The Remarkable Story Of Trader Horn’s Years In Africa Begins In Monday’s Star VOL. XXXVL1, No. 49 SHKLUY. N. 0. FRIDAY. APRIL 24, 1931 10 PAGES TODAY Published Monday,* Wednesday and Friday Atternoons. <«J «t»u. «| row. (In Mfuw ■„ n.h t:*rn«r, o#r r«*». Its « LA TE NEW: THE MARKET Cotton, per lb. ............ 10!4c op Cotton Seed, per bn ...__ 37 Ho Cloudy Saturday. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Partly cloudy tonight. In creasing cloudiness and perhaps rain Saturday. Cooking Ahead. Washington. April 24.—A predic tion that 20 years from now “Air traffic in regular lanes will be so fixed that It will have to be con trolled by aerial police,” was made by Captain John H. Tower, assist ant chief of the Naval Bureau of Aeronautics. In an address before the Daughters of the American Re volution, he added the children of the next generation would be as ac customed to flying as those of to day are to motoring. Neal May Get Highway Berth In This Area Me Murry Gets Boost For Job Marion Man Or Lenoir Man Likely To Get Place On New Road Commission. General opinion In this sec tion is that either WO! W. Neal, or Marion, or F. H. Coffey, of Lenoir, will be placed on the new highway commission to repres ent this section of the state. The new commission is expected! to be named within a short time and E. B. Jeffress, Greensboro leg islator and publisher, is expected to be named chairman by Gover-1 nor Gardner. • Boost Shelby Man. When the legislature changed the' highway system friends in this, section boosted A. W. McMurry,; Shelby business man, for a post on the board. Although a close friend of the governor it is somewhat doubtful if Mr. McMurry will be named in that Governor Gardner might be accused of favoritism for his home town after he was largely responsible for tearing up the old highway order. ' The following dispatch from Marion indicates that Neal has strong support: Marion.—In reply to a letter thanking him for his work in pro curing the park-to-park highway for this part of the. country. A. M. Kjstler, of Morganton, thanked the local citizens lor their appreciation, and stated that he is pretty sure that W. W. Neal, McDowell repres entative in the state legislature, will be appointed to a post on the new state highway commission which will be Instituted soon. Having thrown his support Mr. Neal’s way, Mr. Kistler has asked the McDowell people to see to it that Mr. Neal accepts the appoint ment, for it is certain to be made, he says. Besides Mr. Kistler, a for mer road commissioner, there are a large number of local citizens who would like to see Mr. Neal get the appointment. Funeral Today Of Mrs. Martm Pulcher Sister Of late Fred Wagner Is Bur led Here This Afternoon At 2 O'CIoek. The remains Of Mrs. Martin L. Fulcher, who died in Detroit, Mich., Monday, arrived last night in Shel by and was buried in Sunset ceme tery this afternoon at 2 o'clock a short service being conducted at the graveside by Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of the First Baptist church The funeral was conducted at Mr? Ful cher’s home In Detroit. Accompany ing the remains were her husband, Mr. M. L. Pulcher, Mr. Frank Rob- • ertson. Mrs. Katherine Lows end i daughter, Mrs. Matt Gary of De- ] troll. Arriving from Atlanta were Mrs. Fulcher’s sisters, Mrs. Clyde Wootten and Mrs. W. C. Lanitr, accompanied by Mrs. Fred Wagner, Mr. Clyde Wootten and son, Clyde, Jr. ■ Mrs. Pulcher was a sister of the late Fred Wagner, popular young Shelby man who died here about 15 months ago and the late Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wagner of Shelby. She had visited her parents here on sev eral occasions. Her husband is the head of the Republican Truck Cor poration, one of the giant motor In dustries of the country. v Name Shelby Men On Kiw&nis Boards three Shelby men were named on district committees of the Car Minas Kiwards district recently by Thorn es p. pruit, district governor They were Chas. A. Burrus, attendance committee; Horace Easoni, imisfe, end Lee B Weathers, publicity ! Merge Forest | City Bank In Union Trust First National Is Taken In ; Assets Of First National There Are I Turned Over To Union Trust Company. i _____ I Forest City, April 24.—At a meet i ing of the beard of directors of the i First National bank, held this week, | it was voted to turn :over to the | Union Trust company, of Forest I City, all assets of the First National j bank, the Union Trust company to i assume responsibility to all deposi tors, this arrangement to go into effect Wednesday moming. The First National bank of Forest City opened for business October 10, The action was taken after deli berate consideration by the officials of the First National bank and the realization that at this time there Is not sufficient banking business this section to Justify more than one banking institution in Forest City, Deposits in the national bank, ac cording to the statement of March 31, amounted to $102,164 94, The i Union Trust company is one of thej strongest banks in this section. With the home bank in Shelby, it has branches at Forest City, Ruther fordton, Caroleen, Moores boro, Lat timore, Lawndale and Fallston. The deposits on March 31 amounted to $1,293,782.31. Charles C. Blanton, of Shelby, is president, and Forrest Eskridge, also of Shelby, is cashier. R. F. Biggerstaff and J. Worth Mor gan are managers of the Forest City branch. Spelling Cup Goes To Morgan School Only One Of 300 Words Mispelled by Six Morgan School Spellers. A spelling team representing the Morgan school this year won the Lee B. Weathers spelling cup for the elementary grades of the city schools. The six youngsters making up the Morgan team misspelled only-one of 300 words in the contest. The Gra ham team, which ranked eecond, missed only two words out of. the 300. There were 14 perfect papers in the 33 entered. The scores of the contest and the contestants follow: School Rank Per Cent Graham— — .. —2——99 1-3 Morgan — .. —1—1_—-9ft 2-3 Merlon ----- -——.3—_—99 Washington — „ —4_94 1-3 Jefferson — 5._ 94 LaFayette — .. —6.1_—92 1-3 Names of Contestants. Second grade: Elva Anne Thomp son, Marion; Betty Dorton, Wash ington: Elaine Wells, Graham; Myr tle Hull, LaFayette; June Ballinger Jefferson; Dwight Ledbetter, Mor gan. Third grade; Margaret Dorsey, Marion; Charles William Connor, Washington; Mary Marie Hamrick. Graham; Ethel Henry. LaFayette; Sarah Proctor, Jefferson; Pauline Beam, Morgan. Fourth grade: Catherine Bailey, Marion; Gerald Hamrick, Washing ton: Dora McSwaln, Graham; Nel lie Mae Wise, LaFayette; Margaret Fay Trammell, Jefferson; Mildred White, Morgan. Fifth grad#; Louise Hardin, Ma rlon; William Leonard, Washington; George Morgan, Graham; Bennie Dayberry, LaFayette; Ava Ft tens. Jefferson: Eunice Grayson, Morgan. Sixth grade: John Dorsey, Marion: Jeanette Post, Washington: Ruby Morgan, Graham; John Dayberry Jr., Jefferson; Roy Weathers, Mor gan. Seventh grade: Marie King, Ma rion; Tennie Miller, Washington: Woodrow Wall, Graham; Donald Roberts, Morgan. Cloth Mill Weavers In White Uniforms All weavers in the Cleveland Cloth mill are adopting a regulation white uniform—white shirt and trousers, according to the new manager. Mr. O. M. Mull. The Cleveland Cloth makes a very high class rayon mer chandise and it is imperative that cleanliness be emphasized, so the weavers will soon be in white dress throughout the mill. It lr under stood that the mill employs between 400 aud 500 people on the day and night shifts. Harbinger of New Spanish Republic On® of the demonstration* that marked the be- • ginning of the end of monarchal rule in Spain. Photo was taken on election day in Madrid and •hows some of the wildly enthusiastic voters who f cast the overwhelming repoblicm vote that forced the abdication of King Alfonso. Many gatherings of Republicans were dispersed by police and Civil Guards on that day but today the Republicans rale. Would License Autos On Basis Of Weight; 60 Cents 100Pounds Senate Pa- ses Measure. Car* Li censed Now • According: To Horsepower. Raleigh, April 24.—Effecting every automobile owner in North Carolina, the senate yesterday passed the Moss-Cherry bill to provide state licensing all motor vehicles on a weight basis. The act was sent back to the house for concurrence in the senate Amendment, the princi pal one being to make the rate of'licensing plates SO cents per 100 weight Instead of the house figure of 55 cents. Lnder the present law auto mobiles arc' licensed according, to horsepower. At a rate of 60 cent* per 100 weight a slight increase in an nual revenue will be realized, officials of the motor vehicle bureau said, but under the 5a cent rate the loss of $300,000 to $400,000 annually would prevail. Campaign Fails To Attract Interest No New Developments In City Poli tics. Slight Interest Shown. 'lilt city political campaign is moving along , as quietly as ;f the biennial election was two months in the future instead of a little more than one week. • The announcement, of two new candidates for the city board Wed nesday stirred up new interest about town for a day or so, but with nc additional announcements since trat time interest in the ballot battle of May 4 subsided to its former stage. The nearness of the election, how ever, is expected to bring on a reg istration rush Saturday. Prank Ken dall, registrar, will be at the court house all day Saturday to register new voters—those who have moved to Shelby, changed wards, or have come of age since the last city elec - tion. Tributes Paid To j. Clint Newton; 1,000 At Funeral ! Popular Voung Ba.rfsier Has Hon ors raid Him As He Is Laid To fiesf. Over "1,000 attend/d the funeral service Thursday of IJan. J. OUnt Newton, popular ye n? Shelby bar rister, county solicitor, deacon of the First Baptist church, teacher of a young men's Bible class and former superintendent of county schools, conducted at the First Baptist church by Dr. Zeno WaU, assisted by Rev. L. B. Hayes, Capt. B. L. Smith and Attorney D. Z. Newton. The floral Offering Was a bounti ful one, n fitting gesture of the es teem in which Mr. Newton Wat held. In honor of his memory, the court house was closed at 2 o'clock for the remainder of the day and the city schools turned out early for the funeral, since Mr. Newton had ren dered years of faithful service to education in the county. Members of the bar and Mr. New - ton’s Sunday school class of young men-attended in a body. Active pall j bearers were Cicero Patterson O. V. Hamrick, B. L. Smith. A. V. Ham rick, R. F, Campbell, J. A. Wells, J. H. Grigg and Lee B. Weathers. In terment was in Sunset cemetery. Blacksburg Youth Is Killed By Brother Gaffney, S. C., April 21.-Paul three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore, of near Blacksburg, died In a hospital here yesterday after being wounded Wednesday by a pistol in the liands of his 12 year-old brother. The children were playing with the weapon while the parents were away from home, it was said. The older boy said he re moved some of the bullets > and thought the gun was empty. Woman Teacher Turns To Pulpit — ! Orphan Teacher And University Graduate Hill Leave Clam Room For Pulpit. (Special to Tile Star.) I Toluca, April 24.—Miss Dora Hillis, a member of the North | Brook faculty No. 8, say* she is called to preach and she has now riven up her teaching: for the pulpit. She got up in Hulls Grove Bap tist church and told her experiences, stating she had had a burden on her mind forelev^n years and that she was called to preach and that she wanted to preach her first ser mon at her own church. She asked all that did not object to stand on their feet. All stood up. She then j told them that she was the happiest she had ever been to know her friends approved. Miss Willis will deliver her first 'sermon at Hulls Grove the first j Sunday afternoon, May 3rd. Miss Willis is an orphan girl and | is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Craven Willis. She is a grad uate of the University of North Carolina. Legion Auxiliary T6fcSell Poppiea The annual poppy day sale in Shelby will be conducted this year by the local American Legion Aux iliary it Is announced by Mrs. Tom Gold, head of the auxiliary. Poppy day comes on Saturday, May 23. Funds derived from the sale go to families of World war veterans and to disabled veterans in hosplixus. CENTRAL CAFE GRADED 95.5 INSTEAD OF 94.5 In the grading of hotels and cafes as to rating of sanitation published in Wednesday's issue, the grade rat ing of the Central cafe was given as 94.5 when It should have been 95.5. The error occurred in the re port of the sanitary Inspector. How ever. the Central cafe’s rating card shows a grade of 95.5 and correction is duly made. Beautiful White Girl Rules Savages In Africa; Weird Story Of Jungles Told By Trader Horn Strangest Of All True Stories To Begin In The Star On Monday The strange, true story of "Trader Horn," acclaimed the world over as one of the out standing literary achievements of all time, and which in hook form sold to the extent of hun dreds of thousands of copies, will appear in chapters In this newspaper beginning Monday. This Is the same story which has been made Into an all-talk ing motion picture by Metro Goldwyn Mayer, which company In order to film the amazing story in all Its realism and ex act surroundings sent an entire motion picture company four thousand miles into the depths of Africa. The trials and dan gers of this motion picture unit parallel to a great degree the thrills and hazards ejprrieneod by Trader Horn, the original ad- | venturer-explorer of that terri tory, which he has so graphical- I ly described in his book, The story of "Trader Horn” is one of the most exciting sagas of amazing adventure ever pub lished. More than fifty years ago, when the venerable old man that we know today as Trader Horn was then a youth, he pene trated the , almost inaccessible depths of darkest Africa in his Ivory trade with the natives. Not a day went by but what brought forth encounters with jangle beasts, friendships established with peaceful tribes or hair raising escapes from the clutch- I es of others. One of the high lights of the story is his meet - ! ing with Nina T., a beautiful white girl, daughter of a mis-, sionary^ who had !>. -u abduci ed by natives as baby and reared a> ”0< of their min. |n the interior of Africa, where a white man was unknown, she became to be regarded as a sup ernatural being and as snch in herited an influence over the natives that made her their absolute ruler—and no native warrior, no savage beast of the jungle excelled her in the cruel ty, ferociousness with which they ruled their respective do mains. All of these things Trader Horn describes as he experienc ed them—together with his quaint philosophy of the weird grandeur and terrifying aspect of the country through which he traveled. The motion picture company which went to Africa to make his story into screen entertain ment encountered the same tribes and roycred much irf the territory which the author , set t'ortfi ill |)j> writings. McDiarmid Neu Church Leader Of Presbytery Davidson Dancing Is Opposed Shelby Minister Named Moderator. Presbytery Meet* Neat In Gaiton. Rutherfordton, April 24.—Discus ing the question of dancing at Dav idson college, the Kings Mountain Presbytery, which opened Its semi annual session here Tuesday, took firm action opposing dances under the auspices of church school or or ganisations of church schools. The presbytery adjourned Wednesday. Rev. H. N McDiarmid of Shelby was elected moderator of the Pres bytery. Rev. T. C. Bryan of the First Presbyterian church of Gastonia was elected temporary secretary. After receiving Invitations to five different churches for the next ses sion, the Presbytery voted to accept the offer of the Unity church In Gaston county, a new church. A large number of delegates at tended the meeting of the Presby tery, which covers the five counties of Rutherford, Polk, Cleveland, Gas ton and Lincoln. During the course of the meeting, sermons and iddresses were heard from Rev. R. J. Hunter, retiring moderator. Dr. McDiarmid, Rev. D M. McGeachy of Tryon and Rev. W. T. Smith of Unity church. The sessions were presided over by Rev. J. K. Hall of Goshen Presby terian church. Musicians In ; Contest Today Shelby School Band In Concert C an test At Greensboro This Afternoon. Greensboro, April 24.—'With a rec ord crowd for the opening day of the state high school music content directed by North Carolina college the 12th annual competition of young vocalists and Instrumentalist of North Carolina got under way yesterday morning at 8:30 o’clo.k and continued throughout the day and evening In the program. Big Crowds. The events today will bring the crowds to the city, for contests among the larger groups—glee clubs, mixed choruses, bands and orches tras—will be continued morning and afternoon In Students’ building and at Aycock auditorium. Instrumental music wHl be heard at Aycooc audi torium and vocal at Students’ build ing. Events start in both halls at 8:30 o’clock this morning Today a great deal of interest will center upon the performance on Elm street by the massed band cf SCO players. That event had been listed on the program at 12:30 o’clock, but the management yesterday announc ed the parade and concert for 4:30 o’clock, at the close of the contests at Aycock auditorium. Bands will form In the following order on the lot next to the Caro lina theater: Salisbury, Greensboro, Burlington, Winston-Salem. Green ville, Asheville, Statesville, High Point, Shelby, Lenoir, Charlotte, Old Town and Catawba county. Maddy Te Direct Band. They will begin to play at Syca more street and will continue to play until they reach Gaston. After lead ing the lot, the 500 players will march south on Greene to Edwards place, make a left turn and inarch to South Elm, go north to Gaston turn left to Greene and go bac* to the lot at the Carolina for a concert under Judge Maddy'a direction. Announcements of results of the two-day contest will be made at Ay cock auditorium Just after the oar ade of the bands. Awards will then be made, among them a handsome banner to the band which makes the best appearance In the parade. To Receive Bids For New School Bids for the high school building in No. 3 township will be received at the office of J H. Origg. county superintendent, on Thursday, May i 7, at 2 in the afternoon. The plurnb jing and heating contracts will he separate. Plants for .the new school were drawn by fouls C Rills, of , Grover amt C'iia) intu;,. Conducts Revival — Her. H. E. Waldrop who will begin a aeries of revival services at the Second Baptist church next Sunday. Revival To Begin At Second Baptist Rev. H. E. Waldrop To Assist The Pastor. Rev. L. L. Jessup In Two Weeks Revival. Next Sunday will mark the be ginning of a special series of meet ings to begin at the Second Bap tist church in South Shelby last ing for about two weeks. Rev. H. E. | Waldrop, pastor of the Eastside Baptist church will assist the pas tor, Rev. L. L. Jessup, Rev. Mr. Waldrop Is a well known preacher of this section, and Is at present holding a revival at McAdenvllle which has been very successful. The members of the Second Bap tist church have been very busily engaged to preparing for the re* vival During this week there are being held more than twenty prayer meetings in different sections of the community. These have been well supported and will probably total over 800 people in attendance. The first service of the revival will he held next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock when Mr . Waldrop will preach. The Sunday school will be gin at 9:46 with Superintendent R H. Wilson in charge. He Is hoping to see more than 400 present. Serv ices will be held each night at 7:30 with a song service led by the choir. The pastor Is urging that every member of the church lend their support to the revival from the very first service rather than wait until It gets well underway. i Shelby Stores To Feature Carolina Articles In June local Merchants To Boost Carolina ~ Made Goods In Special Event. Merchants of Shelby will observe •Made In North Carolina Week” the first week In June by featuring and. boosting articles made in this State, according to tentative plans- today Paul Kelly and Bryan W. Slpe, of the State Department of Conser”*t tion were In Shelby for a short time today arranging for the event. The department, which Is headed by Ooi. J. W. Harrelson, a native of Cleveland county, will furnish mer chants with a list of articles made In the State and during the first week In June all merchants will be asked to cooperate In boosting Caro lina products. Manufacturers and Jobbers will Join with the merchants In advertising State-made goods during the period. The movement Is primarily for the purpose of familiarizing the pub lic of the State and elsewhere with its manufactured products and to create additional Interest In the In dustrial development of North Caro ■ Una. j .asi year uunureas oi Mocxn olina merchants featured North Garolina-matle products during “Made-ln-North Carolina, Week;" and reports revealed that results were highly pleasing. Assurance cf cooperation in the progress has been received from chambers of Com merce, merchants, manufactures and others throughout North Caro lina. Tentative plans have been made for a second “Made-ln-North Caro lina Week” In September. Emphasis will be placed in June on wearing apparel, hosiery, and piece goods; and in September on furniture, ’•osj'c tumtWhing.* and processed 'oodJi Senate, House Still Hold To Tax Deadlo ck Sales Tax Beaten In Senate Home Will Not Bade* From dtanc Neither WUI Senate. No Change. Raleigh, April 24.—The North Carolina state senate and the «er chants' association are both still op posed to any and all forma of sale: tax . The house of representatives Is still in favor of any form of salet> tax whtah will make possible the financing of the MacLean law for state support of the six months school term without ad valorem tax ation. All three bodies yesterday too* action to show that their position were unchanged. The senate, which Wednesday re jected a motion to Instruct ite rev enue conferees to favor of the lbx ury sales tax, yesterday refused the general sales tax by decisive margin of 35 to 11. Merchant* Oppose Tax. The Merchants' association execu tive committee, after considering proposals that it should declare it; favor of the luxury sales tax to pref erence to the general sales tax, re iterated Its opposition to toe sales tax to principle, and to all forms of the tax. The house on an overwhelming oral vote, refused to pass a resolu tion by Representative Halstead of Camden committing the house to opposition to the sales tav, and at least temporarily abandonment of the MacLean law Representative Halstead’s defla tion from the ranks of the Maclean law supporters cheered the anti sales tax faction, since the Camden representative has been an active supporter of sales taxes and state support of schools for the, last two sesion of the general assembly Conferees Meet Again. The conferees met yesterday, not to consider any agreement between tcojrrnnoao On *»aob riH.> ~~ -• - --- ■■ V Dr. Glenn Condemns Old Health Board Say* Doties of Connty Health Offi cer Is Educational. Progress Made. 'The old state board of health was a disgrace to the state," de clared Dr. L. N. Glenn, of Gastonia, as he spoke last night to the R3 wanis club in Its weekly luncheon. He praised the governor for re-or ganizing the board and hoped for more efficient and harmonious serv ice in the Interest of public health. The state board of health handles nearly a half million dollars of the peoples money a year and It cer tainly should be handled by good men, said Dr. Glenn. He reviewed the duties of a county physician in tending the inmates of the county Jail, convict camp and county home, but declared that a county health officer should be a full time man whose duties are primarily educa tional. Health officers would "have ample duties to visit the schools and educate the children on communi cable diseases, sanitation and health. •mere was a time when a child would pick up a biscuit dropped on the floor and eat It. Now the biscuit goes to the slop bucket where It be longs. There was a time when a member of the family Was appoint ed to mind the flies off the dinner table; now we have screens. There was a time when open wells were the brag of the owner; now we know the danger of contamination and cover them over.” said Dr. Glenn. "We have -made progress and the doctors are the only class of people who work toward the pre vention of sickness and disease from which they make a living, but even with all communicable disease; blotted out, there will be ample work left in caring for victims of auto accidents and patients suf fering with heart, kidney, lung and nervous troubles. The program last night was on public health and ftj charge of Or BV T. Parker. Shelby Beys Wta. Four youthful Shelby golfers u& on Wednesday defeated the Gas tonia high school golf team In an exhibition match of 18 moles plait ed at Cleveland Springs. The Sliel oy foursome v as made up o' Snco’ Webb Ufred Kikridse. Claude Rrow.u and Sgt$ KeWfc