Want I WKatYpTJrVvaiit In the WAKTADS Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. mis size 1 cent per word eacn Insertion . This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. FOR SALE: TREATED NANC'r Hall potato plants by Aptrl 25 $2 0< per 1,000. First orders first filled. C L. Putnam, R-l, Kings Mountain N- C- _ 9t 6{ FREE MAP OF THE COM plete highway system ol Cleveland county, showing the roads taken over by tht state under the new highwaj law. You can secure one ol these maps 16x17 inches bj paying $1 or more on sub scription to The Star, tf 4f FOR SALE ON FALLSTON road, two story stucco dwell ing, with six acres land, 2.00C hen capacity hen house. Peach orchard. H. McConnell, tf-lc USED AUTO PARTS FINK IRON & METAL CO. Trade Alley. Phone 580. _tf-30c NEARLY TWO HUNDRED users in Cleveland county of Gen eral Electric Refrigerators and not one has ever spent one cent for service. Robert C. Herd, Dealer, 8. Washington St.. Shelby. tf 25c PAY $1.00 OR MORE ON subscription to The Star and receive free, the new highway map of Cleveland county. It shows the various types of roads, township lines, towns, large streams and consolidated schools. The map is just out. Get yours now. tf 4p FOR SALE: USED AND FAC tory rebuilt typewriters, adding ma chines. Paul p. Costner, Unctoln t0n' N~ °_ 12t 10p Be Healthful, WALK! Nation - Wide Foot Health Week April 19 to 25. Will have experts to fit shoes and supports. A. V. Wray & 6 Sons, CITY tfc FOR SALE OR TRADE AT REAL bargain, an eight room house, close In on state highway through town. If interested In a real bargain in house and lot apply to P. O. Box No. 5, Shelby, N. C. 3t 17P JOB PRINTING OP all kinds at lower prices than you have ever paid. Phone 11 or 4-J and let us give you an estimate o n your next printing order. Automatic presses, accurate count. tf-24p ANY MAKE RADIO REPAIRED. Parts of all makes. Mauney Radio Service, S. Washington St.. Phone 518. tf 6c CALL 832~AND~lIeT~US SEND lor your car and Wash or Grease It lor 75c each. The Auto Inn, next to the Whiteway Dry Cleaners, tf 30c THREE GRADES o f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate Engraving, Relief g r a f (raised letter) and printing. Samples upon request. All pric es a t a liberal dis count from list. The Star. Phone 11. tfl4c COPPERPLATE Wedding Announce ments and Invitations at a liberal discount from list price. See the beautiful samples. We keep your secrets. The Star, Phone 11. tf DONT LET YOUR repair jobs cost you too much, see Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc FOR SALE.PORTA RICA Po tato plants. $1.75 per thousand- M. tf. Sepaupji, R-2, Shelby. . 3-20p THE STAR IS WORTH the price asked—less than the cost of a 2c postage stamp. ; per issue, but a new highway map showing the 793 miles oi roadS in Cleveland county tc De taken over by the state, will be given free to subscrib ers paying $1 or more on sub scription. tf-4p IT COSTS BUT A FEW CENTS a day to protect your Income when disabled from sickness or accident Write for fuU details. North Ameri can Accident Insurance Co., Box 12, Shelby, N. C. tf 23c WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELRY epairing. L. 0. Davis, next door to Eftrd’a l appreciate your patron ise. large or small tf 16o YOUR MOTOR RE BUILT like new. Let us save you money. Mauney Auto Parts Co. _tfc FREE, NEW HIGHWAY map of Cleveland county ■showing the 793 miles of road* to be taken over by the state under the new road bill. You can get one of these maps by paying $1 or more on your subscription to The Star, tfp DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? If so See J. W. Denton, H o e y Apartments or Phone 4-J. Wo r k guaran teed. tf ICE BOXES MADE TO ORDER, cheap. W. G. Spake, 206 Suttle 8t. Leave order at Paragon Furniture Ca _ tf 13c FOR SALE: CLEAN Crowder Peas and seed corn. D. A. Beam Co. 3t 15c BEAUTIFUL WED DING Announce ments and Invita tions. The famous Re liefgraf at a liberal discount from list prices. Looks like cop per plate engraving, but considerably cheaper. We keep se crets of weddings to be. The Star. Phone 11. tfl4p ~IT WILL PAY YOU to see us about your next repair job. Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc LOST: LAST SUNDAY, ON highway 18, black leather billfold containing some cash. Finder notify O. Glynn Bolch, Hickory, N. C. Lib eral reward. 2t 17p FOR SALE FORD ROADSTER cheap. Write Box 87 Caroleen. 2-17p WANTED TO STORE YOUR furniture. Rates very reasonable. Jones Furniture Company. 2t 17c TOMATO PLANTS, THOUSANDS now ready. Earllana, Brimmer, Stone, Bonny Best and Fonderosa. These plants are healthy, hardy, outside grown, more certain to live. S. C. Hamrick, Brookslde Service Station, Highway 20, West. 4t 17p WE WILL SELL, AS LONG AS they last, Victor and Columbia phonograph records six for $1. These are regular 75-cent records. Jones Furniture company, opposite South ern depot. 2t 17c -^ass^ssi SMS Quality Furniture On Easy Terms. Phone 592. Shelby, N. C. SPECIAL GARDEN Fertilizer, any quan tity. Bone meal for your garden, lawn and shrubbery. D. A. Beam Co. 3t 20c C. B. ELLIOTT STORE ON Shelby-Polkville road:' 1 30x4-40-31 Pathfinder tire and I 100 lb.-bag sugar $9,48 1 30x4-50-21 Pathfinder tire and 1 Straw hat ....... $5,68 Guaranteed pure Coffee, lb. ...12c Guaranteed Chicory and Cof fee, per lb ..... ..L.l'to Fat-back meat, per lb ..... ..9 3-4c Carhadts Overalls ..... ..$1.63 Big Winston Overalls....$1.23 Jewels Overalls__ _ esc 5 gal. gas and 1 qt. oil.$1.15 C. B, Elliott saves you money. 2t 20c WE OFFER THIS week the following clean used cars at low est prices: 1930 Chevrolet Road ster. 1929 Chevrolet Roadster, 1929 Ford Roadster, 1928 Ford Tudor, 1929 Ford Pick-Up. We buy. sell or trade. Doggett & Lackey, Shelby, N. C. Opposite Shelby Milk Plant. 2t-20 SWEET POTATO Plants, different va rieties, on and after May 1. All kinds field seeds. D. A. Beam Co. 3t 20c WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER or steam fitter, call the Modem Plumbing and Heating Co., the plumbing and heating specialist. tf 20c WANTED: GIRLS, 8 TO 18 years old who are interested in spending their summer vacation in camp to write “Camp,” Box 340, Shelby, for information. flt 20p WE DEVELOP KODAK FILMS. Expert work, 24-hour sendee. En larging and tinting. Hollywood Stu dio. over Wool worth’a. tf 20c G E ORGIA~BOY EATS~62 EGGS AND WANTS MORE Way cross, Ga.—Red Bancock, morning prize fighter, won a bet here by eating 82 eggs, 18 scrambled, 44 raw at one sitting Wednesday ! morning he had the usual bacon and eggs for breakfast and left for work with several hard-boiled eggs in his lunch box. A friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Toluca Man Loses Eye Splitting Wood (Special to The Star.) Toluca, Apr. 18.—We are sorry to note Mr. Bur gin Willis hod the mis fortune of getting one of his eye knocked out recently while splitting pine. A piece struck him in the eye Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mode, Mr and Mrs. D. H. Connor motored tc Forest City last Monday, Mrs. Con nor going to see her father who is qutte ill. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carpen'cr, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sain, Missis Collie and Sarah Carpenter motored to Hickory on last Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. Carpenter's broth er Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Dellinger. Misses Mary and Joyce Ledford spent the week end with Misses Merrlcl Edwards and Brentie Huff i man. Miss Mostell Gales of Statesville spent last Sunday with her cousin Miss Edith Ledford. | Mrs. W. H. Young spent last Thursday with Mrs. Alice Young of Lincoln county. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bridges of Beams Mill were Toluca visitors Sunday. Mrs. BUI Morehead of High Point and Mrs. J. P. Houser of the North Brook section spent last week with their parents Mr. and Mrs. S. H, Sain. Miss Eloise Hartman of Lincoln county spent the week-end with Miss Vaunetta Boyles. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Yarboro, Ray mond and Loy Yarboro and Mrs. Ed Hallman were Shelby shopper on last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Connor, and "Grandma" James, were dtnr.cA guests of Mr. and Mrs. Enos Connor on last Sunday. Miss Nora Costner spent part of last week at her sisters home, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright of Fallston. Mr. and Mrs. Carme Young and family of Newton spent last Sun day with their parents Mr. and Mrs W. H. Young. Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Self of Shel by visited at the home of his broth er Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Self Sunday afternoon. Moving to Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Propet will move at an early date to their hand Bome new home they are having er ested in Bhelby. Mrs. Propst is now working on Saturdays in Efirds de partment store in Shelby. Mrs. W. H. Young has been en joying rhubarb pies from her gar den for more than a week. Mesdames L. L. Mull and W. F. Mull of Catawba county spent last Wednesday at the home of the lat ter’s daughter Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Sain. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Boyles spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs B. G. Yarboro. Mrs. W. H. Young motored to the home of her brother Mr. Hicks of near Newton on last Wednesday to see her mother who Is quite ill with flu Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rhoney of Burke county spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hart man. Woman Branded — i.tw —iiims ■ Mrs. Marian Collins displays, jj* hospital, the two crosses slashed on her chest by a youthful as sailant, who left her unconscious on a sidewalk in Compton, Calif. Police are seeking a maniac of the “Jack the Ripper” type. Nominate Six Men At Lincolnton Candidates for Mayor, Aldermen And School Trustee ricked At Convention. Lincolnton, April 18— Candidates for mayor, aldermen and a Bchool trustee of Lincolnton were nom inated by a Democratic convention at the court house, Nomination is equivalent to election, although an official vote will be held May 5. Thorne Clark, son of the late Chief Justice Walter Clark, was nominated for mayor. W. E. Garri son. B. T. Costner, Dr. J. F. Gamble and M. A. Hoyle were nominated for the board of aldermen. R. D. New ton was nominated for the board cf school trustees. Costner is the only incumbent, all others having declined nomination. M. T. Leatherman, chairman of the Lincoln county Democratic ex ecutive meeting presided at the con vention. Which was well attended. Files Bankruptcy Against Creditors Kings Mountain Bank Asks Action Against Three Cred itors. The First National bank of Kings Mountain has instituted involuntary bankruptcy proceedings in U. S. court, western North Carolina dis trict, against three men, each of whom is alleged to be a creditor of the bank in the sum of $1,000. The men are M. A. Carpenter of Gastonia, O. B. Carpenter of Kings Mountain and R. E. Carpenter, of Shelby. They are summoned to show cause on April 24 why the bank ruptcy should not become effective. Free Movie Shows From Ford Plant Sound Motion Picture Feiituie oi Exhibit Arrnntrd By Local Dealer. — A sound motion picture graphic#', ly portraying the story of the Ford Motor company and its widespread activities will be exhibited free of charge In a special Ford exhibit to be held at Eskridge Garage begin ning Wednesday April 22 and con tinuing through April 23 The -.how will be open to the public to 10 p. m. < .'V The picture, entitled "A Tour through the Ford Factory" will show the gathering of raw materials, their arrival nt the Rouge plant In Dearborn. Mich., and the numerous interesting stages through which they pass in the process of inaktn Ford cars and trucks. It is, in short an education in the extent and duction. While an unseen voice explains each scene, the audience is t \\ en on a tour of the plant, through he, great blast furnace building where ore is converted into Iron; Into the open hearth building where the iron becomes steel and Is poured, a white hot liquid, into moulds; Into the blooming mill where the steel ingots are made into bars; -and into tlie rolling mill In which the long bars of white hot steel arc reduced to definite sizes. Forty kinds of . t >e’ each of a composition to serve a definite purpose, arc used in the Ford car and truck. Moor^sboro News Of Lale Interest fSpecial to The Star.) Mooresboro, April 18.—Mr. and Mrs. Dan Furr anil little son of Asheville spent Sunday With their mother. Mns. Anna Greene. Miss Nan Blackwell of Chester, S, C. spent part of last week with flcr sister, Mrs. Fred Doris. Mrs. A. I. Jolley has returned home after spending the past two weeks with her niece, Mrs. Falls of Lawndale. Mr. Lewis Scruggs ot Ervin, Tenn, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. T. Scruggs. Misses Rachel Page and Prlscella Belue of Spartanburg spent last week with Mrs. L. W. Greene. Messrs. James Kaiser and J. D. Huggins, jr., were dinner guests Sun day of Mr. Z VV. Greene at the home of his mother. Mrs. Y, L. McCardwell spent Wed nesday In Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. L W. Greene and children spent the week-end in Spartanburg The annual music recital will be given Tuesday evening, April 21, 8 p. m. Public Invited. Card Of Thanks. We wish t(^ thank the many friends and relatives for the many acts of love and kindness to us din ing the Illness and death of our dear mother. * ! Prohibition Reform Lenders £ A, ^ -TV* The aid of president Hoover in bringing about repeal of the 18th Amendment was sought, by 300 feminine opponents of Prohibition who filed through the White House and brought with them a petition adopted by 1,000 delegates to tin: Convention for Rational Prohibition. Reform. Among the leaders are, left to right, Mrx. John S. Shephard, of New York; Mrs. James Ro;-s ‘I'odd, State Chairman of Kentucky, and Mrs. Charles H. Subnii of New York. • ' . -• > SAFE, SOUND, SURE \ J OI K SAYINGS PLAN — NECESSARY DEPOSITS e SMALL ' ’' ' I See THE ROYSTER COMPANY, Inc. STATE AGENTS — SHELBY, N. C. | The Conservative Life Insurance Co., WHEELING, WEST VA. • Diarrhea, Dywmtery and other* form* of dis ordered stomach and bowel*, respond quickly *°.«nd lind relief from ANTI-FERMENT. , r than 2 general ions it ha* been used liv adults for up-mt stoma. Ii and by mothers lor their children to avoid Colitis. At all <lrug stores 60c and 75c. TOOTS AND CASPER Battle Scars. on C^ee^me papers are full OF STORIES ABOUT COLONEL HOOKERS PROTEGE,'LARPY CHIXONE ARTICLE REFERS TO HIM AS THE NEXT CHAMPION! 1 COLONEL HOOFER USED It) BE A PRESS-A4enT AND HE'S Sure 4ettin£ a lot of Publicity for his boYI • ••• A* i it i" '^mi*LSw& COLONEL HOOFER. I<5> DREAMIN4 OF COUNTRY ESTATE4*, JEWELS ANP LIM0U6>NES’/YOOTS», but »T<5> BAP BUSINESS FOR. HJM TO COUNT HIS CHlCkEwe ^ 1 Pont Wnow ant‘7hih4 I ABOUT BOXIN&, CAMPER/ Akira i CAKE LE6>5>, BVJT HEAP THAT CHIV TO MAkE bO HE CAM Ht*b 6<WEET HEART AMD I'M Rooting fcr him! ROMANCE rP ****'■*"* ^^fo1*** Syndicate, Inc., Croat Britain rights reserved, y YOU CANT Po MUCH OH A ^HOE-BTRlN^'. IP THEY COULD AFFORD TO HIRE. eOME E>PERTfe TO <£flVE. THE BOY <5>OME POINTERS HE MI4H7 <£rET &OMB WHERE! VUHY, OOLONEl HOOFER. TOLD ME THEY CAN'T EVEN AFFORD TO UIDC A ^parriu4; PARTNER/ For LarstlI to practice! BOXING I WITH! {SimmY ffmf= COLONEL HOOFER! WHAT HIT TDU~ A 'TRUCK'? LARRYg* tSoTTA PRACTICE. ©OyiN6-WITH ^OMEBOPY. \ volunteered to be. HK'> Q>PARR)N4* PARTNER» J*NP ‘dPFAKINLf or TRUCVPv ‘to uee. ATRuCR TO HAUL. ALL MY , MONEY "TO THE : Bank: Before THE YEAR Their Hero. Hl% 13 COLONEL HOOFER?-, , Youngs, protege.. LARRY CHIX. STAR, op LAST jses^Afc, u«*Nt»?. rssw, HELLO, CAMPER*-TH)<s, ? » Colonel hooper! ' 40T LARRY CH)X MATCHED TO BOX 'RED CRICKETT" AT THE -OLie-EUM NEXT WEEKs. LARRY I '™E CHAMP BEFORE, 'the Year EKiDe»! Jm Hie> manager and ere 6k>\h6t 50-5o oNiTidE profits'. yT' * IP laprYever. becomes -the CHAMPION! HE And hooper. 'will be rich MENli V LARRY WORKED IF ) HIS WAY THROUGH '5 A COLLEGE*. THAT / «4ht*)shows hes y. --/V60T SPUN*! /VI >.t>v nobody CO ULD TALK TO COLONEL HOOFER IF HE SHOULD Become a vr, RICH MAM '■A toots: 1 HOPE LARRY CHIXWINS BECAUSE he WANTS TO MAKE 4.00D SO HE. CAN MARRY his Sweetie1. 1 LOVE - -ICE, ^*%»dCASPER! Britain rights reserved. i Lt^ECtP YOU VE. ‘a'TuDllSD TOUR LESSONS. OSWALD! WHAY '»lA*=-// YHE MOST - Battus i ALLYIME] K* v TOG©* v | : f LARRY, ; OtlX Q&. ' REP CRiCkETf*? WHOW DO 'lt)UPiCW?

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