Do You Want To Buy Or Sell? Thousands Read Star Want Ads. rwhaTYouWant j Lin the W&NTiWSF Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 26c. This size i cent per word each insertion. This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. FOR SALE ON FALLSTON road, two story stucco dwell ing, with six acres land, 2,000 hen capacity hen house. Peach orchard. H. McConnell, tf-lc USED AUTO PARTS FINK IRON & METAL CO. Trade Alley. Phone 680. tf-30c NEARLY TWO HUNDRED users lii Cleveland county of Gen eral Electric Refrigerators and not one das ever spent one cent for service. Robert C. Hord, Dealer, 8. Washington St, Shelby. tf 25c PAY $1.00 OR MORE ON subscription to The Star and receive free, the new highway map of Cleveland county. It shows the various types of roads, township lines, towns, large streams and consolidated schools. The map is just out. Get yours now. tf 4p FOR SALE: USED AND FAO tory rebuilt typewriters, adding ma chines. Yaul P. Costner, Linctoln ton, N. C. i2t iOp LOST AUTOMOBILE LICENSE No. 378104. Finder return to Star office or J. w. Denton at Hoey Apartment. 2t 27c ANY MAKE RADIO REPAIRED. Parts of all makes. Mauney Radio Service, S. Washington St, Phone 518. tf 8c CALL 832 AND LET US SEND for your car and Wash or Grease it lor 75c each. The Auto Inn, next to the Whiteway Dry Cleaners, tf 30c SALESMEN WANTED: TO RUN Heberling business In Cleveland county, Many make $60 and $75 weekly—year around work—no lay off. Write today for free booklet. G. c. Heberling Company, Dept 1626, Bloomington, 111. 2t 27c UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIR mg. Furniture and other work. Re finishing, etc.. We mend anything. Prices reasonable. Shop located in basement of Webb theatre building. We handle second-hand furniture, etc. Traders Bureau and Uphotster ing C9, It 27p WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN COPY ing and enlarging old, faded and tom photographs, tintypes and ko dak pictures. Hollywood Studio over Wooiworths. tf-22c FREEMAN S SPECIALS Pinto Beans, 6 lbs. _,. 25c 8 lb. Bucket Swift Lard __... 95c Coffee, per lb. .._...._12c Freeman's Cash Store, South Shel by- 6t 22p WANTED: GIRLS, 8 TO 18 years old who are Interested In spending their summer vacation in camp to write ‘‘Camp.’’ Box 340, Shelby, for information. 6t 20p WE DEVELOP KODAK FILMS. Expert work, 24-hour service. En larging and tinting. Hollywood Stu dio, over Woolworth’s. tf 20c FOR RENT: MY HOME, 408 S. Washington St. Furnished. Living room, parlor, dining room, kitchen, Majestic range, two connecting bed rooms down stairs, two bath rooms. Good garden. J. M. Black. 2t 24p WANTED: FURNITURE Salesman and Collector for Bessemer City, Kings Moun tain, Cherryville and Shelby. Only experienced men need apply. Address all applications to Box 88, Gastonia. 2t-22p "SEED CORN. Park er’s Prolific. Limited amount, from A. P. RudisilPs farm. He field selected for past 25 years. Heavy ear. D. A. Beam Co. 3t22c FOR BRAKE LIN ING reasonable see Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc “HERE’S a PICK-UP, a 29 PON tiac coach, perfect paint In original black color, motor, tires and uphol stering in perfect shape. Original mileage 20,000. J. Lawrence Lackey. 2t 22c Tt will pay you to see us about your nexf repair job. Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc | IT COSTS BUT A FEW CENTS a day to protect your Inoome when disabled from sickness or accident. Write for full details. North Ameri can Accident Insurance Co., Bos 12, Shelby, N. C. tf 23o SEE O. E. FORD CO.. FOR THE famous McCormlck-Deerlng grain binders and all parts. 1-27c WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELRY •epalrlng. L. & Davis, next door to Eflrd's. I appreciate your patron ise. large or small tf 16c FREE, NEW HIGHWAY map of Cleveland county showing the 793 miles of roads to be taken over by the state under the new road bill. You can get one of these maps by paying $1 or more on your subscription to The Star, tfp PLENTY OP FERTILIZER ON hand at O. E. Ford Co.’s all the time. 3,27c DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? If so See J. W. Denton, H o e y Apartments or Phone 4-J. Work guaran teed. tf FOR HAY AND OATS SEE O E. Ford Co. 3-37c BEAUTIFUL WED DING Announce ments and Invita tions. The famous Re liefgraf at a liberal discount from list prices. Looks like cop per plate engraving, but considerably cheaper. We keep se crets of weddings to be. The Star. Phone 11. tfl4p FOR SALE: CHOICE VARIE ties of tomato plants. Mrs. A. P. Weathers. S. LaFayette St. 6t 20p IF YOU NEED ANY MORE FER tiliaer to finish your requirements call O. E. Ford Co. 3-27c ““let us quote you on your next re pair job. M a u n e y Auto Parts Co. tfc WANTED — MODEL T FORD Roadster, must be In good ".ondl tion. Bargain for cash. Apply Clyde G. Putnam. 3t-22c FOR RENT! EIGHT ROOM house, steam heated, well located, good condition, formerly occupied by T. P. Eskridge on W. Marion St A. Blanton Grocery Co. tf C2c A SPECIAL LOW price on Hay. D. A. Beam Co. 2t-24c ICE BOXES MADE TO "ORDER, cheap. W. G. Spake, 206 Buttle 8t. Leave order at Paragon Furniture Co. tf 13c TOMATO PLANTS^ 10c dozen. D. A* Beam Co. 3t-22c WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER or steam fitter, call the Modern Plumbing and Heating Co., the plumbing and heating specialist. Telephone 569. tf 20c FOR SALE—CAFE AND FIX TURES. Good location and good business. Apply “Cafe” care The Star, 6t-24p for’ plowing of gardens and lots. See E. P. Davis, House 502 Clegg St. I am plowing Grover Hamrick's mule. 50c an hour. 3t 24p FOR SALE: TON TRUCK. PER fect condition. Sell cheap. P. O. Box 12, Shelby. 6t 27c FOR RENT: ROOM WITH HOT and cold running water and lava* tory. Mrs. W. A. Pendleton. 2t 24c SPECIAL BARGAINS: PORCH swings, $1.50 to (6; Ice boxes, $3 to $12.50; one 70-egg incubator, cost $20, our price $5. Jones Furniture company, opposite Southern depot 2t 24c IF YOU ARE GOING TO NEED a grain binder be sure and see O E Ford Co., for the McCormick-Deer ing. None bette> '3-27c YOUR MOTOR RE BUILT like new. Let us save you money* Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc FOR FERTILIZER FOR ~YOUR lawn, shrubbery and tlowers call O. E. Ford Co. 3-37" ■-- i WANTED: TWO ROOM8 FOR light house keeping Call 491. It37p CALL SMITH PLUMBING COM pany lor plumbing and heating re pairs of any kind. Phone 201, Sut tle street. 3t 27c "PHO N E~73~FOR your Hardware needs. Quick delivery. Cleve land Hardware Co. It THE MARKET HAS declined and so have we. 4 cans No. 2 corn, peas, butter beans, to matoes, turnip greens, early June peas, Van Camps tomato soup, or black eyed peas, for .29c Personally guaran teed flour, 98-pound bag .$2.65 C. H. REINHARDT, South Shelby 2t27c PENNY COL HATCHING DAY CHANG ED from Tuesday to Wednes day of eaeh week. Extra fine lot of Leghorn and Red chicks this Wednesday 10c each. Suttle’s Hatchery. 2t-27c THREE GRADES o f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate Engraving, Relief T r a f (raised letter) and printing. Samples upon request. All pric es a t a liberal dis count from list. The Star. Phone 11. tt'14c STEM'S Quality Furniture On Easy Terms. Phone 592. Shelby, N. C. Oak Grove News Of Current Week School Closes. Mrs. Ola Loren 111. Personal* of People Visiting: About. (Special to The Star,) Oak Grove, April 22.—Our pastor delivered us a very fine message Sunday afternoon, using as his subject “Who shall stand in His holy place." A large crowd was present for the service. Oak Grove school closed Thurs day night with a very Interesting program The teachers Mrs. W. R. Page, Miss Eva Borders and Mrs, Gamble took the school children on a picnic Friday to the battleground. Friends of Mrs. Ola Loven of Bessemer City will be sorry to learn of her recent Illness. She Is In the Gastonia hospital. Mrs. Loven was formerly Mrs. Ola Horn of this community. Miss Lexle Herndon of Beth Ware section spent Monday after noon with Miss Claudia Devenny. A large number of people of this community attended the commence ment exercises at Beth-Ware school Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. Mr. Evans Croeby of near Beams Mill was a visitor in the commun ity Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Everette Ford and Mr. Dock Phillips visited their aunt, Mrs. Llnwood at Qastonla Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Blanton, of Kings Mountain spent the day Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jasper Philbeck. Mrs. Clarence Watterson and Mrs. Leo Beattie spent the past week-end with their parents here. Mrs. Tom Ware visited her daugh ter Mrs. Ola Loven at the Gas tonia hospital Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. David Lovelace and children were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Blanton Sun day. Mrs. Nancy Heavner of near Cherryville spent last Sunday with Mrs. John Moore. Mrs. Will Watterson and moth er, Mrs. Monroe Lovelace spent Thursday with Mrs. Pearl Ware. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Neal, Mrs Junle Moore and Mrs. Hugh Sellers spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore of Shelby. Miss Edith Ledford and brother, Clarence, spent Saturday night with Mr. Will Neal and family of Beulah section. Bemoans Speeding In South Shelby South Shelby Wants Better Protec tion of Her Children. Com mittee Appointed (Special to The Star.) Of special interest to all parents and citizens of South Shelby should be the matter presented and dis cussed by Rev. L. I* Jessup regard ing the lack of enforcement of speed laws on S. LaFayette street and its resultant danger to the children on their way to and from school. He stressed the fact that two chil dren had already’ been crippled while on their way to and from acliool as a reaulf of being struck by speeding automobiles, "It Is of com mon knowledge to citizens of South Shelby,” he said "that South La Fayatte street is being used as a speedway by truck drivers and ot.ior motorists who seem to disregard tlia fact that they are passing through one of the most thickly settled sec tions of Shelby, and a section whljh Is blessed with an abundance of children" Attention was also called to the fact that no warning signs so much In prominence near other Scholls had ever been placed on the high way near the South Shelby school. As a result of this talk a commit tee from the P. T. A. was appointed to take the matter up with city of ficials with a request for better pro tection and proper enforcement of the speed laws in this section. The committee named by the president was composed of Rev. L. L. Jessun Miss Selma Webb, C. H. Reinhardt, F. E. Whltener, and A. W. Benov. Young Girl Steals An Airplane Ride Chicago.—A girl stowaway on a National Transport airplane, from Kansas City, whose presence in the "ship” was not discovered until she sat down on the radio receiving set. was looking around for a job in Chicago. She identified herself as Betty Roth, 18, a Kansas City night club entertainer. She crawled into the plane at Kansas City, finding a hid ing place in the baggage room. After the plane left Moline the pilots no ticed that the radio set wasn't working so well. Robert Dawson, one of them, investigated and found Betty as she climbed out, but she was released with a warning. "I had to do it." s*» said. "I had no money but had to come anyway because I’ve been promised a Job in Chicago. Doable Springs News Gleanings Mr. mid Mrs. S. W. Greene had a* their dinner guests last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawkins, Mimes Ruby Washburn, Bertha Hawkins. Annie Davis and Eliza and Susan Brooks, Mesrs. Dufaye Bridges and Walter Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Sammle Brooks and son, Herbert, and Mias Alda Haw kins visited Mr. and Mrs. Bchleman McSwaln Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W W. Washburn and daughter. Annie Lee, visited Mrs. Mag Stockton Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs, Truman Davis were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hawkins Sunday. Mbs Reba Moore imd Messrs. J C. Moore and Frank Hamrick spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lovelace. Mrs. J O. Greene who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Will Wright In Georgia for sometime re turned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oarlan Washburn and son, Dennis, left early this week for Alabama where they expect to remain for sometime. They were accompanied by Mr. Waylan Wash bum and Rev. D. G. Washburn who will return home in a few days. Little Misses Christine McCraw and Mary Frances Davis spent Sun day afternoon with Misses Edna and Louise Griffin. Rutherford Will Hold Music Week Forest City.—A tentative pro gram for music week In Rutherford county has been made and other plans toward making the celebra tion a success are nearing comple tion. Each year there is more Inter est and appreciation of good music manifested In the communities of the county, and as the date for the week of music draws near, a spirit What precautions should be taken be fore applying new paint over old paint? DEVOE AUTHORIZED AGENT PAUL WEBB & SON of unison Is found In every group gathered for participation in the festivities. The tentative program as outlined Is as follows: Band night on May 5 will open the unit of programs with entertaining and Interpreta tive numbers. On school night, May 7, there will be a varied programs of talent from the schools of the county. The climax of the weelt wl be community night, when ever; body will Join In a program of cor gregatlonal songs. All of the programs will be give in the auditorium of the Fora City high school. A county-wit event, it is being sponsored by a the schools, churches and civ clubs In Rutherford county. tour dollars L working ] and ifoar I dollars ' will keep IfOU THROUGH the magic of compound interest, you can begin today, what ever your income, to achieve an early financial independence. Small sav ings deposits, made with week-to week regularity, will soon solve your money problems. AN INITIAL DEPOSIT OF $1 IS ENOUGH UNION Trust Co. SHELBY - FOREST CITY LATTIMORE - RUTHERFORDTON LAWNDALE - CAROLEEN FALLSTON - MOORESBORO A COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE, TOOTS AND CASPER The Fight Fever. he day of the Bl6f PI^HT l<5> OMIT FOUBVKYe OFFl <z> go Op «o COLONEL HOOFERS Youn4 PROTE4E LARRY CHIX VERSOS REDjCWCKETT. XVHE COLORFUL. TPER^ONAUT Y OF THE. former football star HAS caught -THE fancy OF THE PUBUC AND interest in the COn/iin4t Scut \e> tremendous: VhO V/ILLWlN? VOU AND I ARE ABOUT BROWE NO*/, larry but MAY3ETHIN45> "WILL BE DIFFERENT after next Thursday: T |'M N<n thinking of the FI6HT, COLONEL'. I'MTRY 1N4 TO FIGURE OUT VJHAT Wind op A PRESENT/ ST0 BU/ TOR M Y (/ b&Qo, i sweetheart}\ T^ppY u I OUT OF MY FiRsnr EARNIN6S-1 suiti z*y/ »>"«l^.lt.]ng„Cr„l riphL ' <o-EE, CASPER /the paper*, are pull OF STORIES ABOUT THE COMIN& fi4ht! HERE'S LARRY5 Picture" Pip Tou , . NO, AND I DON'T WANT Ltd see rr,toots;tmail FED UP ON FI4HTTALK! I'M T1REP OF HEARING, ABOUT THE MILLION LPollars colonel hoofer make* Pi4H7 7ALV4. HAS* <-*07 TO S>TOP! BUTTERCUP HAS* CAUGHT T WE PEVERi Look at him trying . ■' JlO kAYC ^PARE-RlBe*! a Emblems Of Good Luck. ©T93f. King Featorej SyhdiciiTr, Inic* threat Britain rights reserved r HOW "THE TIME PRA43'1 WILL WEDNESDAY ' NEVER COMB? IN 48 HOUR£ The B\6r FUSrHT WILL BE OVER*. I LL EITHER. BE ON MY WAY TO RICHER OR FLAT BROKE1. I WA5 BROKE ~ - A4o ANR IF A6AWru.BE H0LEMN6 MV OWN Anyway , I "THOUGHT YOU WERE HsI BED. LARRY1. YOU’VE 4ot to 6et Your REST IF YOU EXPECT l1 “ -'“■""S&rfD li ' hello, colonel HOOFER.', I'M WRITING A LETTER. TO MV eWEET-HEART! I’M TELLING HER ABOUT THE «->WELL HOME WERE To have when we <*ET married; 5HE MAY WONDER WHAT I'M ^OIN^ TO 05>E FOR MONEY I haven-t told her pve 40NE IN FOR “ BOXING! 1 I WONDER. WHAT g»HEP B>AYTO THAT? > r COLONEL HOOFER. SHOWED ME A PHOTO OF LARRVS SWEET HEART AND SHE'S beautiful: I BLAME MARRY HER, CASPER! I HOPE URBW/INS EVEN IP HE DID CAl»E METt)L.09e#>50.<tf TO COOONEL HOOFER LAST OCTOBER WH®4 HE ><bCDQED THOSE THREE OEV*<Y«> MAIL BROUGHT COL. HOOFER, FROM WELL-WSHCIS . three ; FOUR-LEAF CLOVERS, A RABBITS FOOT AND A horse-shoe! He needs A LOT OF 400DLUCK ^immY

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