All my routine work being finish ed, I had my large canoe pulled up to the other side of the falls, and pulled up the river, I spent a cou ple of days amongst the Ashtra tribe and they were highly amused to see a white man. I heard that the Portuguese convicts who had large quantities of slaves cut a large quantity of quantity of rubber south of Ashira and as these convicts were hard taskmasters and cruel to the natives, they had rob bed and Slaughtered their masters, and the country was in a state of ferment as these slaves were well armed and had declared their free dom which they were well able to hold. This was a good country to keep out of 1 thought. Gowns for a Goddess, As my business was all transacted I returned to Adomtmannngo where after making a report of what 1 had seen and heard 1 made immediate BIG , '4o«iy, comfottable Bodies 'fey *fi$her, skill fully insulated tEQumst heat cold, noise LUXURIOUS Silent Shift Syivoo M C »1j Transmission I or S|srs- 1 ube P> iv.», in niimethbte features foi roriiffeet' end c'dnven I Llr.7 fs SE ] Vdlve in Head Straight I iqh> Engine, copoble 0*75 miles on Jioul plus, nudi so. give more than HXfiOOO miles of ■nliubl.e service. VALUE WELL BEYOND THE PRICE because of demand so great that moi* than 50 out of every 100 buyers pf the fourteen eights m its field choose feyn.k Eights. ■ ' T ' ■ J. Lawrence Lackey THE EIGHT AS BUILDS IT preparations lor a voyage up tne big river the Ogowe. My trip above Sainba Falls and urnongst the mountains was a surprise to Mr Sinclair. He previously had told me I would not be able to proceed above the falls without a fight and had given me extra rifles as he wanted an open river. When I ex plained that the only shot or wea* pon I had found necessary was the bottle he smtied. The bottle had won and made friends where the use ot weapons would never have won a complete victory and would have created everlasting ill feeling, and us Sinclair was a devout Pres beterean I never mentioned to him the great use to me of the power of Lscirga. Next I visited Carl Woorinans and received such a lot of packages from little Peru ns well as home letters I was forced to laugh. After reading my home correspondence I i turned to little Perus who had sent; two registered letters one of which contained four fifty pounds bank of England notes. The first package I opened contained three imitation rubles well imitating the rough stone iii the temple of Izoga, one espec : ially came quite near being an ex act duplicate. He had also sent a small camera and lens, some plates! and also tin type outfit-, nitrate of silver, collodion bath, etc., also a book of directions how' to use same likewise a small dark folding vas the first white man who hart vrr set foot In many of the places visited and was generally wel omed by the chiefs as a good omen >1 the future. Handling Slaves. Then again as Mr. Sinclair ex plained to me if I could only fol low dc Brazza and be the first lo open up trade routes this explorer might be of good Service to us in opening up the commerce of the country which would not only bene fit gjir firm hut would mean the beginning of a tremendous trade with a large portion of Africa which had practically no outlet but the Ogowe and its tributaries. As there were many difficulties to be overcome before this was an accomplished fact I was well sup plied In every way with food and necessaries as well as with rifles and ammunition. I carried 27 men In all. nil old seasoned fighters and boys you would rely on to death. 1 had always treated them well and unlike most white men had never struck a boy under any circum stances and was well loved by them. A lad that I found who did not do his best I paid off at once general ly giving him a present and always found him another job without say ing anything to him expept an ex cuse that I could not keep him. The Okelllcs and War. X also carried an old Poet and doctor who was considered good at his business, and as he was a beau tiful harper and singer who com posed his own songs he was looked upon with great favour by the crew. This man was the most beautiful story teller and had a Repertoir of such a length, he always delighted his audience, young or old. by some thing new in the folk lore of their country. I first visited John Ermy from Rolling down the rivers of Africa, g un in hand and a song on their lips. etc. Next contained two pairs of ladies shoes a couple ol ladies dresses and a pair ot boxing gloves. I thought Herr Shift would never recover from laughter when I un earthed the pair of silk dresses. After locking up all in my canoe locker I bade them a fond Au re volr. 1 Attacked by a GortHa. 1 left the old trading station and was glad to be once more free as a bird and away from troubles of ail descriptions. X had full instructions from Mr. Sinclair ns well as from Gaboon, our. headquarters, as to the Vital importance of the use of the rivers for steam navigation which had proved to be the real economy In trading so (fiat I spared no pains in charting the various channels in the big rivers as far as navigation was possible. As no white man* had ever been entrusted with a task of tilts de scription and had not even visited the Interior I felt proud as I could say without fear of contradiction 1 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having o.ualitled as administrator ot the estate of 11 T. Brooks, deceased, this Is to notify all persons having claims’ against the estate ot sant deceased to exhibit them duly verified to the undersigned at Shelby. N. C, on or oeiore the 31st day ot Merch. 1933, or this notice will bu! pleaded tn bar of their recovery. All per- ] sons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 3tst day of March. 1931. | Z J THOMPSON, Administrator of! B. T. Brooks, Deceased. J Joseph C. Whlsnant. Atty. «t Apr lc j NOTICE OF SAFE OF LAND. RESIDENCE AND CHICKEN FARM. Under authority conferred by deed ol trust executed by H McConnell and wife Lillian McConnell to I>. Z. Newton, trus tee dated the 38th day ol April. 1930. and recorded in book 1«3 at page 333 ot the registry of Cleveland county. North. Caro lina. the said trustee will at 13 o'clock noon on the 30th day ol May. 1831. at the court house door of Cleveland conn-, t). North Carolina, sell at public auction lor cash, to 1 he highest bidder, the lol loping described property: Situated Just north ol the city of Shelby, North Carolina, and known as the McConnell residence and chicken farm and more particularly described as lol iows: 3 Tract No. I, being a portion of the Joe £ Blanton home traot and bounded as tallows: Beginning at an iron stake, the southeast corner ol Garry Smart's lot and W. M. Wellmans line: thence with VV. M. Wellman's line south 89 degs. 44 minutes east 893 Itet to a stake In a line oetwgen Joe E. Blanton's home tract and his w. D. Lackey tract, W. M. WeUmon'r corner: thence with said tine between Joe K. Blanton tract and his W. D. Lackev tract north 3 degs 18 minutes east 388.40 feet to a stake hr said ttne; hence1 a new line north 89 degs •»< minutes west 874 ft. to a stake: theuce a new line south I deg 35 minutes west 384 40 feet to the beginning, containing 8 acres, more or Tract No. 3. beginning at sn Iron stake the northeast corner of Garry Smart'i residence lot and in west line of the 5 ecre tract, just 100 feet north 1 deg. 3! minutes east from the beginning cornei thence with the : iirnrtrJJI‘*Ule,,c' * new hue w. 89 degs. * *uk* «* east edge ot the Umnee wTith1^. 8Ut* hl*h'*“> No. lg, taetjec with the »Mt edge of the said [am*lifafI If8 35 minutes west 100 5^' *0 a stake 6 inches ol a stone Garry ihL“L5,th<*i£*5£ eornar thence with hie “ut3* 88 degs. 44 minutes east 370 * J7tooo,hiLtU*Ce 01 be8lnoln*' OOOUta aiih^in8^ 1? ** ma<1* 00 account ol d« JJSliJf hv ?V.m'n* 01 the mdebtednes >ecurea by said deed ot trust and i kUhJect to all Uxm against "said property 01 lru,t 10 the Shetin- Build ThTfaib!^??,w“f>0 *tt0n <0r *5000 00. This the 39th day of April, 1931 D Z. NEWTON Trustee. 44 AOi*l 3tk Salem, Maas., an American half breed who was one of our principal traders and lived on an Island In the middle of the Ogowe river with the Mpangwes on one bank and the Okeliys on the opposite side. Here I learned that trouble had sprung up between these people and three or four days after I left John Ermy hostilities were in full swing and continued for several weeks. I called on Apaque the paramount [chief of the Okellles but he laugh ingly declared it was still too soon to interfere, with his people and as they had no war on anywhere else at the present time it was not only a good pastime for his men but was necessary for the education of the young adults in the true art of war and there was only one way to learn this art and that was to be in a few battles and get used to the game, which he said was a neces sity for all men. Man Eeaters. Apaque had the name of being a great general, he was crafty and in variably won, often with less num bers. As the news of the war arriv TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. Under authority conferred by deed of trust executed by Max Homealy and wife. Helen Homeslv, t0 u z jiewton, truatee. dated January 15. 1837. and recorded in book 144 at page 56 of the registry of Cleveland county, North Carolina, the skid trustee will sell at 13 o'clock noon on the 30th day of May. 1831. at the court house door In Shelby', North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash, to the high est bidder, the following described prop erty. situated In the city of Shelby, North Carolina, and more particularly described us follows: Being lot number 5 of the subdivision of that lot deeded by J. Mac Green, iwid ower 1 to W. R. Newton and R L. Weath ers by deed dated July 8, 1834. and re eorded In the register's office for Cleve land county. North Carolina. In book OOO at page 541, and bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron stake at north edge of an alley, comer lot sold to Haskel Thompson and wife, and running thence with their line north 3 1-3 east 150 feet to an Iron stake: thence north 871k west 55 feet to an iron stake: thence south 31a west 150 feet to an iron stake on the north edge of an alley; thence with the north edge of said alley south 57la east 55 feet to the beginning. This sale Is made on account of de fault in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust and is sub ject to all taxes against said property, whether now due or to become due. Tills the 38th day of April, 1131. D. Z. NEWTON, Trustee. 4f April 38c NOTICE or SUMMONS North Carolina, Cleveland County. In the Superior Courl, Before the Clerk. Harry Jimmerson, et al.. Petitioners vs. George Hippy, rorrtst Rlppy, et *1., De fendants. To Ed Rlppy and wife, Lisale Rippy George Rippy, Avery Rlppy and wife. Mrs Avery Rlppy, Jesse Rlppy and wife, Mrs Jesse Rippy, Robert Rlppy and wife, Mrs Robert Rlppy, Crayton Rippy, Lolster Qeorge Rlppy. Ella Mae Gordon, Esther Rippy and husband, whose name la un known, Giles McSwaln. Leandtr McSwaln and wife, Mrs Leender McSwaln. Jennie McSwaln and husband whose name la not known. Bubb McSwaln and wife, Mts. Bubb McSwaln. Alonso McSwaln and wlfa, Mrs. Alonso McSwaln. Senora McSwaln. and Cephas McSwaln, non-resident de fendants: You and each of you are hereby noti fied that a special proceeding has been begun before the clerk of superior court of Cleveland county, N. C.. to partition lots Nos. 335. 338. and 337 of the Homealy Addition to the town of Shelby among the tenants in common. In which you have an interest, and that petition ta on file tn the ottlce of clerk of superior court of Cleveland county, and that you era re quired to appear and answer or demur to said petition on or before June 8. 1831 or tbe relief prayed for will be granted. This the 37th day of April, 1931. A. m. HAMRICK, Clerk Superior Court. B- T. Falls at** at ■>* td by his runners several times a flay the old chief was kept quite busy. I slept that night at Apaque and although the roll of the firing lasted all night and was continued the following day and lasted through the dry season the old man was never disturbed but as we would take a wet from my best brandy Apaque would dole out to me one of his fighting stories. How he managed to outwit his enemies. The Okelis told me that the wild Asheba tribes hunted this country yearly and as they were a fierce tribe of man eaters although they were Mpangwes they had chased out the original Inhabitants the Okatas who had taken possession of the river Islands further up the river. I was anxious to see this country as its valleys between the mountain ranges looked beautiful when view ed from the hilltops. The Old Gorilla. On arriving at the Mpondis of the Okelleys I could soon see that great Havock had occurred on ac count of marraudlng animals. The native hunters told me one unwel come customer was a very large old gorilla who was likewise greatly tc be feared as he had already charged a party of men who had followed him to his home about two haute distant and had been heard giving voice and truming (drumming) at dawn, so that he was somewhere in the vicinity of a grove at the foot of a small rocky rise on the oppos ite side of the creek which ran through the grove. They thought there would be a good chance of getting him that morning and we wound our way along the creek to the place mentioned. I was told to take a stand beside an old fallen tree as he generally passed that spot if disturbed. I took the stand with my faithful head boy and from where we were we could see the OKelly four In number lying prone in the bush at the edge of the clearing. There was a sound of a rolling stone reached us from over the creek and once in a while we could get a glimpse of his head and shoulders, as he show ed up above the round large bould ers. The Beast Attacks! As he came_ up within 20 yards of where the native hunters were con cealed he seemed to suddenly hear something out of the way. The Okellles now fired on him but in stead of scampering away as he was only slightly wounded he made a bound on them using his arms. One man and gun he sent fully ten feet high in the air and played havoo with the others, scattering them with a snap of his arm while one of them gaining his feet was knock ed sideways again. Ho used his knockles and long arms a never saw him bite) so quickly that one could scarcely see which was gorilla and which was man in the mix up as he played sklttlee with them, he seemed to knock them before him. Contrary to what I had expected he never used his teeth although their bite is terrible and said by the natives also to be poisonous and I never have seen a man brave enough to stand and let him seize a gun before fir ing as I heard the hunters say was done by the Evils of the Anguni. He then came bounding towards us and seemed to have sighted us. TRUSTEE’S SALE. sy virtue oi tne power or tele contained in three certain deeds of trust, executed the 33rd day of August, 1926 and recorded in book 140, page- 156, and April 15. 1936 and recorded in book 140, page 10, and April 15, 1916 and recorded in book 140 page 11, I will sell to the highest bidder at the court house in Shelby, N. C„ on gatnrtay, May *8, 1*81, at U o'clock M. the following described real estate, to wit: Lots 34 and 35 of the W. M. Wellmon property as shown on plat book 2, page 16. and lots 35 and 26 of block B, and lots 33 and 34 of block B of the Hoey prop erty as shown by map in book 1. page 80, of the register's office lor Cleveland county. N. C„ reference to which maps are hereby made for better description. Terms of sale: Cash. This the 31st day of April, 1931. B. T. FALLS, Trustee. 4t April 33c Your Child’s Diarrhea Need not be at all dangerous if treated upon first symp toms. Mothers for more than a generation have put an end to stomach and bowel dis turbances of their children by keeping handy a bottle of Anti-Ferment. It settles the stomach, soothes the pains, prevents violent paroxysms, X tends to regulate the bowels and in the end may avoid Colitis and more serious trou bles. It is harmless and non narcotic but a relief for Dy* euterry, and Diarrhea and digestive disorders due to up set stomach and bowels. It may be obtained in separate formulae, for adults 75c or for children 60c at all drug 9tores. Keep it ready for em ergencies. •'V [ fired low under the chin and Ren chero followed -entt. He rolled over mid over stretching and lay dead at the other side of the old fallen tree. He was very large and al though 1 have hunted them for' years he was by far the biggest 1 ever saw alive. (To be continued.) . Cannon’s Duty Is Plain, Says Paper News and Observer. If Bishop Cannon did not em bezzle campaign money entrusted to him and did not divert such funds' to his own use, It will make no strain on his health to make an account ing. For years he has used every ex pedient to avoid making the same sort of statement of expendltuies of campaign money which other cam paign managers promptly filed. Bishop Cannon either used tills money for other purposes, or em bezzled it for his own benefit as is practically charged. If he expended the money for campaign purposes alone, after a year’s notice, it vail take him very little time to render an accounting that will vindicate him from charges under which no honorable man should rest any longer than he could secure tne op portunity to make a full accounting under oath. His whole conduct in this matter has aroused suspicion and caused many to believe he diverted this money to his own use. He either did so or did not. Instead of quibbling about it, and raising so-called con stitutional questions to evade erm ing out with the facts, if innocent of the grave charges he should, upon the first suggestion of an oppo'tun ity, have laid before the committee a full statement of all moneys re ceived and from all sources, togeth er with an itemized statement of disbursements. Nothing less than this is the course that a profejsiunal politician under attack would feel impelled to do. A cleric, who Is in nocent, cannot obtain or retain con fidence unless he opens all oooks to the public gaze. Continued attempts to conceal re ceipts and expenditures will be re garded by most people as incrim inating. The statement of Senator Carter Glass printed elsewhere leaves Cannon ho dourse exaopt to make a sworn statement if he wish es people to regard him as innocent of charges under which no innocent man should rest for a day longer than he Is privileged to make pub lic the receipts and disbursements. In Your Hip Pocket. “Did you like the place where you have been In the summer?” “Oh, yes, it was-all right, but they served all fresh vegetables, no can ned things.” “I should think you’d like that. “1 know, but what are you going to lug your worms in?”—Portland Express. In Perfect Agreement. Tired wife (to fussy hu'-hand)— Really John, I’d rather have all the children sick than you. John—So would I. execcteix’s notice. Notice is hereby given that t have this lay qualified as executrix of the estate of Miss Jane Cline, late of Cleveland county. North Carolina and all persons having claims against the said estate will oresent same to me properly proven on or before the 30th day of Match. J933 or this notice will be pleaded, ip bar of any recovery thereof. All persana owing the aald estate wUl please make immediate settlement to the undersigned This March 30th. 1931. BETTI* CLINE, R-3, Lawndale. Executrix of Jane CUne, dee’d. St Apr lc W. S. BEAM LAWYER Former Union Bajtk Bide. CIVIL CASES ONLY Telephone 628 "IF I got constipated, * I would get dizzy and hare swimming In my head. I would hare very severe headache. "For a while I thought X wouldn’t take anything—may be I £ould wear out the headaches; but I found they were wearing me outk "I found Black Draught would re lieve this, so when X have the very first symptoms, X take Black-Draught and now X don’t have the headache. "I am a firm be liever in Black Draught, and after using It SO or more yean, X am satisfied to continue its use." —F. a. McKtnnn, Ormn** JMrft, FIs. mii !l Ht 0FOR4) S Black Draught Declares Craving For Whiskey Can Be Cared By An Operation Ralph's Tricky. Ralph Thorn, the popular press agent lor the Hamburg fair, walked into the Blngle office yesterday and laid a couple of comps for the fair on ye 'ed’s desk. P. S.—We wrote this Tuesday to have it ready for use in case ne came in. He hadn’t shown up yet.—Buffalo News., Perfect Host. Mother was having guests at din ner and three-year-old Lee was try ing to play his part in leokirigT aft er them. When dinner was over he showed them his toys, etc., and this done a sudden thought came to him. Turning to the lady nearest he said "Now, perhaps, you would like to brush your teeth. We have tooth brushes.”—Ex. ADMINISTRATOR'S notice. Having this day qualified as admlnis trator of the estate of Annie C. Putnam, late of Cleveland county. N. C\, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present same to me properly proven for payment on or before the 23th clay of April. 1932, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons owing the said estate w: please make Immediate settlement to the undersigned. This April 28. 1931, C. B. PUTNAM, Administrator of Annie C. Putnam, Deceased. 6t 28p New York, May 11.—An operation which quickly relieve acute alcohol ism and leaves the vlctic at least temporarily free from craving Is described In the Medical Journal and Record of New York. Dr. Edwards Spencer Cowles, di-| rector of the Park Avenue hospital, author of the article, says acute al coholism is due to pressure caused by excess fluid around brail cells. Not everyone is subject to this trou ble. The victims seem to be those whose tissues have a selected action for alcohol. They are possibly as rare, comparatively, as hay fever victims. Tapping the excess fluid through a comparatively simple operation, he suys, gives immediate relief. It has even resulted in social regen eration. He names several well known physicians as successful practitioners* of the method. On a Diet. “Your majesty,” reported the can nibal cook, "one of the castaways from the wrecked liner is a million aire.'’ "Cook him for my wives,” ouler°d the canibal king. “He would be too rich for me.'Tid Bits. We Accept Money on Certificate of Investmfkt and Pay 6% Interest. Payable or Compounded Quarterly. We Loan Money on Good Endorsement or 1st Mortgage Payable in Weekly or Monthly Payments. OFFICERS Fred W. Blanton, Prta.-Treas Carl B. Thompson, Vlce-Pres. W. C. Ward, Vice-President. P. 8. Lewis, Secretary. D. 8. Blols. Ass't Treas. S DIRECTORS C. P. Rogers, Ch'm, F. P. Bacon Fred w. Blanton Dr. Ben Gold J. L. Lackey H. C. Metcalf r. E. McKee C. 8. Thompson T. A. Rtppy W. C. Ward ; M. & J. FINANCE CORPORATION OF SHELBY, NORTH CAROLINA OfficesTHOMPSON COMPANY COMPLETE COMMERCIAL BANKING Service Business institutions o f Cleveland and Rutherford counties, no less than individuals, use the Union Trust Company as an appendage of them selves .... as their department of finance, every ready with expert ad vice and assistance. This is the service that is extended to you at all times. Union Trust Co. Added Value New Refinements and a YEAR guarantee lyfEW refinement* distinguish today'* v General Electric all-*teel Refriger ator—yet prices are lower than evert Sliding (helve* bring all your food in ea*y reach—tave hunting about—keep •leevea clean. Porcelain lined interior* reaiat fruit acids, have rounded corner* for easy cleaning. The famous Monitor Top —hermetically sealed in steel— completely protect* the mechanism that operates in a perpetual bath of oiL And that's not alii A finger-tip latch gives ready access to the General Electric’* wide food storage space. General Electric^ written guarantee a*, •ores you dependable performance, free frdm service expense tor 3 long years! Join us in the General EltxSeU Program, broadcast every Saturday evening, on a nation-wide N. B. C. network. Doom paymtntt « low at. ("Hk imm »&•/• ymmrt tm pmy) GENERAL# ELECTRIC i ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR Wgjwic, Ay*rtPM»< B«w —4 Cl—^ W«k, 6^i SOUTHERN REFRIGERATION Charlotta Distributor■» Robert C. Hord Special Notice For' Listing Taxes Notice la hereby Riven to all per sons in Cleveland county that they must list their property and poll for taxes during the month oi MAY as required by law. List takers for the various town ships can be found at the follow ing places on-dates mentioned be low. , No. 1 Township. At Prospect school house, Mouday May 18th, 1931. At Holly Springs school house Tuesday, May 19th, 1931. At J. A. McCraw's store, Wedreo day, May 20th, 1931. Balance of May at my home J. A. McCra-tf, Lister. No. 2 Township. At Flint Hill school house, Wed nesday Morning, May 13th. * At Trinity school house, Wednes day afternoon, May 13th. At Jolley's store, Thursday, Mi.t 14th. At Sharon. Friday, May 15th. At Hamrick’s Store, Bolling Springs, Tuesday, May 19th. At Boiling Springs School hours Wednesday, May 20th. Balance of month at home. W. C. Hamrick, Lister No. 3 Township. At Val Thomasson’s old store, Fri day, May 15th * At Paterson, Friday, May 16th. At Earl, Saturday, May 23ad Balance of month at Earl. A. A. Bettis, List"! No. 4 Township. At Kings Mountain, beginning Monday, May 12th, till June 1st. At Grover, Friday, May, 15th, an at Grover May 25th, 193L H. B. Stowe, Lfertci. No. 5 Township. At Champion's store, Wednesday May 13th. “■ At Geo. E. Goforth’s store, I’htrr: day, May 14th. At W. R. Wolfe's, Friday, M j 15th. At Waco, Saturday, May 18th.» Balance of month at home, M. P. Harrelson lister No. 6 Township. During aE the month of May. Ter. Supervisor’s office. Court House. T. P. Jenks, Listci No. 7 Township. At C. C. Walker's, Tuesday Morn ing, May 12th. At Lewis McSwaln's, Tuesday si - emoon, May 12th. At G. T. Cabaniss’, Wednesdi morning, May 13th. At Pink Lovelace’s store, Weones day afternoon, May 13th. At Lattimore, Friday, May 16ih and Tuesday afternoon. May 16th. At Mooresboro, Saturday, • Mr*} 16 th. Balance of month at home. R. W. McBrayer, List. > No. 8 Township. At PolkvlUe, Wednesday, Mi 13th. At Camp Call, Maunay • «lr.r<* Thursday, May 14th. At Delight, Monday, May j|8; t afternoon. . At Palm Tree, Wednesday, M; :• 2Qth, afternoon. ’ ♦ At New House, Thursday,, Mr; 21st. * • At Polkvllle, Saturday, May 2?r B. P. Jenkins, Bister No. 9 Township. At Wright’s Store, at Beams M'!i Tuesday, May 12th. ", At Double Shoals, Wedneso*. May 13th.. At Belwood, Porter’s store, Tbius day Morning, May 14th. At Lutz store, Thursday aftesrnoor May 14th. At Lawndale, Monday and The: day. May 18th and 19th. » Balance of month at Paiistori Gantt's store. C. S. Beam, Llstei No. 10 Township. At Phllbeck school house, Thur." day morning, May 14th from 7 A’ M. to 12 M. John T. Warlick's, Thursday aft ernoon^ May 14th. Mack Ledford’s Friday memir.g May 15th. from 7 A. M. to 12 M J. H. Costner’s from 12 M. hr 3 P M., May 15th. • P. L. Peeler’s Store from IP. M to night, May 16th. ^ Toluca, Saturday Morning, Ma\ 16th, 7 A. M. to 12 M. S. L. Wellmon’s, from 12 M unti night, Saturday, May 16th. * Balance of the month tax<s will be listed at my home. M. N. Gantt, LJpter. No. 11 Township. At Casar, Warlick’s store, all oi month. At Moriah school house, Saturday, May 23rd. After the above dates, the tax listing for Cleveland county will be closed. Attention is also called to the fact that FAILING TO LIST WILL RESULT IN YOUR BEING PENALIZED BY LAW. You are required by law to meet che List Taker at the above named olaces and dates. « FARM CENSUS: Each farm 6wri er or his agent is to come prepar ed to report the acreage of each crop to be harvested on his on her tenants’ farms this year. Also acre" ■ultivated, lying out, number oi rearing fruit trees "and the tons of fertilizer used for all crops. Prepare vour 'ist now. This Farm Census ts equired by State law, but is NOT lor taxation purposes. R. L. WEATHERS, Cleveland County Ta* Supervisor.

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