Do You Want To Buy Or Sell? Thousands Read Star Want Ads. Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This else 1 cant tar word eseb insertion. This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. FOR SALE: TREATED NANCY potato plants by Aplrl 2B. $2.00 per 1.000. First orders first filled. C L, Putnam, R-i, Kings Mountain, N. a 9t 6p FREE MAP OF THE COM plate highway system of Cleveland county, showing the roads taken over by the state under the new highway law. you can secure one of, these maps 16x17 inches by paying $1 or more on sub Bcription to The Star, tf 4p ^FOR SALE ON FALLSTON road, two story stucco dwell ing, with six acres land, 2,000 hen capacity hen house. Reach orchard. H- McConnell, tf-lc; USED AUTO PARTS FINK IRON & METAL CO Trade Alley. Rhone 680. tLSOc - - . --- nearly irwo hundred tuers In Cleveland county of Gen eral Electric Refrigerators and not one baa ever spent one cent for service. Robert C. HOrt. Dealer. S. Washington St, Shslby. tf 25c QUICK DELIVERY Phone the Hardware store-r—73-^-Don’t for get to Phone 73 for Service. Itc PAY $1.00 OR MORE ON subscription to The Star and receive free, the new highway map of Cleveland county, ft shows the various types of roads, township lines, towns, large streams and consolidated schools. The map is just out. Get yours now. tf 4p FOR SAL*: USED AND FA£ t<wy rebuilt typewriters, adding ma chines- Paul P. Costner, Linctoln top, y. a m jop Be Healthful, WALK! Nation - Wide Foot Health Week April 19 to 25. Wjll have experts to fit shoes and supports, A- V« Wray & 6 Sons, CITY tfc COPPERPLATE Wedding Announce* ments and Invitations at a liberal discount from list price. See the beautiful samples. We keep your secrets. I The Star, Phone 11. tf “ FOJ& JOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS—CALL TUB STAR FOR QUALITY PRINTING. ANT MASS RADIO REPAIRED. Parts of all makes Mauney Radio Sendee, S. Washington St. Phone BIS. tf 6C eSTWWLKTTiSro far PORT mr Ud W**b or Grease 16] for 7Bo each. The Auto Inn. next to the Whfleway Dry Cleaners, tl 80c THREE'GRADES b f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate Engraving, Relief g r a f (raised letter) and printing. Samples upon request. All pric es at a liberal dis count from list. The Star. Phone II* tfl4c «7E ABB BFBOIAUST8IN 06PY Ing and enlarging old. faded and tom photographs, tintypes and ho dak picture*. Hollywood Studio over Wool worthy. tf-J3c SPECIAL TRICE ON Lawn Mowers ~ One for $5.00. Cleveland Hardware Co. Wash burn’s. ltc CYLINDERS RE BORED and honed, pistons and rings. Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc SAti^wSftTAJ1 tuc A e6 **to plants. $1.75 per thousand M H Sepaugh, H-2, Shelby 3-2op thestar is worth the price asked—less than the cost of a 2c postage stamp per issue, but a new highway map showing the 793 miles of roads in Cleveland county to be taken over by the state, will be given free to subscrib ers paying $1 or more on sub scription. tf*4p TERRA COTTA Pipe. All sizes at the Cleveland Hardware Co. - Washburn’s, ltc IT COST8~ BUT A FEW CENTS a day to protect your income when disabled from sickness or accident. Write for full details. North Ameri can Accident Insurance Co.. Box 13, Shelby, N. ©. tf 33c WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELRY opalring. L. a Davis, next door to Eflrd'a l appreciate your patron age. large or small tf 18c FREE, NEW HIGHWAY map of Cleveland county showing the 798 milts of rOadf to be taken over by the state under the new road bill. You can get one of these maps by paying $1 or more on your subscription to The Star, tfp DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? If so See J. W. Denton* H o e y Apartments or Phone 4-J. Work guaran teed. tf BEAUTIFUL WED DING Announce ments and Invita tions. The famous Re liefgraf at a liberal discount from list prices. Looks like cop per plate engraving, butconsiderably cheaper. We keep se crets of weddings to be. The Star. Phone 11. tfl4p FOB ”r$NT: ft ROOM HO08E on Oakland Drive, water and lights. Bent reasonable. Apply at star of* Hce. 3t 20p FOR saU! choice varie tias of tomato plants. Mrs. A. P. Weathers, 8. LaFayette St, fit 20p LET US QUOTE you on your next re pair job. M a u n e y Auto Parts Co. tfc WANTED L MODEL T FORD Roadster, must be In good condi tion. Bargain for cash. Apply Clv-Je Q- Putnam 3t-2^c FOR RENT: BIGHT ROOM house, steam heated, well located, good condition, formerly occupied by T. P. Esttldge on W. Marlon St A-Blanton Grocery Co. tf ?2e If YOU ARB OCT Of A JOB OR earning less than WO per week, we have an opportunity for you ip Cleveland county, distributing the | well-known, line of Watkins House - : hold and Farm Lino Products direct to vein-established trade. No sell ing experience necessary. We supply Products, Sales and Service Meth ods, apd our high-quality Products with Premiums get the business fog you. Write at once for complete in, formatlon. The J. R. Watkins Com pany, R. D. 4, Newark, N. J. 4frl-i7p BABY CHICKS: BRED TO LAY Barred Rocks, Reds and White leg horns at ten cent* each on Wednes day afternoon of each week, custom hatching. Ellenboro School Hatch ery. tf Fri 6c JUST ARRIVED— Car load of Milk Bot tles. Qur prices are just a little cheaper. Cleveland Hardware Co. “Washburn’s Place.” ltc MAN WANTED: FOR RAW leigh city route of 800 families in Charlotte, Tryon, Cliffside, Gks tonia, LoweiL Reliable hustler can start earning 154 Weekly and in crease rapidly. Write immediately. Rawleigh Co.. Dept, NC-W-53-V, Richmond, Va At 24p -.. ..—■■■■ ■» TWO REAL BAROAINS A 20 Buick coupe and a 28 Bulck Brough* am. See these and you will snap them up. J. Lawrence Lackey. 2t23c “WE DON^T MEET any price we make the p r i c e * r- Washburn , Talking. Cleveland Hardware Co. ltc General repair work and Welding. Tillman’s Ser vice Station. Phone 804-J. 2tc ‘special garden Fertilizer, any quan tity. Bone meal for your garden, lawn and shrubbery. D. A. Beam Co. 3t 20c “SfaEET POTATO Plants, different va rieties, on and after May 1. All kinds field seeds. D, A. Beam Co. 3t 20c STOP YOUR CAR WITH Firestone Brake Lining. It lasts longer and costs no more. TiHman’s Sendee Sta tion, Phone 804tJ. 2t-22c TOR SALE: COKER COTTON Seed. Gin-cleaned. rtcleaned Coker No. 6 Cotton Seed. Yields and lints well aftd brings a higher price than "Juet” cotton. Sixty-five cents per buiheL M. G. Latham, Patterson Spring* 2fc 22p SEED CORN. Park er’s Prolific. Limited amount, from A. P. Rudisill’s farm. He field selected for past 25 years. Heavy ear. D. A. Beam Co. 3t22c HERE’S A PICK-UP, A 29 PON tlac ooach, perfect paint in original black color, motor, tires and uphol stering in perfect shape. Original mileage 20,600. J. Lawrence Lackey. 2t 22c " WANi$b: FURNITURE Salesman and Collector for Bessemer City, Kings Moun tain, Cherryville and Shelby. Only experienced men need apply. Address all applications to Box 88, Gastonia. 2t-22p FOR BRAKE LIN ING reasonable see Mauney Auto Parts Qo. tfc PHONE 73 FOR your Hardware needs. Quick delivery. Cleve land Hardware Co. It WASHBURN Makes! the p r i c e on Hard ware. See them for Bargains. Cleveland Hardware Co. ltc 'V MODEL CHRYSLER 80 coach, been well cared for. two new tires, good condition. Only owned by one man who can tell you all about It J. Lawrence Lackey. 2t 23c LOST: ONE ORaV 'vEST*SAT urday betwene Pendletons home and Beck and Pratt’a dry cleaning plant. Finder please call phone 268 3t 30c FOR RENT MY HOME, 408 6. Washington St. Furnished. Living room, parlor, dining room, kitchen. Majestic range, two connecting bed rooms down stain, two bath rooms. Good garden J. M. Black, at 34p ~ orIFyou PREFER A DODOE, look over this 38 model Dodge Vic tory sedan. You’ll like It for the low price asked. J, Lawrence Lackey. * 2t 22c PftEEMAN’S SPECIALS Pinto Beans, 6 lbs....... 25c 8 lb Bucket Swift Lard ....... 06c Coffee, per lb. _.....__ 12c Freeman's Cash Store, South Shel by. 6t 22p WANTED: GIRLS, 8 TO 18 years old who are Interested In spending their summer vacation In camp to write “Camp,” Box 840, Shelby, for information «t 20p * OR EAUS: SEED CORN, OOOO I man’s prolific (double ear). This j com won cash prises In Spartanburg and Newberry fairs last fall. S. O. Hamrick, Brookside Service Station, Highway 20 west. 3t 20p a specialTlow price on Hay. D. A. Beam Co. 2t-24c “ DAIRYMEN! AT TENTION — Just re ceived 50 Sanitary Milk Pails. Get yours now. Cleveland Hard ware Co. Washburn’s Place. ltc ICE BOXES MADE ToTDRDER, Cheap. W. O. Spake, ?0« Suttle $t. Leave order at Paragon Furniture Co. tf 13c TOMATO PLANTS” 10c dozen. D. A. Beam Co. 3t-22c WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER or steam fitter, call the Modem Plumbing and- Skating Co., the plumbing and' specialist. Telephone 568 tf ?0c TOMATO PLANTS .THOUSANDS pow ready. Earliana, Brimmer, Stone. Bonpy Best and Ponderosa. These plants are healthy, hardy, outside grown, more certain to live. S. C. Hamrick, Brookside Servloe Station, Highway 3d, West. 4t 17p WE DEVELOP KODAK FILMS Expert work, 24-hour Service. En larging and tinting. Hollywood Stu dio, over Woolworth's. tf 20c A 1929 PLYMOUTH ROADSTER, new tires, just run 16,000 roll**, A*l condition A bargain J. Lawrence Lackey 3t 22c “JOB PRINTING Ob all kinds at lower prices than you have ever paid. Phone 11 or 4>J and let us give you an estimate o n your next printing order. Automatic presses, accurate count. tf-24p $45,060 SCHULTE EXECUTIVE CUTS HIMSELF OrF PAYROLL New York, April 21— David A Schulte, $45,000 a year president of the Schulte retail stores, has cut himself off the payroll. He told stockholders about It at their annual meeting yesterday. Mr. Schulte ordered his salary discon tinued last September and he doesn’t Intend it to be resumed until busi ness warrants it. The company, he said, probably will make a "satisfactory showing this year ” STEM'S! Quality Furniture On Ford Factory Doctor Pays High Tribute To Sargon’* Powers "Sargon Is one of the most pow erful strengthening, reconstructive tonics and body builders I have known In the 30 years I have en gaged in the practice of medicine." declared Dr. P. K- Drununond, for 13 years factory physician at the Feed Motor Oav Detroit who w« retained to examine the formula. "At this season of the year, espec ially, people who are In a rundown condition, due to simple anemia, thin, watery blood, poor digestion or elimination, should benefit richly from the Sargon treatment,” Dr, Drummond’s straight-forward endorsement Of Sargon is typical oi the unstinted praise 4t has received | from scores of other outstanding physicians and explains why Sargon1 Is having the largest sale of any tonic medicine of its kind- in the world today. Sold In Shelby by Cleveland Drug Co., In Kings Mountain by Summers Drug Co tdv Phone 592. Shelby. N. C. FOR. SALE—CAFE AND FIX TURES Good location and good buelnew Apply “Cafe” care The Star, 6t-24p TOR SIOWINO OF GARDENS and lota, Sea E. P. Davis, House 502 Clegg 8t. I am plowing Grover Hamrick's mule. 80c. an hour, 3t 34p UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIR, ing. Furniture and other work. Re fining. etc. We mend anything Prices reasonable. Shop located In basement of Vebb theatre building. We handle aecond-hend furniture, eta. Traders Bureau and Upholster ing CO. U 34p ft Pay* To Advertise Instillment Flu. St Peter—"Arid here ts your golden harp.” Newly Arrived American—•'How much is the down-paymentf” Police Court Hamer. Judge: ' Can you prove this wom an le your wife!” Prisoner: "Prove she isn’t and i'll be everlastingly grateful" Soundly built to serve you long and well Thapistm pirn twat- akmu4n$ r*6*y manrniovtly rzrszvrssr 5 If you could mo th« new Chevrolet Sir being built, you would understand why It performs so well, lasts so long and brings so much t and m* Individu ally ft tt*4 by hand. The iparii) alloT tteal annkthtfl ia the (object of truly amaalof e*r« and pr*«tlt«a to satisfaction and pleasure to It* owner*. Th* qutlltT of r«w material* !• held to itutdudi unsurpassed unvher* 1st the automotive Induetrr. In tike manufac ture of the engine alone there are hun dred* of «epar*te Inapectlona. PUtaoian feetten la haliare more tlua H Mk» ounce! Hmw h«r <ua(|N of Chevrolet ataai* *rdi Indicate the ear* ««•! In til* manufacture of ecery part of lh» <*• mateM In sets to wttlln one-half nance. Platon pine moat be within 1H tenths of one one-thousandth of their specified sice. Connecting rods are matched to within CkmrwUl prmriabm trutru mrnil* arm regularly fkmrhmf mgmlmt manor gaugm wMch «r« occur att to ant miBfonth a/mnimek Soundly built to iwrro 7m long and troll! No eoa* ptonio* with quality in manufacture meant n« compromise with complete oatltfaction In ownership. NEW CHEVROLET SIX The Grant American VmUte Xmir £»«r —Ch<W»l*t'« passenger emr prices range from $475 to $450. Truck chassis price* range from $i$5 'li $590. AU prime /. o. b. Flint, Mich. Special equip ment extra. Lew delivered prices and easy terms. D. H. CLINE Shelby, N. C. TOOTS AND CASPER— Taking A Long Chance ! Look at mY^weeT HEAFTT.COL, WOOFER', l^N^T ewe. pretty? 1 WANT "TO WAVE. <50ME MONEYfcO I CAM MARRY U&l, ANT5 lU.T>OMYeEeT! 1 HAVEMT TOLD HER VVE aONE IKl PoR eo^)N4! WOTOE8 ipeMBT? HOP IN BED, LARRY'. YOUVE HAT? A <jrOOE> T>AYe» TRAINING, BUT YOU'VE CrOT TO <jET Your re^t! Youve -TO WIN You CL COMING FlCrHY Carry, Youve. 4o-t 10'. rr WEAN'S EVERY*! YH!N<<r AT THt*> VERY MOOR ONE.' WEE* PROM “TONIGHT LARRYeHt* WILL BE »N THE R)N<» WITH Red cricwett; nobody conceded LARRY A CHANCE,BUT EVERY Dollar ive 4ot in the world le? on him -to win*, maybe ) WAe POOU^H TO PUT ALL MY E46<3> IN ONE 0A9WET, ‘ BUT I M TAV1IN4 A LONZr CHANCE FOR, \ SOPHIE B€»AWEi ~ «OBH, I'M . NERVOUB! ■P fw SURE SOPHIE w v/iu. Come bacv. to ^ ME SOMEDAY AND WHSN 7 SHE DOES l 'WANT TO , &1VE HER. SOME LUXURIES1. SHES A 6RANP WOMAN AND SHE'S WORKED HARD IN HEP DaY« I WONDER WHY SHE DISAPPEARED SO mysteriously O/ER THREE WEEKS A4oI we 4ctt “too much ON MV MIND For* ONE. MAN', IT'D A WONDER. i Pont cracw. underthe. ■&TPAIN* I LLNCVeP CLoe>E MV EVES UNTIL. AFTER THE BL& FI4HT i 11 » WONDER-VP i||gv LARRV WILL WIN ?j HWXXiH CCNWtatflAL 60UBCE* V^SLWi*THAt «>OPHIE WOOWBR MAYS* ' ABLE TO LEAVE *T*» , <5>ANrTARIUM>Vv/H5HEW& HAT> MIR FACE RSMCOEL ET>/TH1 LATTER RMTf OF NEXTW 'SjAYBEWiU LOOM, ►*"^0 AFFERENT WO OWE V^LLpEC06WTSI ^mmyIWhv^ 4-13 Fight Fan*! OFCOUR5E You would HAVE AM EV.tUSE "TO 40 OUT <X>5TWHEN » Nltt) TOU TO WIPE THE PIEHE5. PO| ,ME, > M 4oiH4 to PUT IN AN APPEAR* ANCB AT THE 40OD-FELLOWS>’ CLUB/TOOTS>/ «e>OTHB MEMBERS* WON'T FbKfciET WHAT THEIR PRESIDENT LOOWS LI WE.' I HAVEN'T BEEN THERE IN A&Ef>! .CASPERy MEU-O, MR.PREStDENT# 1 THE 0OV& OF “THE CLUB H*NE. bou4ht A Blqcw- or Tvckrre Foft-THC. Bl<3 Fti^rHT NfXT WEEWL» THETBE AU. R0OT1N4- I FOR COLONEL WOOFEP'5 , - - PQOTB&E, LAPPV CHlX.! ,**9 •S*% TME EXPERTS' ALL PICH. REP CRICXETT “TO BEAT \ LARRY CHI* 1 EAS^Y , BUT l SUPPOSE > TtoU CAN NEVER; A HUNCH THAT iarry chix WILL WIN** IF HEDGES' COLONEL H0OI Wll*- BE BITDN< PRETTY BEFOREj UON^l 5FER. TTIN** IFLAtJOY SHOULD WIN THE T1TLC •&OMEDAY BOTH HE AND COLONEL i HOOFER WILL Bee ,M)LUONAM56S! JN1 WONKiWi 1 AIN'T OSALOOS, ftU't [WHAT IF COLONEL WOOFER SHOULD MAKE A LOT OF MONEYf WELL,W«U. NEVEP FLAUNT HftWfWH MV FACE* HIM OUT FIPSTj r>MMY Hugpm4J HQMDO '^bU PICW ~T0 SaTw ? t LARRY CHIX or REP CRlCttTTT ? i

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