WEBB THEATRE -TONIGHT LAST SHOWING OF “TRADER HORN” DON’T FAIL TO SEE THIS MARVELOUS PRODUCTION. ADMISSION 10c and MOc TONIGHT THURSDAY - ONE DAY ONLY “TRUTH ABOUT YOUTH” WITH A WONDERFUL CAST. ACTS AND NEWS REEL. - SATURDAY - WILLIAM HAINES IN “A TAILOR MADE MAN” SHOWS — 1 — a _ 5 — 7 — 9 — CONTINUOUSLY WEBB THEATRE «R. t MBS. E. F. ABBOTT RlrtmwS. In*. 'Only Medicine That Ever Did Our Condition Any Good" Read nhat this prominent Richmond (Indiana) couple have to say about ti e remarkable relief that MALVA brought to them:. "We were troubled v. th kidney, liver, end bladder trouble, accompanied by constipation and ether symptoms of a severely disordered stomach. Our systems were weak and run-down, and v.c had begun to feel the pains of rheumatism. \Ve are mighty thankful today that wc took MALVA, as it ha« brought us reliet where all other medicines had failed."—Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Abbott, 41a West Seventh Street, Richmond, Ind. Why not try a bottle of MALVA — today? MALVA The A t>ir Family Medicine Call now for this wonderful modicino CLEVELAND DRUG COMPANY — PHONE «:> — GIFTS FOR MOTHER’S DAY .Never have we had so many interesting gifts that will appeal to mother. Floor and Bridge Lamps, Table Lamps, Bed Lamps, Pictures, Mirrors, Pillows, Tables, Magazine Racks, Rugs, Hosiery, Gloves, Hand Bags’ Toilet Articles and scores of other items., It won’t cost much to remember Mother if you shop here. CAMPBELL DEPT, STORE LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Born to Mr. an* Mrs. Thad Mc Swain on May 2nd, a little daugh ter, Betty Jean. Mother and baby are both doing nicely. Dr. and Mrs, B, M Jarrett left this morning for Raleigh where Dr. Jarrett will attend the North Caro lina state board chiropractic rneet jlng. They will return home Friday ; morning. _ Mrs. C. II. Lee left Tuesday for iher home in Atlanta after spending I the week-end with her mother, Mrs. J. A, Royster near Lawndale. Mrs. Athel Cabaniss and sons, i Bobby and Dan, spent the week-end | with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. R. Hoyle near Lawndale, Messrs. Will G. Arey and Clyde A. Short go to Durham as delegates Thursday for a two day state con vention of the T. P. A's. Mrs: Ralph Cline and Mrs. W. C. Hamrick, jr., of Gaffney, visited Mrs. S. O. Andrews last Thursday. Mr. R. T. LeGrand and Mr. Char les L. Eskridge left this morning for Hot Springs, Arkansas, to be gone several weeks Miss Ossie Mcftary joined Mr. and Mrs. Rlggy Arrington, of Char lotte, and they formed a week-end party to Wilmington. While there on Saturday night they attended a ball given on the U. S. S. battleship Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wooten, of Hickory, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Spangler. Mrs. Wooten remained here for a visit of several days while Mr. Wooten is in Greensboro on business. Mrs. R. T. LeGrand, Mrs. W. F. Mitchell and Mrs. L. A. Gettys are spending a part of today in Gas tonia, Mr and Mrs. George Hoyle re turned home yesterday after spend ing several days hi Maxton where they were guests of Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Clegg, the Rev. Mr. Clegg be ing a nephew of Mr. Hoyle's. On Monday they, with their hosts, went to Southpost where they had the Interesting experience of going over the Battleship Raleigh. Friends of Mr. Corbett Hamrick will regret to learn that he is quite ill with pneumonia at his home on N. LaFayette street. Mr. W A, Thompson, who has been in Greensboro and Salisbury on a business trip, returned to Shel by last night. He and Mrs. Thomp son expect to return to Litt’e Reek the latter part of the week. Mr. and f*!rs. Hooper Benncct. of Atlanta, were the week-end guests of Ur. and Mrs. Sam Schenck at their home in Cleveland Springs Es tates Mr. and Mrs. George Blanton and Mrs. W. A. Thompson are spending today in Charlotte Mr. A. R. Bennett, of Greensboro, made a brief visit to friends hero Monday night and Tuesday. He was returning from Whiteville where he had gone to take Mrs. Bennett for a visit to relatives. Mr. and Mrs Hopson Austell Miss Betty Suttle and Mr. Theos Hopper spent Sunday in Asheville. Mrs. Ethel McGee, of Memphis, j Term., is spending a few days line i with her mother, Mrs. J. S. Beam.! after attending the funeral ot Kher ' sister, Mrs. Stainback, at HeodJlson j last week. Messrs. Sam Smith, Joe Warts- j worth and Charles Dwelle, of Cher- j lotte, visited friends here last week. Miss Elizabeth Burke', of Cfoi’erse j College, was a week-end guest of lv?r | aunt, Mrs. B. D. Hulick, and Mr. j Hulick here. Mr. and Mrs. Hopson Austell, Mr. j and Mrs. Esley Pendleton. Miss Bet- : ty Suttle and Mr. Theos Hopper will go to Lake Lure this afte.n;on where they will spend a day or so at Mr. Hopper's cottage. Mrs. C. C. Roberts is in Green ville, S. C„ this week where she war j called on account of the crifics.1 j illness of her father, Mr. John i I Hammond. Mr. James Jones, of Rome. Ga„ has been visiting friends here for a few days this week. Miss Roberta Royster acconipeeied! the senior class of Mooresboro high j school to Asheville last Frld *y on *> picnic and to attend the Mar Day festival exercises at the AmrvfiJe Normal school. Grandfather Dies for Boy Morris, 111.—-In an attempt to save his small grandson from the wheels of a car. David Wharrie. 73 was himself struck down by the ma chine and died several hours later - * _*.. - .. MOTHER LOVE By OLIVER PENDLETON In all the world there Is no love so pure, so unselfish, so constant ns Mother's love. It is akin to divinity itself—this love of mother for child —love which passeth all hjmnn understanding. Who but a mother can know such devotion! And vho can measure the influence the spirit of motherhood has had upon a world that would have been bleak without it? A motlier's love begins when her child grows under her heart. JT.i flowers into eternal affection when she goes down into the rail y of the shadow to give it life. It be comes an inseparable bond when the helpless infant feeds upon her bosom. However sleepless the nights i which follow may be for mother, her i love keeps uncomplaining vigil. And so the little one grows, happy end j carefree, unaware of the bo indies' love which lias been lavished upon him. The years come and go and the children her the call of the world All too soon, the little children, who i have made tire home happy . for j mother with their play and laugh-! ter, grow into young men and wom en, When they leave tire home, mother remains with her memories of the Infant, smiles, the tiny hand clasps. the first faltering stepc, tire joyful shouts and scuffles. If or love endures, her faith never falters Re gardless of how rough the going is; in the world, mother’s loving arms are always the kindly shelter they were in those days of Infancy. j The second Sunday in May hr'i > been designated Mothers Day : for public expression of our love and; reverence for the mothers Of our country. In 1914 our Congress fixed this day in honor of mother j be cause "the service rendered the United States by the American mother is the greatest source of the j country's strength and inspiration."; Mothers Day will be observed in all the states. Special services will 1 be held in the churches. The beauty I of Christian motherhood will be sited in sermon and song. The white carnation has b*er. chosen as the floral emblem of Mother love because of its sweet ness, purity and endurance. If mother is living it will make j her heart happy again to receive a : letter from son or daughter at aj distance, recalling the happy days j of childhood. The affairs of cur own | lives may have caused forgetfulness of the childhood days, to us, but not to mother. For her they are a part of her life. Let us remember mother citeaer , in the year to come with tetfe., and kindness and love. •Our trmirresi | devotion can but repay in a small; part the ineffable Jove and gentle-! ness bestowed so umtintlngly upon us by the most precious friend .erf; all, mother. If mother lias passed on. let us; live so that mother, could die lincw, |. would be proud cl her child In whom she always had faith, (Furnished for reprint bv \Y G Spake.' 4 Don ’t Overlook “Mother Day” Shelby Citizens Urged To Kemem ber Their Mothers on Sunday j May 10th . Just a little reminder to you folks who live in Shelby. Of course, it should not be necessary to leniicd you at all, but for fear that some one may permit business engage ments and transactions to over shadow everything else, tins little hint is given just at this time: Sun day, May 10 is Mothefvaay. Now that covers a span of neari; 24 hours, but in reality folks, ever; day Is mother’s day, no mnt'fr whether it is set aside for c.neiv ance or not. She is the one Jenson in all of this world to whonTycuij owe everything. Just tuck tnatj away under jour list and think it; over. Back of every aefciewm mt j which has been aocomp.'shed since | the beginning of time, there ••.«« j mother. Whether you've cjfanbtd ttip Ivl-s Uer to success or whether joo p.re; still plodding along, don't forget your mother on May 10. If she is 31111 with you, so much the brtfsr, she can see and appreciate what jrou do for her. If you are not sb lucky, well, remember her in the! way she would have had you to She may be old and wrinkled but i don’t forget this. You are still tier's I and she is looking to you with much j the same hope that she did when ’ first you saw the light of day. j Remember her Sundav Her .ap-^ you may not be able to bestow costly gifts on her. Perhaps you may not be able to take her nte The foal of the nicer will never know his speed nor will he over il' cover Ids powers if always paa'in'd! with the common herd destined foi , flic cellar and the yoke. Once a kid said that incond.-’.ont.j was the awful licking he g>t tci telling a story, in contrast v i. hi: daddy's statement that it hut' t»>": old man worse than the boy. id n> a man lias wondered over £*ni 1 same Inconsistency. Strange that every fellow < mbits. he lias the only hard; Job in the world. In one single chapter of u recent novel we noted that the hero;, countenance fell, his voice broke. htr, lieart sink, his hair rose, litJ eyes blasted, hit words burned. hit blood frore. Say, fellows, you've luvl no sucli luck as that! Apparently, we have Ibrgu'ten . few of the erstwllile simple thUw.e in life. A backward look will t even! them as tire big thing;, tic* the habit of happiness. Utilise yOu1' <:• thuslasni. The world Is hungry I'm faith. The young man is the fufvrt incarnate. Let every failure feiicn you tlie game. Public confidente is the young man's best: asset:,- Oyt. down to eayth; that is who e th' people live. The world is not town , on you; it is just busy, that ts all. A man who won't get up ’Chsih lie j is knocked down is no man at all. These are all workable problems. J Children Ilrown. Mobile. Ala.- As a boa. over turned in a creek, three children were drowned and live were res cued. r/, One Big Fact ONE B1G FACT ABOUT THE CLEVELAND STAR IS THAT IT IS READ 3 TIMES A WEEK, EVERY PAGE, BY 20,000 PEO PLE IN CLEVELAND COUNTY. CAROLINA TODAY AND THURSDAY — JACK OAKIE !>: “JUNE MOON” ONE OK THE I'l NN1EST FILMS WK HAN E SHOWN IN MONTHS. AND MACK SENNETT COMEDY PARAMOUNT SONG REEL FINN & HATTIE S COMING FRIDAY 5,000 Homes Receive The Star Every Other Day—Mr. Merchant Get Your Message To The Home Through The Star—-You Will Get Results That Will Satisfy. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT OPENS AN ACCOUNT WHY WAIT? Furnish the home of your'dreams NOW. Enjoy a beautiful cozy home and pay for it out of your income on our easy plan of DEFERRED PAYMENTS. 3-PIECE Bed Room Suite Here is h real chance to furnish your bed room with furniture of quality, at less than the cost of ordinary furniture elsewhere. Thrcu pieces in beautiful two-tone walnut finish. t 3-PIECE FIBRE SUITE Equipped with auto spring cushion seats in ga finished in the dainty shades of the season, good value at— $29.85 .y cretonne. Extremely 5-Piece BREAKFAST SET Beautifully enameled table and four chains. $21.95 REFRIGERATORS Scientifically constructed and heavy in sulated to save food and ice, with three - door side icer; built of oak. $24-95 V