SOCIETY NE fVS MKs< kenn uklm’ t<|uor Telephone The star No. 4-J Each Morning ^ To 12 Ocluct. |Ara. Drum can ne ceacnea at ner nome, Phone 713, aiternoou and uighta Tbr little Old I.adv In I ivfnder Silk. I was seventy-seven, come August, I shall shortly be losing by bloom; I've experienced zephyi and raw gust And isymbolicat > flood and si moom. When you come to. On* time of abatement, To this passing from summer to rail. It is manners to issue a statement As to What you go! on! of it all. So I'll say, though reflection un nerves me And pronouncements 1 dodge as l can, That I thunk 'if my munory serves met There was nothing more fun than a man' In, mV youth, when the ci'cscoKi/ Was too Wan To embana.s with beams from above, By the aid of some local Don Juan I fell into the habit of love And I learned how to kiss and be merry--an Education left better unsung. My neglect of the waters Pierian Was a scandal, when Grandma was young. Though the shabby unoalanced the splendid, And the bitter outmeasuved the sweet, 1 should certainly do as I then did, Were I given the chance £o repeat, Tor contrition is hollow and wraith ful. And regret is not part of my plan, And l think <if my memory's faith ful > I There was nothing more fun than a man! Dorothy Parker Regular Meeting Of Ladies Golf Club. The regular Weekly meeting of the ladies’ golf club will be held at the club house on Friday afternoon at 2:30. Mm. Ebeltoft Will Cntertain Chieora Club. Mrs. T. W. Ebeltol't will be hoslr ms to members of the Chicora lit erary club at its regular meeting on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, enter taining *t her home on S Wash ington street. Mrs. George Hoyle To Entertain Clnb. Mrs. George Hoyle will be hostels to members of the 20th Century lib-’ wary club, at a regular meeting on Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock, en-l tertaining at her home on West, Marlon street. Wedding Announcements Received Here. Announcements reading as fol lows of interest to friends here have been leceived in Shelby recently: Mr. and; Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Stuart announce the marriage of their daughter. Dorothy Frances, to Mr. Zeb .Vance- Carson, Saturday, April 18, San Antonio, Texas. A* home 406 Circle San Antonio. Texas. Mr. Carson is a nephew of Mr. George DePriest of this place and will be remembered by many Fiends as he has visited here on a number of occasions and at oiip time made his home here for a brief period Contemporary Book Club Has meeting. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs, Hah Schenck was hostess to members of | the Contemporary book club at a| regular meeting, entertaining at her) home in Lawndale. Miss Minnie Eddins Roberts attractively dis cussed some interesting current topics, and Mrs. B. O. Stephenson read and commented on the list of Puhtxer prise winners for the past year. After the conclusion of the brief program a business session was held during which the following of ficers for the neat club year were elected: President, Mrs. Shem Blackley; vice president, Miss Caro bet Lever; secretary, Miss Minnie Eddins Roberts: and treasurer, Mrs Brevard Hennessa, During the social half-hour Mrs. Schenck was assisted by Mrs. W. A. Thompson in serving a delicious ice and sweet course. Intereating Meeting Of Mothers’ Club. Mrs. Hugh Mauney was- hostess yesterday afternoon to the members of the Mothers' club at an attrac tive and interesting meeting. The leader for the afternoon was Mrs Ed Post and the subject for discus sion was "Collecting and Other Hobbies.” The first paper on the program was “Tha Young Miser,” given by Mrs. Robert Wilson, who was fpUowed by little Miss Patsy Mauney, daughter of the hostess, who contributed a piano solo, Mrs. Boyce Dellinger read a paper on Mounting Your Hobby, ' little Miss Phyllis Yates gave a group of two ' readings and Mrs. Clyde Short con 1 eluded the program with an excel lent paper on "The Dabbling AdolCS ! cents.” i At the conclusion of the program •the hostess was assisted by her daughter, Patsy, and by Mrs. Boyce ! Mauney and Mrs. Pd Post In serv ng simple but delicious refresh I merits. social Honor Accorded r >lrs. .lack Stevens. Friends here of Mrs. Jack Stevens of Greensboro, will be imjpii inter ested to know that on Monday at the May meeting of the Junior Lea gue of that city she was elected president of the organization for the coming year. As president of this group she will attend the national Junior League convention to be he& in Cinclnatti in June. In her elec tion to this office Mrs. Stevens has been accorded one of the highest social honors in the state. Mrs. Stevens is a sister of Mrs. Draper Wood of this place. V. VV. X. Meet* With Miss Webb The Y. W. A: of the First Baptist church met on Monday evening with Mies Ailccn Webb at. hostess at her home on North Morgan street. Fourteen members were present. The meeting was opened with a devotional, after which a brief business meeting was held. Miss Viola Randall, president, pre sided. The program, consisted of a round table discussion of “Young People's Work in Connection with Other Church Organizations," which dis'eusion was conducted by Miss Mary Tedder as program leader. Mrs. J. A. Lyles, W. M. U. president, was a special guest of the group for the afternoon. During a social half-hour the hostess was assisted by her mother, Mrs. George P. Webb, and her sis ter, Miss Evelyn Webb, in serving a salad course with accessories. Social Meeting Of Islipening Club. ^ Miss Mary Moore was a charm ing hostess to members of the Ish penihg club at a social meeting at her lovely home in Forest City yes terday afternoon, with Miss Claudia Sanders, of Monroe, as guest of honor. The rooms of the lower floor where the tables were arranged were decorated with a profusion of mixed spring flowers. After several delightful progressions scores were added and the high score award, a double deck of playing cards, wentj to Mrs. Frank Hoey, and the low score prize, a silver bridge pencil and bell, went to Miss Elizabeth Ebeltoft. Miss Sanders was given a beautiful compact as a guest prize; Guest? outside club members were Mrs. Joe Cunningham, Mrs. Durham Moore, and Mrs. Deck Wilson, the, latter of Forest City. The hostess was assisted by; Misses Ruth and Foy Moore. Mrs.1 George Thompson and Mrs. Terry' Moore in serving a saiad course with■ accessories, followed by an ice and sweet course. Meeting Of D. A. R. Held Yesterday. Mesd&mes C. R. Hoey. J. I.. Me-; Dowell, Renn Honeycutt and J. A Lyles were joint hostess yesterday afternoon at a regular meeting of] the Daughters of the American Re volution. with Mrs. Hoey as chair man of the hostess committee. The club room, where the meeting took place, was decorated with quantities] of various spring flowers. During a business meeting the following pro gram committee was appointed for the coming year: Mrs. J. A. Lyles, Miss Elizabeth McBravei and Mrs. W. H. Blanton The afternoons program was opened by a flag drill and question naire on the flag and the Ameri can creed, conducted by Mrs. Ceph Blanton. "Laurels of a Mother" was given by Miss Maine Jones, who was followed by Mr. E. B. Hill, ac companied by Miss Mary Helen Lattimore, in singing a group of two songs; "Sweet Little Mother of Mine" and “Among My Souvenirs.’ An interesting article on “Some Queer Customs of Colonial pays” was read by Miss Ella McNiehols, which number brought the pro gram to a close During the social half-hour the hostesses served a delicious ice and sweet course with coffee. 1 _ Mis* Glover Weils -Mr. J. B. Price. A wedding of interest to friends in this section took place at 7 [o'clock on Saturday evening when Miss Olna Glover was married to Mr. J. B. Price in a simple cere* mony at the home of the brides parents at Ellenboro, in the presence of only relatives and immediate friends. The ring ceremony was used. Rev. J, N. Snow, the bride's pastor officiating. Thte vows were spoken before an altar of banked evergreens and flowers, arranged in front of a window. Lighted candle# were placed effectively about the room The wedding music was play ied by Miss Beata Glover, of Ashe ville normal school. Mendelssohn's (wedding inarch was used as a pro cessional and “I Love You Truly ! was softly played during the cere imony. The pastor entered the ceremony (room first and took his place before |the altar; the bride and groom cn j tered together. The bride wore a tailored ensemble of navy blue 'crepe with which she used eggshell accessories. Mrs. Price is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs!. John E. Glover of Ellen boro and is an attractive and popu lar young woman. She received her education at Asheville normal school, and during the past year has taught in the schools of Ruth erford county. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs G. A. Price, also of Ellenboro. He received his education at Kings Business college and has until re cently been connected with the Conservative Insurance company here, Mr. and Mrs. Price left immed iately after the ceremony for a wed ding trip through western North Carolina. Upon their return they will make their home near Ellen boro. While many experts say business has turned the corner none of them ge so far as to say it was making The curve on only two wheels It would be a pleasure to run this newspaper without charging for ad vertising or subscriptions but Some body else can have the pleasure. You can change the whole philo sophy of life for some people by pin ning a little piece of ribbon on them, with the printed word “committee," We never could understand why old men were so much worried about the way the flappers acted; they were certainly safe, not to say im mune. At The Theaters Webb today: Last showing of “Trader Horn," spectacular film of adventures in the African jungle. Thursday’s show: “Truth About Youth,” with Loretta Young and a star cast. Saturday: William Haines in “A Tailor Made Man.” Carolina theatre today and Thursday: Jack Oakie in "June Moon,” supported by Frances Dee. Also Mack Sennett comedy and Paramount act. Friday : “Finn and Hattie,” with Leon Errol. Saturday: Tom Tyler in “God's Country and the Man.” IN FASHION NOW The vogue for cotton is growing more and more as the season ad vances. There seems to be no place where cotton cannot be smartly worn as one sees costumes of every score at fashionable occasions from morning to the wee small hours of the night. For the morning, there's the cot ton gingham which is having a tre mendous revival this spring. Ging hams of every kind are being shown and worn. For sports and street wear, there are the chic little jacket suits of cotton jersey worn with dimitie or all-over embroidery blouses. Suits of cotton serge are good. Pique in white and in colors is a favorite. Other cotton materials are being shown that are suitable for use in any number of costumes. For afternoon ‘’and evening, one .sees cotton take its place among the finest materials. Organdy, the darling of the younger set, is one of the favorites. Others seen at for mal functions are pastel shaded' cotton nets, dotted Swiss, cross bar red muslins, and cotton laces For wear with one's cotton cos tumes, there are also cotton shoes, of canvass, trimmed or untrlmmed with colors, to suit one’s taste. For sports wear there are the lisle mesh stockings. Local Man Kills Wild Boar In Swamps of Santee River, S. C. Was Advised of Danger So He W ent Armed. Wild Boar Weighed 350 Pounds. i), W. Costner, Shelby man who deals in pigs, was on a trip test week to South Carolina to buy a load for sale on the local -Market He reorts on his return, the thrill ing experience of killing a wild ooov in the Santee river swamps of Cal houn county where he,had called on a Mr. Keller to buy his load Mr. Costner was in the swamps with Mr. Keller and had been advir ed ot the wild boar which had be»n a menace to men and dogs for sev eral weeks, The boar was signted and a dog which they had along with them gave chase, but the w’ld boar turned and frightened ihe dog away. Mr, Costner fired once, but missed his mark. The dog and the men continued the chase and when the boar was sighted again Mr. Costner leveled his 38 calibre spec ial and killed the immense boar. It was left in the custody of Mr Keel er and many people who had feared Its presence, gathered to view the carcas'after Mr. Costner returned home. * 'District Club Women In First Meeting Here Professor Weaver of State Ca!lr;c Delivers Address on Some Conveniences, Home Demonstration club women lroin Gaston, Rutlierford and Clev eland counties met on Saturday ..hey 2nd, at the South Shelby school ter the first district meeting ever haul by this district. Mrs. Oron Vernon of Gaston conn j ty is chairman. Mrs. Boyd Hanelscn I of Cleveland county js secretary, of ‘ this district. Mrs. Vernon presided in a maim i t ; becoming one who had had expert - jcnce of many years, instead of one who was launching the orgamza'acn I for its first cruise. The welcomes and responses as well as the greetings were composed of fitting remarks that made ail realize that there was preparation and earn estness behind the purpose for which the women stand, and that they may be depended upon to carry out any venture they may undertake. Mrs. Grady Lovelace, who is always generous to the organisations and shares her musical talent at many of these meetings, sang the <-H club son "Dreaming” with splendid feel ing. She had the right appreciation of home, or she could never have put such emotion into the song. Oreetings From State. Mrs. Dewey Bennett, vice presi i dent of the State Federation of Home Demonstration clubs, and chairman of the district ;neetl>'t5s brought greetings from the stafe, and front Mrs. McKimmon. She also told in a most direct manner the history of the Jane S. McKimmon Loan fund, started as a love sift for Mrs. McKimmon by the home dem onstration agents, and later made e joint purpose with the state federa tion, still as a love gift to' the worthy commander. The federation has done so much sponsoring that it is with them a major project in many respects. From this fund money Is to be loaned worthy coun try girls for the purpose of gaining an education in home economics. Preference is given 4-H club girls In granting these loans, and the girls must attend an A grade col lege. Prof. Weaver Speaks. Prof. D. S. Weaver of State col lege, made a most practical talk on home conveniences, particularly the inexpensive method of securing run f EWE A UTY* Eugene Permanent Including Shampoo $6.50 CROWN your good appearance . with most becoming and fash ionable effects in hair dress. Our skilled operators are com petent in contriving fascinating hair arrangements best suited to your type and the texture ot your hair. Gravity Beauty Salon MAY HUE’S PLACE — PHONE 415 ROYSTER BLDG. — SHELBY, N. C. INSURE YOUR GARMENTS Against Moth Attack use LARYATOX ITS ODORLESS, STAINLESS, NON-IN JUR IOUS, NON-INFLAMMABLE. GET LARYATOX FROM | John M. Best Furniture Co. SOUTH 1^1 AVETTE STREET I SHELBY, N. C. W ' Ring water lor the home, Mr VVea | ver was introduced as the best friend of the country woman in all the state. which introduction he i proved was as true as were his cliarts with their accurate plans 'that carried such appeal in tl'eh clarity. Lunch was the item that | had to be partaken of to be thor oughly appreciated. Cleveland, as ( hostess county, served coffee and salad. The plates were served with I the meats, sandwiches salad coffee ' and bread, then the dessrts were spread upon a long table and invi tation rendered to "help yoursel 1 ves." Miss Current, district agent took ; charge of the. song period,, leading 1 the songs selected for the occasion which pertain to the general work She was accompanied by Mrs. Huff Hamrick. Splendid reports were given from each county. After this came the business session. Plans were made for the coming year. when, where and how the work is to carry on for the future. A program committee was appointed to look after that end of the business. The secretary is to be selected from the county from which the chairman is elected, so a 11,t of these names will be published when the offices are completed. Try This One For Tonsil Troubles Atlanta, Ga — If j’ou have a sore tonsil go to the doctor and let hint put a "bee" on it. The "bee" is an electrocoagulator and is part of the exhibit of medi cal appliances at the Southeastern Surgical Congress meeting here. The treatment is known as dia thermy electrocoagulation or ton sils, but it is not as bad as it sounds, say those interested in call ing it to attention of the medicos. The doctor simply places two cathodes, or “stingers,” about the tonsil and opens the throttle. The frequency is too fast for a sensation of shock. The tonsil merely gets warm. A little shot and in a few days part of the tonsil withers up and you blow it away. Three or four treatments and the tonsil is gone. BIRTHDAY DINNER SUNDAY AT W. E. WRIGHT S HOME There will be a birthday dinner Sunday May 10th at the home cf W E. Wright in the Double Springs community, celebrating Mr. Wright’s fiftieth birthday. Friends and rela tives are invited to attend witn bas kets of dinner. 1 Trinity Community ! News Of The Week I Mother's Bay To Be Observed. Mr. j Johnnie Green Home From Hospital. — The Sunday school will observe j Mother’s Day next Sunday and a short program will be rendered in the opening assembly of the Sun day school. Miss Effie Bridges of Henrietta spent last week here with Miss Re becca Bridges and attended the commencement exercises of the Mooresboro high school. Miss Katie Bridges of Boiling Springs spent last week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Scruggs and daughters of Cliffside were callers .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bridges Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Bridges ar.d children attended the memorial services at Cherokee church Sun day The many frieiyis of Mr. Johnnie Greene will be glad to know that he has returned to his home here after having been in the Shelby hospital for some time. He seems to be get ting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McKinney were callers, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hamrick of the Mt. Pleasant section Sunday afternoon. Miss Grace Wilson and Miss Mary Matheny of Cliffside spent last week-end with Miss Nellie Beason here. Mrs. Pauline McWhirter and chil dren of Shelby have been spending a few days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lovelace were callers at the home of Mrs. Cluff McSwain of Boiling Springs Sunday night. Misses Ethel Lovelace and Re becca Bridges members of the sen ior class of Mooresboro were among the number motoring to Asheville last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Harris and family were the spend the day guests of Mrs. Jim Bridges of Hen rietta Sunday. Sulphur Springs And Sharon Church Notice Services at Sharon and Sulphur Springs for Sunday follow: Sharon: Mother’s day program at 10 a. m. by the Sunday school. A memorial sermon at 11 by the pat tor. • Rev. W. R. Jenkins, pastor of South Shelby Methodist church will speak in the afternoon at 1:30. Epworth league will meet at 7:30 p. m. Sulphur Springs: Sunday school at 10 a m. 11 a m. memorial address by Hon. Spurgeon Spurling of Lenoir. 1:30 p. m. a Mother's day pro gram will be given at the conclu sion of which Rev. J. W. Ingle of Shelby will address the people. Dinner will be on the ground at each of these churehes and all are asked to bring well filled baskets. J. C. Penney Co. Shelby, N.C. Mother's Day Sunday May 10th Suggestions That Are Both Practical And Economical. Now*a>Days It’s Hats Cor Mother Lac? and grosprrain ribbon are used effectively on this smart “Austelle” model of hair braid. *^The brim turns up slightly tm on the right side. Women’* Rayon Underwear Vests, bloomer*, panties . . smartly tailored . . . dainty pastels. Cool and practical foe Hummer wear. 49c Dainty Pearl* I Necklaces Always smart... and becoming f Chokers and dooMe strand neck laces at this irresistible low price! 19c Bath Towels NEW LOW PRICE 4 for 59c Large *ise, double terry wear* . . . stripes, plaids and plain white. Women’s Hand Bags Now at New Low Prices! $1.98 Afl erf these bogs war out MmtSmg nhxs at their aU Trices . . now they are irr* MJhhte wahscsi Good stjfas. Black Kid The mart atrep,- of black morocco grain, it h«ld in place by patent leather band*. *3.f* Mother’s Day Feature! Silk Dresses $9.90 New ityle* ... refreshing coU •r* „ . . some print* ... very *mart for immediate wear. Flat crept and canton crept. Semi-Service Hosiery No. 444! Pure silk with mer cerised cotton farter top, mer cerized sole and toe. Summer shades. Full-fashioned. 79c Pair Scalloped Bedspreads! Lustrous Finish $1.9S SO x 1 OS rayon and cotton spreads . . . scalloped edges beautiful Jacquard designs .. in several charming bedroom shades.

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