Do You Want To Buy Or Sell? Thousands Read Star Want Ads. k WhutltoBWmi k Tn the WANT ADS Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size 1 cent per word each insertion. This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. USED AUTO PARTS FINK IRON & METAL CO. Trade Alley. Phone 580. tf-oOc NEARLY TWO HUNDRED users in Cleveland county of Gen eral Electric Refrigerators and not one has ever spent one cent for service. Robert C. Hord. Dealer, 8. Washington St., Shelby. tf 25c PAY $1.00 OR MORE ON subscription to The Star and receive free, the new highway map of Cleveland county. It shows the various types of roads, township lines, towns, large streams and consolidated schools. The map is just out. Get yours now. tf 4p CALL 832 AND LET US SEND for your car and Wash or Grease It. for 75c each. The Auto Inn, next to the Whiteway Dry Cleaners, tl 30c ICE BOXES MADE To ORDER, Cheap. W. G. Spake, 206 Suttle St. Leave order at Paragon Furniture _ tf 13c WE DEVELOP KODAK FILMS. Expert work, 24-hour service. En larging and tinting, Hollywood Stu dio, over Woolworth’s. tf 20c COTTON SEED FOR PLANTING. Pure and high quality; staple the best. c. S. Young, Shelby, N. C. _ _tf »c WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY repairing. L. a Davis, next door to Eflrd'i I appreciate your patron age. large or small tf Uc DON’T NEGLECT FEET these hot summer days. Be fitted correctly by shoe ex perts at A. V. Wray & 6 Sons, City. tf-27c FOR SALE—CAFE AND FIX TURES. Good location and good business. Apply "Cafe” care The Star. 6t-24p WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER or steam fitter, call the Modern Plumbing and Heating Cot, the plumbing and heating specialist. Telephone 568. tf 20c BRAKE LINING At prices you can afford to pay. Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc FOR RENT: EIGHT ROOM house, steam heated, welt located, good condition, formerly occupied by T. P. Eskridge on W. Marion St A, Blanton Grocery Co. tf C2c PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER and typist, call Myrtle Gilbert, 454-J at No. 9 Union Bank Building. 2t 6p THREE GRADES o f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate Engraving, Relief g r a f (raised letter) ^nd printing. Samples upon request. All pric es at a liberal dis count from list. The Star. Phone 11. tfl4e COME TO C. B. ELLIOTT ON the Shelby-Polkville rqpd, May 7th, and buy genuine Porto Rico potato plants. Government inspected, chemically treated. C. B. Elliott. 2t 4c FORTS ALE: CREAM Crowder peas, differ ent varieties of peas, cane seed, soy beans, and other field seed. D. A. Beam Co. 3t-6c COMPLETE RE Babbiting service. See us for all parts. Mauney Auto Parts Co. _tfc FOR SALE: Choice hay. Priced right. D. A. Beam Co. 2t-6c ^ REDUCE YOUR HIPS AND thighs in a Summer Spencer Gar ment, made of sheer, open-weave fabric. Call Mrs. J. Henry Carroll, phone 213, LaPayette Street. 3t Ic OPEN ALL NIGHT. Central Cafe. West ern steaks a special ty. tf-4c IT COSTS BUT A FEW CENTS a day to protect your Income when disabled from sickness or accident Write for full details. North Ameri can Accident Insurance Co., Box 12, Shelby. N. C. tf 23c SALESMAN WANTED IN CLEV eland county to sell nursery stock Cash weekly. Write Lindley Nurs eries, Pomona, N. C.: a-Be FREE, NEW HIGHWA\ map of Cleveland county 1 showing the 793 miles of roads to be taken over by the state under the new road bill, tou can get one of these maps by paying $1 or more on your subscription to The Star, tfp DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? If so See J. W. Denton, H o e y Apartments or Phone 4-J. Work guaran teed. tf THE G. W. PEELER CORN MILL in No. 11 township will be operated On Tuesdays, Fridays and Satur days of each week. 2-Bc BEAUTIFUL WED DING Announce ments and Invita tions. The famous Re liefgraf at a liberal discount from list prices. Looks like cop per plate engraving, but considerably cheaper. We keep se crets of weddings to be. The Star. Phone 11. tfl4p FOR >maJr5cLASS DYE JOES on all satin and cloth slices, or leather shoes, go to the Shelby Shoe shop, 2-Gc DON’T LET YOUR repair jobs cost you too much, see Mauney 4.uto Paiis Co. tfc FOR JOB PRINTING OF ~ALL KINDS—CALL THE STAR FOR QUALITY PRINTING. FOR RENT:’ 5 ROOM~HOUSE on Oakland Drive, water and lights. Rent reasonable. Apply at Stir office. 3t lp FOR RENT TWO ROOMS~FOR light house keeping. Call 461-J. 2-6.. FOR RENT: TWO UNFURNISH ed connected rooms. Mrs. Robert Andrews, 408 S. DeKalb St. tf 4c TO CLEAN OFF DOUBLE SHOALS GRAVE YARD C. R. Spangler asks The Star to announce that the Double Shoals Baptist church cemetery will be cleaned off on Saturday May 9th. All who have relatives and friends buried there are asked to report at 7 o’clock. Cat With 2 Heads In Catawba County Hickory Record. Ernest Moose, of Rhodhiss, has a freak to ad dto the wonders of this world. The other day his cat had kittens and one of the kittens had two heads. The kitten died immediately after birth and Mr. Moose is having Dr. Shook, in West Hickory, mount it. The kiten was born in a iltler of three and had two fully developed mouths, two eyes and two ears Quality Furniture On Easy Terms. Phone 592. Shelby, N. C. Held for Ransom Fred J Biumer (above), wealthy Monroe, Wis., brewer and manu facturer, according to police, has been kidnapped in his home town and rushed to a •hide-out" in Chicago, where he ia being held for 1150,000 ransom. What the country really needs Is a new recreation, which will afford good health for fat men without much exercise. Upper Cleveland News Of Interest Memorial at Mount Moriah May 10. Personal Mention of Interest. (Special to The Star.) Casar, Rtl, May 4.—There will be Memorial services at Mt. Moriah, church Sunday May 10. There will be several quartets and Rev. C. E. Ridge will preach of 11 o'clock. The public is Invited and to bring a well lilled basket. Many people of this community attended the memorial services at First Broad church Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Hunt and son Brevard, spent last Saturday night with MT. and Mrs. Hazel Turner of Morganton. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hunt spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs. Noah Pruett. Miss Sadie Hunt spent last week with her sister Mrs. Loyd Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Carmie Ledford of Morganton, spent the week end with Mrs. Ledford's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Cook. Misses Anne Warlick and Winnie Whlsnant spent Saturday night with her cousin, Miss Viola OamBle of near Bc»tic. Mrs. Andy Brackett spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. A. A. Whio nant Mias Nina Self spent Friday with Miss Ola Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe Lane of Lawndale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. True Gantt. Mr. John S. Hunt and son Clem were visitors in Marion Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McFacund spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Richard of near Hollis Boiling Springs News Of Interest Memorial To Be Held May 10th. Prince Wilbur To Lecture. Visit Cox Estate. (Special to The Star.) Boiling Springs.' May 5.—Mem orial services will be held at the Boiling Springs church Sunday morning, May 10. Rev. L. Rj Pruett will give the memorial address. Contrary to the usual custom dinner will not be served on the ground and there will be no afternoon services. Priiice Wilbur, heir to the throne of a province on Gold Coast, Africa, will be at the college auditorium | Thursday evening to give a lecture and piano recital. Prince Wilbur is a very talented musician, interna tionally known Mr. Harrelson of Concord, man ager for Prince Wilbur is spending several days here. Mrs. J. H. McBrayer and Miss Johnnie Mae McBrayer delightfully entertained the Tongues and Needles club Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The regular business session was held at which time the committee to write the constitution of the club made a report. Mrs. James McBrayer resigned as secre tary and treasurer of the club and Mrs. V. H. Hamrick was .elected in her stead. After the business meet ling a social hour was enjoyed. An interesting contest on designing patterns suitable for cotton dresses and giving the various uses .of. cot ton Was engaged in. Mrs. H. B. ! Queen was the winner and was presented a lovely prize. The host esses served a delicious salad course. Visit Cox Estate. The members of the Philsonian book club enjoyed a motor trip to the Cox estate on Green river in Rutherford county Thursday aft ernoon. The beautiful grounds and the lovely old home were opened to the members of this club, who were most graciously received by Miss Maude Cox, the present owner, and allowed the freedom of both house and gardens for several hours. The estate hdS been in the Cox family for generations. The house, furnished throughout with rare and lovely antiques, beggars description, as do also the grounds and gardens In their simple but ex quisite loveliness. It is indeed a rare treat to anyone having the privilege of visiting this estate. Rev. J. M. Goode had as his guests on Sunday last his four sis ters, Mrs. M. M. McKinney and Mrs. J. C. Gillespie of Mooresboro, Mrs. Millard Hopper of Henrietta and Mrs. Austin Moore of Avondale. Misses Lois and Winfrey Ham rick of Charlotte spent the week end here with their father, Mr E. D. Hamrick. Miss Rosalyn Fruette spent Sat urday night with Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Jarrett of Shelby. Mr. Davis Greene is quite ill in the Rutherford hospital He under went an operation about three weeks ago but his condition is such that he will have to have another this week. His many friends are Lily Mill Mention Of the Week’s News Several On Sick List Art Better. Personal of People Visiting. (Special to The Star.) Mr. Henry Ledbetter and family and Mrs. Dora Blanton motored over to Kings Mountain to see rela tives. Miss Corrtne Mull of upper Cleve land is visiting Mr. Jake Lall and family. Mrs. Grace Colar and children spent Saturday night with her father and mothef, Mr. and Mrs. Zero Hasting. Mr. Ivester Anthony and wife of keenly interested and hope for Ills recovery. Mr. Dennis Greene of Georgia fe visiting Mrs Davis Greene for a few days. Rev. Vance Heavener of Hickory preached here Sunday morning and Sunday night in the absence of the pastor. Rev. J. L. Jenkins. A large congregation heard Mr. Heavener at both services and enjoyed it thor oughly. He is pleasantly remember-J ed here as a former student in the high school. Miss Elotse Pruett or Charlotte spent the week-end here with her mother. Mrs. J. L, Pruette, Misses Blanche Holland. Rosalyn and Daisy Ree Pruette, Nellie Green, Mr. Hujfcon Holland and Dr. A. B. Holland spent Thursday In Charlotte. Mrs. Ed Coe of Norfolk, Va.. and Mrs. C. W. Walker of Ellenboro vis ited Rev. J. M. Goode Sunday Misses Mildred Gobde and Mabel Goode left Friday for Peabody col lege, Nashville, Teim., to attend summer school there. Mr. and Mrs. Hal B. Greene and daughter, Maida. spent several days of last week visiting Mr and Mrs. R. Z. L. Hawkins in Rutherford county. Mr. Glenn Crabtree who has been here for sometime visiting relatives, returned to New Mexico this past week. Rev. J. L. Jenkins who has been conducting a revival in New?ton for the past two weeks returned home Sunday. Mr. Charlie Prince of Greenville, SC. spent’last week-end here with Mr. Dye Huggins. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Hiving qualified as administrator of the estate of B. T. Brooks, deceased, this Is to notify all persons having claims again-1 the estate of said deceased to exhibit them duly verified to the undersigned at Shelby, N. C.. on or before the 31st day of March, 1833, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 31st day of March, 1931, Z. J. THOMPSON, Administrator of B. T. Brooks, Deceased. Joseph C. Whlsnant, Atty. St Apr le ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having tills day qualified os adminis trator of the estate of Annie C Putnam, late of Cleveland county, N. C.. this Is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present same to me properly proven for payment on or before the 2»th day Of April, 1033, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any recovers'. All persons owing the said estate will please make Immediate settlement to the undersigned This April 28, 1931 C. B PUTNAM. Administrator ot Annie C. Putnam, Deceased St 38p Sharon community spent Saturday night with Mrs. Lee Patterson. j Mr. Odls Mull and Mr. Zero Hast ing motored to Granite Falls Sun-! day and carried Mrs. Draw Color! home. Mr. O. B. Ivester und wife and little, girl motored to Charlotte Sat urday evening to see a bali game. Mr Clarence Fisher and wife spent Saturday night with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvln Fisher in Catawba county. Mr. Kelly Fisher and wife and Mr. Clayton Fisher and wife and Miss Flossie Stuart visited rela tives In Lincoln county Sunday. We are glad to know that Mrs. Effle Poole is better. Mr. John Patterson and wife spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George McSwatn at Lattlmore. Mr. P. W- Smart and wife motor ed to Lattlmore Sunday to see relatives, Mr. Sanford Mull and wife and Mr. Tom Ledford and wife and Mr. Fred Richard and wife and baby spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phagns near Kings Mountain, We are glad to know that Mr. John Farris Is better and back on his job. * Mr. Fred Hasting and Miss Hassle NOTICE or SUMMON* North Carolina. Cleveland County, In the Superior Court, Before the Cleric. Hurry Jlmmerson. et »!., Petitioners vs. George Rlppy, Forrest Hippy, *t el.. De fendants. To Ed Hippy end wife. Merle Hippy, George Hippy, Avery Hippy end wife, Mr Avery Hippy, Jesse Hippy nnd wife, Mrs. Jesse Rlppy, Robert Rlppy end wife, Mrs Robert Rlppy, Crayton Hippy. Roister Oeorge Rlppy, Ella Mae Gordon, Esther Rlppr end husband, whose name O un known. Giles McSwnin. Leander McSweln end wife. Mrs Lennder MeSweln, Jennie McSwttn and husband whose name la not known Hubb McSwntb and wife, Mrs. Bubb McSwalll Alonro MrSwsln and wife, Mrs. Alonso MeSweln, Scnora MeSweln, and Cephea SlcSwein, non-resident de fendants: You end eerh of you are hereby noti fied that a spec!*! proceeding hit* been begun before the clerk of superior court of Cleveland, county. N C , to partition lots Nos. 236. 239. and 237 of the Homesly Addition to the town of Shelby among the tenants in common, tn which you have an Interest, and that petition Is on file In the office of clerk, of superior court of Cleveland county, and that you are re quired to appear and answer or demur to said petition on or before June *,1931. or the relief preyed for will be granted. This the 27iIt dey of April. 1931. A. M. HAMRICK, Clerk Superior Court. S. T. Fells, Atty. At April 28c TRUSTEE'S SALE 01 LAND. Under authority conferred by deed of trust executed by Max Homesly and wife, Helen Homesly, to 13 Z- Newton, trustee, dated January IS, 1917. and recorded In book til at page 6? of the registry of Cleveland county, North Caroline, the eetd trustee will eell et 12 o'clock noon on the 30th day of May, 1931, at the court house door tn Shelby, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash, to the high est bidder, the following described prop erty, situated In the city of Shelby. North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Being lot number 9 of the subdivision of that lot deeded by J. Mac Green twid ower i to W. R Newlon and R L. Weath ers bv deed dated July K. 1924, and re corded in the register's office fot Cleve land county. North Carolina, tn book OOO at page Ml, «nd bounded as follows: Beginning at an Iron stake at north edge of in alley, corner lot sold to Haskel Thompson and wife, and running thence with their line north 3 1-3 east 1*0 feet to an iron stage: thence north 87'* west 55 feet to an Iron stake: thence south 3'i west 150 feet to an Iron Make on the north Odge of an alley; thence with the north edge of said alley south 8”-a cast 55 feet to the beginning. This sale is made on account of de fault In the payment of the Indebtedness secured by said deed of trust and Is sub ject to all taxes against said property, whether now due or to become due. This the 38th day of April, 1931 D. Z. NEWTON, Trustee, 4t April 28c Hasting motored tip to OraulU' j FkiUs Saturday after their sister and children.. 1 Sir George Palah says the way to fight communism Is to make the world more prosperous. 120,000,000 Americans say, "start on us." We know you wouldn't believe It, If you heard it on the street, but a man did come In the office the other day and stop his subscription! About three-fourths of the criti cism of the church and preachers come from those who know they are doing what the church con demns. NOTICK OT SIMMONS A Ml UVHKAM or ATTACHMENT. State of North Carolina, County ol Cleveland. In the Superior Court, Itefore the Cleric. Peoples National Bunk ut t.eesbur, V».. a Banking Corporation, Plaintiff, va. William frighten. Defendant rile defendant above-named *111 take notice that a summons hi the above en titled action was Issued against said de fendant on the 7th day of April, ld.'ll, by the cleric of the superior court of said county and stale .for the sum of $34,8*0.88 with interest on I33.348.S3 from March i, 10.11 until paid together with accrued cos! of WJ80 wilii 10 percent attorney fee, due on consolidated and confessed Judgments In the circuit court of Loudon county, Virginia, us shown by six transcripts ol .aid Judgment from the clerk of satd court which urn attached to and liiado a part of the paper! to tills action, said Judgments being on notes given for borrowed money Said summons is returnable before the clerk of the superior court of Cleveland county. N. C, at hla office In th* court bouse of said county an May 7th, 1MI. at 2 o'cluok p m. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said clerk oh the 10th day of April, 1931 snalust the property Of said defendant which warrant la returnable before the said clerk at the time and place above named lor the return of the summons when and where the defendant Is required to appear und answer or de mur lo the complaint or the relief de manded will be granted. Tibs the 10th day of April, 1931. A- M HAMR1C*. Clerk of Superior Court, ; Quinn. Hamrick and 11 arris and Bynum E. Weathers, Attorneys for Pifctattff. 4t April ISe NOTICE OF FOEECLOitlltE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of ;;ale contained In lhat certain deed of trust made by It, Jf. Fonder and wife. Maltle Ponder to Commercial National pauk of High Point. Trustee, recorded luj book Hit) at page 382 of the registry of; Cleveland county. North Carolina, default having Iteen made In the payment of the note thereby scoured and tlio holder thereof having directed that the deed of trust he foreclosed, the undersigned trus tee will offer for sale at the rourt house door In the city of Shelby, North Caro lina, at V3 o'clock noon on May 13th, 1931. and will aril to the highest bidder for cash, a certain lot or parcel of land in tlie city of Shelby, Cleveland county’. North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Being Joined on the north by an allay, on the east by J, A, Roberts, on the south by East Warren street, on the west by J A. Weaver and lying on the north side of East Warren street. In the town of Shelby. N. C,: Beginning at a stake oe rock on the north edge of.the estenslon of East War ren afreet. J, A. Weaver's southeast cor ner. the said corner' bylng 63 1-3 feet south *4 deg. 30 min. east from the Inter section of the north edge of East War ren el reel with the east edge of Maple street nnd runs from said Weaver’s cor ner south 85 deg. 30 min. esst with the north edge of East Warren street BO feet to a stake, earner of J. A. Roberts: thencr with Robert's line north 6 deg. .10 min. east 175 feet to a stake on the south edge of a la foot alley; thence with said edge of said 10 foot alley uorth *5 deg. 30 min. west 60 feet to a stake, J A. Weaver's northeast corner;' thence with Weavers tide south 6 deg. 30 min west 175 feet to the plage of beginning, the same being u part of that property conveyed to R. H. Ponder by J. L. Thomasson by deed re corded 111 book 3-8 at page 473 and part uf that property conveyed to R. H, Pon der by Dr. J. R Osborne and wife by deed of record hi the office of the registry of Cleveland aounty. North Carolina. In book 3-W at page 487. Tills the 13th day of April, 1931. r COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF ItrOH POINT, Trustee. 4t April ISc lUI STEK S SALE. Hr urine or the now of sale contained m three certain deeds oI trust, executed the J‘Jr(1 liny of August, 1928 and recorded In hook HU. page 188, and April 18, 192®, and recorded in book 140. page 10, and April 15, 1920 and recorded In book 140, page ll. I will sell to tire highest bidder at the court house In Shelby, N. p„ on Saturlay, May 18, I9:il, at 11 o'clock M. the following described real estate, to wn; Lots 24 end 25 of the W M. Wellmon properly as shown on plat book 2, page 10, and lota 2s and 28 of block, B, and lot* 33 and 24 of block B of the Hoey prop erty as shown by map In book 1, page ®0, of (he register's offloe for Cleveland county, N. c„ reference to which maps aro hereby made for better description. Terms Of sale: Cash. This the 21st day of April, I8JL B. T. FALLS. Trustee. 4t April 23a NOTICE OF MALE OF LAND. RESIDENCE AND CHICKEN FARM. Under authority conferred by deed of trust executed by H. McConnell and wife. Lillian McConnell to 1>. Z. Newton, trus tee. dated the 2»tli day of April, 183®. and recorded In book 183 at page J32 of the registry uf Cleveland county. North Caro lina. the said trustee will at 12 o'clock noon on the 30th day of May. 1831, at the court house door of Cleveland ooun tv, North Carolina, sell at public auction, for rash, to the highest bidder, the fal low tug described property: Situated Just north of the olty of Bhslbv. North Carolina, and known at the McConnell residence and chicken farm and more particularly described at fol lows: Tract No. 1, being a portion of the Joe E. Blanton home tract and bounded us follows: Beginning at an Iron stake, the southeast corner of Oarry Smart's lot and W. M. Wellmon’s line: thence with W M Wellmon'a line aoutli 89 degs. 4A minutes east 583 rest to a stake In a line between Jo a E. Blanton's home tract and his w. D Lackey tract, w. M. Wellmon'a corner; thence with said line between Joe E. Blanton tract and hie W. D. Lackey tract north 3 drgs. 15 minutes east 3*6.40 feet to a stske In said line; hence a new line north 89 degs. 44 minutes west 814 ft. to a -take, thence a new line south 1 38 minutes west 384.40 feet to the beginning, containing & acres, more or less. Tract No 2, beginning at an Iron stake, the northeast lamer of Garry Smart a residence lot end In west line at the S arre tract. Just 1(H) feet north 1 deg. 38 _ minutes east from the beginning corner of the 5 acre tract; thence with the t acre traet; thehce a new line W. g* degc. 44 W. 230 feet to a stake at east edge of 210 feet to a stake at east edge of the Shelby-Fallston state highway No. 3*: thence with the east edge of the said road south 1 deg. 38 mtnutee west 100 feet to a stake g inches of a stone, Oarry Smarts northeast corner; thence with hie itno south 89 degs. 44 minutes east am feet to ttie place of beginning, contaln tn 21 ooo reet. This sale is made on nccdunt of de fault In the payment of the indebtedness secure it by said deed of trust and ts subject to all tuxes against tatd property, also a deed ot trust to the Bhetby Build ing and Loan association for *8000.00. This tite 28th day of April, 1831. D. Z. NEWTON, Trustee. 4t April 18o SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIP FARES MAY 8, 1931 SHELBY TO Washington__ $13.00 *Baltimore __$14.00 ** Baltimore__ $15.00 Richmond__$9.75 Portsmouth_.... $10.75 Old Point —_$10.75 Virginia Beach_$11.25 *Via Norfolk and Boat. **Via AU Rail. Tickets limited May 13. For information call on Ticket Agent. H. E. PLEASANTS, DPA„ Raleigh, N. C. — SEABOARD — TOOTS AND CASPER- A M«n To Know. Ca<5PeR.,the whole country jc, ^TEAMED UP OVER MY PROTEGE, LARRY CHIX1, Y>jE GFFkR<S HAVE POURED IN <3)NCE HE BEAT RED CRtCKETT*. ‘SEE? A WHOLE BRIEF CASE PULL OF THEM . HE'S OFFERED #50,000.°“ TO BOX IN CLEVELAND = Your old pal, hoofer. . 7 VM 40IMcj TO 6HOOT\ ( SACK. HOME FORA \ \ FEW DAYS, COLONEL , ) ) "TO ■SEE MY ‘SWEET- / heart: ewE 'A HASNT WRITTEN) ME ^>NCE t WON THE FLrHT, AND 1 WANT TO FIND OUT WHAT5 WRpN^l 4IVE ME A LIFT v I'VEtiOT TO N—"THURRY T WAS with a feelin£ OF APPREHENSION THAT Colonel hoofer, watched the TRAIN PULL OUT—HE HOW WISHES HE HAD <5ONE ALC»JL WITH HIS PROTEGE WHAT IP SOMETHIN^ Should happen to larry Chix? the very thought or it Caused the colonel TO TREMBLE I ■iii :r COLONEL HOOFER OUST TOLD ME I 0U4HT 70 BE PROUD lO KNOW HIM,'TOOT3l- HE SAID FROM NOW ON EVERY TIME )M INTRODUCED "TO JSOMEBODY I LL PUT OUT MY HAND AND SAY: ’ SHAKE. THE HAND THAT SHOOK THE HASP OF COLONEL HOOFER.*® I ALWAYS KNEW \THAT MONEY WOUIP 40 TD HIS HEAD! IF HE SWELLS UP ] MUCH MORE I'LL (SCRATCH OFF OF L1ST1 A Important Patient. i LARRY CHI'* TOOK THE train for me home -town Vec-TERPAY; CA3PER* HE HADN'T HEARD FROM HI'S 4-1RL LATELY AMP HE WANTS TO FIND OUT WHAT'S THE TROUBLE1. . I SUPPOSE TbuR-E ! 'WORRIED FOR FEAR THAT SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN TO . HIM, COL. HOOFEHr, HE'S HER SWEET HEART, BUT HE'S Your meal-ticket Tj5 t WE 40T A LOT OP COmoACTgT REACt JFOR me> <ai^NATORE/ AND I BELIEVE IN BTRIWIN^ WELL, ILL NEVER 6,0 IN "THAT BEAUTY 7 I COULDN'T 4rET WAITED UPON! t THE. MAMlCUHiOT W/X5» DUT= THE HAIR-DRE^ER. WA<3 ,OOT AND *>0 WAE> "THE 4IBL WHO 4lVE<5 ME MY facial^'. they WERE ALL OVER BY A Patient in <^ome 6>ANl7AR.iUM— You PONT NEEP ANY FIVIN4 up, ~fOOT6>! YOU'RE announcement! ‘irtJPHiE HOOFER K? REAI^TO LEAVE THE SANITARIUM WHERE SHg HAP HER RACE REMODEL ED BY A PLASTIC SUR&EOM F»VE VflBffll a4ou WoJpnT COL

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