Child Cut* Her Leg. Mother’s Day Program At Church Sunday. Personals. (Special to The Star.) May 7.—Zion will observe Moth ' er s day Sunday morning with n very Interesting program and will take a collection which will be sent to the Baptist hospital at Winston Salem in honor of our mothers. Miss “Lute" Engle of Asheville was the week-end guest of Miss “Peg” Cornwell. Miss Elizabeth Cnbanlss Is spend i lng awhile in Shelby this week via 1 ltlng Misses Edna Earl and Mar garet Grieg Mr George Webb and son, Carl, of Spencer spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gold. They came up for memorial day Sunday at Zion. Mr. Weldon Martin la improving slowly. His little girl, Elizabeth, had the misfortune Sunday of cutting her leg very severe, Mrs. T. P. Cabanlss spent some time last week with her daughter, Mrs, Yates Brooks who has been real sick. Misses Ola and Mattie Oettys was the week-end guests of their sister, Mrs. Tom Cabanlss, Jr., and Mr. Cabaniss, Jr. Miss Jane Irvin waa home for the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Irvin. Mr. D. B. Simmons spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Cabanlss and daughter, Patsy, spent the week-end with Mrs. Cabanlss’ parents Mr. and Mrs. Delpho Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Neal, Mr. and Mrs, T. P. Cabanlss and daughter, Minnie, visited Mr. Price’s beautiful flower garden Sunday afternoon. A man out of debt Is a free man, regardless of what the Declaration ©f Independence might say. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Hftvlns qualified as administrator of the •atate of Maul* J, Hamrick, deceased, this “ to hereby notify alt persona' holding •lalvts against said estate to present same properly Itemised and verified to me on •r before April s., ls.13. or thla notiq* *m pleaded In bar of any recovery there •n; and this Is further to notify all per. •ons indented to aald estate to make im mediate payment of such Indebtedness to ThU the 7th dey of April, l»jl. J. BROADU8 HAMRICK, „ . . .. Administrator. Heaton Ac Newton, Atlys, St Apr Sc Ur. U. M. Morrison OPTOMETRIST Office Days: Every Wednesday And Friday. Woolworth Bldg. Shelby, N. V. Eyes Scientifically Examined, Glasses Fitted, Lenses Dupli cated, Broken Frames Repaired. Renew Your Health By Purification ^.Any physician will tel! yoti that "Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature's Foundation of Perfect Health.’' Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that •re undermining y0ur vitality? Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calotabs, ^-once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs purify the blood by ae fcivating the liver, kidneys, stomach •nd bowels. In 10 cts. and 36 cts. Packages. All dealers. (Adv.)' HEADACHE, Dlgwttv* Disturbances “I used to Buffer a great deal with sick; headache. These head aches seemed to come from biliousness. I would be very diray and sick at my stomach, and some- j times I would have to go to bed. "I found that Black Draught would relieve these headaches very quickly. It seemed to cleanse the system. "Now I do not let my self go so far—I take Black-Draught as soon as I begin to feel bad avoid a lot of -Mr» : DRAUGHT 'mm «v«ry month, should I Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By RENN DRUM. OCOCOCOCOCXvv OwCOOU^^O.^iOt^Ot A LITTLE OF THIS N' THAT; MOSTLY NOTHING In Shelby there lives an aged negro woman, a native of Georgia, who shaves likes a man and la known as "Nappy Chin." The names of colored residential sections in Shelby are somewhat unusual. Trip over these: Black Bottom, The Knot, Flat Rock, China town, Old Freedom, and New Freedom. The only old-tashioned picket fence this colyum knows to exist in Shelby Is around the yard ol Mrs. C. B. Suttle, where Mayor McMurry lives, on West Marlon street. A new front gate la being erected to help preserve the fence. , The story 1* told about town that some days ago a wanderer, with an accent filled with burrs, stopped at a Shelby garage and asked for a Job. "Are you a mechanic?” he was asked. "No, sorr,” came the reply, “Ol'm a McCarthy." SNAKE PROVIDES BAIT FOR FISHERMAN—AND HOW! It’s getting to be about the time of year that new and enlarged fish and snake stories are scattered about. This one—a combination fish-and-snake story, and the beet one we’ve heard In a coon's age—Is borrowed from Tom Pridgen’s ’‘Lookout" In The Charlotte News: A fisherman was fishing In one of the fresh water creeks up In Samp son county~the Little Coharle, maybe. He was about to put his last frog on the hook for bait when the frog Jumped Into the water and a snake swam by and gobbled up the frog. The fisherman merely reached Into the water, grabbed the snake be hind the ears and proceeded to squeeze out his frog. He was not going to be robbed of his bait that way. Then, to even up matters, he took out his flask of corn .liquor and poured a long drink into the snake, anff~threw him back Into the water. It was about ten minutes before anything happened. The fisherman felt something nudging him in the side, He looked around and there was the snake with another frog In Its mouth. • Out at the Cleveland Springs golf club one day this week Federal Judge E. Y. Webb and a group of the caddies were tossing mathematical problems and riddles at each other. Finally, one youth asked the Judge this one: "If a cat fell into a well nine feet deep, and crawled back out three feet each day only to slip back two feet each night, how long would It take for the cat to get out?” Go ahead and figure it out for yourself. We have our hands full try ing to figure out some method of having our monthly bank statement to balance. «i i ,am- •w •’Wonder If you’ve ever noticed,” wonders K. M., "that the fruit Jar manufacturers seem pretty well satisfied with the prohibition law and Its enforcement? The generation coming on now may wonder, when It grows up, why In the heck they called them ’fruit' Jars—one never sees fruit In them any more.” « Of course, somebody would bring that up. Try writing Mr. Wicker sham about It; and while you’re about it ask him if the sale of ginger ale has Increased or decreased since the Volstead Act was passed. WHY THE HILLS AND GROVES IN CLEVELAND? Ever notice how many communities In Cleveland county arc named for hills and groves? Offhand we recall these: Pleasant Hill, Zion Hill, Laurel Hill, Flint Hill—Oak Grove, Pleasant Orove, and Carpenters Grove. Then there are the two doubles—Double Springs and Double Shoals Shelby Shorts: Lt. Col. Chas. E. McBrayer, of Portland, Oregon, a Shelby boy who Joined up with Uncle Sam’s army and made good, believes that Corn Cracker, the Polkvllle sage, has few equals In serio-comic phil osophizing .Charlie Woodson, the new deputy clerk of court, and Buck Hardin hoof lt to Cleveland Springs and back each morning at six o’clock ... It has been several years since Vic Wray, of the A. V. and Six firm, quit cowpunchtng in Arizona but he still rolls his cigarettes cow boy style .... At a football game In Georgia a year or two ago a Shelby fan started out In a crap game with a bag of grapes and made expenses for the day off one of the newly elected city officials of one of Tarheella’s largest cities .... In one of his first rounds of golf a Shelby attorney recently made a costly hole In one. The hole was through the wind shield of an auto In the road along the No. One fairway . . . Three of the 10 best golfers at Cleveland Springs are left-handed swingers, and the experts say portsiders can’t play golf.At least four members of the Shelby bar have been newspaper employes. Have they gone up or down? .... Less big news has happened In Shelby for the first four months of 1931 than during the first quarter of any year in seven years. SAY HARD TffMES, IF YOU WILL? BUT LISTEN Money may be scarce In Shelby, but. according to the city directory, there an in the city 23 people by the name of Kale, 11 by the name of Gold, 21 by the name of Silver, and eight by the name of Cash. Maybe things are tight because Shelby has 33 families of Macs— McArthur, McAuley, McBrayer, McCall, McCarter, McCloud, McClUney, McCombs, McConnell, McCord, McCoy, McCrary, McCraw, McCurry, McDanlfl, McDlarmld, McDonald, McDowell, McFalls, MacFarland, Mc Olll, McGinnis, McGowan, McIntyre, McKee, McKinney, McKnlght, Mc Mahan, McMurry, MeNeely, McNlchols, McSwaln, and McWhorter. Now, begorra! Maybe the Macs have all the Kale, Gold, Sliver and Cash. Toluca And Knob Creek Gleanings Memorials At Laurel Hill And Zion Hill. Personal Mention. (Special to The Star.) Toluca. May 7.—The memorial service will be held at Laurel Hill M, P, church on next Sunday, May 10. Mother's day will be observed also, and on Saturday before the second quarterly conference will be held at Laurel Hill in the afternoon. Preaching services will be at 11 o'clock. All members of the confer ence are urged to be present at this time. Memorial services were held at Zion Hill on last Sunday. A large crowd was present. The graves were all beautifully decorated ,with many flowers. A wonderful sermon was deliver ed at 11 o'clock; by Rev. Mr. Ivey, alter which dinner on the ground. In the afternoon everybody enjoy ed a wonderful message by Solici tor John G. Carpenter from Gas tonia. The committeemen of the Phil beck school met last week and elect ed the teachers for another year. Miss Mattie Sain was re-elected to aerve her fifth year. Miss Tula Ivester was elected her first year. Misses Hazel Richard and Lo riene Goodman from Belwood spent last Saturday night with Miss Mer riel Edwards. Miss Edith Sain has arrived home from Plttsboro where she has been teaching school the past year to spend the summer. She will teach therg! the coming year. The following were dinner guests of Mrs. Texie Boyles on last Sun day; Mrs. Alfred Peeler, Mrs. Ros coe Peeler and family and Mrs. Plato Peeler, all of Belwood. Mr. and Mrsi Theodore Boyles of Lincoln county and Mr. A. C. Cent ner visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Could Not Walk For Six Months “My system became so tox'o from Indigestion, constipation and bilious ness. I had pains all ovfer my body For six months I couldn't walk and wasn't able to get out of my room I spent lots of money, with no im provement until I started 8a**gnn. It stimulated my liver and began ridding my system of poisons from the start. Now I'm up and doing my housework, eat anything I want without having any trouble, aid simply have a new lease on life.”— ■Mrs. W. H. Arrowood, Stock ville, N. jo. Sold by Cleveland Drug Co, In Shelby and Summers Drug Co.. In Kings Mountain. ndv Girl Tried To Scalp lilm. Ashland, Wis.—Mary Peybourne. Indian girl, is held on a charge of attempted murder when she at tempted to scalp John Crow, Men ominee Indian with a butcher knife. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havtn qua)Hied as administrator of the estate of Mrs. L. C. P. Hamrick, deceas ed. late of Cleveland county. North Caro lina. this Is to notify all persons havtjiff claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the undersigned at Shelby, N. C. on or before the 1st day of M :y. 1B32, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make ,mmediate settlement. This April J9th, 1M1. PRANK L. HOYLE, AdmlnUrator of the Estate ot Mrs. L. C. P. Hamrick, deceased. Jno. P. Mull, Atty Ct May lc Fir»t—-In tli« dough. Then in the oven. You can be sura of perfect takings in wing— BAKING POWDER SAME PRICE for over 40 years 25 ounces for 25c MIUIONSOF POUNDS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR FREE FORD EXHIBITION Monday, May 11 FROM 10 A. M. TO 12 NOON DISPLAYING OVERY 20 TYPES OF FORD Commercial Trucks And Deliveries A CARAVAN OF FORD TRUCKS AND COMMERCIAL CARS WILL ARRIVE IN SHEllBY MONDAY, MAY 11TH STAYING OVER FROM 10 A. M. — 12 NOON This caravan consists of express bodies of different sizes, panel bodies for varied uses, rack bodies, coal bodies, ice truck, policy patrol, service body, complete line of dump • bodies and full range of specially built Ford bodies for light commercial delivery. ; . A staff of Ford trained men will be in attendance to help solve your hauling and transportation problems. This unusual exhibit by special arrangement will en able every business man to establish the right type of either commercial car or truck for his particular need. Chas. L. Eskridge SHELBY, N. C Tommy Costner Sunday p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Boyles and children spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Boyles. Master Thaxter Sain spent last Sunday with Master Junior Mode. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eaker of Dal las were dinner guests of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Willis Sun day. Misses Gertrude and Mate Seism from Cherryville visited Miss Vaun etta Boyles Sunday. Mrs. A. X Mull who Is in the Lincolnton hospital and has had a five pound tumor removed. At Carpenters Grove. The junior B. Y. P. U. of Carpen ters Grove will give a play entitled “Mother’s Day” on May 10 at 7:30 p. m. Everybody welcome. The characters are Thaxter Sain, Char lie Wade and Orady Carpenter, Der mal Propst, Gertrude Clark, Cathl leen and Lola Propst, Agnes Mos tella, Etta Sharp and Margaret Hoyle. Mrs. Vertie Hoyle ol Knob Creek Was the first to report new straw berries. She served some from her garden on last Friday, May 1. -" t ' ■' ■? . Dies Planning a Surprise. Palls City.—When she and her « year-old brother attempted to pre pare supper, and surprise their par ents, Donna Lee Freese, 5, was burned to death. Her brother’s ef forts to save her were in vain. HOME OWNED STORES •■J Let ... and a good one, why modern mother* find the lervice of delivery to your door *o necessary to f the safety and comfort of the home I Quality-Service Store* invite your patronage! The utmost in convenience in service . . and in economy ... are yours—if they serve you I imiTIItlTICESTHES FLOUR Isaac shelby 24-LB. BAG TEA — UPTON’S 1-4 Pound__ 25c SYRUP — STALEY’S! 5-Pound Can ____ 37c MILK CARNATION 3 TALC OR EVAPORATED fi SMALL CANS CHEESE — CREAM! Pound ___ 19c MEAT — RED SEAL LOTTED! 7 Cans ___ 25 c MUSTARD French’s 2 Jars- 25c KRAUT — WATAUGA! 2 LARGE CANS 25c TRIPE WITH MILK — RED SEAL! 24-Oz. Can 20c MACARONI PIN APPLE GINGER ALE CLEEN-.MAni: NODDI ES UK SPAGHETTI! LUXURY! NO. 2} SHIVAR'S 2 2 Pkges. 15c GAN 25c BOTTLES FOR 25c matches — .swan.! 3 Packages__~ 10c TOMATO SOUP — Van Camp’s! 2 Cans ___ Pillsbury’s Cake Flour Pkg. 35c Makes Lighter, More Delicate takes — takes That Stay Fresh lamjter! BLUEING - KUTTYHUNK! 3 Stic^s ...~. MI-GEL "trle frwt flavors” 2 Pkg. 15c HEADACHE POWDER - Stanback! 4 Small Pkg*. PEANUT BUTTER 29c JUMBO! POUND JAR 23c Proctor & Gamble Coupon Redeemed at all Q. $. S. Stores! SELOX ‘THE SPEED SOAP”: SMALL PKG. 9c Octagon Soap Powder sS 6 ,425c toilet Tissue BLU kkoss: Rolls 20c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 cakes 23c !n Hollywood—‘All„the. 70 .In'i’wtunt lieaulj Shops, Advise Palmolive for th,e Skin! HOME OWNED STOP.E5 X o 2 pi o 2: PI O t/i H O a3 PI < in

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