Do You Want To Buy Or Sell? Thousands Read Star Want Ads. WANTADS Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. \ rws cize l oent per word eacn insertion. This sixe type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each inserticn. FOR SALE ON FALLSTON road, two story stucco dwell ing, with six acres land, 2.000 hen capacity hen house. Peach orchard, H. McConnell, tf-lc USED AUTO PARTS FINK IRON & METAL CO. Trade Alley. Phone 580. tf-30c! —" ..- ■. - — i NEARLY TWO HUNDRED users in Cleveland coutity of Gen-1 eral Electric Refrigerators and not ope pas ever 6pent one* cent for sendee. Robert C. Hard, Dealer. & Washington St, Shelby. tl 25c PAY $1.00 OR MORE ON subscription to The Star and I receive free, the new highway map of Cleveland county, ft shows the various type^ of roads, township lines, towns, large streams and consolidated schools. The map is just out. Get yours now, tf 4p FOR SALE: USED AND FAC tcry rebuilt typewriters, adding ma chines. Paul P. Ooeuier, Linctoln ton. n. c. rat iop 1 LOST AUTOMOBILE LICENSE No. 376104. Finder return to Star olfioe or J. W. Denton at Hoey Apartment. 2t 37c ANY MAKE RADIO REPAIRED. Parts of all make* Mauney Radio Service, 8. Washington St.. Phone - 51*- tl 6c CALL 832 AND LET US SEND for your car apd Wasn or Grease it for 75c each, rhe Auto Inn. next to the Whiteway Dry Cleaners, tf 30c SALESMEN WANTBdTto RUN Hebefling business In Cleveland /-aunty, Many make 660 and 375 weekly—year around wort:—no l*y off. write today for free booklet, a. a Heberiiag Company, Dept 1628, Bloomington, DL 2t 276 we are spEclXuarrs^TcopY^ ing and enlarging old. faded and tegs photographs, tintypes and ko dak pictures. Hollywood studio over Woefwarth*. tf-33c 7*/' FREEMAN'S SPECIALS Be«u, 6 lbs._,,T— 36c £ lb. Bucket Swift Lard __.. 95c Coffee, per lb. ...12c Pteemwife Cash Store, South Shel by. 6t 22p WANTJEdV ' GIRLS. 8 TO 18 'eats Old who are Interested in r pending their summer vacation In o»mp to write “damp,” Bta 340, Shejby, for Information. 6t 20p WE pEVBLOp KODAK*FILMS. KXpert work, 34-hour service. En larging and tinting. Hollywood Stu dio, over Woolworth's. tf 20c The Star completely covgrr Cleveland County’s Active Market. " for' SALE: 3 ACRES " WITH filling statlop, dwelling house, store room and Cbm mill. Opposite WU son cotton gin one mile from city on state highway No. 180. Comer lot in forks of road. W. a. Broad way, Royster Building. 4t 27c FOR JOB PRINTING OP ALL kinds-call the STAR FOR QEAUPSr PRINTING. DON’T NEGLECT FEET these hot summer days. Be fitted correctly by shoe ex perts at A. V. Wray & 6 Sons, City. tf-27e ‘lost- stone martin, light tan fur neckpiece on streets of Shelby. Reward. Return to Star of fice. 3t 27c FOR " SALE NEW BUNGALOW. op comer lot 50x145 on highway 18 north. Small down payment gets this bargain if you act quick. W. A Broadway, Royster Building. 2t 27c BRAKE LINING At prices you can afford to pay. Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc FOR VLCgmiiQ or a ARDENS end Jots. Davis. HOuto 603 Clegg St. I am plowing Graver Hamrick’s mule. 50c an hour. 3t 34p " FOR SALE: TON T^DCr!. F*R fect condition. Sell cheap. P. O. Boos 13. Shelby. «t 37c IF VOU ARf GOING TO NfcfcO a grain binder be cure and see O E Fpfd Co- for the MoCormlck-Deer ing. None better. 3-aie IF YOU NEED ANT MORE FER emrer to finish your requirements call O. X. Ford Co. 3-37c IT COSTS BUT A nw CENTS * day to protect your tncOme when disabled from sickness or accident, j Write tor full details. North Ameri can Accident Insurance Co.. Box 13. Shelby. N-C. tf 23c SEE O' e. FORD CO,’ FOR THE famous McCOrmlck-Deerlng grain binders and all parts. 3*27c WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELRY epalrtng. U O Davis, next door to Sfird’s t appreciate your patron ice. large or small tf 18c FflEE, NEW HIGHWAY map of Cleveland county showing the 793 miles of road; to be taken over by the state under the new road hill. You can get one of these maps by paying $1 or more on your subscription to The Star, tfp PLENTY OP FERTILIZER ON hand at O. E. Pord Co.’s all *ha time. 3 -37c DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? If so See J. W. Denton, H o e y Apartments or Phone 4-J. Work guaran teed. .tf POR HAY AND OATS SEE O E. Pord Co. 3.87c BEAUTIFUL WED DING A n n o u n ce ments and Invita tions. The famous Re liefgraf at a liberal discount from list prices. Looks like cop per plate engraving, but considerably cheaper. We keep se crets of weddings to be. The Star. Phone II. tf!4p FOR RENT: BIGHT ROOM house. steam heated, well located, good condition, formerly occupied by T. P. Eskridge on W. Marlon St A. Blanton Grocery Co. 11 22c ICE BO^S MADE TO ORDER. Cheep. W. G. Spake, 206 Suttle St. Leave order at Paragon Furniture Co. tf 13c WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER or steam fitter, call the Modern Plumbing and Heating Co., the Smbing and heating specialist, ephone 569. tf 20c "’FOR.’ SALE—CAFE, AND*”-FIX TURES. Good location and good business. Apply "Cafe” care The Star. 6t-24p COMPLETE RE Babbiting service. See us for all parts. Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc LOOK: HERE IS*A FIRE BAR* gain In rabbits: 18 large fine pure bred Chinchilla rabbits for $20.00 for the lot See W. K. Houk, Mor ganton, N. C. It 29p FOR SALE COW WITH THIRD calf. Ernest Elliott, Lawndale 3-2Dp CALL SMITH PLUMBING COM pany for plumbing and beating re pairs of any kind. Phone 201. Sut tle street. 3t 27c FOR FERTILIZER FOR YOUR lawn, shrubbery and flowers call O. E. Ford Co. 3-27o HATCHING day CHANG. ED from Tuesday to Wednes day of each week. Extra fine lot of Leghorn and Red chicks this Wednesday 10c each. Suttle’s Hatchery. 2t*87c THE MARKET HAS declined and so have we. 4 cans No. 2 com, peas, butter beans, to matoes, turnip greens, early June peas, Van Camps tomato soup, or black eyed peas, for . 29c Personally guaran teed flour, 98-pound bag . $2.65 C. H. REINHARDT, South Shelby 2t27c To Clou Off Cemetery at New Hope Saturday Mornlnf. Per sonal*. (Special to The Star.i S4rl. Apr. 38.—Mr. Rufus mom of Taylor*. 8. C., spent Sunday w1*h hi* mother Mrs. T. M. Moss. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene White end son Betti* of Hamlet spent last week here visiting friends and rela tives. Mr. Henry Nichols of Allent'-wn, Pa., was the guest last week cf hts parents Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Nichols. Mr. H. p. Haas of Whtt-vlUe, spent the week end with his fam ily. Mrs. Haas returned to White vllJ* with him Tuesday to stay a fortnight. * Mr* Wall, of Bolling Springe, was the guest Monday of Mrs. J W. Davis. Mr Verpon Camp returned to Taylorsville, s. c., Monday, after spending part of last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. p. R. camp. Mr. Aubrey Nichols of Green,boro, spent the week end with his narent* THREE GRADES 3 f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate I Engraving, Relief ? r a f (raised letter) and printing. Samples upon request. All pric es at a liberal dis count from list. . The Star. Phone 11. tfl4c DON’T LET YOUR repair jobs cost you too much, see Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc WE have under the Brooders best Clicks of the season. It will pay you to see them. 10c Each. Spttle’s Hatchery. 2t-29c CCWON SISD FOR PLANTING. Pure end high quality; staple the best. O. s. Young, Shelby, N- a ' t ... . tf 38c Quality Furniture On Easy Terms. Phone 592. Shelby, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Haas and family spent Sunday at Nin*k,v-«.tx, 8. C-, the guests ol Mr. and Mrs J. E. Baas. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. MeSwahi spont Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Morion McSwaln in the Rock Springs im munity. AU people having relatives burled at the New Hope church c*mote*7 are urged to meet there Saturday morning, May 2nd, to clean b off. Remembering last summer as vividly as we do, we think Sir Hub ert Wilkins's idea of sneaking under all the toe in the Arctic ocean is a pretty blamed sane Ides.—Nash ville Banner i working - and i/our dollars will keep you • THROUGH the magic of compound interest, you can begin today, what ever your income, to achieve an early financial independence. Small sav ings deposits, made with week-to week regularity, will soon solve your money problems. AN INITIAL DEPOSIT OF $1 IS ENOUGH UNION Trust Co. SHELBY - FOREST CITY ■ LATTIMORE - RUTHERFORDTON LAWNDALE - CAROLEEN FALLSTON ~ MOORESBORO A COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE. Labor Head Sees Dry Law Change Matthew We|l Say* Surrey Shows Possibility Of Modification In 19M. Philadelphia.—Matthew Wen, vice president of the American Pfdera sa""' ——— - r» "■ t-lan of Labor, called upon all la boring men to unite In efforts to modify the 18th amendment. Woll made his plea at a confer ence of organised labor's national committee for modification of the Volstead act. A report submitted to the conference declared a congres sional survey showed a modification of the Volstead act la possible In rmn 1032, The report, prepared under direc tion of Wall, who la bead of the committee, and t M. Ornburn, president of the Olgarmakera Inter national union, said; “Our survey indicates that victory la tn tight if those who have voluntarily enlisted tn this cause will make their wishes known to the senators and con gressmen from their states." 0 r HI WHICH? Are You Facing The World Without Fear? Or / Are You Trembling In Your Boots? WE ARE OPENING OUR 93RD SERIES ON SATURDAY, MAY 2ND. OFFICE NEXT DOOR WEST MAIN ENTRANCE HOTEL CHARLES Shelby Building & Loan Assn. J. F. ROBERTS, Sec.-Treas. TOOTS AND CASPER Casper Spares Himself. TOMORROW is 1 THE BI4DAY! Colonel HOOTER’S PROTEGE VER5Ue> RED CRICKETT 0--& ; KJhe whole nation 1^AWAITS TH6 result! Whowiuvnin? < HE. COLORFUL * PERSONAL! -„w!TV or thr former football E-tar, hascaught THE7ANCY0F THE PUBLIC AND INTEREST to-see LAHOYCHIX WIN, BUT MY WIPE PJCW& REDCWCYFTT TO WIN AND HER.' HUNCHES? ABE ALWAYS 4rOOP», IN THIS CcrNTDsf I'M AFRAID istotmenDous REOCWcwrrr EVERYWHERE* '*> "700 ITS THE. I EXPERIENCED talkctthbl-'y for HIM 1 THE . THING. HAD 6<3T ME DO EXCITED ICANtt^eYMY MIND DOWN TO ,^HAT RNLOO.V 7 / M6C^3R VM ITWINY LAPBYCHIY WULWiM BECAUSE H6DTHE BEST LOOWW4 OP THE TWO! z Nojocrrs, i didnt BUY TICKETS FOR THE FI^Tt! I COULDN’T £3~TAJNt> “TO BE. “THERE mid see colonel HOOPER. FAINT WHEN LARRY CWX IS COUNTED OUT*. WELL LISTEN TO IT OVERDUE RADioL^^v-^ja ^ , YOURE A MEANIE, fCASPER'. TbuRE. NCfT TAWING ME BECAUSE YouTHINkt ID BUY A NEW SUIT TO WEARTHERE, 1 kOR SOMETHIN^ UkE THAT M WATCH TOMORROWS NEWeWkPEfci The Fight It On! -3k. THE BI6 MOMENT .HAS ARRIVED! QjHE BCXIN& CONTEST BETWEEN! LARRY CH1X AMD RED CR1CKETT ie» ABOUT TO TAKE PLACE1. ^ & & <& COLISEUM I S> CROWDED TO CAPAOTV . WITH EXCITED FANS... ' o < -p MAT -me BEST man WIN 1 4* IM TWO MINUTC& TbUXL BE tM THE RIN&. \ » WONDER LARRY » EVERY DOLLAR I'VE 4cfT tN THE WORLD l*S» ON You TD WIN Do Your best* that*>all> a&ul, and 4ocd Luck. 'Jio You! i ■"/! IF MY9WEST* HEART I5» LV5TENIN4 IN OVER. THE RADIO? And HERE COMES LARRY CHIY* -the crowd HAS ^rONE MAD WITH EXCITEMENT*. BOTH MEN ARE IN THE CENTER OF THE RtN<Sr FOR FINAL. INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE REFEREE. 1 NOW THEY'RE BACK IN THEIR VCOQNSRS...THE R1N& HAS XL M J P ) ^=^\BCEN CLEARED* (dSl f\L/ PVEL- THERE 6CE<=»THE so EXCITED I’M ALMOST SHNERIN^r! WHO WILL WIM ? Vatch TONORBO** WEWSBTO FDPTVC RESULT.1 4* _J

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