imuirai id IWOWESIPES Be Had Many Close Ones During His Active Life and Career. P'om the time of his first mission to Port Le Boeuf, in 1753, to the battle of York town which practi cally ended the Revolutionary war. C»en. George Washington had many narrow escapes from death when under fire from enemy guns, ac cording to the division of informa tion and publication of the George Washington Bicentennial comrals •lon. Washington's war record may be Said to have fairly begun In 1753 when Robert Dinwiddle, then gov ernor of Virginia, assigned to him the task of warning the French trespassers away from military posts they were constructing on the Ohio, which Involved a hazardous trip trough the depths of the wilderness. While successful In this mission, tie had a miraculous escape from death when a traitorous Indian, who had seemed friendly, fired point blank at Washington from a dis tance of about a dozen yards— but missed the mark. Indians Said a Charmed Life. The Indians believe that the "Great White Chief” led a charmed life and this belief was further strengthened In the battle of the Monongahela, where Braddock and Ms army met such disastrous de feat at the hands of the French and Indians at Fort Duquesne, near Pittsburgh, Pa. in tnis battle Washington display ed incomparable bravery. With most of Brad dock’s senior officers killed or wounded. Washington galloped to and fro across the little platiau, hemmed In by ambushed ravines and a heavy timber growth, a shin ing mark for Indian bullets. Two horses went down to "death under him; four bullets pierced his cloth ing; yet he remained unhurt. In describing this critical part of the battle, Dr. James Craik, Wash ington’s personal friend and physi cian, who ministered to the dying General Braddock, said: "I expected any moment to see Washington fall; his duty and situ ation exposed him to every danger. Nothing but the superintending care of Providence could have saved him from the fate all around him” Often Considered Reckless Washington also had many nar row escapes while under fire at Princeton, Monmouth, York town and when anjbushed at Brandywine. Ac cording to Joseph Dillaway Sawyers ' Book on Washington” a bullet pass ed between his fingers at the Bat Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tel! yon that “Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature’s Foundation of Perfect Health.’* Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs purify the blood by ac tivating the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels. In 10 cts. and 36 cts. Packages. All dealers. (Adv.) Great Sweetener Add Golden Crown and add uwoetneea flavor aa well—to S3 near, many things. Pancakes are incomplete without Golden Crown Syrup. Waffles call for Golden Crown Syrup. Fried mush demands Golden Crown Syrup. French toast, country sausage, hot biscuits, hot rolls are raised to a new height of glory by the mere addition of Golden Crown. goat Grocer* Recommend It FREE BOOK of Southern _fj Recipes Bent WT on Request. Stauait, Son A Co, Ine., Baltimore. Uirflmt, 'OLDEN Crown fT~hw South? nr.'i« tie of Trenton. At the Battle of Princeton, Wasn lngton rode his horse at full sored between the lines In the heavy cross fire from both armies, ordering his men to charge. Colonel Fitzgerald, his aide on the field, covered his jy.js that he not see what he believed to be the inevitable end of hta heroic chief. But Washington, dauntless and resolute, rode unscathed along the line; while his faltering troops el ectrified by his act, forgot their panic, plunged back into the fight with renewed ardor—and won. Made His Staff Uneasy. Washington's recklessness In times of peril was a source of uneasiness to his fellow officers—even to con gress, which received long distance tidings of it now and again—but to Washington himself it was nothing. He gave no thought at any time to heroics; and his varorous action at Princeton was "all in a day’s work." At Brandywine, Washington had a narrow escape from being shot from ambush. Reconnoitering the enemy lines, with only one cavalryman In attendance, his tall figure caught the eye of Major Ferguson of the Forty-third English foot. Ferguson, seeing a continental of ficer riding by with an attendant, ordered three sharp-shooters under cover to fire; but suddenly realiring the enormity of killing a fellow white man—and an officer—from ambush, after the stealthy Indian method, cancelled the order before the men could obey. Not until sev eral days afterward, so the story runs, did Major Ferguson learn that it was the rebel chieftain whose life he had humanly spared. Bullet Hits Sword. One escape Is recorded at Tren ton as a bullet struck the hilt or his uplifted sword, just missing his lin gers, as he ordered his men to charge. During the assault on Yorktown, Washington stood ip an embrasure of the grand battery, watching tne advance of his men. As usual when fighting was going on, he exp^ed himself recklessly. Here he was so much exposed to the enemy’s fire that one of his aides, anxious ar.d disturbed for his safety, told him that the place was perilous. “If you think so,” was the quiet answer, “you are at liberty to step back.” The fighting spirit of Brad dock’s field was again unchained. He would have liked to head the American assault, sword in hand and as he could not do so he stood as near to his troops as he could, utterly regardless of the bullets whistling in the air about him. He could have no thought of danger then, and when all was over he turned to General Knox and said, “The work is done, and well done. Bring me my horse." South Mountain * People Grateful Commencement Exercises Are On. Miss Hail Thanks People For Their Help. Commencement exercises are on this week at the South Mountain Institute near Bostic, according to a letter to the editor of Tttfc star from Miss Ora Hull. Bible aiUl mis sionary day was observed Sunday and as a part of the program the mountain boys and girls wtto nre students at the school memorised 500 verses of scripture. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached Thursday, April 23rd, be ginning at 7:30 o’clock, while Fri day will be commencement day proper. Miss Hull writes as follows: "South Mountain Is deeply grateful for the help given by many friends during the long, cold, winter Just ending. Many rural and other churches have sent food, clothing and money. Al though the institution has . a larger enrollment and more dependent lit tle children and others without any means of support yet the school year has been given more help than last 5’ear, and is now in better con dition financially than one year a»o All due to the voluntary contribu tions of many friends for which earnest thanksgiving is hereby ex pressed." Translatin’ Moee—What yo-all doin’ wid dat dictionary, findin’ some big words fo' another speech at de lodge? Sambo—No, Ah’s Jes’ translatin’ de speech Ah made las’ night. Traveler—"Did you find a roll containing $50 under my pillow?” Pullman Porter—"Yes, suh; thank you, suh.”—Washington Dirge. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. North Carolina, Cleveland County. Having qualified as administrator on the estate of J. T. Poston, deceased, this is to notify all creditor# of the said J. T. Poston, deceased, to present their claims properly proven to the undersigned on or before the lfth day of April, 1833 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All those Indebted to the said es tate will please make Immediate settle ment. This 17th day of April, 1831 s. m poston, Administrator of Estat of J. T. Poston. Deceased M. R. Weathers, Atty. for Administrator. St Apr 17p EXECUTORS’ NOTICE. Having this day qualified as executors of the will of Rufus P. Frauds, deceased, this Is to hereby notify alj persons hold ng claims against the said estate of said Rufus P. Pranels to present them Itemised and verified to the undersigned executors on or before March 37, 1933, or thl* notice will be pleaded In bar or any recovery on same: and this Is further to notify ail persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment to ua of such Indebt edness, This the 36th day of March. 193t. M \ FRANCIS V. I. WILKINS Executors Slides Down Side Of Stone Mountain • - Maine Man Falls 509 Feet; Is Res cued After Seven Hours on Narrow I^edge. Atlanta.—Frank Tralnor, who said his home was in Bristol. Maine, slid 500 feet over the step side of Stone Mountain, but was unhurt. Tralnor was taken irom a narrow ledge half way down the mountain by a rescue party of more than 200 persons who saw him signalling with matches seven hours after he had tumbled over the precipice. His socks were worn away by the descent and his shirt and shots were gone. Trainor and his wife had been riding in an automobile near the mountain with a man named Grif fith of Decatur, Oa. Mrs. Trainor later told police her husband told them he "was going to climb this mountain until I fell off.” The wife said she and Griffith then left for Atlanta, thinking Trainor would follow later on a street ear Seven hours later Decatur resi dents saw his match signals. They let down ropes from above, and haul ed him off the ledge. He said he re membered "sliding about 500 feet.” Trainor said he and his wife were en route from Florida to Rhode Is land. Mineral Societv In Carolina Is Formed Meeting Held and Organisation Formed to Study Weatern Carolina Minerals. The Southern Appalachian Min eral society which will have as its chief objective the gathering of in formation leading to the extensive development of mineral deposits in this section for commercial and mu seum purposes was organized in Ashevilile at the home of Burnham S. Colburn in Blltmore Forest by a group of 35 prominent Western North Carolina men who are inter ested in mineralogy and geology * Mr. Colburn was elected president and the following other officers were chosen to serve with him: H. M. Urban, of Spruce Pine, vice pres ident; J. Frazier Glenn jr., of Ashe ville, secretary-treasurer; and as di rectors: W. Vance Brown, of Ashe ville; John Davenport, of Franklin and B. C. Burgess, of Spruce Pine. A constitution calling for four formal meetings in each year and setting forth other rules and regulations was drawn up and adopted. The membership at the conclu sion of the meeting inspected the large mineral collection owned by Mr. Colburn which is one of tLe largest and most valuable in the country. It was decided to hold the next meeting on Saturday, June 6. when Mr. Matson will read a paper on the mining and production of cyanite as carried on under his supervision at Burnsville in Yancey county. Old Age Pensions. Today 11 states have a pension system for aged residents who are penniless, too old to work and alone in the world.—Collier's weekly. Why Not Razzberry? ■The latest dictate of the beauty experts commands that milady shall bathe her face at least once dally in strawberry juifce.—Woman's Home Companion. N. Y. Woman Lost 14 Pounds Of Fat One 85 Cents Bottle ot Kruschen Salts Did It ••I am starting on my second bottle of Kruschen Salts and am real pleased with results. I take it for reducing and so far have lost 14 pounds and 1 think it is doing won ders for me. I do not feel so tired evenings when I get home from work.” A' generous bottle of Kruschen Salts that lasts 4 weeks costs but 85 cents at Stephenson Drug Co., or any drug store in America—take one half teaspoon in a glass of hot water every morning before break fast—cut out pastry and fatty meats —go light on potatoes, butter, cream and sugar—that will help Kruschen take off your fat. Before the bottle la empty surplus f»t Is leaving you—Indolence changes to ac tivity—you'll leel younger—eyes will brighten—step grows spry. Millions know this—you ought to know It. Kruschen Salts Is the Ideal treatment for constipa tion, Indigestion, headaches, nervousness and acidity. I Take Kruscnen every morning—lt'3 the little dally dose that does It—tr not Joy fully satisfied after the first bottle money back. If yea buffer from Itching, blind, protruding or bleeding Piles you arq Jikely to be amaxed -at the soothing, imported healing power of the rare,_ Chins— Herb, which fortifies Dr. Nixon's Chlnarold. It's the newest and fastest acting treatment out. brings ease and comfort In a few nlnutes so that you can work and njoy Ilfs while It continues Its oothlng, healing action. Don't de ny, Act In time to avoid a danger mis and coatly operation. Try Dr. Nixon's Chlnarold under our guar antee to satisfy completely and be worth 100 tim»s the email cost or your money bade, SUTIlilS DRUG STORK Nobody’s Business GEE McGEE— flat rock news. a good manny parties will be Hell J this week In our town onner count j of miss elUe may smith is planning' to get married as soon as poslble to { jerry smith both of the same state) and county aforesaid, as announced by her mother in yore paper last week before jerry had fully made tip his mind. the first party wit! be a light shower and will be give at the bride's aunt's house on westview at 5 p. m„ and all is asked to fetch along a useful pressent for light house keep ing, such as frying pans and dishes ansoforth. refreshments will be serv ed and the culler skeem/wtll be Miles of the valley if anriy can be found down in her pastor, and allso roses. 1 have benn assed to explain In my collura that Jerry smith la no kin to elite may smith, but both of them la smiths newer the less, Jerry's daddy is from the cellar brated smiths who married pokey huntus, the Injun, in filly delphla, and elle may's daddy Is a fifth couatn to the smith who made the smith and weston pistol, and was descended from a long line of famous smiths, including the black smiths and pos sibly a lock smith or so. mrs. smltl*, the bribe's mamma, has not decided whether she will have a church wedding or arrange for it to be hell at her own home, she feels like a church wedding will sound bigger, but is afraid that the guesses won’t fetch as manny pres *ents to the church as they might fetch to her private home, so this tnflamation will come out In this col lum next week, her little boy, wlllle will be one of the little flower girls and Jimmie will hold up her train. Jerry Is a self made man and Is now clerking In the hall and charge grocery on saddays. he was grad uated from the hi. 2 year hints in the 8 grade, miss elite may Is now la the 7, but will enter the 8 If she dont marry pretty soon, as she has alreddy benn In It 3 years and her teacher's name Is miss tnollle thtck hed of plney lane, georgy. 1 asked elite may's dady yestlddy what he thought of the match, but he had newer heard of It befoar, as she don't tell her blzness to him. but he felt like It would be a big re lief to all concerned onner count of hie ford. mr. editor, 1 will rite or foam in the wedding as It Is over for the society collum. yores trulle, mike Clark, rfd., cotry spondent. Mike Has Sickness. flat rock, s. C., apull 23, 183 L deer mr. smith: my wife says you asked her last nite while you was here to see our baby to ask me to rite or foam you this morning how he rested last nitfc and how he was getting along this morning and I will do so. doc—1 hate to tell you. but the medtaon you left for him Is no avail It took me and my wife and 2 other ohlllun to get the first dost into him and we wasted 3 dostes before we got enuff in him to take effeckt and he seemed to get worse Just after he swallowed the bottle you marked after meals: we did not give him anny of the stuff you sed give him befoar meals, as he newer et nothing. doc—you asked us to put a onion polltlse on his chlst for to break up the cold which you sed had lodged on hts lungs, but as we could not get no onions nowhere, we made a nice cabbage, but he woulddent let same stay on him. my wife sot up with him till day light and then she made me set up with him till sun-up and 1 got so sleepy, i dozed off and when 1 woke up. he had done gone out doors toards his rabbit gum, but 1 ketch ed hfm and fetched him back and his thermometer rose, so my wife sed, but 1 diddent tell her why, and you must not nuther. my wife says his hart beats more reglar than hear to fore, but he gets hie breth too deep, and allso his perspiration la quicker. be th rowed yore pills out of the winder and the chickens got same, and we have not seen them since they flew off thru the woods. doc—1 will sell you 3 or 3 of the dogs you liked so well for the cash, and his stummlck seems verry week onner count of milk won't stay on It. and they are fine for rabbits at well as possums and burglars at nlte. If we need you or you need the dogs at once, plese rite or foam me by return mall yores trulle, mike Clark, rfd. Contest Winners At • No. 8 Consolidated On Monday evening, April 30, th« reading and declamation contest! were held at Polkvllle high school There were eleven glrla that enters* the reading contest and three boyi that entered the declamation con test. The winner of the readlni contest was Miss Louise Latttmore of the declamation contest, Mr Max Oreene. On Tuesday evening April 21, the elementary declama tion contest was held. There were lour boys that entered The winner was Mr. Walter Bridges, grade t. Ill If You Are Considering Buying An Electric Refrigerator Check Over The Features Found In A o/Haie&Uc ELECTRIC / refrigerator 2. 8. 6. 7. 8. 9. nous ^utilities Slm^nies^nd To^nd 7*1*. by Va* ess* cost thaS trie refrigerator^ ,Um cons,der when buying an elec Hermetically Sealed Unit. for Sty^8^ *° keep C,ean) and u™t concealed in top -AH Steel Cabinet. 6 comPre8sor, the most ,f. sjx ar^ss sss&gv-#**” ^ st&ss. S pumps? P Pe Imes 18 PumPed by ROTARY ^ HaK8 “moat ssssrs ttsSfiSSgw & sstetssBR^ssr tritaMa^mOHmarkrt*tadi tllai!L.any other electric re. move mora SWSb^^tJyay. - Three-year Guarantee. Forced Air Circulation for epeedin* up conden,ati„„. NOW •• Compare The Majestic Electric Refrigerator With Any Other Electric Refrigerator On The Market Today— POINT FOR POINT. •£ncL^cc ^or ^r°ur Self Why Majestic Is Better! See Why It Is Cheaper To Buy, Cheaper To Operate, And Runs Less And Lasts Longer. -CALL 272 FOR DEMONSTRATION Pendleton's Music Store SHELBY AND KINGS MOUNTAIN

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