Boiling Springs News Of Interest (Special to The Star.) Boiling Springs, Apr, 23.—'The ■onomics club met at the home o 1 Trs. J. Lester Greene Monday alt 'itioon at 3:30 o’clock. Mrs. Irma Wallace assisted by Mrs t L. Pruette and Mrs. Andrew reene gave a Uemonstratlond en te making of egg custard. About > women attended the meeting, his was the largest crowd that has tended a meeting in quite awhile. ‘frs. V.'allace brought cuttings of '"■rubs and gave them to the mem rs of the club. Mrs. Greene served refreshments »e v as assisted In serving by Mrs. ■arey Walker; Mrs. Aherose Greene nd Miss Sallte Greene. Mrs. John Mints was hostess to be Tongues and Needles club at t home Tuesday evening at eight /.clock. The tegular buahtaes meeting: was old. A committee was appointed > write the by-laws o? the ''ub hey were as follows: Mrs. ?. T.. 'nkins- and Mrs. Herbert Paris be committe* for making out tiie . dehdar for the year made their 'port. The. hostess gave r.n tate-* tihg “Nation cent vV'Mrs. t L. -nkins and Mrs. J. B. Payne were ic wir./'c*: in t'1* ccr.icvt. Thcv •re given lovely prizes. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Kov a G gg served a delicious swe« uree. The next meeting v.dll be th Mrs. J. H. McBrayer and Miss tanrl- Mae McBrayer. Mr. rn<j Mrs. Jac'r Payne spent e •* f ■end at Bridge water, file ’nt on a fishing trip. Mr. Carl Jknron a noted Swedish lertainer spent several days hi A*, id ga.e three delightful entertam ■»nt* at the college. Mr. fn.d Mrs. Arthur McClure and mily of Gastonia have been here r se- era! days at the bedside of rs. McClure's father. Mr. J. ft. ’rrene. Miss Sarah Lee Hamrick of Pant* co, S. C., attended the funeral of er grandfather Tuesday. Miss Georgia Hamrick, Mrs. \V. A. Vebb. Mrs. Dean White and son •obbie, Mrs. Cedi Goode and Mr. iay Hamrick spent Tuesday with hr. and Mrs. Hicks f f Cliesnee, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hamrick, ;Ar. nd Mrs. Clifford Hamrick and Mr. B. Hamrick visited the Magnolia lardens in Charleston, S C., Sunday. Mr. M. A. Jolley has been con* ined to his bed for several dayc offering with rheumatism and in luenza. Both children of Mr. and Mrs, Grady McSwaln have been quit* ill for a week, suffering from a relapse from roseola. They are improving at this writing. Mrs. Watson, of Wagram. "this state, mother of Mrs. J. L. Jenkins and Mrs. J. H. Jones has been vis iting her daughter the past week. She ret unted home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones and children *-.c companied her home and will visit relatives there for a few days. Misses Edna Hamrick. Thelma Jolley, Johnnie Mae McBrayer and Mrs. Rosina Grlgg spent 8unday as guests of Miss Eunice Hamrick. On Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock funeral services were held "In.the Bolling Springs church for Mr. J. R Greene a life long resident of this community. Quite a large crowd pi friends and relatives assembled to pay their respects to their kinsman, neighbor and friend. There .verc j many beautiful floral offerings ! which was evidence of the high e» j teem in which he was held. Rev. J ! L. Jenkins conducted the service. Mr. Greene had been in deciut i ing health for seven years, but It I was not until several weeks ago that he was confined to his bed. He was I 72 years old. He has been a faithful (member of the Bolling Soring3 | church since boyhood. Mr. Greene ! was married to Miss Etta Lee In ' 1803 and to this union was born | three children: Mrs. Arthur McClure I (Of Gastonia: Mrs. V. H. Hamrick of I this place, both of whom survive ! and Mrs. F. B. Hamrick, deceased | He is also survived by nine grard ' children and five sisters. M»** Hamrick Wins Two Essay Honors Mill Pupil Writes oft Miking I'lonr and Ice Cream in Shelby. Louise Hamrick of Beams Mill school recently ■won two successive honors in essay writing contents After the pupils of the 6th and 7th ' grades had visited several manu facturing establishments in Shelly, they undertook, under the direction of their teacher, to write essays about such subjects as appealed most forcibly to their interests. In contests of this nature in competi tion with 17 other pupils of the 6th and 7th grades, Louise Hamrick won in two contests “How .Flour Is Mads' and "The Manufacture of Commer cial Ice Cream.’’ As an incentive to this educational phase of scno.'l work. The Eagle Roller mills do nated two dollars as a prise. Lou'so Hamrick showed her unselfish spirit by consenting to tise the prize mon ■ ey in purchasing ioe cream for her classmates picnic given during the closing, days of school. Mt. Sinai News Of Current Week Miss Beans ,R*lHns H«s Dinner Guests Far Sands;. Woman s Hub Meet*. (Special to The Star.) Shelby R-2, April 22.—The farm ers of this section are very busy planting and preparing to plant Little Miss Ruby Weaver, of Flint Hill, spent part of last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Weaver. Messrs. Lebron Rogers, Miller Ellis and son. Herbert. Gordon Ellis and son. Yancy, were visitors at the home of Mr Claudus McSwain of Swainsville Saturday night. They furnlShed some delightful string music. Miss' Man’ C. Clary spent Thurs day night with her classmate, Mis.’ Margaret Byers, of Earl. Mr. Robert Hawkins and son, Bobby, of Shelby, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hawkins awhile Sunday afternoon. Misses Virginia Wood. Adele Ellis and Ncrine Rollins of Gaffney, andi also Miss Nora Ellis of this com munity were the dinner guests of Miss Buna Rollins Sunday. Those calling during the afternoon were Misses Cecelia Padgett and Ruby Reynolds of Limestone college, Gaff ney, S. C., Miss Grace King, of Pat terson and Miss Ocle Putnam, Miss 8arah Ellis' and Mr. Aron Hcrmon of Gaffney; Messrs. Webb and An drew Hunt, Shafter Putnam and Elmo Bridges of this place, Messrs. George and Griffin Murray of near Waco. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Putnam visit ed Mrs. Putnam’s sister, who lives at Mooreavllle Sunday. Mr. Ruben McSwaln was In For est City on business last Tuesday. Mr*. J. H. Hawkins has been suf fering from a light attack of flu, but Is much better. Master Ruben McSwaln, Jr., has also been sick. Messrs. O.tho and Grover Ham rick of the Sharon community vis ited Mr. Lebron Rogers Sunday aft ernoon. Miss EUia Putnam, who has been teaching school In the eastern part of the state, arrived home Tuesday. Mr. Crete Putnam spent Wednes day night with Messrs. Ben and BHUe Turner. Mr. Garlie Hamrick has been vis iting his brother, Mr. John Ham rick who is seriously ill for the past few days. Maater Keever Hamrick, of Flint Bill, la spending some time at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Clary. A large number of our people at new OAKLAND V-8 WITH 85-H.P. V-8 ENGINE ./..WITH NEW INSULATED FISHER BODIES . . WITH SYNCRO-MESH TRANSMISSION DELIVERED EQUIPPED THIS IS THE PRICE OF THE TWO-DOOR SEDAN OR COl'PE. equipped and delivered in Shelby. Sport Coupe $1,098.00. Four-Door Sedan or Convertib'e Coupe $1,118.00. Custom Sedan $1,178.00. All ears equipped with front and rear bumpers, shock absorb ers. 5 wire wheels, extra tire, tube and tire lock. Pending an examination and a personal test of the car itself, you can gain some idea of the new Oakland’s unusual value from the following important features: POWERFUL V-TYPE EK61.>E developing 85 h.p. in • smooth flow of energy more adequate for all needs and emergencies. The V-type motor, as a type, has long been identi fied with the finest cars. Now Oakland owners enjoy its advantages at low cost. NEW INSULATED BODIES BY FISHER-—combining new roominess, beauty, comfort and safety with a practical snugness of construction which shuts out inclement weather, excessive heat and cold. Cowl and windshield posts •r* built in one piece, a leak-proof and rattle-free design. SYNCRO-MESH TRANSMIS SION—one of the outstanding cootri* botfeeu to tuotoriag efidaaey- It enables Oakland drivers to shift gears up or down, quietly and almost without effort. CHASSIS CUSHIONED WITH RUBBER—At more than 40 points in the chassis, rubber insulation absorbs road shocks—adding to comfort, increasing the car’s steadiness and prolonging its life. MOHAIR OR WHIPCORD UPHOLSTERY—choice, durable materials which please riding guests, satisfy the owner’s pride and help main tain Oakland’s value. FIVEWIRE WHEELS* heavy single bar bumpers: Lovejoy shock absorbers; one-piece fenders with fender lamp; new sturdy, rugged frame and axles. A demonstration of the new Oakland VA vriH be arranged at peer aoaveaieaea. A OBNItAi MOTORS VAIUI J. Lawrence Lackey SHELBY, N.C tended the play given at Earl school house Monday night. Prom all re ports it was excellent Miss Rena MeSwaht sjieut Mon day night with Mist Kathleen Hum ! rick. Mr. Yates Putnam, who i.s under going treatment In u hospital in Norfolk, .Vs- is expected to be able to return home sometime soon. The Woman's club met at the home of Mrs, C. T. Ellis Tuesday afternoon. Most of (he members were present and also several visit ors. Tile topic for discussion was "Dish Washing." After which Mrs Wallace demonstrated the making of pimento sandwiches in a very at tractive and new manner. No. 1 Township News Of Week 'Special to The Star.' No. 1 Township, April 22.--The singing has been changed at Canto Creek from the second Sunday night to the fourth. All singers are Invited A large crowd attended the sing ing at La von la Sunday night. Ik of Wade Humphries was tri charge Mr. and Mrs Jap Dayberry of Shelby spent the week end with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Thur man Hopper. Mr. R. P. Davis and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Blnno Davis Saturday night. Mr, and Mrs. M. B. .Earls visited Mr. George Earls of near Clicsme Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hawkins vis ited the home of Mr. Charlie Me Ginnis of .State l ine Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gill Lytle and cb’l dren and Mrs. Ola Christie and ;h*t • dren of Converse were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. W P. Byars. Mrs. Z. O ifolland of Boiling Springs spent Tuesday night wi‘n Mrs. L. . Scruggs. Edgecombe county fanners saved about $1,000 through cooperative purchase of tcspedeZa seed. One hundred farmers pooled their or ders. Bel wood Section Events Of Week Planting Colton and Corn. Mr. a ml Mrs. Spill Ivester Ilair New Daughter. Personal*. 'Special to Tlie Star.) Bel wood, April 22.—Miss Amy Koc Tillman delightfully entertained the members of the senior class las* Thursday evening ut her home with a mnrshmcllmv toast. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Beth Ives ter oiy April 16 a dainty daughvt Maty Katherine. Mrs. Ivester be fore mon tage was Miss Beula Willis. Mrs. Paul Cline and children of Lawndale spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith Miss Lillie White spent last Wed nesday night with Miss Mattie Lee Mooney. Mr. James Gantt of Mooresbo/y, spent the week end in the commun ity with relatives. Mrs. Dewey Devine of Fallston spent Thursday w^lth Mrs. Dargan Greene. Mr. and Mrs, Bynum Chapman and Mrs. A. J. Jeffries and children of Lincolnton were the dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Frank Norman on. Sunday. Mr. Yates Carpenter was supper guest of Messrs James and Edward White last Wednesday. Mrs. Jasper Chtldres spent a few days last week with relatives at Vale. Misses Estelle Brackett and Elvi nia Ivester spent last Thursday night with Miss Ella Gantt. Quite a number of people attend ed the sermon at Belwood school house Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton King and children of Vale, spent Sunday w'.li Mr. and Mrs. Will Willis Mrs. Eliie Wlrite and daughter Miss Ethei. were visitors in Chorry vlllo last Wednesday. Quite a number of farmers are planting their cotton and corn. Mr, Jim Gantt of Meoresboro, and Misses Pearl and Mayo Gantt Bad Master M. L. Willis were visitors M tin- home of Mr. anti Mrs. Plato * lanl l of Vdli', Saturday often >>nf Mr. mid Mrs. Eddie Short of Pott Bragg and Mrs. short of Bess-ma. City spent Sunday with Mr «i • j Short. Miss Martha Falls visited M..«s I Madeline Porter Sunday afternoon. Miss Ruth Greene of AshcvlVe was a visitor In the community on Monday. Mrs. M. L. Willis and children Of Llncolnton spent Monday night wltn her mother Mrs. S L. Gantt. Miss Amy Sue Tillman visited Misses Rosemary and Dorothy Peeler Sunday afternoon. Mesdames II. P. Peeler and S. A. Peeler and Mrs. Noah Hubbard and Miss Rosemary I*eeler attended a quilting at the home of Mrs. fisher Royster at Play last Thursday. There were 19 present and they qjtii ed 7 quilts. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Higgins and Mrs. Bob Lackey and daughter ML* Larue Lackey of Shelby, spent last Thursday with Mr .and Mrs. J. A Peeler. Mr. Solon Deal of Rockdale spent j Saturday night with Mr. Jack Gantt New House News Of Current Week j (Special to The. Star ) New' House, April 22,—-Farmers are not working their soil quite so much at present duo to the recent rains. Gardens and grain crops arc grow ing nicely since the showers. Quite p number of people from the New House section are attending, the commencement exercises at Polkvllle (School this week. Miss Ora Origg. Messrs, Austin Daves and Thamer Beam are among the grad - ;, they being from New House, i Mrs. John Humphries who has been seriously sick Is somewhat im ! proved. I Recently born to Mr. and Mrs. W [E. Butler' of MOrganton a dainty ! daughter. Mr. and Mrs Butler for merly lived here and she was Mias I Ray Walker before her marriage. I Friends of Mr. Ed Walker will be gifSHMMMNfflHnMM PREPARE FOR THE THRILL OF YOUR LIFETIME! Now you, too, can read the story that has amazed the world! The true story of the most daring adventure and the strangest romance on the last savage frontier of civilization. As told by the great adventurer, himself— TRADER From the book which setting it, four dollar! per copy ran into edition! of hundreds of thousands. HORN The story of 1000 thrills—Read every chapter beginning MONDAY, APRIL 27 Exclusively In White Goddess of the Blacks— CRUELEST WOMAN IN ALL AFRICA! As savage and untamed as any man-adlung beast of the jun gle; rukng a nation of blacks who-thoufK* her a supemat ural'being. Trader Horn tells you more about her in his thrilling narrative. The Cleveland Star ■'90H&8R gretired to learn that in* v,iu strict. rn frith t'antl;. ! Monday night. H< Uoi'j-n'i have any use of his lett s ce Mirth \ < rdl.-i Doty spent the «h. sunduv with Ml tv < )U\ii>. andE.i rellc l‘i • ■ Mis* Wady* Grornp had » hci gm*.t Sunday Miss Luna Whitaker. Mi.* f eme Morgan spent Sunday frith Miss Ruth Waller. Mr. and Mrs. Will Butler anti daughters, Evelyn and Helen, and Mrs. Hessie Doty, all of the Dobbins section, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cray ton Hawkins. Miss Vaahti Philbeck who has been sick for the post few week* is Improving nicely. Mrs. Zulia Walker is spending sometime in Morgan!on with her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Butler and Mr. Butler. Miss Louise Waters spent part of last week with her cousin*. Misses Ama Jam; and Edith Davis. Miss Selma Davis of Bolling Springs college spent the week-end at the home of Mr and Mrs. S. A. Duvis and family. Miss Dorcas Walker who has been sick for some time is getting along nicely. Intermediate B. Y. P, U. business meeting will be held at the home Df Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Davis Satur day night, 7;30. All officers of this anion are urged to be present. Tom .Heflin Starts - On Lecture Tout V II Speak lit AVIn* to m. Clnuio’ i And Ralri|li on "America it I ltc t rot . .taaiW i to The .auv:M Washington, D. c.—Under *lv auspices of the Good ClUiseuspip league of America, former Seru.-c. Tom Heflin leaves here Saturdw for a lecture tour of North spcaklng in Charlotte Sunday aft ernoon, Aprtl 28, Winston-Salem is;r Tuesday night, and Raleigh Thur * day night. The subject of the senator's ad dress will be “America at The Crtss Hoads.'' Tire fiery Alabamian will discuss what he terms the “burning Issues of the daj'." E. F. Randolph, field director of the Good Cttis«n,shtp League has been in North Carolina this wed: completing arrangements for rent ing the overflow' audiences that are epectrd to attend the Heflin meet ings. Senator Heflin Is regarded as one of the greatest platform speakers tn the nation and his addresses, aside from being filled with economic, logic, are noted for their wjtty re marks and side-splitting stories. It Sounds Like A Fairy Tale BUT WE’VE GOT THE GOODS TO BACK UP THE STORY SATURDAY TWO HUNDRED Spring Dresses Reduced To $|.00 — $£.95 $2-95 — $2-95 The shipment consists of Hie seasons outstanding PRINTS. CREPES, GEORGETTES AND RAYON . CREPES, Grouped into four price groups to make selection quick and convenient. In some instances, you can get three to four dresses for the original price of one. WE HAVE NEVER OFFERED A VALUE THAT EQUALS THIS DRESS EVENT. COME EARLY, OR YOU MAY BE DISAPPOINTED. Complete range of popular sizes 14 to 44 Montgomery Ward & C o. Shelby, N. C.

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