and three sisters. Mm. W. C. Lanier, ol Atlanta, Mrs. Wootten oi Atlanta, Mrs. Katherine Lowe of Detroit A short service will *» held at the graveside here Friday morn ing.