SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESD’Y, MAY 20, 1931 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. I 10 PAGES I TODAY iijr Mill. pm r*u, Ob Mniuii _ iui Oarrinr. nsr tu b^bb.^i * VOL. XXXV11, No. 60 Late News More Rain. Today’s North. Carolina Weather Report: Mostly cloudy with showers tonight and probably Thursday. Pass Racing Bill. Raleigh, May 20.—Legalized pari mutuel betting will be allowed in Polk connty If a bill passed by the senate yesterday is approved by the house. However, Senator McLean, of Polk, author of the measure, told •he senate before it passed the measure 15 to 14 that it “need not be scared" about the bill, that the house “will probably kill it." Firemen Battle Dangerous Fire Blase In Business Section Early Tuesday Morning Put Out By Firemen. Members of the Shelby fire de partment did exceptionally good work In extinguishing what threat ened to be a serious blase in the South LaFayettc street business sec tion shortly before 2 o’clock Tues day morning. Night Policeman Rufus Sparks turned in the alarm when he no ticed clouds of smoke pouring from the store building occupied by the Wakefield floral shop. There was so much smoke when the firemen ar rived that it was & difficult matter for a time to locate the source of the smoke. The blaze when located was found to have started at a partition on the second floor to the rear of the floral shop. The damage was not great and had it not been for the early de tection of the fire and rapid work on the part of firemen it would have soon developed into a very serious conflagration. Scores of citizens turned out at the early hour to witness the fire-fighting. Revival To Begin At Dover Sunday Night Rev. W. A. Elam Will Do Preaching With Miss Cora Lee Cannon As Personal Worker. At the Dover Baptist church next Sunday night, a revival meeting will begin, to fun for two weeks, closing on the first Sunday night in June. The public is cordially invited to at-! tend these services beginning each night at 7:45 o’clock. Miss Cora Lee Cannon, a fine consecrated personal worker will be in the community to assist in the meeting and do per sonal work. The pastor of the church W. A. Elam-will do the preaching. There •will be no day services. There will be a daily vacation Bible school running at the church every morning during the two' weeks of the meeting for the young people. Miss Cannon will have charge of the school and Mrs. Costner, Mrs. Mc Swain and Mrs. Bridges, Dover pub lic school teachers will teach in the Bible school. Let all the parents in the Dover and Ora community send their children to this school. Chil dren between the ages of 6 and 10 should attend. Golf Match Finals On This Week-End The semi-final and final matches In the annual spring golf tourna ment at the Cleveland Springs Country Club will be played tins week-end. Pour players remain in the first flight and two in the sec ond flight. The third flight finals have already been played with Mr. L P. Holland as the winner. Recorder’s Court Docket Is Light The docket in county recorder’s this week has been light since the cases Monday developing over the week-end. The majority of the cases tried yesterday and today dealt with public drunks and no road sen tences were passed. r In 1921 Many interesting things were taking place in Cleveland county and Shelby. Turn to page 8 and read the events of “Ten Tears Ago.” If you haven’t started read ing “Trader Horn,” start now. This unusual story is pub lished on page 8. Gee McGee’s “Nobody's Business” will be found on page 3> and “Shelby Side lights” appear on page 2. There’s one thing Cleevland county cannot brag about Turn to the editorials on page 4. A wide variety of things for sale, things people want to buy and rent, and other items of commercial interest to all classes is to be found in each issue of The Star on page 7, On every page Shelby mer chants tell of bargain they of fer to this shopping area. It pays to read every page ol The Star. Jury Out Yet In Rutherford Assault Trial Claims Girl Gave Her Consent Girt Says She Was Smothered And Unconscious During Attack In Rutherford County. (Special to The Star.i Rutherfordton, May 20.—At 2:10 this afternoon the jury was still out and had not returned a verdict in the case in which Paul Burgess Is charged with assaulting a young white woman near Henrietta. The jury took the case, following the judge’s charge, at 10 this, morning but had reached no decision after four hours. General opinion was that a verdict would be reach ed within an hour or so. Rutherfordton. May 20.—The case against Paul Burgess, Henrietta man, charged with committing a criminal assault upon a young white girl, on trial in superior court here, was given to the jury this morning. Judge A. M, Stack of Monroe, pre siding over the trial, delivered his charge to the jury when court con vened at 9:30 o’clock. Arguments were oompleted late yesterday afternoon after the state had offered rebuttal testimony ear lier in the day and later introduced a number of witnesses who testified to the good character of Burgess alleged victim. Defense Address. The attorney for the defense pre sented the case to the jury and two spoke for the prosecution. Fred D. Hamrick closed for the defense and Solicitor J. Will Pless, Jr., ramming up the case for the stt'-s, brought the arguments to an end at 6 p. m., after speaking for more than an hour. Burgess took the stand in his own defense yesterday morning, setting up the claim in his testimony that the girl he was charged with as saulting had given her consent. He admitted, however, that she scream xi. This had been brought out in the testimony of a state witness near whoso home the crime is al leged to have been committed. The girl, called in rebuttal, re futed the statement made by Bur jess. She said she was unconscious if ter Burgess choked her and smothered her with a coat. Formerly Arrested. Burgess, cross questioned by state’s attorneys, admitted he had served a term On the chaingang and had been arrested on two other occa sions. The defense offered no character witnesses, while the state introduc ed several leading citizens Of Cliff side and Henrietta who gave Bur gess* alleged victim a good name and testified to her excellent char acter. Throughout the day the court room was crowded with spectators. The case, which has been in prog ress since court opened Monday, has attracted wide attention, and is the first triaT~jrf this character held here in ^everal years, Shelby Team Wins. Shelby’s colored baseball team de feated the strong Charlotte team here Monday afternoon 6 to 5. Crosby, pitching for Shelby, struck out 17 Charlotte batters. South Seas Follies Beauty 1 Florenz Ziegfold, -well known for his “glorified” girls, has gone 'way to the South Seat to get latest example of the feminine face and figure divine. Reri, shown on left, in her native dress, is contrasted sharply on the right, where the beautiful Polynesian enacts the role of an American miss to perfection. R«ri wan discovered on the Isle of Bora Bora by a movie producer seeking a rtar for his picture, “Tabu.” The new addition to the Pollies knows no .English, but speaks French. Leading ClevelandFarmer Plants Only One Acre Of Cotton For Each Member Of Family; Lives At Home Cost Of “Living” Takes Drop Here? Talkies 10 Cents The cost of living has taken another tumble in Shelby— that is, if talkies are consid ered an essential part of life. Two Shelby theatres this week have announced that hereafter, the regular admis sion would be 10 cents to all comers, all day long, every day In the week—until further notice. A third theatre was al ready turning them in for a dime each. Today the admission price t the Carolina, the Lyric and be Webb is 10 cents, the first lime a dime has held that prestige in Shelby for years. Bee Hive, New Store To Open Thursday The Bee Hive is a new store which opens Thursday in Shelby. This new store has secured quarters in the formerly occupied by R, L. Armour and Co. Mr. Glickman and his as sociates of Forest City are the own ers of the new store which will fea ture shoes and ready-to-wear for all members of the family. Owners of this store will continue their store at Forest City. Negro Known Here Asks Hoover To Save Him From Death Chair In S. C. Attacked White Girl Near Grover. Had Robbed Many Stores Before Assault, Gaffney, May 20.—Facing death In the electric chair at the peniten tiary in Columbia, June 12, J. P. Moore, 22-year-old negro held in the Cherokee county jail here, has dispatched a letter to President Hoover at Washington asking the nation's chief executive to intervene in his behalf. Sheriff Zeb V. Whelehel, who placed the letter in the mall for the negro, said Moore asked the presi dent to commute his death sen tence to life imprisonment. Moore was found guilty by a jury in general sessions court here last Tuesday of assault with intent to ravish a white woman near Grover. The law provides the death penalty. Judge Dunlap pronounced the sen tence late Tuesday, naming June 12., as the execution date. Sheriff Whelche! said he advised the condemned man to appeal to Govern Blackwood, rather tnan to President Hoover, but Moore be lieved his chance would be bettor l with the nresident. The sheriff told him Mr. Hoover had nothing to do with such matters, while the gov ernor can extend clemency if he will. Moore will be sent to Columbia as early as possible after the begin ning of the 20-day period before the date for his execution. Sheriff Whelchel said. The law prohibits a condemned person from being in carcerated in the death house long er than 20 days before the death date. After his arrival at the peni tentiary the prisoner will be exam ined by authorities of the South Carolina State hospital to deter mine his sanity, a practice that is followed with all condemned per sons, according to informati'on given Sheriff Whelchel. Since his conviction Moore has told local officers that between the time he was released from the coun ty chaingang on April 10 and Ap ril 13, tlie date of the attempted as sault, he broke into half a do<5Cn stores and houses at various places seeking money. He had just com pleted a sentence for house breaking and larceny. He is said to have been in trouble several times at Sneiby for various offenses. Butler Dixon Demonstrates I.lvc At-Homc Ideas. Cotton A Sideline. ButierDuton in No. 4 township is regarded by many as ‘'the most sys tematic and methodical farmer in Cleveland county,” a farmer who “lives and home and boards at the same place” because he practices the "live at home” doctrine enun ciated by Governor Gardner as the only salvation for North Carolina farmers. Cotton limit. ' .- | Cotton is a sideline with him. He newer plants over an acre for each member of the family. There are nine children, all active and inter ested in the various phases of farm ing. Working under their father and imbibing his knowledge of fer tilizer analysis, insect control, dis eases of livestock and poultry, fruit trees, vegetables, etc. Mr, Butler is I not only a scientific farmer, but a carpenter, painter, blacksmith, me chanic. He has an abundance of, ttools, most of them home-made and every tool has a place. A child plight be sent to the house from across a field for a monkey wrench and the wrench is readily found in its proper place. Barn Full of Feed. Land in No. 4 township was con sidered at one time too poor to rot' a stump. But scientific farmers like Dixon, the Goforths and others make the section around Bethlehem: church one of the prettiest and mast productive of the county. Grain and forage crops are to be seen on every farm and Mr, Dixon’s bam is filled with alfalfa, pea vine hay, fodder, vetch, oats, rye and barley, some of it raised two or three years ago. Ail stock is sleek and well fed and wor ry not where the next meal is com ing from. It is there before their eyes. Out in a seed house Mr. Dixon has a dozen or more different var ieties of field and garden seed of the choicest varieties. He always has a surplus to sell and this brings a neat revenue.' Prize Winning Stock. Down in the pasture are five fine cows, ail registered or subject to registration. One Jersey has brought in $80 in prizes at the county fair. A quartet of fine calves are com ing on. A brood sow has dropped 81 pigs in four years and this gives a surplus of pigs to sell. Further down in the pines are to be seen 250 two pound Rhode Island friers. They were hatched from Dixon eggs at a custom hatchery and every week a few go to market. "How do 250 friers get into that small chicken house?” Mr. Dixon was asked. “Why, it's like ushering at a church. The late com ers have to search for a seat and Till up the front rows.” said he. Lay ing hens ar£ ui a different part of the yard in a sanitary, well venti lated house with a concrete floor. Concrete floors are common around the Dixon hotnestesd.< Several rooms in the barn have concrete floors put down by Dixbn family labor There U-U.\ JLNttXI U.N CAUt House To Vote Again Today On Revenue Report Proposes 15-Cent Land Tax Compromise Revenue Bill Voted Down First Time By 5 Votes. • Edvards For it. Raleigh, May 20.—Reversing l he position it took late Monday night, the house yesterday afternoon voted 57 to 50 to reconsider the vote bv w^ftfh it rejected the revenue con ference report based on a 15-cent ad valorem tax. The first rejection was by a 60-55 vote. Before any new action could be taken on the report or on a motion of Representative A. D. MacLean cf Beaufort that the house could mt consider a report unless it was act ed upon by the senate, the house ad - Journed until today. The senate yesterday morning wrangled over a motion by Senator Hinsdale of Wake, an opponent ol any ad valorem tax for school sup port and author of the Hinsdale lux ury tax. This motion would have placed the senate on record as re jecting the report, but the upper house also adjourned until today without voting. During the senate debate Hins dale was charged with being unfair by 8enator Horton c< Chatham. The Wake senator made his motion to reject and immediately called for n vote, precluding debate. Horton said that he had the right to hear the report read or explained so that he might know its contents. The motion to reconsider the house vote was made by Pitts of Catawba, who changed his- vote Monday night so that he might ask for reconsideration. # Cat Costs. Action on the conference report was not taken until the house had debated two hours on a resolution of Holmes of Pitt to require a 20 per cent cut in costs of administration of the state government and had adopted a substitute. The substitute provides If any cut has to be made in teachers’ salaries or funds for the six months' schools as a result of a failure of the 1931 revenue bill to raise sufficient funds. all state agencies, institutions, departments, and employes must receive an equal cut. The resolution was sent to the senate* for its consideration. It does not direct any percentage cut in ap propriation. Should the house not again re verse itself, and the conference re port moves through the assembly In the six required day, it could ad journ Tuesday. Five representatives reversed their position on the conference report overnight and five men who voted or were paired to reject it Monday night were absent or unrecorded Tuesday. Representative Henry Edwards voted for the conference revenue bill when It was defeated Monday night and was among those voting for re consideration today. Much Interest In Boy Scout Meeting Illustrated Lecture On Scoot Camp ing At Court House Thursday Night. t Announcement was made today that a prize valued at $5.60 will be given the Boy Scout who distributed the most tickets to people who at tend the Illustrated lectured to be given at the court house Thursday night in the Interest of the Boy Scout camp to be held in the west ern part of the state this summer. Scouts are distributing the tick ets to their friends and each card Is signed by the scout. A record will l.e made of tickets taken up at the door and the winning scout will be giv en a scout hat, shirt, pair of shorts and pair of stockings. The winning scout will thus be well equipped for the summer camp. The lecture, which is to be illus trated by lantern slides, will begin at 8 o’clock. The public is invited, regardless of whether they have ob tained tickets. There is no admis sion charge. Jack Byers Opens New Service Station Jack Byers, veteran service man. today opened his new gas station, “The White Flash,” oh the corner of East Graham and Trade streets, near the Southern depot. The for mal opening of the new and mod ernly equipped station will be held Saturday. The station will dispense White Plash gas and Atlantic motor oils. * ' JU_LI!. Rural Schools In Cleveland Rank Low Among Other N. C. Counties Eighty-four of Ihr 100 coun ties In North Carolina have higher ranking schools than does Cleveland county. In other words, only 15 counties in the state have schools which class lower In all-around work. Statistics assembled by the University News Letter place the rating of rural schools In Clev eland at 53.7. The ranking Is based upon two factors—aca demic and financial. The aca demic factor covers percentage of enrollment In regular at< tendanre, length of term, train ing of teachers, percent in high school, percent of pupils under 4 | ate for their grade. In this fao t«r Cleveland has a rating of 1/ K6.9. In the financial factor the phase* are salary of teachers, in- i Strut-Hop cost per pupil, cur rent expenditure per pupil, cur rent expenditure per teacher and principal, and value of ' school property per pupil. In this factor Cleveland's rating is 40.6. New Hanover with a rating of *6.ti lead* the slate 'and Chero kee is at the bottom with a rat ing of 43.2. The rural school* of CslaelUi Gaston, Rutherford , and Lincoln rank above those of Cleveland. Burke schools rank just below Cleveland's, Mr. Daugherty Dies In Pennsylvania Married Mlw I.illlan Daugherty Of Shelby, Mere Of the Judge Webb*. E. F. Daugherty died in McOon nelsville, Pa„ according to a tele gram received here yesterday by Mrs. J. L. Webb, widow of Judge Webb. Mr. Daugherty married Miss Lillian Alexander, a niece of the two Judge Webbs and a daughter of the late Sumrnle Alexander of this place. She and her husband have visited Shelby relatives frequently since they have been living away from here. Mr. Daugherty Is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Harold Wine, of Orange, N. J„ katherine Daugherty, and one son, E. F. Daugherty, jr„ of McConnelsvIUe. The funeral takes place there to day. Mr. Daugherty for many years held a responsible position with the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. Cotton Festival In Rutherford County First Event Of Kind Closes With Spin dale Style Show Friday Night. Rutherfordton, May 20.—Ruther ford county's first cotton festival featuring cotton goods began yester day afternoon with exhibits of goods from every textile mill In Ruther ford county at the city hall here.' The Cotton Textile Institute of New York sent *200 worth of goods for display. - In the exhibits from Rutherford county can be seen draperies, cur tains, ginghams, scarfs, novelties, bath, Turkish and Haynes towels, bedspreads, bed sheeting.'pillow cas es. unbleached cloth and other goods made from cotton. The displays will be open Wed nesday from 3 to 6 p. m., and Thurs day and Friday from 2 until 9 p. m. Many visited the exhibits this aft ernoon. The festival will close Friday night with a style show at the Carolina theatre. Splndale, when more than 40 young ladies will wear home made and ready, made cotton dresses. Prises will be given by various firms for the* best house, evening, school, sports, and ready made cotton dress es, “The Voice of Cotton" will be featured Friday night at the sty le show. Sheriff Logan Better. Former Sheriff Hugh Logan who has been right sick for several days was reported to be considerably im proved this morning. Will Go After Men When Papers Arrive To Bring Foust And Painter Bark To Shelby From Houston, Texas. Cleveland county officers will like ly leave the latter part of this week for Houston, Texas, to bring back Ralph Foust and Harley Painter who are wanted here for auto larceny and store-breaking Foust and Painter were arrested there last week, and, according to the Houston detective chief, admit ted stealing a new car from the Eskridge garage here. They had car in their custody when apprehended hater it was learned that the two, both of whom have a criminal rec ord here, would fight* extradition. Necessary extradition paper wore then filled out tv County Solicitor W, S. Beam and sent to Raleigh to be sighed by Governor Gardner. When these papers are forwarded to Texas local officers will start for Foust and Painter. Mr. Mike Bord ers, head of the No. 6 road commis sion, will be one of the men to make the trip as Foust is an escaped con vict from the No. 8 gang. Just who will go with him has not been de termined as yet, Fake Nickels Cost County Man Four Months Of Time Buffalo nickels are costly If you make your own. In federal court at Asheville last week, John Carl Dyer, Cleveland county farmer, was given a four months jail sentence for making counterfeit nickels. Dyer was first nabbed for mak ing his own auto license plates. When arrested officers found a number of fake nickels In hU pocket. A search revealed a nickel mold and other counterfeit coins at his home northwest of Shelby. Extension School Starts On Monday The second half of the extenslp t work given by the university will be gin at the Shelby High school Fri day afternoon at 1:30, It is announc ed by Prof. J. H. Grigg, county superintendent. Classes will be con ducted by Mrs. Grace Woodman who will give complete courses .n methods of teaching public school music. These courses will entitle teachers to four semester hours. After Friday classes will meet each morning from 8:45 to 1 o'clock and will continue for three weeks. Highsmith Address Today Closes Year At Boding Spring Jr. College Graduation Exercises End Final*. Forty-Four Students Get Diplomas. (Special To The Star.* Boiling Springs, May 20.—The an nual literary address by Dr. J. Hen ry Highsmith, of Raleigh, today clos ed the commencement program of the Boiling Spring junior college. A feature of the finals today was the graduation day exercises in which 44 seniors received their di plomas. The graduates were as follows: Pauline Barnes, Troy Bridges, Cecil Brittain, Ima Carpenter, Kathleen Carpenter, Mary Crow, Ralph Car penter, Hazel Davidson, Hazel Dea ver, Robt. Forney, Bernice Greene, Frank Hamrick, Mildred Hamrick. Velva Hamrick, Jakie Harrill, Cath erine Hawkins, Mary Huffstetler. Hubert Huggins, Forrest Hunt," Jane Irvin, Carl Latham Mary Grace Ledford, Thomas Long. Homer Mc Creary’; Lillian McIntyre, Sana Moore, Howard Moore, Greak Nor man, Owen Padgett. Thomas Parris, Louise Patrick. Jennings Payne, Vida .Price, Selma Propst. Atley Rhoney --...A. _• Zon Robinson. Norman Roberts, Madge Sperling, Broughton Strick land, J. O.. Summerlin, Ruth Wal drop, Bessie Sue Wilson, Stella White, Kate Whitworth. The officers of 'the class are: President, Zon Robinson: vice-presi dent, Robert Forney: secretary. Bes-I sie Sue Wilson: treasurer, Frank Hamrick. The commencement has been one of the most interesting in the his tory of the school, outstanding events being the annua! alumni ban quet, the baccalaureate sermon by Dr. R. A. Kelly, the literary society debates and the declamation and recitation contests. HUGH WRAY PRESIDENT OF GASfONIA ROTARY Mr. W. Hugh Wray, automobile dealer and a native of Shelby, is the newly elected president of the Gas tonia Rotary ciub A Birth. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wilson an nounce the birth of a son. S, B Wil son, jr. on Mav 19th, 1931. Finals At High School Will Be Friday Evening School Work Ends On Wednesday > Annual Sermon at Baptist Church Sunday Night. Oper etta Friday Night. t rie commencement program of the Shelby high school gets under way Friday evening of this week and ends a week later with the graduat ing exercises on Friday night. May 20. School work will end next Wed nesday afternoon. | The first feature of the finals pro gram will be tire colorful high school operetta."‘ Bell of Barcclonta,” to ba given Friday night of this week, un der the direction or O B. Lewis, mu sical director, in the Central school auditorium. On‘Sunday night the annual ser mon will be preached at the First Baptist church by Dr. Zeno Wall, The musical program will be direct ed by Mr. Horace Easom. Brommitt Speaks. The anrnrnl literary address will be. delivered in the school auditori um next Wednesday evening, a we>;; from tonight, by Attorney General Dennis G. Brummitt. The speaker will be Introduced by Attorney D Z. Newton of the local bar. On Thursday morning the promo tion program will be held for the seventh grade students who will next ye*r enter high school. Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock the seniors will stage their class day exercises The annual declamation and' re citation contests will be held Thurs day evening. The freshman-sophomore-junior debate for the LcGrand medal will be held Friday morning. Friday afternoon the best debater on the school's triangular debating team will be"selected. Last Big Night. On Friday evening. May 29, the senior class will participate in its last program at Shelby High—the graduating exercises. Diplomas will be presented the seniors by Supt. B. ' L. Smith, while Principal Walter E. Abemethy will present the medals, cups and other awards. Four School Students Compete For Prises On Co-op Marketing In North Carolina Four Cleveland county high school students will on Thursday compete with each other for a num ber of attractive prizes In the state wide essay contest on cooperative marketing. The contest will be held at the court house here at 2:30 o’clock and is sponsored by the N. C. Cottoj* growers association of which Mr. C. C. Horn Is field representative here. The contestants are Vera Arwood, Polkvllle high school; Hazel Wilson, Fallston school; Beth Randall, Gro ver school; Aston Adams, Lattimore school. , The Shelby Lions club is giving a $10 prize to the winner, the First No tlonal bank is giving $7.50 to the winner of second place, and The Cleveland Star Is giving calling cards to the third place winner and stationery to the fourth place win ner. The county • winner will go to Charlotte for the district) contest in which $10 goes to the first place es say. The district winner will en'er the state contest at Raleigh for a $50 cash prize and a trip to Washington. To High School. Here Thursday To Bury Mr. Wease Here On Thursday Sylvester Wease Died In Rutherford County At Are 64 Years. Funeral services for Mr. Sylvester Wease will be held Thursday morn ing at 10 o'clock at the home of his son Anderson Wease on S. Wash ington street and interment will be in Sunset cemetery here. Mr. Wease died. Thursday evening at 6:16 o'clock on King Creek, Rutherford county. He was a native of Rutherford but lived for many years in Cleveland Mr. Wease was talc© married, his first wife dying about 35 years ago and hu second wife two years ago. Surviving ara three sons. Cletus Wease, of Mar lon. Anderson and Don Wease of Shelby. Dr. Zeno Wa'l wll cotxluc i he funeral.