Sweeping Cut In Land Taxes Seen icoNTimnsp raoM paos omL> Ion on each gallon of gasoline sold In Cleveland county at retail. With •n Increase of another cent, $70, 000 would be collected If the gaso line consumption continues the same. But It should be borne in mind under the new road bill the gasoline money will not be sent, back to the county for the county to spend, but will be spent by the state highway commission In coun ty road maintenance. So when $35, 000 was received annually for the last two years on the 1c gas tax and a corresponding reduction was made In the township road taxes, this amount will not come back to the county for Its use, but by state maintained county roads. "All road taxes cannot be taken, off.” says Mr. CUne. "While the state will maintain the roads and we expect the road maintenance tax to come off, enough must be levied for debt service (bonds and inter est), ncnooi l ax air. As for the school tax. the county levies 84c. This Is divided as fol lows: 47c for current expenses of six months schools; ,06.5c for bonds and Interest and ,01.6c for capital outlay fbulldlng and repairs). If the ad valorem tax relief bill passes as it bids fair to do, there will cer tainly be a reduction of the coun ty-wide 47c levy for the six month school term. Special levies in special school tax districts to extend the term, will not be affected. It would therefore seem that the combined land relief tax for schools and road purposes, will bring about a reduction on the taxes on land of from 65c to 65c, depending on the road tax in the various townships. How It Shifts. While land will be relieved, the new revenue bill shifts the tax on consumers to be paid when they buy, ride and die. The luxury tax section calls for a tax of 20 percent on all cigarettes, and other forms of tobacco, of 20 percent on soda fountain drinks, of $5 on new automobiles selling for less than $1,000 and $10 and more on the expensive cars, and taxes on shotgun shells and bther selected "non essential” commodities. Admissions Taxed. Cigarettes will cost ■ the North Carolina consumer 18 cents for the packages now selling for 16 cents, 3 cents of Which Will be state tax and six cents Federal tax. Soft drinks selling for a nickel will be six cents. All admissions, Including both moving picture shows and sports events, would be taxed at a ten per cent. Season tickets sold by colleges to their students would be exempt from this tax. Document Stamps. The bill also provides a stamp tax on all legal documents, such as notes, mortgages and deeds. After winning its main point, the adoption of a sales tax, the house conferees concurred in most of the senate amendments to the revenue bill. ■i ire increases m me mnemance tax rates, estimated to brine in $100, 000 In revenue were concurred in, as well as increases in the income tax of one percent in every bracket except for the smallest incomes, where the tax was increased only one-half of 1 percent. This increase brings the tax on incomes of over $15,000 up to the constitutional limit of six percent Power companies will pay four and one-half percent of their gross receipts as a franchise tax. the sen ate figure, domestic Insurance com panies will pay three-quarters of one percent of their gross premiums, and railroads will pay etght-tentlis of one percent of their assessed value as a franchise tax. Taxes Eliminated. Eliminated from the provisions of this bill are the proposed taxes on telegraph, telephone, gas and elec tric bills and the merchants lioen.se tax of one-tenth of one percent on all goods sold by retail merchants. The re-written Hinsdale bill eli minates all tax on cosmetics, but levies a net tax of ten percent on all chewing gum, packaged candy selling for less than 50 cents, and packaged mite. Senator Hinsdale said these changes were eliminated to increase rather than decrease the revenue expected to be derived from the bill. Penny Column LOST:. ONE BLACK KTD GLOVE I at the Blanton wedding reception | Wednesday afternoon. Reward. Mrs. P. L. Hanneasa. tf lc NOTIcihA’ DISPLAY "ofToVE ly portraits in oil and water color, from the famous Knaffl studios of Knoxville. Tenn.. can be seen at the home of Mrs. P. L. Hennessa on Tuesday afternoon, May 5. 2t lc MUSIC ROLLS, AS LONG AS they last. r,'*hW $1.50 value. 3 for fl. Jones Furniture Co. We have bought the Groan Lantern Tea Room. This furniture will be placed on sale gsturdav morning. In this we have ijdr-ie real bargains. Jones Furniture Co , opposite the Southern depot 2t ie FOR RENT: b ROOM HOUSE oo Oakland Drive. water and lights. Pent reasonable, AppR at Star office. 3t lp i Church Women In Annual Meet At Kings Mtn. .Ml** Mary Ragan Elected President. Shelby Woman Heads Chris tian Education. (Special to The Star.) Kings Mountain. April 30.—The 24th annual meeting of the Wom ans auxiliary of the Kings Moun tain Presbytery of the Presbyterian church, met in a two-day session at the First Presbyterian church in Kings Mountain Tuesday and Wed nesday of this week. At the Tuesday morning session reports of various committees were heard and new committees were appointed. Mrs. S. C. Byrd of Qucens-Chlcora college of Char lotte and Mrs. Willis Johnston of Mooresvllle, who is synodical secre tary of foreign missions, addressed the convention. The feature of the Tuesday aft-j ernoon session was the election of J officers for the ensuing year, which were as follows: Miss Mary Ragan, of Gastonia, president; Mrs. Colt M. Robinson of Lowell, vice presi dent; Mrs. J. H. Hendcrllte, of Gastonia, secretary; Mrs. J. Prank Wilson of Union church, Gastonia, secretary of spiritual life; Miss Mamie Cabtness of Sfyelby, secre tary of Christian education and ministerial relief; Mrs. Milton Ttd dy, of Lincoln ton, secretary of lit erature; Mrs. J. F. Weir, of Long Creek secretary of assembly home missions; Mrs. Frank Tate of Un ion Mills, secretary of s. and P. home missions. Delegates to syno dical Mrs. T. G. Tate of Olney and Mrs. George 8. Wilson of Belmont. Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock an Inspirational service was held with the feature address being giv en by Rev. J. H. Brady, a mission ary to Japan. Bis subject was for eign missions. At the Wednesday morning ses sion Mrs. 8. C. Byrd gave the sec ond of her inspirational Bible studies on the book of James. Mrs. D. R. LaPar, honorary president of Presbyterial presided at the installa tion of the newly elected officers. It was voted to hold the next an nual session at the First Presby terian church in Gastonia. This was requested by the Gastonia dele gation and was granted in honor of Mrs. D. R. LaPar, who was the first president of the Presbyterial which was organized In Gastonia in 1007. The final session Wednesday aft ernoon was devoted to the hearing reports of special committees and a memorial service, which was con ducted by Mrs. Harry Speck of Shelby. Twenty-one members of the Presbyterial have died since the last meeting. In addition to the services to its members the Presbyterial paid tribute to two men who were lead ers in the Presbyterian church. Dr. I. S. McElroy, former pastor here and Mr, Charles Eugene Neisler an elder of the local church. Dr. Mc Elroy died in January and Mr. Neisler died this month. Luncheon for the delegates was i served both Tuesday and Wednes- 1 day at noon In the dining room of i ideal College Type Virginia Potter (above), senioi student at Goucher College, Balti more, Md., has been selected te speak for American college women in addressing 26,000 delegates tc the National Education Confer ence in JLos Angeles, June 20. She is considered by college authorities to be the ideal type of American college woman. Danville, Va. May 1.—John T. Turner, a farmer of Witt not long ago placed 11 eggs under a brooding hen. Wednesday the hen had 12 chicks. Twins, In the form of a double yolked egg, was advanced as an explanation of the phenomenon. Honorary Members Taken In Militia Company K, local militia unit, is this week for the first time taking in honorary contributing members as permitted by the national guard regulations. Renewed Interest Is being taken in tire militia company and it is hoped to have the company at a toiler strength and better equipped for the annual encampment this summer than it has been in years. The honorary members received a certificate that excuses them from Jury duty U they so desire. The interest of the men who have enrolled as honorary members is appreciated by officers and men of the company. Among the honorary members enrolled so far are: J. R Dover, sr., R. T. LeOrand, O. M. Mull, John Schonck, Jr., J. R. Dov ;r, Jr., Earl A. Hamrick, Dewitt Quinn, Chas. I. Dover. D. w. Roy ster, Robert Crowder, J, F. Jenkins, John R. McClurd, 8. A. McMurry, J. 8. Dorton, Z, J. Thompson, I. M. Wien, Clyde R. Hoey. A. M. Ham rick, A. E. Cline, 8. S. Royster, and !. F. Roberts. he Boyce Memorial A. R. P. church >y the ladies of the First Presby erian church. Eskridge News VOL. 2. MAY, l, mi NO. 20 Low first cost and minimum upkeep expense make the Model A Ford Car the logical selection for either business or family use. These two Items are given first consideration In the purchase or anything. Investigation of the Model A Ford Car will enable you to make your decision im mediately. Have you thought of the safety afforded In the Model A Ford Car by the use Triplex Shatter proof Windshield glass, Houdallle Shock absorbers, Fully-Enclosed Four Wheel Mechanical Brakes All-Steel Body and the .Irrevcrs ibie Steertng Gear? Gentleman (at police station): “Could I see the man who was arrested for robbing our house last night?” Desk Sergeant: “This is very Irregular. Why do you want tc see him?” Gentleman: “I dont mind tell ing you. I only want to ask him how he got in the house without awakening my wife.” Triplex Shatterproof Gists which is used in the windshield of Model A Ford cars Is made of two pieces of selected, ground and polished plate glass, coated with chemicals to form a csm*nt. A layer of pyroxylin plastic is In troduced between the two coated sheets and they are united to form a single sheet of laminated glass. "p When broken, each small par tide of glass adheres firmly to the pyroxylin plastic intern*] layer with the result that ih>re is no flying glass. THrs IS A HIGHLY IMPORTANT SAFE TY FACTOR. He: "What would 1 have to give you for just one little kiss?” She: "Chloroform.” Auditor: “Now, let's tee yovr pink slips.” Miss Filing Clerk: "Sir!” The Houdaille Shock Absorbers which are Standard Equlpmcrt on all Model A Ford Cars t educe rebound, eliminate side-sway in rounding short curves at high speed and tend to keep all four wheels firmly on the ground, thus insuring positive traction and uniform braking action. These shock absorbers add a great deal to the safety cf the car as well as to the riding qual ities. Her: "Did you ever love ur other girl like you do me?” Him: *T should say , not I would be broke if I had.” Stenographer: "Your lit We girl wants to kiss you over the phone.” Busy Manager: “Take the mes sage. Ill get it from you later ” Call 241 for a demonsl -ation of the New Model A Ford. It v ill be a pleasure to explain why the Model A Ford Is. a "value far above the price.” You will not be obligated In anv way. CHAS. L. ESKRIDGE Few Forecasts On Monday’s Election (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE I Thom peon, 803; T. P Eskridge, 752. Or. Tom Oold, unopposed for the city school board, received the highest Individual vote In 1929— 1,505 votes. More Campaigning. As this week drew to a close more active campaigning was in evidence than at any time since the first candidates announced. The major interest shown so far is in the textile mill villages and outlying sections of the town. Ap parently considerable effort is being made to attract votes there. In uptown Shelby, however, or more particularly in the business district, the lack of campaign talk is such that a visitor to the city would hardly realize that an elec tion is only two days off. Some charges and counter charges are being put forth by campaign workers, but these propaganda re ports have net attained the num ber or punch of similar report,s in campaigns of the past. A Veterans Guess. One of the city's veteran political observers, one who seldom takes much interest in municipal politics but has proven ability as a politi cal prophet, would not be surprised, he said today, to see a record vote cast “Remember,” he said, “that in a few elections in the past we heard very little talk and saw very little campaigning and those were the elections in which the voters liter ally swarmed the polls If you’ve noticed, there has been much at tention given to registering this week, with the heaviest new regis tration ever, and that may indi cate that there will be u big vote despite the absence of eamDaien talk." Final Fireworks. The last week-end before a bal lot battle in Shelby usually wit nesses quite a stir and by Monday morning the political situation may be a great deal nearer the boiling point than it was today. U. D. C. Convention Held In Rutherford I Rutherfordton, May 1.—About 80 club women from Gastonia, Hick ory, Newton, Kings Mountain, Shelby, Lincoln ton, Forest City and Charlotte attended the third dis trict convention of the North Car olina Daughters of the Confederacy, here Wednesday, at the First Bap tist church. Mrs. X. L. Morris, local president of tile Davis-Dlckerson-Mills chap ter, welcomed the visitors to Ruth erfordton while Mrs. A. H. Corn well, of Shelby, responded. Features of the morning session were ad dresses by Rev. E. B. Jenkins, local pastor; Mrs. Glenn Long, of New ton, division president, and a musi cal monologue In costumes by Mrs. Julie Williams. j At the luncheon a toast to the oc jeasion was given by Mrs. Annie E. | Logon and was responded to by i Mrs. Faison, of Charlotte. Mrs. Wil liams gave a toast to the president | which was applauded and responded i by Mrs. Long. Mrs. G. G. O'Neil I presented flowers to officials, Mrs. I Glenn Long, Mrs. L, A, Crowell, dis trict director, Lincolnton, and Mrs. A. L. Morris, local president. Reports from each chapter fea tured the afternoon session. It was decided to meet In Newton next year. Mrs Crowell was re-elected director while Mrs. Hal Hoyle, of Lincolnton. was re-elected secre tary. Mrs. Jake Newell, of Char lotte, made a brief address. Fort Fisher was discussed by -various members. Shelby and Forest City each had 11 women present. Ambers Martin Of Kings Mtn. Buried Kings Mountain, April 30.—Fu neral services for Ambers Martin, age 40, who died at his home in East Kings Mountain Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, were conducted at the Second Baptist church here at 3:30 Wednesday afternoon. Rev. R. L. Chaney and Rev. B. A. Culp of Asheville had charge pi the serv ices. Interment tvas in Mountain Rest cemetery here. Likely To Delay Revaluation Work (CONTINUED FROM PAOK ONKl revaluation every four years. Senate and house debated the measure of postponement heatedly. Proponents argued that the valua tion four years ago was made when real estate prices were abnormally high and these values, on the basis of present prices, are unjust and unfair to property owners. Property i should be revalued at present prices.| which are estimated at from 75 to 50 percent of those four years ago. Opponents of revaluation argued that if values four years ago were abnormally low and the values would not remain at this point for another four year. Also, they ar gued, if valuations were reduced extensively, as they undoubtedly would be during this period of real estate lethargy, then the valuations of the counties, cities and towns, and other gcfcernmental units would be lowered to such a point that out standing indebtedness would exceed! the constitutional limit on the new i values. The result would be endan-j fering the bonds and notes already j issued and prevent many units from i issuing new bonds for essentall im-j provements for several years to come, they argued. Price Agreed Upon For Park Forests < CONTINUED PRQM PAGE ONE ! completed and the park become a reality. The agreement came after dis cussions lasting three days conduct ed here at the Invitation of Direc tor Albright, of the National Park service. He and Associate Director Cammerer took part in the discus sions and were given much of the credit for closing the transaction. The states raised by appropria tion and by public contributions ap proximately $5,000,000 which was matched with a like sum by the Laura Spellman Rockefeller mem orial fund. Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, was a legal representative for the fiber company in arranging the agree ment. jr--- - J. C. Penney Co. SHELBY, N. C. Continuing Our Silk Event A Wonderful Saving for Women Who Sew! Flat Crepe The Smartest Silk f°r Summer Sold a year ago at $1.49 yd. yard A sensational comparison in value! Every piece is fresh stock . , all the ne# colors . . . heavy quality . . . smart smooth finish. In addition to a complete seleo tion of staple and pastel shades, these new ones are included: Platinum, Sea foam Green. Leaf Green, Rose Cedar, Rose, Hollywood, Clear Red and Ribbon Blue. 29> inches wide. Come in.,,, take advantage of this tremendous saving. Heavy Quality Flat Crepe ■eat Value iu Tears 1.39 Yard aad street daades, fc ^ -fiTely at $158 . yard l«t ?»U at $U9. 39-iacfa. The New SILK Fabrics Usher in Summer Sewing Time! Big Saving! Printed Silk Crepe The same quality, sold a year ago ai *1.79—now 139M Beautiful new prints . . , ill over florals—spaced- patterns. Th* quality u superior at this sew low price. 59 inches wide. New Summer Dresses BIG SAYINGS Something New Every Week! Priced Right, Styled Right. Solid and Printed Crepes. Sizes 14 1o 46. $2.89 Beautiful New Pastes shades and bright new prints. $4.88 Ensembles in chiffon, flat and printed crep es and georgettes $8.88 These' dresses eomt from one of the bes1 houses in New York. Compare these with $12.95 dresses in town. — NEW HATS EVERY WEEK — Priced Within Reach Of All Rough Straws, Peanut Straws, Toyos and Bakus 98c and $1.98 A hat to fit every headsize for miss and matron. SPECIAL VALUES FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY May 2 and 4 36-Inch UNBLEACHED PONGEE 10c TABU 36-inch DRESS PRINTS 10c YARD 36-inch LL SHEETING YARD TENNIS SHOES For the Entire Family ! 59c men’s and Boys’ WORK SHIRTS Men’s Solid Leather PLOW SHOES $1.49 Childrens’ Fatt Colot WASH DRESSES These sold last yeat for 38c Children’s Solid Leather OXFORDS AND STRAPS 98c Men's Work and DRESS PANTS 98c Washable Men’s Broadcloth SHIKI'S 59c Sizes 14 to 17 Another big shipment white, blue, green and tan ladles’ Fast Color WASH DRESSES 98c AH Sizes 14 to 52. Beautiful PRINTED SHANTUNG 39c - A regular 69- value A Timely Offer Of Men’s Suits Clothing today is at the lowest prices since before the war. Since last fall there has been & drop of nearly 40%. We pass the savings on to you. Good Wool Worsteds— Hard Finished $12.88 100% wool serge, guaranteed not to fade. $13.88 All-wool twists and worsteds in bright new spring and summer designs. New tans, grays, blues —Sizes 34 to 46. $14.88 Cohen Bros* NEVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD