Oak Grove Section ' News of the Week J-armer* rianting Cotton. .Mr, and Mrs. T, A. ( hawplan lias,; New Dxughtrr. i « C* * tit Willi Oak Grove, Apr. 2!)—The Uf.-nitts nl this community ate busy -pUtst iii;’ cotton now. Mr. and Mrs. James Waie tleliKht fuily entertained the senior U, V. P. U. with a social at their home yrl wtsday night. A large number of the members were present, giutu.- mid' proressivc conversation were enjoy ed throughout the evening ftii.tr Which refre: lunents wereMn v.\l Mr, rnd Mr* A, 1.. Dcvyn.'iy m-d children visited Mr1 Devi’hh.v’s mother Mrs. A. A Whlsnanl of Polkville on 'Thursday. Miss Gertrude Ledford. Mis. Frank Ware and children' .spent •Saturday night with Mr.-'and Mrs Monroe Lovelace * Mr, and Mrs. Will Wattenon v‘s Jted their aunt, Miss Mary Pater {.on of Cherryvifie on Smuts .■ Miss Veola Blanton and Mr. and Mrs. A. A Gibson attended the school commencement at Poplar Springs Tuesday night. Miss Annie Crosby pf wear 8,um Mill is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A A. Gibson for awhile. Bom to Mr. and Mrs r A Cham pion a daughter. Surah Eliza both. Mr. Clyde McSwain was Mi* din ner guest of Mr. Norlhan Hr. ;ri oh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bell ot lia - tonia. visited the former’s p-'-.iits Mr. and Mrs. p. A. Bell Sunday ervioon. There will be preuclunp e rv U-' nt th%church Saturday nigh' by 'he pastor Dr. C. J. Black Mr. C. N. Porter visited In- ’.nr mis Mr. and Mrs, Joe Potlr.’ ' of Buffalo Sunday. Miss Veola Blanton was t ie din ner guest 01 Miss Efflic Ph.lBvil: Sunday. — CALL 694 — We buy Chickens and Eggs We Sell Dressed Chickens And LAKKO FEEDS. Cleveland Produce Co. Hack of Chocolate Shop SHELBY, N. C. rYOU’ SAVE IN BUYINC C BAKING POWDER You save ir» using KC. Use LESS than of hijS priced brands. FOR OVER * IT'S DOUilt ACTINO Mothers Avoid Colitis Dysentery with children need not be at all <kngerous il treated upon first symptoms. Mathers for r.iare than a gen era! ion have put an end to stomach and bowel disturb ances oT their children b\ keeping hr.ndy hot tie of •Anti-Ferment, It settles the stomach! soothes the pains, prevents violent paroxysms, tends to regulate the bowels and in the end may avoid Colitis and more serious trou ules. It is harmless and non narcotic but a relief for Dys entery, and Diarrhea and di gestive disorders due to upset stomach and bowels. U may be obtained in' separate for mulae, tor adults 75c or for children 00c at all drug stores. Keep it ready; for emergenc ies, ~ry ’J rr-V \«4v< Enjoys Vacation John I). JUotkeleller, Jr., pictured at Santa l’e. N. id., «s he term in*, ated k two-month? torn of the Southwest. The I'art that M r. liorkafeDcr was able t<> spend h.s vacation unnoticed added much to the charm of his trip. New Prospect News Of Current Week 'Special to Tlic Stari i New Prospect, April. 30. - People tue taking advantage of the beau tiful vrnttlu i Mi^ii planting is be ing door- throughout the commun : ity. ' CJUih- a large number uf people from this community attended 111 - ccmmenr ment : ertnou ut Waco school Sunday a tun-noon Mi. Ca. lylt Smith tftul Misis Viingl - Mc Swain of thk; sjction are among the graduates tills year. Mkaes Ann- Laura nmr Jose phine Beam of near St Paul church Spout Sunday .with Mm Emma Sell ! era. Me r. ,J U. Omti.ii, Curlyle Sun It and Paul lion! were Charlotte vis itors Sunday u week ago. Misses Lena Brattle. Emma Sell ers. and Willie HuffstcUer of Marys I G.rovvr community and Mr. Arthur Stroup of Wocd'visited Misiite Jpse phln end Annie Laura Beam Sal u.-day night Mr and Mr; V'vi r Carpenter end ehilihen and Mr and Mrs V V Wright visited Mr. ufW Mrs Pin.: Whitrotdta of near Warn Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ed of lira; LliliiokltOii, spell', Suuila. v.i'.h Mr and Mrs J . U Cur;r:airi . ! Mull’s Chapel Section Gleanings' • Special to 1 h.- Suu-' April kU - The farmer.; of this! community -r.;v very busy planting! this week Y.V are glad to have a | large crowd at preach.ug sarvici? Sunday. Out B Y P."if. is growing nicely , Thu; v visiting in iin> community Monday at fermion were Mrs. G. W Conner. Mr . G C Hold and. Miss dunie -fiord Born to .-Mi.- and Mr C P Hoyle Saturday mamhu. a fine daughtr.-. Martha Ehne Mr B. P C •I'-bv and i.Mle >oi.. Wrsv, stHhv, Mondav wish Mrs - Ed I Cansby. . I Min r.-.'t-l Wliiti’l.rr spent the! week-e nd v-ith her moth -i Mr., O ] C Hurd Mrs g 1 srrotigt.ell.bw. C A Eu-'j r;;d Mr. . AY. J. Causbv ami two ! .son.:. Layman und names, rpe.u' Mo idry with Mrs. EY1 Cuu;b\ Bom to Mr. and Mis. Harm row-. I civ. a line daughter, Mary Mart t gam, I liMstOTAL .CHURCH SERVICES* i on SUNDAY, MAY THIRD | On Ekaiday May 3. there trill 1>. service.". at -the Church «f The Re-1 deemcr, S. Lafayette street, a , fol lows' 7:30 a m The Holy Com mtinton and 11 a m. morning pru; - er and preaching A chr > for adult:- | at, 10 a. in. Rev. J U El’.l fo ;n| charge. 'The so-called healthy yawn may! be laden with millions, ot germs foi ■ oth*"- in the room. A hearty laugh] may launch an epidemic," says a health authority. The old-time in ; feeturns laugh.—Detroit News. Kidney Acids , j * Break Sleep W Oettlngr t> Nlshta, Backacha, rreyucnt day intis. iajgr Paine, Nary I ouhiiup*. or M.u.nlujj, <luo to function i al Bladder Irritation, in acid condl- ! tious, makes vuu fool tired, depressed and dlsepumjred, iry the CyatexTest. \\ ork* last, starts elrvtUatinT thru the system lit 1.1 minutes Praised by thousands for rapid and positive ac tion. Pon't give up. Try Cystex tpro DOUBeed Blss-tes) today, nuder the Iron-Clad Cilia run tee. Must uuiokly allay these conditions, lirpror* test hhateepaod pntrgy, or, juoney back, JR. SUTTUE S DRUG STORE. *t Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS ISy Kb'NN 1JHLM. Tokay the coivum 1, again crusading in the movement to lei the world know shout Shelby. The topic In that picture postcards, and the suggestions may tie n interest, or may not be, to photographers and merchants who deal t; souvenirs. It Shelby's chamber of commerce were not In calm repose beneath it white marble slab bearing the inscription "Rest In Peace," we would put It up to that organization and ask lor immediate action. its this way; Just the other day Shelby had a number Of visitors. Many of them, a.i they should have been (ootvaitli, were favorably im pressed with the city’s beauty and the systematic manner iii which tin streets were surveyed and bi!iit up. Two or three of the visitors strolled into a store and asked for picture postcards to send their friends. They desired to show that Shelby Is one of those places not to be overlooked. The clerk in the store was baffled; he was a young fellow and picture postcards had then heyday before he quit playing marbles and startin'? greasing hi* hair for rumole-seit excursions. At another store pwstcard scenes of Shelby were unearthed from a dusty corner of u display count er And what scenes they were! One view was that of a semi-deserted street comer in the business district back In the days when there wer; never more than 40 visitors In town unless the circus was litre. In the scene was shown: an automobile of a vintage around 1012 or 1914. The visitor turned up her hose apd marched from the store. Apparently she hardly believed It was a view of Shelby. Fact is, the view she looked at must have been made in the days when Shelby believed that a building as high us the Masonic temple would never be erected anywhere except lh New York. Why doesn't come modern photographer make u series of views of preent-day Shelby for use upon picture postcards? Say they’ve had their day if you will Maybe they have, but if they have, the old views should be destroyed or placed in the family album as relics of the past to be shown to the grandchildren so that they might know how Shelby looked when great gram per shucked his flour-sack underwear and vent swimming in his birthday clothes at Chapels bend in Broad river just west of town hi lumps this note "Put. Kathleen Ilot'd m that Mu Shelby eon test and you'll not tit eel any judges; the contest will be over.” AncJ Hhe manner in which that bay wrote it indicates that he meant' every word of it; but we'd bet that he has stuttered every tune he lytsi tried tp tell her hi person- that is, if lie has ever had enough courage to try it. J Principal Walter A brine toy's sense of humor lmd all the teachers mid ii number of students all upset over at• the Shelby high school one day Uhi week. All of von know that old wheeze about the Office buy always want ing to go to his grandmother's ftmcrjil on the day the baseball season opens, - At the high school here it is the custom for . ome of the officials or teachers to remain in tty- office for cn hour or so after school close.j in the afternoon One afternoon this week Shelby had an important base ball gain- booked. Principal AbernCthy desired to sob it. Just about the time school closed, around S.HO in the afternoon. lie ca'led one of the high school teacher... and said, "Will you please remain ui toe office for me the remainder of the afternoon. I liave to go out of town; my grand mother's dead.” The teacher expressed her sympathy and agreed to take charge of the office. The principal busied hlmsJM preparing to depart. The teacher he had spoken to tool^ occasion to inform oilier teachers of the prin cipal bereayemeut. Simu oi the student: who were also around the building heard of the death. WihUn a short period of time, before Mr. Abernethy could get away donation; were being taken up, it is reported, to purchase a wreath. for the deceased grandmother. Finally, just as he 'started to leave, one of the teachers asked. "When will you be back. Mr. Abernethy?' ‘ When we get the old lady put away, the principal replied. MlUft&NES SHVCd WALrry >■* Tim Ufttl»«r *.tfl harwutm* w\tS •V«r*' +9*i»Z ««i#r «rt4 U aaiUfcJ* far >li fcaura. Tkt • aioau »nd a Milton «C m».aa\iM* W»?H«r |i»e» aari »n^ < Hr.rca t» nun? *f »ha !#z«m rump. A-»*iUWU Mr Cvlfti «r snlfc* Htmi, M»r «»!»♦ M *»rd in k.d »r r Kit Hi Itathtr. $g.99 *'nu» •( t ll • i>um»» tut wart I r ITi«mrU i> I I !i • itrltjj at light T»T(il«. Trtntattrf »»■>»« af ktack »aiti»t era *2a» arailafclt. r N«*» at***''hit t with rlklQ Hftia at* «f*rwl lift M&«fc Wwi. patent l.ecth*?. hr»» * kM atttl Sra SsMUi Vd. Many hat* arch r*h n*rt. Ja*t |he lhir.tr ^ t« aar wi.li ■ Ui’ecrti •IA HOSIERY TO HARMONIZE I Ur f*;i j- tjli.i.m Car* Silk Hna M Tv 6rr>i,« —isi fir I CUIait—Aak far -_>?■ «,»- , , . * " " N a. Ul. 79< «3LL£R J0NES CO. 10b S. LaFAYETTE ST. — SHELBY, N. C. Such disrespectful reference to one’s dead grandmother almost Hoof ed the teacher. Those remaining about the high school building were very much excited over the sudden demise and the nonchalent manner in which Prof. Abcrnethy was Bearing up under his bereavement. It finally reached the point where he had to tell them that he wa; going to a baseball game—just like other oifice boys whose grandmothers check out at convenient intervals. : i Now let's take up today's history lesson. Mona. BUI Hogue, one of the coiyum’s esteemed consultants and ad visors.’ informs that one'of Shelby’s fiercest fist fights todk place 30 years or so ugo on the First National bank corner. It was on election day and the participants were Matt Allison, of the No. i township section, and Pete Mayberry mid Joe Lackey, of the Kings Mountain community. With the entire election crowd looking on the battle raged furiously for some tunc. Finally. Allison, who had only one hand, licked them both by knocking them out with his lead-padded nub arm. ' Mons. JEHU • also' recalls that Jimmy Love, the man wim gave the land on Which Shelby is built, was a husky, hard-working man in addi tion to being a big farmer and landowner. One of the Jimmy Love feats, a superman teat m those days, was the splitting of 1,000 fhestiftit rails between sun Mr. W. D. Br.bingion. sr.. another of those fellows who can re la • many interesting things about Shelby’ of the old days, has in liis pos ■: vin u clipping front the old Shelby Banner, edited by J. P. Babn-etun. of an issue in 1874, It was an ad Of the town's first bank, J. Jenkim and Go. The ad reads. “If you want to buy or sell GOLD, or if you want to buy, sell, or exchange checks, call on us . Mr. Babington also recalls that when he came to Shelby with his father CO years ago a tobacco factory was being operated on the lot be hind the present C. C. Blanton residence on North LaFayette street. The operators, as he remembers, were John Stephens. Dr. .1 C. Gidney and Jesse Jenkins, the .'latter erected the present Blanton rsidence there about 1878 and today the handsome home shows not a crack or trace .of the 1883 earthquake wliich did considerable damage to tills section. Another recollection is that the Tom Dixon residence, which stood’ an Fast Marion street just across from the present Chevrolet garage, wa, not erected by the elder Tom Dixon. It was moved from fTTe post office corner and for years was occupied by the Roark family before the Dixon; secured it. Mr. Babington also makes a slight correction in another historical fact recently related iii this comer. The first jail Itood where the Ward Arey residence is now, corner of; East Marion and DeKalb streets, and the old whipping post was just behind it. 5,000 Homes Receive The Star Every Other Day—Mr. Merchant Get Your Message Tc The Home Through The Star—You Will Get Results That Will Satisfy. Roberts Tabernacle To Hear White People The first anniversary vf the edu cational depttrUhCU'u of . Robert Tabernacle,O M. &. church ft ill oe observed Sunday, May 3. at 3 p. m with the following program: Music—high school glee club chorus—AH's, Martua Mills choir,, director. Invocation by the pastor Music by chorus. Social Education by Prof. R. M. Potter. Music by chorus^ Religious Education, by Dr. L.‘ C Hayes. Duct—Mr. and Mrs. Kalter. The Demaud uf the Age, u> Prof. J. H. Grigg. Moral Education, by Miss V. C.'Thomas. Musk: by U. chorus. Our Ilacial Probleois anu How To Meet I hem—Lawyer C B McXJrayei'. Responses. It's ifuiuj to do a great joUr on somebody If Va discovered ina. there are uo such things us utunn.i. —Woman's Komo Companion. Governor floss, of Idaho, has lie; made a sis-mouths-old baby u col onel. Presumably in the lnluuiry. Dallus News. DAKCE Tonight Cleveland springs SWIMMING POOL AND DANCE PAVILION jBcginning at 8 O’Clock POUND AND SQUARE DANCING — GOOD MUSIC — Admission 75c Our ad in Wednesday's Slar read •■Admission Free.” This was an error. There will be an admission charge of 73c. Swimming Pool Opens Saturday, May 2, • • HIGH-POWER K fan) \(tiflsiv’e iii pastil g r ten. it ary ami black, I'm Ihgb-Pau er Burners. 30% faster » r r easy to light. . economical of fuel . • BEFORE YOU BUY ANY STOVE Consider the cost of fuel. Modern kerosene, (coal oil), is the economical fuel . . . . convenient) dependable, always easy to get in any quantity. High-Power Perfection stoves give all the cock ing speed of the more costly fuels .. . using the most economical of fuels • - • safe, clean kerostue. Greatest oil stove improvement in 25 years! All previous burners are now out-of-date. Here’s heat to speed the breakfast coffee. Heat to boil the kettle in a hurry. Heat to make a sizzling hot frying pan in less than 2 minutes! High-Power speed, as fast as a standard city gas burner! All the heat you can ever need for quick roasting, for biscuits and pastry baking, yet easily controlled for custards and angel cake. Over 30% more speed, with a saving on every fuel dollar! lligh-Powcr Perfection \ coolyng uses less kerosene per meal. Every Perfection has a new urcss of mod ern color. Soft pastel green, dainty ivory and lustrous satin black. Smooth ports lain, lacquer and baked enamel finishes Sturdy steel construction. j\eiv Ptyjtilious in loIoi—-Jtom )<> u^ Sec the new Perfections at your dealer’s. Choose the one you like best, and star this week to enjoy its speed and conve nience. No pipes or wires, no chimucj connection . . . just place it where it saves, most Steps .... and it’s ready to cook. * funlc Hon vrovt comi’.v.nv ■ IH LutmUml St., S. L„ Alta,t!«, Ccergiu 0/7 Oj/in//:;^ STOVES

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